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oakcrane May 20th, 2024 12:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining
outsider - he/him

Onyx dragged himself away from his mothers corpse. He was scared. With no idea where to go or what to do, he moved forward. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to get away. He 'walked' until his legs hurt, but he knew he would be safe. He could smell some sort of border, but he didn't recognize the scents. Suddenly, his eyes went dark, and his body fell. He was too exhausted to walk any further. He felt his legs give in, and his body hit the ground. @occultation

felidays May 22nd, 2024 11:52 AM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

a multiple-shaded brown tom with green eyes
always sounds sick [hoarse voice]
Purrk(s): none yet!
the king of sneezing

Honestly, after hours of trekking, Leap thought that he wouldn't make it. His legs ached and ached and his paws hurt. Asterblink never told him how far this "WindClan" was! They had told him that WindClan was far, but this was like... miles upon miles away?? Leap suddenly stopped in his tracks and gasped. What if... WHAT IF THIS WAS THEIR PLOT TO GET RID OF HIM??!! no, Leap, that cannot be reasonable But the thought was stuck in his head. What if this was a plot just so Asterblink could steal his nest? What if--


Leap's nose hit a smell.
It smelled... clan-like. It smelled like... cats. It smelled like.. fish?

Leap stepped forward, and the scent was poured all over him eeyuck. He felt many emotions. He felt disgusted. Then curiosity. Then confusion. Then realization. Then excitement!! He had found the place where Maplepaw was living in!

The first step to reuniting his family!

@taillow [I hope you're okay with me mentioning you!!]

occultation May 26th, 2024 12:16 AM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

Originally Posted by oakcrane (Post 1593312)
outsider - he/him

Onyx dragged himself away from his mothers corpse. He was scared. With no idea where to go or what to do, he moved forward. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to get away. He 'walked' until his legs hurt, but he knew he would be safe. He could smell some sort of border, but he didn't recognize the scents. Suddenly, his eyes went dark, and his body fell. He was too exhausted to walk any further. He felt his legs give in, and his body hit the ground. @occultation

Outskirts patrols had become a regular part of Fadingsun's daily life these days. RiverClan already had enough trouble brewing; they didn't need problems at the outskirts border on top of it. Their problems with rogues had dwindled in recent times, thankfully, but that could always change.

Outsiders were generally less pushy and aggressive in newleaf and greenleaf, but that didn't mean they should just let the border go ignored. There was also a subtler motivation for his being out here; he'd never gotten the memory of that orange-and-black cat out of his mind. Somehow, someway, he was going to find her again.

Disappointment flashed his face when he saw an outsider at their border that didn't match this description. The outsider looked to be in rough shape; he wasn't even sure if they were conscious. The emotional part of him wanted to just leave them, since they weren't his responsibility. The logical part of him, however, needed to check to see if this cat was even still alive. A dead body at the border would attract predators.

Padding up to the cat, he gave him an unceremonious prod in the side. "Hey. Hey, wake up." Probably not the most effective thing to say to a passed-out cat, but a surefire way to find out how close they were to death.

taillow May 27th, 2024 01:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

Originally Posted by wendigo (Post 1594085)

a multiple-shaded brown tom with green eyes
always sounds sick [hoarse voice]
Purrk(s): none yet!
the king of sneezing

Honestly, after hours of trekking, Leap thought that he wouldn't make it. His legs ached and ached and his paws hurt. Asterblink never told him how far this "WindClan" was! They had told him that WindClan was far, but this was like... miles upon miles away?? Leap suddenly stopped in his tracks and gasped. What if... WHAT IF THIS WAS THEIR PLOT TO GET RID OF HIM??!! no, Leap, that cannot be reasonable But the thought was stuck in his head. What if this was a plot just so Asterblink could steal his nest? What if--


Leap's nose hit a smell.
It smelled... clan-like. It smelled like... cats. It smelled like.. fish?

Leap stepped forward, and the scent was poured all over him eeyuck. He felt many emotions. He felt disgusted. Then curiosity. Then confusion. Then realization. Then excitement!! He had found the place where Maplepaw was living in!

The first step to reuniting his family!

@taillow [I hope you're okay with me mentioning you!!]

she/her | riverclan deputy | 28 moons
Without the WindClan border to keep an eye on it left a lot of time for Dusklion to patrol the one they shared with the outskirts after the other two were taken care of. She didn't particularly want to run into any outsiders, but as she neared it her claws came out instinctively, blue eyes flashing with distrust. Wisteriawren was a rare one, because outside of her the dark tabby wasn't sure if she would ever trust a full-blooded outsider.

And speak of the shadows... Eyes locking onto an unfamiliar form standing on RiverClan territory, the deputy gave a snort. They weren't far into the territory, just right on the border, so Dusk refrained from attacking right then and there. "Dunno who you are, but this is RiverClan territory so you best get to leavin' it." Squaring herself the deputy stood between the intruder and the Clan, eyes narrowed slightly.

oakcrane May 27th, 2024 08:03 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

Originally Posted by occultation (Post 1595284)

Outskirts patrols had become a regular part of Fadingsun's daily life these days. RiverClan already had enough trouble brewing; they didn't need problems at the outskirts border on top of it. Their problems with rogues had dwindled in recent times, thankfully, but that could always change.

Outsiders were generally less pushy and aggressive in newleaf and greenleaf, but that didn't mean they should just let the border go ignored. There was also a subtler motivation for his being out here; he'd never gotten the memory of that orange-and-black cat out of his mind. Somehow, someway, he was going to find her again.

Disappointment flashed his face when he saw an outsider at their border that didn't match this description. The outsider looked to be in rough shape; he wasn't even sure if they were conscious. The emotional part of him wanted to just leave them, since they weren't his responsibility. The logical part of him, however, needed to check to see if this cat was even still alive. A dead body at the border would attract predators.

Padding up to the cat, he gave him an unceremonious prod in the side. "Hey. Hey, wake up." Probably not the most effective thing to say to a passed-out cat, but a surefire way to find out how close they were to death.

Onyx's eyes slowly swept open, and he blinked. His vision cleared, and there and behold, was a cat standing in front of him. His instincts told him to run away, but he stayed, sitting up with a grunt. He narrowed his eyes, trying to get a better look at the cat standing in front of him. "Who are you?" Onyx's voice was raspy with pain, but it was still audible. What a dumb question. He already knew it was a Riverclan cat. Or, so he thought, anyways.

Weekend-Wondering May 30th, 2024 08:05 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

Male / About 5 Moons / Outsider / Sexuality Unknown
Pale bluish gray tom with tufts on his ears and nose and sandy patches with bright/light gray eyes

O-Okay. I’ll swim the rivers, climb the mountains, reach the skies… yeah… but first I’ll have to learn to walk without falling on my face, I think,

Conch, paws heavy with exhaustion and tired gray eyes sweeping the ground beneath his feet, crept through the unfamiliar territory with his head down. His heart beat was quick and only getting faster the further he walked, and slowly but surely, breathing was suddenly becoming a bit of a struggle. As much as Conch was overflowing with the excitement of entering this entire new world, this new system where he would meet face to face with the reasoning for it all, it was terribly nerve-wracking. The young and small tom could feel anxiousness at the pit of his stomach, keeping him hungry but ruining his appetite completely. It was a terrible feeling, but it could never outweigh his desire to meet his long lost siblings and understand the ways of his clan.

Conch walked alongside his sister, eyes still on the ground and heart proceeding to beat itself into a pulp. He wanted so greatly to take his mind off the nervousness, so shakily, he tried to speak to her. “Y-you… you know, Sorrel…” He finally raised his head to face the tannish-brown and swirled she-kit, begging his paws to quit shaking before she pointed it out. He tried to out a smile up on his face, but he could feel it faltering like crazy as he struggled to keep it up. Oh, how Conch was trembling. He was practically an earthquake by now. “S…so um- so- I know you’re excited, why would I ask, but- so- sorry. I- Well I’m excited too, r-really, but it’s just… it’s really n-nervous- we’ll, n-no- I’m really nervous… s-sorry…

Oh, just shut up! His thoughts snapped at him. Conch bit his lip for a moment to keep his mouth shut. Maybe staying silent would be a good idea… but no. Of course not. This was Sorrel he was talking about, what reason should he have to stay shut up? He had never stayed quiet around her before, and he saw no reason to start now, so Conch grunted and tried to keep up the small talk. “Anyway… th-the brother and the s-sister. I wonder how exactly he’ll greet us… um…maybe they’ll recognize us right from the s-start, like… platonic love at f-first s-sight… aha… YO-” The last syllable had been yelped out by Conch when he tripped on an unexpected stone on the ground and stumbled forward, eventually tilting forward too far and face planting muzzle-first into the dirt.

Conch, still awkwardly sprawled on his stomach on the ground, blinked his gray eyes to try and get rid of the slight dizziness, and he held back a groan. Now wasn’t the time to freak his sister out about the fact that he was a clumsy idiot who was constantly falling and getting himself hurt- no, instead, he decided to just get up. But that was when something stopped him. The scent of the dirt. Conch’s eyes flashed in surprise, and with a wide gray gaze, he stared at the ground. That’s a new scent… could it be that of RiverClan? He felt a small smile cross his face. With a new kind of excitement, Conch laughed lightly and pressed his paws to the ground. As he heaved himself up onto all fours, he told Sorrel, “The g-ground… the scent, Sorrel!

Once he was up, with dirt smudged messily across the little tom’s face, Conch whispered enthusiastically, “S-Sorrel, we’re here! The Clans… we’ve made it! W-we’ll meet them… a-and… we’ll see them, n’ talk to them! Sorrel… I’m so excited… I-I… Sorrel… I’m nervous…” He shook his head and took a glance around the area. It was a pretty nice looking place that he was sure he could adjust to quickly enough if he was given the chance, and this increased both Conch’s excitement and nervousness by tons. It was a lot to handle and the tom-kit was overwhelmed, but he hoped Sorrel wouldn’t look to closely at his face and be able to tell.

Well, she’s probably already made the assumption that this is a lot for me to handle… knowing her and knowing me, He reminded himself. From the corner of his vision, he glanced over at his sister. Maybe she’ll tease me about it. I think that’ll make me feel a bit better, maybe. I just want some “home” for a second, I s’pose. But home wasn’t his priority at the moment. For now, that was a mixture of his brother, his sister, and the clan that he had heard they lived in. He had left his home, his mother, and everything else he had surrounded himself with for this, and here he was, flutter-hearted and dying inside. I’ve got to get myself together, Conch told himself, mood fading into one as stern as his got. I can’t mess this up. For Sorrel, mainly. But also for myself.

Unfortunately, the new motivations didn’t seem to do much for his voice. In fact, the next time he spoke, Conch was even quieter than before, voice growing softer. “Should we… c-call out f-for somebody? The l-leader, maybe? I don’t know… Sorrel… I don’t know…” He took one final desperate glance around, before giving up. He quit trying and failing to smile and looked at his sister. “I’m tired, help me please. I d-don’t know, tell me a joke or something… I don’t know what’s up with m-me, I’m sorry… I want to meet the, so bad. So, so bad.” And those words were as true as words could ever be.

Why else would he be standing here in a frenzy? This was going to be worth it, he was sure.


// If I did something wrong here, I am so sorry! Please feel free to correct me! \\

~ @constellation (Sorrel) ~
~ @occultation (Fadingsun) ~

constellation May 31st, 2024 08:47 AM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining
✽❀✽ Sorrel ✽❀✽
// Female // about 5 moons // Outsider //

Sorrel. Hungry, tired. Pads aching, head pounding, eyes dull. Trudging along the marshy earth. Her pawsteps thumped miserably along, thump. Thump. and her tail flicked through the soft reeds. Weren’t they close? RiverClan should live in the marsh… right? She shook the delusional thoughts of exhaustion from her mind. This was no time for mirages to fill her head!

Conch padded at her side. His voice cracked through the still, quiet air, surprising Sorrel. She looked up, and slowed her steps. Conch stammered away, and Sorrel made herself listen to every. Single. Word. CRASH. She stumbled to a halt and whipped her head around, her tired neck bones cracking. A purr of laughter. He’d fallen on his face! Sorrel shook her head and poked her sibling, trying to nudge her littermate up onto his paws.

Sorrel’s eyes widened. What? she sniffed the air. Scents. Foreign. Strange. RIVERCLAN! “We’re here! We’re here, we’re HERE!” she shouted, her usual hyperness (she made that up) returning to her personality.

“HELLO? RIVERCLAN? ANYCAT? HELLO?” She yowled across the scent line, listening as hard as she could for any cat at all.

This. Was going. To be SO COOL.

She glanced at her brother. He looked scared. “Okay. We can wait.” she nodded to him. He looked relieved.

Sorrel tok in a deep breath of the marsh air. It smelled… like home.

[ @Weekend-Wondering — Conch
@occultation — Fadingsun ]

felidays June 1st, 2024 03:18 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

a multiple-shaded brown tom with green eyes
always sounds sick [hoarse voice]
Purrk(s): none yet!
the king of sneezing

Leap wasn't focusing on what was ahead of him, just behind him. So, he was jumpscared by a huge cat, and he screamed... loud. Whoops! He didn't want to make a bad first impression. If he made this cat think that he was incompetent, then she would throw him into the gorge!! Or even worse... INTO THE SKY!!! Oh no, oh no!!! Leap shut his jaw and straightened himself up. He needed to make up for this!

Of course this she-cat would also meet him with hostility. That's what all clan cats did!! Or... so what Asterblink told him. Wait. RiverClan? This wasn't WindClan? Maybe I misheard. "Hi!" He straightened his back more. "I'm... I'm Leap! And you?"

Idiotic.Bean101 June 2nd, 2024 10:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining


Nameless woke up, nauseous.
Wow, did her face hurt.
As she shakily stood, she saw blood on the ground beneath her, and it was all she could smell.
She put her paw to her face.
Okay, that was her blood.
That explained why her jaw and eye were hurting so much.
She felt like she was bruised everywhere as well.

Hold on.

Something wasn’t right.


How did she get here?

That wasn’t the only question.
She couldn’t remember a thing.

Except her name.
Which was Nameless.
Nameless stumbled a bit, but managed to stay standing.
She needed to find someone.


@Rowan (if you would like her father to be present, even if she’ll have no idea who he is!)

taillow June 3rd, 2024 11:15 AM

Re: RiverClan Outsider Joining

Originally Posted by wendigo (Post 1597558)

a multiple-shaded brown tom with green eyes
always sounds sick [hoarse voice]
Purrk(s): none yet!
the king of sneezing
Leap wasn't focusing on what was ahead of him, just behind him. So, he was jumpscared by a huge cat, and he screamed... loud. Whoops! He didn't want to make a bad first impression. If he made this cat think that he was incompetent, then she would throw him into the gorge!! Or even worse... INTO THE SKY!!! Oh no, oh no!!! Leap shut his jaw and straightened himself up. He needed to make up for this!

Of course this she-cat would also meet him with hostility. That's what all clan cats did!! Or... so what Asterblink told him. Wait. RiverClan? This wasn't WindClan? Maybe I misheard. "Hi!" He straightened his back more. "I'm... I'm Leap! And you?"

she/her | riverclan deputy | 28 moons
"A cat you don't wanna piss off by not listenin' - so get goin'." It was kind of... pathetic how scared this outsider got. It was clear that they were no threat but that didn't mean Dusklion wouldn't chase them off. She gave a lash of her tail, claws unsheathing as she took a step forward. "I'm not gonna ask again. Get off RiverClan territory 'n back to wherever you came from." Did they not catch the scent lines? Did they not smell they were in a new territory that wasn't their own?? All of these questions rattled around in the deputy's head as she waited for them to either leave or give her another reason to attack.

[ just a small note: dusk is smaller than average! so unless leap is the size of a kit, dusk wouldn't be considered a "huge cat" :heartbounce: ]

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