View Full Version : Unnatural (Private RP) (Supernatural based)

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Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 07:26 PM
( Stario Rubinaito )

Too long. I haven't heard from Vincent in forever. I don't know if i'm glad, or worried. Vince would never leave me alone, I thought. I have my old phone, no calls, not texts, not one. My brother took my advice and he stayed out of my life but it only scared me. To death, it terrified me.

Vexy hadn't called or texted either, but that was to be expected. She understood I was desperate to get out of the hunting business. Desperate to find some sort of peace. Vincent couldn't, though. Vincent... Remembered things. I never did. This life we had been thrown into... If it weren't for pictures, I wouldn't even know what Mom looked like. I don't know what she sounded like, or how it felt to be wrapped up in her arms. Why Dad and Vincent were so obsessed with hunting this Yellow-Eyed freak was... Beyond me.

Vexy, she was Dad's little warrior. Like Vincent, she never argued. Not once. And she stuck beside Vincent. Even though they argued all the time. And Vincent, he always had Dad's back, but still mine at the same time. But he never disobeyed, not once. Well, Vincent would challenge once or twice... But Vexy wouldnt. And Vincent... Didnt need that much to get the hang of listening to Dad..

Vincent listened. Vincent was Dad's good little soldier boy. Vincent had the life, joy and hope sucked out of him. He was pushed to grow up sooner than he should have. Vincent never once spoke up or defied an order. He came every time Dad called, like a golden retriever too eager to please their owners. But he never smiled. Not once. Not genuinely. He never had a shoulder to cry on, because he was always the shoulder. For me. For Vexy. Even for Dad. But he never complained, and I never saw what we were doing to him before.

Before Dad packed up and he left us all. I remember that. Vincent was seventeen, Vexy was fourteen and I was eleven.

I watched Vincent nearly crumble then, nearly lose it all. The look on his face as Dad handed over the keys to the Impala to his oldest son, as Dad said that he just couldn't do it anymore, as he said to take care of me and Vexy and up and left, was one of betrayal. Hurt. Pain. Anger. Fear. I'd never seen my older brother with such a broken, helpless look on his face. All I could feel after that was hatred toward my father. Pure hatred and anger. Vincent had been there for me since the beginning, and seeing him near tears drove me over the edge.

Now... Its been years since then. I didn't up-and-leave like Dad. I gave my siblings a time limit- One year, but then I was out, I had to go. Finish college, get a career, something. They understood. They let me go. I told them, please not to contact me, leave me be. Now? Im in some house I rented, trying to live a normal life, but damn if I don't think about Vincent and Vexy all the time. Think about the old days. Think about back when it was simple. A salt-and-burn mission here, a bar every now and again, out on the road listening to Baby's motor purr. Even listening to that crappy rock music was better than sitting up in bed at night, wishing my brother would burst through the door and drag me out on another hunt with him and Vexy.

I miss the old days. I do! I miss listening to the constant bickering of my siblings, miss Vincent's angry face when I drove Baby too fast or Vexy put on a Taylor Swift song. I miss the crappy freaking hotel rooms. I miss doing all the research and being the "walking encyclopedia of weirdness" as Vincent puts it. I miss my big brother and big sister even as annoying as they are! My heart aches to see them again, so why don't I just pick up the phone?

Why isn't it simple anymore?

It's not simple anymore, 'cause its life. Life throws you around. It hardens you. It coldens your heart and you feel like shielding yourself from the world. Or at least, that's my life. Its my life everyday. I've seen everything, all of it. Demons. Ghosts. Vampires. Werewolves. Every supernatural creature out there. They're hideous.

Family is the only thing I have. My brother, my sister and me. Dad left. I don't know why. He just... He just couldn't take it anymore. And you know something? I understand. I really do. Sometimes I wish I could walk away but I can't. I've tried. But people die, man, they're killed. Killing who.. No, what, killed those people wont bring them back to life. It won't bring Mom back to life. But it will bring justice. It'll stop those beasts from killing anymore innocents...

Chaka's gone now, too. He got out. Im proud. Im so proud, but at the same time, it hurts. So bad. Like claws ripping through my chest, tearing my heart out. I can't let them see that, though. Not Vexy, not anyone.

When Chaka was a baby, he cried all the time. Dad wasn't there, he was always on hunting trips. I was there, though. I crawled into his crib at night and i'd pull him close, wrap my arms around my little brother and hold him as tight as I could without hurting him, and i'd say... "Its okay, Akky. I promise." I'd repeat it. Over and over and over, I didn't care how many times. Until he stopped crying, and he did. He'd fall asleep.

And then Vexy would wander in, and climb up into the crib beside me. Lean her little head against my shoulder and mumble, "Where's Daddy?" And each time, i'd reply.. "He's being a superhero. He's saving the world." Vexy would blink at me, those big, innocent blue eyes gazing at me with wonder. "Do you save the world?" I'd swallow and respond, "Not yet, Vex," And then, in her soft, gentle voice, she'd whisper;

"Well you're still my hero, 'cause you got me and Chaka out of the flames."

And she'd fall asleep. She'd curl her little, cold, pale hand around mind and fall asleep, one hand on Chaka's head. I stayed awake, trying to control the tears I felt coming. Sometimes i'd cry, but sometimes I wouldn't. Sometimes, i'd smile. Smile through the pain. Because that's all I could do. I had to stay strong. I had to be the mother. And at alot of times, I had to be the father. A protector. More than a brother. And it was hard. It was so hard. And I couldn't do it. Not all the time. But now watching these two, the two I basically raised.... Im so... Im so proud of them. They won't ever know it, but im proud.

Dad leaving really tore me up. Even though it wasn't much different since he never was really around, just knowing that he wasn't going to come back was enough to nearly kill me. All this time, I was thinking, "What did I do wrong?" I never did anything. I listened. I obeyed. I did every damn thing he told me to do! I was the one there, not him! I comforted the man himself and he left! He walked out. He walked out and he didn't come back. And that... That left my walls up for good. It was when I realized i'd only ever have Chaka and Vexy in my life. They were all that mattered. Still are, even if Chaka's gone. I respected his wishes, I left him alone. Because he got out. He got free. He escaped the way we were raised.

Why were we even raised like this?

We were raised like this because Dad knew the dangers. He knew whatever killed Mom would come for us next. And he wanted us to be prepared for what life would throw. I can't say I hate the man for it. Dad.. He did us a favor. So if you're alive? Thank you. Thank you, Dad.

Its destiny. Its fate. You try to run from it but it pulls you back in whether you like it or not. That's why I know, somehow, Chaka's gonna get pulled back in. He's gonna come back to us. It's haunting him already, I know it is. He wants to be back with us. Saving people. Hunting things. The family business! It's in his blood. No matter where he goes, what he does, he's a Prime. He's a hunter. It's... Its life. It's fate. And im okay with it. Not because im a vampire, part of the "natural order" or whatever. But because im part of Team Free Will, along with me and my brothers. And you know what? We rock Hell!

So no. Im not mad at the way I was raised. Or the way Vincent or Chaka were raised either. Im not even pissed that Dad left. I miss him, but I can live without him. And you know what? That's also because of him. Dad was distant, he let us become independent because he knew one day, he wasn't going to be around to protect us anymore. He set Vincent as our caretaker, and he made sure that Vince kept that job. Made sure that we knew everything we needed to know for the world. And when we did? He left. It was killing him. I don't blame him for anything. Not a single thing. Vincent and Chaka would never understand it, because they're boys and boys are idiots.. But Dad protected us. He protected us... By teaching us to protect ourselves. In doing that, he made us who we are.

Im not ashamed of who we are.

Im proud. Im proud of Vincent for always being there, always staying strong. For being even more than a big brother. Like a father. He was even... Like a mother. He was always my hero, our hero, even at his breaking points. And when he finally does break? When all that pent-up anger and fear and pain and sadness comes spilling out? Well, then it's going to be my turn. Vincent, it's okay, big brother. You can be the hurting one this time, and i'll be the bandage. You don't have to bury your feelings.

And Chaka... Im proud of Chaka for keeping us going. He brought light and laughter in the most tense situations. He was more than just our "research boy". He did more for us than we saw before. Im glad he's getting out, getting a taste of freedom. And I wish, I wish with all my heart that it could stay that way. Because he had to grow up too fast. He never got a chance at real life. Chaka, stay away for as long as possible, okay? Stay happy for us. You deserve it.

Im even proud of my father. For rounding the three of us up and raising us to be soldiers. It had to be hard. Watching other fathers play with their kids, giving advice and protecting daughters from bad boyfriends, and knowing we could never have any of that couldn't have been easy. He had to watch our innocence be stripped away piece by piece. He had to mourn Mom's death but keep a straight face at the dinner table because he didn't want us to see him break down. And he didn't just mourn for Mom. He mourned for the three, sweet, little kids that he watched grow up into warriors. He wasn't driven by revenge, like Vin and Cha say. No, he was driven by the fact that we were being targeted by the Yellow-Eyed demon so he had to take our childhood away. All to keep us safe. Dad, I don't know where you are, or... Even if you're alive. But I love you. Thank you. So much.

But would I like a normal life? Sure. I'd love to be able to get a boyfriend, have kids, meet friends, go to college, have a career. But I realized something... I realized that it's impossible. And im alright with it. Maybe in the future. But our work, isn't done. This is my normal. Saving people, I love it. Hunting things, right on. What we do, we do because it's who we are. What I do, I do because its who I am. I love who I am. And I don't want to change it. I mean, if you think about it, we could have had alot worse!

This is who we are. So who's with me?

Saving people.
Hunting things.
Family business,
Back in swing, baby!

These three have never been looked into much. Neither have Waasi, or Jack, or Artemis's relationship with the kids either. I think its time to focus on these demon hunters, ya'll agree?!

Chaka, Vincent and Vexy are demon hunters, based off of Supernatural (yeah I went there) Their father, Artemis Prime, raised and left them as hunters, before they finally split up. Chaka went off to some city after telling his siblings not to contact him, wishing to live a normal life. Vexy and Vincent stayed in the same town, Vincent working cases and Vexy joining in on rare occasion. But the siblings not together anymore has broken them all apart in ways they didn't imagine.

Chaka went to Sunlit City, meeting a girl named Kiliah, whom Chaka fell for almost instantly. The two live together, Chaka planning to propose, even though things would never be the same without his siblings beside him. He also met a fellow ex-hunter named Jace, the two becoming instant friends.

Vincent stuck with the hunting business, Vexy joining in on occasion. He doesnt know any other way. Saving people, hunting things, it was what he did.

Vexy met Jack, and accidentally introduced him to the hunting life. Now the three work together trying to save the world, but it isn't the same to Vincent, nor to Vexy without their little brother in the picture. And soon, they're gonna realize just how much they need him.

But can a few mysterious murders in Chaka's new city bring the trio back together, or drive an even deeper wedge between them?

June 26th, 2017, 08:00 PM

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 08:04 PM

June 26th, 2017, 08:33 PM
(I think I might start this with nobody knowing Waasi, just because I think it'd add on to the crazy x3)

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 08:47 PM
(Ohhhhhh okie!)
Chaka frowned down at his phone. He had expected at least, three missed calls from Vincent. Or even, one missed call from Vexy. And thousands of texts. But he was met with emptiness; No notifications, nothing. With a deep frown, he threw the phone down.
"Still nothing?" Kiliah sat down beside him on the bed, her eyes concerned.
Chaka blinked at her blankly. "Why did I even expect anything? I told them to leave me alone didnt I?"
Kiliah sighed. "But they're your siblings."
"I know. I didnt expect Vincent to listen to me." Chaka admitted quietly, shaking his head as he stood up. "But hey, that doesnt matter... Lets go back to Jace's. I heard he was making pancakes."
Kiliah frowned after him in concern, but stood up, looking down at the phone Chaka had thrown down. With a sigh, she turned, and followed her boyfriend.


Vincent sighed, setting a large bag down heavily in the Impala's trunk.
"'Be careful with Baby'." Vexy mimicked the sound of his voice, but there was no bite to her tone as she walked up to her brother, frowning worriedly. "Or, that's what you would say, usually. Thinking about Chaka again?"
"He got out." Vincent inhaled sharply. "He got out of this- This stupid life. I should be proud, happy for him but dammit, Vex I miss my brother!"
"Im offended." Vexy gently placed a hand on her older brother's shoulder, squeezing gently. "Hey, cmon, Vinny, nothing stays the same forever. We'll here from him sooner or later."
Vincent gave a dry look, slamming the trunk closed which caused his sister to jump. "Chaka's been fussing about hunting life since he was five. He hates it." He said simply. "He's not going to walk back into it."
Vexy didnt say anything else, a small frown tugging at the corners of her lips as she looked away. She didnt want to believe him, but at the same time, she knew it made sense. Chaka probably had the best life by now. Maybe married. Maybe even kids. Who'd want to give that up to hunt demons?
"Anyway." Vincent blinked, trying to put the thoughts of his brother at bay. He then said the four words that he didnt know would lead him right back to where Chaka was. "I... Found a case."

June 26th, 2017, 09:35 PM
(This is gonna be so fun x3)
"Didn't we just finish one?" Jack sighed, walking up and putting and around Vexy's shoulder. "I mean, where is this place? Is it far?"

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 09:46 PM
(I edited the first post you should read it X3)
"Its a good distance." Vincent chuckled. "Sunlit City."
"So what is it?" Vexy asked curiously, smiling.
"One guy, was hit by a car." Vincent started.
"...Is that unusual?" Vexy asked curiously.
"In his office.... On the fourth floor." Vincent continued, and Vexy blinked.
"Say no more."

June 26th, 2017, 10:23 PM
... Will Chatazi be a thing?

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 10:24 PM
(Huh? O.o)

June 26th, 2017, 10:26 PM
-edited it, I'm tired as !*^@ right now.-

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 10:29 PM
(Ohhh XDD)
(We'll see, it mostly depends on how the roleplay goes. I dont have any major plans besides the fact that yeah, Kiliah will be dying, which will draw Chaka back into the hunting business intent on finding who killed her. Like I said, no big plans so we'll see :3 It will probably take a long time for him to want another relationship though, like it was for Sam after Jess died

June 26th, 2017, 10:31 PM
(Artemis is hunting down Chaka first.)
(Heck yeah!)

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 10:33 PM
(Oooohhh XDD What do you mean hunting him down, is Artemis good or evil though XD)

June 26th, 2017, 10:41 PM
(You'll see.)

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 10:42 PM
(...Oh boy XD)

June 26th, 2017, 11:01 PM
(I love how you two have things planned and I got nothing XDD)
"I'm thinking a witch," Jack hummed, squinting in thought "or poltergeist, if not a demon,"

June 26th, 2017, 11:02 PM
Artemis hated the place he was locked in. The damn prison they kept him in, accompanied by the drugs they forced in his system kept him slow, submissive. The mental hospital was not a place for the man, and he had been there for years. How many, he couldn't count. The drugs slowed his system down so much, he didn't register time. The sun came up, and sometimes didn't go down unless he looked out a window and finally figured out it was night. Still, even with the "medicine" flooding his system, there was one clear memory. The last time he had ever seen his children.

"I'll be back." Artemis was kneeling in front of three children, his mouth a line against his smooth face. "Don't worry." He tried to smile as he held Vexy's face in his hand gently. "Stay strong my little warrior. Vincent, keep an eye on Chaka and Vexy. And Chaka..." He looked at Chaka. "I..." He couldn't finish his sentence as he heard a siren in the distance. They were looking for him, and they were close. "I need you to run into the forest, now." He said softly, standing up. "Hide. Don't come out if someone calls for you, not even if it's me. Alright? Remember everything I taught you." He said urgently as the sirens grew closer. "Go, now!"
"Mister Prime, it's time to eat." A familiar voice faded through the memory, and Artemis was snapped back to reality. The woman was about his age, maybe a little younger. In her hands was a tray, and a warm smile was plastered on her face.
Artemis smiled. The woman was so similar to Aurora, yet so innocent. "What's the drugs- I mean, food this time?" He asked, glad that for once his mind was clear enough for him to flirt.
The woman laughed. "Don't you remember, Artie?" She asked, handing him the tray. "You're being let off your medicine. You're being released today, remember?"
"Oh, right." Artemis blinked. "My mind's been so foggy lately, I don't even remember the simplest things, Marcie." He said, taking a bite. "Could you refresh me on the events that transpired to release me?"
The woman smiled. "Of course. It was determined that the man had been a serial killer, and you were only defending yourself. It took a long time, but thanks to modern technology, you've been pardoned for your crime and the sentence has been changed to involuntary manslaughter. Obviously, your term had been finished." She laughed.
If only it was that simple. They don't know exactly what that man was, do they. Artemis mused, giving her a smile back.

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 11:03 PM
(Lol XDDD)
"Or ghost." Vexy suggested, frowning. "I'll do some research on the way there."
Vincent gazed at her for a long moment, his thoughts drifting off toward Chaka again before he shook his head. "Right." He murmured before heading around to the front, getting in the drivers side. "Well lets go, we got a long way. Good thing we packed up already."
"Im gonna miss this hotel. It had a big TV." Vexy said sadly, opening the passenger side and getting in.

June 26th, 2017, 11:11 PM
(Btw, the man he killed was an important government officer who was one of azazels demons.)

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 11:13 PM
(My siblings are crazy..)
(Chaka you will soon understand the need for revenge when Kiliah dies in front of you the exact same way Aurora did)

June 26th, 2017, 11:23 PM

June 26th, 2017, 11:24 PM
(Oh I know how to bring Waasi in! VINCENT GET YOU BUTT IN THE CAR!!)
"Hey, think of it this way," Jack got in next to her "The next one could have a big hot tub and an even bigger TV."

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 11:32 PM
(*shrug* Thats showbiz! XD)
(Also Vincent's in the car lol XDDD)
"Hey, man, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Jace stretched as he stood, running his fingers through his sandy-blonde hair with a carefree grin.
Chaka chuckled, shifting slightly before standing up, moving his arm from around Kiliah. "Sure, bud. Li', we'll be back in a minute." He called, following Jace. "Whats up, Jay?"
"Somethin' weird." Jace grabbed the newspaper on their way off the sidewalk, rolling it open and handing it to Chaka. "Read."
Chaka looked down, frowning as he read the headline. "Guy killed by a car... How's that weird?"
"Keep readin'." Jace stuffed his hands in his pockets, watching his expression.
Chaka raised an eyebrow, scanning the paper over. Then his expression softened faintly, before hardening again, before turning horrified. "...." He swallowed, handing the newspaper back. "Jace... You cant.."
"I know." Jace interrupted, taking the paper. "I cant drag you back into the game, man, and I dont wanna give you crap. I dont wanna take away your life. But dude... In our city.. People are dying."
Chaka set his jaw, looking away for a long moment.


Vexy chuckled.
Vincent was silent, starting the engine. He backed out of the parking space and drove off down the road, heading to who knows where.

June 26th, 2017, 11:37 PM
Artemis stretched as he finally put on some real clothes. He frowned at his stomach, poking it. While he wasn't fat, his muscle had become fat during recent years. Picking up his backpack filled with only a picture of his family and a load of money, he smiled at the receptionist and walked out into the sunlight. "I'm coming, Chaka." He breathed out.

But first I should head to the gym.

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 11:40 PM
"One case." Chaka finally said, his voice dead quiet. "This one. And then im done, Jace, got it? Done."
"Good." Jace cracked a smile. "Trust me, you deserve a normal life. But this is an oddball."
"I agree." Chaka's lips twitched faintly despite himself. "I'll ask around.... Feel lucky I still have fake cop ID's."
Jace grinned.

June 26th, 2017, 11:42 PM
Go on x3

June 26th, 2017, 11:45 PM
(Oh x3. In that case Vincent run over Waasi XDD)
"Jack yawned, leaning back against his seat. He kept his eyes ahead. For a quick moment the flicked over to the right, and he flipped out. "Vincent!"
At that moment, a girl ran into the street, right in front of the car. She seemed out of breath, kneeling over with her hands on her knees.

Random Melody
June 26th, 2017, 11:52 PM
"WHOA!" Vincent immediately slammed on the breaks, sending the car to a screeching stop. His eyes were wide, unsure if he hit the girl or not. "My lord!"
Vexy looked briefly shaken, scrambling out of the car, and Vincent did the same.


"Alright, so--" Chaka cut off, ears straining when he heard a loud, bloodcurdling scream. In an instant, he shot past Jace back to the house.
Jace followed quickly, only two steps behind him. But what the two saw made them stop cold, dead in their tracks.
"Kiliah!" Chaka screamed.
Kiliah was pinned flat on her back to the ceiling, blood dripping from her stomach as she gazed at Chaka, love and pain in her eyes. Her mouth opened, as if she was gonna say something, but she couldnt.
Chaka opened his mouth but he couldnt scream again. His thoughts swirled. No. This couldnt be happening. It was a nightmare. Just like the ones he had been having before, just like this! Come on let it be a nightmare, god dammit! Wake up!
"Chaka--" Jace stopped. He stopped, because he felt a heat rushing from the ceiling. That's when he looked up, and realized smoke was streaming from Kiliah's body.
And with one last pained screech, she went up in flames.
"NO!" Chaka yelled, as Jace grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him back roughly, straining to push him out and away from the flames. "NO!! KILIAH!"
"Come on, man!" Jace shouted, finally managing to pull him out and away from the house.
Once Kiliah was out of sight, Chaka managed to move as far away from the house as he could, shaking as he watched the house burst into flames. He'd heard stories of his mother's death, but he couldnt remember it. He only knew this is what Vincent and his father had described. Was it- Was it really this bad for them? Suddenly, he felt weak. Aching all over, mostly somewhere in his chest. "Kiliah.."
Jace just stared, mouth slightly open and lips trembling faintly. Whatever this is.... Whoever this is.... Doesnt want Chaka out of the business. He thought, feeling sick to the stomach. ....This is my fault...

June 26th, 2017, 11:59 PM
The smoking house was hard to avoid, and the two men outside caught Artemis's eye. "Excuse me," He said, the man stopping beside Jace. "But... what can I do to help?" Artemis asked, staring up at the flames with almost tear filled eyes. Don't tell me another family suffered the same fate, Aurora. He pleaded silently.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 12:06 AM
"I dont... I dont know." Jace took a deep breath, then looked at Chaka.
Chaka jerked briefly at the sound of his father's voice, but he couldnt take his eyes off of the flaming house, looking horrified and terrified at the same time. "Kiliah.." He whispered over and over again. "No.."
"Yeah I doubt he's gonna go back into the dating game anytime soon." Jace said gruffly, gently shaking Chaka's shoulder, but Chaka didnt look away from the house, mouth slightly opened. "What the hell just happened anyway? People dont just catch on fire like that." He grunted, mostly to himself.

June 27th, 2017, 12:12 AM
Artemis flinched at hearing how this... Kiliah died. "What happened?" He asked, shocked. "Tell me everything." He would have to rustle up some new equipment, but he was going to hunt down Azazel.

June 27th, 2017, 12:15 AM
(Wow, Chaka I wanna give you a hug XD)
Waasi had recovered to late, and looked up in horror as the Impala drove towards her. It ran into her and she rolled over the car, land hard on the street.
"Crap!" Jack unbuckled himself and threw the car door open.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 12:19 AM
"Uh, well she was on the ceiling.." Jace trailed off, and blinked, realizing he shouldnt be saying this much to someone he didnt know. Who might not be a hunter.
"Azazel." Chaka suddenly gasped, his hands curling into fists, and one hand tightening around Jace's wrist.
"Ouch." Jace grumbled, straining to hear. "Whats that, bud?"
"Azazel... Mom.... Kiliah... He killed them... He killed them both." Chaka nearly fell to his knees, but managed to stay upright. His face turned considerably paler, and he didnt move his eyes from the house, his next words were softer, and he began to repeat them, too. "I need my brother, I need my brother, I need my brother, I need him, now..." He felt like a three year old again. He wanted to curl up in his brothers arms like he used to, feeling safe and protected. But he couldnt anymore.
Jace looked bewildered, blinking down at him for a long moment before looking back at Artemis, then back at the house. "Well... Ah.. I apparently dont know anything."


"Shoot, shoot, shoot! Im so sorry oh my god are you okay?!" Vincent exclaimed, rushing over to the girl.
Vexy followed quickly, eyes wide.

June 27th, 2017, 12:23 AM
"... You too, huh?" Artemis knelt beside Chaka, putting a hand on his shoulder. "My wife is dead because of that monster. And my kids... I.... I think they might be dead...." Artemis forced his tears back.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 12:29 AM
"I gotta call Vincent. O-Or Vexy.. I need... They gotta.... They have to kill Yellow-Eyes. Th-This is their chance, he's... He's..." Chaka stammered, finally able to move his eyes off the house. He frowned at Jace before turning to the other person briefly, and did a double-take. His dark blue eyes snapped wide with shock. "Wh- Da- Dad?!"
"HUH?!" Jace's eyes flew open wide.

June 27th, 2017, 12:35 AM
Artemis blinked. "...What?" He blinked at Chaka, falling back slightly. "You're.... You're an adult..." The skinny man finally said, his gaunt face full of shock. "...."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 12:41 AM
Chaka just stared at his father, unable to speak, stunned into silence.
"Uh... Chaka, care to introduce me to your father?" Jace said awkwardly. When Chaka didnt respond, Jace poked him. "...You okay?"
"Whoa, whoa, alright!" Jace raised his hands, eyes wide.
(I kinda feel bad now XD)

June 27th, 2017, 12:44 AM
"Oh..." Waasi groaned in pain, gripping her head which had split open slightly. a trail of blood ran down past her eye. "Son of a..."
"We just ran over a girl," Jack breath, pacing back and forth with his hands on his head "We just ran over a girl. Oh my god, we're so screwed."
"What...?" Waasi blinked, struggling to sit up. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she reached out and grabbed the nearest person, which was Vexy "Please, please you have to help me!"

June 27th, 2017, 12:47 AM

Artemis flinched at Chaka's sudden outburst, scratching his neck. "It's hard to get a hold of your children when you're in a damn mental hospital just because you killed a demon who happened to be a government worker." He muttered.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 12:53 AM
('Cuz Chaka's in so much pain rn XD)
"Whoa, whoa, okay, uh..." Vexy's eyes widened. "Uhhh.... You can come with us to Sunlit City!" She blurted out suddenly.
"Wh-" Vincent started, blinking at her. "Where the hell did that come from?!"
"I dont know shut up im panicking!" Vexy hissed.


"Wait so thats where you--" Chaka let out a groan, and covered his face with his hands. "Im so confused. I just want Vincent..."
"..." Jace blinked. "Well you know... He is probably heading this way. You know he checks the news often, so he probably saw the weird car murder."
"Vincent never misses a case." Chaka slumped back, leaning against the lamp post before turning his gaze back on the flaming house. Then, he flinched, looking away. "But with my luck, this might be the only case he ever misses." He muttered.

June 27th, 2017, 12:57 AM
Artemis was quiet, his eyes clouded over as he stared at nothing in particular. He oddly didn't react when Vincent was mentioned, his eyes blank and jaw slack.
(You know how Artemis is acting weird? His meds haven't worn off yet.)

June 27th, 2017, 01:02 AM
(Pancake, since when do you have sympathy for your characters XDD is it because Kion isn't here x3)
"No, no you don't understand," Waasi looked absolutely terrified. "He's going to kill me!"
"What?" Jack's eyes widened "Who's going to kill--" He cut himself off when he looked in the direction Waasi had come from. A pair of black eyes were staring at them "Guys."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 01:04 AM
(Maybe *blinks*)
"I think something's wrong with mister Prime." Jace blinked.
Chaka squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could. "Obviously, you moronic jerk."
Jace scrunched up his nose for a moment. "Chaka, its gonna be alright."
"...I dont want to hear that from you." Chaka admitted, his voice just a whisper as he looked down. "I shouldnt have left Vincent and Vexy."


"Ummm.." Vexy suddenly grabbed Waasi, pulling her back to the Impala. "Stay in the car!" She ordered.
Vincent quickly pulled the demon-killing blade from his pocket, taking a few steps forward toward the figure.

June 27th, 2017, 01:20 AM
(So Kion is the mane source of your torturous nature? XDD)
Jack reached for his gun, slowly backing up.
The demon tilted it's head, staring at Vincent.
Jack blinked. Maybe this thing wasn't a threat.
As soon as he though that, the demon shrieked, charging at them with sharp teeth.
"Dammit!" Jack lifted his gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the demon in the leg. The demon screamed and stumbled "Vincent, now would be the time!"

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 01:23 AM
(Pretty much when im not around him im a really nice person :3)
Vincent launched forward at once, and stabbed the blade through the demon's chest.
"Nice." Vexy whispered with a grin, watching her brother with faint pride in her eyes.

June 27th, 2017, 01:59 AM
(Okay...we need a new Kion XDD)
The demon instantly went into a puff of smoke
"Nice!!" Jack whooped, punching the air, then stopped rigged "Oh crap I just remembered we ran over a girl."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 07:39 AM
(Kion cannot be replaced XD)
"Oh right! Is the girl okay?" Vincent blinked, turning to Vexy as he looked down at the knife in disgust, before pulling a cloth out of his pocket and running it along the blade to clean of the demon's blood, then sticking the demon-killing blade back in his pocket.
"Think so, considering she just got run over and a demon tried to kill her." Vexy blinked, looking down at Waasi.
"Hm," Vincent started to speak, but cut off when his phone rang. The ringtone caught his attention, and he raised an eyebrow as he pulled it from his pocket. Unknown caller. "Okay, this is my private number. I swear to god.." He sighed, and hit answer. "Hello?"

"Vin... Vincent.."

Vincent went rigid. "Chaka?"
Vexy shot up at once, her blue eyes widening with shock.

June 27th, 2017, 10:00 AM
Artemis shook his head, placing a hand to his forehead. Damn medicine was still affecting him.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:16 AM
"Oh god," Chaka exhaled in relief. "I thought- I didnt know whether you were alive."

Only a second passed before Vincent recognized the shaking of his voice. The tone he used when he was terrified or in pain. "Chaka, whats wrong?" He demanded, his voice turning from happy to protective in an instant.

Chaka ran his fingers through his black hair, hesitating for a long moment before speaking again. "Everything."

"Start with number one."

Chaka hesitated again. "Can you... Can you just come here, please?"

Vincent didnt hesitate to respond. "Where are you?"

"Sunlit City." Chaka sounded relieved for a moment. "..And Vincent?"


"Um... Brace yourself." Chaka swallowed. "Dad is... Um, here. Alive." He glanced at his father, still a bit wary.

Vincent didnt speak for a few moments, processing this. He didnt want to see his father, but he knew Chaka needed him right now. Besides, if he was lucky, Artemis would leave before he got there. With a deep groan, he squeezed his eyes shut. "We'll be there soon, Chaka, just hang on."

"Thank you." Chaka sighed, trying to keep the surprise out of his voice.

"No chick-flick moments. See you little brother," Vincent hung up, opening his eyes again before turning back to the others.
"What's going on?" Vexy was checking on Waasi,making sure she wasnt too hurt.
"We're goin' to Sunlit City." Vincent said dryly.


"You good, man?" Jace asked as Chaka handed him his phone back.
"Nope." Chaka sighed, straightening up. "Lets just hope Vincent brings the Colt so we can kill that sucker once and for all."
"I thought you didnt want to get back in the game." Jace murmured.
"I dont. I wanna get as far away from the hunting life as possible... But first," Chaka looked out the window of his house, which Jace had managed to get him into when they heard sirens, staring across the street as he watched the firemen attempt to put the fire out. "I want revenge."

June 27th, 2017, 10:32 AM
Chaka... Vincent. His oldest son. Artemis blinked rapidly, his vision clearing. "Damn 'medicine' they pumped into my body." He growled under his breath, before spotting a few charred, but still in good condition weapons nearby. A demon sword and a Colt. Lifting them up, the older man gazed at the burning house. "Azazel is dead, next time I see him." He spat.

June 27th, 2017, 03:05 PM
(Hi guys!!)
"I'll grab the girl," Jack walked over to Waasi, who still looked genuinely terrified
"Wh-what was that thing?" Waasi stuttered, her wide eyes never leaving the demon. She looked up when Jack reached down for her and flinched away.
"Whoa, just calm down!" Jack said reaching down for her again.
"St-stay away from me!" Waasi yelled. She tried to pull herself up, but a wave of pain shot threw her back and head, making her fall again.
"Okay," Jack backed away, holding his hand in the air "She officially hates us."

June 27th, 2017, 03:41 PM
(Can I bring Atazi in to help Waasi x3)

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 03:55 PM
(Hiii :3)
Vincent looked annoyed. "Whatever. Look, girl, either come with us or stay here for more demons to come get you, but my brother's in trouble!"
Vexy shot him a look. "Vincent!" She scolded, before looking at Waasi, trying to disguise her worry for her younger brother. "Are you alright?" She asked gently.


"Give me those." Chaka jerked his weapons away from his father, giving a death glare before throwing them back into the closet. "I dont trust you enough to let you be walking around with a sword and gun." He grumbled, sliding the closet door shut.
"Salty." Jace blinked, and Chaka glared over at him.

June 27th, 2017, 04:00 PM
Artemis felt a sharp pain in his chest as Chaka said those words, giving him a soft look. "I..." He sighed. "You have no idea why I was gone, do you?" He asked, too tired to sound stern as he took a seat.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 04:11 PM
"No, I dont. But honestly, I dont care." Chaka grumbled, picking up a demon-killing place from on a table, careful not to actually touch the blade itself as he threw it into the closet as well. "Save your story for Vexy. Or even Vincent, but dont go giving me some lame excuse for abandoning him--" A memory flashed in his mind, Vincent's wide, disbelieving, terrified gaze when Artemis had left after giving him the keys to the Impala, and Chaka's jaw tightened, quickly correcting himself as he turned away. "Us. I mean us."
Jace blinked, suddenly understanding.

June 27th, 2017, 04:14 PM
"Well I'd rather you know before Vincent comes and chews my ear off." Artemis said quietly, his eyes clouding over slightly. He stared at Jace for a moment, before shaking his head and raising a hand to press against his temple, where a pounding headache was taking place. "I didn't have time to explain back then, since the police were after me instead of a demon." He winced.

June 27th, 2017, 04:28 PM
Waasi looked up at Vexy "My...Head really hurts. And my hip."
"Oh, so she trust you," Jack face palmed "Well, it's clear why her head hurts. It's split open."
"It's hard to trust a cold hearted jerk who doesn't care who he runs over," Waasi winced, covering her bleeding wound with her hand. It was clear she was referring to Vincent.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 04:38 PM
Chaka stared at his father for a long moment. "Okay. Fine." He leaned back. "Im all ears."


"Maybe you shouldnt run into the road then, idiot!" Vincent snapped back angrily.
"VINCENT!" Vexy's eyes turned red, which immediately caused Vincent to back up. Vexy then turned to Waasi, eyes blue again. "Come with us. The closest hospital is near Sunlit City. Or if you'd rather not a hospital, we have a first-aid-kit in the trunk.."

June 27th, 2017, 04:50 PM
"We were in Sunlit city, remember? Well, turns out the mayor had been the demon we were hunting down." Artemis gazed at the ceiling. "In order to keep you out of it, I went hunting for him alone. Cornered him in the ally, killed him quickly so nobody would hear. But as luck would have it, someone had seen me and the police were coming. I managed to get you three out of the city in time, before leading them away from you. And then I was locked in an asylum- I mean, mental hospital for years. They filled me up with drugs, and I couldn't even figure out what year it was until I was finally let out because they figured out the man was a serial killer or something." Artemis snorted. "Still have those... damn drugs in my... system..." Artemis blinked. "What was I saying again?"

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 04:52 PM
Chaka simply blinked, gazing at his father as he tried to process everything. So he hadnt just abandoned them?
"Whoaaa." Jace's eyes widened.

June 27th, 2017, 05:04 PM
"As long as I don't sit near him," Waasi glared at Vincent "I'll be fine."

June 27th, 2017, 05:09 PM
"Anyways... Uh, who exactly is your friend here?" Artemis asked, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 05:10 PM
"My thoughts every day, kiddo," Vexy giggled, standing up. "Then lets get going shall we?"
Vincent shot a glare at Waasi before getting in the Impala, starting the car up and grumbling to himself.


"This is Jace." Chaka mumbled. "He's a hunter."
Jace waved slightly. "Sup."

June 27th, 2017, 05:16 PM
Artemis looked at Jace approvingly. "A little on the skinny side." He observed. "How fast are you?"

June 27th, 2017, 05:17 PM
"I guess..." Waasi nodded, though she still seemed unsure.
"Well, let me help you then," Jack held out his hand "I'm Jackson, but everyone calls me Jack."
Waasi stared at his hand, then gently took it. "I'm Waasi. Waasi Dreamer."
Jack froze, eyes widening
"Is..something wrong," Waasi asked.
"No, nothing's wrong," Jack gently picked her up, carrying her to the car.
"First time I'm willingly letting myself be kidnapped," Waasi mumbled

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 05:24 PM
Vexy laughed and followed, getting in the passenger seat beside Vincent.
When everyone was in the car, Vincent took off driving once more, but went a little bit slower to make sure he didnt accidentally hit someone again.


"Fastest man in the city." Jace paused. "Besides Chaka when he sees a clown." He added, which earned him a slap on the back of his head from his best friend.

June 27th, 2017, 05:34 PM
Artemis nodded.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 07:00 PM
"By the way, I texted Vincent your address, because he obviously has no idea where you live." Jace added to Chaka, heading over and rummaging through the fridge. He took out a piece of pie and dug in.
"...." Chaka stared at him in silence for a moment, then shook his head and turned, heading over to the window and moving the blinds to watch the firemen finally put the fire out. But honestly, Chaka didnt care whether the house burned or not. Kiliah was dead anyway so what did it matter? What does anything matter... Except killing Azazel? Chaka thought, eyes flickering faintly.

June 27th, 2017, 07:06 PM
"I take it Killah was your girlfriend?" Artemis spoke up. He sounded miserable as he joined Chaka by the window.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 07:07 PM
"Yeah." Chaka's voice wasnt hostile anymore, gazing at what was left of the burnt house. Knowing there was no chance Kiliah had lived. None. "She was the best."

June 27th, 2017, 07:10 PM
Artemis smiled slightly. "So was Aurora." He said softly. That was the first time he had said her name since it had happened.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 07:20 PM
"Yeah.. But I dont... I dont remember Mom." Chaka nodded softly, closing his eyes for a moment. Then he realized he was talking to his father, and not yelling at him. Probably because now he understood more. Understood Artemis's need for revenge on Azazel, because now Chaka needed the exact same thing. Sighing, Chaka opened his eyes again, fixing his eyes on the ceiling. He wasnt even mad that Artemis had left, he'd never really known him anyway. He was just mad because of how much it had hurt Vincent. Chaka denied it at times, but he loved his older brother. He wanted to protect Vincent just as much as Vincent had been protecting him, but he couldnt, could he?

June 27th, 2017, 07:45 PM
"She was an amazing woman." Artemis said, glancing at Chaka. "It's... surprising how much you look like her." He said, his ice blue eyes focused on Chaka's dark blue. While Artemis had sandy blonde hair, like Vexy, Chaka had dark hair like his mother. "You act like her too. Determined. Caring. Really, it was hard to get her out of the hunting business in the first place, the only reason she left was because you kids." His heart was aching, but it... it didn't hurt as bad as he spoke about her.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 08:37 PM
Chaka blinked faintly, gazing at his father and actually meeting his gaze, for once in his life. "...I wish i'd known her."

June 27th, 2017, 08:41 PM
"You already know her. You, Vincent, Vexy... You three were everything that she was, just split into three different people. She was protective, and caring. She wanted the best for the innocents we protected, and wanted to rid the world of anyone or anything that hurt anyone." Artemis smiled slightly. "She was an incredible woman, Aurora." His gaze focused on the windows, rage flickering behind them. "And that damn demon has hell to pay for ripping her away from me and you kids, ripping you three away from your normal lives." He almost snarled, before putting a hand to his head and clearing his throat. "Sorry about that."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 08:56 PM
Chaka managed a faint smile. Now this was the Artemis he knew. And as much as he hated to admit it, missed. "There's my dad." He chuckled, before looking up, startled, as the door swung open.
Vincent was the first to burst into the house. He ignored Artemis, and went straight for his little brother. Without warning, he grabbed Chaka by the front of his shirt and pulled him into a tight embrace, arms locking protectively around his brother as he buried his face into Chaka's shoulder.
"So much for no chick-flick moments." Chaka laughed weakly, hugging his brother back as tight as possible before pulling back. "Hey, Vinny."
"Hey, Akky." Vincent cracked a grin at his younger brother.

June 27th, 2017, 09:19 PM
Artemis watched with a smile on his face.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 09:26 PM
"Its been a while." Chaka grinned. "Nice peach fuzz."
"Im workin' on it." Vincent huffed, smiling down at him.
Chaka smiled slightly, seeing the same protective, affectionate look he always saw in his older brother's eyes. No matter how tough Vincent acted, Chaka knew the real him. "So where's the Taylor Swift wannabe?" Chaka smiled.
Vincent pointed at the door. "Three. Two. One--"
"TEAM FREE WIIIILLL!!!" Vexy yelled out as she bounced inside, not even startling her brothers.
"Vex!" Chaka rushed past Vincent to pull his older sister into a warm hug, which she happily accepted, squeezing him until he gasped for air.
"Mmm I missed you! I told Vince that you'd come back, though!" Vexy grinned over toward her older brother, who stuck his tongue out. Then Vexy's gaze landed on Artemis, and she nearly fainted, her eyes widening with complete shock.
Vincent followed her gaze, finally looking at Artemis, but he was only able to keep his eyes on his father for a few seconds before looking away, his expression turning cold.
Chaka looked from Vincent, to Vexy, to Artemis, eyebrows raised faintly.

June 27th, 2017, 09:57 PM
Artemis smiled at Vexy and Vincent. "I missed you." He said softly.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:22 PM
Vincent didnt speak, eyes fixed intently on the floor.
Vexy however, she came forward, walking past both of her brothers. And she didnt care. She wrapped her arms around her father and pulled him into a hug.
Chaka couldnt help but smile as he watched, eyes soft.

June 27th, 2017, 10:24 PM
As Artemis hugged Vexy, he stared at Vincent. "Vincent." He said sharply. "Look at me."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:28 PM
Vincent flinched, tearing his gaze off of the floor to stare at his father. He had been raised to obey whatever orders Artemis gave him- Listening to him, it was instinct.
Vexy stepped back at once to watch, blinking faintly, and Chaka took a few more steps forward beside his siblings.

June 27th, 2017, 10:33 PM
"I'm sorry I left you." Artemis said simply, opening his arms and wrapping them around Vincent. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you why I had to leave. I'm sorry that I couldn't do a damn thing to help you more until I was arrested. I'm sorry I couldn't get out of that damn hospital, and I'm sorry, I'm so damn sorry, that I couldn't raise any of you like a normal father." Artemis said softly.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:39 PM
(I love Artemissssss)
Vincent didnt speak- He couldnt speak. He was trying too hard to fight back tears, to push it all back down. To bottle everything up like he always did, but this seemed to be too much. Finally, he just wrapped his arms around his father and buried his face into Artemis's shoulder, taking a deep, shuddering breath. "Its okay, Dad." He sighed.
Vexy smiled over at Chaka. "Saving people," She murmured, coming forward and wrapping her arms around Vincent and Artemis.
"Hunting things," Chaka grinned back at his sister before coming forward, moving one of Vincent's arms so he could join the hug.

June 27th, 2017, 10:40 PM
"Well this is a nice family reunion," Jack chuckled from his spot by the door.

June 27th, 2017, 10:41 PM
"Family business..." Artemis murmured, holding his kids close.

(I know, right? Trust me, though, if there weren't chat restrictions, Artie would be swearing a lot more...)

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:54 PM
(I bet XD)
(Also awwww Artemis knows the motto :3)
"Back in swing." Vincent breathed before pulling back, smiling faintly.
"Team Free Will!" Vexy giggled.
"Whats with the Team Free Will stuff?" Jace wondered, finishing the rest of his pie.
Vexy turned to stare at him, looking him up and down. "Team Free Will. One half-demon,"
"Hey." Chaka blinked.
"One soldier boy,"
Vincent cracked a grin.
"One Chief," Vexy smiled at Artemis. "One cutie with a take-em-down attitude," She grinned at Jack, before glancing back at Jace, "And one fanggirl. Team Free Will, buddy, we're the Primers." Then, studying him again, she added, "Also I dont like you."
Vincent nearly choked on literally nothing but air, and Chaka's eyes widened in pure surprise.
Jace simply blinked.

June 27th, 2017, 10:57 PM
Artemis arched an eyebrow at what Vexy said. "I'm sorry, did my daughter just call you a cutie?" He asked Jake, his eyes narrowed very slightly and his arms crossed over his chest.

(Dad mode, activate!)

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 10:58 PM
"Oh god Dad," Vexy groaned. "Vincent was bad enough!"
"YEAH BEAT HIM UP!" Vincent started toward Jack.
Chaka grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him back. "Easy tiger."

June 27th, 2017, 11:02 PM
"Last I checked, a dad was supposed to do this. Not to mention the big brother." Artemis chuckled, a rare sight for him. "And I have to make up for years." He glanced at Jake. "So..."

June 27th, 2017, 11:02 PM
(This is pretty cute x3)
(Also I'm leaving for Tennessee on Friday x3)
Jack promptly burst out laughing

June 27th, 2017, 11:04 PM
The corners of Artemis's lips twitched, and he tried to contain his own laughter.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 11:08 PM
"Daaadddd beat him up! Beat him up!" Vincent cheered, trying to pull away from Chaka, but his younger brother had the upper hand with demon strength. "Cmonnnnn!"
Vexy flashed her fangs and hissed at her older brother, causing Vincent to immediately stop.
Vexy giggled, her fangs retreating back into her mouth as she grinned brightly at her older brother. "Jerk."
Vincent wrinkled his nose playfully, Chaka finally letting him go.

June 27th, 2017, 11:15 PM
Artemis found himself laughing alongside Jake, a sound not heard for a very long time.

June 27th, 2017, 11:15 PM
(Yeah, I've always wanted to go too! I'm so excited XDD)
Jack chuckled, coming forward and holding out his hand "It's nice to finally meet you sir. I promise you, I'm not a jerk despite what has been said."

June 27th, 2017, 11:23 PM
"Oh, I'm not concerned for my daughter." Artemis shook Jake's hand firmly. "I'm more concerned for you. You're dating my little warrior after all, so you betterr behave around her. Or else she'll have a problem with you, not me." Artemis chuckled.

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 11:24 PM
Vexy burst into laughter, and Vincent joined in not long after.
Chaka laughed slightly, amusement sparkling through his dark blue eyes.
Jace laughed a little himself, but his expression turned serious after a moment. "So Chaka, when are you gonna tell them about the demon guy?"
Chaka's laughter died down, and he blinked.
"What demon guy?" Vexy leaned against a wall, tilting her head curiously.
Vincent gazed at his little brother, having a sinking feeling he already knew.
"I may have found out the hard way where Azazel is." Chaka murmured.
Vincent didnt say anything. His gaze flickered up to a picture on the wall, of Chaka and some girl, a girl not in the room, or the house. Then he remembered seeing the burning house across the street and being plunged into childhood memories. Vincent frowned as he turned his gaze back to his little brother, who now had a haunted frown on his face, and Vincent knew almost instantly what had happened.

June 27th, 2017, 11:28 PM
Artemis gazed at Chaka, his fist tightening ever so slightly as he gazed at Killah's face. I will find you, and I will kill you Azazel. That's a promise.

June 27th, 2017, 11:38 PM
(I know I honestly can't wait x3)
"Speaking of Azazel," Jack frowned "I figured out why that girl was being attack by a demon."

Random Melody
June 27th, 2017, 11:44 PM
"Why?" Vexy glanced at him, curious.
"I dont like the girl." Vincent huffed.
Chaka rolled his eyes a little, then shook his head. "Vincent, you drove the Impala right?"
"Dont ask dumb questions, Akky." Vincent smiled a little. "Loaded up with weapons."
"And the Colt!" Vexy added, grinning.
"Ah, the Colt.. So how'd you get it back?" Chaka asked curiously.
"Vincent sold his soul." Vexy teased.
"NO I DIDNT!" Vincent yelled quickly, seeing Chaka's face turn into horrified anger in a second. "She's lying, man, dont start screaming at me please!"
Chaka squinted at him. "Vincent."
Vincent glared at Vexy. "See what you did?"
"I see what I did," Vexy grinned.
"You're a freakin' liar." Vincent grumbled.
"And you're apparently still a kid." Vexy rolled her eyes.
"Im the kid? I dont listen to Taylor Swift's obnoxious songs."
"Hey, at least listening to Taylor Swift isnt as childish as your Superman boxers." Vexy shot back.
"....Im unashamed." Vincent crossed his arms. "Okay, maybe Taylor Swift isnt childish, but wearing your hair in pigtails makes you look ten."
"Dont mock my pigtails." Vexy stared daggers at him. "Hey, 'least im not practically married to a car. When's the wedding bro?"
"Dont bring Baby into this, Vex." Vincent scowled. "Keep in mind you had imaginary boyfriends 'till you were twelve."
"I was eleven."
"And a half."
"On. And on. And on. And on.." Chaka covered his ears, rolling his eyes to the ceiling in exasperation.

June 27th, 2017, 11:54 PM
Artemis didn't turn around. "Children. Stop fighting and let Jack speak."

June 28th, 2017, 12:29 AM
"When I was bandaging the girl," Jack crossed his arms "I noticed something. Almost every bone in her body should have been broken. Also to catch you three up," He looked at Chaka Artemis and Jace "Vincent ran over a nineteen year old girl."

Random Melody
June 28th, 2017, 08:38 AM
"Yes, sir." Vincent muttered, and Vexy fell silent immediately.
Chaka raised an eyebrow as Jack spoke. "Damn, Vincent."
"I didnt mean to." Vincent objected. "The idiot ran out into the road."
Vexy rolled her eyes at her brothers, but frowned thoughtfully. "Well, Jack's not wrong. The girl should be dead right now, but she honestly seems fine. I cant smell werewolf or vampire, so we can rule those out."
"You guys think she's somethin' bad?" Chaka spoke up, tilting his head.
"Probably." Vincent grumbled.
"Hey, she seems trustworthy to me," Vexy commented, walking over so she could smack Vincent on the head.
"Everybody seems "trustworthy" to you." Vincent huffed, and Chaka rolled his eyes.

June 28th, 2017, 12:58 PM
Artemis blinked at Vincent.

Random Melody
June 28th, 2017, 01:59 PM
"Vincent ran over a girl." Jace snickered.
"It was an accident." Vincent insisted, glancing at him. "Who the hell are you?"
"Jace Milton," Jace's lips twitched into a grin. "You must be the legendary Vincent that Chaka doesnt shut up abou--" He fell silent when Chaka stomped down on his foot, letting out a soft squeak.
Vexy laughed slightly, rolling her eyes.
Jace glanced at her, and smiled. "And you must be the beautiful Vexy. Gotta say, you are really hot."
"Awww, thank you." Vexy said sweetly, looking over at him. "By the way, thanks for being my brother's friend, real nice of you to keep him sane for us."
"No problem, sweet cheeks." Jace grinned, and Vexy continued,
"Also, I dont know you, so if you call me sweet cheeks again i'll rip your throat out with my teeth." Vexy flashed her fangs at him easily, eyes flickering red for a moment as she smiled sweetly. "Okay?"
Jace took a few steps back, blinking. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Good!" Vexy chirped, and turned back to Vincent, Chaka and Artemis, eyes blue again. "Anyway,"

June 28th, 2017, 02:15 PM
Artemis leaned closer to Vincent. "I think I like Jake better than Jace." He said, soft enough that only Vincent could hear.

Random Melody
June 28th, 2017, 02:21 PM
"His names Jack," Vincent murmured. While when he was younger, he never would have dared to correct his father, he was alot braver now. "And yeah... I agree."
Vexy rolled her eyes a little.

June 28th, 2017, 02:57 PM
(Hello :3)
"The so called idiot," Jack said, crossing his arms "Was being chased by a demon which had already injured her. It was either die or run. Are you saying you wish she died instead of running for her life? Because it sure sounds like it." Jack was nearly surprised at himself for talking to Vincent like that, but at the moment he didn't care "How about you stop be an inconsiderate b*stard for a while?

June 28th, 2017, 03:01 PM
Artemis raised an eyebrow. "Vincent." He looked at his son. "Did I teach you nothing about proper etiquette?" He glanced at Jack. "So Vincent ran over a mysterious girl who was running from a demon, and has a grudge against her for some reason?" He asked Jack, glancing at Vincent with a frown. "I know you love your car, but a car is easily repaired. People and their emotions are not."

Random Melody
June 28th, 2017, 03:09 PM
Vincent stared at Jack, his green eyes narrowing slightly. But before he could say anything, Artemis had spoken. Vincent nearly flinched, before fixing his gaze on the ground. Okay, yeah, he deserved that. "Alright." He finally muttered, narrowing his eyes. He wasnt that upset about the car at all, honestly, he was more upset that the girl thought he was a cold-hearted jerk because she couldnt look where she was going. But at the same time, he knew it wasnt her fault.
Vexy breathed out slowly in relief when she realized Vincent wasnt going to shoot or stab anyone, and leaned back beside her brother, giving Jack a curious look.
"So the girl," Chaka blinked. "What is she? No human would have made it out without broken bones or something."

June 28th, 2017, 03:24 PM
"That's because she's not human, and I don't think she knows it," Jack looked out the window, staring at the car.
Waasi was curled up in a ball, her chest rising and falling slightly. She had used Vincent's jacket as a blanket, and was fast asleep.
"When I use hydrogen peroxide on her head, let's just say I think it hurt and she wouldn't let me touch her. That's when I noticed her eyes..." He looked back at the others "They flashed yellow."

Random Melody
June 28th, 2017, 03:27 PM
Vincent inhaled sharply.
Vexy blinked, surprised. "Oh."
Chaka stiffened, his eyes hardening.

June 28th, 2017, 03:31 PM
Artemis's expression didn't change, and he knelt beside Waasi. He shook her shoulder gently. "Wake up." He said, but his tone surprisingly wasn't harsh or loud. It was gentle, soft. The kind of voice someone would wake up to with a smile, instead of horror. Artemis had changed, and he hoped it was for the better as he gazed down at the girl who was probably his worst nightmare's daughter.

June 28th, 2017, 10:44 PM
"Mmm..." Waasi groaned, her eyes opening slowly. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes.
Jack blinked. It was that moment where he noticed the smudges on her body for the first time. She was covered head to toe with dirt, and her shirt was slightly ripped. What had happened to her.
"Where am I...?" Waasi murmured, still too tired to focus.

June 28th, 2017, 10:46 PM
"I don't know, ask the annoying kid that Chaka's somehow friend's with." Artemis chuckled softly, brushing her shoulders off. "My name is Artemis, what might be your name?" He asked, offering a hand to help her up.

Random Melody
June 29th, 2017, 07:19 AM
"We're in Chaka's house. Sunlit City." Jace informed Waasi, tilting his head a little.
Chaka kept his gaze on Waasi, trying his hardest not to direct his hatred toward her. Relax... Relax, she didnt do anything, she's innocent... Probably, I dont know.
"Hm." Vexy thought for a moment, then stood up and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Vincent narrowed his eyes after her.
Vexy paused, but didnt turn, hand on the doorknob. "To check out the burnt house. Whats left of it, at least."
"I dont think you should.." Vincent trailed off.
Vexy rolled her blue eyes, turning to him. "Oh. Oh, goody. What will big brother say this time about my safety. Do I need to wear a helmet?" There was no bite to her words, however, her voice was soft, and faintly amused. She honestly loved how protective Vincent was over her and Chaka, but she knew she could handle herself.
Vincent clicked his teeth together for a moment, then looked away. "Yeah, alright. Just be careful, Vex."
"Oh, please, Vincent." Vexy laughed softly, then without a word, she turned and headed out, shutting the door with a soft click behind her.

June 29th, 2017, 02:02 PM
"Waasi...Dreamer," Waasi yawned again, blinking her eyes to gain focus. "Why am I here..?"
"We saved you, remember?" Jack replied "Do you remember anything before that? Where are your parents?"
"My parents?" Waasi echoed, shaking her head "They could be dead for all I know. I left home when I was fourteen."
She's a runaway? Jack thought.

June 29th, 2017, 02:06 PM
"Waasi, that's a nice name. Now, Waasi, could you tell me why you were being hunted by a demon?" Artemis asked kindly, ignoring the runaway part. That didn't matter now- her parents were probably dead, at least, her adopted ones. "It may help us with something that we're working on." Artemis said gently.

Random Melody
June 29th, 2017, 04:27 PM
Vincent leaned back to watch, interested.
Chaka leaned back beside him silently.


Vexy meanwhile, dug through the Impala's trunk, sifting through weapons as she hummed quietly to herself.

"My Mama told me, when I was young,
"We're all born superstars,"
She rolled my hair, and put my lipstick on,
In the glass of her boudoir.
"There's nothing wrong with loving who you are,"
She said, "'Cause he made you perfect, babe." A bright smile twitched at her lips as she sang to herself, stuffing a Demon Blade in a sheath connected to her jeans, and pocketing a pistol with rock salt.

""So hold your head up, girl,
And you'll go far,
Listen to me, when I say,"" Vexy shut the trunk and turned away, heading across the street toward the burnt house.

"Im beautiful in my way,
'Cause God makes no mistakes,
Im on the right track, baby,
I was born this way.

Dont hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself, and you're set!
Im on the right track, baby,
I was born this way~" Vexy smiled, pulling an EMF detector from her pocket. She pressed down a button and held it out as she neared the house, ducking under some police tape. The detector went wild, letting out loud humming sounds. Definitely something unnatural going on, Vexy thought, heading inside the damaged house.

June 29th, 2017, 05:33 PM
(Random, there is a puppy inside my house right now. I don't know who he belongs to we just brought him in XDD. His collar says Danny x3)
"Is that what that was..?" Waasi looked at her feet "I really don't know what was happening. I was just trying to walk down the street."

June 29th, 2017, 05:38 PM
"What happened?" Artemis asked gently, looking at her seriously.

Random Melody
June 29th, 2017, 05:40 PM

June 30th, 2017, 06:14 AM
Okay I know I suddenly disappeared, but I can explain!!! XDD
Okay, so I already told you guys that I was going to Tennessee for a few days. I won't be back until Sunday I believe. Yesterday after the whole thing with the puppy (We found his owners. He was a bull terrier) I had to get ready for my trip because I'm going with my grandparents and stayed the night at their house so we can leave early this morning. Also I don't have my phone so I can't post in the hotel room XD. Therefore, this may be my last post until Sunday or later. which means I'm about to type like a freaking storm x3

"I swear, that's what happened," Waasi replied, feeling slightly uneasy. "I was walking down the street and it just jumped at me, and gave me this." She rolled up her left sleeve, revealing three fresh claw marks going down her arm, still slightly bleeding.
"The hell...." Jack narrowed his eyes "That makes no sense. That should be healed by now."
"I'm sorry?" Was looked over at him.
"That wound has to be at leas more than an hour old." Jack pointed to her arm "Your other wounds were made earlier than that and were much worse. Now they're almost fully healed, besides your head."
"What?" Waasi reached down and pulled her shirt up half way. He was right. The gash in her side was hardly even there, and the bleeding had seemed to stop a long time ago. Every bone she had thought to be broken felt like it was back in place and fully healed.
"I feel like there's something you aren't telling us," Jack crossed his arms. "No human could do that. What are you?"
"Are you joking?" Waasi was clearly offended. "How dare you! You and your buddy over there," she pointed at Jack "literally slammed into me with an impala!"
"Which you saw coming," Jack argued.
"What!?" Was narrowed her eyes "Why in the world--"
"I saw you before you ran into the road," Jack cut her off. "You looked behind you, than saw Vincent driving. You ran into the road when you knew you would get hit." He watched her stiffen at her comment. "Why don't you make it easier for all of us and say what really happened."
Waasi blinked, slowly narrowing her eyes. "I feel like that's enough talk," She sat up and unbuckled herself, opening the car door. "Thanks for bandaging me up." She hopped out of the car and slammed it shut.
"Hold on!" Jack exlaimed
"See you in the next life!" She said, turning and heading down the street.
"Yellow Eyes!"
Waasi froze, not turning back to look at them. Her eyes widened and she felt terror and shock consume her body.
"You know who that is, don't you?" Jack asked, frowning.
Waasi closed her eyes, feeling them change. She clenched her teeth. "Screw you." with that, she raced down the street.

Random Melody
June 30th, 2017, 09:11 AM
(Have fun Staaarr!!!)
Vincent looked stunned into silence, and Chaka just blinked, confused.


Meanwhile Vexy was still in the half-burned house, but not alone. She was pinned up to a wall, though nothing touched her, a familiar yellow-eyed demon stood not far away.
"You Primes.." Azazel's lips curled into a grin. "You think you're something. Team Free Will, right.... One half-demon... One blood junkie... And one father-figure brother who's sick of looking after two whiny brats."
Vexy simply chuckled, her red eyes fixed on the demon, and her fangs bared. "I know thats not true."
"You're little brother, is special." Azazel added slowly. "He doesnt know... Nobody knows. He's chosen."
"Chosen for what?" Vexy hissed.
"To free Lucifer from his cage." Azazel's yellow eyes glinted darkly. "With Lucifer released... The apocalypse can start again."
"Chaka would never." Vexy growled, managing to wrap her hand around one of her demon-killing blades. "He's not an idiot."
"But he's easily influenced. The first seal must be broken, however.... But then, only 66 more to go." Azazel tilted his head. "And the last seal, your brother must break by himself... He's the only one who can."
"You're stupid. Thinking Chaka would let Lucifer out into the world." Vexy seethed. "He may have been intended to be one of your special children, but his heart is--"
"As black as his eyes." Azazel smiled. "Face it, little Vexy. Your brother was always destined to be evil."
Without a word, still pinned to the wall, Vexy jerked the blade out of her pocket and threw it. It stabbed into Azazel's chest, going in deep, thanks to the power of the throw, but not yet deep enough to kill him. Vexy gasped as she dropped to the ground, and quickly scrambled to her feet, ready if Azazel tried anything else.
Azazel roared, and staggered back several steps until his back hit the opposite wall, screaming in pain. "IDIOT!"
"Im not the idiot." Vexy pulled another demon-killing blade from her sleeve, her red eyes glittering dangerously as she took a few steps forward, pointing the tip of the blade at Azazel's feet.
Azazel stared, then looked down to see he had stepped back right into a Devil's Trap. Fury filled his yellow gaze. "No- NO!"
"Oh. Yes." Vexy lowered her chin, fixing Azazel with a cold stare as she bared her fangs. "You're staying right there."

June 30th, 2017, 09:58 PM
Hey guys! I managed to get wifi in my hotel room. Is anybody still up?)
"She knows something's wrong with her," Jack thought out loud "she knows what that means, or at least part of it. Why won't she let us help her?"
Waasi ran down the street, not stopping when she shoved past civilians. How could he know about this? How? I've never told anyone. She continued to run, getting as far from the Primes as she could. They know what I am. They know I'm a monster. A freak. She shook her head aggressively as her eyes began to change. How could they know about me? I'm the only one like me.

June 30th, 2017, 10:01 PM
(I am awake... just working on a really good RP right now.)
(Are you okay with having Artemis go after her and calm her down?)

June 30th, 2017, 10:27 PM
(Sure, okay!)
Waasi stopped when she spotted an alley. There, I'll hide there. She rushed into the narrow passage, welcoming the dim lighting and silence. She sighed and leaned against the wall. "How...I've been so careful. At this rate, it'll happen all over again..."
"She tried to kill me!"
"Stay away you monster!"
"I knew something was wrong with her."
"She should be locked away, witch!"
"Get away from me, killer!"
"That..wasn't my fault," Waasi sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes. She sunk down to the ground and curled up in a ball, sniffling slightly.

June 30th, 2017, 10:32 PM
"Hey." A soft voice came from the entrance of the allyway, and Artemis stepped forward. "Hey now, what's wrong Waasi?" He asked gently, sitting next to her. He began rubbing her back soothingly, humming a soothing tune as he watched her carefully. "You know we aren't scared of you. I mean, maybe Vincent, but y'know. He doesn't like anyone who does so much as tap his car without his permission." Artemis laughed slightly, looking at her with concern. "I know that you don't want the others to know. But... I'm here to listen. I'm not your average guy, y'know. I was locked up in an asylum for killing a terrible man who enjoyed killing people. And you know... if you don't want to do it, and if you don't enjoy it, or mean it... Well, that means you aren't a bad guy. You know?" Artemis seemed to know what she was thinking, but he was just good at reading expressions.

June 30th, 2017, 10:56 PM
Waasi jumped, looking up at him. her face was wet with tears, and her eyes were like a river. "...I was fourteen, when I ran from home. My parents were never bad, I had an average life. Kids at school...they knew I was a freak. I would make things float or something would suddenly catch on fire. Only one boy was nice to me, but," She looked back down "He just wanted to use me. He had me pinned to the wall, I couldn't escape. I bit him. Right in the neck. Those teeth didn't belong to me. They were sharp and deadly, and nearly killed him. I almost killed someone. Everyone was afraid of me. I just ran. I stole a car, called my mom and said I wasn't coming home. It's been five years," She laughed emptily "I turn nineteen in three days, and I haven't even graduated."

June 30th, 2017, 10:59 PM
Artemis looked at Waasi seriously. "Then it isn't a surprise you "snapped". Growing up in an environment like that changes you, and it was a good decision for you to leave before it could happen." He smiled gently at her. "Now, could you truly tell me why you ran out in the road?" He asked gently, his eyes full of concern.

(I can sense a father-daughter relationship developing with these two, and she isn't even his daughter-in-law yet.)

June 30th, 2017, 11:11 PM
(Heh.....YET XDD)
Waasi stayed silent for a moment, feeling hesitant "...I...do a lot of odd jobs to get by. I was leaving my last one when I was attacked. I've had bad injuries before, and I knew I healed fast. When I saw the car, I just knew I would live. I knew it wouldn't step out into the light somehow."

June 30th, 2017, 11:33 PM
Artemis nodded. "Good tactic. Demons often avoid bright light." Artemis seemed genuinely impressed. "Now, would you like to come back with me? I assure you, we are not strangers to your type of behaviour, and we can keep you safe as well as any others." Artemis smiled.

June 30th, 2017, 11:49 PM
"I left to keep you all safe from me," Waasi mumbled. "With all due respect, you shouldn't be so close to me."

June 30th, 2017, 11:53 PM
"Really?" Artemis arched an eyebrow before grabbing a shadow right off of the wall and holding it up to reveal a small demon-cat-thing. "Dear, I'm no ordinary mortal. I know what I'm dealing with, and so do the others." Artemis chuckled. "I'm plenty safe with you around."

July 1st, 2017, 12:19 AM
"You have no idea what I am!" Waasi hissed, her eyes completely yellow. She bared a set of sharp teeth. Less than a second later, her eyes shifted back and she blinked. She sighed, staring at her feet "Sorry."

July 1st, 2017, 12:30 AM
"Actually, I'm quite sure I know more about you then you know about yourself, such as who your real father is." Artemis said casually, not looking frightened at all by Waasi's behavior.

July 1st, 2017, 12:34 AM
"Excuse me?" Waasi turned to look at him in did belief "Real father?" She quickly stood up. "What's your problem!"

July 1st, 2017, 12:45 AM
"I mean your birth father." Artemis said calmly. "Let me guess your story. You were born to a nice, human couple in a nice, human town when suddenly you begin to have powers that shouldn't be possible for a nice, human child. Does that sound about right?" Artemis asked patiently before moving on. "Now the way I see it, there are two possible things. Either you're adopted, or the man you call father is just a mortal man your mother married and convinced you were his child. And if that's not right, then perhaps you only had a mother and never had a father figure." Artemis looked Waasi over. "You're a nice girl, Waasi. It's a shame your father couldn't be farther from the definition of nice. Your father is none other than Azazel, the king of the demons and the monster that cursed my son and murdered my wife. You share his eyes, and have his mark. And to top it all off, I don't care who you are or who your father is. All I see is a young lady who needs a family who can keep her safe, and someone who can keep her from hurting others."

(Working in the Demon Hunting business makes this man very, very perceptive.)

July 1st, 2017, 12:58 AM
"What!?" Waasi couldn't believe what was hearing. "And you think I'm just going to believe all of that crap you told me? You, don't know me."

July 1st, 2017, 01:07 AM
"You don't know me." Artemis countered, before spinning around suddenly and pinning a girl against the wall. Her eyes were a sickly yellow, and her tattered wings were spread out in defense. She growled at Artemis. "Who are you?" He demanded.
"Call me Atazi..." He girl hissed, kicking at Artemis. "And my lady Ruby has been hunting that girl for years. She belongs to Azazel, and Ruby will not stop before she can get her claws on her." Atazi struggled weakly. She looked weak, even for a young demon like her that was only Chaka's age.
"Azazel isn't getting his hands on her," Artemis growled. "And neither will this "Ruby" you speak of."
"Let me go, old man." Atazi hissed back. "Lady Ruby will punish me if I don't bring the girl back."

July 1st, 2017, 01:19 AM
It was at that moment that Waasi had disappeared. She had ran off in the middle of the ordeal.
(Next post I'm doing something that might take a few minutes XD)

July 1st, 2017, 01:22 AM
Ruh ro. Artie, you failed.
Anyways, I will wait. X3

July 1st, 2017, 02:36 AM
"How are you feeling, honey?" Layla reached down and placed the back of her hand on her daughter's head.
"My face feels hot," Charlie sniffed, rubbing her red nose.
"Oh, my poor baby," Layla knelt down and kissed her head "I'm gonna make you a milkshake, okay? Daddy should be up with your water soon."
"Okay, Mommy," Charlie smiled weakly, turning and laying her head on the pillow.
"You get some rest," Layla stroked her head before turning and walking out of the room, turning off the light
"Hmmm?" Charlie whined and looked up when someone tapped her shoulder. "Hi Daddy."
The figure put a finger to their lips, features hidden in the darkness of the room. Being how tired and sick Charlie was at the moment, she couldn't tell this wasn't who she thought it was, and gladly took the glass that was given to her.
"Thank you," Charlie put the glass to her lips and took a large gulp, cringing at the taste. He must have added medicine so she could feel better. Not wanting to complain, she simply chugged down the rest of the "water". she yawned and laid back down, falling asleep almost immediately.
After and hour, Charlie woke up to the sound of sirens outside her house. She sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. She reached for her Nike cap and placed it on her head before hopping up and heading out of her room. The sirens got louder as she got closer to the outside, and the noise consumed her when she reached up and opened the door. Police were running left and right, shouting and following orders.
"Hey!" Charlie jumped when a medic took her hand suddenly "Are you alright, sweetie?"
"I'm okay," Charlie replied, though she was slightly confused
"Someone get this girl to an ambulance!" The medic shouted, and a man came rushing over "Question her about her parents only after she is fully examined."
"Where's my mommy?" Charlie asked, looking around the yard. That's when she noticed the smoky smell coming from her house. She looked up, and her eyes widened. Almost her entire house had been burned to the ground, only a little more than half remaining. "Mommy? Daddy?" Her eyes never left house, even when she was led to the ambulance
"Seems like you already had a bad fever," The Man said after taking Charlie's temperature. "You just stay here and I'll get you some water, okay?" He turned and walked over to a cooler filled with water bottles "Let's see here," he smiled with satisfaction when he pulled out a nice cold bottle "Alright little girl," He turned back around "Let's get you all--" he cut himself off when, to his horror, Charlie was nowhere in sight "Little girl?" He looked around frantically, heading off in a random direction "Little girl!"

Charlie walked down the sidewalk, hugging herself as she went. Still in her night gown, the child did the one thing her mother always reminded her to do. When something bad happened, run and hide.

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 10:14 AM
(XD Hi guys :3)
"Yeah." Vincent frowned faintly. "...Is it bad that I feel bad now?"
"Why do you feel bad?" Chaka asked, tilting his head.
Vincent gazed at the ground for a moment. "I've hunted demons that have been close to Azazel before. That have worked for him. As soon as I call them out on it though, they attack. The girl ran. Like she was scared or something." He finally spoke. "Like she knows who she is... Maybe even who Yellow Eyes is. Either way she... Didnt try to kill us like most demons would have. If anything I think she was trying to avoid killing us."
Chaka blinked.


"Now then," Vexy hissed in Azazel's ear. She had managed to get the demon into a chair, hands cuffed, legs tied up, right in the center of the Devil's Trap. No way to escape. "First of all... I have a few questions."
"Good luck." Azazel hissed back, gnashing his teeth at her.
Vexy retaliated with a loud snarl that had even Azazel flinching away slightly in his weakened state, her sharp fangs nearly touching his nose. "I wont need it."
Azazel growled, but said nothing more, yellow eyes furious.
"The girl. Waasi." Vexy lowered her chin, her red eyes staring straight into Azazel's yellow ones. "What is she."
"Well isnt this fun?" Azazel sneered, not answering her question. "Little Vexy is playing bad cop. Im shocked. Trying to play leader."
"Answer me." Vexy growled.
"Or what?"
Vexy pulled back slightly, staring at him. Then she narrowed her eyes, pulling the Colt from her pocket and aiming it at his head, pulling the trigger. The bullet whizzed over the top of the demon's head, just barely grazing his scalp.
But that didnt stop Azazel from screaming in pain, his hands curling around the arms of the chair that he was cuffed to.
Vexy lifted the Colt, and this time aimed it at his head again. "Next time I wont miss." She warned icily.
"Okay, okay!" Azazel roared out, gasping for breath. "Okay." He growled, lowering his chin. "I'll answer your questions. Just... Dont."
"Glad you can see it my way." Vexy hissed. "Now. Waasi. What is she?"
"Demon Princess. My daughter, actually." Azazel inhaled sharply, finally catching his breath. "Now let me go.. I answered your question, leave me be."
"No." Vexy replied, her voice as cold as ice. "Get comfortable, Azzy," her lips curled back to reveal sharp, pointed fangs, the Colt staying aimed at Azazel's head. "'Cause I got a lot more questions left."
(*debating on whether to have her kill Azazel or not*)

July 1st, 2017, 01:03 PM
"How are you feeling, honey?" Layla reached down and placed the back of her hand on her daughter's head.
"My face feels hot," Charlie sniffed, rubbing her red nose.
"Oh, my poor baby," Layla knelt down and kissed her head "I'm gonna make you a milkshake, okay? Daddy should be up with your water soon."
"Okay, Mommy," Charlie smiled weakly, turning and laying her head on the pillow.
"You get some rest," Layla stroked her head before turning and walking out of the room, turning off the light
"Hmmm?" Charlie whined and looked up when someone tapped her shoulder. "Hi Daddy."
The figure put a finger to their lips, features hidden in the darkness of the room. Being how tired and sick Charlie was at the moment, she couldn't tell this wasn't who she thought it was, and gladly took the glass that was given to her.
"Thank you," Charlie put the glass to her lips and took a large gulp, cringing at the taste. He must have added medicine so she could feel better. Not wanting to complain, she simply chugged down the rest of the "water". she yawned and laid back down, falling asleep almost immediately.
After and hour, Charlie woke up to the sound of sirens outside her house. She sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. She reached for her Nike cap and placed it on her head before hopping up and heading out of her room. The sirens got louder as she got closer to the outside, and the noise consumed her when she reached up and opened the door. Police were running left and right, shouting and following orders.
"Hey!" Charlie jumped when a medic took her hand suddenly "Are you alright, sweetie?"
"I'm okay," Charlie replied, though she was slightly confused
"Someone get this girl to an ambulance!" The medic shouted, and a man came rushing over "Question her about her parents only after she is fully examined."
"Where's my mommy?" Charlie asked, looking around the yard. That's when she noticed the smoky smell coming from her house. She looked up, and her eyes widened. Almost her entire house had been burned to the ground, only a little more than half remaining. "Mommy? Daddy?" Her eyes never left house, even when she was led to the ambulance
"Seems like you already had a bad fever," The Man said after taking Charlie's temperature. "You just stay here and I'll get you some water, okay?" He turned and walked over to a cooler filled with water bottles "Let's see here," he smiled with satisfaction when he pulled out a nice cold bottle "Alright little girl," He turned back around "Let's get you all--" he cut himself off when, to his horror, Charlie was nowhere in sight "Little girl?" He looked around frantically, heading off in a random direction "Little girl!"

Charlie walked down the sidewalk, hugging herself as she went. Still in her night gown, the child did the one thing her mother always reminded her to do. When something bad happened, run and hide.
O,O Is Waasi going to run into Charlie?

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 02:06 PM
(I've made a decision)
"Why are you working for Lucifer." Vexy got on one knee in front of Azazel, lifting his chin up with the end of the Colt.
Azazel swallowed hard, furious to be held captive by a girl. "He offered me to help him rule Hell."
"And you believe him." Vexy's voice was cold. Ice cold. Deadly. Viciously calm. This was a tone she didnt use much, at all. Vincent had only heard it once before, and Chaka hadnt heard it at all. It sent shivers up Azazel's spine. "He's going to ditch you the moment you get him out of that cage."
Azazel didnt speak again, narrowing his eyes.
"You're not stupid enough for that. Who else are you working for?"
"Like i'd--" Azazel cut off when he heard a click, stopping cold. "Lilith."
"Who's she?" Vexy asked.
"The first soul Lucifer twisted into a demon." Azazel said quickly. "She's loyal to him, and she holds every soul contract every crossroad demon has. She's the master torturer in hell, and second powerful to Lucifer."
Vexy thought about that for a long moment. Then, suddenly she sat back, and pointed the Colt over her shoulder. A sharp crack went through the air, then a loud thump as the demon creeping up behind her fell dead. Vexy pointed the Colt at Azazel next, and pulled the trigger with another loud bang before he had time to scream. Watching the life slowly fade from his yellow eyes, Vexy slowly pushed herself back up to stand, gazing down coldly as the demon's head dropped, and every muscle in his body went slacked. Dead.

"That's for my mother, by the way." Vexy's eyes turned blue again and her fangs retracted, completely emotionless as she pocketed the Colt, then the demon-killing blade before turning, walking around the other dead demon and out of the burnt house without looking back.
(Azazel's dead :3 Now there's Lilith... Muahaha)

July 1st, 2017, 02:12 PM
(Artemis is going to be really upset that he didn't get to kill Azazel. XD)

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 02:18 PM
(XDD I know X3 But tbh, ever since I started the whole demon-hunting thing, even in Clawsdale, Vexy was always the one I intended to make the final blow on 'im XD)
"Hey, where've you been?" Vincent looked up when Vexy walked in.
"Checking out the burnt house." Vexy pulled the Colt from her pocket and handed it to him.
Vincent frowned as he took the Colt, and stopped, looking down. "Vexy, did you shoot something?"
"Yes." Vexy murmured.
"There were only three left.." Vincent checked the bullets, and stopped, seeing there were none. "You used them all?!"
"Yes." Vexy replied slowly.
"Why?" Vincent demanded. "Those were special bullets, Vex, you know that! This is the only thing, the only thing that can kill Azazel! So why would you--?"
"Vincent." Vexy cut him off, narrowing her eyes at her older brother. "I did... What the purpose of that gun was for, nothing else."
"What?" Vincent looked bewildered. "What does that even mean?!"

July 1st, 2017, 10:05 PM
Waasi sighed and came to a stop, catching her breath "I don't know what that was, but I'm never going near them again." She began looking at her surroundings. She blinked as her eyes landed on a small girl. She was wearing pajamas, and was walking all by herself "Kid?"
Charlie looked up, slightly startled. Her face was red, signaling how sick she still was.
"Hey," Waasi walked over and knelt down in front of her. "Are you okay?" She frowned when the girl shook her head. "Are you lost?" another head shake. "Where are your parents?" She grew more worried when she saw small tears form in Charlie's eyes "Can you tell me?"
"There..." Charlie looked down at her feet. "Up in heaven."
"Oh," Waasi breathed, a wave of grief suddenly coming over her "oh no. You poor girl." She reached up and touched Charlie's head "You're burning up. You'll get worse out here," Waasi stood and offered her hand "you want to come with me? My name is Waasi."
"I'm Charlotte," Charlie took Waasi's hand.
"I'm guessing Charlie for short," Waasi smiled softly, her expression growing warmer when Charlie nodded.
Jack blinked, then his eyes widened in shock and realization. "You killed Azazel."

July 1st, 2017, 10:09 PM
Waasi sighed and came to a stop, catching her breath "I don't know what that was, but I'm never going near them again." She began looking at her surroundings. She blinked as her eyes landed on a small girl. She was wearing pajamas, and was walking all by herself "Kid?"
Charlie looked up, slightly startled. Her face was red, signaling how sick she still was.
"Hey," Waasi walked over and knelt down in front of her. "Are you okay?" She frowned when the girl shook her head. "Are you lost?" another head shake. "Where are your parents?" She grew more worried when she saw small tears form in Charlie's eyes "Can you tell me?"
"There..." Charlie looked down at her feet. "Up in heaven."
"Oh," Waasi breathed, a wave of grief suddenly coming over her "oh no. You poor girl." She reached up and touched Charlie's head "You're burning up. You'll get worse out here," Waasi stood and offered her hand "you want to come with me? My name is Waasi."
"I'm Charlotte," Charlie took Waasi's hand.
"I'm guessing Charlie for short," Waasi smiled softly, her expression growing warmer when Charlie nodded.
Jack blinked, then his eyes widened in shock and realization. "You killed Artemis."
(Wait, what?!)

July 1st, 2017, 10:14 PM

July 1st, 2017, 10:15 PM
(Oh, phew.)

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 10:26 PM
(Stariooo!!!! <3 How's Tennessee?)
Chaka inhaled sharply, eyes flying wide with shock.
"You.." Vincent's horrified expression changed in an instant, turning unreadable. "You did?"
Vexy nodded quietly, lifting her blue gaze to meet his.
Vincent did nothing for a few moments, gazing at his younger sister. Then, after a second or two, a small smile made its way gently onto his lips. "Thats my baby sister."
Vexy couldnt help it, her face broke into a grin as she gazed up at her older brother. Her older brother who had held her close every night growing up, who she saw more than a brother, as a father, or even as a mother, her older brother who pulled her out of the flames more times than she could count. Her older brother who, no matter how much they argued, how much Vexy denied it, she loved with all her heart. She'd adored him then, and she adored him now all the same. And her bright blue eyes met his green ones now as they had many, many nights ago, and it was like that night all over again. Snuggled close to her brother in Chaka's crib, not speaking, just gazing up at him with a warmth in her eyes that said it all for her. Every little word that was lost on her lips shone through her expression then. I love you, big brother, you'll always be my hero.

July 1st, 2017, 10:43 PM
(Pretty awesome! Sadly we're heading home tomorrow DX It was fun though!)
"This calls for celebration!" Jack whooped, jumping and punching the air "Who's up for drinks! Also Chaka I don't know if you aren't twenty-one yet, but I can make you a fake ID."
Charlie felt her head begin to throb as she followed Waasi. Her vision began to blur and she stumbled.
"Charlie?" Waasi looked back at her, the whipped around in shock "Charlie!" She dove down and caught the child before she hit the ground "Charlie, hold on!"
Charlie whimpered, looking up at Waasi. Her face was sickly, and she felt dazed.
Waasi blinked, squinting at the child's eyes "What the hell...?" That's when she realized, Charlie's eyes were consumed with black.
(Oh my god I just realized something.)

July 1st, 2017, 10:54 PM
(Pretty awesome! Sadly we're heading home tomorrow DX It was fun though!)
"This calls for celebration!" Jack whooped, jumping and punching the air "Who's up for drinks! Also Chaka I don't know if you aren't twenty-one yet, but I can make you a fake ID."
Charlie felt her head begin to throb as she followed Waasi. Her vision began to blur and she stumbled.
"Charlie?" Waasi looked back at her, the whipped around in shock "Charlie!" She dove down and caught the child before she hit the ground "Charlie, hold on!"
Charlie whimpered, looking up at Waasi. Her face was sickly, and she felt dazed.
Waasi blinked, squinting at the child's eyes "What the hell...?" That's when she realized, Charlie's eyes were consumed with black.
(Oh my god I just realized something.)

Artemis jogged up. "Waasi, wait." He panted, his hands on his knees. "I didn't mean-" He looked at the girl, his eyes widening. "Oh Hell."
(I'm going to do something soon that will make everyone despise Ruby as much as possible.)

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 10:58 PM
(What? :3)
"Im twenty-two dude." Chaka blinked. "What have I been gone that long?"
"You're twenty-two?" Vincent asked in mock astonishment, causing Vexy to gently hit him over the head, giggling.
"Alright, I dont know about you guys," Vexy suddenly said. "But im not done hunting just because Azazel's dead. I wasnt in this business for revenge- I was in it to save people. Hunting things, sure, but thats only part of the bumper sticker. So," She looked from Chaka to Vincent. "What I wanna know is, you in or out?"
"You already know im in." Vincent said warmly.
Vexy grinned, then looked at Chaka, who was studying one of the pictures on the wall. "Cha?"
This one wasnt one of him and Kiliah- It was him, Vincent and Vexy side by side as kids, the one picture he treasured the most. Chaka raised his eyebrows before turning back to his siblings. "Wouldnt have it any other way."

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 11:02 PM
(*legit remembers that there was a demon named Ruby in Supernatural who convinced Sam to drink demon blood to grow powerful enough to kill the first demon, Lilith who ended up being the final seal to let Lucifer out of his cage and start the apocalypse*)
(Oh my god..)

July 1st, 2017, 11:05 PM
(The name wasn't even on purpose, since I hadn't watched Supernatural. OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO DO THIS)
(Also, I'm being a little rebel. I'm on my laptop, in my bed, with the lights off past my bedtime xD)

July 1st, 2017, 11:11 PM
(Okay, so usually in tv shows and books, when an all powerful person dies, their power goes to one of the following. One who steals it, one who is equally powerful, an apprentice, or one who shares the same blood. Waasi is the only known child of Azazel, so his powers would naturally go to her, but Lucifer is an equally powerful being, so it could quite possibly go to him, or maybe even this Lilith person. It could also go to Waasi's secret older demon sister who fed Charlie demon blood (Wasn't expecting that? Oops x3) My point is, who is logically the most suitable to take Azazel's powers?)
"Charlie," Waasi shook the little girl "Charlie please look at me!" Waasi began to grow anxious, and let out a loud shout "CHARLIE!"
"Huh?" Charlie's eyes went back to normal. She blinked, looking over into Waasi's eyes. Even if her eyes had changed back, she was still sick.
"She needs a medic," Waasi mumbled, looking up at Artemis "That Jack kid was a doctor, right?"
"Someone has to make sure you guys stay logical," Jack chuckled, saying in his own words he wasn't going anywhere.

July 1st, 2017, 11:20 PM
"She was fed demon blood." Artemis briefly saw Chaka's face, before picking her up. "We gotta get her to Jack. Yes. He is a doctor." He began running.

July 1st, 2017, 11:24 PM
(*legit remembers that there was a demon named Ruby in Supernatural who convinced Sam to drink demon blood to grow powerful enough to kill the first demon, Lilith who ended up being the final seal to let Lucifer out of his cage and start the apocalypse*)
(Oh my god..)
(The name wasn't even on purpose, since I hadn't watched Supernatural. OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO DO THIS)
(Also, I'm being a little rebel. I'm on my laptop, in my bed, with the lights off past my bedtime xD)

July 1st, 2017, 11:26 PM

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 11:34 PM
(Probably to Waasi, cuz she's in his bloodline XD But some of the powers will go into Chaka, because the demon blood that Chaka was fed wasnt just any demon blood like it was for the other special children, it was the blood of Azazel himself, but nobody knows that yet XD)
"Right," Chaka chuckled, smiling brightly.
Vexy giggled slightly, and Vincent's face broke into a grin.

(Also yes guys, we totally have to do that XDD Chaka is based off of Sam, by the way... Perhaps I should explain)

(Sam is the youngest Winchester brother. At exactly six months old, the yellow-eyed demon Azazel crept into his nursery and fed him demon blood, killing his mother Mary when she attempted to stop him. The reason for this was to make Sam into one of the special children, who there are more of scattered around the world. All of them were taken by Azazel when they were grown and placed in the trials, which would determine which one was strong enough to break the seals and take Lucifer as a vessel. Of course, Lucifer is an archangel. A fallen one, but an angel nonetheless, so unlike his demons, he needs consent before possessing someone. Sam was led down a dark path by a demon, Ruby, whom he thought was good at first.

But, Ruby only had dark intentions by letting him drink her blood, though Sam didnt know this at the beginning. The two developed a small relationship during the time they were together, but it crumbled when Ruby decided Sam was ready enough to take on the first demon, Lilith, when all the other seals were broken. Ruby had tricked Sam at this point into thinking if he killed Lilith, then she wouldnt be able to break the last seal, but what Sam didnt know that was Lilith was the last seal. Now, Lilith was the first demon, and very powerful, who worked under Lucifer's orders. Knowing her fate, she taunted Sam until he finally killed her, which set Lucifer free and unleashed the apocalypse out into the world. And since Sam was the only special child who survived the trials, he was the one chosen as Lucifer's vessel- But of course he had to say yes first.)

(So Chaka is based completely off of Sam. See where im going with this? :3)
(The scary part is that I remembered all this from the show without even having to glance at the wiki or netflix)

July 1st, 2017, 11:49 PM
(Probably to Waasi, cuz she's in his bloodline XD But some of the powers will go into Chaka, because the demon blood that Chaka was fed wasnt just any demon blood like it was for the other special children, it was the blood of Azazel himself, but nobody knows that yet XD)
"Right," Chaka chuckled, smiling brightly.
Vexy giggled slightly, and Vincent's face broke into a grin.

(Also yes guys, we totally have to do that XDD Chaka is based off of Sam, by the way... Perhaps I should explain)

(Sam is the youngest Winchester brother. At exactly six months old, the yellow-eyed demon Azazel crept into his nursery and fed him demon blood, killing his mother Mary when she attempted to stop him. The reason for this was to make Sam into one of the special children, who there are more of scattered around the world. All of them were taken by Azazel when they were grown and placed in the trials, which would determine which one was strong enough to break the seals and take Lucifer as a vessel. Of course, Lucifer is an archangel. A fallen one, but an angel nonetheless, so unlike his demons, he needs consent before possessing someone. Sam was led down a dark path by a demon, Ruby, whom he thought was good at first.

But, Ruby only had dark intentions by letting him drink her blood, though Sam didnt know this at the beginning. The two developed a small relationship during the time they were together, but it crumbled when Ruby decided Sam was ready enough to take on the first demon, Lilith, when all the other seals were broken. Ruby had tricked Sam at this point into thinking if he killed Lilith, then she wouldnt be able to break the last seal, but what Sam didnt know that was Lilith was the last seal. Now, Lilith was the first demon, and very powerful, who worked under Lucifer's orders. Knowing her fate, she taunted Sam until he finally killed her, which set Lucifer free and unleashed the apocalypse out into the world. And since Sam was the only special child who survived the trials, he was the one chosen as Lucifer's vessel- But of course he had to say yes first.)

(So Chaka is based completely off of Sam. See where im going with this? :3)
(The scary part is that I remembered all this from the show without even having to glance at the wiki or netflix)


July 1st, 2017, 11:53 PM
(Dang O.O What do I do? My characters literally do nothing to advance the plot XD)
Almost immediately, Waasi pulled Charlie from Artemis. "Don't. This doesn't mean I trust you." With that she dashed away, back to the house.
"With Azazel gone," Jack stuffed his hands in his pockets "hopefully things will calm down. At least for a while."

Random Melody
July 1st, 2017, 11:56 PM
(Hmmm *thinks* ....)
(Do you wanna be Lucifer in this one Star? X3)
"Hopefully." Chaka echoed, then blinked. "We still have that weird murder with the guy who got hit by a car on the fourth floor."
"Oh yeah." Vexy and Vincent blinked.

July 2nd, 2017, 12:04 AM
Watching Waasi tear Charlie from his arms felt almost like watching Chaka being torn from his arms. Pushing away the pain in his chest, Artemis began following her. "Why don't you trust me?" Artemis's voice sounded vaguely strained.
Suddenly, Atazi lunged at Waasi and Artemis, knocking Waasi out cold and tearing through Artemis's arm. Artemis was paralyzed, trying to move despite the pain.
"Get away from them!" A young woman kicked Atazi away, before grabbing her by the collar and lifting her up. "You little wretch, go run back to Lilith." She spat, the girl consumed by fire before disappearing. "Now, let's take a look at the little girl." Kneeling beside Charlie and Waasi, her eyes began glowing softly as Charlie's wounds began healing and her fever broke.

Random Melody
July 2nd, 2017, 12:25 AM
Lilith paced around the throne room in Hell, gazing up at the ceiling.
"Alastair." Lilith turned, her gaze fixed on the demon. Her eyes flashed briefly white.
"The first seal has been broken."
Lilith's eyebrow raised.
"It is written, the first seal shall be broken when the King of Hell is killed by a righteous hunter, a girl within the family of the Chosen One. As she breaks, so shall it break."
"Azazel's dead." Lilith jerked her head back.
"Yes. Killed by Artemis's daughter."
"I see." Lilith let her gaze sweep around. "Sixty-six more to go."
"And you know the last one."
"Yes, of course. Ruby is on it. She's going after the Chosen One first. Giving him a... Head start in our direction." Lilith replied, fixing her gaze on the ceiling once more. "Remember... This plan is secret. Nobody but you, me and Ruby know of it. Dont screw it up, or so help me i'll let Lucifer put your head on a stick." She said sharply. "Now get to work on the other sixty-five. When the time comes, Ruby knows what she must have the Chosen One do."
"Yes, Mistress."
With that, Lilith turned away, not even bothering to turn back to see if Alastair had gone or not.

July 2nd, 2017, 04:22 PM
(Hi guys!)
(I'm back home now. sadness XDD)
(Also Red, could Waasi and Charlie just keep running. Sorry, I just don't like when my characters injuries and health are tampered without my permission. It's a pet peeve.)

Random Melody
July 2nd, 2017, 04:24 PM
(Sure Stario! XD)

July 2nd, 2017, 04:24 PM
(Hi guys!)
(I'm back home now. sadness XDD)
(Also Red, could Waasi and Charlie just keep running. Sorry, I just don't like when my characters injuries and health are tampered without my permission. It's a pet peeve.)

(Heh, I was just trying to introduce Ruby. Go ahead though, we'll just pretend that post never happened and I'll redo it in a way that makes waaaay more sense. I shouldn't be roleplaying before bed, nothing I post makes sense. @-@ )

July 2nd, 2017, 04:55 PM
That came out more sarcastic then sincere O,O HELP

July 2nd, 2017, 05:31 PM
(OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(I'm actually contributing for once XDD)
(Wait, how are we going to break the other locks? x3)
"Oh right," Jack felt a little foolish for forgetting why they were even there. "Maybe we should--" He glanced behind Vincent "Hey, it's her!"
Waasi came to a stop in front of Vincent. She was completely out of breath. "Help...please," She panted, sinking down to the ground. She held Charlie close to her.
"Whoa!" Jack reached out, grabbing her arm so she wouldn't land so roughly "chill out! What's wrong?"
"She....she's sick," Waasi breathed, looking down at Charlie.
Jack's face immediately turned serious "I'll see what I can do," He gently took Charlie, and Waasi let go, with some self-persuasion "Vincent, get Waasi some water while I check out the kid."

July 2nd, 2017, 06:04 PM
I need to think.

Random Melody
July 2nd, 2017, 07:14 PM
(Oh dont worry, Lilith can handle the other seals XD Those wont be roleplayed tho since the show never specified all sixty-six of them ouo)
"Right, uh." Vincent was briefly stunned, but managed to turn and rush into the kitchen, returning with a bottle of water which he held out to Waasi awkwardly.

July 2nd, 2017, 07:41 PM
How should I introduce Ruby? Maybe Chaka and Artemis are under attack by several of Lillith's goons, and Ruby swoops in to save them?

July 2nd, 2017, 09:50 PM
(Oh. So how do we pass time? 0_0)
"Thanks," Waasi reached up to grab the water bottle. As she reached for it, her fingers brushed against Vincent's hand. Feeling a twinge in her stomach, she quickly grabbed the bottle, looking down at the ground. Jack had already left to tend to Charlie inside. "Um...I'm really sorry."

Random Melody
July 2nd, 2017, 09:58 PM
(We just keep going X3 It wont take too long, you guys'll know when its down to the last seal XD)
"For what?" Vincent frowned in confusion, staring after Jack.

July 2nd, 2017, 10:02 PM
(Oh, okay XD)
"For getting so angry with you," Waasi replied. "I...I ran into the road on purpose. I wanted to get hit, and then I got mad at you for it because you pointed out exactly what I did. I was just, so scared. I thought I was going to die and I took those feelings out on you," She sighed, closing her eyes "I'm really, really sorry."

Random Melody
July 2nd, 2017, 10:15 PM
"Relax. You dont gotta be sorry." Vincent said gently, placing a hand on Waasi's shoulder. Then, he cracked a grin. "No chick-flick moments, alright?"

July 2nd, 2017, 10:28 PM
"What?" Waasi blinked. Now it was her turn to be confused.

July 2nd, 2017, 10:36 PM

Random Melody
July 3rd, 2017, 07:30 AM
(Ruby knew about Sam before they met. She knew he was the last surviving special child that Azazel had plans for. Before they meet face to face, Ruby watched Sam from afar. Sam did notice Ruby following him; however, when he turned around, she would vanish. They finally meet when Sam is overwhelmed by three demons at once, and she conveniently steps in. Sam's skeptical at first since she's a demon, but eventually warms up to her. Ruby tells them about Lillith's "plans" to destroy the seals and let Lucifer out, and tells him she knows a way to stop him, but he's gonna have to trust her. Once he fully does, she tells him what Azazel did when he was a baby, feeding him the demon blood, and tells Sam that with those powers he could kill Lilith dead and stop the apocalypse, all he needed was more demon blood- So after some slight hesitation, Sam complies.)
"...Nevermind." Vincent sighed, smiling a little. "Just dont be sorry, alright?"

July 3rd, 2017, 02:30 PM
(Guys....if a fly catches on fire, does that make it a firefly?)
Waasi blinked, then smiled softly "Alright." She brought herself to her feet. "We should probably go inside."

Random Melody
July 3rd, 2017, 04:06 PM
(I dont think so? XD)
"Right." Vincent pushed himself away from the wall he was leaning against, turning and heading after Jack.

July 3rd, 2017, 04:08 PM
If a stick of butter can fly, does that make it a butterfly?

I don't know what to do.

July 3rd, 2017, 04:41 PM
(If a girl got turned into a bug...would that make her a ladybug?)
Waasi began to follow him, then stopped "Hey, one more thing."

July 3rd, 2017, 04:51 PM
If a horse had wings, does that make it a horsefly?

Random Melody
July 3rd, 2017, 05:01 PM
(*le confused*)
"Yeah?" Vincent turned to her.

July 3rd, 2017, 08:43 PM
(If the place you work was on fire, would it be a firework?)
"you dad told me that I'm a demon," Waasi's eyes glistened "and my father killed your mother, and cursed your brother. Is that true?"

Random Melody
July 3rd, 2017, 08:47 PM
Vincent flinched briefly when his mother was mentioned, but it wasnt visible. The hunter paused, glancing up toward the sky for a moment before speaking again, voice steady. "I dont know," He said honestly. "Its a good chance, though. But whatever Azazel did has nothing to do with you." He replied quietly. "You're innocent. I dont like many demons, but I can tell you're not bad."

July 3rd, 2017, 08:55 PM
If a bed is in the sun, does that make it a tanning bed?

July 3rd, 2017, 10:47 PM
(That was a good one XD)
"Good people can do bad things," Waasi sighed, "but thanks, I guess." she walked passed and entered the house.

July 3rd, 2017, 11:10 PM
Ecks Dee

Random Melody
July 4th, 2017, 02:34 PM
Chaka was leaning back against the wall, talking to Vexy. "Did he suffer?"
Vexy shook her head. "Didnt even see the bullet coming."
Chaka nodded for a moment, then frowned. "Vex? The last time I ran into Azazel, he said... He had plans for me and Lucifer." He frowned. "Any idea what he meant by that?"
Vexy bit down on her lip for a moment, then shook her head. "Im sorry. I dont." She looked over, catching Vincent's gaze.
Vincent met her eyes, then looked at his little brother before looking away.

July 4th, 2017, 02:45 PM

CUE THE FIREWORKS (http://bestanimations.com/Holidays/Fireworks/fireworks/gold-fireworks-animated-gif.gif)

AND YOU GET FIREWORKS (http://media.nbcdfw.com/images/1200*675/Kaboom_Town_Fireworks.gif)

July 4th, 2017, 02:47 PM
So, I'm working on a plot that involves Neverwing and Blackstorm. A ThunderClan cat, Springstep, is good friends with Blackstorm, and maybe more. Neverwing will go full Yandere on her, and Blackstorm will find out that Neverwing killed Springstep. I don't know what to do from there, however.

July 4th, 2017, 02:48 PM

CUE THE FIREWORKS (http://bestanimations.com/Holidays/Fireworks/fireworks/gold-fireworks-animated-gif.gif)

AND YOU GET FIREWORKS (http://media.nbcdfw.com/images/1200*675/Kaboom_Town_Fireworks.gif)


Random Melody
July 4th, 2017, 07:45 PM

July 5th, 2017, 04:51 PM
(I went to bed at 1:30 because we got back at 1:03 last night XD)
Waasi stayed silent, feeling awkward as she stared at the wall. Her eyes snapped over to Jack however when he came down the stairs "How is she?"
"Stable," Jack replied, walking over to Vexy and putting his arm around her shoulders "What happened to her?"
"I just found her alone on the street," Waasi replied "I was going to take her to the motel I'm staying at currently, but she collapsed, and-"
"Her eyes went black?" Jack finished, raising an eyebrow.
Waasi blinked "..Yes, but how did you know that?"
"Because it happened when I was checking her temperature," Jack replied, looking over at Chaka. "I think this isn't just a normal accident. Someone fed the girl demon blood."

July 5th, 2017, 04:54 PM
Artemis was staring at the girl, his expression unreadable. Once again, her image was replaced with Chaka's as he stared at her, his chest beginning to hurt. His eyes were blank, his mind trying to process everything. He didn't seem like he heard anything the others were saying.

Random Melody
July 5th, 2017, 06:06 PM
Chaka blinked faintly, registering this. "Oh."
"Oh great. Another Chaka." Vincent pretended to groan, and Chaka smacked him on the back of his head, narrowing his eyes. "Ow! Okay, okay," Vincent grumbled, glaring at him. "Dork."
"Idiot." Chaka retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Boys." Vexy sighed, rolling her eyes at her brothers.
"'Boys'." Vincent mocked his sister playfully.
Chaka stuck his tongue out at Vexy. "Fangs."
Vexy squinted at them. "Jerks."
"Brat." Vincent and Chaka said together, exchanging a glance.

July 5th, 2017, 06:20 PM
"Kids." Artemis snapped, eyeing them. He looked back at Charlie, his gaze softening slightly. "This means that she's an orphan." He said quietly to himself, studying her once more.

July 5th, 2017, 07:40 PM
Also, here is just a head up of my characters x3:
Jack looks like this (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/14/88/09148854d84f69a67827d8b9b24026c0--basket-wallpaper-anime-guys.jpg) x3. His natural hair color is black, but he thought blue suited him more and decided to dye it. He was an intern at a hospital when he met Vexy, and decided to put his medical knowledge to use. He's actually the son of a witch, so he is a warlock, but never uses his powers unless he has to. His mane weapon is a pistol.

Waasi looks like this (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/6f/c8/a66fc890c3769dd3826313d2e0732d08.jpg). Look at how innocent she looks XDD. Waasi actually dyes her hair different colors all the time, some of them being natural, the others bright and standing out. Her demon appearance is pretty much the same. She has yellow eyes, and other demonic features. Her main weapon is either her demon form or a mace

Charlie looks like this (https://orig00.deviantart.net/71af/f/2012/294/4/d/clementine_by_tohruluvskyo-d5ik3ow.png). Before anybody asks, yes, Charlie is based a little bit off of Clementine from Telltale's The Walking Dead x3. And until I find I picture I think suits her, I'm going with this. Charlie is now half demon, but can't really do anything yet, being seven years old. She's still vulnerable being so young, but also understands that she has to be careful. In the future, somebody might teach her how to use a gun.

July 5th, 2017, 07:49 PM
(Anyway, back to role playing!! XDD)
"We don't know that," Jack argued "All we know is that--"
"She told me her parents are dead," Waasi mumbled, looking at her feet.
"What?" Jack turned to look at her in shock
"Also, I found her," Waasi began rubbing her arm "she's my responsibility. Once she's awake, I'll take her and be out of your hair." She turned and walked up the stairs, heading for Charlie's room.

July 5th, 2017, 08:04 PM
"Waasi, wait." Artemis shot out an arm to grab her shoulder, and looked at her. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It came out in a rush, and I didn't mean for you to be hurt." He said softly, his words genuine. "Maybe your father isn't Azazel, and maybe you just happened to be born a demon to normal parents. I jumped to conclusions, and drove you away." He took in a deep breath. "I know that you want to keep us safe by leaving. But you shouldn't be worrying about us. With Charlie sick and now..." Artemis closed his eyes. "... a demon, I- We can help with raising her. And as for you..." He looked at her with concern. "Would it really be a terrible thing to stay with us, where we can help you learn to control your powers?"

(Okay, if Artemis said anything wrong, correct me before Waasi get's really upset so I can change it. xD I really want these two to actually get along.)

July 5th, 2017, 09:45 PM
(Artemis did nothing wrong, it's more of Waasi than him. let me explain x3)
(You see, Waasi is actually full demon. Both of her mother and father are demons. Her birth mother sent her to the human world as a baby so she wouldn't grow up a killer. She was adopted by her human mother, who was married at the time. Her adopted father however was afraid of her and her powers, and that cause her parents to get a divorce. Plus, he was never exactly nice to her. Never having good experiences with men, she grew to trust them a little less than women.)
(Another thing is her entire family was afraid of Waasi, except for her mother and older sister Kimberly. Kim passed away in a car accident when Waasi was five so all she had was her mother. Waasi grew afraid of herself, thinking she had to protect her mother from her powers, and began interacting with her less and less. After she ran away, Waasi never talked to her mother again. She's never had a family and she blames herself for it, which is why she's trying to keep her distance in fear that she might hurt someone.)
(So basically Artemis is acting like the father figure she's never had. It's a new feeling for her, and she doesn't want it to continue.)
Waasi blinked, then looked down at the floor "You're a very kind man, and I appreciate what you are trying to do for me, but trust me," Her eyes flashed yellow "I'd rather forget my powers even exist. I have a kind friend in Houston that owes me a favor, I'll be taking the girl there to stay. She deserves a family." She smiled sadly "Now, if you'll excuse me," She gently pushed his hand away, then turned and headed up the stairs.

July 5th, 2017, 09:54 PM
Artemis blinked. 'But... A normal family won't be able to raise the girl...' He thought, growing a little anxious. "Waasi... I don't want you to feel alone anymore." He said softly.

Random Melody
July 6th, 2017, 03:34 PM
Vincent fell silent immediately when Artemis snapped at them, and straightened up, staring straight ahead.
Chaka's lips twitched, fighting a smirk. However, when Vincent looked at him, a full blown grin shot across Chaka's face as he laughed.
"What?" Vincent narrowed his eyes.
"Soldier-Boy." Chaka teased his older brother, but his dark blue eyes were warm with affection.
Vincent's lips twitched into a half-smile. "College-Boy."
"You're proud." Chaka taunted, grinning. "You're proud of me."
"Naaahhh." Vincent waved him off, amused.
"Admiiiiittt iiiiitttt~" Chaka sang out, chuckling.
"Noootttthhhiiinnnggg toooo admiiiiittttt~" Vincent sang back.
Vexy giggled to herself, walking over and turning on the small radio sitting on the coffee table. Almost at once, a familiar song played, and Vexy froze.

Hey, Jude (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8ACNty077I), dont make it bad,
Take a sad song, and make it better.
Remember, to let her into your heart.
Then you can start to make it better..

Vincent went slightly rigid as well, gaze darting over to his sister.
Chaka tilted his head as he listened to the song. He'd heard that before... Somewhere... But where?
And then suddenly all three of them stopped, eyes glazing over as they were all thrown into the same memory.


"Hey, Jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song, and make it better.
Remember, to let her into your heart.
Then you can start to make it better." Aurora hummed softly as she lifted a crying Chaka out of his crib, stroking his whispy black hair.
"Are you singing the song again?" Vincent poked his head into the room, eyes lighting up when he saw his brother, and he slid forward. "Hi, Akky!"
"Vi!" Chaka giggled out, reaching his small, chubby hands out to his older brother. "Ve!" He squealed out as Vexy came into the room.
"Hi, Cha," Vexy giggled as she reached up to close a tiny hand around the baby's. "Did you miss me?"
"Dad took us out hunting." Vincent climbed up onto a chair beside his mother and brother, so that he could let his small fingers run soothingly through Chaka's short hair.
Chaka gently wrapped his fingers around Vincent's wrist, babbling nonsense.
"What'd you hunt this time?" Aurora asked curiously, smiling at her oldest son and daughter.
"We hunted a shtriga." Vexy spoke up proudly. "Vincent shot it."
"Thats my boy." Aurora beamed at her son, who simply laughed.
"When will Akky be old enough to hunt, Ma?" Vincent asked curiously, looking down into his brother's big dark blue eyes.
"Hmmm, I dont know." Aurora teased. "When do you think he'll be old enough to shoot a gun?"
"When he's four." Vexy claimed with a giggle.
"That's four years from now, Brat." Vincent stuck his tongue out at her.
"Im aware of that, Jerk." Vexy huffed, glaring up at him indignantly. "I can count."
"Coulda fooled me." Vincent taunted lightly.
"I can--"
But the bickering siblings were interrupted with the sharp cries from Chaka, both of their tiny heads whipping around to stare at their brother.
"Shh, shh, its okay." Aurora cooed, bouncing her youngest son up and down. "You dont like it when they argue, do you?" she smiled teasingly over at her other two children, who frowned faintly.
"Its okay, Akky, we still love eachother when we argue." Vincent assured, gently patting his brother on the head.
"Yeah, and we still love you. Trust me, you're gonna grow up and argue with us too." Vexy chided, climbing up beside her older brother. They both frowned as Chaka just continued to wail.
"Hey," Vincent placed a hand on Chaka's head. "Look at me, little bro." He murmured.

"Hey Jude, dont be afraid,
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin, to make it better."

"And anytime you feel the pain,
Hey Jude, refrain." Vexy giggled along.

"Dont carry the world upon your shoulder.
For well you know that its a fool,
Who plays it cool, by making his world,
A little colder."

"Hey Jude," Vincent and Vexy sang at the same time now as Chaka's crying ceased, gazing up at his siblings with curiosity.

"Dont let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart.
Then you can start to make it better."

"So let it out and let it in,
Hey Jude, begin,
You're waiting for someone to perform with." Vincent ran his thumb gently down Chaka's cheek, and his little brother's hand came up to wrap around his as he yawned.

"And dont you know that its just you,
Hey Jude, you'll do.
The movement you need is on your shoulder." Vexy smiled brightly at her little brother, who grinned toothlessly back up at her.

"Hey, Jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song, and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better."

Chaka sunk down into Aurora's arms, eyes drifting shut as his breathing steadied, drifting off into a peaceful slumber, lulled by his siblings soft voices.
Aurora gazed down at her children, heart swelling with love. "How do you always manage to calm him?" She asked, lips twitching into a smile.
"'S easy, Ma," Vexy giggled, planting a small kiss on Chaka's forehead.
"If you say so. Im gonna go make supper, alright?" Aurora set Chaka down in the crib gently, then gave each of her children kisses on their heads before heading into the kitchen.
Vexy waited until she was gone, then turned, peering into Chaka's crib. "Look at him. He's so little and innocent."
"He'll always be that way." Vincent replied easily, brushing Chaka's hair from his eyes. "We'll take care of him, right?"
"'Course. Someone's gotta teach the kid the ropes." Vexy smirked lightly over at her brother. "He's a natural-born hunter after all. Just like us!"
"Just like us." Vincent echoed, cracking a grin before looking down at his sleeping brother. "Hear that, Akky? We're gonna teach you everything."
"Yep. As long as we're around, lil bro, nothin' bad's gonna happen to you." Vexy agreed, exchanging a glance with Vincent before smiling down at Chaka.


The memory ended with the song, and Vincent leaned back, looking positively baffled. "Wow."
"Wow." Chaka echoed quietly, stunned into silence.
Vexy quietly shut the radio off, blinking over at her brothers for a moment before cracking a smile. "Wow."

July 6th, 2017, 05:02 PM
(Permission to get emotional?)
"Let her go," Jack placed a hand on Artemis' shoulder "she needs time to understand,"

"You awake, kid?" Waasi asked, opening the door slightly to look inside. She was surprised to see Charlie actually sitting up in bed. "Hey."
"Hi Waasi," Charlie smiled cheerfully when the girl entered the room.
"What are you doing up?" Waasi walked over and sat on the bed "You should rest."
"But I feel better," Charlie wiggled around, causing Waasi to almost laugh. It looked like she was doing a little dance.
"I'm glad to hear that," Waasi reached out and stroked her head "Charlie, do you know what's going on?"
"The man with the blue hair told me."
"So you know what happened to you?"
Charlie nodded "Where am I gonna go now?"
Waasi's heart sunk at the fear and sadness that came from Charlie's voice. What did this child do to deserve this? "I..." Waasi opened her mouth, then closed. Charlie had just lost everything. If she just gave her to someone else, would she be as bad as the monster that took everything away?
"You what?" Charlie asked, eyes curious
"I...." Waasi looked down at her. Don't let me regret this "I'll take care of you. Just for now, then we'll see what happens, okay?"
Charlie nodded, showing she understood "Okay."
"Get some rest," Waasi stood and walked over to the door.
"Waasi?" Waasi turned around to look at Charlie. "Am I a monster now?"
Waasi's heart nearly stopped. She recognized something in Charlie before, but didn't know what it was. Now she knew what she saw, it was herself. A child who feared herself everyday. That was what Charlie was becoming. She walked over and knelt beside the bed. "Now you listen to me," Her tone was soft but serious. "you are not a monster, and you will never be a monster. Whatever you're thinking right now, put an end to it. You are innocent in this whole mess, you are by no means what you think you are, understand?"
Charlie blinked, then nodded, remaining silent.
"Okay," Waasi sighed, standing and walking back to the door. She looked back and saw the Charlie had laid back on the bed before exiting the room.

July 6th, 2017, 05:16 PM
(Permission granted.)

Artemis sighed, tearing at his hair briefly. "But... that girl... and... Waasi needs... and I..." He looked at Jack, eyes wide. "Why can't I do anything right?" He asked softly.

Random Melody
July 6th, 2017, 05:45 PM
(Uh-huh XD)
"Things were simpler back then, werent they." Vexy tipped her head.
"Definitely." Chaka murmured, fixing his gaze on the ceiling. "How do I remember it though?"
"Some things you dont forget." Vincent blinked as another memory suddenly shot through his head.


"Ah!" Four year old Vexy screamed out as sharp fangs bit into her arm. "VINCENT HELP!"
Almost immediately after the last word left the girl's mouth, a sword sliced through the air, beheading the vampire. The head rolled away, still hissing slightly, but it did eventually go silent. Vincent launched forward over the body which had dropped to the ground, and pulled his younger sister into his arms. "Did it hurt you?" He demanded.
Vexy sniffled, nodding as she held out her arm, revealing the two holes that punctured the skin, blood trickling down.
"Dammit." Vincent growled, ripping his overshirt off of him. Without a word, he wrapped it around Vexy's arm tightly, pressurizing the wound. "Anywhere else?" For an eight year old, he stayed surprisingly calm, considering the situation.
"Mm-mm," Vexy shook her head, reaching up her good arm to wipe her arms. "Don' wanna be a monster Vinny," she whined.
"You wont become a monster." Vincent soothed, gently brushing Vexy's long brown hair out of her eyes. "Not all vampires are bad. Remember Benny, Dad's friend?" Vexy nodded and Vincent continued. "You can be a good vampire, like him."
"But what if I kill you?" Vexy's lower lip trembled and poked out, her bright blue eyes wide and tear-filled.
Vincent gave her a look, green eyes soft. "Have you ever wanted to kill me before?"
"Have you ever wanted to kill Chaka?"
"Okay, then." Vincent reached up, and brushed his thumb gently over her eyelids, clearing away any leftover tears. "This doesnt have to be bad." Then he gently removed the shirt from around Vexy's arm, inspecting the wound.
"Hey Jude, dont make it bad.." Vexy sang softly under her breath, feeling herself relax as her brother worked over her.
"Thats right, Vex," Vincent laughed, smiling down at her before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bandage, which he wrapped around her arm again. "Okay, Bug. I need you to think for me, did the vampire hurt you anywhere else?"
"Just my arm.." Vexy nodded, unable to help but giggle at the nickname.
"And you're positive?" Vincent prompted, a smile dancing on his lips.
"Alright." Vincent rubbed her shoulder gently. "Lets get you home."
"Mkay." Vexy sniffed, then looked up at him and raised her arms up. "Carry me,"
Vincent rolled his eyes, and Vexy giggled as he lifted her up, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you, big brother." Vexy claimed, planting a soft kiss on Vincent's cheek.
"Love you too." Vincent told her, turning and heading back for the house. "Brat," There was a laugh in response to his words, enough to make Vincent grin slightly.


July 6th, 2017, 07:31 PM
(Good because I was getting emotional regardless X3)
(...I really want Waasi and Vincent to kiss XD. I also want Jack to propose to Vexy, but I can't top the one I did on Clawsdale x3)

Random Melody
July 6th, 2017, 07:41 PM
(XDDD That was adorable)

July 6th, 2017, 09:13 PM
(It was x3 How am I gonna top that? XD)

Random Melody
July 6th, 2017, 09:21 PM
(I dont know man XD)

July 6th, 2017, 09:27 PM
(Wait. Ohhhh I got an idea!)
(Okay, have Vincent meet Waasi on the roof and Vexy go outside x3)

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 03:53 PM
(Kay XD)
"Well im gonna go and put the Colt back in the trunk. See if Samuel can make more bullets later." Vexy blinked, as Vincent handed the Colt back to her.
"Yeah, alright." Vincent rolled his eyes at the mention of his grandfather, his mothers father. "I guess we could still use it." He turned and headed off.
"Where you goin'?" Chaka blinked.
"To the roof."
"To the--" Chaka sighed, shaking his head. "...Nevermind." He turned and headed after Vexy, but went in a different direction, heading down the street to be alone to think.
(Hey Red, maybe this could also be the time Chaka gets overpowered by the demons and Ruby comes in to help?)

July 7th, 2017, 03:59 PM
(Kay XD)
"Well im gonna go and put the Colt back in the trunk. See if Samuel can make more bullets later." Vexy blinked, as Vincent handed the Colt back to her.
"Yeah, alright." Vincent rolled his eyes at the mention of his grandfather, his mothers father. "I guess we could still use it." He turned and headed off.
"Where you goin'?" Chaka blinked.
"To the roof."
"To the--" Chaka sighed, shaking his head. "...Nevermind." He turned and headed after Vexy, but went in a different direction, heading down the street to be alone to think.
(Hey Red, maybe this could also be the time Chaka gets overpowered by the demons and Ruby comes in to help?)
Sure! But I'm going into the pool, so it'll be a little while. I'll be back sometime around fivish.

July 7th, 2017, 04:18 PM
(I went to the pool last week. I almost died. As usual XDD)
Waasi closed the door, but didn't move. She stared at it silently. That girl...she's so innocent, so pure of heart. What did she do to deserve this? She reminds me a lot of myself. Waasi sighed, turning from the door and looking around the hall. She had to escape. She was starting to feel closed in. Her eyes went directly to the window. She walked over and opened it, sticking her head out.
Cool air washed against her face, and she instantly wanted to be outside. She closed her eyes, and slowly, wings began to sprout from her back. It was the only ability she was able to control, along with her sixth sense. She pushed the window up completely then grabbed the sides of the opening, puling herself outside. She spread out her wings before she could plummet to the ground. The wind caught the feathers immediately, keeping her afloat. She rose silently up to the rooftop.
Flying was the one ability Waasi actually enjoyed. Even when she was a child, she would sneak out in the middle of the night to go for a smile glide in her backyard. Now it was like the whole world was her backyard. She landed softly on the roof and folded her wings. The night sky was filled with stars. She sat down and looked up, admiring the scenery.
Jack was outside, looking at a small black box in his hand. He smiled softly before putting it in his pocket. He looked up as Vexy headed outside. "Well, if it isn't the beautiful vampire queen."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 04:23 PM
"Ooh, vampire queen. I like that." Vexy winked at him, placing the Colt back into the trunk with a smile.


"Sup." Vincent perched himself next to her, having climbed up with practiced ease. When he was younger, he and Vexy would climb up to the roof and look at the stars. Once they even brought Chaka, until Vincent almost dropped him. But they didnt talk about that..

July 7th, 2017, 06:15 PM
Alright, outta the pool now. Let's do this! Would you like me to do the demon attack, or you, Random?

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 06:20 PM
(Hmmm how bout I play one demon and you can play the other XD)
Chaka slowly ran his fingers along the demon-killing blade in his hand, his blue eyes hard. "Think I cant smell my own kind?"
"I figured you could." A demon appeared in front of him, chin lowered, eyes cold.
"You're stupid, coming alone," Chaka smirked, fingers tightening around the handle of the blade. "Im gonna rip you apart."
"Oh, honey," The demon smiled darkly, her eyes glinting a dark black. "Im not alone."
(*inserts awesome fight link cuz why not* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqDuQ2-IK6A))

July 7th, 2017, 06:40 PM

Another walked out of the shadows, grabbing Chaka and kicking his hand, making him drop the blade. "Heh, I'm going to enjoy this." He whispered in Chaka's ear, wrapping his arm around Chaka's throat and applying pressure.
Ruby watched from the shadows, her black hair and deep green eyes hidden in the shadows as she twirled her knife.

Ruby- http://images6.fanpop.com/image/polls/1293000/1293755_1382286149376_full.jpg?v=1382286153
Artemis- https://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/tamayura_more_aggressive-09-nozomu_natsume-businessman-friend-old-grey_hair-suit-tie-glasses-critic-stern-harsh-honest.jpg

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 06:41 PM
(Nice :3)
"Get off!" Chaka managed to choke out a snarl, baring his teeth as his eyes turned black, struggling to get away.
"Awww, are you scared? Good." The other demon picked up the blade and came forward, ignoring Chaka's warning snarls and growls.

July 7th, 2017, 06:46 PM
Slinking through the shadows, Ruby narrowed her eyes and launched forward, sticking her knife right through the throat of the female demon and watching the golden glow of the knife as it sank into her esophagus and cut of her air. Her eyes betraying no emotion except a cold determination, she focused on the one holding Chaka and stabbed him in the back of the neck, through a certain spot of the spine and through the esophagus. The man let out a gurgled moan of pain, sinking to the ground and slowly drowning in his own blood, unable to move- paralyzed. Unable to breath. Ruby gave him a cold stare, before looking up at Chaka with narrow eyes.

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 06:48 PM
Chaka jerked back, staggering back in shock as he looked down at the demons, then back at Ruby, speechless, eyes dark blue again as he stepped back. "Who the hell are you?" Okay, that might have come off rather rude, but he was on guard at the moment, heart racing.

July 7th, 2017, 06:56 PM
"I'm the one who just saved your life." was Ruby's response as she wiped the blood off of her knife. She raised an eye at Chaka, before turning around, ready to walk away.
(Trying to figure out what color suits Ruby the best.)

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 07:11 PM
"Wait." Chaka said, immediately feeling bad for the hostile tone he'd used, but still couldnt completely trust her yet. "Ah- I meant, whats your name?"

July 7th, 2017, 07:15 PM
Waasi glanced over at him "Hey," She said with a nod, before looking back up at the stars
"Well it does fit," Jack walked over and put one arm around her waist "for a girl that naturally looks like royalty."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 07:16 PM
"Cute, you think flattery'll getcha somewhere." Vexy giggled, reaching up to kiss him on the cheek. "Well, you're right."


"Pretty." Vincent commented as he gazed up at the sky, watching the stars. "Reminds me of home."

July 7th, 2017, 07:24 PM
"Wait." Chaka said, immediately feeling bad for the hostile tone he'd used, but still couldnt completely trust her yet. "Ah- I meant, whats your name?"
"Ruby." Ruby took off her sunglasses, gazing at Chaka for a moment. "My name is Ruby."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 07:28 PM
"Nice to meet you." Chaka frowned, then forced a smile. "Im Chaka."

July 7th, 2017, 07:35 PM
"Chaka... Chaka... that name is a little familiar." Ruby tapped her lip thoughtfully, before flashing Chaka a grin. "Oh that's right, that's the name of my date tonight. I'll meet you at the diner on seventh street at eight, sound okay? If you want to learn more about me, you may have to come." She winked, before running off.

(That's a pick up line I came up with all on my own. I'm gonna use it someday >:} )

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 07:39 PM
"Ah.." Chaka watched her go, confused. A date? After his girlfriend had literally just died in front of him? But he did want to know more about who this girl was, so... Jesus, Chaka was confused. Shaking his head, he turned and headed back for the house, frowning deeply.

July 7th, 2017, 07:39 PM
"When am I not?" Jack joked, then blinked "Actually, don't answer that.(Please don't. His ego has been damaged enough XDD) Anyway," He shook his head "I wanted to show you something."
"Me too," Waasi unknowingly giggled. "My mom, she would....take me up to the tree house roof sometimes. She'd have popcorn and an old cassette player and I'd have my marble collection. We'd just watch the stars, and she'd teach me how to shoot marbles with a sling shot she made for my birthday."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 07:50 PM
Vexy giggled. "Alright. What is it?"


Vincent cracked a smile. "That sounds fun." He sighed, leaning back. "Vex and I would climb up to the roof of our old house, sit up there and talk for hours. Sometimes all night. Talk about Mom and Dad and Chaka, about hunting.." He trailed off for a moment. "Way back when our lives were a little easier," He chuckled slightly.

July 7th, 2017, 08:01 PM
"There's no such thing as an easier life," Waasi stared at the moon. "Only lives with different problems that seem easier to us." She smiled half heartedly "That just makes you love the good days even more."
"Where is that place you have always wanted to go?" Jack asked, taking her shoulders and turning her to face away from him.

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 08:26 PM
"Paris." Vexy blinked, tilting her head and staring straight ahead. "Why?"


"Aint that the truth." Vincent cracked a smile. "Days like this are pretty good honestly. Got my brother back. And my father."

July 7th, 2017, 08:37 PM
"I made a friend... I guess," Waasi smlied softly, looking over at him "Hey, what were you like back in high school?"
"Just keep looking ahead," Jack's hands suddenly began to glow. He lifted them up and covered Vexy's eyes "Now, I want you to imagine Paris. The beautiful music, the Eiffel Tower, the clear blue sky, all of it."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 08:56 PM
Vexy was confused, but closed her eyes, imagining the big city lights and the romantic music, and the Eiffel tower itself. Unable to help herself, she giggled.


"Hm, well I never finished it, because well.. Reasons, but I was pretty popular when I was there. Chaka got bullied more than once though, but since all our schools were attached, me and Vexy took care of that." Vincent commented, gazing at the sky with a smile.

July 7th, 2017, 09:08 PM
"I only made it to Freshman year before I ran away," Waasi chuckled, falling back and laying on the roof. "Once, I pulled the craziest stunt on the most popular girl in school. She never found out. You wanna know what I did?"
Jack smiled and closed his eyes, beginning to concentrate. a few moments passed, and the air suddenly seemed to change. He opened his eyes, smiling. "Okay, I'm going to move my hands, alright?"

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 09:36 PM
"Okay." Vexy said curiously.


"What?" Vincent's face broke into a grin.

July 7th, 2017, 09:45 PM
(I'll be right back XD)
Jack slowly moved his hands away. "Where are you?" Jack stepped back to watch her reaction. He had teleported them all the way to Paris, and they were standing on the top of the Eiffel tower.
"Let's just say," Waasi chuckled, her smile warming. "He locker smelled like barbecue sauce for a week."

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 09:53 PM
"Oh my god," Vincent laughed. "Thats priceless."


Vexy took a moment to look around, and her eyes widened when she finally realized where they were. For a moment she said nothing, then took a deep breath.


July 7th, 2017, 10:32 PM
(How do you make a character site? XD)
"You should have been there," Waasi laughed. She smiled, looked back up at the sky "I haven't laughed in a while. It feels nice."
"Shoulda brought ear plugs," Jack joked, covering his ears.

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 10:52 PM
(Ahh try Weebly o3o Its a little hard to explain honestly XD)
Vincent chuckled. "Yeah, same here."


"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Vexy threw her arms around him in a tight hug, planting a kiss on his cheek with a giggle.

July 7th, 2017, 10:59 PM
(You know, Curlypaw is such a cute name, but now that I think bout it, what warrior name would fit with Curly? x3)
Waasi looked over at him, then back at the sky. Her voice was suddenly more quiet "What about a first love?"
"I love you too," Jack laughed, kissing her forehead "Which is why I brought you here. And hopefully, this isn't even the best part."

July 7th, 2017, 11:05 PM
Curlytail, Curlyfur, Curlybranch.

Random Melody
July 7th, 2017, 11:05 PM
(Curlyfur? XD)
"Pardon?" Vincent blinked over at her, wondering if he'd heard the question correctly, but not fully understanding it.


"How could it get better?" Vexy giggled, totally oblivious.