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paedyn May 26th, 2024 08:02 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Robinsnow lay curled up beside the warriors’ den.

(Open post lol)

Bean May 27th, 2024 09:19 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Flashfeather plays with a leaf
Shrikepaw grumps at everything

Idiotic.Bean101 May 28th, 2024 05:44 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing


Cranewhisper had heard that her mate, Crowbreeze, had gotten an apprentice. She quickly approached him, half waddling due to her swollen belly, purring "You got an apprentice!" She said cheerfully to Crowbreeze "I'm so happy for you!"




TheNyanCatMinecart May 28th, 2024 05:59 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

**For context, Twistedpaw is the apprentice who was mauled by RiverClan!***



Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Twistedpaw lay in the clearing, sprawled across the fresh green grass and ferns that cloaked it like a mother's tongue. The soft verdure pressed into her skinny body. It was comforting against the fresh scars gouged into her stomach and the single pink mark that ran along her left side. Twistedpaw tipped her head back, allowing her crooked jaw to hang loose with a distorted sigh of relief. It felt nice to let it relax. It felt nice to relax at all, really. Her stomach hardly hurt anymore. It only twinged when she stretched too much, and even that was fading.

The overaged apprentice, her black fur stark against the lush greenery, allowed its fresh scents to flood into her gaping mouth and distorted nose. She loved the smell of growing things. They made her feel happy. Content. Like the world was coming back to life. The world moves forward, even when it's hit by the hardest leaf-bare. Just as I've been moving forward.

It hadn't been an easy path to get to where she was now. Twistedpaw winced at the memories of darkness that whispered at the corners of her mind. The pain, the despair, the confusion, the fear, the self-hatred... She shook her head, her crooked jaw swinging disturbingly. I'm okay now. I'm going to be okay. She tipped her head back and allowed the sun's warm rays to bathe her short fur, sinking until they settled deep within her bones. A mangled purr rose in her throat. It felt so nice. She wanted this to last for as long as it could. Greenleaf. Her happiness. Feeling free of overwhelming despair and pain.

She was currently trying something out. Instead of lurking in the shadows, as she'd grown accustomed to doing, she'd placed herself smack dab in the middle of the clearing. Whenever Twistedpaw thought about it too much, her stomach turned slightly, and she curled in on herself a little. She'd never liked putting herself on display. Already, she could feel her broken, crooked, twisted tail, dipping and swooping around her like lightning in storm clouds, its ugly, bulging, light gray tip twitching behind and between her single, undersized ear. She was all too aware of how she was allowing her jaw to hang. What if her Clanmates were watching her? Judging her?

But... but she had to be brave. There will always be cats who judge me, she thought. I just have to get used to it. And... She did her best to think like Batglare and reflect on her experiences from seasons on. Plenty of cats don't judge me. Many treat me like I'm not deformed. Which made her feel nice. Not everyone was like Willowsky or Flutteringkit or... or Cedarfrost.

Twistedpaw shoved the dark memories away. It's okay. I'm just enjoying the day. She allowed contentment to flood over her once more and tried to ignore her lingering discomfort. This will be good for me.

Tallstar May 28th, 2024 06:08 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart (Post 1596241)

**For context, Twistedpaw is the apprentice who was mauled by RiverClan!***



Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Twistedpaw lay in the clearing, sprawled across the fresh green grass and ferns that cloaked it like a mother's tongue. The soft verdure pressed into her skinny body. It was comforting against the fresh scars gouged into her stomach and the single pink mark that ran along her left side. Twistedpaw tipped her head back, allowing her crooked jaw to hang loose with a distorted sigh of relief. It felt nice to let it relax. It felt nice to relax at all, really. Her stomach hardly hurt anymore. It only twinged when she stretched too much, and even that was fading.

The overaged apprentice, her black fur stark against the lush greenery, allowed its fresh scents to flood into her gaping mouth and distorted nose. She loved the smell of growing things. They made her feel happy. Content. Like the world was coming back to life. The world moves forward, even when it's hit by the hardest leaf-bare. Just as I've been moving forward.

It hadn't been an easy path to get to where she was now. Twistedpaw winced at the memories of darkness that whispered at the corners of her mind. The pain, the despair, the confusion, the fear, the self-hatred... She shook her head, her crooked jaw swinging disturbingly. I'm okay now. I'm going to be okay. She tipped her head back and allowed the sun's warm rays to bathe her short fur, sinking until they settled deep within her bones. A mangled purr rose in her throat. It felt so nice. She wanted this to last for as long as it could. Greenleaf. Her happiness. Feeling free of overwhelming despair and pain.

She was currently trying something out. Instead of lurking in the shadows, as she'd grown accustomed to doing, she'd placed herself smack dab in the middle of the clearing. Whenever Twistedpaw thought about it too much, her stomach turned slightly, and she curled in on herself a little. She'd never liked putting herself on display. Already, she could feel her broken, crooked, twisted tail, dipping and swooping around her like lightning in storm clouds, its ugly, bulging, light gray tip twitching behind and between her single, undersized ear. She was all too aware of how she was allowing her jaw to hang. What if her Clanmates were watching her? Judging her?

But... but she had to be brave. There will always be cats who judge me, she thought. I just have to get used to it. And... She did her best to think like Batglare and reflect on her experiences from seasons on. Plenty of cats don't judge me. Many treat me like I'm not deformed. Which made her feel nice. Not everyone was like Willowsky or Flutteringkit or... or Cedarfrost.

Twistedpaw shoved the dark memories away. It's okay. I'm just enjoying the day. She allowed contentment to flood over her once more and tried to ignore her lingering discomfort. This will be good for me.


Vinepaw passed into the clearing tired he had just finished up battle training and to say the least he wasn’t the best he was much better at hunting and tunneling he preferred being surrounded by dirt than being in the moor but that was behind him right now he wanted to go lay down he spotted Twistedpaw and smiled he was glad to see the she-cat out and about he passed over and sat down politely while the other cat had raced away at the meeting he didn’t take any offense he knew he wasn’t the most interesting but he figured he would give it another shot “Hey Twistedpaw! Rember me Vinepaw we talked at the meeting..How are you doing?” He asked nervously he wasn’t used to talking to shecats but if he wanted to get better he may as well try

furrensic May 28th, 2024 08:06 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
she/buzz . 22 moons . white cat with pale yellow markings; ginger dappling; one brown, one green eye.
[ the collector ]

with greenleaf in full spring, all living creatures were out and about. and that includes the one and only, majestic, magical butterfly! which, is what honeychatter is currently stalking. it's a small one, blue and black wings fluttering as the insect perches on a blade of grass.

dropped in a hunter's crouch, the warrior has buzz's eyes locked onto the butterfly. with a wiggle of her haunches, she suddenly leaps at the butterfly. got it! GOT IT!, she thinks triumphantly. lifting a paw, she lets out a gasp to see that..there was no butterfly! buzz quickly looks up to see that the butterfly was now flying away. "oh no!! come back, butterfly!" buzz squeals before scurrying after the insect. she doesn't spot twistedpaw lounging until she's barely a pawstep away from tripping over the apprentice, if she hadn't already moved.

skidding to a stop and falling back on her rump, honeychatter blinks. then, she's grinning. "ooop! halloooo, twistedpaw!! what'chu's doin', enjoying the sun? greenleaf is great!! dont'chu agree?"

[ @TheNyanCatMinecart ]

Alchemist Kitsune May 28th, 2024 08:46 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
| Dapplebreeze |
Agatha Kitty - Active | Silver Tongue - Active | Beefed Up [Tier 3] - Inactive

It would soon be upon them. The time for the raid. And Dapplebreeze would be damned before she let her beloved apprentice face such a battle without the proper care. Without practice. She needed to speak to the bright furred she-cat. Ensure there was nothing she needed to work on. Nothing that she needed to reinforce. Who knew? If she was ready... why... this grand battle could very well serve as an assessment of sorts. She could always ask Twilightstar, in any case...

A purr of amusement rumbled daintily in the lieutenant's throat at the thought. It seemed that much like her kits, she was getting ahead of herself. She might like to blame that stubborn, impulsive streak they had all shared on her former mate, but she knew perfectly well it was a lie. The senior warrior was just as much to blame for those precocious personality quirks of theirs. Her mood lifted, the patched molly scanned the clearing, searching for her darling Brightpaw. It was time for a small talk... and perhaps some training to accompany it!

"Brightpaw, my dear. A word!" Dapplebreeze called out, her voice oddly polite in tone for how far it carried through the clearing, as if the wind itself was carrying a casual conversation from one cat to the next.

@MockingRabbit [Brightpaw]
| I know that there is a current, combat basics group roleplay going on, but figured we could have a separate, more current roleplay ongoing over here as well with anything else Brightpaw might need, be it hunting, more fighting training, or anything she might want, really! :penguinballoon: |

constellation May 29th, 2024 08:19 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 (Post 1596234)


Cranewhisper had heard that her mate, Crowbreeze, had gotten an apprentice. She quickly approached him, half waddling due to her swollen belly, purring "You got an apprentice!" She said cheerfully to Crowbreeze "I'm so happy for you!"




He/him // Warrior // 32 moons // “YAY”

“I did!” he beamed at his mate, pride flowing through him. He was having kits… he got an apprentice… EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME.

TheNyanCatMinecart May 29th, 2024 06:17 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing


Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Approaching pawsteps caused Twistedpaw's ear to prick. She did her best to shove down her instinctual nerves and turned her head to see who it was. The familiar scent washed over her before she saw the black-and-white tunneler apprentice, who was much more visible in the sunlight than he'd been at the nighttime Clan meeting. His tail was drooping with exhaustion, and his fur was ruffled, as if he'd just come back from training. It was Vinepaw. Twistedpaw first felt relieved that it was someone she... well, kind of knew, then began to feel a bit nervous and guilty. I didn't mean to run away from him at the meeting. Oh, StarClan, I hope he isn't mad at me!

But Vinepaw didn't seem upset at all. He settled down beside her, and when he spoke, his words were friendly, albeit tinged with anxiety. He'd been nervous when they'd first spoken, too. Twistedpaw had wondered if it was because of... well, the way she looked. But now she realized that her fear was featherbrained. He was clearly just shy, like she was, even though he didn't have any disfigurements to feel self-conscious about. Why do other cats get nervous about talking to others when they don't look different? So many of Twistedpaw's fears were centered around her looks, so it was difficult for her to imagine what other reasons someone had for being shy. And yet, looking at Vinepaw, some began to come to mind.

Maybe it's because I'm so much older than him, she thought with a jolt. It felt weird, thinking about how she was warrior-aged. She still felt like an apprentice. Another thought occurred to her. Or... well, I'm usually scared of messing something up and being judged for it. Cats without deformities can feel that way, even if they're not scared about getting judged more harshly because of something that's different about them. Everyone can make mistakes and be scared of making mistakes. Was that why Vinepaw was nervous? She couldn't be entirely sure, but it made sense.

However, although she was curious, she wasn't judging. She didn't want him to feel judged. She sympathized with him. And he was very friendly. He remembers me, too, and wants to talk to me... The thought made her want to smile. That was difficult with her crooked jaw dangling. She righted it with a paw, hoping it didn't gross Vinepaw out, then smiled lopsidedly.

"H-hi, Vinepaw! I remember you. Did you just get back from training?" she asked. Her voice was pretty distorted since she'd only just gotten her jaw back into a speakable state. It still dangled, but not as loosely.

Suddenly, a thump sounded from nearby. Twistedpaw startled with a strange-sounding squeal, then felt her cheeks heat as she beheld a nearby warrior. One who wasn't much older than her, she realized uncomfortably. It was Honeychatter. Twistedpaw was about to utter an instinctual apology and move away when Honeychatter greeted her warmly. She blinked, surprised. Another cat wants to talk to me? And yet again, there was no judgment. Just friendliness.

Twistedpaw felt her fear melt away. She was suddenly glad she'd sat in the middle of the clearing today. Her Clanmates were a lot friendlier than she'd thought. There are some mean cats, but... there are far more nice ones. The thought made her feel happy and comfortable. Like she didn't have to feel quite so hunted anymore.

Also, she couldn't help noticing how beautiful Honeychatter was. Buzz's flowing white-and-pale-yellow pelt, buzz's mismatched eyes... Normally, Twistedpaw would've felt self-conscious about her small, skinny, disfigured frame and plain black-and-light-gray fur next to such beauty. But not today. Today, she felt... good. Like herself, but a version that wasn't anxious and afraid and self-conscious. A version that coexisted with the cats who weren't deformed and didn't feel inferior, but felt just as accepted as them.

It was a nice feeling. A new feeling. And... well, Twistedpaw really liked it. I hope it stays.

"Greenleaf is great," she purred. Her voice was sounding a little better now. And she found that she could clamp down on her instinctual self-consciousness whenever it tried to rise back up. I'm okay. These cats accept me for who I am. "I love the sunshine. It was so cold when I lost all that blood..."

Way to ruin the mood. Twistedpaw winced at the memory. She hadn't meant to bring that up. She quickly changed the subject. Gratitude for these two kind, friendly cats flooded through her like a gale. Why dwell on the bad memories when they'd helped her feel so... well, accepted? Made her finally realize that there were more friendly cats than cruel ones in one brief interaction, built upon moons of self-improvement and understanding?

I'll understand when I'm older, Twistedpaw had often thought when she was young, trying to wrap her head around her cruel kithood and unusual circumstances. Well, now she felt like she did.

"V-Vinepaw, thank you for... for being so friendly. You're really cool. And Honeychatter, you too. You're r-really pretty... I... I normally feel nervous and scared around other cats, like they're judging me, but you've made me feel a lot more comfortable, and..."

She had no idea how to phrase the rest. It was difficult to express her gratitude without making it sound weird or unnecessary. She barely knew these cats, especially Honeychatter, and now she was thanking them. Also... should she really bring attention to the way she looked when she was being treated normally? But I don't want to be ashamed of my deformities. It's... well, it's just the way I am. They've caused me a lot of pain. They've hurt other cats, made them act out. But... that's not my fault. It's theirs. Like Batglare said, I should be me. I've worked so hard to get used to them, to deal with them, to not hate myself because of them.

Still, though, the thought of losing respect or care because of the way she looked, though familiar, was painful now that she'd finally learned to accept herself.

Oh, StarClan, I really hope I didn't mess this up...!

@Tallstar @furrensic

Tallstar May 29th, 2024 09:02 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart (Post 1596571)


Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Approaching pawsteps caused Twistedpaw's ear to prick. She did her best to shove down her instinctual nerves and turned her head to see who it was. The familiar scent washed over her before she saw the black-and-white tunneler apprentice, who was much more visible in the sunlight than he'd been at the nighttime Clan meeting. His tail was drooping with exhaustion, and his fur was ruffled, as if he'd just come back from training. It was Vinepaw. Twistedpaw first felt relieved that it was someone she... well, kind of knew, then began to feel a bit nervous and guilty. I didn't mean to run away from him at the meeting. Oh, StarClan, I hope he isn't mad at me!

But Vinepaw didn't seem upset at all. He settled down beside her, and when he spoke, his words were friendly, albeit tinged with anxiety. He'd been nervous when they'd first spoken, too. Twistedpaw had wondered if it was because of... well, the way she looked. But now she realized that her fear was featherbrained. He was clearly just shy, like she was, even though he didn't have any disfigurements to feel self-conscious about. Why do other cats get nervous about talking to others when they don't look different? So many of Twistedpaw's fears were centered around her looks, so it was difficult for her to imagine what other reasons someone had for being shy. And yet, looking at Vinepaw, some began to come to mind.

Maybe it's because I'm so much older than him, she thought with a jolt. It felt weird, thinking about how she was warrior-aged. She still felt like an apprentice. Another thought occurred to her. Or... well, I'm usually scared of messing something up and being judged for it. Cats without deformities can feel that way, even if they're not scared about getting judged more harshly because of something that's different about them. Everyone can make mistakes and be scared of making mistakes. Was that why Vinepaw was nervous? She couldn't be entirely sure, but it made sense.

However, although she was curious, she wasn't judging. She didn't want him to feel judged. She sympathized with him. And he was very friendly. He remembers me, too, and wants to talk to me... The thought made her want to smile. That was difficult with her crooked jaw dangling. She righted it with a paw, hoping it didn't gross Vinepaw out, then smiled lopsidedly.

"H-hi, Vinepaw! I remember you. Did you just get back from training?" she asked. Her voice was pretty distorted since she'd only just gotten her jaw back into a speakable state. It still dangled, but not as loosely.

Suddenly, a thump sounded from nearby. Twistedpaw startled with a strange-sounding squeal, then felt her cheeks heat as she beheld a nearby warrior. One who wasn't much older than her, she realized uncomfortably. It was Honeychatter. Twistedpaw was about to utter an instinctual apology and move away when Honeychatter greeted her warmly. She blinked, surprised. Another cat wants to talk to me? And yet again, there was no judgment. Just friendliness.

Twistedpaw felt her fear melt away. She was suddenly glad she'd sat in the middle of the clearing today. Her Clanmates were a lot friendlier than she'd thought. There are some mean cats, but... there are far more nice ones. The thought made her feel happy and comfortable. Like she didn't have to feel quite so hunted anymore.

Also, she couldn't help noticing how beautiful Honeychatter was. Buzz's flowing white-and-pale-yellow pelt, buzz's mismatched eyes... Normally, Twistedpaw would've felt self-conscious about her small, skinny, disfigured frame and plain black-and-light-gray fur next to such beauty. But not today. Today, she felt... good. Like herself, but a version that wasn't anxious and afraid and self-conscious. A version that coexisted with the cats who weren't deformed and didn't feel inferior, but felt just as accepted as them.

It was a nice feeling. A new feeling. And... well, Twistedpaw really liked it. I hope it stays.

"Greenleaf is great," she purred. Her voice was sounding a little better now. And she found that she could clamp down on her instinctual self-consciousness whenever it tried to rise back up. I'm okay. These cats accept me for who I am. "I love the sunshine. It was so cold when I lost all that blood..."

Way to ruin the mood. Twistedpaw winced at the memory. She hadn't meant to bring that up. She quickly changed the subject. Gratitude for these two kind, friendly cats flooded through her like a gale. Why dwell on the bad memories when they'd helped her feel so... well, accepted? Made her finally realize that there were more friendly cats than cruel ones in one brief interaction, built upon moons of self-improvement and understanding?

I'll understand when I'm older, Twistedpaw had often thought when she was young, trying to wrap her head around her cruel kithood and unusual circumstances. Well, now she felt like she did.

"V-Vinepaw, thank you for... for being so friendly. You're really cool. And Honeychatter, you too. You're r-really pretty... I... I normally feel nervous and scared around other cats, like they're judging me, but you've made me feel a lot more comfortable, and..."

She had no idea how to phrase the rest. It was difficult to express her gratitude without making it sound weird or unnecessary. She barely knew these cats, especially Honeychatter, and now she was thanking them. Also... should she really bring attention to the way she looked when she was being treated normally? But I don't want to be ashamed of my deformities. It's... well, it's just the way I am. They've caused me a lot of pain. They've hurt other cats, made them act out. But... that's not my fault. It's theirs. Like Batglare said, I should be me. I've worked so hard to get used to them, to deal with them, to not hate myself because of them.

Still, though, the thought of losing respect or care because of the way she looked, though familiar, was painful now that she'd finally learned to accept herself.

Oh, StarClan, I really hope I didn't mess this up...!

@Tallstar @furrensic

Vinepaw nodded at the older apprentice “yep just got back from training Rabbitpaw definitely didn’t go easy on me”he said while licking his fur to try and appear neater while he was an anxious cat he slowly started to feel at ease he looked at twistedpaw fondly while he didn’t know much about her he was eager to be her friend he soon was interrupted by Honeychatter but he didn’t mind in fact he welcomed the other warrior by making room next to him while the first time he saw twistedpaw he was caught off guard but he liked her for who she was he wasn’t one to be put off by appearances and well if any cat dared to say anything he would claw their ears off he was a meek fellow but he didn’t tolerate bullies he noticed twistedpaw mention Greenleaf being nice and he agreed by nodding his head he noticed how twistedpaw appeared slightly anxious like him and he was slightly confused but figured it may have something to do with her looks he was brought from his thoughts and the sound of her voice again thanking him? He was slightly flattered but soon quickly said”Of course twisty..is ok if I call you twisty but I think your really cool too and I would like to be your friend I know you probably don’t have much longer as an apprentice but I would love to be with you on your journey although I may be more in the tunnels than above ground he said quickly hoping for a decent answer

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