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graves July 25th, 2018 03:23 AM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline (Post 525272)
@Zero to Hero
{I'll take it into the Medicine Cats' den. I've talked with Cosmo and King.}

Buttercupbreeze was pleased that the bundle of fur she held between her jaws had relaxed. She didn't want to take a frighten kitten into camp were so many cats were especially since she was hurt. It could be hard to be introduced into a new place when you were already worried. But, the kit had calmed and she gently hung from the molly's jaws limp like prey. Though by the rise and fall of her flack and the best of her head against her this molly was sure she was alive.
Buttercup's first intentions was to take the mysterious kit to Oriolepaw to see what she could do for her. The kitten had plenty of scratches, none look deep but what did she know? She knew nothing about herbs other then that cobwebs stopped bleeding and the only reason she knew that was because she'd been hurt enough times to remember that. Though the kit's left eye was swollen shut, unlike her right eye witch was a beautiful amber, Buttercup was a bit worried about that, she'd not injured her eye before so it wasn't something she knew would heal. If it didn't it'd be pretty hard for the little tabby to grow up only seeing out of one eye, even harder if she wasn't able to stay in WindClan. I hope Oriolepaw knows how to heal all her wounds otherwise I'll have to get Daydream, they are much closer then Shinefang and he's to old to travel that far when some other cat is closer. She told herself glancing down at the kit again, sleeping soundly in her jaws.

Once in camp Buttercupbreeze headed straight towards the Medicine Cats' den. Her stride was still gentle and not rushed now both to avoid alerting the Clan and not wake the sleeping kitten. The creamy ginger molly did how ever cover the distance of camp pretty fast as her long limbs could cover ground swiftly. Stopping for a brief heartbeat Buttercup tried to decide how to explain the matter but decided she'd just say what came to mind. With that she pushed though the entrance of the den careful not to scratch the kit with a heather or grose branch. Once in the den she was honestly surprised to see that the ShadowClan Medicine cat was already there. I must have missed them getting here. The Deputy commented silently. She'd assume Daydream was there to train Oriolepaw since the past Medicine cat had sadly been killed in a run in with a fox.
Feeling a bit bad for interrupting a training session Buttercup gently sat down the kitten after waving her tail in greeting. "Oriolepaw, Daydream." She greeted a slight nod to each cat. "I'm sorry to intrude but, well..." The molly added letting her words trail off as she looked over at the tabby kitten she'd found in the territory. She was sure that the poor little kit needed their attention at I for a while as she got her good and water but she was also sure that they didn't need her explaining it. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

@Cosmo @king kaleb!
{Whenever want guys are ready.}

[ @Zero to Hero , @Cosmo ]
daydream opened their mouth to say something before buttercupbreeze padded in along with a...kit? in her maw. by the looks of it they seemed to be in really bad shape.they darted over to the kits side immediately,laying down with it resting infront of their chest and licking its wounds to clean them before treatment. "oriolpaw, i want you to get me marigold. its a bright small flower, about the size of a cats paw pad, and is an orangy yellow and has no scent to it. i also need celandine. its a softer, pastel looking yellow and looks like a flower was just split in half." they explained briefly between licks. they looked up towards buttercup with slitted eyes,"are you gonna stand there or tell me what happened to this kit?" they said cooly. if theyw ere going to be treating other clans pateints for awhile, the least they could do was speak up. "oh - and oriole, youll find those herb closer to the nests in that corner over there, it shouldnt be too hard," they explained, pointing their tail in the direction. they didnt knwo how eveyone wasnt freaking out. kits were fragile, so fragile that an injury like this, an infection alone, could kill them. so they needed to be cleaned and treated as soon as possible. they looked back towards buttercup,"and get over here, this kit needs warmth of some kind and im a walking skeleton," they mewed.

North July 25th, 2018 04:03 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Fawnsplash's deep chestnut appearance sprinted freely across the moor, only behind Kestreldust by a foot or two. Her slender form had little trouble keeping up with the fast pace her companion set, as the two of them drifted effortlessly across the open ground. The wind racing through her pelt, delicately playing with the well-groomed chestnut brown fur, the energetic she-cat lived for this adrenaline rush. Fawnsplash was a windclan cat through and through, the chase of a hunt being the most thrilling thing she believed one could do. She turned her agate gaze over to her companion upon smelling the familiar scent of a hare. Her eyes widened in mild horror as she watched her companion tumble and fall over himself a few times, her marbled form coming to a halt as quickly as her own legs would allow her to. She struggled to maintain her balance, eager to avoid meeting the same fate as Kestreldust. Though as soon as she heard his hearty laugh she couldn't help but chuckle to herself, wandering over to stand over her fallen companion. She soon began laughing as fully as he was, almost needing to sit down for a moment to catch her breath. These moments on their hunts were certainly her favourite.

Arie July 25th, 2018 05:24 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
{ @~Northern_Lights~ }

Kestreldust pulled apart his fangs in a cat like smile. He was happy, but as he made sure to keep his back to the west. He angled his ears towards the hare, all serious of a sudden. He wanted to eat and to hunt and now was the time. The silver tom angled his ears toward some bushes, silently signalling that he would chase the hare into her paws, but he knew he would try to be beside her, the hare was dangerous. But she was the more sturdy of the two and likely the one who wouldn't be in too much danger of being kicked. He jumped up and ran softly on his paws and saw the hare and the tips of Fawnsong's ears. He was ready, and with a heavy push he sped up toward the hare, reaching speeds that were rare if they weren't windclan cats. He ran to the side but the spiny tom fell over his paws for the second time this day, and just hoped that Fawnsong would catch their prey.

North July 25th, 2018 06:52 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Fawnsplash acted accordingly, moving into a low position; ears angled forward, eyes big and centred in on the hare. She prepared herself for the hare's powerful adrenaline induced running, knowing full well it would likely put up a fight or at least a good chase. The she-cat trusted her partner to quickly join her in bringing the hare down, not trusting herself nearly as much to do it alone. She saw his signal, and then watched as Kestreldust galloped at what would be an unbelievably fast speed, had he and Fawnsplash not been Windclan cats. But by another stroke of bad luck, she watched in horror as her partner fell over once more and her agate gaze locked onto the considerably large hare which was running straight towards her. She had two choices: either let the hare surpass her and engage it in a fast paced chase with the hopes it would give Kestreldust the time to get back up and catch up with her so the two of them could take down the creature together. Her second option was to pounce on the hare and hope she had the strength to take it down. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, she made the decision to attempt to bring it down herself. Unsheathing her claws and snarling at the creature, she pushed off of the ground beneath her and charged towards the creature before pouncing a foot or so off the ground and onto the creature. Struggling to keep a grip on the hare, the she-cat bit down onto the scruff of it's neck hoping to hold it for just long enough she could expose its neck and make the kill. Suddenly the hare kicked against Fawnsplash's back legs and managed to push her off balance. A kick to the side lead to her letting out a small yelp and removing her claws from the creature's side. Laying there breathless and winded from the kick, Fawnsplash watched on in disappointment as the lucky hare ran off into the tall grass of the moor and beyond her sight. She continue laying there as she caught her breath, glad she wasn't badly injured.

Cosmo July 25th, 2018 04:37 PM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 527101)
[ @Zero to Hero , @Cosmo ]
daydream opened their mouth to say something before buttercupbreeze padded in along with a...kit? in her maw. by the looks of it they seemed to be in really bad shape.they darted over to the kits side immediately,laying down with it resting infront of their chest and licking its wounds to clean them before treatment. "oriolpaw, i want you to get me marigold. its a bright small flower, about the size of a cats paw pad, and is an orangy yellow and has no scent to it. i also need celandine. its a softer, pastel looking yellow and looks like a flower was just split in half." they explained briefly between licks. they looked up towards buttercup with slitted eyes,"are you gonna stand there or tell me what happened to this kit?" they said cooly. if theyw ere going to be treating other clans pateints for awhile, the least they could do was speak up. "oh - and oriole, youll find those herb closer to the nests in that corner over there, it shouldnt be too hard," they explained, pointing their tail, in the direction. they didnt knwo how eveyone wasnt freaking out. kits were fragile, so fragile that an injury like this, an infection alone, could kill them. so they needed to be cleaned and treated as soon as possible. they looked back towards buttercup,"and get over here, this kit needs warmth of some kind and im a walking skeleton," they mewed.

@Fuzzyfeline @Zero to Hero

Oriolepaw stood their panic stricken for a moment but at Daydream's orders she bolted over to the herbs stores trying to look for what she had mentioned. Marigold, celandine... Her heart was beating as she frantically scanned the herb store. When they told her where she should find the herbs, Oriolepaw took a deep breath and went over to the herb store. She quickly found the marigold, and she was about to say something about the celandine, but then she noticed a yellow herb that looked like the flower was split in half. Picking up the two herbs in her mouth Oriolepaw padded over to Daydream and dropped them at their feet her eyes wide in terror.

Zero July 25th, 2018 07:00 PM

Re: WindClan Medicine Cat's Den
@king kaleb!

The tiny she-kit was exhausted after her whole ordeal and slept soundly throughout most of the walk to WindClan, but she definitely stirred as she was placed back on the ground. Soon, her one good eye opened while the left remained stubbornly swollen shut due to the scratch across it. A tiny nose scrunched up instantly as she took in a breath, but the smell was instantly forgotten as another unfamiliar cat rushed her way. She was frightened despite the fact that one was quite scrawny and actually smaller than the she-cat who had brought her here. If she had had any energy or will left, she would have tried to move away, but it was useless - she couldn't get her limbs to move despite her fear... or maybe it was fear that kept her from moving, she didn't know anymore. The kitten closed her eye tightly once more, convinced that this hungry looking cat was going to eat her. But then she felt a tongue across her wounds, which stung, but it was definitely not as bad as having a bite taken out of her instead. She laid there tensely as this process went along and the new cat ordered what sounded like another cat around. The only movement was her quivering, and the only sound was the chattering of her teeth together. She just wanted to sleep again, she was so tired.

Arie July 26th, 2018 02:10 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
{rn Kestrel is me, my shoulder keep getting locked, especially when horse riding (cause you push your shoulder back and they lock xD) and also violin cause you push your left shoulder into your right}

Kestreldust had gotten on his feet and the tom padded over to Fawnsong, looking her over before giving her a soft lick at the top of her neck. "It's fine you lost it. Rabbit time I guess?" His shoulder was still slightly sore from his roll in the grass after falling over. "Of course only if you're okay and up for getting something to eat." He sat down next to her, stretching his locked down shoulder out. He touched her flank slowly and when she looked uncomfortable he leaned down and gently licked her dirty fur. He was worried about his good friend, one of the few who understood him.

Rivergold July 26th, 2018 02:35 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Heatherstep slipped out of the camp entrance, stretching her tawny legs. She glanced around, then trotted away from camp, heading out across the moor. Slowing as she caught the scent of a fresh rabbit trail, she glanced across the moor before continuing. She didn't have time to hunt. She padded along trail after trail through the tall and twisted grass; paths too tiny to notice if one wasn't looking. Eventually, her purpose driven steps led her to a scraggly bush. Ducking beneath the lowest branches, the sparse patches of leaves provided little cover. But cover was not what she was after.

(Open to whoever wants to follow the sneeky)

Cosmo July 26th, 2018 06:47 AM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Mottleheart padded out of the nursery, she was used to being in there with her kits, but since she no longer was the molly would bring prey to the queens and kits in the nursery, in her mind it was the least she could do. Mottleheart looked at the fresh kill pile, she thought about grabbing a piece of prey for herself, but then reconsidered. I'm not hungry, She decided and padded toward a shady spot in the clearing. She lay down in that spot ruffled her long fur uncomfortably, it had been hot recently and the molly envied her sister for her short fur. Shade was something Mottleheart sought out daily, though most of the time too many cats occupied it.

North July 26th, 2018 01:24 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Arié (Post 527393)
{rn Kestrel is me, my shoulder keep getting locked, especially when horse riding (cause you push your shoulder back and they lock xD) and also violin cause you push your left shoulder into your right}

Kestreldust had gotten on his feet and the tom padded over to Fawnsong, looking her over before giving her a soft lick at the top of her neck. "It's fine you lost it. Rabbit time I guess?" His shoulder was still slightly sore from his roll in the grass after falling over. "Of course only if you're okay and up for getting something to eat." He sat down next to her, stretching his locked down shoulder out. He touched her flank slowly and when she looked uncomfortable he leaned down and gently licked her dirty fur. He was worried about his good friend, one of the few who understood him.

(Oh wow you're extremely talented, and I understand the struggle with horse riding as I did it a few years back xD)
Fawnsplash's breathing, though still somewhat laboured, was more even and relaxed after having the chance to lay down for a bit. She sighed and let out a small aggravated growl to herself, realising she had let the hare get away. The comfort of her friend did make her feel somewhat better, his words reminding her there would be another chance to succeed. Her agate eyes turned soft as she gazed up at him, appreciative of his gentle grooming. It had indeed made her feel better, enough so she managed to haul herself up onto her feet. She could feel the exact spot where the bruise would appear, the mark the shape of a hare's foot no doubt - it was a shame it would be hidden beneath her chestnut-striped fur. She assured herself she would be fine, and felt the earlier hunting energy return to her slender form. "Rabbits it is," She agreed, taking a few steps forward before she turned back to Kestreldust, "Unless we have the luck of running into another hare again," She added afterwards, knowing she still had the energy and adrenaline in her to have another go at taking a hare down.

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