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Spookez. May 2nd, 2024 03:09 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Nightshade gave a small, forced laugh, trying to be playful, "Poor you, Quailkit is such a nuisance," she chuckled to herself before answering Sparrowsong's question, relieved that she hadn't been a part of the recent fight against the Minks. "Thank Starclan I wasn't. Fighting Minks isn't on my bucket list, per se," she said, with a hint of humour in her voice.

As she replied to Sparrowsong, she heard Quailkit's question. It was more of a curious inquiry than a remark, but Nightshade didn't really appreciate how the young kit asked it. With a slight sigh, Nightshade replied, "Well, I don't think all warriors went, and I don't think all of them wanted to go."

@Maybi @burntToast |

Maybi May 3rd, 2024 02:29 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Sparrowsong nodded to Nightshade, glad that she seemed to be agreeing with her on how annoying her sister could be and the minks. "Not every warrior goes into battle, some have to stay behind so the camp isn't unguarded." The calico cat shrugged her shoulders at this, not wanting her little sister to think any less of her for not fighting the minks. Sparrowsong wanted to be thought of as a great warrior and a cat Quailkit could look up to but in all honestly Sparrowsong had no interest in the mink fight. Sounded like too much trouble.

"I also need to keep an eye on you so you don't cause anyone any trouble." She added to tease her sister, giving her a playful tap on her head with her paw.

She turned back her attention to Nightshade, "Fighting Minks are beneath us anyway" She said with an affirmative nod.

@burntToast @Spookez.

Madelaine May 3rd, 2024 07:03 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Barleypaw sat.

burntToast May 4th, 2024 09:24 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
|[ Quail'kit ]|
she/her | 4 moons | WC | energetic & friendly
__________________________________________________ ____

"okay!" she laughed as sparrowsong tapped on the head. "your doing a great job protecting he clan then! Since no intruder have attacked us yet. And I don't think they will becuase they'd be mousebrained if they thought they could beat Windclan in a battle let alone you!" she said proudly. Quailkit thought very highly of her clan, Windclan was by far the best clan in the entire forest AND she heard other cats around clan saying their the only ones with honour which means it must be true! Plus, she believed her sister must be a great warrior, why wouldn't she be. She always heard about the cool warrior things her sister did.

Nightshade was probably good aswell since Sparrowsong wouldn't be friends with anyone any less than great. Well that was Quailkit's opinion after all. She gave Nightshade a skeptical look before shrugged. "I guess you're a good warrior to. Not better than Sparrow of course but good enough" she said being brutally honest in way that kits could only be.

She didn't mean it in rude way, she just held her sister in high regard and every cat else was just not as impressive. She wanted to be just like her sparrowsong one day and she would train her best. For no all she could do was observe her sisters actions and learn from them and try to do the same.

•@Spookez - Nightsahde
•@Maybi - Sparrowsong

TheNyanCatMinecart May 4th, 2024 02:20 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
(please do not reply, activity post)

Twistedpaw is still healing in the med den.

Kacey! May 4th, 2024 03:36 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Tangledtail looked about the clearing, spotting his apprentice on the far side.

Cottonpaw whisked his tail through the sand of the campground. His sister, Crowberrypaw, was chatting animatedly about her enthusiasm for hunting.

Tangledtail supposed they could train a bit later then. He trotted to the fresh kill pile and chose a vole to eat.

felidays May 4th, 2024 10:45 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Maplepaw screamed.

[activity, open]

goobziee_ May 5th, 2024 12:09 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

EchoDawn sat down and watched some of the catfolk in the clearing. Was it boring? Sure. But she just did so anyways. It was better than complaining about it being boring in her opinion. She also didn't realize that there was a possible war going on.

As she watched, her green eyes darted around.

Idiotic.Bean101 May 5th, 2024 03:57 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing


Leopardkit trotted into the clearing, clearly eager to be outside again. The spotted she-kit saw the fresh-kill pile and her eyes lit up. She was definitely old enough to eat from there now, right? Yeah, she had to be! She glanced around at the warriors, before she padded over to the pile of fresh-kill excitedly.


Link to Leopardkit family finder: https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ad.php?t=81911


Beaan May 6th, 2024 10:16 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Flashfeather exists

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