View Full Version : what ingredients make up you/your characters?

January 16th, 2024, 04:10 PM
hello!! it is the wolfie. i am creating this thread to carry out fawn's bidding. its also just a cute little thing because associations go brrr

essentially, tell me what recipe makes you and/or your characters !! could be not technical ingredients like ,, books or it could be actual ingredients like lavender and cinnamon .. a mix of both works too :3

you can also share perceptions of what you think of like, other people/characters might be made up of!! or not, up to you

i shall go first!! i think ... if you wanted to craft a wolfie you would require

- 1 tablespoon of cinnamon & sugar
- 1 espresso shot
- dry rose petals
- a dash of a eldritch's being blood
- positive affirmation (to make the drink taste good)
- coffee
- hazelnut creamer
- 1 shot of espresso

January 16th, 2024, 06:59 PM
to make an EliAftonLookin (me everywhere but here lol)
- 3 cups of orang juice
- 6 cups shuga
- 4 cups cinnamon
- 1 tbh creature
- a couple of splashes of hyperfixations of your choosing
- a heavy dusting of special interest
- the tears of a highschooler

to make a mousekit
- 2 essence of the sea
- a pinch of mouse fur
- an orange Sunkist

February 9th, 2024, 11:54 AM
to make a dragonwind:
- a pinch of chaos... oops i poured the whole packet that's 2341kg \:
- a frog
- 22 pinches of extra chaos
- a dragon
- a calico cat

February 9th, 2024, 12:02 PM
making this will make one of the most vile concoctions ever
to make a Rotthroat:

-a handful of red berries
-a slab/glob of rotting meat
-a whole dead rabbit (or more than one, it depends on how strong you wish for it to be)
-a bucket of blood (can be from varying sources)
-a heap of trauma
-a tablespoon of annoyance towards younger people

February 9th, 2024, 12:03 PM
How to make a Streamtail:

-5 cups of sugar
-2 pinches of trauma
-As much chaos as you see fit
-Lots of these: :3
-Also a buncha these: :heartbounce:
-5 cups of punny humor
-10 cups of positivity
-100 cups of indecisiveness
-All the ice-cream in the world
-Way too much energy

There you go! That was a complicated recipe...

February 9th, 2024, 12:09 PM
to make an eclipse you need-

1 cup- Depression
10 cups- Autism
5 cups- ADHD
5 cups- OCD
8 cups- trauma
7 cups- memes
9 cups- mascot horror
3 cups- gravity defying love for friends
7 cups- obsession over fictional men
4 cups- gremlin laugh
and a table spoon of chill

CONGRATS you have a loaf- of chaos.

February 9th, 2024, 12:12 PM
ah! [ you stare in surprise as i don a mustache and a french accent ] to create a finley.exe, you will need ;

- a healthy heaping of glitching and old computer/windows parts
- a hell of a lot of chronic pain and illness
- peach monster energy
- a tablespoon of indented posts
- a pinch of chaos
- a healthy heaping of trauma
- way too many hyperfixations

February 9th, 2024, 12:19 PM
Oh? SOmewhere to unload y char recipes!

My Famous Sour Yellowpaw ShortTallstacks:

- 20 lemons
- black licorice/star anise
- apple peels, must be red

combine and put in a microwave for ten seconds.

Alice stew:

Rose petals
Licorice, red and black/star anise

Make star anise/licorice, rosemary and rose petals in the water. Put pieces of lamb in it and cook.

More coming