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Cinderspirit January 13th, 2023 04:59 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Beechkit looked up to see Shallowkit leap at his friend. Light glinted at the end of her paws. Wait. Were those claws? Beechkit growled, "If that's how you want to play."
He ran towards the two cats, unsheathing his own claws an jumped into the fray, leaping for Shallowkit. @Rapid @Aethon

sock January 13th, 2023 05:06 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Snailkit yawned, stretching their tiny paws as far as they could go. They blinked their tired yellow eyes, resting their muscles. Boy, they'd spent ALL DAY playing! The tiny calico yawned, little fangs shimmering in the mellow light. Snailkit gazed around, eyes half closed as the weight of sleepiness tugged at them.


Rapid January 13th, 2023 05:23 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
(Yall wanna get a queen to interfere between the whole scuffle?)
@Cinderspirit @Aethon

.Sein January 13th, 2023 06:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Rapid (Post 1348237)
(Yall wanna get a queen to interfere between the whole scuffle?)
@Cinderspirit @Aethon

Might be better]] Also wondering- oh nvm its on another tab lmao

.Sein January 13th, 2023 06:23 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=34757HoundKit https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=34757

☆ A small black and white tom with cross amber eyes ☆

The small tom let out a fearful screech and flailed his paws
wildly. Until he escaped ShallowKit's grasp. He hind tailed
away until he coward in the opened his ears pinned back.
The small tom's heartbeat began rapidly beating from nerves.
He was more scared than harmed.


Rapid January 13th, 2023 06:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
She pinned her ears back, noticing that her claws where out as she put them back in. "I-I didn't m-mean to-," but before she could finish her sentence, Beechkit ran into her, feeling his claws dig into her side. She screeched in fear as his claws dug deeper into her pelt which caused her, to unsheathe them as well and battle Beechkit off of her. "It was an ACCIDENT!" she yelled trying to get Beechkit off of her.
@Aethon @Cinderspirit

.Sein January 13th, 2023 06:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=34757HoundKit https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...ictureid=34757

☆ A small black and white tom with cross amber eyes ☆

The little cross-eyed tom turned away and winced at her painful
screeching. Not knowing what to do he stayed hunched where he
was letting the little wound in his shoulder form metallic blood.
He clenched his eyes "BeechKit!" he wailed.

Then he raced back over and gently tried to push Beechkit off
of ShallowKit then he dug his head into Beechkit's shoulder as
in a 'thank you but I think something is a little off..' but he didn't
say anything just a terrified kit trying to hold off a defending and
protective kit.


gs29513 January 13th, 2023 07:53 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Fur a bit damp and stringy, Antkit trailed into the den with a few soft squelches as her damp paws made firm contact with the equally damp moss covering the entrance to the nursery. Which, of course, was its intended purpose. Keep all the gross bits of mud and dirt the kits found outside as close to outside as they could be. For once she was somewhat tired, well, at least less buzzing than normal, and so was content to settle down towards the back of the nursery, swiping idly at a small ball of moss. She had herself somewhat convinced that it was vital training, this practice of EXTREME dexterity and clawwork, and so spent much of what could be considered 'down time' in the corner, fiddling about with it. It probably built some coordination, but the effect was likely quite limited.
It also, quite possibly, built friends. Well, relationships of some kind, whether they be positive or negative. An overly firm strike sent it bouncing off the den wall and back into.....somebody's bottom. Antkit had no clue who, she was still relatively young and so had yet to learn all the names, but the kit in question didn't seem overly scary, and she was plenty courageous anyway! Squaring her tiny shoulders and huffing in a fortifying bit of breath, she marched over with her head held high. Sorry! she chirped, paw already reaching for her ball. I didn't mean to hit you, but I'm SUPER strong, so when I hit it just lightly it went WOOOOO and bounced off the wall and onto you. Oh, I'm Antkit! Who are you? She didn't want this to turn into an undying enemy situation, so introductions were probably a good idea. If nothing else she'd add a new name to the list of those she knew.

sock January 13th, 2023 08:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1348374)
Fur a bit damp and stringy, Antkit trailed into the den with a few soft squelches as her damp paws made firm contact with the equally damp moss covering the entrance to the nursery. Which, of course, was its intended purpose. Keep all the gross bits of mud and dirt the kits found outside as close to outside as they could be. For once she was somewhat tired, well, at least less buzzing than normal, and so was content to settle down towards the back of the nursery, swiping idly at a small ball of moss. She had herself somewhat convinced that it was vital training, this practice of EXTREME dexterity and clawwork, and so spent much of what could be considered 'down time' in the corner, fiddling about with it. It probably built some coordination, but the effect was likely quite limited.
It also, quite possibly, built friends. Well, relationships of some kind, whether they be positive or negative. An overly firm strike sent it bouncing off the den wall and back into.....somebody's bottom. Antkit had no clue who, she was still relatively young and so had yet to learn all the names, but the kit in question didn't seem overly scary, and she was plenty courageous anyway! Squaring her tiny shoulders and huffing in a fortifying bit of breath, she marched over with her head held high. Sorry! she chirped, paw already reaching for her ball. I didn't mean to hit you, but I'm SUPER strong, so when I hit it just lightly it went WOOOOO and bounced off the wall and onto you. Oh, I'm Antkit! Who are you? She didn't want this to turn into an undying enemy situation, so introductions were probably a good idea. If nothing else she'd add a new name to the list of those she knew.

Snailkit had almost nodded off when a ball of moss rolled into their tiny bottom. The little calico hopped up, staring curiously at the ball. Where had it come from? The sky? The wall? Was it sent from StarClan itself!? The tiny kit pawed at the ball, already forgetting the tiredness that they had felt before as the thrill of the hunt overcame them. But, before Snailkit could get too far with the moss, another kit came looking for it. Wait, was that kit apologizing? For what? Honestly, the tiny calico had already forgotten where they'd gotten this ball, or what they were doing with it. Before they could tell the other kit that it was totally ok (even though Snailkit had no idea what this cat was apologizing for), the she-cat (who was slightly bigger than them) started talking about how strong they were. And, because the kit was bigger than them, Snailkit believed everything they said. Older cats knew more than them! Er, was this kit older? Snailkit could never tell. Sometimes being smaller than normal was annoying. Then, the kit revealed herself to be Antkit. "Well, hello Antkit! I'm Snailkit! Imma bat!" They chirped happily, running in a circle. "Flap flap flap!" They sat down again, looking at the mossball again. Oh, it must be Antkit's. She was reaching for it, after all! "Is that yours?" Snailkit asked, just to clear it up.

gs29513 January 13th, 2023 08:20 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Antkit was confused. This was relatively normal, as she wasn't the most on top of current events, but this one might take the cake. This kit, who seemed pretty friendly(phew, maybe this could be a friend?), had introduced themselves, normally, enough, you know? But THEN, despite having claimed the moniker of Snailkit, began 'flapping' around declaring bathood? It was strange, but Antkit was nothing if not adaptable. In a trice, she too was scooting about with cries of Nice to meet you Snailkit! and then immediately afterward FlapflapflapflapFLAP!, at least until the other kit ceased the dizzying spinning. Then she was perfectly content to clear up the ownership of the mossball, at least once the world stopped tilting this way and that. Oh, yeah, that's mine! It's my Training Moss. Because I gotta train! Cause I'm gonna be the best warrior! And also leader maybe probably, cause I'm so cool! Was she making unfounded, braggadocious, potentially inflammatory claims? Yes, yes she was. Was she going to stop? No, no she was not.

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