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Maplefur November 8th, 2016 06:18 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 25299)

Redmoon pricked her ears. She thought she heard something, but shrugged, deciding she was mistaken. I should be getting back to Stormbird soon.... she thought. He was her friend, and it'd been awhile since she'd seen him. But she pushed him to the back of her mind. "Do you hear something?" She asked, her gaze flitting from shadow to shadow nervously. Her pelt prickled, and she tightened her muscles nervously, looking around. Redmoon shrugged, loosening her shoulders, but moving quietly, breaking into a brisk trot.

"Yes, I," Pausing as she starting to trot away, Pinestorm tilted his head before jogging after her. "I do, but it's probably just some prey, or the wind. Why're you so nervous about it?" He was generally curious about this cat. There was something different about her, and he was intrigued. She seemed a bit distracted, he noted, and he wondered why.

Midnight Rain November 8th, 2016 07:01 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits (Post 24674)
Mulberrykit saw Frogkit bite the stick, and she felt accomplished. I'm not a helpless kit anymore! I'm a hero! Of course, then she remembered she'd have to pull him out of the water using the stick. Oh yeah. Using all of her kit strength, she clenched her jaw on the dead branch and pulled, and pulled, and pulled! It was a slow proccess, but eventually the stick was in shallow water. "Frogkit!" She waded to his side of the stink and tried to grab his scruff. "Comon', Frogkit!"

Frogkit slid to shore, but laid still. He was running out of time. His eyes opened slightly, but they lolled around his head. (Don't worry I asked someone to come...)

MaskedBandits November 8th, 2016 07:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 25385)
Frogkit slid to shore, but laid still. He was running out of time. His eyes opened slightly, but they lolled around his head. (Don't worry I asked someone to come...)

(Ok good, Mulberrykit can't keep Frogkit alive for much longer XD) Mulberrykit shrieked when she saw Frogkit's eyes roll in his head, but stayed by him. Oh, someone, anyone, please help us! Help him! She sent her silent plea to StarClan, hoping her warrior ancestors would listen. The red and brown she cat was jerked back to the present suddenly, and she turned her eyes to her friend. What can I do?! Unsure if she was doing the right thing, Mulberrykit pried open his mouth, wincing at the touch of his teeth. Noq air can get into his mouth do he can breathe... right?

doghouse November 8th, 2016 07:14 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 25328)
"Yes, I," Pausing as she starting to trot away, Pinestorm tilted his head before jogging after her. "I do, but it's probably just some prey, or the wind. Why're you so nervous about it?" He was generally curious about this cat. There was something different about her, and he was intrigued. She seemed a bit distracted, he noted, and he wondered why.


Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 25385)
Frogkit slid to shore, but laid still. He was running out of time. His eyes opened slightly, but they lolled around his head. (Don't worry I asked someone to come...)

"Wait...." Her voice trailed away and she broke into a run. She scented something else, sort of like kits.... Redmoon was panting, and she slowed, looking back at Pinestorm. "Keep up!" She gasped, pushing harder, going faster. She wove between the trees, leaping brambles and duskung under low branches. Her heart pounded. It was definitely kits. She broke into a small area where two kits were. One of them was laying still, and she skidded to a halt beside them. She looked down at the still one, then turned to the other one. "What happened?" She asked gently, but impatiently as well.

Midnight Rain November 8th, 2016 07:31 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Frogkit made a sort of choking, strangled sound, and a bit of water dribbled out of his mouth. His eyes lolled, and then closed. His breathing was shallow, and he wouldn't be holding on much longer.

Maplefur November 8th, 2016 07:33 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 25413)

"Wait...." Her voice trailed away and she broke into a run. She scented something else, sort of like kits.... Redmoon was panting, and she slowed, looking back at Pinestorm. "Keep up!" She gasped, pushing harder, going faster. She wove between the trees, leaping brambles and duskung under low branches. Her heart pounded. It was definitely kits. She broke into a small area where two kits were. One of them was laying still, and she skidded to a halt beside them. She looked down at the still one, then turned to the other one. "What happened?" She asked gently, but impatiently as well.

Picking up the pace, Pinestorm was now sprinting. His nose twitched as he picked up the gentle, nursery scent in the air. Kits? What are they doing out of camp? Redmoon was ahead of him, a sense of urgency around her. He assumed that the kit scent had immediately put her senses on high alert. Finally, they arrived to a clearing with a stream nearby. He noted one kit on the ground, lying still, with another besides it. His ears picked up in concern, and he raised a paw hesitantly in the laying kit's direction. It's so still... is it even alive? He vaguely heard Redmoon question the kit about what happened. All he cared about was the small movement in the still kit's chest, telling him it was still alive. What do I do? He felt helpless, watching the kit lay there, knowing it needed help yet not knowing exactly what to do. He decided to stay still, not trusting himself to stay calm and afraid of making the situation worse if he did anything.

doghouse November 8th, 2016 07:42 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Midnighit ._. (QUACK) (Post 25435)
Frogkit made a sort of choking, strangled sound, and a bit of water dribbled out ooptionouth. His eyes lolled, and then closed. His breathing was shallow, and he wouldn't be holding on much longer.


Originally Posted by Maplefur (Post 25439)
Picking up the pace, Pinestorm was now sprinting. His nose twitched as he picked up the gentle, nursery scent in the air. Kits? What are they doing out of camp? Redmoon was ahead of him, a sense of urgency around her. He assumed that the kit scent had immediately put her senses on high alert. Finally, they arrived to a clearing with a stream nearby. He noted one kit on the ground, lying still, with another besides it. His ears picked up in concern, and he raised a paw hesitantly in the laying kit's direction. It's so still... is it even alive? He vaguely heard Redmoon question the kit about what happened. All he cared about was the small movement in the still kit's chest, telling him it was still alive. What do I do? He felt helpless, watching the kit lay there, knowing it needed help yet not knowing exactly what to do. He decided to stay still, not trusting himself to stay calm and afraid of making the situation worse if he did anything.

Redmoon stopped, standing rigid, then she bent down, grabbing the kit's scruff in her mouth. "Help me." She said around the kit's fur, starting to lift them up, deciding to bring the kit quickly to camp. She wasn't sure what else to, but she heard it breathing faintly, and she would bring it to camp, whether it dead or alive when they got there, she didn't care, just as long as she got it to camp, and fast. For she had a feeling that they wouldn't last much longer unless they got to camp where they could be treated. Urgency shown within the green depths of her gaze. She wasn't sure what to do, but taking it to camp seemed the best and safest option available.

Maplefur November 8th, 2016 07:46 PM

Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 25450)

Redmoon stopped, standing rigid, then she bent down, grabbing the kit's scruff in her mouth. "Help me." She said around the kit's fur, starting to lift them up, deciding to bring the kit quickly to camp. She wasn't sure what else to, but she heard it breathing faintly, and she would bring it to camp, whether it dead or alive when they got there, she didn't care, just as long as she got it to camp, and fast. For she had a feeling that they wouldn't last much longer unless they got to camp where they could be treated. Urgency shown within the green depths of her gaze. She wasn't sure what to do, but taking it to camp seemed the best and safest option available.

Pinestorm rushed forward, helping her grab the kit. Glancing down at the second kit, he muttered, "Follow us back to camp, little one." Meeting Redmoon's eyes, he was sure he looked panicked, and he tried to calm himself. "Let's go, if he gets too heavy we can put him on my back."

Casual Scribbles November 9th, 2016 08:55 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Burrpaw quickly picked up the prey and trotted back to camp. (To the camp!)

Mango November 10th, 2016 10:32 AM

Re: ShadowClan Territory
Trumppaw's eye's gleamed as he stared at the twoleg with a strange noise maker, he wanted to become a warrior so he'd kill a twoleg, Blazingnight would be so proud. He dropped into a crouch and waited and jumped his paws outstretched his claws unsheathed. The second he was in the air. The twoleg pulled out the object and shot Trumppaw, on the thunderpath and walked away. The twoleg stepped over him and walked away as if it was nothing. A monster drove over him and didn't even care. A little girl saw him and threw him to the side, he lay dead in Shadowclan territory.

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