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Toya Todoroki June 11th, 2023 08:04 PM

Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Octavia! (Post 1432320)
"I don't know," Echopaw meowed, "My dad said that death can change a cat. Death usually makes a cat stronger, or more protective over who they have left. Maybe the cats that have been lost are happy to be reunited with the cats that they themselves have lost."

Shypaw nodded... "yes... thats the best thing one can hope for"

RavensCall June 11th, 2023 08:13 PM

Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Dabi (Post 1432322)

Shypaw nodded... "yes... thats the best thing one can hope for"

Echopaw smiled. "It's gonna go perfectly."

Toya Todoroki June 11th, 2023 08:30 PM

Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Octavia! (Post 1432327)
Echopaw smiled. "It's gonna go perfectly."

shypaw nodded, falling silent as she watched the high ranks move about (19/100)

RavensCall June 11th, 2023 09:24 PM

Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Dabi (Post 1432332)

shypaw nodded, falling silent as she watched the high ranks move about (19/100)

Echopaw couldn't sit still, anticipating the High Ranks' announcements.

Kaybug. June 11th, 2023 10:22 PM

Re: June Gathering
Batpaw weaved through the cats that were here at the gathering and sat down.

- @Starfall

Alchemist Kitsune June 11th, 2023 10:32 PM

Re: June Gathering
| Mousepaw |

Alright. A name. And she was patting the ground besides her invitingly. Looked like he still had his friendlier demeanor hanging around. Good. He had to keep it that way. His mum liked him best when he was friendly and caring. He couldn't just let a bunch of sour experiences change him, right? If he turned rude and uncaring, he would be just like the ones that had abandoned and betrayed his trust. Or worse. He'd turn into Elmshadow. That thought alone was almost enough to send a shudder down his spine. No. He had to be better than that! He had to be like his mum!

Sitting down where Moorpaw had patted, Mousepaw attempted to gain some idea as to where this apprentice was from. The rain was making scents quite hard to distinguish, however, and he honestly was only familiar with WindClan's scent, having had his mentor conveniently forget to take him out on the most basic of things, like a territory tour. Gratefully he'd had a patrol to teach him some of the terrain on the way to WindClan's border, but even then the place had smelled so foul from the fire he wasn't really certain what the clan smelled like at all. His musings were quickly forgotten at the mention of drama at Gatherings, bringing out a small snort from the gray tom. "I don't think it's possible to have a bunch of cats together without any kind of drama," Mousepaw chortled knowing full well how over the top some ShadowClanners could be.

If the other clans had only a fraction of the dramatics that ShadowClan did, he could imagine the Gatherings being... well... they didn't sound boring at the very least? That was something, right? Then there was the matter of the leaders. Dawnstar sure liked to fight. Some of the enforcers were like that, too! Cougarivy in particular seemed to really enjoy fighting. If Mousepaw were to be honest, he enjoyed a good scrap every now and then too. But never to hurt anyone! Oh no. He just liked play fighting. It was always a fun way to pass the time when stuck inside camp. Or it had been... before his mum had gotten sick.

Before the young apprentice could go too deep down that rabbit hole, Moorpaw's question brought him back to his senses, his rounded ears perking up in an alert fashion as a small eep escaped him. How was... his training going? Well... honestly? Terrible. He'd had to find mentors to teach him, as his former mentor whom he'd looked up to and strived to be like had abandoned him, just like his pop and his brother had. And then his mum had gotten sick, which meant he'd had to take a break from training... not like it mattered. It seemed only Auntie Larky wanted to train him, anyways. And then there was the matter of his new mentor... who reminded Mousepaw of his old mentor whenever he laid eyes on him. He hadn't really talked to the tom yet, and frankly he didn't see why he should. Shadefrost would just disappoint him like everyone else had so far, so why bother?

Amongst his small, mental tirade, one name stood out amongst the rest. Larkfire. She was the best, wasn't she? She'd been so good to him since he was a kit. That's why she was his favorite auntie. And she always took him out training, even though she had her own things to take care of. A small smile peaking from behind his whiskers, Mousepaw turned verdant green eyes on his companion's as he offered a half shrug.

"Nothing special, I guess. Except for my Auntie Larky. She's been great. Took me out for my first hunting trip and everything. I caught a mouse. A mouse for a paw named Mouse, heh heh!" the tom purred, the memory of his first catch lifting his mood as he puffed up his chest proudly. Auntie Larky had been proud of him that day too! Oh, but he was being rude! He hadn't asked anything about Moorpaw's training! He had to fix that. He was a polite ShadowClanner, mmhmm. "How has your training been doing? Caught anything cool? Oh oh, been on any patrols? I like patrols. It's nice to get out of camp for a while."


@Abyssopelagic [Moorpaw]

Cornbread1233 June 11th, 2023 10:49 PM

Re: June Gathering
Beepaw joined the crowd of cats. Her first gathering! She was excited to meet cats from different clans. As she looked around she grew more apprehensive. What if no one talks to me because they all think I'm weird? Shaking her head she banished that thought. Even if she didn't talk to anyone new at this gathering she'd have plenty of gatherings to try to make friends. She looked up and waited for the High Ranks' announcements.

Silvershadow13 June 12th, 2023 12:13 AM

Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Beetlenose (Post 1432254)

4 moons old - She/her
@Silvershadow13 - Juniperpaw
Minnowpaw sat down next to Juniperpaw .
“Hi.” She whispered, curling her tail around her paws so no cat stepped on it.
The gathering was making her nervous, so many cats, such little space.
It was her first gathering, which was very obvious. From her slightly scared expression to the fear scent no doubt rolling off her in waves, it was clear all this was new to her.

Juniperpaw nodded,
“Isn’t this place cool!”

Courage June 12th, 2023 12:29 AM

Re: June Gathering
The Riverclan she-cat padded over to sit by her clanmates, too proud to mingle with warriors from other clans, especially Thunderclan. The looked up at Beansprout, wondering what the leader would announce at the gathering. *So much has happened since the last gathering... I bet the new apprentices will be announced, though. Probably other basic stuff.* She thought.

She looked up at the other leaders, wondering what was happening in the other clans, though was still too proud to ask the warriors from other clans.

She got to her paws, curiosity getting the best of her. She looked around for another cat to talk to.

poppy June 12th, 2023 01:30 AM

Re: June Gathering

As her best friend approached, the molly let out a relieved sigh, leaning in so that her side fur brushed Morningcall's fur as the tortie spoke. "Thank you, Morning. I don't know what I'd do without you." No, she did know. She'd fall apart, cry, die, have a mental breakdown.... the list went on and on. She was eternally grateful for her sister-like friend.

Not long after Morningcall arrived, she spotted her only ShadowClan friend from her time in the Clan, and timidly offered him a small smile and wave of her tail in greeting, not exactly sure how he'd react. Would Hawkbite be pissed at her? Would he come over and talk? Oh god. If he came over, he'd ask about the kits, and she'd have to tell her friend the terrible news. Glancing back at Sparrowpelt, the lapis-hued molly purred softly.

How painfully relatable, she realized as she listened to the molly speak. "I'd have to say I agree with you. If I didn't want to come support my daughter's first gathering as medicine cat apprentice, I would've been snoring away in the nursery right about now." The longhaired Russian Blue glanced around again for Darklight, but since she didn't spot him (she still inched closer to Morningcall, just to be safe) she was able to relax a bit more. "I vaguely remember it. I stayed up all night in the territory with my friends afterwards, talking about all the drama." She chuckled with a small smile, repositioning her paws so it was more comfy.

[ @TawnyNeedsACoffee @Roo_! @SuspiciousMindz - for her smile and wave to Hawk, he can ignore her/wave back/approach, up to you :heartbounce: ]

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