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Fuzzy December 5th, 2018 12:56 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Static (Post 557941)

Crowmask walked out of the leaders den. The deputy had just finish discussing things with the leader, but he felt like at least some good had come out of it if anything. He had figured out what Blazingstar planned to do about Riverclan. Even though he did not completely believe that Riverclan would just leave them be, he could not do anything about what the leader said. It also meant he would have to adjust his plans to fit this, because he had originally thought they would eradicate Riverclan completely. It was not a huge deal though. There would surely be more opportunities.
The deputy wondered if he should check the borders as he had planned,but it was already getting late.If he left now,he did not think he would be able to get back until after the sun had set. After some thought,he decided he would set up a patrol tonight and go with a group instead of just himself going.It would be much more efficient with a group if he picked the right cats. He looked around at the cats around him, deciding which ones would be good for the patrol.

As evening was setting the creamy molly had decided to stay in the clearing for a bit. Running her tongue through her pelt the feline watched the clearing, not exactly sure what to do at this point. Changing rank to just be knocked down was not only confusing but it made her feel bad. Of course she was sure it was her fault, she went behind Blazingstar's back and she damaged his trust. Honestly she wanted to talk to him again explain why she did it, why she thought peace was better and apologize for not trying to convince him as much as she should've. Seeing movement by her leader's den Buttercupbreeze looked up she'd hoped that it was going to be Blazingstar but it wasn't. It was the new Deputy though, thinking about it she'd never talked to the tom. Not even once, it wasn't because he'd replaced her but she just never got up the nerve to.
Standing up the bushy tailed feline made her way over to Crowmask, there was no reason she shouldn't talk to him. Taking a breath and shacking out her creamy pelt Buttercup approached him calming herself. Why she was a nervous was a mystery to get but she guessed it was because she'd never talked to this tom and had no idea what he was like. Her mind jumped and spun trying to figure out what to say before she was standing beside him. "Evenin Crowmask," She meowed guessing that was better then nothing. "Congrats on your new rank." Buttercup added trying to be more friendly towards the tom. ItsIt's not his fault. The molly reminded herself twitching her ear.

Mango December 5th, 2018 01:27 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

A blind tom who looked no older than 35 moons idled out to the territory, his sand colored fur neatly groomed. He stopped to sniff, trying to scent out some prey, but he couldn’t smell any prey, so he kept walking until he scented a clanmate,” Good afternoon, I hope you’ve had better luck with hunting than I have.” He informed him.

Maplefur December 5th, 2018 02:43 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Snowkapi (Post 557960)

A blind tom who looked no older than 35 moons idled out to the territory, his sand colored fur neatly groomed. He stopped to sniff, trying to scent out some prey, but he couldn’t smell any prey, so he kept walking until he scented a clanmate,” Good afternoon, I hope you’ve had better luck with hunting than I have.” He informed him.

Wolfwhisper looked up at the sound of an approaching cat, giving a nod at the other tom whom he recognized as Pikerunner, a fellow clanmate. "None yet, actually. Seems the prey is all hiding today." The grey tabby shifted his gaze to look over the moor, scanning briefly to see if he could pick up any signs of rabbits out and about, but came up empty. He sighed and shook his head, giving up momentarily. "One thing's for sure- I won't be taking my apprentice on a hunting trip. Battle practice is the better bet for today." If two warriors were unable to find any prey to catch, he surely wouldn't be able to expect his young apprentice to.

Cave December 5th, 2018 09:35 PM

Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by *Christmas Carrot* (Post 557816)
Jaggedspring shook her off and smiled. "Great job on that" He mewed. "You get the concept and now we shall make it somewhat more complex." He mewed. Not tell her once more he just jumped at her and knocked her off balance and held her down with both front paws and used his back paws to claw at her belly claws sheathed of course. He then jumped straight backward. "See hold the enemy down with two paws just so then they have a less advantage of moving at that point." Jaggedspring explained. "Okay now try it on me" He instructed.

She repeated the same move as before, only being sure to hold him down as he said to. She clawed at his belly with her back paws, claws still sheathed, then she leaped backward, just the way he did with her. "was that any better" she said, panting slightly.

Sum December 5th, 2018 09:51 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing


Dawnsong trailed into the clearing, a small rabbit dangling from her jaws as she made her way in. Life had felt rough to her lately, uncaring almost-- that was her viewpoint anyway. Her confrontation with Swiftclaw was still fresh in her mind, and now with the untimely death of a new-found friend.. well, it could pose a downer to any cat. Although generally an optimistic feline, Dawnsong tended to dwell on her thoughts, especially the bad ones, and it took her a while to get over them. So, it had been nice to be alone for a while, to clear some of those poisonous thoughts and to focus on nothing but the adrenaline coursing through her as she hunted. And now I'm back. The black warrior sighed through her nose and shook her pelt, as if that would help cast away the melancholic feeling.

Her pale eyes rising to scan the clearing, she spotted a few cats she knew here and there, but she didn't really feel like talking to them right then. Then, by the kill-pile, she saw someone that caught her interest. She hadn't seen the sandy-furred tom before, not that she could remember anyway. Maybe he could take her mind away from her problems for a while? Decided, Dawnsong padded over to the stranger, stopping a polite fox-length away. Setting the rabbit neatly at her paws, she asked, tilted her head, "Mind if I take a seat beside you?"

Fuzzy December 6th, 2018 08:37 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Turtlepaw arched her back and stretched her black fur dotted with ginger rippling. The molly had spent moons training, at 14 moons she was bound to be made a warrior any day now. Plus her training in the dark forest had made her fighting skills extremely high. She knew how to kill a cat more ways the the claws on a cat's paws and could probably beat her mentor in a battle. Hunting on the other paw she lacked in. She'd worked so much with her battle skills that she hadn't really forced on hunting just getting by with scarce catches. The apprentice's detracting skills was nothing to brag about and her brut strength were pretty low.
Green eyes partly narrowed the molly scanned the clearing. Spending her c time playing wasn't to far from a thing she enjoyed, hanging out with friends was fun. Though she couldn't handle anyone mocking her or trying to get in her nerves, she has none. Turtlepaw would probably attack you for a ride comment or bragging to her about anything really. That was just who she was. Tail snapping back and forth behind her the molly moved through the clearing. What to do, what to do.

{Sorry it's short}

Brilliance December 6th, 2018 11:38 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Cosmo (Post 557937)

It's only a moon Mothy, only a moon. She had to keep reminding herself that, soon she would be a warrior like her friends. Larkhowl, Rowanspring, and now Lynxtalon. She didn't have any friends. Okay, so there was Cloudedpaw, he was one or two moons younger than her, but he was, well different, he needed to loosen up a little bit. She could go hang out with him, and quite honestly, she should be training. Her mentor though, probably wasn't even aware of her existence. She could hunt, quite well if they were ground rodents, and acceptable hunting a rabbit with someone else. She couldn't fight though, which was very unfortunate. She hoped there wouldn't be need for fighting, but it was all in the name warrior. Way too much fighting even in the name. She sighed. She still wanted to be a warrior.

Mothpaw looked around, searching for maybe Cloudedpaw. She assumed that he would at least bore her to death with what he said. That didn't matter though, at least he wasn't going to go around flirting with any warrior she-cat he lay eyes on. She didn't see him, and she assumed that he was talking to his brother or Oriolepaw. He could be training with his mentor. Then she saw someone else, someone she would much prefer to talk to. Lynxtalon! She didn't bother to wonder what he was doing, she just ran towards him, and skidded to a halt right in front of him. "Lynxtalon," she purred, trying out the name. "How are you? I haven't seen you since you became a warrior!"

Lynxtalon felt that he found a perfect target. The molly was only only a bit of a distance, cozily by herself, lounging in the grass. She was a pretty tortoiseshell color, maybe a few moons older than him? It didn't matter to him much because they were both warriors, under the same title, so that alone gave him confidence. Lynxtalon always been pretty confident, especially having a mentor who he looked up to ever since he was a small kit. He gave his chestfur a couple licks, ruffling his short pelt up to give off that 'bad boy' appeal that many of the ladies seem to enjoy. He was pepping himself up to start approaching her when another familiar feline caught him off guard. Lynxtalon jumped, his head pulling back when...who was this? His vision was blurred at first until it cleared and made out the figure of one of his best friends. His ears twitched, ''Oh, hiya, Mothy!" He greeted, exuberantly.

Lynxtalon knew he haven't been the greatest of friend to her with being more focused on making many other friends and focusing on his skills. She kinda just faded in the background, but despite that, she was still his number one friend...he just needed to learn to put her first. Of course, his eyes glanced quickly at the molly he did want to chat with, but he quickly brushed her aside to focus on his friend that was in front of him. He swiped his tail affectionately over her ear. He chuckled at her, ''I feel pretty much the same. Being a warrior doesn't seem all that different and all.'' That was a total lie, but Lynxtalon was simply playing it cool. It was awesome being a warrior! Evidently, he couldn't contain in his excitement for too long because he started bouncing and swishing his tail excitedly. ''It's so awesome being a warrior, Mothy! The other warriors treat you as their equal instead of some little kit. Then, there's sharing prey with them and having mature conversations...it's so amazing. You're going to love being a warrior! You know, when you get there and all.'' He laughed, flashing her a quick smile. ''Not to even forget to mention how much I love my name. I can say it all day!'' He mused with a purr. ''Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon, Lynxtalon...'' He trailed off with a blissful sigh. It was no surprise that Lynxtalon earned the suffix of his name because of his long, sharp claws. ''I can't wait until you earn your name, Mothy. What do you think it's going to be?''

Lionstar-sushi December 7th, 2018 02:22 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Dipper (Post 43)

Sagepaw :anyone to be my mentor?:spinning:

Mango December 7th, 2018 08:35 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Canine (Post 558035)


Dawnsong trailed into the clearing, a small rabbit dangling from her jaws as she made her way in. Life had felt rough to her lately, uncaring almost-- that was her viewpoint anyway. Her confrontation with Swiftclaw was still fresh in her mind, and now with the untimely death of a new-found friend.. well, it could pose a downer to any cat. Although generally an optimistic feline, Dawnsong tended to dwell on her thoughts, especially the bad ones, and it took her a while to get over them. So, it had been nice to be alone for a while, to clear some of those poisonous thoughts and to focus on nothing but the adrenaline coursing through her as she hunted. And now I'm back. The black warrior sighed through her nose and shook her pelt, as if that would help cast away the melancholic feeling.

Her pale eyes rising to scan the clearing, she spotted a few cats she knew here and there, but she didn't really feel like talking to them right then. Then, by the kill-pile, she saw someone that caught her interest. She hadn't seen the sandy-furred tom before, not that she could remember anyway. Maybe he could take her mind away from her problems for a while? Decided, Dawnsong padded over to the stranger, stopping a polite fox-length away. Setting the rabbit neatly at her paws, she asked, tilted her head, "Mind if I take a seat beside you?"

He gave a slight grunt in acknowledge her,” Fine by me.” He muttered flicking his tail and stretched out his paw stretching. He yawned before still enjoying the snow warming his pelt.

RedHead December 7th, 2018 09:44 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

@merry mera

Sitting near the apprentices den, a dark gray tabby feline was expertly grooming her fur, every single stroke of her tongue precise, her movements practiced and stable as she continued. Chickadeepaw had always been particular about her fur, well, about everything in general, but her fur was one of her biggest concerns every day.
After she finished grooming the unruly strands that had popped from sleeping last night, she turned her amber gaze to the clearing, large eyes taking it in. The uncomfortable shuffling of her paws occurred as her perfectionist gaze started taking in everything wrong with the scene in front of her. There were rocks scattered on the wrong places; somecat could trip and fall, and hurt themselves. There were dried and dead leaves also scattered across the crunchy grass covering the clearing, the colors were too brightly contrasting for the cold, drab by weather they had had recently. Chickadeepaw averted her gaze for on the clearing the sky, hoping that she could distract her mind on something else than the unruly state of the clearing. She found watching the slowly moving clouds soothing. The sky was something she appreciated, always with a nice blue background, splattered with splotches of white or gray. Now that was something that the perfectionist inside of her could handle.

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