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Charmer November 5th, 2017 06:11 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Morningblue ran through the woods of Thunderclan territory. The brisk leaf fall air blowing through his fur. He felt alive out here. Alive and free, the master of the vast forest his clan called home. He kept his ears pricked as he ran, listening to make sure his new apprentice was keeping up, and careful to keep his speed at a level she'd be able to handle. She may have energy and spirit, but this was her first time out of camp. Powerful, lean muscles pushed him on, and at last when they began to close in on the Shadowclan border, he slowed to a trot, the thick and sickly sweet smell of the pine trees burning his nostrils.
@Trickster~ Bumpalicous definitious

:blue: November 6th, 2017 04:38 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Celestial (Post 416495)

[ I had figured they would move out to hutnign so I posted in the territory first ]
[ you know why you didn't see the post? Because I forgot to mention you... Face palm ]

@.:Blue Wishes:.

The crisp morning was clear, the lazy clouds retreated towards the highstone's just as the sun made an appearance over the forest setting the forest alight with orange and red. Palethunder was seated just outside the camp wall. He had awoken early due to a crow cawing angrily at something outside. He would have appreciated more sleep but it truly seemed there was little to no time for such things. With a yawn the Tom drew his tongue across his paw and began rubbing his ears and face, washing away last nights sleepiness with gentle strokes to his pale fur. Once fully groomed the Tom looked handsome in the lighting, his tall posture and slender body making him even more beautiful to look at. He was aware of others looking at him sometimes which made him wince, the Attenion was hard to handle sometimes. With a heavy sigh the feline stretched out his long legs and back before sitting himself down again, the dawn patrol would be sent out soon! Or perhaps he could catch someone to go hunt with. If he stayed in camp he would become irate witht the serene amount of laziness from other cats that weren't serving thunderclan to the best of their Abilties which would result in him yelling and screaming at them. Not a good idea. He gently lifted himself to his paws and began a slow trot towards the apprentices den, if anything an apprentice would willingly follow him out, and perhaps since all of his kin where- gone he would have loved a chance to mentor them just a little bit. He missed the pride he used to feel when watching his kits, watching them grow, than slowly the pain of relizing they where finally gone. Like everyone in his life. Gone. the large warrior made his way toward the den before ducking his head under the thicket. He peeked around and noticed how some of the nests where barren an empty. They were out with mentors or something, his eyes slowly adjusted to the lighting and he called out for someone. "Hey. Wake up sleepy heads" he whispered harshly. "Let's get a hop on the day shall we, feed the clan as a nice surprise perhaps?" he asked into the darkness. He than began to shuffle his paws with impatience.

(( Well, that happens sometimes, it’s fine c: ))

Ratpaw was curled up in a ball when she had heard Palethunder. The apprentince wanted to look as though she was lost in sleep, but she felt as though that didn’t work. She didn’t feel like hunting today, or really doing anything. She had lost a bit of her ear during the battle. It was just a small scratch, however, it hurt like hell. However, that wasn’t as bad as when she had first gotten that nip on the ear. She didn’t know why it had taken off the ear though. It was probably her being stupid, like always. The battle had added to her already low self-esteem, making it slightly lower than normal. Seeing cats battling and falling around you, just to walk out of the battle with one or two scars made her feel worthless. If she couldn’t even help in a battle, what worth was she to her clan? Thinking that made her think of when she had heard Palethunder, and she forced herself out of her nest, walking around the few reaming sleeping bodies. “I’m up for a hunt!” She said, slightly excited, wanting to seem excited. She actually was excited, as hunting was always something that she loved to do. At least that was easier than attacking another cat. Hunting was easy, there wasn’t much too it, at least, there wasn’t too much to it for her anyways. “Let’s go!” She whispered excitedly, her mood changing awfully quickly. This was another thing she saw as normal, and didn’t let it bother her. She tried to move out of the den as quick as possible, not wanting to disturb anyone else. She was always willing to get up when someone woke her up, however, she had met some cats that weren’t exactly kind when they were woken up. She didn’t think any less of those cats of course, however, they did scare her a bit early in the morning. Now she was just waiting for Palethunder, her green eyes waiting with a slight bit of anxiety.

Mango November 6th, 2017 12:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave
Purplepaw stepped into the training cave, she was hoping her new mentor might be better at fighting than her old mentor Hunting is for Windclanners since they are scared of rabbits and shadows. Thunderclanners fight. She licked her paw awaiting her mentor’s arrival, she saw a cat enter the training cave, she glanced at them They aren’t strong,rather old actually. I hope I don’t kill them in battle training, which I pressume old cats like...or worse we only hunt and never fight due to his age.
Redpaw stepped into the training cave Leafstorm better not be a soft kittypet of a mentor, or I’ll destroy him like I destroyed Appledawn....she cowers when she sees me, Leafstorm will be cowering unless I like them. I’ll give them one training opportunity before I’ll begin destroying them...

Queenie November 6th, 2017 03:23 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave
@Okapi (Sorry :3 I’m at school till 9 tonight)

Leafstorm followed his new apprentice into the clearing. He was sure he’d caught glimpses of the young Tom at the dark forest which oddly both excited Leaftstorm and terrified him. Although the brooding warrior would never admit to his feat. However he had no clue who Redpaws dark forest mentor was, they could be one of the most powerful cats down there. And that would make Leadstorm look weak. But Leafstorm had asked specifically for Redpaw to mentor for this very reason, after Quakepaw had destroyed Leafstorms reputation by being soft, the Tom was ready to rid himself of her. Leafstorm looked on at his apprentice sizing him up. He could tell through the toms narrowed eyes that Redpaw was evaluating his mentor as well

Mango November 6th, 2017 05:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 417573)
@Okapi (Sorry :3 I’m at school till 9 tonight)

Leafstorm followed his new apprentice into the clearing. He was sure he’d caught glimpses of the young Tom at the dark forest which oddly both excited Leaftstorm and terrified him. Although the brooding warrior would never admit to his feat. However he had no clue who Redpaws dark forest mentor was, they could be one of the most powerful cats down there. And that would make Leadstorm look weak. But Leafstorm had asked specifically for Redpaw to mentor for this very reason, after Quakepaw had destroyed Leafstorms reputation by being soft, the Tom was ready to rid himself of her. Leafstorm looked on at his apprentice sizing him up. He could tell through the toms narrowed eyes that Redpaw was evaluating his mentor as well

Redpaw finally spoke,” You better not be a soft weak mentor or I will destroy your mentality.” He growled the name of his former mentor,” Feathersand. That she-cat always sobbing who never did that before and never experienced death. I caused her to be like that. I destroyed her mentality. If you are a soft and weak mentor you’ll be just like her.” His eyes stared directly at Leafstorm and his gaze never faultered.

RAT KING November 6th, 2017 05:42 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 417542)
Purplepaw stepped into the training cave, she was hoping her new mentor might be better at fighting than her old mentor Hunting is for Windclanners since they are scared of rabbits and shadows. Thunderclanners fight. She licked her paw awaiting her mentor’s arrival, she saw a cat enter the training cave, she glanced at them They aren’t strong,rather old actually. I hope I don’t kill them in battle training, which I pressume old cats like...or worse we only hunt and never fight due to his age.
Redpaw stepped into the training cave Leafstorm better not be a soft kittypet of a mentor, or I’ll destroy him like I destroyed Appledawn....she cowers when she sees me, Leafstorm will be cowering unless I like them. I’ll give them one training opportunity before I’ll begin destroying them...

Cedarsun's life had just been getting back to being calm when he had been assigned a new apprentice. Not like he minded, really, he did like training the younger cats. He strolled into the training cave, his injured back paw aching in the chill of the late Leaf-Fall air. The cold always made it worse, that knowledge always seemed to hide away until it was too much to ignore.

The cedar colored tom wasn't exactly small, however his muscles had weakened with the moons he'd lived, and the fur around his muzzle was tinged with grey. He was still huge for a cat, with massive paws and sharp amber eyes. "I assume you already know who I am but...My name is Cedarsun." He eyed her, almost with a suspicious glare. "Now," he gestured with his forepaw at her, "show me what you can do." He meant battle moves wise. He knew kits were more interested in fighting than they were with catching prey, so he might as well start there. He knew that she had had a mentor before him, but frankly, he knew he must've been replaced for a reason.

Mango November 6th, 2017 06:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Salt (Post 417686)
Cedarsun's life had just been getting back to being calm when he had been assigned a new apprentice. Not like he minded, really, he did like training the younger cats. He strolled into the training cave, his injured back paw aching in the chill of the late Leaf-Fall air. The cold always made it worse, that knowledge always seemed to hide away until it was too much to ignore.

The cedar colored tom wasn't exactly small, however his muscles had weakened with the moons he'd lived, and the fur around his muzzle was tinged with grey. He was still huge for a cat, with massive paws and sharp amber eyes. "I assume you already know who I am but...My name is Cedarsun." He eyed her, almost with a suspicious glare. "Now," he gestured with his forepaw at her, "show me what you can do." He meant battle moves wise. He knew kits were more interested in fighting than they were with catching prey, so he might as well start there. He knew that she had had a mentor before him, but frankly, he knew he must've been replaced for a reason.

Purplepaw eyed Ceadersun before meowing,” Alright...but I don’t want to hurt you...” she got into a battle stance before leaping up at his back perpared to then do some damage up there, she knew the move worked better with a group of apprentices, but it was worth a shot alone, she probably was stronger than the old guizzer,

Queenie November 6th, 2017 08:17 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 417642)
Redpaw finally spoke,” You better not be a soft weak mentor or I will destroy your mentality.” He growled the name of his former mentor,” Feathersand. That she-cat always sobbing who never did that before and never experienced death. I caused her to be like that. I destroyed her mentality. If you are a soft and weak mentor you’ll be just like her.” His eyes stared directly at Leafstorm and his gaze never faultered.

The dark tom muzzle twisted into a menacing frown. He looked on at the young cat as if he were a newborn kit. Weak, and small. So pitifully inexperienced in this world. Leafstorm scowled, "talk like that again and I'll make sure your placed with a new mentor, who's scared of you. Perhaps thats what you want to strike down you enemies with fear. But a warrior is only as good as their teacher...." He let his words sink in and then added, "if you had a bad mentor before.... I guess we have a lot of work to do. Leafstorms tail switched in annoyance with the juvenile, but he also found a smirk forming on his face. Perhaps Redpaw could already be a good fighter, but its the strongest warriors that always need more common sense.

Mango November 6th, 2017 08:46 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 417829)
The dark tom muzzle twisted into a menacing frown. He looked on at the young cat as if he were a newborn kit. Weak, and small. So pitifully inexperienced in this world. Leafstorm scowled, "talk like that again and I'll make sure your placed with a new mentor, who's scared of you. Perhaps thats what you want to strike down you enemies with fear. But a warrior is only as good as their teacher...." He let his words sink in and then added, "if you had a bad mentor before.... I guess we have a lot of work to do. Leafstorms tail switched in annoyance with the juvenile, but he also found a smirk forming on his face. Perhaps Redpaw could already be a good fighter, but its the strongest warriors that always need more common sense.

Redpaw was not intimidated by Leafstorm, rather awestruck unaware that he was talking he murmeres just barely audible Leafstorm,"I think I just found my role model and a mentor worth keeping..." He glanced up at Leafstorm," I suppose we do, Leafstorm." He kept a straight face (I feel obliged to call Leafstorm Sargent lol)

Queenie November 6th, 2017 08:55 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 417850)
Redpaw was not intimidated by Leafstorm, rather awestruck unaware that he was talking he murmeres just barely audible Leafstorm,"I think I just found my role model and a mentor worth keeping..." He glanced up at Leafstorm," I suppose we do, Leafstorm." He kept a straight face (I feel obliged to call Leafstorm Sargent lol)

(Too bad they don't know what a sergeant is XD)

Leafstorm nodded curtly, aware of Redpaw's murmurs. His tail swished and tucked under his pitch black paws as the tall tom sat down of the dusty forest floor. "Tell me Redpaw." Leafstorm cleared his that and licked his chest a few times to display that he really didn't care what happened at the practice. How much they learned was up to the apprentice himself. "Have you ever met a dog?" The question was absurd. Leafstorm wasn't expecting the apprentice would. It would be a good opener to the lesson, and eventually... the test.

Mango November 6th, 2017 09:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 417860)
(Too bad they don't know what a sergeant is XD)

Leafstorm nodded curtly, aware of Redpaw's murmurs. His tail swished and tucked under his pitch black paws as the tall tom sat down of the dusty forest floor. "Tell me Redpaw." Leafstorm cleared his that and licked his chest a few times to display that he really didn't care what happened at the practice. How much they learned was up to the apprentice himself. "Have you ever met a dog?" The question was absurd. Leafstorm wasn't expecting the apprentice would. It would be a good opener to the lesson, and eventually... the test.

He paused,"Sort of. I've seen a dog through a creeper. Never fought one. It was tiny. Twoleg was explaining to a twoleg kit that that kind of dog is called a chiwawa. I've heard most are large though." (he doesn't want to admit being a former kittypet.

Queenie November 6th, 2017 09:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 417863)
He paused,"Sort of. I've seen a dog through a creeper. Never fought one. It was tiny. Twoleg was explaining to a twoleg kit that that kind of dog is called a chiwawa. I've heard most are large though." (he doesn't want to admit being a former kittypet.

Leafstorm's dull yellow eyes narrowed in suspicion, but the tom didn't ponder on Redpaw's secrecy for long. He started to scan the horizon for something he could..... yes! Leafstorm trotted over to a corner in the clearing. A large, blue-gray rock sat deeply imbedded into the ground. He pushed on it a few times with the side of his body to make sure it was stationary. It was, of course.. "Redpaw..." he clicked his tongue thinking more. "This rock is you opponent. I want you to use a 'front paw blow' on it." Leafstorm stared at the apprentice crudely. He hoped giving the young tom such an easy target would lower his self esteem.

Vesper November 7th, 2017 05:55 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 416423)
Tigerdawn warped her tail around Blossompaw’s chest and pulled her to her side. “Yes. But you need to know your way around the territory first.” The warrior scanned the apprentices eyes. She noticed fear in her gaze. “Your afraid, aren’t you?”

Blossompaw nodde slowly.

Mango November 7th, 2017 07:06 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 417871)
Leafstorm's dull yellow eyes narrowed in suspicion, but the tom didn't ponder on Redpaw's secrecy for long. He started to scan the horizon for something he could..... yes! Leafstorm trotted over to a corner in the clearing. A large, blue-gray rock sat deeply imbedded into the ground. He pushed on it a few times with the side of his body to make sure it was stationary. It was, of course.. "Redpaw..." he clicked his tongue thinking more. "This rock is you opponent. I want you to use a 'front paw blow' on it." Leafstorm stared at the apprentice crudely. He hoped giving the young tom such an easy target would lower his self esteem.

Redpaw blinked,” A rock? I mean, I doubt I’ll break it as it’s rather firm, but I suppose so...” he was a little bit confused by why he was asked to do it on a rock instead of Leafstorm. He stared at the rock and did a front paw strike it was pretty neat for the most part,but not completely perfect and his paw struck the rock. His paw hurt but he ignored the pain purely to impress Leafstorm who was Interesting. That’s the word for Leafstorm. He’s not like weak, but he’s strong. Yet he’s having me practice battle moves on a rock. He forcehis paw down to the ground and looked up at Leafstorm,” How was it?” He asked awaiting an answer.

Tundra November 7th, 2017 07:49 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn blinked. “It’s alright. I’ll protect you. That’s part of my job as a mentor. To train you and protect you. There’s no need to be scared, I promise I won’t let anything hurt you.”

wolfie November 7th, 2017 03:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Birdsong's tail twitched, "Thornpaw! Wake up, we don't have all day!" He called. This was his first apprentice, he suggested that battle training would be good. He had a blank expression on his face, not giving much emotion. He suppose he'll see what Thornpaw already knew and what he needed to work on, maybe they would get to learn a few new moves. Birdsong was just taking it at a decent speed, it was pretty early in the morning. However he always woke up early in the morning, the wind nip at his fur. Shivering a little. When would that apprentice awake? Growing impatient, Birdsong poke his nose and some of his face into the den. "WAKE UP!" Birdsong called, again but maybe a bit too loud. Some of the apprentices stir, some giving him strange looks. Birdsong shrugged it off like it was nothing, he was use to them by now. You could barely see the color of his fur, the stripes gave him away mostly.
(Short, sorry!)

BluBunnie November 7th, 2017 05:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 414877)
Right now, it felt a lot like Stormwing had lost everyone. She had lost an awful lot of cats over the moons, but this? This was a whole new type of low feeling. Her eyes remained looking down at the ground, her expression didn't brighten for anything, and she looked like she would have rather been dead then right there in the territory. Her soft blue optics weren't glowing as they had when she had come out here with Littlefoot before, nor were they sparkling with interest as they had with Leaf...paw, then, or at least she thought it had been Leafpaw, when he had told her about his collection. How many cats was it now? There was Crowpaw - Hiddentalon - Leafwatcher, that had been his warrior name - and now Littlefoot too. That was four cats that Stormwing had thought she might have feelings for (well, for Crowpaw and Hiddentalon, anyways) and every time they had been taken from her in some manner. Why did she even bother? She was never going to be able to trust anyone to stay for good. No one cared enough to stay for good. She'd lost friends, too, so many friends - too many for her to even name. Other friends she rarely saw anymore. And she was certain there were more she had forgotten, countless cats she was acquainted with that had fallen out of contact over the moons, and she would never see them again. Because that was Stormwing's curse - every time she got close to someone, they were taken from her. They died or something else happened. No one... no one was safe from the cursed silver tabby. So maybe she should just stop trying and admit the fact that she was always going to be alone, because who could she trust now? There was no saving angel for her. She was going to be forever alone, and the dreams that she'd once had of having a family were crumbling into ashes and dust.


The young, sandy colored apprentice padded into the clearing, her ears pricked up and alert, eyes scanning it as though she were searching for some unfound enemy. Kestrelpaw often looked like that. She was always observing. And looking for someone that she would be interested to talk to. She had lost cats to all sorts of things, and yet through it all, never once had her steadfast interest in observing and the nature of others faded. She had remained as she always had, and any grief that might overtake her was only shown in private. It was like she had been trained to be a soldier - well, perhaps a little less disciplined, but at only 11 moons old, Kestrelpaw felt as though she had been training forever. In another moon or so she should be ready to be a warrior. She had proven herself on the battlefield before, and she had proven that she was good at hunting. She had proven that she was mature enough. She had proven that she was intelligent enough, though there had been no doubt in that matter. And she was brave enough. So then, what was the reason she couldn't be a warrior in this very moment? Whatever the reason, Kestrelpaw would wait. She would continue to prove herself until the moment that she was looking foward to, and had been looking foward to since she was a kit: the moment she would become a warrior.

Kestrelpaw stepped into camp, a couple of squirrels hung from his jaw. As he set down the prey in the fresh kill pile he stopped a cat he hadn't spoken to in a while. The sandy feline shared the same name as him but they didn't talk that much, in fact, they hadn't spoken since they first met. The tom had already been on patrol that day, trained and just finished hunting s he figured this was the best time for conversation. Even if Kestrelpaw wanted to go hunting or something that wouldn't really bother him having to do it a second time. He trotted over to Kestrelpaw, "Hey there! We haven't spoken in a while. How are you?" He asked as he bowed in head in greeting

Queenie November 7th, 2017 06:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 417940)
Redpaw blinked,” A rock? I mean, I doubt I’ll break it as it’s rather firm, but I suppose so...” he was a little bit confused by why he was asked to do it on a rock instead of Leafstorm. He stared at the rock and did a front paw strike it was pretty neat for the most part,but not completely perfect and his paw struck the rock. His paw hurt but he ignored the pain purely to impress Leafstorm who was Interesting. That’s the word for Leafstorm. He’s not like weak, but he’s strong. Yet he’s having me practice battle moves on a rock. He forcehis paw down to the ground and looked up at Leafstorm,” How was it?” He asked awaiting an answer.

Leafstorm nodded slowly, he was impressed the move could use work, just as everything could, but for an apprentice his age he was doing nicely. However the warrior would not let his apprentice see this satisfaction.Today was about anger, and Leafstorm had yet to find what made this apprentice tick. Although he suspected he was close. "No." Leafstorm sighed. "Faster, and harder. You think a trained warrior would wait around for you to just bring your paw down on their head? No!" The warrior spat. By now you'd be clinging onto the floor for dear life as you opponent dragged your tiny body across the border and into enemy territory!" Leaftstorm started to pace, trying to insert anxiety into the apprentice. Rapid movement worked like this. "Again!" He commanded.

Mayflower November 7th, 2017 08:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by SpookyBlu (Post 415308)
Kestrelpaw ears tilted towards his mentor as he listened carefully. 'Crouch, dodge, claw and bite'
he thought. He was a bit nervous about learning the claw and bite part, he didn't want to make a mistake. "Is the battle crouch kind of like the hunters crouch?" He asked, he was honestly curious but he hoped he didn't sound stupid to Fernglow. "I was just wondering." He quickly added.

(I am still trying to decide my plans with him, I am not sure yet...)

What do you mean? Like how good he is?)
"In a way, yes," Fernglow chuckled. He had thought the same thing when he was an apprentice. To demonstrate, Fernglow padded heavily over to Kestrelpaw, paw steps echoing off of the walls. He lowered himself into a battle crouch, so that he was around Kestrelpaw's height. "So this is the crouch, and I put can be used in many way. Most cats will use this to prepare for an attack, leap off of their legs to get to their opponent, or even to defend their bellies in a desperate situation. Got it?" Fernglow couldn't help but fear he was pressing too much information on his apprentice at once, but it was all on one topic. That should be okay.

Mango November 8th, 2017 07:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 418168)
Leafstorm nodded slowly, he was impressed the move could use work, just as everything could, but for an apprentice his age he was doing nicely. However the warrior would not let his apprentice see this satisfaction.Today was about anger, and Leafstorm had yet to find what made this apprentice tick. Although he suspected he was close. "No." Leafstorm sighed. "Faster, and harder. You think a trained warrior would wait around for you to just bring your paw down on their head? No!" The warrior spat. By now you'd be clinging onto the floor for dear life as you opponent dragged your tiny body across the border and into enemy territory!" Leaftstorm started to pace, trying to insert anxiety into the apprentice. Rapid movement worked like this. "Again!" He commanded.

Redpaw was a little suprised, as most warrior’s were impressed with his form. But he did realize speed was important. He added more speed to slamming his forepaw against the rock, but he did know that his form wasn’t as good when he slammed his paw down. He gritted his teeth preventing him from whimpering in pain of his paw,” I know the form was bad...sorry.” He meowed braced for horrible scolding (Would you like me to PM you his bio?)

Vesper November 8th, 2017 07:26 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 417956)
Tigerdawn blinked. “It’s alright. I’ll protect you. That’s part of my job as a mentor. To train you and protect you. There’s no need to be scared, I promise I won’t let anything hurt you.”

She nodded, "Ok.." She meowed. "Its just... Mintblossom was my mother... She was in the territory when a badger hit her..."

Tundra November 8th, 2017 07:54 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn nodded. "I remember her death." She meowed as she looked into the territory. The warrior turned back to her apprentice. "Don't worry. No badger will get to you."

Queenie November 8th, 2017 12:14 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 418358)
Redpaw was a little suprised, as most warrior’s were impressed with his form. But he did realize speed was important. He added more speed to slamming his forepaw against the rock, but he did know that his form wasn’t as good when he slammed his paw down. He gritted his teeth preventing him from whimpering in pain of his paw,” I know the form was bad...sorry.” He meowed braced for horrible scolding (Would you like me to PM you his bio?)


Leafstorm scowled, and narrowed his eyes. He could see the cringe in Redpaws face, it’s what he wanted. “Sorry doesn’t cut it. You failed and now you have to keep doing it. Again.”

Mango November 8th, 2017 12:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 418462)

Leafstorm scowled, and narrowed his eyes. He could see the cringe in Redpaws face, it’s what he wanted. “Sorry doesn’t cut it. You failed and now you have to keep doing it. Again.”

Redpaw nodded he wasn't losing his courage, just wanting to impress Leafstorm. He aimed his paw and did a front paw strike with speed, it was fast, but decent form not perfect form. He glanced up awaiting Leafstorm's critique.

lone November 8th, 2017 02:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by seasalt (Post 416807)
Leafwatcher's mood dropped a bit. Something was wrong. He knew it. Also, he felt.. guilt. He felt so so guilty. For being catnapped in the first place. For not coming back sooner. It was weighing him down, and the guilt could be seen in his leaf-green optics. "I.. am so sorry...." He knew that Stormwing had.. lost so many cats in her life. And he could of been one of them. Leafwatcher wish he could of fled that stupid fight with those two Dusk Syndicate cats, he wish he could of fled into the territory, the camp, and acted like the fight, never happened. He also wished the stupid amnesia and all the things he did in the Dusk Syndicate, also never happened. It had haunted him for some time now. It would probably always haunt him. "Sometimes.. things are out of your control. You're probably angry with me.. furious even. And I wish it never happened.." Leafwatcher would never specify what happened, never. And he probably would never will. He didn't want Stormwing to know about it, he never wanted any cat to know. And, it was in the past, and it would stay in the past. His tail dropped to the undergrowth. Then, his eyes slightly brightened up. "I need to check something, you want to.. come with me?" He knew things were tense, and.. awkward, but lightening the mood just a bit. Just a small tiny bit.

Sorry? Sorry didn't work anymore. Stormwing had been sorry in her life before, but sorriness couldn't change anything. It didn't bring cats back. But here was Leafwatcher, alive, and... well... she couldn't be that angry. She could only be careful now. "It's fine. You don't owe me anything. I don't want it." She didn't want an explanation. For her, that was just an excuse. For a while, it hadn't been in the silver tabby's nature to have spirit, but this was definitely bringing it back quickly. She wished she could shout at him, be angry with him, tell him exactly what she thought of him running off and disappearing, but for once... she just felt defeated. This kind of thing didn't happen every day, yet Stormwing was losing cats on what felt like a daily basis. It didn't matter anymore... it couldn't matter anymore... she was just going to have to get used to it.

She would be careful around Leafwatcher, because she knew he could disappear again at any second and then her heart would be fractured again. She'd just have to pretend like she didn't care, or - or something. "Alright." Was her one-word answer. There was a definite air of carelessness around her now, because the tabby was doing her best not to care. If something happened again - this time she would be emotionally prepared. This time she wouldn't break down. This time, the she cat would be the opposite of a mess... she would be ready. And she would never lose another friend again, because she would never have one to lose - everyone had to be expendable to her. Because for whatever reason, it seemed her luck had been the hardest of all lately.

FancyFlamingo23 November 8th, 2017 03:06 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Aquarius (Post 414740)
As the russet vixen moved closer, it's tongue swiped maliciously around it's jaws. Wisteriapaw struggled to get up, noticing blood on on her forepaw where it had got the root. The molly kicked and thrashed, her light pelt becoming tan as the dir smudged onto her pelt. Her breath quick and shallow, she tried pulling herself up to reach Halfkit, but her efforts were never enough. The fox ran the last length before she could see the glittering of it's eyes, and she helplessly collapsed against the ground, letting out a mournful wail to signal that she surrendered. She closed her eyes as she heard the kit's wail, but suddenly heard something rustle behind her. She couldn't lift her head, but her mind was swimming and she couldn't recognize the scent. Assuming it was another fox, she half-heartedly opened her eyes, and her dull gaze caught sight of a tan pelt flashing out in front of her, something leaping and flying onto the fox, which bundled backwards. The two creatures rolled over in a flurry of teeth and claws, and before Wisteriapaw could do anything, the fox was whimpering, pacing away with blood dripping from it's haunches.

(I'm so sorry I disapeared for a while! I might do that often but i'll usually come back.)

Halfkit was shocked. What had just happened? Maybe they had been saved! Or maybe it was a dog trying to eat them. He still had his eyes closed, terrified of what was happening. He almost silently whispered, Hello?

Queenie November 8th, 2017 03:26 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 418464)
Redpaw nodded he wasn't losing his courage, just wanting to impress Leafstorm. He aimed his paw and did a front paw strike with speed, it was fast, but decent form not perfect form. He glanced up awaiting Leafstorm's critique.

The tomcat shifted his gaze. Redpaw certainly changed when asked, good listener. Too self centered for that to mean anything, but at least he wasn’t as weak as Quakepaw. Leafstorm listened for the bark of a dog. Hopefully there was one close enough, so they wouldn’t have to travel too far for the test. He sighed once more relaxing his muscles. The act of a tough mentor was becoming effortless now. “Your stance is too weak. Move you paws back farther. You weight must be even. Lift your head high, you small stare your opponent in the face. Don’t clench your eyes when you slash either. Stare the rock in the eyes! Scare it away before you even unsheath your claws!” Leafstorm spat he jabbed at the ground at the end of his speech.

Mango November 8th, 2017 06:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 418518)
The tomcat shifted his gaze. Redpaw certainly changed when asked, good listener. Too self centered for that to mean anything, but at least he wasn’t as weak as Quakepaw. Leafstorm listened for the bark of a dog. Hopefully there was one close enough, so they wouldn’t have to travel too far for the test. He sighed once more relaxing his muscles. The act of a tough mentor was becoming effortless now. “Your stance is too weak. Move you paws back farther. You weight must be even. Lift your head high, you small stare your opponent in the face. Don’t clench your eyes when you slash either. Stare the rock in the eyes! Scare it away before you even unsheath your claws!” Leafstorm spat he jabbed at the ground at the end of his speech.

Redpaw nodded,” Right, though I can’t really scare an innanimate object away, another cat I could.” He fixed his gaze and kept his eyes wider. Then he fixed his stance, he knew he was taking a while perfecting his form. He lifted his head to. He unsheathed his claws, worried about getting a wrenched claw, but he shrugged it off. He aimed a strike at the rock once more and awaited, hardly noticing that there was a torn claw, he had gone numb to the pain of striking a rock. (Will he ever try on a cat lol)

Queenie November 8th, 2017 08:26 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Okapi (Post 418643)
Redpaw nodded,” Right, though I can’t really scare an innanimate object away, another cat I could.” He fixed his gaze and kept his eyes wider. Then he fixed his stance, he knew he was taking a while perfecting his form. He lifted his head to. He unsheathed his claws, worried about getting a wrenched claw, but he shrugged it off. He aimed a strike at the rock once more and awaited, hardly noticing that there was a torn claw, he had gone numb to the pain of striking a rock. (Will he ever try on a cat lol)

(Yeah lol sorry, I actually wanted them to go hunting for a dog later and see if he could fight it XD Cuz Leafys a bad boy)
Leafstorm nodded taking notice in the way Redpaws claw bent awkward outwards. The tom nodded with satisfaction. With swift movement he cuffed his tail towards a small ball of moss and with ease tossed it to his apprentice. "Clean yourself up now. You can't let injuries get to you." Leafstorm tensed at his own stab wound when the thought breached his mind. The seasoned warrior had been in many fights but the Dark Forest always gave him the worst scrapes. His eyes closed briefly as he remembered the yowling of his mentor, as a young apprentice stumbling upon the shadowy reaches the afterlife for the first time. He awkwardly nodded with approval at his apprentice, "you've done well today Redpaw." He puffed out his chest careful not to say I'm proud. Redpaw didn't deserve that yet. However, it was far more praise than Quakepaw had ever received. Leafstorm scowled at the thought of her. Redpaw was a much better cat than her. And Leafstorm was determined to make him better.

wren November 8th, 2017 08:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. (Post 417395)

(( Well, that happens sometimes, it’s fine c: ))

Ratpaw was curled up in a ball when she had heard Palethunder. The apprentince wanted to look as though she was lost in sleep, but she felt as though that didn’t work. She didn’t feel like hunting today, or really doing anything. She had lost a bit of her ear during the battle. It was just a small scratch, however, it hurt like hell. However, that wasn’t as bad as when she had first gotten that nip on the ear. She didn’t know why it had taken off the ear though. It was probably her being stupid, like always. The battle had added to her already low self-esteem, making it slightly lower than normal. Seeing cats battling and falling around you, just to walk out of the battle with one or two scars made her feel worthless. If she couldn’t even help in a battle, what worth was she to her clan? Thinking that made her think of when she had heard Palethunder, and she forced herself out of her nest, walking around the few reaming sleeping bodies. “I’m up for a hunt!” She said, slightly excited, wanting to seem excited. She actually was excited, as hunting was always something that she loved to do. At least that was easier than attacking another cat. Hunting was easy, there wasn’t much too it, at least, there wasn’t too much to it for her anyways. “Let’s go!” She whispered excitedly, her mood changing awfully quickly. This was another thing she saw as normal, and didn’t let it bother her. She tried to move out of the den as quick as possible, not wanting to disturb anyone else. She was always willing to get up when someone woke her up, however, she had met some cats that weren’t exactly kind when they were woken up. She didn’t think any less of those cats of course, however, they did scare her a bit early in the morning. Now she was just waiting for Palethunder, her green eyes waiting with a slight bit of anxiety.

Palethunder peered in the den for a longer moment. He was begining to doubt any apprentices would muster enough strength to actually get up and do something proactive, which was frustrating but he couldn't deny the fact it was true of himself at that age. He almost leapt straight up when he heard an excited meow from the deep of the den. With the warm thought of his apprenticeship and a slight jump the Tom cracked a small smile and warm feeling flowed through his Body and he suppressed a small purr. Than he stepped aside to let the little she cat pass him and pad out towards the exit. He merely looked over his shoulder at her before remembering he was supposed to follow her out. He turned and padded out after her tail lashing as the brisk air and appreciation of one of the best performing apprentices. No other would volunteer to get up at the crack of dawn to hunt for prey which may or may not be awake. As they broke through the watchful eye of clanmates and bled into the foliage ahead he finally spoke up. "Thanks for coming out, you never find apprentices like you anymore" he said with a slight smile. He heaved a heavy breath and relaxed, his shoulders coming loose by his sides as he padded alongside the apprenitce. "Hey, I didn't catch your name?" said the Tom as he looked over his shoulder at her expectantly.

:blue: November 9th, 2017 05:27 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Celestial (Post 418708)

Palethunder peered in the den for a longer moment. He was begining to doubt any apprentices would muster enough strength to actually get up and do something proactive, which was frustrating but he couldn't deny the fact it was true of himself at that age. He almost leapt straight up when he heard an excited meow from the deep of the den. With the warm thought of his apprenticeship and a slight jump the Tom cracked a small smile and warm feeling flowed through his Body and he suppressed a small purr. Than he stepped aside to let the little she cat pass him and pad out towards the exit. He merely looked over his shoulder at her before remembering he was supposed to follow her out. He turned and padded out after her tail lashing as the brisk air and appreciation of one of the best performing apprentices. No other would volunteer to get up at the crack of dawn to hunt for prey which may or may not be awake. As they broke through the watchful eye of clanmates and bled into the foliage ahead he finally spoke up. "Thanks for coming out, you never find apprentices like you anymore" he said with a slight smile. He heaved a heavy breath and relaxed, his shoulders coming loose by his sides as he padded alongside the apprenitce. "Hey, I didn't catch your name?" said the Tom as he looked over his shoulder at her expectantly.

Ratpaw saw how excited the warrior had gotten, and forced down a small laugh. She didn’t see warriors that excited very often. She was happy she was able to do that, and that perked her up slightly. Despite never ever really being fully happy, she loved to see other cats happy. It just made her feel better for some reason. Had he been waiting a long while? She couldn’t tell. She had been waiting in silence, pondering her own thoughts when she heard the warrior speak again. She automatically perked to attention, shrugging. “Well, it is somewhat early,” she admitted. She had never really been that egar to get up early. But hey, it it made someone happy, it made everything worth it. “My name?” She asked, blinking, “It’s...uh...” She was tempted to lie for a moment. She had never really liked her name. “It’s Ratpaw,” she said awkwardly. “And, forgive me, what’s your name?” She added, tilting her head slightly. She was pretty good with names, and connecting them to faces, but sometimes she screwed up. She’d just prefer if someone told her, and spared her from all the awkwardness of saying the wrong name.

Vesper November 9th, 2017 05:42 AM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 418380)
Tigerdawn nodded. "I remember her death." She meowed as she looked into the territory. The warrior turned back to her apprentice. "Don't worry. No badger will get to you."

"Ok..." She meowed.

Mango November 9th, 2017 09:32 AM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Queenie (Post 418703)
(Yeah lol sorry, I actually wanted them to go hunting for a dog later and see if he could fight it XD Cuz Leafys a bad boy)
Leafstorm nodded taking notice in the way Redpaws claw bent awkward outwards. The tom nodded with satisfaction. With swift movement he cuffed his tail towards a small ball of moss and with ease tossed it to his apprentice. "Clean yourself up now. You can't let injuries get to you." Leafstorm tensed at his own stab wound when the thought breached his mind. The seasoned warrior had been in many fights but the Dark Forest always gave him the worst scrapes. His eyes closed briefly as he remembered the yowling of his mentor, as a young apprentice stumbling upon the shadowy reaches the afterlife for the first time. He awkwardly nodded with approval at his apprentice, "you've done well today Redpaw." He puffed out his chest careful not to say I'm proud. Redpaw didn't deserve that yet. However, it was far more praise than Quakepaw had ever received. Leafstorm scowled at the thought of her. Redpaw was a much better cat than her. And Leafstorm was determined to make him better.

Redpaw’s eyes grew wide,” Really? I didn’t know that good.” He began blotting his torn claw, then asked,” What is the point of taking care of a wound if you are capable of ignoring it? I understand caring for massive gashes that can get infected but small wounds seem rather pointless.” He meowed hoping that didn’t erange him he paused,” I understand your intentions and agree with your motives. I will become a strong and powerful cat. I myself admire Ratnight, although I’ve never met himself.” He meowed unsure of why he told him that exactly.

BluBunnie November 9th, 2017 12:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by Mayflower (Post 418246)
What do you mean? Like how good he is?)
"In a way, yes," Fernglow chuckled. He had thought the same thing when he was an apprentice. To demonstrate, Fernglow padded heavily over to Kestrelpaw, paw steps echoing off of the walls. He lowered himself into a battle crouch, so that he was around Kestrelpaw's height. "So this is the crouch, and I put can be used in many way. Most cats will use this to prepare for an attack, leap off of their legs to get to their opponent, or even to defend their bellies in a desperate situation. Got it?" Fernglow couldn't help but fear he was pressing too much information on his apprentice at once, but it was all on one topic. That should be okay.

Kestrelpaw watched and listened very carefully, "Got it." He said with a curt nod. He did the crouch himself, he imagined a larger cat fighting against him. Although he was pretty confident in his ability to learn fast the tom was nervous about applying the thngs he learnt into real life. What if he went into battle and completely forgot how to fight, Kestrelpaw stood and shook his head he couldn't lt his doubts get to him. "How do you remember all the moves?" He asked, he still needed to know if there were many warriors who forgot their moves or if there were ways to remember.

Tundra November 9th, 2017 03:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn let out a small purr. “Okay. Come with me and you will see the territory.”

Vesper November 9th, 2017 03:43 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 418933)
Tigerdawn let out a small purr. “Okay. Come with me and you will see the territory.”

The she cat followed her mentor. "its a big world" she meowed

Tundra November 9th, 2017 03:45 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn glanced over her shoulder. “Yes. Yes it is.”

seasalt November 9th, 2017 06:58 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Mossdrop had lost her son. Her favorite son, precious son. The nightmare she had a few days ago was real. She had been having having nightmare about this for the past few days. She was a mess. Bags under her eyes and all. Things had not been fun for her, the past few days. Her black mackerel tabby tail draped over her paws as she stared at the place. The place where she broke Nightcry. She wished she wasn't... the cat she was when she did. Losing her son, had snapped her out of her trance, thats what she thought of it. A trance. And doing all this.. was for her siblings, who weren't even alive anymore. Amberwish was dead, Fennelnose had disappeared, and was probably dead by now. She was proud of her sister, even though.. while in her trance, had a fit of jealousy. She missed them both, and wished she didn't get that stupid.. mentor, and accept that stupid chance. It only made her life worse. Her yellow optics looked around nervously, her tail curled tightly around herself, ears pinned against her head. Then, she relaxed. She hoped things would get better.

Vesper November 9th, 2017 10:24 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf (Post 418938)
Tigerdawn glanced over her shoulder. “Yes. Yes it is.”

She looked at her menor, "Were you scared on your first day out of camp?" She asked.

Tundra November 9th, 2017 11:05 PM

Re: ThunderClan Territory
Tigerdawn smiled. "Yes. I was very scared." She purred as she recalled her first timed away from camp. "I remember a leaf landed on my head and I freaked out. I stumbled into bramble bushes. Gosh, I was a mess back then."

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