View Full Version : [ThunderClan] Daddy's Little Angel (KIT FINDER)

December 22nd, 2023, 05:01 PM
Hello there! I have recently created a new oc (sorry to those of you who supported my downsizing LOL) and he's a littleeeee different from my other characters. Until I make the boy a bio, here's his basic information:

name: adderscorch:
age: 16 moons
looks: chocolate brown oriental longhair with hetero green-blue eyes (https://www.google.com/search?q=oriental+longhair&tbm=isch&chips=q:oriental+longhair,g_1:cinnamon:Oiv22WM9W7o %3D&rlz=1CASACE_enUS1019&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFu8L086ODAxWN0MkDHVSaC6sQ4lYoBnoECAEQN g&biw=1517&bih=684&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=MfgNFoHE8h9ONM)
personality: grumpy, closed off, protective, moody, serious, blunt, loyal

he's a bit of a flirt and has had a few past relationships, and his most recent one ended with her getting pregnant. They were going to try to make it work, but then they ended up having a big argument and she went to the nursery- or so he thought. She kitted in the middle of the night and had three healthy kits... and one sickly kit, the runt. Deciding to return to her kittypet home, she takes the three healthy kits and leaves, and only when rumors circulated the next morning did Adder find out about her leaving with the kits and abandoning him and their youngest.

Not having the best relationship with his parents, he's hesitant to take in the kit but once he meets his child, he has no problem taking over the role as father, pampering and caring for the child. This kit will be the only cat he likes for a loooong time, and he will be a veryyy overprotective dad.

celeste 's Fawnsplash will soon become Adder's mate, but before that, we have some plot ideas between Fawnsplash and the chosen kit that we can all discuss once the kit is chosen. Right now the selection date will be December 31st, so you a little over a week to get an application done.

The only requirements are that the kit should share at least one eye color with Adder, but they don't have to have to look like him other than that. The mother, Bluebellcloud (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4cc983_de3e62964106400ea61d42f1034d5066~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_560,h_374,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Bluebell_bimetallic.jpg), is a purebred mostly white siberian, and Adder is a mized oriental longhair, so your kit can be a mix of them two, even if it's very very distantly.

They also would be 1 moon old and preferably a little on the smaller and sicklier side for the first 2-3 moons of their life and then you can do whatever you want with them!! (except deathhh pleaseee). If you have any questions, just @ me or message me on Discord or on-site and I'd be happy to answer.

(optional) form

plot ideas?:
dynamic with dadder:
extra info/other:

December 22nd, 2023, 05:16 PM
Hello there! I have recently created a new oc (sorry to those of you who supported my downsizing LOL) and he's a littleeeee different from my other characters. Until I make the boy a bio, here's his basic information:

name: adderscorch:
age: 16 moons
looks: chocolate brown oriental longhair with hetero green-blue eyes (https://www.google.com/search?q=oriental+longhair&tbm=isch&chips=q:oriental+longhair,g_1:cinnamon:Oiv22WM9W7o %3D&rlz=1CASACE_enUS1019&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFu8L086ODAxWN0MkDHVSaC6sQ4lYoBnoECAEQN g&biw=1517&bih=684&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=MfgNFoHE8h9ONM)
personality: grumpy, closed off, protective, moody, serious, blunt, loyal

he's a bit of a flirt and has had a few past relationships, and his most recent one ended with her getting pregnant. They were going to try to make it work, but then they ended up having a big argument and she went to the nursery- or so he thought. She kitted in the middle of the night and had three healthy kits... and one sickly kit, the runt. Deciding to return to her kittypet home, she takes the three healthy kits and leaves, and only when rumors circulated the next morning did Adder find out about her leaving with the kits and abandoning him and their youngest.

Not having the best relationship with his parents, he's hesitant to take in the kit but once he meets his child, he has no problem taking over the role as father, pampering and caring for the child. This kit will be the only cat he likes for a loooong time, and he will be a veryyy overprotective dad.

celeste 's Fawnsplash will soon become Adder's mate, but before that, we have some plot ideas between Fawnsplash and the chosen kit that we can all discuss once the kit is chosen. Right now the selection date will be December 31st, so you a little over a week to get an application done.

The only requirements are that the kit should share at least one eye color with Adder, but they don't have to have to look like him other than that. The mother, Bluebellcloud (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4cc983_de3e62964106400ea61d42f1034d5066~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_560,h_374,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Bluebell_bimetallic.jpg), is a purebred mostly white siberian, and Adder is a mized oriental longhair, so your kit can be a mix of them two, even if it's very very distantly.

They also would be 1 moon old and preferably a little on the smaller and sicklier side for the first 2-3 moons of their life and then you can do whatever you want with them!! (except deathhh pleaseee). If you have any questions, just @ me or message me on Discord or on-site and I'd be happy to answer.

(optional) form

plot ideas?:
dynamic with dadder:
extra info/other:

name: Chicorykit
gender: Male(questioning transfem)
appearance: White tom with long fur and blue eyes
personality: Clusmy, brave, and curious
plot ideas?: Maybe Adder and him could sneak out of camp and addar could teach him some hunting tricks(they would probably be practicing on only bugs or something small)
dynamic with dadder: Chicorykit is extremely proud of his dad and looks up him
extra info/other: He's also questioning if he is Transfem but that wont be until he is like 5 moons.

December 22nd, 2023, 05:20 PM
Opening file: Eggkit

Eggkit is a white oriental long-hair with green eyes. She is known to be one moon old, and belongs to ThunderClan.

As a sickly and weak young kit, Eggkit is heavily reliant on the care of older cats. She becomes extremely close to her father during her kithood, leaning on him for support and protection. It takes her a while to catch up to her peers; she is very undersized for a long time. I'm considering having her held back from her apprenticeship for a moon because of this.

Due to her rough start and her close relationship with her father, Eggkit often finds it tough to make friends. She is quite shy, but curious and bold about activities that don't involve socialization. She isn't anxious about speaking to others, but is often uncertain as to what to say and can come across as quite awkward. She will never take the first step to get to know someone new.

As an apprentice, Eggpaw begins to explore her curiosities and passions. She discovers that she has a love for spending time with the kits in the Clan, telling them stories and teaching them age-appropriate lessons. In addition, she loves the simple things in life, like star-gazing and gathering herbs.

If she ever has more siblings, she will dote on them and be the best big sister she can be. As a warrior, she realizes that she wants nothing more in life than to have kits of her own and a mate to raise her family with. After finding a mate, however, things take a turn.

After a while spent trying to have kits, Egg finds that she is unable to. This greatly frustrates her; she seeks counsel from the medicine cat, who informs her that she may be unable to get pregnant. This news devastates her, causing her to go on a spiral.

She puts on a happy exterior around those she knows, not wanting them to become aware of her internal strife. At night, she often sneaks off to do reckless things, not caring much for her personal safety any longer.

One night, her mate finds her wandering out of ThunderClan's territory. They follow her, and watch as she begins to stalk a bird on the Thunderpath. Her mate goes to confront her, concerned for her safety, but before they can a Twoleg appears and grabs one of them. The other tries to fight the Twoleg, but is grabbed themselves by another Twoleg that appears.

The pair are taken away. When the Twoleg who captured them attempts to get them out of their car, Egg manages to escape but their mate does not. Egg is far from ThunderClan territory, with no way to get home.

After spending about a moon trying in vain to get back home, Egg meets a loner similar in age to herself. The loner offers her a place in his camp, and she agrees. Over the course of a couple of moons, they fall for each other and wind up having a fling.

The next day, Egg is found by someone from ThunderClan who has been looking for her. Although she has feelings for this loner, she deeply misses her family and Clan; as such, she agrees to go back home. About half a moon after returning home, she finds out she's pregnant. It wasn't her who was unable to get pregnant; it was her mate who was the one unable to have kids.

Upon learning this news, Egg is overjoyed but also conflicted. Eventually, she concludes that it's okay, since her mate is gone. She allows everyone in the Clan to think these kits are her mate's.

That's where I'll end it for now, but I do have plans for Egg beyond this if I still have long-term motivation for her at that point.

I intend for Egg to always remain close with her immediate family, particularly her father. She'll likely be shelved during the moon that she spends trying to find her way back to ThunderClan, just to give me a little break to avoid burnout on the character. I'll bring her back when it's time for her to meet the loner, as her whole pregnancy thing is a plot I'm very very interested in. I've wanted to roleplay a cat from kithood to warriorhood for ages, and I think this is a great opportunity!

( clarice. )

December 22nd, 2023, 05:26 PM

December 22nd, 2023, 05:29 PM


– female (future : demi-girl) : she/they

having an overprotective and pampering father certainly has its perks. despite being sickly for the first few moons of her life, --kit has a bright spirit. social and talkative, this kit has no problem carrying a conversation. she is not shy by any means. a bit insensitive, --kit struggles to understand that she can't just say anything. she doesn't mean to be rude, most of the time its just her being genuinely curious, or honest. she doesn't think before she speaks, or considers how it may make other people feel. an adventurer at heart, --kit can be seen exploring around camp – or more likely, the nursery considering her immune system when she's younger. rather demanding, --kit expects things to be done when she asks, and expects to get everything she asks for. no arguing with this kit. a bit arrogant, they have a tendency to think they're better than some. a daddy's girl, she is very close to adderscorch.

— “and I stand, eyes stuck on the blinding snow. imperfectly perfect.”

a small, thinly built cat with long, plumy fur. an alabaster base, --kit is mottled with brown splotching, ranging from a light tan to a dark brown. her fur, though long, isn't very thick. she has pale green eyes. she has preaxial polydactyly affecting both of her front paws, resulting in an extra toe on each.

design notes
- preaxial (extra toes are on the inside of their paws and look a little like a thumb) polydactyly on front paws
- different colored eyelashes (one white, one cinnamon)

admittedly, --kit is superstitious. they believe in the idea that you're able to speak something into existence. because of this, she heavily avoided talking about negative topics, fearing that it'll come true. this makes her seem quite positive, as they try their hardest to talk about anything and everything good. stars forbid they hear adderscorch or a friend talking negatively. having strong willpower, --kit is determined to achieve her long-term goals, and doesn't let other people influence the way she acts or thinks. she's her own person.

--kit tends to be a little reckless. whether this is because of their demanding nature, or insensitive tendencies, she doesn't really think before she acts, either. a little bit gullible, --kit finds it hard to tell the difference between a lie and the truth, unless the lie is absolutely absurd, of course. while she's easy to believe something, she doesn't let this change the way she acts or thinks at all. just..maybe some things she hears make her a bit doubtful.
a bit afraid.

— "I turn and face those surrounding me. are they condemning me to death? to freeze in this cold frost and snow?”
--kit, once an older apprentice, gets visited by a dark forest cat posing as a starclan cat. preying upon her gullible nature, the df cat convinces her that her clan is against her. most importantly, that her father is against her. this weekend her strong willpower and she struggles to see if its the truth or not.

or. cannibal attack. no explanation.

— “will you save me from this fate? or will you just watch?”
--kit will be very close to their father!! she'll view him as her best friend for like..basically her whole life lol.


December 22nd, 2023, 05:53 PM
name: Finchkit
gender: Molly
appearance: cinnamon/light brown oriental longhair with blue eyes
personality: very quiet and submissive, but occasionally snappy and talkative when it’s something she likes. Very much a people-pleaser
plot ideas?: Finch trying to pull away from her father’s overprotectiveness and become her own cat
dynamic with dadder: loves him very much, but always feels like she has to conform to a certain standard to fit his expectations of her (as well as everyone else’s)
extra info/other: clarice.

December 22nd, 2023, 06:08 PM
why did i make it so that adder only had one kid :bawling: these applications/placeholders are already making me feel bad

December 22nd, 2023, 09:53 PM

December 23rd, 2023, 03:37 AM

December 24th, 2023, 04:44 PM
Made Chicory a little ref
here (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=6517&pictureid=46276)

December 25th, 2023, 01:53 AM
Hello there! I have recently created a new oc (sorry to those of you who supported my downsizing LOL) and he's a littleeeee different from my other characters. Until I make the boy a bio, here's his basic information:

name: adderscorch:
age: 16 moons
looks: chocolate brown oriental longhair with hetero green-blue eyes (https://www.google.com/search?q=oriental+longhair&tbm=isch&chips=q:oriental+longhair,g_1:cinnamon:Oiv22WM9W7o %3D&rlz=1CASACE_enUS1019&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFu8L086ODAxWN0MkDHVSaC6sQ4lYoBnoECAEQN g&biw=1517&bih=684&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=MfgNFoHE8h9ONM)
personality: grumpy, closed off, protective, moody, serious, blunt, loyal

he's a bit of a flirt and has had a few past relationships, and his most recent one ended with her getting pregnant. They were going to try to make it work, but then they ended up having a big argument and she went to the nursery- or so he thought. She kitted in the middle of the night and had three healthy kits... and one sickly kit, the runt. Deciding to return to her kittypet home, she takes the three healthy kits and leaves, and only when rumors circulated the next morning did Adder find out about her leaving with the kits and abandoning him and their youngest.

Not having the best relationship with his parents, he's hesitant to take in the kit but once he meets his child, he has no problem taking over the role as father, pampering and caring for the child. This kit will be the only cat he likes for a loooong time, and he will be a veryyy overprotective dad.

celeste 's Fawnsplash will soon become Adder's mate, but before that, we have some plot ideas between Fawnsplash and the chosen kit that we can all discuss once the kit is chosen. Right now the selection date will be December 31st, so you a little over a week to get an application done.

The only requirements are that the kit should share at least one eye color with Adder, but they don't have to have to look like him other than that. The mother, Bluebellcloud (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4cc983_de3e62964106400ea61d42f1034d5066~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_560,h_374,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Bluebell_bimetallic.jpg), is a purebred mostly white siberian, and Adder is a mized oriental longhair, so your kit can be a mix of them two, even if it's very very distantly.

They also would be 1 moon old and preferably a little on the smaller and sicklier side for the first 2-3 moons of their life and then you can do whatever you want with them!! (except deathhh pleaseee). If you have any questions, just @ me or message me on Discord or on-site and I'd be happy to answer.

(optional) form

plot ideas?:
dynamic with dadder:
extra info/other:

*a small and skinny she-cat with thick brown-and-white fur that makes her look somewhat bigger than she actually is; hetero sage-green and amber eyes*
Personality: bright and curious, friendly, optimistic, carefree/happy-go-lucky
Dynamic with Dadder: admires him and sees him as flawless and the perfect warrior

Plot Ideas:
- Adder rescues her from a hawk/a fox/some predicament she got herself into
- At some point Amber learns something or something happens to make her realize Adder isn't exactly flawless and she has to come to terms with this?
- Amber might try to hang out with some ThunderClan toms and when Adder is of course very overprotective about it, she might end up in a more scandalous situation

December 25th, 2023, 02:21 PM
bumping this for poppy :heartbounce:

January 2nd, 2024, 07:39 PM
Opening file: Eggkit

Eggkit is a white oriental long-hair with green eyes. She is known to be one moon old, and belongs to ThunderClan.

As a sickly and weak young kit, Eggkit is heavily reliant on the care of older cats. She becomes extremely close to her father during her kithood, leaning on him for support and protection. It takes her a while to catch up to her peers; she is very undersized for a long time. I'm considering having her held back from her apprenticeship for a moon because of this.

Due to her rough start and her close relationship with her father, Eggkit often finds it tough to make friends. She is quite shy, but curious and bold about activities that don't involve socialization. She isn't anxious about speaking to others, but is often uncertain as to what to say and can come across as quite awkward. She will never take the first step to get to know someone new.

As an apprentice, Eggpaw begins to explore her curiosities and passions. She discovers that she has a love for spending time with the kits in the Clan, telling them stories and teaching them age-appropriate lessons. In addition, she loves the simple things in life, like star-gazing and gathering herbs.

If she ever has more siblings, she will dote on them and be the best big sister she can be. As a warrior, she realizes that she wants nothing more in life than to have kits of her own and a mate to raise her family with. After finding a mate, however, things take a turn.

After a while spent trying to have kits, Egg finds that she is unable to. This greatly frustrates her; she seeks counsel from the medicine cat, who informs her that she may be unable to get pregnant. This news devastates her, causing her to go on a spiral.

She puts on a happy exterior around those she knows, not wanting them to become aware of her internal strife. At night, she often sneaks off to do reckless things, not caring much for her personal safety any longer.

One night, her mate finds her wandering out of ThunderClan's territory. They follow her, and watch as she begins to stalk a bird on the Thunderpath. Her mate goes to confront her, concerned for her safety, but before they can a Twoleg appears and grabs one of them. The other tries to fight the Twoleg, but is grabbed themselves by another Twoleg that appears.

The pair are taken away. When the Twoleg who captured them attempts to get them out of their car, Egg manages to escape but their mate does not. Egg is far from ThunderClan territory, with no way to get home.

After spending about a moon trying in vain to get back home, Egg meets a loner similar in age to herself. The loner offers her a place in his camp, and she agrees. Over the course of a couple of moons, they fall for each other and wind up having a fling.

The next day, Egg is found by someone from ThunderClan who has been looking for her. Although she has feelings for this loner, she deeply misses her family and Clan; as such, she agrees to go back home. About half a moon after returning home, she finds out she's pregnant. It wasn't her who was unable to get pregnant; it was her mate who was the one unable to have kids.

Upon learning this news, Egg is overjoyed but also conflicted. Eventually, she concludes that it's okay, since her mate is gone. She allows everyone in the Clan to think these kits are her mate's.

That's where I'll end it for now, but I do have plans for Egg beyond this if I still have long-term motivation for her at that point.

I intend for Egg to always remain close with her immediate family, particularly her father. She'll likely be shelved during the moon that she spends trying to find her way back to ThunderClan, just to give me a little break to avoid burnout on the character. I'll bring her back when it's time for her to meet the loner, as her whole pregnancy thing is a plot I'm very very interested in. I've wanted to roleplay a cat from kithood to warriorhood for ages, and I think this is a great opportunity!

( clarice. )
after lots of crying and hair pulling i've decided on Eggkit!! Feel free to submit her aaand I will be giving you full perms to mention me whenever and wherever if Adder's presence is desired (: lmk when you want a father-daughter rp, and I'm so excited!!!

January 2nd, 2024, 07:46 PM
after lots of crying and hair pulling i've decided on Eggkit!! Feel free to submit her aaand I will be giving you full perms to mention me whenever and wherever if Adder's presence is desired (: lmk when you want a father-daughter rp, and I'm so excited!!!

Hooray!! :lovesquee: Eggkit has been submitted. I'm up for a father-daughter RP now if you want! I can do the starter if so!

January 2nd, 2024, 07:47 PM
Hooray!! :lovesquee: Eggkit has been submitted. I'm up for a father-daughter RP now if you want! I can do the starter if so!
oooo great!!! :puddled: that sounds amazing, and i'd totally be up for the rp, too!