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Gusty December 14th, 2016 08:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

(Omg, is this what he was planning to do all along? xD)
Pastelle's eyes were harder than stone, more than they'd been when Lakekit had pronounced herself to be a friend of the DS. This situation was different than that. When an outsider was aggressive, there was one story...But when a friend was cruel, it was a totally different thing. (Although Slash hadn't been much of a friend, really- he was just a fellow Syndicate-mate, just like Shadow, but technically, he was supposed to be a trusted member.)

Her yellow orbs were like solidified ice. How could Slash do such a thing? How...? Well, never mind the how. The only thing that mattered now was the truth. He was a deception-filled liar; he was a cruel, solidified piece of coal that only gave harm. When he had made that 'kittypet' comment, Pastelle had forgiven him- she really thought that he had a sudden raging outburst. But this time, even if he apologized straight away, it would be too late for a "sorry".

"Nope, you're not going to make a good Commander. I knew I never should have trusted you!" She said, rolling down onto her back for a glimpse of hope or safety. Her body was tense; the rarely-used muscles around her body was rigid with shock. "Don't think that killing is going to make you the newest Commander of the Syndicate!" A small smile escaped onto her face nonetheless as she pulled out her claws for self-defense. "It's not going to work, trust me!"

For a second, a horrifying thought came into place. What if Slash killed off everyone in the Syndicate, due to his bloodthirsty nature? What would happen then?- he'd have nobody to rule over if he murders them all! But there was still hope. Other cats must be stronger and wiser than him, and anyways, Slash already had a drawback from his recent wound and limp... unless that was fake too the molly wouldn't be surprised if that was an act of its own.

monfang December 14th, 2016 09:16 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
( @fenic! )
Onyx walked around, blood still covering his pelt from his fight with Bleddyn. His eye still stung. As he licked his lips, the taste of his rival's blood filled his mouth.
He stopped, and lowered his head, sniffing the air. He took in every scent with ease, and could sense so few cats in the Syndicate. He sensed a smaller, slightly kit-like and familiar scent.
Chiaki... he thought, and wondered why she was out and about.
But that thought just wasn't one he should hold on to. He had to speak with her, to see if he still trusted him. He had only two weaknesses, and both were severely almost unknown.
His nose, if it were to be damaged, and his adopted daughter.
He wanted her to know that he still considered her his daughter with pride. Thinking of what he would say, it would have sickened him in a normal case, but this was not normal. He wanted his daughter to like him at the least.

Fel December 14th, 2016 09:41 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 78185)
( @fenic! )
Onyx walked around, blood still covering his pelt from his fight with Bleddyn. His eye still stung. As he licked his lips, the taste of his rival's blood filled his mouth.
He stopped, and lowered his head, sniffing the air. He took in every scent with ease, and could sense so few cats in the Syndicate. He sensed a smaller, slightly kit-like and familiar scent.
Chiaki... he thought, and wondered why she was out and about.
But that thought just wasn't one he should hold on to. He had to speak with her, to see if he still trusted him. He had only two weaknesses, and both were severely almost unknown.
His nose, if it were to be damaged, and his adopted daughter.
He wanted her to know that he still considered her his daughter with pride. Thinking of what he would say, it would have sickened him in a normal case, but this was not normal. He wanted his daughter to like him at the least.

Really, Chiaki had no reason herself to be upset with Onyx, not bothering to think of her talk with Bleddyn so long ago. She was about six moons now, and barely a kit to herself- and she had an important desicion to make. It had nothing to do with her family, rather her future instead. Fighter, hunter, or healer- those are my three options, what I'll be stuck with for the rest of my life. She'd wandered off by herself to think about it, but the arrival of a familiar face didn't really seem too bad to the young molly as well. "Oh- hey, Onyx!" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her adopted father. Ever since she'd talked to Bleddyn, she never referred to him as 'dad'- but she still respected him, though his lies did hurt her a bit back then. Her father, her real one- he left for one of the clans to investigate one of the battles, and was there right now- she knew this because she'd been slightly following him, trying to learn about who he was. She had things to do and choices to make, but the mystery of her father still left her confused and overwhelmed. Scurrying over towards Onyx, she looked disheveled and awkward- getting her walk started had gone a bit roughly.

monfang December 14th, 2016 09:53 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 78220)
Really, Chiaki had no reason herself to be upset with Onyx, not bothering to think of her talk with Bleddyn so long ago. She was about six moons now, and barely a kit to herself- and she had an important desicion to make. It had nothing to do with her family, rather her future instead. Fighter, hunter, or healer- those are my three options, what I'll be stuck with for the rest of my life. She'd wandered off by herself to think about it, but the arrival of a familiar face didn't really seem too bad to the young molly as well. "Oh- hey, Onyx!" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her adopted father. Ever since she'd talked to Bleddyn, she never referred to him as 'dad'- but she still respected him, though his lies did hurt her a bit back then. Her father, her real one- he left for one of the clans to investigate one of the battles, and was there right now- she knew this because she'd been slightly following him, trying to learn about who he was. She had things to do and choices to make, but the mystery of her father still left her confused and overwhelmed. Scurrying over towards Onyx, she looked disheveled and awkward- getting her walk started had gone a bit roughly.

"Chiaki. You've gotten big since I've seen you." he meowed. He licked his side, trying to clear if of blood, though with is black pelt it went to no avail. He turned his gaze back to Chiaki and lowered his head to her.
"Chiaki, are you still mad about the whole Bleddyn thing?" he asked. "You know he just wanted to get back at me and your mother. He wanted to hurt us by manipulating you." he mewed.
Sighing, he wrapped his tail around her, and smiled. "You still my little pal right?" he asked with a sort of loving chuckle.

dino. December 15th, 2016 06:04 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 78070)

(Omg, is this what he was planning to do all along? xD)
Pastelle's eyes were harder than stone, more than they'd been when Lakekit had pronounced herself to be a friend of the DS. This situation was different than that. When an outsider was aggressive, there was one story...But when a friend was cruel, it was a totally different thing. (Although Slash hadn't been much of a friend, really- he was just a fellow Syndicate-mate, just like Shadow, but technically, he was supposed to be a trusted member.)

Her yellow orbs were like solidified ice. How could Slash do such a thing? How...? Well, never mind the how. The only thing that mattered now was the truth. He was a deception-filled liar; he was a cruel, solidified piece of coal that only gave harm. When he had made that 'kittypet' comment, Pastelle had forgiven him- she really thought that he had a sudden raging outburst. But this time, even if he apologized straight away, it would be too late for a "sorry".

"Nope, you're not going to make a good Commander. I knew I never should have trusted you!" She said, rolling down onto her back for a glimpse of hope or safety. Her body was tense; the rarely-used muscles around her body was rigid with shock. "Don't think that killing is going to make you the newest Commander of the Syndicate!" A small smile escaped onto her face nonetheless as she pulled out her claws for self-defense. "It's not going to work, trust me!"

For a second, a horrifying thought came into place. What if Slash killed off everyone in the Syndicate, due to his bloodthirsty nature? What would happen then?- he'd have nobody to rule over if he murders them all! But there was still hope. Other cats must be stronger and wiser than him, and anyways, Slash already had a drawback from his recent wound and limp... unless that was fake too the molly wouldn't be surprised if that was an act of its own.

(MWAHAHA YES XD) Slash let out an angry yowl as his claws hit earth instead of fur and flesh. "A bloodthirsty nature is what makes a good leader!" he screeched. "If you can't see that, then you. Are. WORTHLESS." He leaped at his prey again, his claws flashing, his lips peeled back in a determined snarl. For a moment doubt flickered in his eyes and he thought, What am I doing? But it was gone quickly, and he landed a blow on Pastelle's ear, tearing it.

doghouse December 15th, 2016 10:24 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Zia stepped across the border of her kithood, sadness filling her gaze. She'd tried so hard, but her best friend, her mate, was no more. Ardis had died a moon ago, and Zia had tried to save her, but there was nothing she could've done. She looked around, the once familiar scent of the Dusk Syndicate filling her nose. Why was she back here? She wasn't sure why she'd come back, she just.... was. The dark furred molly looked around before advancing. She doubted that anyone would recognize her. She'd left at four moons, and now she was a fully grown cat. No. I don't want to be here. She didn't want to face her mother. Her mother probably thought she was dead. And Haiku? No. She couldn't bare to face them again, not after she'd left them. She turned around, starting to head back.

Fel December 15th, 2016 10:27 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony (Post 78247)

"Chiaki. You've gotten big since I've seen you." he meowed. He licked his side, trying to clear if of blood, though with is black pelt it went to no avail. He turned his gaze back to Chiaki and lowered his head to her.
"Chiaki, are you still mad about the whole Bleddyn thing?" he asked. "You know he just wanted to get back at me and your mother. He wanted to hurt us by manipulating you." he mewed.
Sighing, he wrapped his tail around her, and smiled. "You still my little pal right?" he asked with a sort of loving chuckle.

"Yeah, I- I know." Chiaki sighed- though she knew for sure that Bleddyn was her real father- they looked exactly alike, from their white paws to dark, russet-colored fur. "...Where even is he, anyways?" She asked quietly, her head tilting in curiosity as the she-cat sat down, not really noticing the blood- cats died all the time in the Syndicate, so it really didn't mean much to her. It was almost like she could talk and ask questions about her biological father for ages, but it was to no avail that she had another choice to make which hindered her- her future. Healers and hunters get made fun of all the time- I can see it. They say it's really hard to train as and become a fighter, though... it's just complicated, I guess. The kit was never one for making rushed decisions, but she had to figure something out quite soon.

monfang December 15th, 2016 10:40 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 78539)
"Yeah, I- I know." Chiaki sighed- though she knew for sure that Bleddyn was her real father- they looked exactly alike, from their white paws to dark, russet-colored fur. "...Where even is he, anyways?" She asked quietly, her head tilting in curiosity as the she-cat sat down, not really noticing the blood- cats died all the time in the Syndicate, so it really didn't mean much to her. It was almost like she could talk and ask questions about her biological father for ages, but it was to no avail that she had another choice to make which hindered her- her future. Healers and hunters get made fun of all the time- I can see it. They say it's really hard to train as and become a fighter, though... it's just complicated, I guess. The kit was never one for making rushed decisions, but she had to figure something out quite soon.

Onyx sighed and shook his head. "Bleddyn is... dead." he said, his deep blue eyes showing no remorse. The flashback of his act shot through his head. I will tell her the truth of her father, how he never cared for his sons or her! He turned his gaze to her and managed a smile.
"But, I have some news. If you wouldn't mind, and if you have decided already, just let me know, but if you would like to be a fighter, I would proudly be your trainer. But only if you want." he said, lowering his head to her.

Gusty December 15th, 2016 02:57 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by FoxyFanGirl (Post 78402)
(MWAHAHA YES XD) Slash let out an angry yowl as his claws hit earth instead of fur and flesh. "A bloodthirsty nature is what makes a good leader!" he screeched. "If you can't see that, then you. Are. WORTHLESS." He leaped at his prey again, his claws flashing, his lips peeled back in a determined snarl. For a moment doubt flickered in his eyes and he thought, What am I doing? But it was gone quickly, and he landed a blow on Pastelle's ear, tearing it.

Her ear was slightly torn by the impact; it would be permanent damage now. "No, it's not." She snapped back. "Haven't you realized?" She paused for a moment, struggling under the tom's grip angrily. "Don't you know what put Renn and Peach as Commander previously?" She said, shaking her head from side to side.

"It wasn't greed, or power, or control. It was because they took charge for the good of the DS." She hissed. "If you don't pay attention to the history of the DS, ignorant cat, then you won't ever become a leader! And although you might not listen to me today, you'll learn soon that my words are right!"

She paused for a moment, listening to his roar bounce around in her ears. No, she wasn't useless. She was better than that. Slash was the one that was useless. He'd only bring down the entire community.

dino. December 15th, 2016 07:39 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty (Post 78746)
Her ear was slightly torn by the impact; it would be permanent damage now. "No, it's not." She snapped back. "Haven't you realized?" She paused for a moment, struggling under the tom's grip angrily. "Don't you know what put Renn and Peach as Commander previously?" She said, shaking her head from side to side.

"It wasn't greed, or power, or control. It was because they took charge for the good of the DS." She hissed. "If you don't pay attention to the history of the DS, ignorant cat, then you won't ever become a leader! And although you might not listen to me today, you'll learn soon that my words are right!"

She paused for a moment, listening to his roar bounce around in her ears. No, she wasn't useless. She was better than that. Slash was the one that was useless. He'd only bring down the entire community.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Slash hissed through clenched teeth. "Because I'm not. Renn and Peach were weak. I would make the DS GREAT again. I would make us feared by all. No kittypet or Clan cat will ever come into our territory for as long as I'm leader." His eyes gleamed greedily. "And I Will never be scorned again. Not by my own cats, not by a couple of dirty Clan cats, not by ANYONE. I will be FEARED. EVERYWHERE." He lunged for Pastelle's throat.

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