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Random Melody April 17th, 2017 08:09 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks (Post 234560)
Gyrewind's ears perked momentarily as he watched Snowstar's silhouette figure begin moving off of the perch. The tom looked away and made his eyes look busy, scanning the cats around him all the while awkwardly hoping Snowstar hadn't seen him watching her, or worse, think he was stalking her. When she came over, he nodded a greeting and returned a friendly smile.
Gyrewind gave a warmhearted laugh. "Right?" He exclaimed, remembering the terrified feeling of his first gathering so clearly, his stomach twisted. "You're doing good, you're doing good- wait, like I'm one to judge, haha," Gyrewind laughed and had nudged her shoulder, but felt uncomfortable when he realized he was talking like a seasoned veteran.

Snowstar giggled at his words, her black tail curling up and kinking around her back as she laughed, softly. She gazed at him, her ice blue eyes warm as she gave him a returning nudge. "That means alot coming from you," She purred with a grin, smiling at the former leader as her ice blue eyes glimmered.

Casting another glance toward the other leaders just to make sure they werent beckoning for her or something, she added, "the other leaders are real nice. Grousestar especially seems quite friendly," She grinned, looking back at Gyrewind. "But as nice as they are, im still completely nervous for this." She gave a lighthearted chuckle.

ameko April 17th, 2017 08:47 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Beep Beep Im a Blue Sheep (Post 233622)
''Glad to know some cat who rambles to!'' Crimsonsky mewed. She followed Fennelnose's gaze to where the leaders where and hear their responce.
''I sure hope soon! Other wise were gonna be in StarClan before they start!'' Crimsonsky joked.

Fennelnose, keeping their gaze locked on the leaders, nodded and twitched their whiskers in acknowledgement of Crimsonsky's obvious joke. "Yes, they had better hurry up." They had been to their share of Gatherings, so they knew that it could very well take a long time before the leaders decided to settle down the throngs of cats below them.

A fleeting thought crossed their mind; what if Fennelnose was to be up there one day..? They couldn't imagine it, in all honesty. For all their feelings of self-importance and confidence, they didn't feel as though it would look right with them up there. They would want someone more lighthearted up on that boulder, someone like Crimsonsky, or even Snowstar—wait. Where had Snowstar gone? "StarClan, this is going to take even longer," groaned the warrior, rolling their eyes and turning their head to give Crimson a comically exasperated expression before standing and attempting to find where the new leader had disappeared off to.

"Did you see where she went? I wasn't paying attention." Fennelnose picked their words carefully, focusing mainly on how they sounded. At the moment, most of the feline's attention was on what they were saying, not what—or rather, who—they were looking for.

doghouse April 17th, 2017 08:57 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by BluBunny (Post 234021)
(Here comes Ratpaw~)

Ratpaw folded his ears back and kept his head down. His mother always demanded he stayed in camp and this time he was able to sneak away and join the group of cats going to the Gathering, he had never been before and was really nervous but also excited. He looked up as a familiar scent hit his nose, he noticed Tawnypaw and smiled a bit. He soon noticed she seemed to be troubled, her eyes were squeezed shut and she seemed really tense. He quickly padded over to her, he didn't want to scare her or make her mad so he stood in front of her. "Tawnypaw? Are you okay?" He asked. He hope he was loud enough for her to hear. There was so many cats talking, he didn't like it that much.

Tawnypaw shook her head, ears flattened against her skull. She really regretted coming to the gathering, and wished she'd just stayed at camp and rested, but no-o, she had come anyways. She smelled a familiar scent, and for a moment, she wondered if she was just imagining things, then she realized that it was too real to be fake, and she raised her head, her hunched over position lessening. She jumped at the sound of his voice, opening her eyes and looking at Ratpaw. “Yeah. . . . I just really regret coming to this gathering. . . .” she muttered, shaking her head. Her fur was bristling and her amber eyes were wide and slightly distant. This was the way she normally looked while in camp, all her sense of ease evaporated.

Originally Posted by bad company (Post 234356)

"Ew!" she cooed as he sneezed on her, then gave a yelp as he rolled and she fell. "Hey! No fair!" she meowed angrily. "You're bigger than me! That's cheating ya know." she growled, pawing his head. She loved her brother but sometimes he got on her nerves, and so, when he did, she would only get on his nerves back. "Fatso." she purred.

Geyserpaw giggled mischievously as she made a disgusted sound, feeling proud in a sneaky sort of way. “Well, you tackled me. I thought rogues were gonna kill me.” he said playfully, darting off a couple pawsteps, letting Galepaw get to her feet. He nodded sheepishly, his blue eyes glittering good-naturedly, not wanting to fight at a gathering and break the code. “Hey! I am not!” Geyserpaw muttered indignantly, trying to make his belly look thinner, as he still had a bit of the round kit belly most kits had, despite being an apprentice.

Teggy April 17th, 2017 08:57 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Pathos (Post 234608)
Fennelnose, keeping their gaze locked on the leaders, nodded and twitched their whiskers in acknowledgement of Crimsonsky's obvious joke. "Yes, they had better hurry up." They had been to their share of Gatherings, so they knew that it could very well take a long time before the leaders decided to settle down the throngs of cats below them.

A fleeting thought crossed their mind; what if Fennelnose was to be up there one day..? They couldn't imagine it, in all honesty. For all their feelings of self-importance and confidence, they didn't feel as though it would look right with them up there. They would want someone more lighthearted up on that boulder, someone like Crimsonsky, or even Snowstar—wait. Where had Snowstar gone? "StarClan, this is going to take even longer," groaned the warrior, rolling their eyes and turning their head to give Crimson a comically exasperated expression before standing and attempting to find where the new leader had disappeared off to.

"Did you see where she went? I wasn't paying attention." Fennelnose picked their words carefully, focusing mainly on how they sounded. At the moment, most of the feline's attention was on what they were saying, not what—or rather, who—they were looking for.

''I have no idea... I was looking at these two apprentices, sorry...'' She laughed. Fennelnose seemed like a really nice cat to her, but then again alot of cats where.
''I bet your gonna be deputy! You seem and act the part!'' Crimsonsky purred.

monfang April 17th, 2017 09:04 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 234612)

Geyserpaw giggled mischievously as she made a disgusted sound, feeling proud in a sneaky sort of way. “Well, you tackled me. I thought rogues were gonna kill me.” he said playfully, darting off a couple pawsteps, letting Galepaw get to her feet. He nodded sheepishly, his blue eyes glittering good-naturedly, not wanting to fight at a gathering and break the code. “Hey! I am not!” Geyserpaw muttered indignantly, trying to make his belly look thinner, as he still had a bit of the round kit belly most kits had, despite being an apprentice.

"Are too!" Galepaw teased and shoved him playfully before she let a giggle slip her lips and she bounced forward. "Tag!" she mewed. She wasn't one to pay attention at gatherings. They were sort of boring. No daisies to mess with and it's just so crowded. But at least she had her big bro. Being last born meant she had bigger siblings, and they were protective of her. She loves teasing him, pushing his buttons, but she never went to far.

BluBunnie April 17th, 2017 09:31 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 234612)

Tawnypaw shook her head, ears flattened against her skull. She really regretted coming to the gathering, and wished she'd just stayed at camp and rested, but no-o, she had come anyways. She smelled a familiar scent, and for a moment, she wondered if she was just imagining things, then she realized that it was too real to be fake, and she raised her head, her hunched over position lessening. She jumped at the sound of his voice, opening her eyes and looking at Ratpaw. “Yeah. . . . I just really regret coming to this gathering. . . .” she muttered, shaking her head. Her fur was bristling and her amber eyes were wide and slightly distant. This was the way she normally looked while in camp, all her sense of ease evaporated.

Ratpaw frowned, "Well now I'm here with you. These cats dont understand what they did when that killed your mother and I'm sure one day they'll pay." he growled. He thought it was mouse brained of the clan to kill Tawnypaws mother and to leave her family behind and then to judge her kits like they were terrible cats. "I'm gonna sit right next to you and we are gonna hold our heads up high and show them they cant affect us. We are gonna show them we are strong and better then them." he said and say down next to his friend. He held his head high and observed the leaders carefully.

graves April 17th, 2017 11:35 PM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 233607)
@woly @Lawlipop

A black tom slunk into the clearing filled with cats of all sizes and scents. His ears were pricked and his gaze was cold, but only towards the leaders and deputies, he hated them, despised them, but he would never state that aloud, how could he? Fallenstream lashed his tail and looked around for a particular molly, Honeypool, although they were apart of the same clan they haven't spoken since he spoke to her near the Windclan border. He had grown quite attached to the molly and hoped to see her once more, but, instead of the awful stench of rabbit chasers clinging to her pelt, he wanted to smell the sweet scent that wafted around her, the scent that mingled so well with his. He missed it. After a few minutes of looking he let out a sigh and sat himself next to the river, dipping his tail tip in the fresh water. The warrior felt relaxed and calm, but only for a few moments, a familiar stench wafted into his nose, almost making him gag. He swiveled his head and looked at the cat the odor came from, it had a mix of Windclans usual scent, moor, rabbits, but this one had something else wafting around him, something horrid. The ebony warrior scrunched up his nose and let out a snort, his blue hues danced with discust as he glared at the windclan warrior.
How annoying.

Fireflare padded into the gathering behind his leader,green hues wandering around the clearing. Mixed scents were coming to his nose which made it twitch slightly. For once, his twin was not at his side. They were not in sync anymore, not tied at eachothers waist,and they had a fight. A lingering nick in Fireflares ear proved that, which was a lot seeing as as many fights he was in he had a spotless pelt. His pelt was shiny, clean as preparation he ensured.He felt refreshed to not be in his brothers murderous grasp anymore, but that didn't stop his tendencies to float around when it came to shecats. He caught eye of another cat looking at him, and he twitched his ear and gave a smirk in response,walking forward to the other cat. "Why the long face there? Or did you get your fish in a twist or are you just in a bad mood?" his tone was playful,though he held a smug smirk. He knew the other tom couldn't do anything to hurt him, seeing as this was a gathering, a time of peace as it was the rules. Possibly Fallenstream would recognize his scent as it did linger on Honeypool after she left, his fur fluffing out a bit. Perhaps he should keep his mouth shut, but when it came to cats like him he couldn't help but rile another up.

doghouse April 18th, 2017 04:12 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by bad company (Post 234615)

"Are too!" Galepaw teased and shoved him playfully before she let a giggle slip her lips and she bounced forward. "Tag!" she mewed. She wasn't one to pay attention at gatherings. They were sort of boring. No daisies to mess with and it's just so crowded. But at least she had her big bro. Being last born meant she had bigger siblings, and they were protective of her. She loves teasing him, pushing his buttons, but she never went to far.

Geyserpaw decided that bickering about how fat he was was not what warriors did, so instead, he puffed out his chest, grinning. “You're right! I am fat!” he said proudly, his eyes full of unspoken laughter. “It means I'm an excellent hunter. Much better than them.” he waved his tail at a couple of WindClan cats, who were small and scrawny. “You're on!” he laughed, bounding after her. He didn't care what the warriors thought, or quite frankly, the leaders, although he knew that he was going to get in trouble for this later. But that was later, this was now.

Originally Posted by BluBunny (Post 234640)
Ratpaw frowned, "Well now I'm here with you. These cats dont understand what they did when that killed your mother and I'm sure one day they'll pay." he growled. He thought it was mouse brained of the clan to kill Tawnypaws mother and to leave her family behind and then to judge her kits like they were terrible cats. "I'm gonna sit right next to you and we are gonna hold our heads up high and show them they cant affect us. We are gonna show them we are strong and better then them." he said and say down next to his friend. He held his head high and observed the leaders carefully.

Tawnypaw shook her head, growling slightly. She realized deep down, she wanted them all to know how much pain they'd caused her and her littermates, although she worried that Onyxpaw agreed with ShadowClan. She really hoped not. Raising her head, she glared hatefully at the leaders, her eyes blazing with anger. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it in, and she wanted to just release it on something. The leaders were definitely her best option! Taking a long, shuddering breath, she forced herself to stay sitting where shge was, her fur bristling uncontrollably. “O-okay.” she whispered, her voice almost inaudible and for anyone further away than Ratpaw, it was impossible to hear.

Casual Scribbles April 18th, 2017 06:10 AM

Re: April Gathering
Frostedflight padded quickly into the gathering, looking silently through the crowd. Most wouldn't know what he was looking for. They wouldn't know it was a who not a what. Frostedflight couldn't find Rainberry in the crowd, but the cats were gathered thickly in some places, and the tight knots could be hiding her. Perhaps she would be bringing the tom who was pretending to be her mate. The Turkish Van was dying to meet him. He just wanted to set down a few expectations. It was just a friendly chat. Although from the way his eyes were blazing, you'd never be able to tell.


monfang April 18th, 2017 06:25 AM

Re: April Gathering

Originally Posted by Skelly (Post 234867)

Geyserpaw decided that bickering about how fat he was was not what warriors did, so instead, he puffed out his chest, grinning. “You're right! I am fat!” he said proudly, his eyes full of unspoken laughter. “It means I'm an excellent hunter. Much better than them.” he waved his tail at a couple of WindClan cats, who were small and scrawny. “You're on!” he laughed, bounding after her. He didn't care what the warriors thought, or quite frankly, the leaders, although he knew that he was going to get in trouble for this later. But that was later, this was now.

She smiled at him as he accepted the challenge and bolted away, passing warriors of all kind. She flew by them wit ease as she was built for the running. She has agility and speed, however she lacked in the brute strength area. Still, she ran, laughing, giggling, and pawing moss back at him to slow him down. She laughed and giggled away as if they where in the daisy field together, running by the patches of white flowers that grew.

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