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SuspiciousMindz December 16th, 2016 04:48 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by EclipsemoonXD (Post 79869)

Burrpaw stepped away. "Jinxflare, the battle is over. Blazingnight is dead," he meowed. "StarClan has won," The apprentice hung his head in grief. Although he had fought against her, he still respected the ShadowClan leader and looked up to her. He had hoped that she would give up, and she wouldn’t have to die.

JS, Jinx fled the battle when Blazing died

judas December 16th, 2016 05:59 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Littlepaw clawed Pardus face once more. She turned back to Neko, tears fell from her eyes. "Look, Neko? I'm sorry, I only did what I thought was right..." She mewed
__________________________________________________ _____________
Neko rolled his eyes but didn't get to his paws yet, feeling tired from using his ability. "Yeah, yeah. Warrior Code didn't have anything to do with it, I suppose?" he asked, sitting up. "Oh. Pardus," he mewed to his brother, who was now bleeding from scratch across his nose, "I have healing powers, by the way, but I can't really fix that without passing out.... You'll live........"
Pardus had never felt more like murdering somecat in his life. He wasn't sure which of the two he wanted to kill more, so he went with loudly yowling, "You could not have told this very essential piece of information to your twin brother?!"
__________________________________________________ _____________
Littlepaw gasped, jumping backwards. Her eyes filled with more tears. "Your alive! Your alive!" She licked the cat's head. "S-sorry, for licking you...I um....oh dear." She mumbled.

__________________________________________________ _____________

"It's fine," he mewed, straightening up and trying not to look amused. "I'm sorry I scared you..." For some reason, he felt his fur grow hot, but marked it of as apologizing for being live made him feel odd.
Pardu was starting to feel like a third wheel.
__________________________________________________ _____________
"The battle is over," Neko meowed, glancing back at the clearing. "I think you won and it's only a matter of time before someone notices Pardus giving the Clan cats death stares."
__________________________________________________ _____________
"Thunderclan is getting attacked...I must go and help then, Grousestars orders..." She shuffled her paws. "After that, wind clan..I don't expect you to come."
__________________________________________________ _____________
Neko looked at the ground. "I can't really fight, but... I can help if... if somecat gets hurt..."
__________________________________________________ _____________
"Sure, I-um...well come on!" She purred.
__________________________________________________ _____________
Neko smiled. "Oh.. Erm... Pardus?"
""About time."
__________________________________________________ _____________
@Pink Orca here you go!!

AbsurdJinx December 16th, 2016 07:45 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall (Post 80054)
Sootkit padded out of the nursery, his dark grey pelt ruffled slightly by the wind. His golden eyes widened as he saw the aftermath of the battle against Skyclan "Great Starclan...there's so much blood." he whispered, his words dripped with disbelief and his golden eyes shone with horror. The kit looked around and spotted cats mourning the fallen warriors, the kit wrinkled his nose at the smell of blood, his face contorted in disgust. "This is awful...wait and is Blazingnight dead too?" he asked aloud as he looked at his leaders limp body.
Sootkit flicked his tail and slowly weaved through the warrior and apprentices in the clearing and made his way to the fallen leader 'I always thought there was something off about her.' He thought as he nudged her shoulder with his little paw then jumped backwards, thinking she was going to get up and claw him. After he waited for a few seconds his shoulders loosned up and he looked around "I wonder if all my friends are okay." he said as his golden gaze raked across the battle torn clearing.

RisingKit caught sight of a smokey-pelted tom-kit who had the nerve to touch their rightful leader's lifeless body. She curled her lip angrily, and approached him. Blood and tufts of fur littered the clearing, and cats lied around with injuries painting their pelts. She had been frustrated that she hadn't been able to join the fight as she would be an apprentice any day now. Her claws were sharp enough, and her teeth were no longer dull.

``Back off!`` RisingKit snarled, placing herself between the kit and the body. The upper half of her body was lowered, standing about a whisker-length from the ground. Her rump waved in the air, and her lengthy tail lashed in a challenging manner. Her ears were folded back, and her eyes were narrowed into slits. Her stormy, blue-gray eyes flared with anger - anger that disguised her hurt. In general, RisingKit was an intimidating character.

She looked her opponent up and down, wrinkling her nose in disgust. He was not a worthy opponent. Judging by the way he jumped back from a deceased body, he was a wimp. RisingKit was sure she could easily beat him in battle - even without the training. ``Don't disrespect her,`` She stood straight after determining him to be far from a threat. Her posture was impressive, but her muscles remained tense. In her six moons, she's learned to never trust - at least, not easily. If need be, she was ready to lunge.

She had been forced to hide in the Nursery during the blood-bath, but she sat in her nest while listening to the cries and hisses outside. She had imagined herself in battle, and winning every fight she stumbled upon. Now, she studied the after-results of the battle and wished she could've been involved. RisingKit's eyes revealed her unease, but her figure did not. She was still learning how to completely hide her emotions, but she was getting there.

Octavia December 16th, 2016 09:15 PM

ShadowClan Leader's Den
The leader's den was something special to Timberstar, but it was also a myriad of memories and... regrets? He couldn't help but remember the scent of her , his late-mate, Crimsonmoon. A heavy sense of dread and longing flooded his thoughts. "It's... been too long... and yet it feels like yesterday that I last saw Crimsonmoon, before she ran off, without a word." Sighing and shaking his head, he couldn't help but imagine the scent of her fur, a painful feeling of being able to save her pushing it's way into his mind. "I don't know why she left, it hurts to wonder what terrible a thing I did to have her just... leave like that." He of course was talking to Halestorm who had followed him into the den, knowing that he wasn't quite ready to tell the tale to the rest of the clan, and perhaps they needn't know.

Jingle December 16th, 2016 09:28 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Octavia (Post 80362)
The leader's den was something special to Timberstar, but it was also a myriad of memories and... regrets? He couldn't help but remember the scent of her , his late-mate, Crimsonmoon. A heavy sense of dread and longing flooded his thoughts. "It's... been too long... and yet it feels like yesterday that I last saw Crimsonmoon, before she ran off, without a word." Sighing and shaking his head, he couldn't help but imagine the scent of her fur, a painful feeling of being able to save her pushing it's way into his mind. "I don't know why she left, it hurts to wonder what terrible a thing I did to have her just... leave like that." He of course was talking to Halestorm who had followed him into the den, knowing that he wasn't quite ready to tell the tale to the rest of the clan, and perhaps they needn't know.

Nodding, the deputy blinked and listened, a small frown on her face. She sighed and sat on the cool ground of the den, tail flicking. She pitied the leader but she knew he had to move on for the good of the clan. "Oh..." she mewed softly while listening to his story.

Halestorm shifted and frowned, "Before you continue, you should know that Bravestep is gone." she said softly, looking at her leader with hunter green eyes. The Maine Coon took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm sorry." the she-cat continued. She felt bad that his once best friend was now gone.

Octavia December 16th, 2016 10:04 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 80379)

Nodding, the deputy blinked and listened, a small frown on her face. She sighed and sat on the cool ground of the den, tail flicking. She pitied the leader but she knew he had to move on for the good of the clan. "Oh..." she mewed softly while listening to his story.

Halestorm shifted and frowned, "Before you continue, you should know that Bravestep is gone." she said softly, looking at her leader with hunter green eyes. The Maine Coon took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm sorry." the she-cat continued. She felt bad that his once best friend was now gone.

Timberstar didn't quite know how to reply to that, to lose his mate, then his kithood friend? It was.. hard to comprehend, he could only think of one thing, sadness. The tom's expression shifted from one of acceptance of his mate being gone to immense sadness, he trusted him and him alone to look at his injuries, and was still a bit worried about how well his stomach had closed up after the fight. "Well I'm... shocked to say the least.." he mumbled, shaking his head. Half padding half stumbling over to his nest, he smelled the fading scent of the former... leader, and for some reason not smelling Crimsonmoon wrought a sob from his chest, but only one. He had to be strong.

Jingle December 16th, 2016 10:30 PM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Octavia (Post 80428)

Timberstar didn't quite know how to reply to that, to lose his mate, then his kithood friend? It was.. hard to comprehend, he could only think of one thing, sadness. The tom's expression shifted from one of acceptance of his mate being gone to immense sadness, he trusted him and him alone to look at his injuries, and was still a bit worried about how well his stomach had closed up after the fight. "Well I'm... shocked to say the least.." he mumbled, shaking his head. Half padding half stumbling over to his nest, he smelled the fading scent of the former... leader, and for some reason not smelling Crimsonmoon wrought a sob from his chest, but only one. He had to be strong.

Watching her friend and leader turn into this hurt the deputy and her tail stopped flicking. She wasn't sure if she should try to comfort him or give him so space so she stood up and walked a bit closer to him- keeping silent. She frowned and bit her lip, hard, before speaking. "I'm sorry...." Halestorm repeated, coming up to his flank before gently touching it with her nose. "Bravestep was a wonderful medicine cat." she continued. "He wont be forgotten."

And with saying that she stepped back to the entrance, bracing herself to fill him in on what happened in the last eighteen or so moons. Shifting, the she-cat watched him for his continued response, hoping he would be alright for the sake of the clan.

Starfall December 16th, 2016 11:19 PM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 80290)
RisingKit caught sight of a smokey-pelted tom-kit who had the nerve to touch their rightful leader's lifeless body. She curled her lip angrily, and approached him. Blood and tufts of fur littered the clearing, and cats lied around with injuries painting their pelts. She had been frustrated that she hadn't been able to join the fight as she would be an apprentice any day now. Her claws were sharp enough, and her teeth were no longer dull.

``Back off!`` RisingKit snarled, placing herself between the kit and the body. The upper half of her body was lowered, standing about a whisker-length from the ground. Her rump waved in the air, and her lengthy tail lashed in a challenging manner. Her ears were folded back, and her eyes were narrowed into slits. Her stormy, blue-gray eyes flared with anger - anger that disguised her hurt. In general, RisingKit was an intimidating character.

She looked her opponent up and down, wrinkling her nose in disgust. He was not a worthy opponent. Judging by the way he jumped back from a deceased body, he was a wimp. RisingKit was sure she could easily beat him in battle - even without the training. ``Don't disrespect her,`` She stood straight after determining him to be far from a threat. Her posture was impressive, but her muscles remained tense. In her six moons, she's learned to never trust - at least, not easily. If need be, she was ready to lunge.

She had been forced to hide in the Nursery during the blood-bath, but she sat in her nest while listening to the cries and hisses outside. She had imagined herself in battle, and winning every fight she stumbled upon. Now, she studied the after-results of the battle and wished she could've been involved. RisingKit's eyes revealed her unease, but her figure did not. She was still learning how to completely hide her emotions, but she was getting there.

Sootkit narrowed his golden eyes at the other kit, his fur rose in anger "It's not my fault she was evil, yeah I give her credit on being good at leading, but she decided to walk down the path." he snorted, lifting his chin to meet the she cats challenge. His golden orbs danced with anger and confidence. "Besides why should I listen to you?" he spat, his tail lashed back and fourth.
Sootkit stood up straight and looked down at the she cat, his height gave him a slight advantage 'She looks as though she could easily beat me in a strength battle, but I could easily beat her in an agility battle.' the lean kit thought, happy for the fact that he didn't have as much muscle as the other kits and apprentices. "It's her own fault that she chose to live that way, I was checking to make sure she was dead, and thank starclan she is." he said calmly, the young tom glared at the other kit, his golden orbs shone with challenge and confidence as he awaited the other's reaction to his decleration.

Fawn December 17th, 2016 04:05 AM

Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den
Now that the battle had concluded and growls, yowls, and other sounds of pain weren't filling the clearing, Snow had found herself uncertain of what to do. She didn't know healing remedies that these cats seemed to, nor was she really sure of what her role was here when she wasn't truly a part of ShadowClan; she was an outsider to them and occasionally could feel a stare or two burning into her pelt. Peering toward the den that she saw Timberstar and Halestorm duck into, her paws carried her to it, and she lingered in the entrance. A leader and deputy's conversation was probably not something to be disturbed, yet she was feeling incredibly out of place -- perhaps it would be better if she returned to the city and only met with Timber on occasion, provided he wanted to.

In the mouth of the den, Snow internally weighed her options and didn't venture inside, waiting to be addressed--even if she wasn't completely certain of what to say--before she barged in on their chat.

Strobelight December 17th, 2016 04:32 AM

Re: ShadowClan Clearing
Rowanflash padded into the clearing,pretending nothing happened,pretending that the two lives he took were worthless.He sighed and looked at the blood-stained camp,destroyed,no visible fresh kill pile,and broken dens.

:panda:(Cuz pandas always make things better)

He dragged his brittle body across the camp,to the center and winced as blood streamed from his wounds.

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