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Rose September 20th, 2023 02:21 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by silverwynds (Post 1472050)
eveningdance // he/him // 44 moons

And just when he thought there was only one cat that could see through him he is proven wrong. When his former apprentice approaches him directly and offers teasing words, he can't help but shake his head. After hearing of last gathering's events it was only natural for him to be worried. To want to keep an eye on her. In his own way Mapleface was something of his daughter, too, though he would never admit to it. Curse his paternal nature.

"You can never be too sure." He speaks plainly in response, allowing himself to move in closer to stand more directly at her side. "Shadowclan is unpredictable. After your nui-... brother's stunt last time, I can't imagine many will be thrilled to see you."

mapleface | @Rose


Bobbed tail fanning out behind her, the dark ginger and chocolate tortoiseshell point shot Eveningdance a sideways grin, white fangs gleaming. Amused, she was amused. That was what this was. Eh, maybe she wasn't taking her safety seriously, buuuut hey!, Mapleface had always been a rash leap-before-you-look feline. "Are you worried about little old me, Elderdance?" The Red Queen asked, whiskers twitching, tone teasing.

"I learned everything I know from you, after all, remember?" She pressed a paw dramatically to her chest, her expression turning properly affronted just for the sake of theatrics. "Oh, do not wound me by saying I can't protect myself. I could not bear it, dear dear mentor."

silver. September 20th, 2023 03:10 PM

Re: September Gathering
snowecho // he/they // 30 moons
purrks: -

Frustration sits plain on his face. Not directed at either of his companions, but himself. The pet name was just really throwing them off. Did he know this cat? He didn't think so. But the way he speaks to them seems so cordial he can't help but think that perhaps this was a friend of his before his injury. And if so this was the first time any other had approached him since so... Both options weigh negatively in his already negative brain. Shrinking in on himself, edging a little closer to Deerpaw as if he could use the apprentice as a shield, he can't bring himself to make eye contact.

"I-If we knew each other before... I'm sorry. I don't... Remember. And if this is the first time we're talking... Apologiesin advance for dealing with me."

deerpaw | @FrostyGalaxy // fireflydance | @Tobi

Morrigan September 21st, 2023 09:53 AM

Re: September Gathering
Shadowclan warrrior

A light but chilly breeze swept through her sleek pelt as Darkcloud smoothly stalked into the clearing, her narrowed amber gaze scanning the groups of cats that seemed to include a cat from all the clans that had currently arrived.

The dark warrrior carefully sat down and curled her tail neatly around her paws as she always did it was like a routine now to her (sit, listen, leave) and that was it she wasn't a very outrageous or adventurous cat just an average Shadowclan who, to her, only purpose was to be loyal to her clan and get through her life.

Now would somebody try and make a conversation with her? She hoped not she wasn't the social type and she especially didn't like interacting with cats in other clans but luck was hardly ever on her side so all she could do was wait and see.


Neptune. September 21st, 2023 12:03 PM

Re: September Gathering

he/they | 7moons | Agatha Kitty: inactive
fluffy brown tom with a bobbed tail and patches of white on his muzzle and chest

Feeling Snowecho press closer to him, Deerpaw matched that silent question for comfort and pushed his own fluffy side into the warrior's. It must be difficult to imagine running into someone who had known you before you lost your memory... the other cat recognizing you and being unable to not compare you to the cat you were before, but this version of you being so incredibly different... perhaps that's why Snow felt so comfortable with Deer, then, he hadn't known them before their injury so Snow probably thought there were no expectations they were failing to meet.

"I just hope this gathering doesn't go as poorly as last moon's," Deerpaw said, suppressing a small shudder.

[ snow - @silverwynds || firefly - @Tobi ]

Kass September 21st, 2023 12:14 PM

Re: September Gathering
a tall rather lanky black and white molted cat with green eyes
Feeling rather glum that he had scarred this cat even more he backed away a bit to give them room. Known you? Great stars no! I do believe this is the first time I’ve spoke to you both. I apologize for being so upfront but I have seen you around camp and decided to say hello. hoping they would calm down a bit he nodded once more in encouragement. I promise you not I’m perfectly harmless in fact I suck at fighting. The only thing I’m good at is well…hunting and babysitting the kits. he assured them f

ameko September 21st, 2023 12:53 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by The Doctor (Post 1473679)

Frostpaw quietly followed her clan keeping her head low as she sat at the back of the Gathering her long pelt fluffed out self-consciously as it usally was now afted the battle with Riverclan.

Ice-blue eyes flickered from one silhouette to another glowing timidly in the darkness, she really hoped no-one would approach her as her wounds were somewhat fresh claw marks showed on her face and ears while a single bite each were etched into her flank and tail...so she didn't look her best to say the least...


he/him | ShadowClan Apprentice
Wow, wow, wow! His first Gathering! Practically trembling with nervous energy, Morningpaw trotted after his Clan into Seastones. The ground was soft! And kinda gritty! And sandy!

All different kinds of scents flooded his senses, and his nose wrinkled as he took them in. So this was what everyone else smelled like? Kinda... interesting, he supposed. Instinctively, Morningpaw searched the large clearing for anybody he knew, but as he looked he caught sight of a gray tabby somewhat removed from the rest of the throng. Was that another apprentice? After some momentary hesitation, Morningpaw decided to made his way over to them, padding right up in front of Frostpaw.

"Hi—woah! You got cuts all over your face!" he exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her. Within a moment, though, he coughed sheepishly and added in a less enthusiastic tone, "Are—are you, are you okay?"

Morrigan September 21st, 2023 01:24 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by ameko (Post 1474866)

he/him | ShadowClan Apprentice
Wow, wow, wow! His first Gathering! Practically trembling with nervous energy, Morningpaw trotted after his Clan into Seastones. The ground was soft! And kinda gritty! And sandy!

All different kinds of scents flooded his senses, and his nose wrinkled as he took them in. So this was what everyone else smelled like? Kinda... interesting, he supposed. Instinctively, Morningpaw searched the large clearing for anybody he knew, but as he looked he caught sight of a gray tabby somewhat removed from the rest of the throng. Was that another apprentice? After some momentary hesitation, Morningpaw decided to made his way over to them, padding right up in front of Frostpaw.

"Hi—woah! You got cuts all over your face!" he exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her. Within a moment, though, he coughed sheepishly and added in a less enthusiastic tone, "Are—are you, are you okay?"


Oh...well that was...unexpected, Frostpaw stared silently in surprise as another apprentice appeared in front of her she hadn't realised she'd been approached! Oh well she had to speak to them now.

Realising she was staring the gray tabby point quickly shifted her gaze and gave a polite nod of greeting before waiting a few moments to speak ah he had commented on her injuries...how awkward "O-Oh hello...y-yes I do..." she mumured polietly feeling embarrassed about her appearance but hopefully they would heal soon...

What he said next surprised her even more than his sudden materialisation "Are you ok?" W-what? Why would he care? Not many cats cared about her anyway in her eyes...so why did he seem to...

Suddenly the young she-cat noticed something...he smelt...different....like pine wood and swamp not like her scent of grass and heather...was he from a different clan? She had never talked to someone from a different clan before...well except...wait she had to answer his question?

Glancing at him shyly she finally answered "Y-Yes thank you... I'm just recovering from a recent fight...with Riverclan..." she mewed formally though she said the last parts more quietly as if it was a secret but besides that she just sat there waiting for a reply.

Moonraven September 21st, 2023 01:58 PM

Re: September Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Twilightstar smiled lightly at Bumblestar's reply. "Well enough, but could be better. Rarely is it as quiet as I would like. I-" The leader started and then cut herself off as that booming toad voice caught her attention. ShadowClan had arrived and Dawnstar was scolding one of her warriors. The leader almost felt bad for the tom who went about ignoring the dark she-cat before finally paying any heed to her.

As the other she-cat finally joined them atop the stones. Twilightstar noticed that Fallownose seemed to be the only deputy missing and was a little worried about his tardiness. He had seemed okay when they returned home... still, it might be a good idea to talk to him when she has the time. He's served her faithfully for over four seasons now, but one never knew when the stress of the duty caught up to them. The work, stress, and responsibilities would only increase once he took over for her. She doubted she had anything to worry about with Fallownose, but worry she would.

Stifling her concerns, Twilightstar stepped to the front of the stones and let out a yowl calling attention to herself and the other leaders. "RiverClan isn't here so I can assume we can begin without them." She told the gathered clans.

"WindClan's been fairing well, we had some trouble with RiverClan. But since RiverClan isn't here to speak for themselves, we'll see where we stand with them." If Gingerfrost had any sense or real compassion for RiverClan he'd try to keep his clan in line to avoid more bloodshed. Only time will tell.

"We have one new apprentice, Duskpaw, and two new warriors, Firestorm and Tigermist." Twilightstar smiled proudly. "Two of our cats, Leopardsong and Shiningskies, have joined the nursery as forever queens." With that, Twilightstar stepped back allowing one of the other leaders to take her place.

@Undertaker @dino.

*longfire* September 21st, 2023 02:09 PM

Re: September Gathering
Ashclaw and Fireflame listened

Scalescar listened

Crookedpaw fiddled with his paw

Thornclaw listened hearing that windclan and riverclan are having trouble the tom huffed and continued to listen

silver. September 22nd, 2023 08:00 AM

Re: September Gathering
snowecho // he/they // 30 moons
purrks: -


It was a relief knowing that this wasn't some lost connection that Fireflydance was hoping to rekindle. But then he realizes how terrible of a first impression he must have made and he can feel himself getting a bit dizzy on his paws. Wobbling into Deerpaw's side, he uses the apprentice's weight to stabilize himself, muttering a pathetic apology under his breath to him. Gaze unable to meet the other warriors', his ears twitch as he listens to the idle chatter of the crowd around him. It was difficult to focus with all this noise... If he had remembered how overwhelming it was going to be, then he wouldn't have come.

"O-Of course, sorry, sorry... I didn't mean to offend you or make you feel weak or... Ah, so pathetic... Can't even hold a conversation..."

Not really the time or place for a self deprecating spiral but... It's not like there was any way to stop it once it started! As if to beg for some semblance of help, he shoots Deerpaw a glassy-eyed stare, ears laying flat.

deerpaw | @FrostyGalaxy // fireflydance | @Tobi

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