View Poll Results: Who should be nominated for this month's Monthly Kudo's?
This poll will close on September 30th, 2023 at 02:02 AM |
Noah [Outsider]
1 |
2.78% |
Shockkit [TC]
4 |
11.11% |
Vulturefang [SHC]
Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., Dark, elswhere, Estelle, fade, gravekeeper., hermeswind, iliri, Kix, Minku, Neptune., poppy, Rani, shaae_26, SSakii
17 |
47.22% |
Harekit [TC]
1 |
2.78% |
Cherryswirl [RC]
8 |
22.22% |
Deadmoon [WC]
Alchemist Kitsune, ameko, Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., elaif, gravekeeper., hermeswind, poppy, Rani, shaae_26, Starfall, vellichor
13 |
36.11% |
Sprucepaw [TC]
10 |
27.78% |
Minkkit [RC]
ameko, Beaan, bubble[error]., Dark, Dust, elaif, Estelle, gravekeeper., gs29513, iliri, Kix, Minku, Neptune., poppy, shaae_26, Tecumori, vellichor
17 |
47.22% |
Pikekit [TC]
6 |
16.67% |
Yarrowcrest [TC]
ameko, Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., elaif, elswhere, gs29513, hermeswind, iliri, Kix, Minku, Neptune., Omari, poppy, roo!, Starfall, Tecumori, val, vellichor
19 |
52.78% |
Larkwing [RC]
Beaan, bubble[error]., Dark, Estelle, fade, gravekeeper., gs29513, hermeswind, iliri, poppy, Starfall, vellichor
12 |
33.33% |
Kestrelskies [STC]
ameko, Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., Estelle, fade, hermeswind, iliri, Kix, poppy, SSakii, vellichor
12 |
33.33% |
Frogpaw [TC]
Beaan, bubble[error]., Cinnamon~, elaif, gravekeeper., hermeswind, iliri, Neptune., Omari, poppy, Tecumori
11 |
30.56% |
Sparrowfur [TC]
10 |
27.78% |
Midnightkit [SHC]
8 |
22.22% |
Deerpaw [SHC]
4 |
11.11% |
Batpaw [SHC]
Apollo., bubble[error]., Dark, elaif, gravekeeper., hermeswind, iliri, Neptune., Omari, poppy, redshiftreign, Starfall, vellichor
13 |
36.11% |
Singesmoke [TC]
3 |
8.33% |
Spottedfire [TC]
Apollo., bubble[error]., Cinnamon~, fade, gs29513, iliri, Katiethewolfchild, Rani, shaae_26, Tecumori, vellichor
11 |
30.56% |
Sprucekit [SHC]
3 |
8.33% |
Ashkit [SHC]
4 |
11.11% |
Plumkit [TC]
Alchemist Kitsune, Beaan, bubble[error]., Estelle, hermeswind, iliri, Katiethewolfchild, poppy, Rani, Sleek, val
11 |
30.56% |
Snowybreeze [WC]
*longfire*, ameko, Apollo., bubble[error]., fade, gravekeeper., gs29513, iliri, poppy, Starfall, vellichor
11 |
30.56% |
Drizzlecloud [TC]
*longfire*, Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., Cinnamon~, Estelle, fade, gravekeeper., gs29513, hermeswind, iliri, Minku, Rani, shaae_26, val, vellichor
16 |
44.44% |
Eelkit [TC]
4 |
11.11% |
Lilackit [TC]
3 |
8.33% |
Eveningdance [TC]
bubble[error]., elaif, Estelle, gs29513, iliri, Minku, Neptune., poppy, roo!, Starfall, vellichor
11 |
30.56% |
Alderstep [TC]
ameko, Apollo., Beaan, bubble[error]., Dark, elaif, elswhere, Estelle, gravekeeper., hermeswind, iliri, LunaStar22, Neptune., Omari, poppy, shaae_26, silver., SSakii
18 |
50.00% |
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 05:21 PM.