View Full Version : [Multi-Faction] THC victims needed! (Closed <3)

March 25th, 2024, 02:11 PM
Hello hello! So as you all know there was going to be a shc raid on thc, but due to the demotion of the deputy that raid has been halted. On top of that, Shadefrost and Ospreysplash have been killed on the thc border and Hawkbite has been severely injured. Goopypaw simply can't take this lying down.

Goopypaw has grown up as sheltered as a cat can be in shc. No parents to love and raise him as a kit, no mentor to train him in the ways of a warrior. He has relied heavily on the enforcers to complete his training - but its almost always in groups with other apprentices. He rarely gets one on one time with adults he craves. The clan looks down on him as a stinky, soft hearted, pathetic apprentice. He is SO desperate to prove himself to Shadowclan. To show that he is worth loving. What better way than to avenge the cats killed/harmed at the THC border?

Goopy approaches Dawn about a plan for revenge. He has never experienced battle or seen death, so he doesn't truly understand the gravity of this plan but haha!! This plan entails tricking thc cats to get close to the border, then killing them. A patrol of Goopy and 4-5 battle ready shc cats are dispatched to the shc/thc border.

Goopy positions himself right on the border and cries for help (im so sick and shc wont help, look at me waaah!). Thc cats nearby will come close to investigate. They don't have to cross the border, but can if they want to help poor sickly goopy.

The shc patrol - who has been waiting in the shadows during this - strikes and kills the unsuspecting thc cats. Once their revenge has been completed, the patrol heads home. (what is done with the bodies can be decided later).

So what am I looking for?


And when I say victims, I mean cats that will be killed. Not injured and able to get away, but killed. Idc if these are throwaways, but I would prefer them to be warriors and not apps. IF you apply a cat you want to only get injured and not killed, they couldn't be snitches bc I don't want this coming back to Goopypaw LOL.

Shc patrol members:
Cats that are willing to kill thc cats. They will hide in the shadows while Goopy acts pathetic, then STRIKE. Warriors preferred BUT not required as long as an app has experience! Even better if they absolutely mutilate the thc victims... I want Goopy's first brush with death to be SCARY

And thats it! Just fill out this form and throw it my way! If there are a lot of shc cats applied and not a lot of thc cats, maybe hold off on adding more shc kitties just to keep things even. Ideally there will be more victims than perps!

Cat name:
About them (optional):
Role wanted:
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: @/poprock

March 25th, 2024, 02:24 PM
Cat name: burningflare
About them (optional): the most throwaway cat to ever throwaway
Role wanted: thc victim raaaa
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: ofc !!!
Tag me: Poprock :heartbounce: :heartbounce:

March 25th, 2024, 02:24 PM
Cat name: Grimrose
About them (optional): very determined to prove herself, violent, hardworking
Role wanted: ShC patrol member
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 02:27 PM
Cat name: Yellowpaw
About them (optional): He will very want to murder
Role wanted:shc patrol member
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 02:53 PM
Cat name: Midnightpaw
About them (optional): Pookie bear. Highly religious. Angry. Lonely. A recipe for disaster but she's a sweetie believe me!! I was thinkin... This will be mid's first and (probably only) kill, performed in a blind rage, to which she believes Starclan condemns her for it. Guilt guilt guilt. Lots of guilt. Perhaps trauma buds with goopert after? :kittyface:
Role wanted: patrol member
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: n/a
Tag me: Poprock

we do a bit of jigging about

March 25th, 2024, 02:54 PM
placeholder hypothetically

March 25th, 2024, 03:00 PM
Cat name: Darkcloud
About them (optional): Cold, Cunning, emotionless and absolutely despises Thunderclan. Wouldn't mind killing a few of them and is pretty cross with them for killing Shadefrost since he was basically her only friend so this would be revenge I guess! :D
Role wanted: Shc patrol member
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 03:33 PM
Cat name: Flintpaw
About them (optional): my goofy boy has no fight training cause his mentor got banned for a month ;-;
Role wanted: THC victim
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: no, but could he perhaps get taken prisoner instead of dying because he pleads for his life, and he's scarred (physically and mentally) for life, he won't snitch because he'll be so traumatized and have PTSD
Tag me: Poprock

if that no okay, i have

Cat name: Ashthunder
About them (optional): he hasn't been submitted, i created him just for this haha
Role wanted: THC
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: ABSOLUTELY

March 25th, 2024, 03:55 PM
Cat Name: Eveningfade
About them (optional): Grump and hates thc
Role wanted: ShC Patrol
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: -
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 04:18 PM
Cat name: EggBite
About them (optional): kill one of my cats as revenge /hj
Role wanted: ThC cat
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: yep!
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 04:51 PM
Cat name: Shrewstep
About them (optional): Lil bit crazy? Is in it sort of for the fun of it, wouldn't go for mutilation at first but would follow along if other cats started it, and would have some fun guilt etc. associated with this and probably try to cover it up but secretly kind of enjoy it?
Role wanted: Shadowclan patrol memeber
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: @/poprock
If you have way too many Shadowclan cats I can offer a throwaway thunderclanner, though I'd prefer Shrew
Cat name: Sorrelnose
About them (optional): Throwaway, probably a vaguely empathetic/gullibel soul, the type to cross a border and help a shadowclanner
Role wanted: Thunderclan group
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: Yep!
Tag me: Poprock

March 25th, 2024, 05:12 PM
Cat name: Mistlewhisker
About them (optional): Mistlewhisker will not let Goopy go without her. She's not pleased with the idea of attacking a patrol without immediate cause, but she doesn't want something bad to happen to him.
Role wanted: shc patrol
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: @Poprock

March 30th, 2024, 04:36 AM
Cat name: basilwisp
About them (optional): strict and extremely loyal, basil probably just wanted to prove himself and whoops- murdery stuff. but as long as he's helping his clan, he's not doing anything wrong, right?
Role wanted: shc patrol
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: Poprock

April 18th, 2024, 06:10 PM
Ok final bump on this since I got Dawn's ok, gonna get picking on April 22nd!

April 18th, 2024, 06:14 PM

April 18th, 2024, 07:12 PM
Poprock. possibly wanting joycaller to be injured. she's a relatively good fighter so they won't be taken down easily. she probably wont tell.. the leader. she might tell her app or her app witnesses it but doesn't say anything to higher ranks and just lies along with joy

April 22nd, 2024, 11:00 PM
Ok I lied one more day final bump for any thc victims mwahahaha :3

April 22nd, 2024, 11:26 PM
Cat name: Morningpaw
About them (optional): Little man, a side character that I made but now I have too many mains....so rather than letting him get neglected he is being killed. Or at least, if you allow him even though he is an apprentice.
Role wanted: victim
Are you ok with them dying if thc?: yes
Tag me: Poprock

April 25th, 2024, 08:14 PM
Alrighty! Sorry for the delay folks but I've got the Dawn stamp of approval and Im ready to light this candle!

For the shc patrol, I'd love to snag:
Yellowtwist hades.
Mistlewhisker <3 Mica
Darkcloud Morrigan
Shrewstep gs29513

For the thc victims:
Eggbite Ladiebugg
Burningflare carmen
Ashthunder forest
Morningpaw Dolomedes

If you no longer want to continue with this plot for any reason (which is totally fine!), pls lmk asap!

For the sake of time, I'm thinking I will throw up a post of the Goopster leading his desired patrol to the border and hiding. If everyone's ok with it he will have gathered them up off screen. Then we can do this one of two ways:

I partner a shc and thc member up together so when Thunderclan cat posts, their Shadowclan cat partner can immediately post them killing! That way each shc cat can get a kill if needed (with one potential team up as it is a bit uneven... I can always whip up a throw away!)

If not we can set up a posting order and do it the old fashion way <3. I prefer the partner method, but I'm cool with either! Once everyone has responded we can FINALLY get this going! Yippee!!!

Desert Rain Frog
April 25th, 2024, 08:33 PM
A Tom Who Killed 7 Of His Own Children Cuz They looked Like Another Tom-
Are You Okay With Them Dying If ThC?: Yep!!Not On The Spot Though, But Mangled (Preferably By Goopy) And Die In Med Den.
Tag Me: Poprock
Random SC Shorty
Not ThC

April 25th, 2024, 08:36 PM
Hello hello! So as you all know there was going to be a shc raid on thc, but due to the demotion of the deputy that raid has been halted. On top of that, Shadefrost and Ospreysplash have been killed on the thc border and Hawkbite has been severely injured. Goopypaw simply can't take this lying down.

Goopypaw has grown up as sheltered as a cat can be in shc. No parents to love and raise him as a kit, no mentor to train him in the ways of a warrior. He has relied heavily on the enforcers to complete his training - but its almost always in groups with other apprentices. He rarely gets one on one time with adults he craves. The clan looks down on him as a stinky, soft hearted, pathetic apprentice. He is SO desperate to prove himself to Shadowclan. To show that he is worth loving. What better way than to avenge the cats killed/harmed at the THC border?

Goopy approaches Dawn about a plan for revenge. He has never experienced battle or seen death, so he doesn't truly understand the gravity of this plan but haha!! This plan entails tricking thc cats to get close to the border, then killing them. A patrol of Goopy and 4-5 battle ready shc cats are dispatched to the shc/thc border.

Goopy positions himself right on the border and cries for help (im so sick and shc wont help, look at me waaah!). Thc cats nearby will come close to investigate. They don't have to cross the border, but can if they want to help poor sickly goopy.

The shc patrol - who has been waiting in the shadows during this - strikes and kills the unsuspecting thc cats. Once their revenge has been completed, the patrol heads home. (what is done with the bodies can be decided later).

So what am I looking for?


And when I say victims, I mean cats that will be killed. Not injured and able to get away, but killed. Idc if these are throwaways, but I would prefer them to be warriors and not apps. IF you apply a cat you want to only get injured and not killed, they couldn't be snitches bc I don't want this coming back to Goopypaw LOL.

Shc patrol members:
Cats that are willing to kill thc cats. They will hide in the shadows while Goopy acts pathetic, then STRIKE. Warriors preferred BUT not required as long as an app has experience! Even better if they absolutely mutilate the thc victims... I want Goopy's first brush with death to be SCARY

And thats it! Just fill out this form and throw it my way! If there are a lot of shc cats applied and not a lot of thc cats, maybe hold off on adding more shc kitties just to keep things even. Ideally there will be more victims than perps!

Cat name:
About them (optional):
Role wanted:
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: @/poprock

Cat name: Stormshadow
About them: He's male and tough
Role wanted: THC victim
Tage: Poprock

April 25th, 2024, 09:40 PM
Alrighty! Sorry for the delay folks but I've got the Dawn stamp of approval and Im ready to light this candle!

For the shc patrol, I'd love to snag:
Yellowtwist @hades. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=19208)
Mistlewhisker <3 @Mica (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=19711)
Darkcloud @Morrigan (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=18562)
Shrewstep @gs29513 (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=12246)

For the thc victims:
Eggbite @Ladiebugg (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=19142)
Burningflare @carmen (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=14087)
Ashthunder @forest (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=17200)
Morningpaw @Dolomedes (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=20741)

If you no longer want to continue with this plot for any reason (which is totally fine!), pls lmk asap!

For the sake of time, I'm thinking I will throw up a post of the Goopster leading his desired patrol to the border and hiding. If everyone's ok with it he will have gathered them up off screen. Then we can do this one of two ways:

I partner a shc and thc member up together so when Thunderclan cat posts, their Shadowclan cat partner can immediately post them killing! That way each shc cat can get a kill if needed (with one potential team up as it is a bit uneven... I can always whip up a throw away!)

If not we can set up a posting order and do it the old fashion way <3. I prefer the partner method, but I'm cool with either! Once everyone has responded we can FINALLY get this going! Yippee!!!

Partner method sounds great to me! Let's rock and roll!!

April 25th, 2024, 10:55 PM
Alrighty! Sorry for the delay folks but I've got the Dawn stamp of approval and Im ready to light this candle!

For the shc patrol, I'd love to snag:
Yellowtwist hades.
Mistlewhisker <3 Mica
Darkcloud Morrigan
Shrewstep gs29513

For the thc victims:
Eggbite Ladiebugg
Burningflare carmen
Ashthunder forest
Morningpaw Dolomedes

If you no longer want to continue with this plot for any reason (which is totally fine!), pls lmk asap!

For the sake of time, I'm thinking I will throw up a post of the Goopster leading his desired patrol to the border and hiding. If everyone's ok with it he will have gathered them up off screen. Then we can do this one of two ways:

I partner a shc and thc member up together so when Thunderclan cat posts, their Shadowclan cat partner can immediately post them killing! That way each shc cat can get a kill if needed (with one potential team up as it is a bit uneven... I can always whip up a throw away!)

If not we can set up a posting order and do it the old fashion way <3. I prefer the partner method, but I'm cool with either! Once everyone has responded we can FINALLY get this going! Yippee!!!

Partnering will be fine by me. Though Morningpaw is going to die quickly, having next to no battle training and 4 moons old :skull:

April 26th, 2024, 08:12 AM
Partnering up is fine with me! I'd like Shrew go after another warrior if possible?

April 27th, 2024, 12:49 PM
Alrighty! Sorry for the delay folks but I've got the Dawn stamp of approval and Im ready to light this candle!

For the shc patrol, I'd love to snag:
Yellowtwist hades.
Mistlewhisker <3 Mica
Darkcloud Morrigan
Shrewstep gs29513

For the thc victims:
Eggbite Ladiebugg
Burningflare carmen
Ashthunder forest
Morningpaw Dolomedes

If you no longer want to continue with this plot for any reason (which is totally fine!), pls lmk asap!

For the sake of time, I'm thinking I will throw up a post of the Goopster leading his desired patrol to the border and hiding. If everyone's ok with it he will have gathered them up off screen. Then we can do this one of two ways:

I partner a shc and thc member up together so when Thunderclan cat posts, their Shadowclan cat partner can immediately post them killing! That way each shc cat can get a kill if needed (with one potential team up as it is a bit uneven... I can always whip up a throw away!)

If not we can set up a posting order and do it the old fashion way <3. I prefer the partner method, but I'm cool with either! Once everyone has responded we can FINALLY get this going! Yippee!!!
Partnering sounds good to me! ^^

April 27th, 2024, 03:50 PM
Not sure if it's still open buuuuttt

Cat name: Iceclaw
About them (optional): Aggressive, harsh, mean, but very loyal to ShadowClan. He can and will claw somebody's head off if it's absolutely neccessary (He might actually do it even when it isn't but oh well). He doesn't tolerate nonsense and hates when apprentices slack off and act all innocent like the teenage delinquents they are
Role wanted: Patrol member
Are you ok with them dying if thc?:
Tag me: Poprock

Edit: Ignore this, forgot to click post when it was open and just now did :skull:

April 28th, 2024, 03:09 PM
Hey Poprock Dolomedes !

Do either of you mind if Riversong, Morningpaw’s mentor, is part of it (like not part dying part but somewhere nearby) so they can discover Morningpaw’s body (whether they see specific ShC cats is up to the ShC patrol member)? I’m trying to give them more trauma due to their first app dying and now Morningpaw (2nd app) is also gonna go bye. (Also might be more realistic as it’s very unlikely a 4 moon old app is alone without their mentor, but I’ll let y’all decide)