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bubble[error]. March 16th, 2024 11:07 AM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

* Cherrypaw froze and looked over at Mudhound. She immediately felt bad about herself because of her coweredness. "I-I'm sorry, I... I guess I just don't like fighting..." She mumbled.

( @Rani )

dino. March 16th, 2024 02:21 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]
SO. Elkpaw had been distracted. Oops. It wasn't his fault the grass looked edible, okay? It didn't TASTE good, but hey, learning experience, don't eat grass.

He spat a blade back out as Redhawk approached, trying to look innocent. No grass-eating here, none at all. With her encouragement, he reached up on his hind legs to sink his claws into the bark and start pulling himself up. Hey, this was just like that one time he tried to scale the nursery!

Tongue poking out in concentration, Elkpaw made his way slowly up to the lowest hanging branch. "I'M DOING IT!" he shrieked. "REDHAWK LOOKATMELOOK!"

Fawn March 17th, 2024 01:51 AM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]
°•. info & relations ✿ they/them ✿ finder coming soon ✿ challenge mode! [skill-perk free]   .•°
Beachpaw -
Hunting had soo many steps to it. Beachpaw's mind was spinning trying to take in everything at once. Before they could spend too long adjusting their crouch based on Mudhound's evaluation, the instruction had moved on to the next stage of stalking. In short, it was hunting crouch plus moving toward the prey in a manner that wouldn't alert it. Beachpaw grimaced, feeling lousy at the first part alone, much less applying fluid movement to the awkward position.

But they gave it their best attempt, focusing hard on staying in the crouched position despite attempting to steal glances at their surroundings to plan each short shimmy forward toward the goal. Avoid the crunchies, stay out of the prey's line of sight, go for the tall grass, try not to rustle the foliage.. They wished taking quiet pawsteps could be an easier process (perhaps the element they were worst at), frustrated by the patience required to feel out every single spot for potential giveaways before moving onward.


Dark March 17th, 2024 03:30 AM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

She/Her - They/them
CW: Minor Self-Deprecation? I don’t believe it to be too bad, but just in case

Swanpaw was so nervous about climbing. She had came over initially to potentially learn a battle move or two if she was lucky, but climbing? That was not something she had prepared herself for. With a defeated look, she followed along with the rest of the group. Not so far behind as to be lagging, but also not too far in front to draw attention to herself. Perhaps if she made herself seem smaller (not that she needed any help with that) then the bigger cats wouldn’t pay her any attention when she messed up.

Finally getting there, she listened to Wolfhive’s instructions. Studiously, she watched the newest warrior’s example, hoping that it would give some better insight. He made it seem so easy! There was no way it was that simple, right? In the process of thinking, Redhawk scaled the tree seemingly with ease as well. How was everyone so good at this!? All of the other apprentices were so much larger than she was, having been apprenticed earlier, and seemed to be doing relatively well. Could she really do this?

While doing all of their overthinking, it seemed as though Redhawk noticed. Flinching at the question, they nodded slightly before making their way over to the Hornet. It seemed as though Redhawk was talking to Timberpaw. Was she also not able to figure it out? Maybe… maybe it was okay if they didn’t get it the first time then…?

Deciding it was time to properly face her fears, Swanpaw approached one of the practice trees hesitantly. She could do this! So what she was small? Or didn’t have a lot of experience with this? Her dad was a super cool warrior, and her mom too, surely if they could do it then she could too, right? Unsheathing her claws, she reached up and stretched forward with her forelegs, sinking them into the tree bark. Okay, so far so good. Next was actually getting up there. Swanpaw wiggled a little before jumping up and…

She fell. Right on her butt. As she landed, she bounced once before ending up sprawled on her back. Their attempt at copying Redhawk ended in complete and utter failure. She just laid there, far too embarrassed to even react. What could she do? Everyone just watched her fail miserably. Stars above, she wanted to cry. Maybe… maybe if they didn’t react at all, the others wouldn’t comment on it? Yes, that was it. They’d just lay right there and pretend they didn’t exist… Closing her eyes, she folded her paws across her chest and simply pretended to be dead. ’Please don’t look at me, please don’t look at me, please don’t look at me!’ she inwardly begged, squeezing her eyes tighter together. This was the worst ever! She’d brought dishonor upon her whole family. Mommy, Daddy, Elkpaw, Sunny, Brindlekit, ALL OF THEM. A shame, a disgrace, she’d never show her face again. Nope, how could she after that? She couldn’t climb a tree — in a clan of tree-climbers! Oh goodness, this was it. This was the end! She’d have to leave the clan, and change her name, and— oh no, she was crying now. Everyone was going to see how much of a baby she is and Bumblystar would send her back to the nursery! The thought of disgracing her parents further made her cry harder. Someone put her out of her misery. Please.

[Had to sneak this in before I got skipped over again :skull: @talle @vellichor for Timber mention @dino. In case you want Elk to make fun of her]

dino. March 17th, 2024 08:38 AM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]
As Elkpaw turned, he watched Swanpaw attempt to do the same as everyone else, before tumbling down and failing to succeed at just that. At first, his whiskers quivered in amusement, and he was planning on teasing her from his perch. But then he saw how she reacted.

Concern made his brow furrow. He awkwardly scrambled his way back down, slipping a bit, before he landed and hurried over to his sister.

"Hey!" Elkpaw tried to nudge her with his nose. "You... um, it's okay not to get it the first time! You don't have to cry! We can help you! Do you- Do you want to watch me?"

[ @Dark ]

taillow March 18th, 2024 02:53 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]
Both Wisppaw and Echopaw didn't seem to do much of anything other than stand around, which caused Redhawk to frown a bit. "Is there something wrong?" she asked the two apprentices with a tilted head. She had demonstrated how to climb, both her and Wolfhive had, and yet still they made no attempt to climb. "You can both try t-together on opposite sides of the tree if you want to!" Maybe that would encourage them to get started instead of stand around? Her gaze flickered over to where Wolfhive was helping another paw-ful of apprentices before back to the duo before her.

Gesturing with her tail to one of the trees nearby, she demonstrated again how to properly start a climb. "Look for the ridges you can easily h-hook your claws into," she began, lifting her claws up and sliding them in, tugging back to show how they remained in place. She then gave a small leap and did the same with her back claws. "From here, you'll want t-to push with your hind claws, and latch on with your front claws!" Scaling the tree slowly to ensure both apprentices got it this time. Once she reached a lower branch, she turned and leapt back down, smiling at both of them. "Now you t-two try!"

Her gaze then shifted from the duo to where Elkpaw was, beaming proudly at her apprentice as he reached the lower branch. "Well done, Elkpaw!" she called to him, then noticed how his sister was flat on her back. "Elkpaw is right," Red purred as she got nearer, smiling down at the she-cat. "Not everyone gets it right on t-their first try - I certainly didn't!" ...She had, but Swanpaw didn't need to know that. "Why don't you work with Elkpaw and climb together?" Yeah, duo time seemed to be a good idea here.

Looking around now at everyone gathered, and hoping that the last two duos were gonna be able to work together, Redhawk lifted her tail. "We'll be going over how to ambush from the t-trees. Once you've gotten up to the lowest branch, I want you t-to pick a sss-spot on the ground to leap for - picture it's a cat's back, your front paws aiming to give them a few sss-slashes, before t-tucking and rolling away."

Locating a currently empty tree, Redhawk climbed more slowly this time so that those who still had yet to climb could watch her (again). She reached the lowest branch and turned, picking out a spot on the ground. The low branches weren't high enough to cause any injury thankfully. With concentration, the hornet leaped towards the ground with outstretched claws, batting at the air before she tucked her head in and rolled onto the ground, easily springing back up to her paws a little ways away from her target.

"If the t-tuck and roll feels too sss-scary, just try to land on your t-target from your branch!"

[ @Blazing @SeonghwasBunnyEars @Tiabirb @nyx @Hestia! @dino. @CrimsonOak @Starphobia @kittycatburmise @Katiethewolfchild @vellichor @Eden @Dark @BEAR. ]

[ Apprentices will need at least one post of them climbing the tree in order for the lesson to count! If your apprentice has not yet climbed, make sure to get them up on that lowest branch! Apprentices who are already on the lowest branch can attempt the move! ]

ChromeSilver_Hwaa March 18th, 2024 03:10 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Oatpaw gave a small sniff. "Who.... who can my partner be? Unless I just jump on the ground..." Oatpaw murmured, still being a bit clingy to Wolfhive as his entire body shook with fear

Shrew March 18th, 2024 03:35 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Originally Posted by talle (Post 1568863)
Both Wisppaw and Echopaw didn't seem to do much of anything other than stand around, which caused Redhawk to frown a bit. "Is there something wrong?" she asked the two apprentices with a tilted head. She had demonstrated how to climb, both her and Wolfhive had, and yet still they made no attempt to climb. "You can both try t-together on opposite sides of the tree if you want to!" Maybe that would encourage them to get started instead of stand around? Her gaze flickered over to where Wolfhive was helping another paw-ful of apprentices before back to the duo before her.

Gesturing with her tail to one of the trees nearby, she demonstrated again how to properly start a climb. "Look for the ridges you can easily h-hook your claws into," she began, lifting her claws up and sliding them in, tugging back to show how they remained in place. She then gave a small leap and did the same with her back claws. "From here, you'll want t-to push with your hind claws, and latch on with your front claws!" Scaling the tree slowly to ensure both apprentices got it this time. Once she reached a lower branch, she turned and leapt back down, smiling at both of them. "Now you t-two try!"

Her gaze then shifted from the duo to where Elkpaw was, beaming proudly at her apprentice as he reached the lower branch. "Well done, Elkpaw!" she called to him, then noticed how his sister was flat on her back. "Elkpaw is right," Red purred as she got nearer, smiling down at the she-cat. "Not everyone gets it right on t-their first try - I certainly didn't!" ...She had, but Swanpaw didn't need to know that. "Why don't you work with Elkpaw and climb together?" Yeah, duo time seemed to be a good idea here.

Looking around now at everyone gathered, and hoping that the last two duos were gonna be able to work together, Redhawk lifted her tail. "We'll be going over how to ambush from the t-trees. Once you've gotten up to the lowest branch, I want you t-to pick a sss-spot on the ground to leap for - picture it's a cat's back, your front paws aiming to give them a few sss-slashes, before t-tucking and rolling away."

Locating a currently empty tree, Redhawk climbed more slowly this time so that those who still had yet to climb could watch her (again). She reached the lowest branch and turned, picking out a spot on the ground. The low branches weren't high enough to cause any injury thankfully. With concentration, the hornet leaped towards the ground with outstretched claws, batting at the air before she tucked her head in and rolled onto the ground, easily springing back up to her paws a little ways away from her target.

"If the t-tuck and roll feels too sss-scary, just try to land on your t-target from your branch!"

[ @Blazing @SeonghwasBunnyEars @Tiabirb @nyx @Hestia! @dino. @CrimsonOak @Starphobia @kittycatburmise @Katiethewolfchild @vellichor @Eden @Dark @BEAR. ]

[ Apprentices will need at least one post of them climbing the tree in order for the lesson to count! If your apprentice has not yet climbed, make sure to get them up on that lowest branch! Apprentices who are already on the lowest branch can attempt the move! ]

"WispPaw & EchoPaw"

The two nodded, and got on opposite sides of the tree as they were told. WispPaw started climbing, gripping the tree with his claws. he got pretty high, and then EchoPaw started climbing.

Kix March 18th, 2024 04:42 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

▵ She/Her ▵

She had gotten excited that she didn't wait for her sister and had clawed her way up the rest of the tree. Sunpaw reached out a paw to grip the tree branch before her and used her strength to haul herself onto it. "Yay! I did it! I did it! Look Swan I'm so high up, you got this, if I can do it so can ya!" she gave a little cheer for Swanpaw. She would choose to stay up here and cheer on her sister as she climbed up, otherwise, it took her a lot of energy just to get to this branch.

@BEAR. @talle @Dark [ sunpaw cheering on lil swan ]

══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══

nyx March 18th, 2024 07:20 PM

Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

《 Copperpaw 》

they/them / thunderclan apprentice / ambitious

Copperpaw felt a bit more proud of themselves as some apprentices struggle to climb the tree.

They gave a nod to Redhawk and wiggled their haunches before unsheathing their claws and leaping at a spot near Oatpaw. They landed but their paw landed wrong and they rolled onto their back. "Ow.." they complained. "Now that...was embarrassing" Copperpaw squeezed their eyes shut, not wanting to see the faces of the hornets and apprentices.
(@talle ; Redhawk , @SeonghwasBunnyEars ; Oatpaw )

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