View Full Version : Freakish-open-

June 24th, 2017, 03:58 AM
You are a student at William R. Kent High School. It's a Saturday, so it's strange how your spending at school. The point is, whether your there for detention or an after school program, you're there. Everything seems normal, and you go about your day. That is until the schools alarm goes off, telling everyone to hurry to the bomb shelter. This has to be some joke, right? Who has a drill during Saturday. Soon however a girl informs everyone the Keller Chemical plant is on fire. This is no drill.

You all hurry to the bomb shelter, most of you calling family and friend. One kid informs the others it was some kind of explosion. The room shakes and the lights flicker. A loud blast could be heard from outside. Despite the teachers telling you to stay, you all go to investigate. What you saw had to be the most shocking thing in your life.

Through the glass doors and windows, you can see the plant, and it's up in flames. As if it couldn't get worse, there's another explosion, and the fire spreads all over the lower region of town. Suddenly, no one can get online or service on their phones. Many students leave the school, desperate to get home to their families. You and a few others choose to stay. Almost as soon as they leave, a large orange cloud of chemical smoke travels from the plant, and soon reaches the school. You're trapped.

Being forced to wait it out, you all settle in whatever area you please. Some of you are worried, while others are confident and believe this will be over before they even know it. Sadly, that isn't the case. It is discovered that students that had left had somehow found their way back into the school. Their sweaty and struggle to breath, but they have no fever.

The teachers tend to the sick students, and tell you and the others to get some rest. In the morning, a lot of you decide to make some food for the sick students in the bunker. When you arrive, you realize that the students aren't really interested in the breakfast you brought them.

They were too busy tearing into the teachers' flesh

This thread is based on a Hulu series called Freakish, a show about a group of high schoolers who get trapped on school Saturday when the towns chemical plant explodes, and have to survive long enough for someone to get them. Also if you didn't really catch on, it is also based in an apocalyptic universe.

Zombies in this world are called "Freaks." they are super fast, have incredible senses, and it only takes about a day or two to turn. They of course crave human flesh. They can be put to sleep by smoke bombs, are afraid of fire, and can be temporarily weakened if you hit them in the right spot. However, like all other versions of zombies, freaks can only be killed one way. Destroy the brain.

You are trapped in the school. There is no way to escape. All doors have been boarded up in order to reduce the amount of freaks getting. Your only option is to wait it out. However, in the future I may have a situation where the must leave the school. Again, we shall see.

When you are bitten, you with at first feel nothing. Soon however, your senses begin to enhance. You can smell better, and hear more than you could. You'll slowly begin to go mad, and will attack anyone who comes too close. Then, after a day or two, you die, and your body comes back as a freak at least an hour later.

The rules are quite long, but simple:

No overpowering. Which means if you turn, you can't be impossible to kill. Or if you're alive, you can't dodge every blow, this has to be realistic. And you can't put in your post that if your character attacks someone else's, that the blow lands. Whether that person gets hit or not is up to the other person.
While the show has some rather "mature" scenes, that doesn't mean you can do those things on the thread. Either time skip past it or take it to PM.
You can have as many characters as you like, but you must be active with them.
You can swear, but if it is something really hardcore, please make sure to censor it.
I will allow you to apply for a character from the cannon show, all I ask is that you have watched at least a few episodes and keep the character's personality exactly the same, along with their past and problems
To have a cannon character, you must also have one oc.
No bashing anyone or yourself. Keep it friendly
And finally, keep everything even. I don't want to see too much of one thing and almost nothing of the other. For example: 20 girls, 5 boys. Just keep it even and fair

Violet Adams (http://p4.storage.canalblog.com/49/97/1306930/115478392_o.jpg), Played by Elizabeth "LIZA" Koshy (https://www.streamys.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Streamys_Entertainer-Of-The-Year_Liza-Koshy.jpg)--Taken by me
Noodle (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/a5/38/41a5382b31975905d146bb961d6524d7.jpg), Played by Hayes Grier (http://www.incomeworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Hayes-Grier-Wiki.jpg)
Grover Jones (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/freakishonhulu/images/5/51/Grover.png/revision/latest?cb=20161128005537), Played by Leo Howard (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjE0Mzg4MjExMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTM5Nzk3NjE@._ V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg)
Lawshawn Develo (http://68.media.tumblr.com/4a80c7ee1408c68009fdc02b4b0ce409/tumblr_of5t62Aj2z1rl17i3o3_400.gif), Played by Melvin Gregg (https://awesomenesstvnetwork.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/melvin-gregg.jpg?w=200&h=200&crop=1)
Zoe Parker (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/MvyV0d4Nr1jvaeIdervfXjXvWWdubGl3Yw1n-d9UOak8FtSaeujzgPMXGzAhWUf9E1k=w340), Played by Meghan Rienks (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzI5MTkzMzg3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzA5MjIyNTE@._ V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg)
Barrett (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/freakishonhulu/images/3/37/Barrettmcintyre.png/revision/latest?cb=20161127214609), Played by Tyler Chase (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTliZTJlOGItNDU3OS00ZDBjLWI1YmEtODQ3NjczZjc4NW YxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjgyNDcwMzk@._V1_UY317_CR15,0,21 4,317_AL_.jpg)
Natalie (http://ibdp.huluim.com/video/60785429?size=720x405), Played by Aislinn Paul (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTMyMTE2YjktYjIzOS00OGNkLTg0NjctZmUxNjZlN2QwMz UwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI4MjMzODk@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214 ,317_AL_.jpg)
Mary Jones (https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/freakishonhulu/images/a/aa/Mary.png/revision/latest?cb=20161128005551), Played by Mary Mouser (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6im4mrqxJ1r2vo64o1_1280.jpg)(Huh, how convenient x3)
Diesel (https://tvmazecdn.com/uploads/images/original_untouched/79/198817.jpg), Played by Adam Hicks
To learn more about these characters, I recommend watching this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWJoQHUoqyQ&t=143s)
However for things that Are not mentioned, I will PM whoever takes these characters what they need to know, because the code is freaky some things are yet to be revealed in the beginning.

However, I will say that Violet and Grover develop a relationship, Diesel and Natalie develop a relationship, Zoe is already in a relationship with Lashawn, and Mary and and Grover are siblings. Mary is the youngest in freshman year. Everyone else is either Junior or Sophomore.

I couldn't find a picture,but so far in the show there is only one well known entrance, the front entrance, which is boarded up, along with other doors and windows. There are five floors, one being for the gym and locker room, and the other the basement, which contains the bunker.

There is the lab, the cafeteria, the principle's office, and the lounge.

I know it's kinda long x3. I may modify it later :3
School year(Freshman-Senior) :
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) :
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) :
Appearance(Link accepted) :
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) :
Items(up to three) :
Love interest/GF or BF?:

There is a code to show that you read everything in this post. What, did you think I would post it here? Where's the fun in that? x3

My forums will be coming soon! I have taken the role of Violet Adams and the side characters that die almost as soon as the show starts and have no important background! I will also be bringing in some of my OCs that I use in another thread (If you know what I'm talking about you understand how crazy I truly am XDD) and one character who is brand new, and has a low key similar personality to Violet.

Please consider joining this thread. If your looking for something that involves apocalypse, but teenagers still going through normal teen stuff, with a combination of betrayal and grief and romance, this is definite

June 24th, 2017, 11:57 AM
Sorry I fell asleep last night! I'll get to work on my forms.

June 24th, 2017, 07:19 PM
Yay! x3

June 24th, 2017, 07:55 PM
(The code is hidden in the Other section of one of my characters to keep people from just looking at the code. Search for it, don't be lazy ;) )

|| Name ||
Amelia McBlain || Adriana McBlain
|| Age ||
16 || 16
|| Gender ||
Female || Female
|| Class ||
Junior || Junior
|| Location Before Explosion ||
Amelia was waiting for her sister to get out of detention. || Detention
|| Advanced Talents ||
First-aid || Fighting
|| Personality ||
|| Appearance ||
Amelia (http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/394000/394064_1338240493698_222_300.jpg) || Adriana (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ec/19/a3/ec19a35aece5a971bce498bf816b224a--green-eyes-anime-green-hair-anime.jpg)
|| Live, Die, or Morph ||
Live || Live
|| Items ||
1. Pepper Spray || Pocket Knife
2. Large backpack || Large backpack
3. Cell-phone || Brass Knuckles
|| Love Interest ||
Open || Open
|| Sexuality ||
Heterosexual || Homosexual
|| Strengths ||
First-aid, calming her sister down, cooking, standing up for herself and others, intelligent. || Fighting, protecting herself, standing up for others, comedic relief, overprotective.
|| Weaknesses ||
Physically weak, shy, quiet, being bullied, low self-esteem || Getting in fights constantly, bad grades, a little below average in intelligence, prideful, boastful.
|| Fears ||
Losing her sister, Freaks, bullies || Losing her sister, spiders, snakes
|| Other ||
This rp is amazing. Like, it's freaky how well you know me sometimes, Star. I may not have watched the show, but I LOVE ZA RP's

Other characters include:

And probably more, since I'll have characters that will die/morph.

Random Melody
June 24th, 2017, 11:07 PM
Put the code in the other section like Red did XD
Name: Kila | Vexy
Age(14-18): 16 | 16
Gender: Female | Female
School year: Senior | Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?: Kila and Vexy were both hanging in the cafeteria
Any advanced talents?: Kila has good leadership skills | Vexy is a people person, she's good at making calm out of panicky situations
Personality: TBRP'ed XD
Appearance: Kila has long, curly blonde hair and amber eyes. She usually wears ripped jeans and tank tops | Vexy has long, straight brown hair and blue eyes. She and Kila usually dress alike, though Vexy wears lighter colors
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : Not Kila or Vexy XD
Items: Eeeehhhh... Kila carries a pocket knife everywhere | Vexy has a knife, a cellphone and backpack
Love interest/GF or BF?: Kila has a boyfriend already, Vexy is open for love interests atm XD
Sexuality: Straight | Straight
Strengths: Kila is fierce, not afraid to take charge | Vexy is gentle, but not afraid to fight
Weaknesses: Kila isnt as good with people as Vexy, and can be hotheaded | Vexy can be too naive and sweet
Fears: Losing people she loves, feeling vulnerable | Losing people she loves, being eaten by a Freak XD
Other: This is gonna be a freaky cool RP, Star :3

Note; I was gonna put all my characters in but I got lazy and shortened it down XDD But if its okay, they'll still be in there, including

Cory, Raven, Nuru and Almasi (As teenagers :3)


Lilliana but 14 and without freaky superpowers XD

June 24th, 2017, 11:08 PM
accepted Red, but you may want to put in why your other characters are at school on a Saturday x3, as well as what they look like

June 24th, 2017, 11:10 PM
Put the code in the other section like Red did XD
Name: Kila | Vexy
Age(14-18): 16 | 16
Gender: Female | Female
School year: Senior | Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?: Kila and Vexy were both hanging in the cafeteria
Any advanced talents?: Kila has good leadership skills | Vexy is a people person, she's good at making calm out of panicky situations
Personality: TBRP'ed XD
Appearance: Kila has long, curly blonde hair and amber eyes. She usually wears ripped jeans and tank tops | Vexy has long, straight brown hair and blue eyes. She and Kila usually dress alike, though Vexy wears lighter colors
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : Not Kila or Vexy XD
Items: Eeeehhhh... Kila carries a pocket knife everywhere | Vexy has a knife, a cellphone and backpack
Love interest/GF or BF?: Kila has a boyfriend already, Vexy is open for love interests atm XD
Sexuality: Straight | Straight
Strengths: Kila is fierce, not afraid to take charge | Vexy is gentle, but not afraid to fight
Weaknesses: Kila isnt as good with people as Vexy, and can be hotheaded | Vexy can be too naive and sweet
Fears: Losing people she loves, feeling vulnerable | Losing people she loves, being eaten by a zombie XD
Other: This is gonna be a freaky cool RP, Star :3

Note; I was gonna put all my characters in but I got lazy and shortened it down XDD But if its okay, they'll still be in there, including

Cory, Raven, Nuru and Almasi (As teenagers :3)


Lilliana but 14 and without freaky superpowers XD

Your accepted too, friend :3

Random Melody
June 24th, 2017, 11:12 PM

June 24th, 2017, 11:25 PM
accepted Red, but you may want to put in why your other characters are at school on a Saturday x3, as well as what they look like
Bleh......... do I have to.......

June 24th, 2017, 11:30 PM
yes, friend XDD
Also Random, as soon as I fill out my forum x3
Do any of you guys want a cannon character? You don't have to take one, I'll just have them temporarily until someone claims them

June 24th, 2017, 11:50 PM
Name:Violet Adams
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) :Detention
Any advanced talents?:She has knowledge in chemicals and explosives, and takes a class in ballroom dancing.
Personality:Violet is a very dark girl, with a slight attitude. She comes off cold and a bit insensitive, which is why people in the group rub her the wrong way at first. She is sarcastic and is always looking at things the way they are. She can soften around her friends, coming off as even caring if she likes and trusts you enough. Sometimes she'll loosen up and crack a small joke
Appearance(Link accepted) :Violet (http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14607052_1683841221943231_1406376947902054400_n.jp g?ig_cache_key=MTM2MjIzMzUyMDk3MDYzOTY0Ng%3D%3D.2)
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) :Well, she survived all of season one, and season two has yet to air, so for now I will say no
Items(up to three) :Cellphone
Love interest/GF or BF?:Not now, but she ends up with Grover in the second to last episode, so that'll happen eventually.
Strengths:Once again, she is very knowledged in chemicals and explosives. She is also a bit on the shot side, which makes her small enough to crawl through vents. She keeps the group together by not sugar coating anything, but keeping them hopeful
Weaknesses:She can be easily controlled if you know the right things about her, and she has a hard time telling the truth and trusting others with her secrets
Fears:The others finding out what she did(Ooohhhh)
Other:Violet is a cannon character, not someone created by me. With her, I am strictly going off the show
Code:I made the thread, therefore I am an exception x3

Name:Aamani Freeman
School year(Freshman-Senior) :Freshman
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) :She's on the cheer squad, and they were having practice
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) :She's very educated in the school grounds. She can pick locks. Don't ask x3
Personality:Aamani is the exact opposite of Violet. She is soft and warm hearted. She is entirely too trusting, and will believe almost anything. She relies on the others to stay safe, but also tries to help out as well. She gets scared easily
Appearance(Link accepted) :I couldn't find a proper picture x3. Aamani is Indian on her mother's side and American on her dad's side. She has light brown skin and black straight hair that she usually has in a braid. Her eyes are brown, and she's only a little shorter for her age, meeting Violet's shoulder.
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) :Undecided
Items(up to three) :Phone, mini first aid kit, mp3 player
Love interest/GF or BF?:Open
Strengths:She is very fast. Aamani likes to support others, helping them in her own way get through the situation. She also is willing to listen
Weaknesses:A bit skittish and naive. Aamani is very trusting, so when someone betrays her, it really stings. She also has PTSD, from something happening in her past that I will reveal as time goes on
Fears:Being alone, freaks
Other:Aamani is not Cannon, but I think I'll have her socialize with Violet in a decent amount
Code:read my first forum x3

Bringing in!!!
Uzuri, choir practice
Jack, detention
Waasi, waiting for Jack in the library
Azura, Eric- hanging outside
Zircon, new to the school, exploring
Holly- detention, crimpled, in wheelchair
Tawi, In the art room
Moja- Detention

Not revealing who dies XD

June 25th, 2017, 12:51 AM
Name: Sebastian
Age(14-18): 18
Gender: male
School year(Freshman-Senior) : senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) : was in a club
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) : he knows king fu. And is pretty good with it
Personality: overthinks a lot, a bit nerdy, strong,smart alic, sometimes cold
Appearance(Link accepted) :https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/57/29/f457293b029d2cf591b4340d142411fb--anime-male-anime-kawaii.jpg
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : live
Items(up to three) : cellphone, poket knife
Love interest/GF or BF?: open
Sexuality: straight
Strengths: thinking about strategys, hand to hand combat, strength,stealth
Weaknesses: speed,stamina, his not so brace nature
Fears: losing his sister Oro
Other: man this rp is so freaky..it's gonna be AMAZINGGGG

Name: Oro
Age(14-18): 16
Gender: female
School year(Freshman-Senior) :Junior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) : was strolling by
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) : she is very caring..but extremely jumpy..and by that I mean she has very good hearing (also she grabs whatever is in range and hits whatever frightened her X3 )
Personality: jumpy, child like,stubborn,often acts and talks before she thinks,hard headed
Appearance(Link accepted) : https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/484481211926978562/dYFp6-dH.jpeg
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : can she have close encounters with death but still manage to live?
Items(up to three) : cellphone, her stuffed bear that she keeps secret,and pepper spray
Love interest/GF or BF?:open
Sexuality: straight
Strengths: stamina,her small frame, her great hearing, speed
Weaknesses: fighting, strength,
Fears: losing her brother Sebastian,the dark,spiders

June 25th, 2017, 08:30 AM
Name: Sebastian
Age(14-18): 18
Gender: male
School year(Freshman-Senior) : senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) : was in a club
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) : he knows king fu. And is pretty good with it
Personality: overthinks a lot, a bit nerdy, strong,smart alic, sometimes cold
Appearance(Link accepted) :https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/57/29/f457293b029d2cf591b4340d142411fb--anime-male-anime-kawaii.jpg
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : live
Items(up to three) : cellphone, poket knife
Love interest/GF or BF?: open
Sexuality: straight
Strengths: thinking about strategys, hand to hand combat, strength,stealth
Weaknesses: speed,stamina, his not so brace nature
Fears: losing his sister Oro
Other: man this rp is so freaky..it's gonna be AMAZINGGGG

Name: Oro
Age(14-18): 16
Gender: female
School year(Freshman-Senior) :Junior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or a club, or just strolling by, ect.) : was strolling by
Any advanced talents?(For example: Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!) : she is very caring..but extremely jumpy..and by that I mean she has very good hearing (also she grabs whatever is in range and hits whatever frightened her X3 )
Personality: jumpy, child like,stubborn,often acts and talks before she thinks,hard headed
Appearance(Link accepted) : https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/484481211926978562/dYFp6-dH.jpeg
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph) : can she have close encounters with death but still manage to live?
Items(up to three) : cellphone, her stuffed bear that she keeps secret,and pepper spray
Love interest/GF or BF?:open
Sexuality: straight
Strengths: stamina,her small frame, her great hearing, speed
Weaknesses: fighting, strength,
Fears: losing her brother Sebastian,the dark,spiders
Accepted! If you ever have questions, just let me know!

Random Melody
June 25th, 2017, 08:39 AM
(*bounces up and down eagerly* Can we start now can we start now can we start now can we-----)

June 25th, 2017, 08:52 AM
(-Stuffs Random's face with pancakes- Yes, now shut up and eat your pancakes XD)
We shall now begin the rp! This is before the explosion and nothing has happened yet, so nobody should have any knowledge of what's to come. I will post the starting post shortly!

June 25th, 2017, 10:22 AM

Also, I will be playing all of the cannon characters until they are claimed. This doesn't mean that their all taken by me. The only one I really have is Violet.
Also this will take place during episode one of the show. If you nee some help, click this! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4qquUZMVU4)

Grover Jones sped down the street on his bike. It was a Saturday, and unlike other teenagers, he wasn't on his way out to do something fun. He passed Keller Chemicals, which is close to his home granted both his parents work at the plant. He seemed to be both excited and eager to get where he needed to be.
Meanwhile, Violet Adams was sitting on a bench in front of her school. William R. Kent High School was located on one of the highest parts of town. She had one leg crossed over the other and a phone up to her ear. Unlike Grover, she did not look happy, and her anger was obvious through the tone she used while talking.
"No, No Zane, you listen to me," Her eyes seemed to harden "If you think you can use me and get away with it, then you haven't been paying attention." She leaned back as he began to speak "Oh you'll find out what I mean soon enough. You may wanna look out at the parking lot." She hung up and looked down at the rest of the city below her.
"I can't believe I'm stuck on this pit on a Saturday," Diesel sighed in annoyance as he chilled with his friend Lyle in a truck.
"Hey man," Lyle looked up at him. "We could of got kicked out." his attention then went to a small knife Diesel was sharpening with a block "Yo, that looks just like Dwight's knife."
"That's cause it was Dwight's knife," Diesel replied, not looking up from what he was doing.
Lyle smiled, hitting his friend's arm "Dude, you stole it!?"
Diesel shook his head "Nah, he..." a smirk appeared on his face "gave it to me."
"I can't believe you got detention!" Waasi shoved Jack as they walked into the school "On a Saturday!"
"It's not my fault, the kid swung at me first!" Jack protested
"He's a stupid little freshman with the body of a twig," Waasi eyed him to the point he was getting nervous. "Did it even hit you?"
"It could have!" Jack insisted.
Waasi scoffed, rolling her eyes
"This is a swallowtail butterfly!" Azura showed Eric a picture in her photo album. "They aren't so easy to find."
"And yet your cousin found one," Eric leaned against the wall the were sitting on outside the school "And I thought you were the photographer."
"Shut up, Eric," Azura nudged him lightly.

Random Melody
June 25th, 2017, 10:33 AM
(*muffled cheering*)
(Also, I changed my mind, Jace isnt going to turn xD But im bringing in the rest of Kila and Koja's gang, and most of them will X3)
(Also I changed my mind Kila's outside of the school with the rest of the gang, Koja's in detention XD)
"How on earth did he get detention? On a weekend! A weekend!" Kila exclaimed, leaning back against the wall of the front of the school. "We could be riding his motorcycle right now but no, my stupid dumbo boyfriend got detention on a Saturday!"
"Kila calm down," Celestial giggled.
"Dont tell me to calm down!" Kila seethed.
"Heartbreaker," Luke smiled. "He'll be out in no time. Dont be worried."
"Im not worried." Kila groaned, turning away. "Everyone just shut up!"
The gang fell quiet, blinking.
Kila glanced at Vexy. "That's power right there."
"Because everyones scared of you, Female Leader," Vexy said, giggling.
"Good," Kila winked, shooting a glance at the others.

"Whoa." Cory blinked beside Eric. "Butterflies are so... Lame."
"They're so pretty," Raven giggled, watching one flutter by.
Cory quickly changed his opinion. "Oh- Yeah, they're gorgeous!"

June 25th, 2017, 10:53 AM
Sebastian yawned. He was with his science group. This chemical they where working with is amazing! And they don't have any side affects..well not of they know of..but so far it healed his big cut in two days so that was pretty good..right? (Do ya think the chemical could have a special meaning or porpoise later on or nah. I just literally thought of it so ya)

Oro was listening to her music. "Im not crazy I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can tell~" she mumbled. Her brother promised that he would take her to get ice cream if she waited for him.

June 25th, 2017, 11:29 AM
"I think they're really pretty." Angel said, hopping down to look at the picture. "That's a really good picture, Zuri." He said with a smile.
Krystal snickered at Angel, before grabbing one of her cigarettes and a lighter. "I'm bored," She muttered, flicking the lighter on. "I wish Adriana would get out of detention already."
Angel blinked at Krystal. "What about Amelia and Rachel?" He asked.
Rubin, Angels twin brother, snorted and wrapped his arm around Krystal. "Adri was gonna drive us to the movies." He said, before Krystal punched him in the face.
"Don't touch me, you creep." She spat.

(Eric has some competition...)

June 25th, 2017, 11:46 AM
Star | Kaitlyn
Age- 16 | 16
Gender- Female | Female
School Year (Freshman-Senior)- Senior | Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or club, or just strolling by, etc.) Star was waiting for Kaitlyn to get out of detention | Kaitlyn was in detention.
Any advanced talents (For example, Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!): Great sense of smell (xD) | She's not talented :c
Shy ⚔ Loyal ⚔ Stupid ⚔ Talkative ⚔ Weird | Talkative ⚔ Smart ⚔ Sometimes very evil :) ⚔
Appearance- Star (http://orig01.deviantart.net/e881/f/2015/029/6/6/flower_crown_girl_render_by_pui_the_pong-d8fxjnr.png) | Kaitlyn (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=27854726)
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph): They will liveeee :3
Items(up to three): Flower Crown, Cellphone, Teddy bear :3 | Cellphone, Stick
Love Interest/GF or BF: Open
Sexuality- Straight
Strengths- Strong | Smart :3
Weaknesses- Hates Swimming, Gets Bored Easily, Stupid | Talks too much, hates swimming, Gets Distracted Easily
Fears- Losing people she loves, swimming | Swimming, losing Star
Other- Potatoes are the opposite of freaky. They're awesome. Look! : Potatoes Are NOTTT Freaky. :3 (http://t06.deviantart.net/yxr2ElatS7ZkgKjDTcLSJdBmsRo=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre11/8491/th/pre/f/2015/166/3/6/kawaii_derpy_potato_by_prankstarz101-d8xe2ko.png)

June 25th, 2017, 05:00 PM
(*muffled cheering*)
(Also, I changed my mind, Jace isnt going to turn xD But im bringing in the rest of Kila and Koja's gang, and most of them will X3)
(Also I changed my mind Kila's outside of the school with the rest of the gang, Koja's in detention XD)
"How on earth did he get detention? On a weekend! A weekend!" Kila exclaimed, leaning back against the wall of the front of the school. "We could be riding his motorcycle right now but no, my stupid dumbo boyfriend got detention on a Saturday!"
"Kila calm down," Celestial giggled.
"Dont tell me to calm down!" Kila seethed.
"Heartbreaker," Luke smiled. "He'll be out in no time. Dont be worried."
"Im not worried." Kila groaned, turning away. "Everyone just shut up!"
The gang fell quiet, blinking.
Kila glanced at Vexy. "That's power right there."
"Because everyones scared of you, Female Leader," Vexy said, giggling.
"Good," Kila winked, shooting a glance at the others.

"Whoa." Cory blinked beside Eric. "Butterflies are so... Lame."
"They're so pretty," Raven giggled, watching one flutter by.
Cory quickly changed his opinion. "Oh- Yeah, they're gorgeous!"

Sebastian yawned. He was with his science group. This chemical they where working with is amazing! And they don't have any side affects..well not of they know of..but so far it healed his big cut in two days so that was pretty good..right? (Do ya think the chemical could have a special meaning or porpoise later on or nah. I just literally thought of it so ya)

Oro was listening to her music. "Im not crazy I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can tell~" she mumbled. Her brother promised that he would take her to get ice cream if she waited for him.
"I think they're really pretty." Angel said, hopping down to look at the picture. "That's a really good picture, Zuri." He said with a smile.
Krystal snickered at Angel, before grabbing one of her cigarettes and a lighter. "I'm bored," She muttered, flicking the lighter on. "I wish Adriana would get out of detention already."
Angel blinked at Krystal. "What about Amelia and Rachel?" He asked.
Rubin, Angels twin brother, snorted and wrapped his arm around Krystal. "Adri was gonna drive us to the movies." He said, before Krystal punched him in the face.
"Don't touch me, you creep." She spat.

(Eric has some competition...)

Star | Kaitlyn
Age- 16 | 16
Gender- Female | Female
School Year (Freshman-Senior)- Senior | Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?(Can be anything like detention or club, or just strolling by, etc.) Star was waiting for Kaitlyn to get out of detention | Kaitlyn was in detention.
Any advanced talents (For example, Violet is crazy good with chemicals. No super powers or something crazy!): Great sense of smell (xD) | She's not talented :c
Shy ⚔ Loyal ⚔ Stupid ⚔ Talkative ⚔ Weird | Talkative ⚔ Smart ⚔ Sometimes very evil :) ⚔
Appearance- Star (http://orig01.deviantart.net/e881/f/2015/029/6/6/flower_crown_girl_render_by_pui_the_pong-d8fxjnr.png) | Kaitlyn (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=27854726)
Will they eventually die and/or turn(morph): They will liveeee :3
Items(up to three): Flower Crown, Cellphone, Teddy bear :3 | Cellphone, Stick
Love Interest/GF or BF: Open
Sexuality- Straight
Strengths- Strong | Smart :3
Weaknesses- Hates Swimming, Gets Bored Easily, Stupid | Talks too much, hates swimming, Gets Distracted Easily
Fears- Losing people she loves, swimming | Swimming, losing Star
Other- Potatoes are the opposite of freaky. They're awesome. Look! : Potatoes Are NOTTT Freaky. :3 (http://t06.deviantart.net/yxr2ElatS7ZkgKjDTcLSJdBmsRo=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre11/8491/th/pre/f/2015/166/3/6/kawaii_derpy_potato_by_prankstarz101-d8xe2ko.png)

Hopekit, both of your characters have been accepted! However, if you don't mind, could you possibly make a male character as well? We don't have many of those.

Also Shadow, while I like where your going with the chemical, it probably wouldn't be best to have that right now, since it's a big thing that could possibly change the course of the original plot. I do like it though, so don't forget it! It might be useful in the future!

"Krissy," Eric sighed, reaching out and taking the cigarette "You shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you."
Azura nodded silently. She would have said something, but her sister never really took time to pay attention.
"She may be the leader," Jason, who was usually silent all the time, looked up from a book he was reading. "but she'll always be naive."
Holly was next to Kila in her wheelchair, messing with her hair. She liked hanging out with her cousin a lot.
Violet looked up when she her a distant blast. Smoke began rising from somewhere in the city. "Boom," was all she said before standing and walking inside.(No, this isn't the big explosion. No need to freak out XDD)
"Whoa!" A man jumped out of the way as Grover zipped passed him on his bike "Grover, where are you going in such a hurry?"
"Detention!" Grover called back, his smile never leaving as he peddled onto the school.
"Look," Waasi stopped when they reached the math room where detention was taking place "I'll be in the library, and then we can go get milkshakes. Promise me you won't do something to get yourself more detention."
"Trust me, Doodle," Jack grinned "We'll be out of here by 3:20. And I promise I won't do anything stupid like this again." (Both statements were false XD)
"Hmph," Waasi eyed him playfully "You better," She punched his arm before walking past him
Jack chuckled before turning and walking into detention.
Violet and Diesel were both already there. Violet was too busy on her phone to look up.
"Name?" The coach asked when Jack stepped in
"Jackson Connors," Jack replied, looking at the other students in the room.
"In the back," The coach pointed to the back row, and Jack walked back there and sat in a desk
"Stupid locker," Zircon groaned in frustration as she failed to open her locker for the fifth time day. "At this point, I'll be carrying around all of my stuff Monday."
"Maybe I can help?"
Zircon turned, blinking, then looked down.
"Hi there!" Aamani waved cheerfully "I'm Aamani."

June 25th, 2017, 05:14 PM
Hopekit, both of your characters have been accepted! However, if you don't mind, could you possibly make a male character as well? We don't have many of those.

Also Shadow, while I like where your going with the chemical, it probably wouldn't be best to have that right now, since it's a big thing that could possibly change the course of the original plot. I do like it though, so don't forget it! It might be useful in the future!

"Krissy," Eric sighed, reaching out and taking the cigarette "You shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you."
Azura nodded silently. She would have said something, but her sister never really took time to pay attention.
"She may be the leader," Jason, who was usually silent all the time, looked up from a book he was reading. "but she'll always be naive."
Holly was next to Kila in her wheelchair, messing with her hair. She liked hanging out with her cousin a lot.
Violet looked up when she her a distant blast. Smoke began rising from somewhere in the city. "Boom," was all she said before standing and walking inside.(No, this isn't the big explosion. No need to freak out XDD)
"Whoa!" A man jumped out of the way as Grover zipped passed him on his bike "Grover, where are you going in such a hurry?"
"Detention!" Grover called back, his smile never leaving as he peddled onto the school.
"Look," Waasi stopped when they reached the math room where detention was taking place "I'll be in the library, and then we can go get milkshakes. Promise me you won't do something to get yourself more detention."
"Trust me, Doodle," Jack grinned "We'll be out of here by 3:20. And I promise I won't do anything stupid like this again." (Both statements were false XD)
"Hmph," Waasi eyed him playfully "You better," She punched his arm before walking past him
Jack chuckled before turning and walking into detention.
Violet and Diesel were both already there. Violet was too busy on her phone to look up.
"Name?" The coach asked when Jack stepped in
"Jackson Connors," Jack replied, looking at the other students in the room.
"In the back," The coach pointed to the back row, and Jack walked back there and sat in a desk
"Stupid locker," Zircon groaned in frustration as she failed to open her locker for the fifth time day. "At this point, I'll be carrying around all of my stuff Monday."
"Maybe I can help?"
Zircon turned, blinking, then looked down.
"Hi there!" Aamani waved cheerfully "I'm Aamani."


Random Melody
June 25th, 2017, 05:18 PM
Vexy burst out laughing, as did Celestial, Luke, Jake and Alec. "Do you know what naive means, Jason?"
Kila snickered quietly, rolling her amber eyes.


"Heyy, there's my right-hand man." Koja quickly moved over to sit in the desk beside Jack. "What're you in for?"

June 25th, 2017, 05:20 PM
Krystal gave Eric the stink-eye, before sighing and putting her lighter in her pocket. "Only for you two," She grumbled to Azura and Eric, crossing her arms.

Adriana snickered as Jack walked in. "What'd you do, Conner?" She called across the room, cracking her knuckles.
Amelia and Rachel rolled their eyes simultaneously, Amelia staying silent. She was here because of her sister, since she had unknowingly helped her with vandalizing the school. Adriana had told her it was basically liquid chalk, not spray paint!
Rachel sighed, looking out the window.

June 25th, 2017, 05:28 PM
Name- Ki
Age- 16 Years
Gender- Male
School Year- Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?- Just strolling by.
Any Advanced Talents- Ki isn't talented :3
Strong ⚔ Smart ⚔ Funny ⚔ Shy
Appearance- Ki (http://s8.favim.com/orig/150802/anime-boy-boy-cute-kawaii-Favim.com-3042909.jpg)
Will they eventually die or turn: No
Items- Teddy bear, Jacket
Love Interest- Open
Sexuality- Straight
Strengths- Strong, Also He Gets Really Crazy and Hits Stuff Sometimes When He Gets Veryyyy Angry So Maybe that counts? XD
Weaknesses- Bad Swimmer, Anger..
Fears- Being Humiliated, Being Pressed, Losing Loved Ones, Humiliating Himself
Other- Freaky. I'm not freaky. Maybe I am. Who knows? I do, but you might never know.

June 25th, 2017, 05:40 PM
Hopekit, both of your characters have been accepted! However, if you don't mind, could you possibly make a male character as well? We don't have many of those.

Also Shadow, while I like where your going with the chemical, it probably wouldn't be best to have that right now, since it's a big thing that could possibly change the course of the original plot. I do like it though, so don't forget it! It might be useful in the future!

"Krissy," Eric sighed, reaching out and taking the cigarette "You shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for you."
Azura nodded silently. She would have said something, but her sister never really took time to pay attention.
"She may be the leader," Jason, who was usually silent all the time, looked up from a book he was reading. "but she'll always be naive."
Holly was next to Kila in her wheelchair, messing with her hair. She liked hanging out with her cousin a lot.
Violet looked up when she her a distant blast. Smoke began rising from somewhere in the city. "Boom," was all she said before standing and walking inside.(No, this isn't the big explosion. No need to freak out XDD)
"Whoa!" A man jumped out of the way as Grover zipped passed him on his bike "Grover, where are you going in such a hurry?"
"Detention!" Grover called back, his smile never leaving as he peddled onto the school.
"Look," Waasi stopped when they reached the math room where detention was taking place "I'll be in the library, and then we can go get milkshakes. Promise me you won't do something to get yourself more detention."
"Trust me, Doodle," Jack grinned "We'll be out of here by 3:20. And I promise I won't do anything stupid like this again." (Both statements were false XD)
"Hmph," Waasi eyed him playfully "You better," She punched his arm before walking past him
Jack chuckled before turning and walking into detention.
Violet and Diesel were both already there. Violet was too busy on her phone to look up.
"Name?" The coach asked when Jack stepped in
"Jackson Connors," Jack replied, looking at the other students in the room.
"In the back," The coach pointed to the back row, and Jack walked back there and sat in a desk
"Stupid locker," Zircon groaned in frustration as she failed to open her locker for the fifth time day. "At this point, I'll be carrying around all of my stuff Monday."
"Maybe I can help?"
Zircon turned, blinking, then looked down.
"Hi there!" Aamani waved cheerfully "I'm Aamani."

Ya I was thinking he could like lose it and then later re make it)

June 25th, 2017, 06:34 PM
Vexy burst out laughing, as did Celestial, Luke, Jake and Alec. "Do you know what naive means, Jason?"
Kila snickered quietly, rolling her amber eyes.


"Heyy, there's my right-hand man." Koja quickly moved over to sit in the desk beside Jack. "What're you in for?"

Krystal gave Eric the stink-eye, before sighing and putting her lighter in her pocket. "Only for you two," She grumbled to Azura and Eric, crossing her arms.

Adriana snickered as Jack walked in. "What'd you do, Conner?" She called across the room, cracking her knuckles.
Amelia and Rachel rolled their eyes simultaneously, Amelia staying silent. She was here because of her sister, since she had unknowingly helped her with vandalizing the school. Adriana had told her it was basically liquid chalk, not spray paint!
Rachel sighed, looking out the window.

Name- Ki
Age- 16 Years
Gender- Male
School Year- Senior
Why were you at school the day of the explosion?- Just strolling by.
Any Advanced Talents- Ki isn't talented :3
Strong ⚔ Smart ⚔ Funny ⚔ Shy
Appearance- Ki (http://s8.favim.com/orig/150802/anime-boy-boy-cute-kawaii-Favim.com-3042909.jpg)
Will they eventually die or turn: No
Items- Teddy bear, Jacket
Love Interest- Open
Sexuality- Straight
Strengths- Strong, Also He Gets Really Crazy and Hits Stuff Sometimes When He Gets Veryyyy Angry So Maybe that counts? XD
Weaknesses- Bad Swimmer, Anger..
Fears- Being Humiliated, Being Pressed, Losing Loved Ones, Humiliating Himself
Other- Freaky. I'm not freaky. Maybe I am. Who knows? I do, but you might never know.

Ya I was thinking he could like lose it and then later re make it)
Accepted! Also just wanna tell you guys that you can make a character to replace one that has died, and since one of your characters have already been accepted, you don't have to use the code x3

Also Shadow I really like that idea! We should definitely use it!

"Do you know about Kila's tenth birthday party?" Jason asked with a smirk
Holly covered her mouth before a laugh could break free.
"I punched a freshman in the face," Jack sighed "I'm just pissed because he didn't get in any trouble."
"What, he swing first?" Diesel asked, looking up
"Yeah," Jack replied
"Trust me, Sophomore," Diesel looked back down at his phone "That kid got enough punishment for messing with you. He'll stay clear from here on out."
"Quiet down," The coach ordered, making Diesel roll his eyes.
At that moment Grover entered the room. Violet looked up at him briefly before going back to her phone

Random Melody
June 25th, 2017, 06:59 PM
Vexy blinked, looking at Kila. "That was the year I went to Africa wasnt it?"
Kila nodded.
"Shoot." Vexy blinked, quickly trying to think of a retort for Jason. "..shoot."


"Wow," Koja laughed. "Nice."

June 25th, 2017, 07:30 PM
Coach looked up and squinted at Grover "Who the hell are you."
"Uh, Grover," He replied, looking over at everyone else. "Grover Jones."
"Grover Jones..." Coach echoed, looked down at his clip board "You're not on the list."
Grover moved closer and whispered, making sure his voice wasn't in ear shot "I know coach, but I'd like to stay."
"Now why would you show up to a Saturday detention," The coach asked "when you don't have to?"
Grover didn't say anything, but has a small smirk on his face. He turned his head slightly and looked over at Violet, before staring back at the coach.
Coach followed his gaze, and let out a quiet chuckle. He grinned at Grover "You gotta be sh*ting me."
Grover shook his head "No, no I'm not sh*ting you."
Coach scoffed "You think you can handle a little lady like that?"
Grover looked over at Violet, who still didn't notice them at all. He looked back at the coach and nodded. "Come on, can I stay?"
Coach's grin grew even more, making Grover smile "Oh I wouldn't miss it." He then changed his face to look serious and raised his voice "Now get your butt in a seat. Now!"
"Thank you," Grover whispered, turning and walking over to a desk right behind Violet.
"Alright people," Coach sat his clip board on the desk "I gotta go get something. Let's put the cellphones away," Violet rolled her eyes and put her phoned in her back pocket. "Eyes forward, mouths shut." He turned and walked back into the room.
"Fine by me," Jack kicked his feet up, pulling his hoodie over his eyes.
"Kila! Vexy, Jason!" Waasi hurried over to her friends.
"Hi, Waasi!" Holly smiled brightly.
Jason nodded his greeting.
"Jack managed to get detention," Waasi rolled her eyes "He punched some dude in the face."

June 25th, 2017, 07:37 PM
Adriana pulled her phone out as the coach left. "Who wants to see the amazing art that Amelia did before those dang janitors painted over it?" She asked, flicking to a beautiful picture (http://www.lamag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2016/06/lifeisbeautiful-768x500.jpg). "She did the lady, I did the words."
Amelia blushed furiously. "A-Adri!" She reached for the phone, attempting to snatch it back. "You're gonna get in trouble!" She scolded her twin.

June 26th, 2017, 08:06 PM
Random Melody

As soon as the coach was gone, Violet pulled out her phone. She had zero interest in anyone in the room.
Grover moved his desk forward slightly "Uh hi, I'm Grover, and you?"
Violet turned away from him, focusing on her phone.
"Busy," Grover leaned back "Okay, I can respect that,"
"Yo, dude," Diesel moved up a desk "She isn't talking because your a loser."
"Hey, back off man," Jack looked up and frowned "not cool."
"I know Grover is a weird name," Grover continued, trying to ignore the others "but it was my great-uncles name. That's what my mom told me."
"That's not what your mom said last night," Lyle snickered.
"Yeah my mom said she's sad when she sees you," Diesel sneered, clearly getting under Grover's skin.

June 27th, 2017, 03:05 PM
bump :3

June 27th, 2017, 05:02 PM
Amelia narrowed her eyes at Diesel. "Why don't you be quiet?" She snapped at him.