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HwangHarin November 26th, 2016 06:28 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing
Fireclaw and the kits where asleep. Icefang got up weakly walking, her back legs still hurting, she could stand and walk, but it felt like she was dragging her legs, she went and curled in some grass, and coughed

lone November 26th, 2016 06:51 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 51725)
Hiddenpaw was just exiting what was left of the apprentices den, allowing his slight limp to show as he left. His left back paw was burnt, the pads we're still sore from the heat, but his amber hues were brighter than they were during the evacuation. Other than his minor injury and slight wheezing every now and then, the apprentice looked well. His pelt was almost glossy again and he looked very composed. As he entered the center of the clearing, a familiar scent drifted into his nose. The she cat during the fire. Hiddenpaw wasn't able to thank her for helping him and understood that now was the time to do so. He'd give anything to thank for, she did give him strength to keep going when he thought he couldn't anymore.
Following the scent carefully he spotted a mass of fur that was stretched out in an awkward position. Was it really her? Had to be. The scent was coming from her. Slowly, he padded up to the she cat, studying her almost statue like composure before he broke the silence about a tail length away. "H-Hello?" he spoke cautiously.

Echokit had already spotted Dragonkit laying the clearing. With the thoughts of fire behind her, she approached from behind, using the stalking skills she's been trying to master already. She inched closer and closer until the damage of the smoke took it's toll and she let out a few coughs. Now frustration prickles through her pelt, she would've had him if it weren't for the coughing. Echokit suddenly took a new strategy and leapt up from her crouched poation, launching herself across the clearing at the ebony Tom. "Hi!" she mused, landing squarely on his small tail instead of his back. Hoping she still scared him, she took a small leap back just in case he swiped at her. "I coughed, but did I get you?" she asked with an amused tone. It was hard to believe she was a panicked, soot covered kit just a few days before. Her mindset seemed to swing into a positive attitude I'm attempt to make up for the crisis that occurred.

Stormpaw looked up in alarm at hearing Hiddenpaw, and for a moment her blue hues flashed with surprise before she stopped, her silvery tail twitching for a moment in confusion before she gave a small smile. "Oh...hello. I don't believe I ever caught your name the other day...is there something I can help you with?" She asked. Unfortunately for her, Stormpaw was one of those cats who rarely thought someone would be looking for her, as in just to talk with her or spend time with her. Stormpaw smiled again, a little more uneasily this time, as she eyed the tom. Wasn't this the cat that she had helped in the fire? Yes, yes it was...oh, so he probably had come over to ask her something. Or tell her something. She shrugged a little, used to this by now. Was he actually nervous or something? He had stuttered a little when he had spoken to her...although truth be told, at the moment, she didn't look exactly approachable. Stormpaw felt a little bad- she hated to make other cats feel uncomfortable, and she straightened up, trying to make herself look as neat and friendly as possible. A friendly glint entered her blue hues, and she was able to stop struggling to keep a positive expression on her face, even if it didn't match the blank mask that she felt at the moment. She waited for the tom's reply, continuing to keep her friendly exterior up.

Dragonkit jumped up from his spot, his fur bristling as he heard something behind him. Just as he was about to turn around, a sudden weight landed on his tail, followed by a familiar sounding cry. "Echokit! You scared the fur off me!" He mewed, his fur still bristling fiercely. Dragonkit's normally neat ebony pelt was now strewn in all directions, and he shot a strange look at Echokit before allowing his fur to lay back down. "So, what's new?" He asked, with a small smile. It took pretty much everything in him to do so, but he managed it. He was glad that he didn't have to smile all the time. It'd probably drain every last bit of energy that the young tom had. "Or, what's new that I don't know about, I should say..." He mewed, realizing that the fire was certainly something new, but something that he already knew. Dragonkit kept his blue gaze fixed on Echokit, the smile slightly faded, although there was still a small trace of it left on his maw. He was glad to have met the positive young kit. Hey, she had managed to get a smile out of him. Ha, if she'd known me for longer, she'd probably be amazed, he thought with a small snort, wondering what his sister would think if she saw him right now. Die of shock, probably; Dragonkit almost never smiled.

Drago Victinius Bloodward November 26th, 2016 09:04 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 50882)
Greykit grumbled and his head dipped as he nearly fell asleep again. He laid down next to his sister and fell asleep right away.

Iceclaw laid his head down and closed his eyes redclaw stoneheart and skyleap all did the same

Sleet November 26th, 2016 09:10 PM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak
Ratnight looked down at the crowd of cats, amused. Out of all of them, the sole speaker was a tiny kit. He saw cats whispering to one another, and many glances shot up at him, but the only cat brave enough to actually speak out was a kit. How sad. However, Rat decided to acknowledge the little mew. "You are correct," he began with a sinister purr. "leaders do have nine lives." He now spoke to the entire group. "Ashstar is still alive." Ratnight let the words ring out all over the clearing before continuing. "However," he lingered on the word. "he has chosen to step away from leadership, saying he is unable to lead a Clan anymore." The lie fluttered from his lips as easy as anything. His voice changed, deeper, more ominous. "We should be disgusted in him." He growled. "He left us in the time we needed him most." Ratnight stood up straighter, and meowed, "That is why I accepted the rank of leader; I swear I will do my best to rebuild this burned down Clan!" His voice climaxed, then dropped again as he spoke his next sentence. "Now, did you notice I didn't say 'I swear by StarClan?'" The leader purred. "That is another change that will be coming to this Clan. We will leave behind our 'warrior ancestors', no longer communicate with them." He paused, letting that sink in. "We have no need for them, we can easily move forward without them, even better, for that matter. We will be stronger acting on our own. I also will be following in the footsteps of the other three Clans, and taking on the name of Ratnight." He finished, and swept his gaze across his Clan. He hoped to get a positive reaction from them, but would easily deal with the portion who didn't agree with his new way of doing things. Well, he thoughts, his nostrils flaring, I'll deal with them one way or another.

Rockstar November 26th, 2016 09:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Iceclaw (Post 52374)
Iceclaw laid his head down and closed his eyes redclaw stoneheart and skyleap all did the same

Dawnfrost returned to her mate and curled up next to him. Greykit snuggled up against her.

mapledash November 26th, 2016 09:21 PM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak
( @Sleet To be honest, your speech was so good that I ate it, even if I know you're evil, you don't sound like it one bit. GG ;D )

Sleet November 26th, 2016 10:03 PM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak

Originally Posted by mapledash (Post 52416)
( @Sleet To be honest, your speech was so good that I ate it, even if I know you're evil, you don't sound like it one bit. GG ;D )

(Haha, thanks Maple!)

Starfall November 26th, 2016 10:27 PM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak
Daypaw let a gasp escape his maw "rid of starclan?! That's our family you're telling us to leave behind! We can't do that! If we do that, then...then....we'll be just as good as....." the blonde tom clenched his jaw shut and dug his claws into The scorched dirt 'I knew it, something is off about him! What do I do?! What do I say?!' he thought to himself. Nightpaw tensed when he heard his brother speak out 'you mouse braine, what are you doing?!' he thought to himself and quickly stood up "I believe in ratnight! We should abandon starclan, if they really truely cared about us, they would've stopped the fire! If the young really cared, then they wouldn't have just watched out loved ones die!" He declared and turned his silver gaze up to ratnight, fear and determination blazed in the black toms eyes. Daypaw sated at his brother, disbelief flashed in his blue orbs as his gaze flicked from his brother to ratnight.

Bluejay fur fluffed up and his sister , wingdrop, gasped in disbelief "one can't just stop believing in starclan, not when we've been believing in them for our whole lives." He spat , his tail flicking violently back and fourth as he stared down ratnight. Wingdrop looked at the new leader in disbelief "blujays right, it dosent just work that way, what kind ove mouse brain are you?" She questioned. Bluejay cuffed his sisters ear "whatcha it idiot, we don the know how many supporters this guy has." He whispered in her ear, the silver tom turned his gaze back up to ratnight and the two just stood there,hoping for the best.

goddess of ducks November 26th, 2016 10:47 PM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak
Nightbreeze gazed in horror at Ratnight as he spoke of Ashstar's death. She had heard stories of what had happened in Riverclan and Shadowclan when the leaders took the suffix -night. The black she cat released a sigh, her green orbs flicking around the clearing, landing in the head of her kits, friends and families alto make sure they were all okay. Starclan help us. She thought desperately, knowing better to keep her jaws shut.

Storkpaw watched through narrowed eyes. He sat there, his white and black marked fur, dulled and covered in soot from the fire. The tom was too tired to do much else than listen. He was intelligent and knew speaking up would end badly for him. Instead he sat there, immovable, frozen in fear. I have to stay safe for Owlkit. She may not admit it, but I'm going to keep her safe.

Arrowheart growled from his seating. His dark brindled pelt rose and bushed, his claws sheathing and I sheathing themselves. The tom was furious that this was happening yet again. He had been a mere kit the last time this had happened was was outraged that it was happening again. "What about Gyrewind? Hey isn't he the leader if Ashstar resigned?" He questioned, his thought having distracted him in case Ratnight had mentioned it previously.

Derpple and Ashie November 27th, 2016 02:19 AM

Re: ThunderClan Highpeak

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 52575)
"What about Grouseflurry? Hey isn't he the leader if Ashstar resigned?" He questioned, his thought having distracted him in case Ratnight had mentioned it previously.

(Gyrewind was Ashstar's deputy)

Spottedpelt sat there, her mind abuzz with voices that screamed in terror as she listened to the words being spoken. Her brother had perished in the flames and then resigned when he came to from losing his life? That didn't sound like him. Sure she knew her brother had some confidence issues for a leader but that seemed unlike him. However, she wasn't truly thinking about that or the suspicious nature of Ratnight sitting upon her brother's perch, somehow skipping over Gyrewind entirely. Instead, all that was upon her mind was fear, all consuming and terrible, and the she-cat recoiled in on herself and clutched her skull, claws digging into her head until there was blood. Fangs gritted and her tail wrapped close around her body, the calico was unable to even think, everything shutting down around her.

Palestripe watched the tom as he spoke, speaking on around what was to happen now and how he was the new leader. He found it curious, but thought little of it. He didn't like Ashstar much, the leader hadn't been able to keep his parents from abandoning the clan, he wasn't able to save his mentor and the former deputy Sweetolive, and he hadn't been present during the flooding to lead the clan. In the brown tom's books, Ashstar was a failure. He caught sight of the virtually insane calico breaking down, and huffed. She was so weak, pathetic and a waste of space in the clan. With a huff, he wrapped his tail around his paws and listened to the tom atop the Highpeak.

Sitting to the side, Yewspots watched as the clan listened and reacted. He was ready to cut down anyone that dared disagree with his father's plans, Ratnight standing there only because of what Eternalstar had planned. With a disgusted sniff the spotted brown tom lowered his maw and watched like a dark sentinel, looming in the corner waiting to act.

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