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panchiko March 5th, 2019 09:17 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Sagittarius (Post 576770)

Windystar simply nodded in response to the feline before him. It seemed any more words would simply be a useless waste of energy and not add anything particularly important to the conversation. Which was a weird thought for the sandy cat; he enjoyed socializing and talking in general more than most cats. He perked up once more when Duskblossom spoke again, a smile on his face once more. All he did was nod again, making some sort of agreeable noise in the back of his throat as he did so. And that's kind of when the conversation fell. He wasn't speaking because he knew that the she-cat had been leading the conversation and had been expecting her to continue. That didn't happen. Instead, as he watched the feline (which, in hindsight, may have seemed a little awkward and creepy), she seemed to be more interested in the dirt beneath their paws and her thoughts. So he decided to pick up where she left off. "I can't wait until Newleaf," he sighed, picking a very broad topic to talk about a broad topic that could go anywhere. "I just love the smells, the sights, the sounds... What's your favorite season?" His voice was a soft purr; he loved thinking about Newleaf, it was his favorite season. He thought of it almost like a metaphor. Everything comes back alive after dying - the wilted flowers blossom, the bare trees regain their crowns of leaves, insects come back and the sound of songbirds fill the air. He could almost hear it.

"honestly? newleaf. everything comes back to life. it brings warmth back into our lives after leafbare freezes us to death. it's not too warm, not too cold, the occasional plant-loving drizzle. it's the coziest between leafbare, leaffall, newleaf, and greenleaf, if that makes sense, y'know?" duskblossom responded, ear twitching as she smiled. yet another thing in common with windy, although it didn't really mean anything, since numerous amounts of clan cats also favored newleaf over the others. feeling a tint of guilt surpass her, the female made eye contact with windy and spoke. "sorry for....going off into space? not paying attention? i don't know the right saying for it," duskblossom said, giving a small, lighthearted laugh. she glanced down at the earth with a slightly frustrated expression, then back at shadowclan's leader, wondering about the interesting thoughts that might swirl through his mind. it was somewhat difficult to guess windy's thoughts, somewhat since she didn't know him all to well in her opinion. shaking her head to refresh herself, the warrior looked at windy with an expression full of indescribable thoughtfulness. "how come you haven't screeched at me yet?" duskblossom inquired with a small smile. "i mean, it's very easy to screech at me. there are lots of reasons to do so, too." the female said jokingly, a smile still lingering on her face obediently.

a_hungry_potato March 5th, 2019 09:33 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
[Heyo, it's a new oc!]

Juncoflight was curled in a corner of the camp, silver-streaked pelage laying flat against his skin. Compared to his old life, Shadowclan was like a safe haven. He had a mostly full belly and didn't have to worry about ever losing company again. That was if he could behave himself. The lofty tom was a bit clumsy with his speech and actions, never knowing whether he was offending a higher-ranking feline or not. He still was yet to learn about how to deal with others, already used to a life of independence and hostility from other loners.
But still, he was already learning. That is why he allowed his guard down and relaxed for this brief, but happy moment.

[@Any open to roleplay]

vellichor March 5th, 2019 05:42 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Hopekitt (Post 577032)

"honestly? newleaf. everything comes back to life. it brings warmth back into our lives after leafbare freezes us to death. it's not too warm, not too cold, the occasional plant-loving drizzle. it's the coziest between leafbare, leaffall, newleaf, and greenleaf, if that makes sense, y'know?" duskblossom responded, ear twitching as she smiled. yet another thing in common with windy, although it didn't really mean anything, since numerous amounts of clan cats also favored newleaf over the others. feeling a tint of guilt surpass her, the female made eye contact with windy and spoke. "sorry for....going off into space? not paying attention? i don't know the right saying for it," duskblossom said, giving a small, lighthearted laugh. she glanced down at the earth with a slightly frustrated expression, then back at shadowclan's leader, wondering about the interesting thoughts that might swirl through his mind. it was somewhat difficult to guess windy's thoughts, somewhat since she didn't know him all to well in her opinion. shaking her head to refresh herself, the warrior looked at windy with an expression full of indescribable thoughtfulness. "how come you haven't screeched at me yet?" duskblossom inquired with a small smile. "i mean, it's very easy to screech at me. there are lots of reasons to do so, too." the female said jokingly, a smile still lingering on her face obediently.

He didn’t realize that a small purr had slipped from his maw until it was too late to hold it back. The leader’s eyelids dropped, he was happy and at ease. He didn’t reazize how tied he was until he wanted to open his eyes again. Windystar... hadn’t been sleeping the best. Running around and being leader by himself was more exhausting than he thought. He was going to announce the deputy, and soon. But back to the cat before him. He very nearly laughed at the feline’s next words. “No worries, I’ve... done that more than once,” he conceded, letting out another small purr. He raised a paw and licked it before freezing. Wait. Was he supposed to do something else today? ‘Yes!’ He he’s planned on going to SkyClan Territory to meet with Grousestar and Auroraflame! Oh, no! He’d forgotten! He was about to speak when the other cat spoke again. “Huh? No, of course not! I -” He hated it, but he had to cut this meeting short. He wanted to talk to Duskblossom so much - why did he always leave these conversations so abruptly? “I’d love to chat, and I hope we can be friends, but I have to go. Uh, somewhere.” With that, he gave an awkward nod and dashed out of camp.

[thats all! thanks and I’m sorry again for the mishaps óvò you can reply but know that I won’t be anymore <33]

Madelaine March 6th, 2019 05:43 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
~ @Saturnalia ~

A small white apprentice padded slowly out of the nursery, her tail dragging behind her as she walked. The young molly sat down outside the den and looked around the camp at all the cats around her. Flowerpaw's stomachs began to growl as she started at the fresh kill pile. She hadn't eaten at all today or even hunting so she couldn't get her sure until after she hunted a bit. 'The clan comes first!', she thought. Flowerpaw began to think about her father and how he was never there. All he ever did was glared at her angrily like she did something. He never bothered to even say hello or good morning to her before he went on to do his duties. Flowerpaw shook thoughts about her father, trying to hurry them in the back of her mind for a while.

Leucos March 6th, 2019 06:45 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Wheatley (Post 577358)
~ @Saturnalia ~

A small white apprentice padded slowly out of the nursery, her tail dragging behind her as she walked. The young molly sat down outside the den and looked around the camp at all the cats around her. Flowerpaw's stomachs began to growl as she started at the fresh kill pile. She hadn't eaten at all today or even hunting so she couldn't get her sure until after she hunted a bit. 'The clan comes first!', she thought. Flowerpaw began to think about her father and how he was never there. All he ever did was glared at her angrily like she did something. He never bothered to even say hello or good morning to her before he went on to do his duties. Flowerpaw shook thoughts about her father, trying to hurry them in the back of her mind for a while.

Daturapaw swished her tail as she entered the clearing with a vole in her maw, a lucky catch , she thought for sure it would be a wasteland . Yet somehow starclan pittied her and gave her a chance as it seemed. But why would they? She's turned her back time and time again on them , even trains in the darkforest and is a loyal follower. Although as she padded towards the kill pile she spotted Flowerpaw looking at the kill pile , her blue orbs looked at the vole in her jaws then at the pile and back again at flowerpaw . One good deed wouldn't hurt right ? Right. With a twitch of her whiskers she padded over to the other she cat and once she was a tail length infront of her she set the vole down and looked back up at flowerpaw as she sat down "looks like you could use this ." she meowed her tone nearly emotionless at the time being .

Mango March 7th, 2019 01:18 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 576204)
[CENTER][FONT="Times New Romans"]{Sorry I'm late}

{Pardon the delay}

Seeing the tri colored feline dip her head Oceanfur twitched her whiskers. Her another cat wanting to hang around to bring her down. Why else would someone want to be by a car like her. Her whole existence was a mistake according to every adult that was in her life when she was growing up. "Your already here anyway." She huffed refusing to actually look at the other molly. The blue gray warrior just wanted some time alone but she missed actually interaction with cats. OKay, positive interaction with cat. She could think of a whole two living cat who tolerated her. Everyone else hates her and they should.

Butternutsun could tell the molly didn’t want her there,” Is something wrong?” She asked in concern hoping it wasn’t just that the molly was grumpy always. She often was mistaken when she thought something was wrong but the cat simply was a grump.

Fuzzy March 8th, 2019 11:53 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Browneyedfox (Post 576783)
Robinkit took his hesitation to be about mentoring a kit like him. “Yes.” He said slowly. “But, uh, I understand if you wouldn’t exactly want to mentor me.” Raventuft, his hero, agreeing to mentor a little white kit like him would be to good to be true.


Originally Posted by Lilyfur2 (Post 576450)
Raventuft was slightly surprised at the kits response. He took it in slowly, his heart thumping. " You...want me- He started. "To mentor...you?" He finished, feeling like he could take a lifetime to respond. Memories of his past, Kiwibounce, his family, ran through his head. Did the kit really want him, of all cats, the quiet but deadly Raventuft, to mentor him?


Hollyshadow was beginning to feel like a third wheel here at the Two cats talked back and forth. Of course it had to be about mentoring because Robinkit was wanting Raventuft to mentor him, which was cute but it was a touchy subject. At least for her it was. She couldn't out words in the tom's mouth but she was sure Raventuft was hesitant for reasons other then Robinkit thought. Ear twitching the night black molly just day in silence watching the display, not really knowing what to say.


Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 577475)
Butternutsun could tell the molly didn’t want her there,” Is something wrong?” She asked in concern hoping it wasn’t just that the molly was grumpy always. She often was mistaken when she thought something was wrong but the cat simply was a grump.

Is something wrong? Why did some cat always think that? Yeah there was something wrong, her whole life. That wasn't important though. The blue gray feline didn't know what to make of this. Even if it was a standard question. Instead she just flicked her tail a few times. "No," Oceanfur insisted looking away once agaagain. "Nothing is wrong." The molly added flexing her claws in and out of the dirt.

boomboxdragon March 8th, 2019 01:04 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
→ Smokepaw ←

All he could think about was the cold. The blue tabby could not see the snow, persay, but could feel the white cloud nipping at his pawpads. It flooded his senses, having not been old enough to remember last leaf-bare, and left him feeling frigid. As he stalked through the clearing, his ears swiveled in every direction, searching for any indication his mentor was nearby. Smokepaw loathed the helpless feeling washing over him - just as he'd become confident in his ability to understand the blurred dark gray shapes in his vision, this blanket of frozen inconvenience had to ruin his progress. So much so, he'd begged Needlescar to give him a couple days to mope and adjust. As always, she had been understanding, but now it was time to get back to training.
Now, where was-
"I am so sorry."
It was instinctual now, to apologize before even registered who, or what he had run into. Lashing his tail, Smokepaw stepped back, taking in the scent of whomever he had bumped into the shoulder of. It was not Silverpaw, Hiddenpaw, or Needlescar, so his comfort flew out the window. The cat smelled familiar enough, not quite an elder, or a senior warrior, but was definitely big enough to not be another apprentice. Smokepaw raised his head, his ears flicking forward.
"At least this time I ran into someone new," He joked, attempting to roll his eyes. Nope, still hurt. Maybe someday.
@|+Tired Rose Child+|]

idia March 9th, 2019 06:55 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
A ginger tom walked into the clearing, an annoyed look on his face. Pricklefall stretched out his legs, the feline going over to a shady part of the clearing. Shifting to lay down, he layed on his side comfortably.
Watching his clanmates do various things he soon grew bored.

@~Silverkit loves~

graves March 9th, 2019 07:16 PM

Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Peachy (Post 576344)

goosepaw nodded, still hesitant and stiff. her attempts to calm whitekit felt...unnatural. babytalk was never her favorite tone - tallmarsh and every cat in thunderclan spoke to her that way, and it always made her feel degraded. weak. worthless. memories she didn’t wanna go back to. it sucked, really, how her kittenhood was ruined by sickness. the diluted torbie flattened her ears at the thought, furrowing her brows. she didn’t want to talk to kits the way she was spoken to. especially the sick ones. surely they don't like being babied either. even though goosepaw did not exactly agrew with daydreams advice, she shrugged off the conversation and immediately padded up to the next topic. “oh. organization sounds...fun.” her words failed at being enthusiastic, but the light in her eyes was genuinely interested. she looked up and down daydream’s wall of coordinated herbs. it was certainly appealing to the eye, but wouldn't it be a pain to keep it this way? day must have a lot of time on their hands. “is it hard to keep it this way? so organized, i mean. it looks time-consuming.”

daydream noted her body stature. it felt.. unnatural. but they had never been one to pick and prod. "its easier than you think, aslong as asoon as a new supply of plants are brought it you put them away. letting it pile up only creates more work," they mewed, sitting down to speak,"towards the left you have herbs for injuries. things like wounds, scratches, even broken limbs. in the center are herb for specifics, like joint pains, queens, and so on. and towards the right for herbs for sickness. from belly aches to green cough, its there. i usually do herb runs once a moon. if stores properly, things will last you a long time," it had taken awhile to master this sort of method, but it made everything easier when in the heat of the moment, and someones on the verge of collapse. "when a warrior is seconds away from death you dont have time to hesitate and wonder where your herbs are.", they spoke seriously, "this way, things get done faster, and since its stored in the cracks on the stoned, muddied wall they typically stay more most and last, compared to storing them on the ground. it also makes sure no one steps on them, and leaves room for more nests." they continued on. even if they werent learning anything too interesting, this was still very important.

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