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Desert Rain Frog November 25th, 2023 11:41 AM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
Dewsong Strode Into The Den And Went Over To Her Nest.

Desert Rain Frog November 25th, 2023 11:42 AM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
Dewsong Slept.

Alchemist Kitsune November 25th, 2023 11:47 AM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
| Dapplebreeze |
Agatha Kitty - Inactive

It was a rare sight as of the past few days to see Dapplebreeze inside the warriors' den, her returning strength and renewed vigor to serve her clan keeping her up more and more with each passing day. Yet the molly had learned. She knew better by now. Lightningstorm had been pleasantly surprised with how much improvement she had seen in the senior warrior, going as far as to say that the sorrel and juniper berries might not be necessary anymore. She was still to go back whenever her strength failed her, of course, and was still obligated to rest more than she was content with, but it was a small price to pay if it meant she could go back to her more active duties soon.

| Activity post, but open for interaction if someone wants to talk or drag her out of the den for some activity or other. |

Desert Rain Frog November 25th, 2023 12:40 PM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
Why, Hello Dapplebreeze! Good Day Yes? Dewsong Rose Her Head To The Sight Of The She.

Rani November 26th, 2023 03:47 PM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
So navigating blind was harder when you were out in the open air. In the tunnels it was easier, walls were in close reach and so able to be used as guides, something for your whiskers to brush against as you walked and lay scent marks on. Frankly in his year(s? he didnt know really how long he was down there) Crowtooth had developed a huge system to navigating blind as the moles he ate. There were notches dug into walls that spoke of the system he was in and scent spots to mark useful routes and locations. But..... Here there was none of that and he couldnt really make more. There was no wall to lean against and use and there was so many scents here it could be overwhelming.

The tunneler was learning fast at least, doing rounds around the camp to create a mental map of his new (old? No it was a new camp so new) home as he kept his eyes shut. The prediction given to him was hed be able to bear open his eyes again at night within a week and in day maybe a week after that but the tom refused to let it hinder himself in the meantime. After all he had to make it worth it to take him back, bedraggled as he was. Camp first, a couple of days of sleep then maybe patrols soon after.

Part of settling back in was making a nest in the warriors den. It felt right to place himself by the door, as close as possible to the entrance. Because it was 'right', the tom had been sleeping right there since he joined the warriors den, snoring loud enough to wake the dead with his asthma like some sort of rumbling dragon.

But....... Something was distracting the tom as he blindly sorted moss into place, a scent of another cat in the den that was familiar..... Giving up, the skunk striped tom turned to the origin of the scent and rasped "Do I know you? Im sorry, I don' remember a lot after my head blow but ya smell like I should know ya." He coughed " 't's a bit weird ta say I know but 't aint clicking." For such a massive scarred some he looked rather awkward as he admitted that, wheezing as he breathed, before starting back up. "I kinda remembered Cowtuf' after he jogged my memory so maybe if ya do....?" Crowtooth hoped he could remember foggy stuff consistently when prompted by someone, it'd make things far easier in the future but once did not evidence make. Though if this cat had no clue who he was Crowtooth might just have to hide in his nest in shame.


Ian November 26th, 2023 09:57 PM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
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The deputy was curled up in his nest, his breath rising and falling steadily though he wasn't asleep. Rather, he was contemplating the situations WindClan currently faced, and what would be the best course of action to deal with them. ThunderClan was the main issue, but the incident at Starry Meadows and Twilight Falls couldn't be ignored either.

It was then that a voice startled him out of his thoughts, and Fallownose lifted his head to see that it was Crowtooth who had spoken. Of course, it would make sense logically. If anyone else in the Clan had asked who he was then he would have been concerned.

"I'm Fallownose, WindClan's deputy. We weren't close before your disappearance, but we had interacted on a couple occasions. I followed you into the Warren during the Wind Storm around six seasons ago."

Fallownose shifted in his nest so he was facing Crowtooth fully, even if the blind tom couldn't see him. Tucking his paws under him in a more comfortable position, he spoke again. "How have you been settling in since your return?"


Phoenix December 5th, 2023 08:34 AM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
A light golden she-kit with light gray eyes ran up to Dapplebreeze. "Hi! I'm Wispkit! Wanna play with a moss ball?" the kit squealed happily.

Rani December 8th, 2023 01:25 AM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
Windclan Tunneler | He/him | 43 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

This was the deputy?! Abruptly Crowtooth felt an old flare of instinctual reverence he had for all highranks in the clan, starclan blessed as he viewed them to be, before new confusion at the feelings shook that off. Why did he feel he needed to idolize him so? Twilightstar made sense, all memories Crowtooth had put the molly in the top spot and she'd always done it with grace and strength but all high ranks couldnt also be as perfect as she was. Crowtooth resolved to think more on this odd first thought later and focus on Fallownose's words first.

They'd met but not known eachother well, and bringing up the windstorm brought brief flashes of memory. "Chokin' on dust an' teeth 'n my tail. You were the cat right behind me right? Warren saved us then, what happened ta 't?" Crowtooth rasped, voice no better now then it'd been way back then, if a bit more lazy and drawled.

The question startled the skunk striped tom a bit but his eyes remained closed and he gave a small crooked grin. "Ah, doin' well. 'm stronger every day an' gonna be at peak soon enough. Prolly wont remember everythin' again but I know the important bits an' get flashes when 'm reminded." It was nice to get that, especially as cats had been helping with jogging his memory.

Oh, but he had something he wanted to bring up so with a short cough the scarred tom rasped again. "Still know the tunnels though! Was stuck down there but I got current information! Interested? 've been wantin' to offer ta start trainin' cats again an' doin' patrols. Preys sleepin' down there, for the takin'. Also had time ta perfect tunnel fightin' got a lotta ideas if ya think they'll help." Crowtooth was eager to use the skill he was best at to help the clan, especially given the slight guilt he felt for being 'useless' until he recovered. And that he'd been gone at all, even if he hadnt meant to. This he could give back with and in spades.

plotting commence! @Lillith

endlesshax December 12th, 2023 07:59 PM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
WARRIOR, Archvalley (he/they)

The calico slept, deep in sleep. For a moment, he awoke, but with limbs like fallen trees, he couldn't bring himself to move a muscle. Their eyes remained shut, held down with an impossible weight, and they gave in, failing before he even tried. The dream continued, monochrome and shadowed. Cat-like mirages fading into one another. In his sleep, he walked, nary setting one paw in front of the other, before his dream self fell, stepping into nothing.

WARRIOR, Houndear

A couple paces away from Faithwillow's nest, Houndear slept peacefully, dreaming of a swift run through the forest. If he were to wake up, he wouldn't remember a day where he had so much energy.

Alchemist Kitsune December 17th, 2023 07:48 PM

Re: WindClan Warriors' Den
| Dapplebreeze |
Agatha Kitty - Inactive | Silver Tongue - Active

Lifting her head with a questioning look upon her dainty features, Dapplebreeze swiftly turned her confusion into a pleasant smile, spotting the warrior close by. There was a light pitter patter just outside the den that suggested a light rain was drizzling the clearing, no doubt making it a nuisance to hunt and patrol. The potential of catching a cold was there if one failed to properly groom, after all. Yet she had to admit that the dark furred she-cat had a point. Despite the small shower, the day was... pleasant. Chilly, but not uncomfortably so. A perfect day to cozy up inside the warriors' den and catch up with clanmates. Or at least it would be if she wasn't feeling so desperate to get out and be active for once, despite the healer's orders. Still, Dewsong wasn't aware of what ailed the patched warrior, and she couldn't possibly be so rude as to deny the truth behind her words.

"Ah, that it is, dearest. Just the right day for a nice, relaxing rest. Tell me, how have you been? I heard you recently got a new apprentice? Highest of praises on that. To be entrusted the future generation of WindClan is no small feat," the former queen mewed amicably as she shifted, dark blue eyes on her companion as she offered a small dip of her head in congratulations.

@Desert Rain Frog [Dewsong]

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