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dino. January 27th, 2020 12:16 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @:Grimm: ]

Goosepaw was dreaming. It was a wonderful dream, about his life in the barn. The sunlight filtered through the boards in the roof, turned the old hay that he lay on golden. He was watching a bird, a brown sparrow that flitted from rafter to rafter.
A thunderous rumble suddenly shook the building. The light vanished and a shadow as black as the night rose from the floor. Frost spread across the wood as it stalked towards him. Two more shapes appeared behind it, a snarling wolf and a giant cat that arched its back. They roared his name and surged forward, claws outstretched and jaws wide open, prepared to engulf him.

Goosepaw leaped to his paws, glaring and snarling at Morningmeadow, but he blinked when he realized who she was, and he fell back down. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I didn't... sorry. I'm ready."

marshy January 28th, 2020 06:59 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Morningmeadow flinched as Goosepaw snapped at her, "Its okay." She said softly. She walked Goosepaw to the exit and said "Today, we are going to tour Riverclan's borders." She said. Goosepaw ought to know the borders, so she figured it should be his first lesson.

dino. January 30th, 2020 04:38 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @:Grimm: ]

His expression immediately shifted from one of excitement to one of disappointment. No battle training? Come on, Morningmeadow, I won't have my entire life to prepare for this. Even so, he trotted over and tried to put on a smile. "Okay," he meowed, "after you."

dino. February 4th, 2020 04:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @Shimm ]

Breezewhisker poked her head inside of the den, her frame blocking the sunlight coming through the entrance. She fixed her gaze onto Goosepaw and Shimmeringpaw, eyes kind but also containing no-nonsense sort of sheen. "Hey, you two. I'm taking you both on a small hunting trip. Meet me outside camp in a couple minutes, alright?"


Goosepaw raised his head to blink at the elder warrior, then glanced over at Shimmeringpaw. A half-smile formed on his face. He was going hunting, something he actually knew how to do, with Shimmeringpaw. She had stood up for him against Lionstar, and possibly convinced the giant golden tom to let him join. Even if RiveClan's leader hadn't taken her seriously, Goosepaw was still grateful. "Come on, let's go," he said, flicking her lightly with his tail. "Don't want to keep her waiting!"

Sweetie February 4th, 2020 06:16 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
Shimmeringpaw jumped up from Breezewhisker's sudden arrival and poking her head in. Her voice awaking the silver apprentice from her slumber, looking around she noticed that her brother Wormpaw, and her friend Owlpaw were already out. Bashfully the molly nodded at the senior warrior.

Turning her attention to Duck- no Goosepaw the she-cat gave a half-smile. Oh fox-dung, not hunting... A kernel of dread started in her stomach at the thought of hunting, her worst forte. Keeping her mask on Shimmeringpaw nodded and slowly and begrudgingly got up from her warm bedding.


wolfie February 10th, 2020 04:42 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
wormpaw was fumbling around in his bedding, trying to fix it up. most of the apprentices were out of the den today-- either doing training sessions or were on patrol. however, the lanky apprentice was free for once and decided it was time for a cleanse! he tucked away the thrush feather shimmeringpaw had given him, hiding it away from any prying eyes. wormpaw picked up a pebble, humming as he thought carefully about it. "i suppose it can go, " he mew-- a sad tone in his voice. wormpaw picked the pebble out and placed it outside the den-- with the other junk. he let out a sigh, deciding to take a small break as he walked back in-- sitting down on his bedding. he closed his eyes, leaning against the wall.

CheetahPelt February 10th, 2020 05:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 637827)
wormpaw was fumbling around in his bedding, trying to fix it up. most of the apprentices were out of the den today-- either doing training sessions or were on patrol. however, the lanky apprentice was free for once and decided it was time for a cleanse! he tucked away the thrush feather shimmeringpaw had given him, hiding it away from any prying eyes. wormpaw picked up a pebble, humming as he thought carefully about it. "i suppose it can go, " he mew-- a sad tone in his voice. wormpaw picked the pebble out and placed it outside the den-- with the other junk. he let out a sigh, deciding to take a small break as he walked back in-- sitting down on his bedding. he closed his eyes, leaning against the wall.

Asterkit, no, now Asterpaw padded into the den, head held high, proud of his new title. His eyes were practically glowing as he scanned the den, he was eyeing out the best sleeping spot in the den, any spot that he could take that didn’t smell like another apprentice. Or maybe even if it did. He was better then most of them after all.
Asterpaw glanced over Wormpaw, eyes skipping back to the black Tom. “Oh, hello.”

wolfie February 10th, 2020 05:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by CheetahPelt (Post 637835)
Asterkit, no, now Asterpaw padded into the den, head held high, proud of his new title. His eyes were practically glowing as he scanned the den, he was eyeing out the best sleeping spot in the den, any spot that he could take that didn’t smell like another apprentice. Or maybe even if it did. He was better then most of them after all.
Asterpaw glanced over Wormpaw, eyes skipping back to the black Tom. “Oh, hello.”

wormpaw jumped, whipping his head to face the sudden voice. he blink, relaxing at the sight of his clanmate. "heya, " he mumbled out-- tilting his head as he squinted. familiar. ''you're asterpaw, right?" he questioned, sootpaw had spoken highly of the kit-- now apprentice. so it was nice to actually see the cat. he turned his body to face asterpaw, "liking apprenticeship so far?" he questioned, if any cat was picking on the new apprentice wormpaw was ready to stir some trouble up- kidding. ish.

lio February 10th, 2020 08:05 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
[ @x ghostie ]

Palepaw didn't want to be in there. It was crowded and stuffy and too small and he hated it. But with the cold outside, he couldn't find any place to stay and sleep. He had tried staying outside for as long as he could, only to reach a dead end in his attempts. It was too cold and cats were already coughing and sneezing just like his Momma was. The marbled tom stood outside the entrance for many moments, shuffling his paws before stepping inside. Inmediately, the warmth surrounded him, bringing a sigh of relief from his lips. He just needed to be in here long enough to get warm again. It felt like his paw pads were frozen and his tail was an icicle! Palepaw moved to the very edge of the den, sitting as close to the entrance as he could before curling up into a little ball. Just one night of rest in the den wouldn't hurt.

CheetahPelt February 10th, 2020 10:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 637838)
wormpaw jumped, whipping his head to face the sudden voice. he blink, relaxing at the sight of his clanmate. "heya, " he mumbled out-- tilting his head as he squinted. familiar. ''you're asterpaw, right?" he questioned, sootpaw had spoken highly of the kit-- now apprentice. so it was nice to actually see the cat. he turned his body to face asterpaw, "liking apprenticeship so far?" he questioned, if any cat was picking on the new apprentice wormpaw was ready to stir some trouble up- kidding. ish.

He watched the Tom jump at his voice, and tilted his head at the other Tom. Sootpaw had mentioned this thin black apprentice. He seemed slightly strange, but that was ok. “Yeah, my name is Asterpaw.” He said, narrowing his eyes slightly at the other Tom cat. He raised a kitty eyebrow, then rolled his shoulders in a mock shrug. “I like it well enough. I haven’t trained at all yet though.” He meowed

wolfie February 10th, 2020 10:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
wormpaw was uncomfortable. he needed sleep. he wanted sleep. sleep did not want wormpaw. which he was generally offended about. he shuffled around in his spot-- squeezing his eyes shut as he did his best to stay still. he just kept fidgeting. eventually an apprentice had spoke up, snapping at the lanky apprentice to go sleep outside to see if it would help. wormpaw sighed and slowly rose to his paws, his pink-tinted eyes glazing over the sleeping bodies. the cold helped him sleep anyway. he carefully stepped over the cats, making his way to the entrance. it was going so peacefully until someone decided to sleep so very close to the entrance. wormpaw stumbled, tripping over the cat. he fell onto the ground. "mmghr?" he grunted, his voice muffled by the ground-- wormpaw quickly stood up, whipping around to see the damage done. ah great. wormpaw's ears flattened to his skull, dipping his head. "sorrysorrysorry-" words fumbled out of wormpaw's mouth, his brain too fuzzy and sleepy to create a proper sorry. he backed up to the point half of his body was out the den. he tilt his head, knitting his eyebrows together as he gazed at the tom who was known as.. palepaw? if wormpaw was correct. ''are you okay?" he questioned in a hushed tone. @hxneysuckle
wormpaw shuffled his weight to the different side of his body, uncomfortable under asterpaw's gaze. aster. what a strange prefix. what in the world did it even mean? it was pretty though. "oh, " he mumbled, rolling his shoulders-- letting silence fall after the flat reply. wormpaw didn't consider himself to be awkward but jeez, "what does aster mean?" he questioned, letting his thoughts fall out. "is it a herb perhaps?" @CheetahPelt

CheetahPelt February 11th, 2020 09:50 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 637902)

wormpaw shuffled his weight to the different side of his body, uncomfortable under asterpaw's gaze. aster. what a strange prefix. what in the world did it even mean? it was pretty though. "oh, " he mumbled, rolling his shoulders-- letting silence fall after the flat reply. wormpaw didn't consider himself to be awkward but jeez, "what does aster mean?" he questioned, letting his thoughts fall out. "is it a herb perhaps?" @CheetahPelt

Asterpaw mock-shrugged at the question. What did he know of herbs and plants. "I don't know. Aster is part of my name. Aster is probably a plant. I think it's a flower." he paused for a moment or so. "Why did your mother call you 'Worm'? It's not the most flattering prefix." He meowed. He didn't try to sound rude, or irritated, but Asterpaw wasn't the best at keeping his tone friendly.

Maybe Wormpaw wasn't as cool as Sootpaw had said. He thought. Wormpaw seemed quiet and awkward, a weird cat, really.

Asterpaw trotted to the middle of the den, snooting around in the moss. Other cats had slept here the night before, but who really cared. He was the new tom in town.

He plopped down in the moss and curled his long tail, his narrow face and wide eyes bright. This was a pretty nice spot.

Sweetie February 11th, 2020 11:53 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
Shimmeringpaw was still shaken from her unexpected visitor and fight. What's wrong with her? The silver molly still numb and scared, walking with Goosepaw only helped a little. It made her feel a bit safer when he walked her to the apprentice den and stayed by her side. "T-Thanks." Giving the tom half of a smile while she crumpled into her moss bed lined with feathers.

wolfie February 11th, 2020 11:54 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by CheetahPelt (Post 637957)
Asterpaw mock-shrugged at the question. What did he know of herbs and plants. "I don't know. Aster is part of my name. Aster is probably a plant. I think it's a flower." he paused for a moment or so. "Why did your mother call you 'Worm'? It's not the most flattering prefix." He meowed. He didn't try to sound rude, or irritated, but Asterpaw wasn't the best at keeping his tone friendly.

Maybe Wormpaw wasn't as cool as Sootpaw had said. He thought. Wormpaw seemed quiet and awkward, a weird cat, really.

Asterpaw trotted to the middle of the den, snooting around in the moss. Other cats had slept here the night before, but who really cared. He was the new tom in town.

He plopped down in the moss and curled his long tail, his narrow face and wide eyes bright. This was a pretty nice spot.

wormpaw let out a helpless sigh. ''when i was a kit i was pretty fragile and squirmy. she liked keeping it practical. ish, " he explained-- mumbling something under his breath for his ears only. the tom really did get the bad case of the naming. his sister was named shimmeringpaw. it did make insults towards him more interesting he had found.
wormpaw click his tongue, oh no. that-- that was an interesting spot to sleep. he decided he would let asterpaw learn on his on why so.
''do you wish to do some training? i can't stand being cooped up in camp, '' he questioned. while you couldn't go into the territory without a warrior or permission, the apprentice didn't seem to care. after all, they only got in trouble if they got caught.

dino. February 11th, 2020 01:41 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @Shimm ]

Goosepaw followed her inside. His body still trembled, spurred on by the rush of adrenaline that hadn't yet faded, and tumbling thoughts created a wild whirlpool inside his head. That stupid she-cat. No, I'M stupid. She was right there, right under my paws! I could have made it look like an accident, as if my claws had slipped, or said it was put if self-defense. Anything would have been better than letting her go; I could have hurt them! It shouldn't have mattered that Lionstar was there. He was starting to think that Lionstar wouldn't have cared if that crazy she-cat had died.
It suddenly occurred to him that Shimmeringpaw was speaking to him, and he glanced up, all angry feelings evaporating instantly into concern. "No, thank you," he meowed. "If you hadn't been able to find Lionstar, I don't know what we would have done." He pressed his nose to her ear and settled into a nest beside hers. Not his nest - he usually slept in the back of the den, away from everyone else.- but whoever's it was would have to deal for the night, because he wasn't leaving her side. "I'll stay right here," he whispered softly. "I'm not leaving until you fall asleep." He paused for a moment, then leaned over and began to gently rasp his tongue over her ears. His mother had used to do that for him, to help him sleep. Maybe it would help Shimmeringpaw.

Sweetie February 11th, 2020 03:14 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
The silver apprentice gave a small chuckle, "I actually ran into his den and when I couldn't find him I ran into the clearing. I don't think Lionstar was very amused at how loud and panicky I was." Shimmeringpaw couldn't...didn't want to imagine what would happen if she wasn't quick enough.
Surprisingly Goosepaw stayed with her, he stayed with her. The apprentice who could barely speak to anyone who wasn't family. Seeing him lay down in Owlpaw's bedding the molly didn't mind the company. She missed her old friend Owlpaw who she actually hasn't seen for some time. "If you w-want you can move your bedding next to mine?" She offered. But before she could say anything else he did something she didn't expect, he was grooming her. Shimmeringpaw never allowed anybody else to groom her other than her brother and mother. It was quite a shock to the molly but it was weirdly soothing and calmed her down a bit more. Why is he being so nice?


dino. February 11th, 2020 04:24 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @Shimm ]

"Who cares?" he murmured between licks. "What matters is that you got him. If cats complain, they can eat their tails for all I care." He pulled back, glancing briefly in the direction of his spot in the corner of the den. It was dark back there, and it reminded him of the barn, but if Shimmeringpaw wanted him too... "I'll do it tomorrow," he promised her after a moment, then went back to grooming her ears.
The cut above his eye was starting to burn. He didn't want to bother Shiverpetal again, so tomorrow he'd have to try to clean it on his own. The injury in his shoulder he'd gotten from Icestar's goons were already starting to scar, so maybe this would, too. Maybe I can find something for Shimmeringpaw tomorrow as well. Some heather from WindClan, maybe. That smells nice, right? She likes feathers; I could find some of those, too.

lio February 11th, 2020 04:41 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
[ @x ghostie ]

He squeaked as a paw jabbed his side, followed by a voice repeatedly apologizing. Palepaw blinked open his eyes and looked up at the apprentice who had apparently tripped over him, a frown pulling at his lips. He perked his ears, tilting his head in confusion to the tom's- Wormpaw's- question. Is that what he thought his name was? Palepaw looked down at himself curiously. No, Okay didn't fit as a very good name for him. Turning back to Wormpaw, he rose to his paws and sat down properly. "No, I'm not okay," he said, "I'm Palepaw." He blinked, oblivious to the true meaning of the question.

wolfie February 11th, 2020 05:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 638071)
[ @x ghostie ]

He squeaked as a paw jabbed his side, followed by a voice repeatedly apologizing. Palepaw blinked open his eyes and looked up at the apprentice who had apparently tripped over him, a frown pulling at his lips. He perked his ears, tilting his head in confusion to the tom's- Wormpaw's- question. Is that what he thought his name was? Palepaw looked down at himself curiously. No, Okay didn't fit as a very good name for him. Turning back to Wormpaw, he rose to his paws and sat down properly. "No, I'm not okay," he said, "I'm Palepaw." He blinked, oblivious to the true meaning of the question.

wormpaw gave his shoulder an embarrassed short lick. he shuffled his weight to a different side, mumbling out one last sorry. he blink, shaking his head softly as a quiet chuckle escaped his lips. "how is your well-being was my original question. are you hurt?" he rephrased, hoping palepaw was in good shape. shiver..shiverpetal couldn't really help cats that much so it would be best if palepaw didn't have to see em. the apprentice while he did have (very) little knowledge of healing-- cobwebs seemed to help. llike everything. he could cover palepaw in them if needed!
wormpaw sat down, his fur being illuminated by the moonlight. though he did seem like just a shadow. "i'm wormpaw, " he introduced himself.

Sweetie February 11th, 2020 08:09 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
"That's you who doesn't care what others think...I care." Her voice held no fire, just fear, and nerves. The baby blue eyes of the silver apprentice looked at Goosepaw and then quickly away. But she didn't fail to notice his wound. "Oh Goosepaw, you need to get that checked out." The molly moved where she could use her paw and as gently as she could the she-cat looked at the cut. The bleeding stopped but she was mainly worried that it would bet infected.
Shimmeringpaw gave a gentle smile to the tom as she enjoyed his company. He fought for her and now caring for her when he could have minded his own business and she was truly grateful for him staying. Something, a seed, was placed in her heart, do I like him?. The question boggled her mind, Like? She never thought of liking someone more as a friend, this was weird. I need to talk to Wormpaw about this when I can. But for now, the molly shoved the feelings aside and smiled his way.

dino. February 11th, 2020 10:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @Shimm ]

Once again he drew back, eyes glistening with concern but also assurance. "You don't have to care," he promised, "because you should be proud of who you are, and I'll be damned if anyone says you're anything but kin and supportive and brave and awesome." His voice held feeling, sincerity. If Shimmeringpaw didn't think she was worth it, he was going to let her know she was worth it, because she absolutely was.
He froze as her paw brushed his forehead, breath hitching in his throat. Not because it stung a bit when she touched the injury, but... something else. "I'll clean it later. Don't want to bother Shiverpetal with something so small." That smile... he offered a crooked one back, unsure where to go with all of this. The adrenaline had finally run out, and now he was just exhausted. "Would you mind if I slept here tonight?" he murmured.

Sweetie February 11th, 2020 10:22 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
She was puzzled at his comment. "Proud of who I am?" Echoing Goosepaw softly. "I'm just Wormpaw's sister, his silver shadow and a very shy and not noticeable apprentice." The molly truly believed that because she grew up with those thoughts. As a kit, she never strayed away from her dark brother or her mother; she was so clingy her mother had to push her out of the nursery to play with the other kits. Now as an apprentice she could barely talk to anyone but her kin and a few others. He thinks I'm kind, supportive, brave, and awesome? When have I ever shown that?

"Don't be silly. Shiverpetal can fix it easily in a couple of heartbeats. He is the medicine cat, that's his job. The silver and white molly teased the tom with a chuckle and smile. "Yeah, Owlpaw hasn't been around lately so I assume it would be okay if you slept there. But I must warn you, Wormpaw doesn't really sleep and will wake anyone up just to ask them questions." She loved her brother to death but it did puzzle her why he couldn't sleep some nights and how sometimes he withdraws himself from others.

dino. February 12th, 2020 06:32 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

[ @Shimm ]

"Did Wormpaw fend off a full-grown ShadowClan warrior and then fund Lionstar for help?" he insisted. "No, he didn't. So please stop feeling bad about yourself. There's nothing wrong with being shy. It just... it just meansyou haven't had the chance to show how amazing you are." He smiled at her again, but when she mentioned Shiverpetal he shook his head.
"Don't tell him I said this, but Shiverpetal kind of weirds me out," he said. "I got him to treat the scratches on my shoulder and he sort of just... stared at it? Then he asked if it was going to do anything interesting." Goosepaw wrinkled his nose, half amused and half bewildered. "I'll just let it scar. Besides, it'll look cool that way."
Now he glanced down at the bedding below him,ears twitching. "Owlpaw? I don't know them. How long have they been missing?"

lio February 12th, 2020 08:18 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
[ @x ghostie ]

He blinked. Then blinked again. And again.
And again.
Palepaw's lips spread into a wide grin, eyes lighting up brightly. "Yeah, I'm okay! Do I not look okay? Is there something wrong with me?" He looked down at himself again, this time trying to see if there was anything that seemed out of place. Noticing nothing in his view, he tried to turn his head as far as possible to see the places he couldn't reach. A small huff escaped him when he realized that he would be unable to do so, turning back around to Wormpaw. "I don't see anything that'd make me not okay, do you see anything?" Palepaw's head tilted to the side as the apprentice introduced himself. His tail flicked and he gave another smile. "I'm Palepaw! I used to be named Snow but when Momma brought me here Lionstar named me Palepaw, I dunno why though," he responded.

CheetahPelt February 12th, 2020 01:42 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 637980)
wormpaw let out a helpless sigh. ''when i was a kit i was pretty fragile and squirmy. she liked keeping it practical. ish, " he explained-- mumbling something under his breath for his ears only. the tom really did get the bad case of the naming. his sister was named shimmeringpaw. it did make insults towards him more interesting he had found.
wormpaw click his tongue, oh no. that-- that was an interesting spot to sleep. he decided he would let asterpaw learn on his on why so.
''do you wish to do some training? i can't stand being cooped up in camp, '' he questioned. while you couldn't go into the territory without a warrior or permission, the apprentice didn't seem to care. after all, they only got in trouble if they got caught.

"But... uhh" His confident face broke for a moment. "Aren't we not supposed to leave camp without a warrior? Or like.... permission from one?" he asked. He didn't want to make Lionstar or his mentor angry with before his first half moon being an apprentice. He frowned at the slim black tom cat.

Sweetie February 12th, 2020 05:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
"I didn't fend off a Shadowclan warrior, you did that." Shimmeirngpaw bumped him playfully as she said the last part. Why is he defending me so fiercely? Deciding not to have the conversation on her anymore she nodded and 'agreed' with Goosepaw.
But what caught her by surprise when he admitted that he found the Riverclan medicine cat weird. "That's..." The molly didn't know what to say about his experience with Shiverpetal. But then giggled when he said about wanting to scar over. "Really?" She thought scars would be an ugly reminder of what happened to you but not wanting to ruin Goosepaw's thoughts on it she kept quiet.
"Owlpaw is a quiet and nice molly I hang out with but I haven't seen her in a while." It did concern Shimmeringpaw that her friend hasn't been around much.


wolfie February 12th, 2020 08:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
"of course. however, it really only applies if you get caught. if we do, i'll take full responsibility. you can i pressured you, " wormpaw explained, "we'll stick around the middle of the territory. away from the borders, you'll be safe, " the lanky tom comforted in reassurance. he understood the anxiety, it took him forever to build up enough confidence to leave camp. "of course, it's all optional. in all honestly sootpaw is more interesting, " wormpaw admitted, chuckling softly. it wasn't self-deprecating. not intentionally. he didn't have much goals in mind and was focused primarily on training.
wormpaw couldn't help but return the smile, a rare occurrence but palepaw was very smiley and warm. maybe the apprentice was getting sick. oh jeez, he would hope not ! he watched palepaw struggle to see if he was hurt. wormpaw lean forward, deciding to look where he couldn't have. he didn't seem to care that he was possibly invading palepaw's personal space, he was more curious. he didn't see anything bruises or such. "you're okay!" he confirmed with a nod, reaching out his paw to brush down the fur that was sticking up. wormpaw let out a gasp, quickly lifting his head to gaze at palepaw. "you were an outsider?" he mew in a hush-yell voice, tilting his head to the left. he never got to see the outskirts before ! "are there lots of birds?" he questioned, his eyes gleaming with awe. wormpaw blink, realizing he may be a bit overwhelming. the more tired the apprentice was, the more overly curious he seemed to be. "snow is such a flattering name though, does lionstar just hate outsider names?" wormpaw questioned, mumbling it to himself. it was just unusual that he always changed it, even if it was normal sounding.

lio February 15th, 2020 10:33 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 638507)
wormpaw couldn't help but return the smile, a rare occurrence but palepaw was very smiley and warm. maybe the apprentice was getting sick. oh jeez, he would hope not ! he watched palepaw struggle to see if he was hurt. wormpaw lean forward, deciding to look where he couldn't have. he didn't seem to care that he was possibly invading palepaw's personal space, he was more curious. he didn't see anything bruises or such. "you're okay!" he confirmed with a nod, reaching out his paw to brush down the fur that was sticking up. wormpaw let out a gasp, quickly lifting his head to gaze at palepaw. "you were an outsider?" he mew in a hush-yell voice, tilting his head to the left. he never got to see the outskirts before ! "are there lots of birds?" he questioned, his eyes gleaming with awe. wormpaw blink, realizing he may be a bit overwhelming. the more tired the apprentice was, the more overly curious he seemed to be. "snow is such a flattering name though, does lionstar just hate outsider names?" wormpaw questioned, mumbling it to himself. it was just unusual that he always changed it, even if it was normal sounding.

He nodded excitedly. "Yeah! I lived in a den with Momma and she took care of me. Until the badgers came and Momma had to take me here, then go back and fight 'em all away! Now I just gotta wait for her to come back and take me home again," the apprentice explained, a wide smile on his lips. Palepaw tilted his head to the side with a shrug as Wormpaw continued, questioning Lionstar's naming choices. "I don't know why I had to have my name changed, I wanted to keep the name Momma gave me but the meanie said no." He frowned at the thought but quickly moved on to his own happy-go-lucky questions. "Why's your name Wormpaw? Did Lionstar name you too?" Palepaw asked.

CheetahPelt February 17th, 2020 01:35 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 638507)
"of course. however, it really only applies if you get caught. if we do, i'll take full responsibility. you can i pressured you, " wormpaw explained, "we'll stick around the middle of the territory. away from the borders, you'll be safe, " the lanky tom comforted in reassurance. he understood the anxiety, it took him forever to build up enough confidence to leave camp. "of course, it's all optional. in all honestly sootpaw is more interesting, " wormpaw admitted, chuckling softly. it wasn't self-deprecating. not intentionally. he didn't have much goals in mind and was focused primarily on training.

"I... yeah!" He said, confidence bolstered. He sat, body language exuding confidence. "We won't get caught anyways, thats silly to think someone would take notice of us." He rolled his eyes at himself and jumped up, padding to the lanky apprentice. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "What are we gonna train? I haven't been taught much yet...."

wolfie February 17th, 2020 11:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 639188)
He nodded excitedly. "Yeah! I lived in a den with Momma and she took care of me. Until the badgers came and Momma had to take me here, then go back and fight 'em all away! Now I just gotta wait for her to come back and take me home again," the apprentice explained, a wide smile on his lips. Palepaw tilted his head to the side with a shrug as Wormpaw continued, questioning Lionstar's naming choices. "I don't know why I had to have my name changed, I wanted to keep the name Momma gave me but the meanie said no." He frowned at the thought but quickly moved on to his own happy-go-lucky questions. "Why's your name Wormpaw? Did Lionstar name you too?" Palepaw asked.

[ sorry it took so long ! wco was being a bully, bleh ]

wormpaw would lean forward-- slightly bowing down so he could listened to palepaw's hushed voice as he explained the outskirts. at the experience the tom had. he let out a quiet gasp, raising a brow at the tale. badgers. he heard stories of them. he's seen the scars the monsters had left cats. wormpaw shuddered, frowning. multiple badgers. a dark thought slithered through his mind. a whole patrol could barely handle one.
could palepaw's mother even fight one off alone?
wormpaw would clear his throat, deciding against to say anything. he was sleep-deprived and didn't wish to cause drama when he could barely process what was happening. "your mother is amazing, it'll be a shame when you have to go. you're kind, " he admitted. he blink at the suggestion lionstar was a meanie. wormpaw shook his head, "misjudge of character. overwhelming, loud, and blunt. not mean, " he corrected.
as the subject shifted onto the lanky apprentice, he could feel heat rise to his fur. wormpaw's gaze slowly slip to the ground, shrugging his shoulders. ''my mother named me it. she disliked using.. cliché names. though, i do believe it may be she wanted to match. her name is birdsong, " wormpaw chuckle. though, he couldn't help but feel somewhat insecure of his prefix. it wasn't the first time someone had questioned it.. wormpaw frown softly, lowering his head sheepishly-- his pink-tinted eyes slowly going back to palepaw. a mumbled sentence escaped his mouth, "is.. is it bad?" he didn't think worms were bad.. in his opinion,, they,, they were pretty cute.

lio February 23rd, 2020 11:50 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 640266)
[ sorry it took so long ! wco was being a bully, bleh ]

wormpaw would lean forward-- slightly bowing down so he could listened to palepaw's hushed voice as he explained the outskirts. at the experience the tom had. he let out a quiet gasp, raising a brow at the tale. badgers. he heard stories of them. he's seen the scars the monsters had left cats. wormpaw shuddered, frowning. multiple badgers. a dark thought slithered through his mind. a whole patrol could barely handle one.
could palepaw's mother even fight one off alone?
wormpaw would clear his throat, deciding against to say anything. he was sleep-deprived and didn't wish to cause drama when he could barely process what was happening. "your mother is amazing, it'll be a shame when you have to go. you're kind, " he admitted. he blink at the suggestion lionstar was a meanie. wormpaw shook his head, "misjudge of character. overwhelming, loud, and blunt. not mean, " he corrected.
as the subject shifted onto the lanky apprentice, he could feel heat rise to his fur. wormpaw's gaze slowly slip to the ground, shrugging his shoulders. ''my mother named me it. she disliked using.. cliché names. though, i do believe it may be she wanted to match. her name is birdsong, " wormpaw chuckle. though, he couldn't help but feel somewhat insecure of his prefix. it wasn't the first time someone had questioned it.. wormpaw frown softly, lowering his head sheepishly-- his pink-tinted eyes slowly going back to palepaw. a mumbled sentence escaped his mouth, "is.. is it bad?" he didn't think worms were bad.. in his opinion,, they,, they were pretty cute.

Palepaw bounced on his toes. "RiverClan has been a nice home but I want to be back with my Momma! I can't wait for her to come back!" he giggled, his tail twitching with excitement. As Wormpaw questioned his own name, the marbled tom tilted his head to the side, thinking about it before shaking his head. "I like your name! I dunno what a worm is though... do you know?" His mouth opened in a gasp and he began to circle the other apprentice, eyes bright with glee. "Could you show me what a worm is? I wanna see a worm!" Palepaw was squeaking with excitement as he bounced around Wormpaw in circles, just barely being able to not smack his head on the roof of the den.

wolfie February 25th, 2020 09:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 642133)
Palepaw bounced on his toes. "RiverClan has been a nice home but I want to be back with my Momma! I can't wait for her to come back!" he giggled, his tail twitching with excitement. As Wormpaw questioned his own name, the marbled tom tilted his head to the side, thinking about it before shaking his head. "I like your name! I dunno what a worm is though... do you know?" His mouth opened in a gasp and he began to circle the other apprentice, eyes bright with glee. "Could you show me what a worm is? I wanna see a worm!" Palepaw was squeaking with excitement as he bounced around Wormpaw in circles, just barely being able to not smack his head on the roof of the den.

wormpaw blink, turning his head away in a weak attempt to cover up his flustered expression. ''thank you, " he coughed-- shuffling his paws. however his eyebrows shot up, wildly blinking in confusion as-- as palepaw stated that they didn't know what a worm was. palepaw must have lived under a rock. confirmed. yep. that was the only reasonable explanation. wormpaw would quickly nod his head, "of course!" he would watch palepaw boing around the den for a moment, just simply following the movement with his eyes. wormpaw clear his throat, standing up. ''shh..! it's still night, remember..? i can try to dig some up, though no promises. you'll probably have to wait until new-leaf to see them properly, " wormpaw chuckle, oh boy. he hope they weren't causing too much racket-- though the lanky tom could swear he could feel glares on his back. he pause for a moment, ''do you want to come with or just wait here while i test my luck?"

lio February 27th, 2020 04:06 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 642775)
wormpaw blink, turning his head away in a weak attempt to cover up his flustered expression. ''thank you, " he coughed-- shuffling his paws. however his eyebrows shot up, wildly blinking in confusion as-- as palepaw stated that they didn't know what a worm was. palepaw must have lived under a rock. confirmed. yep. that was the only reasonable explanation. wormpaw would quickly nod his head, "of course!" he would watch palepaw boing around the den for a moment, just simply following the movement with his eyes. wormpaw clear his throat, standing up. ''shh..! it's still night, remember..? i can try to dig some up, though no promises. you'll probably have to wait until new-leaf to see them properly, " wormpaw chuckle, oh boy. he hope they weren't causing too much racket-- though the lanky tom could swear he could feel glares on his back. he pause for a moment, ''do you want to come with or just wait here while i test my luck?"

The marbled tom stopped his bouncing to nod violently. He grinned, though his face fell briefly in thought. "I wanna come with you!" Palepaw exclaimed after a moment. He didn't want to be stuffed in this den any longer- he wanted to be outside and in the open! "Let's gooooooo!" he called, ignoring the 'shhhh' that came in return as he leaped from the den.

Slatepaw March 10th, 2020 11:31 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
It was rather early in the morning; the sun was still tickling the edges of the horizon and a crisp frost overran the forest. Sandwhisker pushed her head into the apprentice den, scanning the nests until she found her apprentice. PAdding quietly over, she pawed at the younger one, whispering, "Cloverpaw, let's go train." @Miss kitty cat

Storm Flower March 10th, 2020 11:40 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
Cloverpaw mewed "Okay!"

wolfie March 27th, 2020 08:02 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den
"A..,,aw-- Achoo!" Wormpaw sniffled, scrunching his nose up. It had been quite some time since the apprentice had gotten a cold but, well swimming in freezing water was sure to guarantee it. Yet, he had an more important task to focus on.

Wormpaw was leaning against the wall of the den-- sitting in his bedding. His clouded gaze on Shimmeringpaw. Which.. was another subject he would have to talk about soon. "So.. How have you been? Are you and Goosepaw close? How did you assessment go?" The tom questioned, casually blurting out questions. The second question was hushed. Wormpaw would bring a paw up, licking it to distract his obvious curiosity.

Depending on his sister's answers, he may or may not have a talk with Sir Goosey.

Sweetie March 29th, 2020 08:07 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by x ghostie (Post 653486)
"A..,,aw-- Achoo!" Wormpaw sniffled, scrunching his nose up. It had been quite some time since the apprentice had gotten a cold but, well swimming in freezing water was sure to guarantee it. Yet, he had an more important task to focus on.

Wormpaw was leaning against the wall of the den-- sitting in his bedding. His clouded gaze on Shimmeringpaw. Which.. was another subject he would have to talk about soon. "So.. How have you been? Are you and Goosepaw close? How did you assessment go?" The tom questioned, casually blurting out questions. The second question was hushed. Wormpaw would bring a paw up, licking it to distract his obvious curiosity.

Depending on his sister's answers, he may or may not have a talk with Sir Goosey.

Crystal clear water rushed past the molly's paws as she stared down upon the river with minnows casually swimming along. Warmth seeping into her coat as the sun welcomed her.
"A..aw-- Achoo!"
Shimmeringpaw abruptly woke up from her dream with her wispy silver and white hair standing up straight. Baby blue eyes wildly looked around to see what or who made such a ruckus. When her gaze landed on her brother a smile bloomed onto her silvery features as she rolled her eyes at him. "Was that an exaggerated sneeze or is someone getting a cold?" The molly teased the dark tom. Giggling at her own joke she smoothed her coat and got comfortable in her feather lined bed. Gazing at the twin feathers that she gave her brother and one for herself.
"Huh?" Snapping herself out of daydreaming she looked at Wormpaw. "Oh, I'm good. I was having a great dream until you woke me up." Sticking her tongue out at Wormpaw with her eyes squinted. She almost didn't hear what he said next but the third question was audible. At once the tip of her ears grew hot as she quickly withdrew her tongue and stopped squinting. Blushing, "I-I don't know what you're t...talking about." Shimmeringpaw couldn't control her stammering as she became more bashful by the minute. "Ididokayonmyhuntingassessment...Ithink." Rushing the last sentence.

RedHead March 29th, 2020 10:57 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Flowerpaw let out a sigh, dragging one of her white paws through the dirt, making aimless lines across the den floor. She lay in her next with her head over the side, tail-tip flicking every so often behind her. She was bored to no extremes. And still had no training. She'd talked to her new mentor about a training session, and the she-cat had went and scheduled one, saying she'd have to wait until then. Flowerpaw hadn't been too happy. So now, here she was, aimlessly playing in the dirt on the apprentice den's floor. "This is not how I want to spend my days here." The temptation to go back to Windclan was growing larger each day, and at this point, she wondered if she should just up and leave. Beg Twilightstar to take her back. She would, wouldn't she? Besides, Flowerpaw had no friends here in Riverclan. What was holding her back from leaving? If I recall, that's the same thing I said when I left Windclan...


Exis March 29th, 2020 11:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 654384)

Flowerpaw let out a sigh, dragging one of her white paws through the dirt, making aimless lines across the den floor. She lay in her next with her head over the side, tail-tip flicking every so often behind her. She was bored to no extremes. And still had no training. She'd talked to her new mentor about a training session, and the she-cat had went and scheduled one, saying she'd have to wait until then. Flowerpaw hadn't been too happy. So now, here she was, aimlessly playing in the dirt on the apprentice den's floor. "This is not how I want to spend my days here." The temptation to go back to Windclan was growing larger each day, and at this point, she wondered if she should just up and leave. Beg Twilightstar to take her back. She would, wouldn't she? Besides, Flowerpaw had no friends here in Riverclan. What was holding her back from leaving? If I recall, that's the same thing I said when I left Windclan...


After the meeting, Foxpaw came into the den and found a nice nest in a dark corner to sleep in. It wasn't that she didn't like others, she just had never really had siblings or friends and was used to being alone. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a she-cat playing in some dirt. "Hello, I'm Foxpaw, who are you" She sigh a little as she heard she was coming off as rude.


wolfie March 30th, 2020 03:21 AM

Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Shimm (Post 654297)
Crystal clear water rushed past the molly's paws as she stared down upon the river with minnows casually swimming along. Warmth seeping into her coat as the sun welcomed her.
"A..aw-- Achoo!"
Shimmeringpaw abruptly woke up from her dream with her wispy silver and white hair standing up straight. Baby blue eyes wildly looked around to see what or who made such a ruckus. When her gaze landed on her brother a smile bloomed onto her silvery features as she rolled her eyes at him. "Was that an exaggerated sneeze or is someone getting a cold?" The molly teased the dark tom. Giggling at her own joke she smoothed her coat and got comfortable in her feather lined bed. Gazing at the twin feathers that she gave her brother and one for herself.
"Huh?" Snapping herself out of daydreaming she looked at Wormpaw. "Oh, I'm good. I was having a great dream until you woke me up." Sticking her tongue out at Wormpaw with her eyes squinted. She almost didn't hear what he said next but the third question was audible. At once the tip of her ears grew hot as she quickly withdrew her tongue and stopped squinting. Blushing, "I-I don't know what you're t...talking about." Shimmeringpaw couldn't control her stammering as she became more bashful by the minute. "Ididokayonmyhuntingassessment...Ithink." Rushing the last sentence.

Shimmeringpaw's abrupt awake seem to even surprise Wormpaw. Oops. He didn't know she was sleeping. Actually. He did. Probably.
He would stick out his bottom lip, huffing grumpily. "Neither. It was.. simply a, " Wormpaw scrunched his nose up, as if he was going to sneeze again. He turn his head away, letting out a more stifled sneeze before turning back to Shimmeringpaw. "Sandwhisker's fault, " He would briskly explain-- his ears twitched, listening to his sister's answers. Wormpaw shrug his shoulders simply, he never really dreamed. Just sometime down the line he would pass out and wake up. "Your fault. You should be more aware, " Wormpaw would return her gesture by also sticking his tongue out. As he would listen to the molly's replies, Wormpaw didn't miss a beat.
He didn't need wonderful sight to get the hint. His face scrunched up, grimacing. He knew Shimmeringpaw did fine on the test. Hell, she was one of the best apprentices in Riverclan. Even if he was biased. What made Wormpaw lean forward, leaning down to be eye-level with Shimmeringpaw was the second question.
"Shimmy, you know exactly what I'm talking about. How. close. are. you. and. Goosey?" Depending on her answer, he would either just slink down into his bedding in relief or go start another fight.

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