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lone October 10th, 2016 08:13 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Brooklyn Trees (Post 3952)
For Lone =^^=

Copied from the old site~

Moonpaw relaxed slightly as he began to move back up to the hill, and she followed him. She tucked her paws under her body and settled down beside him, a bit closer than she had originally expected to be when she followed him back there, but none the less, it still felt slightly awkward to be so close to this tom, even though she had known him since she was three moons old and they had met outside of the nursery. After a moment, she looked up at him, still a bit worried about him.
Perhaps she was being silly though, maybe it was her that was acting weird and she just saw him as doing it too because they had been together since... Pretty much as far back as she could remember.
She studied him silently, He was taller than she was, which was currently being exaggerated as he was sitting and she was laying. She looked at his eyes for a moment, before returning her gaze out to the grass and the wind. The thoughts from when she had first come here earlier tht day returned and she verbalized them quietly to Couragepaw.
"We'll be protecting this place one day, the two of us. We'll be in the next generation of warriors." She mewed. She had had this thought continue to return to her every time she saw the beauty and vastness of the territory that was now before them. Just because she felt like it, and felt like it would emphasize what she was saying, Moonpaw nudged him gently in the shoulder with her nose.

Couragepaw's eyes were gazing out worriedly over the waving grasses of the territory and he said nothing, his throat feeling suddenly dry and as though he couldn't swallow. He could barely breathe, the air was stale and uncomfortable and his pelt felt warmer than he could imagine. Couragepaw looked up at Moonpaw, studying the cat that had been his friend for so long. Although this time, something seemed different about her. He had certainly never thought of her as beautiful before...certainly, she was a pretty she cat, and one that was excellent company for; well, anything, but this time she looked simply stunning. There were no other words for it; Couragepaw could barely bring himself to look at her, unable to understand and realize these new, strange feelings. As Moonpaw spoke, he looked at her...the territory itself was beautiful enough certainly, especially with the light hitting it and the grasses glistening with dew...but somehow, having Moonpaw there seemed to round it all together. Couragepaw smiled almost nervously, although it was quite less scared and more anxious than before. It seemed as though he were almost anticipating something, which he could have been. The young tom sighed, lowering his head onto his front paws with an air of silent anticipation. He fixed his gaze on Moonpaw, in a sideways glance.

Couragepaw sighed, listening to Moonpaw's words. Her voice was soft and gentle, like the breeze that blew the grasses. "Yes...you're right. We'll be protecting it...together. Just two friends, nothing more- ri-right?" he stammered, suddenly unsure of what to say. He felt Moonpaw's nose nudge him in the shoulder suddenly and froze, his gaze gazing in a glass-like manner out onto the fields. "S-so, how have things been going for you..." Couragepaw asked, with a slightly frustrated tone.

dionysus October 10th, 2016 08:23 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6828)
Soaringcrane gazed at her, his heart beating faster than he could probably run. Her words replayed in his head. "I dont want a family with another tom. I want you.Had he heard correctly?! He trusted his heart now. After all, if she didnt like him back he wouldnt be her mentor anymore. "I dont want any other she cat by my side for the rest of my life, Crestpaw..." He whispered into her ear, his voice tickling her ear fur. "I'm in love with you.." Soaringcrane whispered shakily, not holding if back. He drew away from her to let her process his words. His heart beat faster in anticipation. And what he said had been true. He couldnt imagine any other molly standing by his side in battle, hunting, or even with a family! Crestpaw was the only one for him.

( :yay: :woot: :hug: :squee: )

Crestpaw slowly pulled her head out of his shoulder fur and looked up at Soaringcrane with tear-stained eyes. The molly waited anxiously for what he would say. Crestpaw noticed him gazing at her and her heart skipped a beat. As Soaringcrane finally revealed his true emotions. He loves me? She thought as time started to slow. Her heart swelled and she threw herself on Soaringcrane and purred loudly, "I love you too!" The apprentice was so glad to finally have her emotions in the open.

Ivy October 10th, 2016 08:50 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
(-cues angel choir- :headrub:)
Soaringcrane's heart melted as she confessed that she too loved him. He pressed his face into her fur, enjoying her heathery scent. He knew there were restrictions however that they couldnt be mates nor show public affection, but once she became a warrior... "i was alays afraid you and Swamppaw had a thing that was why i was so jealous." He shamefully admitted ducking his head and rubbing it under her chin. "You dont know how long I've waited for you, Crestpaw. If this is a dream, I do not want to wake up, StarClan forbid.." he pulled away to study her face. Did she always have that gorgeous twinkle in her light blue eyes?

dionysus October 10th, 2016 09:11 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 6999)
(-cues angel choir- :headrub:)
Soaringcrane's heart melted as she confessed that she too loved him. He pressed his face into her fur, enjoying her heathery scent. He knew there were restrictions however that they couldnt be mates nor show public affection, but once she became a warrior... "i was alays afraid you and Swamppaw had a thing that was why i was so jealous." He shamefully admitted ducking his head and rubbing it under her chin. "You dont know how long I've waited for you, Crestpaw. If this is a dream, I do not want to wake up, StarClan forbid.." he pulled away to study her face. Did she always have that gorgeous twinkle in her light blue eyes?

Crestpaw purred as he pressed against her, breathing in his scent. It made her warm inside and happy, with the distant memory of heather tickling her brain. At his confession, Crestpaw chuckled, "I only ever thought of Swamppaw as a friend. Besides, you heard him say he was interested in that Applepaw cat." Happily purring, she rubbed her cheek against his, "This isn't a dream, Soaringcrane, but I can scratch you if you want to be sure." She teased, unsheathing her claws for a second before lovingly nuzzling under his chin instead. She looked up at him with her wide blue eyes as he pulled away and pouted, "Come closer." She whined quietly, resting her head against him. Crestpaw knew there would be complications. If anyone caught them before she was a warrior, her assessment could be put off. Or worse! Soaring crane would definitely be in trouble. Crestpaw shuddered to think of what could happen to him. Still, now that they both knew how the other felt, it seemed almost painful to not spend all their time together. The poor apprentice sighed and wondered aloud, "What are we to do?"

Brooklyn Trees October 10th, 2016 09:12 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 6899)
Couragepaw's eyes were gazing out worriedly over the waving grasses of the territory and he said nothing, his throat feeling suddenly dry and as though he couldn't swallow. He could barely breathe, the air was stale and uncomfortable and his pelt felt warmer than he could imagine. Couragepaw looked up at Moonpaw, studying the cat that had been his friend for so long. Although this time, something seemed different about her. He had certainly never thought of her as beautiful before...certainly, she was a pretty she cat, and one that was excellent company for; well, anything, but this time she looked simply stunning. There were no other words for it; Couragepaw could barely bring himself to look at her, unable to understand and realize these new, strange feelings. As Moonpaw spoke, he looked at her...the territory itself was beautiful enough certainly, especially with the light hitting it and the grasses glistening with dew...but somehow, having Moonpaw there seemed to round it all together. Couragepaw smiled almost nervously, although it was quite less scared and more anxious than before. It seemed as though he were almost anticipating something, which he could have been. The young tom sighed, lowering his head onto his front paws with an air of silent anticipation. He fixed his gaze on Moonpaw, in a sideways glance.

Couragepaw sighed, listening to Moonpaw's words. Her voice was soft and gentle, like the breeze that blew the grasses. "Yes...you're right. We'll be protecting it...together. Just two friends, nothing more- ri-right?" he stammered, suddenly unsure of what to say. He felt Moonpaw's nose nudge him in the shoulder suddenly and froze, his gaze gazing in a glass-like manner out onto the fields. "S-so, how have things been going for you..." Couragepaw asked, with a slightly frustrated tone.

Moonpaw blinked slowly as he spoke again, unsure what to make of what he had said...
"O-o-okay." She stuttered quietly in response and glanced down at her paws for a heartbeat. But he was changing the subject, and she couldn't understand why he was speaking frustratedly or really why he was changing the subject... Not that she was upset about it, because she didn't have any idea how to respond to something like that. She for some reason felt slightly shy, which was unusual for her. He was her best friend, who she had known forever and she didn't like this slightly... Uncomfortable feeling.
"G-good..." She stammered. Why were they both stammering like this?
"What about you?" It was strange to be having this conversation with him, after all, they lived in the same clan and were best friends, so how would they not know how things were going for one another?

lone October 10th, 2016 09:35 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Brooklyn Trees (Post 7037)
Moonpaw blinked slowly as he spoke again, unsure what to make of what he had said...
"O-o-okay." She stuttered quietly in response and glanced down at her paws for a heartbeat. But he was changing the subject, and she couldn't understand why he was speaking frustratedly or really why he was changing the subject... Not that she was upset about it, because she didn't have any idea how to respond to something like that. She for some reason felt slightly shy, which was unusual for her. He was her best friend, who she had known forever and she didn't like this slightly... Uncomfortable feeling.
"G-good..." She stammered. Why were they both stammering like this?
"What about you?" It was strange to be having this conversation with him, after all, they lived in the same clan and were best friends, so how would they not know how things were going for one another?

Couragepaw sighed, unsure of what to do. He was confused and overwhelmed by the sheer thought of what was going on, let alone being actually involved in it. He had never thought that emotions like these would affect him so strongly. The tom sighed, getting to his paws and stepping a few pawsteps closer to Moonpaw until he was right next to her. "Oh, fine...y'know, stuff's been going on, but...yeah," he mewed. He wasn't sure whether she was feeling the same way as him...although he believed he knew a way to check. He knew for certain that if Moonpaw mentioned another tom, he would probably be jealous and frustrated, and it would be obvious...but what would Moonpaw think if he mentioned another she cat? "I, er...met a really nice cat the other day," he mewed, in a slightly louder voice. "She's, um...really pretty, and intelligent...good hunter, too," he added, trying to throw in everything possible to make Moonpaw as jealous as possible. Normally he would refrain from making his friend feel any unwanted emotions, but he had to know if it was the same thing that he was going through. She was acting a bit odd as well...physical contact, gentle, real physical contact such as she had administered upon him, hadn't really been thought of between the two before. It had been all fun and games. Why, oh why do we have to grow up and go through this? Wouldn't it be so much easier if someone were to just tell us- here's what's going to happen, and at this age? Couragepaw thought, with frustration.

Raiini October 10th, 2016 10:01 PM

Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Ash (Post 6192)
Mistkit snorted then leaned in to rowankit. "You'll never be like us so stop trying." She new she was being harsh but he had to get over trying to be normal plus she was still angry that she had to play with him. She took a step back and then leaped on him bowling him over. With a smirk she said. "Told you." She walked over to pinekit and Rowankit walked back to the nursery. Mother would never believe I was mean to him I'm just tooooo sweet.

Stormkit hissed. The four moon old kit went over to Mistkit and Pinekit, and looked at them hard. "Why are you two so hard on Rowankit? If you were born the smallest in your litter, would you like other kits to treat you the way you treat Rowankit? What if someday he became leader? You don't want a leader who holds a grudge on you from kithood."
She flicked her tail, gave them one last, long, hard look, and went over to Rowankit. "You can play with me if you want Rowankit. Don't worry. Sometimes even the smallest, or the ones made fun of the most become the greatest. Look at Firestar! He was a kittypet, but became a legendary clan leader!"

Brooklyn Trees October 10th, 2016 10:20 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 7075)
Couragepaw sighed, unsure of what to do. He was confused and overwhelmed by the sheer thought of what was going on, let alone being actually involved in it. He had never thought that emotions like these would affect him so strongly. The tom sighed, getting to his paws and stepping a few pawsteps closer to Moonpaw until he was right next to her. "Oh, fine...y'know, stuff's been going on, but...yeah," he mewed. He wasn't sure whether she was feeling the same way as him...although he believed he knew a way to check. He knew for certain that if Moonpaw mentioned another tom, he would probably be jealous and frustrated, and it would be obvious...but what would Moonpaw think if he mentioned another she cat? "I, er...met a really nice cat the other day," he mewed, in a slightly louder voice. "She's, um...really pretty, and intelligent...good hunter, too," he added, trying to throw in everything possible to make Moonpaw as jealous as possible. Normally he would refrain from making his friend feel any unwanted emotions, but he had to know if it was the same thing that he was going through. She was acting a bit odd as well...physical contact, gentle, real physical contact such as she had administered upon him, hadn't really been thought of between the two before. It had been all fun and games. Why, oh why do we have to grow up and go through this? Wouldn't it be so much easier if someone were to just tell us- here's what's going to happen, and at this age? Couragepaw thought, with frustration.

Moonpaw stood up rather suddenly. For some reason, what he had just said was tumbling repeatedly through her mind and refusing to leave her mind. He was confusing her and she was kind of scared of the situation. But none-the-less, for some reason, part of her shattered while he spoke of this she-cat, whom she did not know the name of, but still somehow despised. For some reason, a list of the she-cats she had met began to run through her mind and all Moonpaw wanted to do was curl up and hide.
"O-oh... B-...I-I... W..." She didn't even really know where she was going with this. Words refused to form on her tongue, and so she closed her mouth. She was afraid that she had begun to shake slightly and felt warm and she was rather just confused. She didn't have any reason or right to be acting like this, shouldn't she be happy for her friend for being able to find someone that he had a crush on? His earlier words kept repeating in her mind alongside those he had just said, and they confused her when they were side by side, mixed messages.
"W-What's her name?" She asked. She wanted to be able to avoid this cat, but she was still surprised to find her voice conveying slight hostility. Why would she talk that to way to Couragepaw? She tried, and failed, to compose herself.

HwangHarin October 11th, 2016 12:27 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing
Flickerpaw crept out of the apprentice den and glanced around and went to a shadowy place with no cats and sat down and curled her tail around her paws.

Owl October 11th, 2016 06:45 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Vermin (Post 2823)
[For Owl. Sorry, was doing thingss]

After a long relaxation in his nest from the traumatizing ordeal, the brown apprentice decided to stand up, slightly wincing once placing his paws firmly on the ground. His ripped nails, once oozed blood now caked up and thoroughly cleaned by the tom's tongue but it still doesn't change the fact that without his front claws- he's pretty much useless to hunt. Hartpaw sighed quietly to himself, taking a quick sad glance at his black paws before padding out of the apprentice den. Taking one step forward, the bitter-cold wind whipped his brown fur around, making it even more messy as it sticks up like a porcupine. He was so zoned out that he didn't bother to groom it down. Hartpaw took a moment to stare up at the clustered grey clouds, hardly seeing the sun as it tries to break it apart yet no avail. This was all signs of leaf-fall approaching and frankly, he's not a big fan of the snow. Or the cold, actually, he dislikes leaf-fall all together. Less prey, more angered cats and possibly fights with other clans. Honey eyes drifted away from above to look down, darting right at the food-pile. Right away, the pixie bob's stomach grumbled like an angry badger. When was the last time he ate? After that gorge incident and putting Maplepaw in danger as well, I forgot to eat. Approaching the pile, seeing that some of it is still fresh, he picked out a mouse rather a rabbit. If prey will decrease, then its best for the elders and queens to have the good picking, is what runs in the apprentice's mind. After choosing, he went to sit down near the apprentice den, eagerly taking a bite of his food. Slow bites, the tom never thought mouse could be so delicious; stuffing his face in the rich flavors as it coats his tongue, swallowing it down whole. He could feel energy coursing through his body once more, feeling more alert and less grumpy. Before bending down to take another bite, he suddenly froze. Where is Maplepaw anyways? he questioned. Black ears swiveled, hoping to hear that sweet voice of hers. Maybe she's out training or something and if she's busy I don't want to disturb her. I caused enough trouble. His face crumbled, reliving what happened at the gorge, seeing his ginger den-mate's blue eyes wide in horror. Hartpaw grumbled, snatching a couple of bites- hoping the tasty prey will make him forget. At least for the moment.


Maplepaw returned to camp with some moss bedding clasped between her jaws. She had managed to grab some without anyone really noticing. Maplepaw knew very well that Hartpaw disliked the cold and so did she to be completely honest. The bitter cold winds of leaf-fall and the up and coming snow made her body ache just thinking about it. The bone chilling cold wasn't something she was looking forward to. Maplepaw saw Hartpaw slip out of the den and gaze at his paws with an expression that made him look like he felt useless. He wasn't useless, he could still patrol and mark scent markers and battle train. Slipping past him without him noticing, she padded into the apprentices den quickly, only to reappear as if she hadn't just fluffed up their nests with dry, fresh moss that would help keep the two warmer at night. "Goodmorning, Hartpaw!" The ginger apprentice smiled as she gazed over at him beside the apprentice den wall. She walked over to him and nudged his ear with her nose. "Did you sleep well? Your paw isn't bothering you too much is it?" The she-cat's eyes were once again filled with worry as she examined his paws herself. They were still of course raw and reddish pink but not as swollen as the day before. She was glad about that.

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