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BEAR. October 1st, 2020 11:32 PM

Re: Lionsden
Lionstar let out a huff of laughter at Tinypaw's response. Oh, he took it so seriously!

"Oh darling, I wouldn't actually change your name. That'd be distasteful." Tinypaw fit him well, even if right now he was a Featheredpaw.

Lionstar reached to tuck a feather behind Tinypaw's ear, a low purr in his throat. "I do like a cat with pride in their name. You wear yours well."

[ @The Ink Demon ]

BEAR. October 1st, 2020 11:37 PM

Re: Lionsden
Lionstar was pretty much skeptical of anything Owlflight said or did at this point. He had been wondering what changed with the other tom when he realized, a few moon back, he struck his head and was medicine can den bound for a while. Maybe the head injury broke him? He was never quite the same.. and it showed with his weird behaviors.

"Owlflight." Already, the dung-head was going to annoy him. "First of all.. you're injured. There'd be no practical reason to send you off back into a fight if these rogues are even still around. And any event ideas can wait until you're healed." There was blood everywhere, so he'd play along with this to some degree. "Where did you see them?"

[ @Mando ]

Cobra October 2nd, 2020 11:12 AM

Re: Lionsden
// @BILL.

Owlflight was honestly so confused. He had no idea why those rouges attacked him, or why they were so...mad. A few moons ago...what? He'd had an apprentice. Willowpaw. And that cat...what was her name? Echobreeze? Had tried to help him. "Why?" he muttered. "Why did she want to help me...oh." He'd had an apprentice named Willowpaw. And...she'd died. What happened to me? What changed? And then...darkness. What? What happened?

"Lionstar..." he meowed with slight annoyance. Keep trying to remember. "hello...yeah, but Fawnsqueak can fix it up superfast. That's why he's there. So. Yeah. Plus," he pointed out, "there'll be tons of free time on my paws, so, I'll be bored. Event-planning...it might help." Owlflight was just...ugh....so confused. He didn't get it. "Near..." The dark brown tom frowned. "Near the edge of the Sleepy Thicket, close the our beach-near the stream." The water will run red with blood. Owlflight clenched his jaw fiercely, and shook the thought away.

Water. Is. Clear.

Abyssopelagic October 2nd, 2020 02:58 PM

Re: Lionsden
Halfpaw pattered in Lionstar's den. She took a deep breath and then went into why she was there.
"Helloooo, Lionstar, sir. I have a request! Could I have a name change??"
She sat down and looked away, paws shuffling the ground suddenly.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea?
This was the name her mama gave her, wouldn't it be rude to refuse it?
Aw, sheesh, why didn't that come to mind before she'd made it to golden yelling cat?
"I just, well. I feel like "half" suggests I'm incomplete or sumthin', ya know? I know who I'm named after, but.... It doesn't feel like me. Or like it's my name."
She shrugged and ducked her head.

The Kitty. October 2nd, 2020 04:50 PM

Re: Lionsden
// @BILL.

Goslingkit tilted her head to a side, perplexed. "Cannibalism?" she echoed, eyes glimmering with what seemed to be a touch of interest. "Wh... What's that?" Yet it seemed the tom had his intentions set elsewhere, because before she knew it he was snarling and spitting at her, golden eyes taking on a light of what Gosling assumed to be... rage? That was... Odd.

"Alright, then! Buh-bye, Liondude!" And with that, she slipped hurriedy on out from his den, stopping once at the entrance to furl her claws into the earth. Yeesh! I'd just brought up the idea of eating a cat -- was never even hinting at that cat being a Clanmate or something! Then, she slunk off into the clearing, mumbling curses to herself from under her breath.

Madelaine October 3rd, 2020 11:59 PM

Re: Lionsden
Voices danced around his head and some were laughing at him some were no. He ignored the mean ones and listened more to the positive ones. Tinypaw felt the feather be tucked behind his ear. He almost wanted to flicker his ear, since it actually tickled.

"I always will it's my name and I'll defiantly wear it well and be the best me I can be.", he meowed. It is part of him and he had no shame at all. Even more so since his beloved leader said so.

teddy. October 4th, 2020 07:54 AM

Re: Lionsden
Reckless was one way to put it, but whatever the emotions running through Waspkits veins, it was manic. He was in a constant state of flight or fight, ready to run, hide, disappear into nothingness... but that was easy when you felt isolated from your own clan. Was this even his clan? Maybe it wasn't.

"Lion can--" He stopped when he heard his sister, half-sister, calling out for the same cat in question. His tuft'd ears perked forwards, so he wasn't the only one sick of being in honour of something they weren't.

A sprint to his paws, he bounded inside, almost toppling as he halted besides his bigger sister. "Same! I want a new name. I hate wasp, I hate it because its not mine nor will I ever be whole without... Without hornet," Even saying the name stung.

{ @Rainquail thank you both for letting me join c: }

tye October 4th, 2020 11:20 PM

Re: Lionsden
Yellow eyes circled to see such regret surface in her gaze and she returned back a loving face press against her with a few swift licks to comfort. "My, my. Cherryflight, what a wonderful name for ya. And don't be too upset, we live n' learn hunny.. I am just glad you are doing well." Sugarapple extended her tail, patting softly on her paw to gesture 'all is forgiven'. "A glance over to Lionstar, nodding as he pad out the older feline return her warm gaze at her grown kit. "Let's leave the leader's den- oh! I reckon the nursery is packed," she mewed, remembering the den crowded with kits before her disappearance. "How 'bout you help me settle, maybe even fill me in of what I missed out, hm?" Smiling, her paws started to lead out into the light to see what's new in Riverclan.

BEAR. October 6th, 2020 01:52 PM

Re: Lionsden
Lionstar had found a new perch.

There was a small ledge in the back of his den he figured out how to get to, using the uneven stone wall for footing as he scrambled up the side to get onto it.

Hunched down on this ledge, it gave him a pretty good view of his den and the entrance to it - so it was no problem seeing Foxblaze dancing outside of it. Waiting.

"Foxblaze," his voice rumbled throughout the empty, kinda dark den. "What're you doing? Come on in."

[ sorry i missed this!!! @Exis ]

Exis October 7th, 2020 06:29 AM

Re: Lionsden
Foxblaze stepped deeper into lionsden and found herself a bit uneasy. She’d always been comfortable in where she was but something about this den was off. Maybe it was the heads that lay unseen by her that was giving her pelt a raw pick of fear. Regardless, she came here for a reason.

“Thank you Lionstar. I came to ask about being a camp guard, I missed my chance due to me being in the nursery but I think I could be good for the role.” she mewed tenitivly. She didn’t want to make him mad at her or anything she’d just really hoped she could fill this role and watch out for her fellow clan mates.

(It’s fine :))

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