View Full Version : Font Finder

February 3rd, 2024, 04:19 PM
Put this in general because I assume this is where i'd put it, but just using this to test different fonts!
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Arial Narrow
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Book Antiqua
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Century Gothic
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Courier New
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Franklin Gothic Medium
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Lucida Console
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Lucida Sans Unicode
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Microsoft Sans Serif
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Palatino Linotype
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Times New Roman
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Trebuchet MS
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Side note, Idk which to choose

February 3rd, 2024, 04:22 PM
Beep bop boop testing this font appropriatley testing testing idk stuff awawawawa beep boppppp beeeepppppp now testing what it looks like in boldddd sounds like baldddd testing indent!!!
- chosen this one

February 3rd, 2024, 04:23 PM
Put this in general because I assume this is where i'd put it, but just using this to test different fonts!
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Arial Narrow
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Book Antiqua
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Century Gothic
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Courier New
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Franklin Gothic Medium
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Lucida Console
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Lucida Sans Unicode
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Microsoft Sans Serif
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Palatino Linotype
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Times New Roman
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Trebuchet MS
The cat sat on the wall nyom nyom nyom
Side note, Idk which to choose
georgia for serif, century gothic for sans-serif