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December 13th, 2022, 11:30 AM
x ghostie

The she-cat's eyes widened in surprise. She had not expected this! Well, maybe she should have; it was bound to happen. But it had always been sort of in the back of her mind, only emerging whenever she compared herself to any of her peers who already had their full names. She looked around nervously, not wanting to stall the meeting.

"Uh, yes. Thank you. I'm ready...I think."

December 13th, 2022, 02:55 PM
Sundust nodded as he apprentice responded. “Very well then,” he mewed. “ I, Sundust, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Rosepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?” He gaze was stoic was he watched his apprentice, looking for her reaction to each of his words as he recited the ceremony.

[ Shade. ]

December 14th, 2022, 12:58 AM
Sundust nodded as he apprentice responded. “Very well then,” he mewed. “ I, Sundust, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Rosepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?” He gaze was stoic was he watched his apprentice, looking for her reaction to each of his words as he recited the ceremony.

[ Shade. ]

The lythe tabby stepped forward. Perhaps it was time now.
"I do." she replied. Nothing was going to go wrong, mhm.

Outside the cave, a bunch of crows began to gather around the piece of bread, tearing it apart. But there was one more, inside the cave....

x ghostie

December 14th, 2022, 12:26 PM
Sundust allowed a moment for the other medicine cats to react to the ceremony’s beginning, but soon something caught his eye. His ears twitched and he was momentarily distracted from the ceremony by the sudden presence of several crows. It seemed.. fitting. However, this intrusion onto stole his focus for a moment, as Rosepaw’s words continued the ceremony. “Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Rosepaw, from this moment you will be known as Roseraven. StarClan honors your composure, as well as your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan.” The name felt fitting of his apprentice, and he was not so blind as to not notice the affinity corvids seemed to have for Rosepaw - or rather Roseraven, now.

[ Shade. Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart birdie x ghostie ]

December 14th, 2022, 12:43 PM
x ghostie

[You guys can post normally now]

Roseraven was filled with a twinge of pride now. Roseraven. It suited h-

The corvids outside the cave had feasted on the bread and were now moving onto the next piece, which lies inside the cave. The murder flew in, not expecting the cats to be there. They flew like a whirlwind, trying to avoid the predators and get to the bread.

Roseraven ducked, paws over her head as the birds calmed down, most of whom escaped the cave.

"Hhhhh. It wouldn't be me without something going wrong..." she sighed with an awkward smile. Though she felt a rad uneasy. Corvids were the harbingers of bad omens, after all, and they'd never gotten this close before...

December 15th, 2022, 04:13 PM
x ghostie birdie TheNyanCatMinecart Shade. vellichor

The drone of herb talk seemed to be going in circles, though Elmshadow had to admit there was some benefit in the discussion. Burnet would undoubtedly be a useful addition to his growing knowledge and he didn't feel he'd given too much away of his own knowledge. He glanced sideways at Ivysnake as she made a comment about his knowledge of celandine. Her tone was not accusatory but the mentor remark felt out of place. Their discussions didn't need to occur with other clan ears present. He chose not to address Ivysnake's comment with any more than the pointed look.

It wasn't until Ivysnake turned to him again, asking him about celandine right out, that he cleared his throat mildly. His green eyes lingered on the she-cat before looking away and answering, "Celandine is a small yellow flower with pointy petals. They grow low over the ground and usually in sunny areas," he spoke low and matter-of-fact. He'd acquired some knowledge of his own and celandine was obviously an herb that Cowpaw already knew, and he had no idea where Coldamber's allegiances truly lay either, so divulging what he knew of the herb didn't feel overly revealing.

He glanced at Wormbite as the Riverclanner made some frog-brained comment, something Elmshadow realized he shouldn't be surprised by coming from a Riverclanner. It was curious coming from any warrior nonetheless. He looked away, unconcerned to give the accompanying tom any more thought as Sundust spoke up about the announcement he'd mentioned. Rosepaw's naming ceremony. It made sense but Elmshadow couldn't find it in himself to care about the name or promotions of whatever happened in Thunderclan. Being that the medicine cat naming ceremonies traditionally took place at the Starcave during halfmoon meetings, Elmshadow figured there was expected to be a sense of comradery that likely resembled the sense of pride clanmates would typically feel during apprentice and warrior ceremonies. Elmshadow couldn't find it in himself to care so he sat quietly as Sundust and Rosepaw spoke the ceremonial words and Rosepaw received her full medicine cat name, Roseraven.

December 30th, 2022, 02:15 AM
birdie Shade. TheNyanCatMinecart Ravensong noelle vellichor || not quite sure who was meant to go after because aaa, posting order hurts my brain but since it's been a BIT i wanted to get this moving.


Wormbite's reputation.

It was shattered. Absolutely obliterated.

He had not been talking to the medicine cats. He was standing outside the cave, possibly eavesdropping - only slightly, and talking to his friend. He hadn't.. expected for them to be listening. They had their own duties. This was - this was prosperous. A statement he had entrusted with Beansprout. No one else here. The giggles of someone gave it away.

The Dark Lord ducked his head, slowly sinking into the ground with a look of horror appearing over his face. Embarrassment run through his limbs like a wildfire, kill him - kill him now. Strike him where he stands because stars be damned, Wormbite would never recover. He could never attend another gathering.

As if he could not get a break, crows begun to swarm. Over what? He could not know but now he was ducking behind Beansprout, a hiss building in his throat. He didn't want to rile them up. That would be disastrous. His skin was crawling at the fact. Die. Die. Die. Curse you.

Crows begun to swarm in, flooding into the cave and Wormbite's hackles rose hide. His tail was arched with aggression and with swift movements, unsheathed claws, almost as if it was a reflex, grabbed onto a corvid and slammed it into the ground. A dying croak and Wormbite delivered a harsh killing bite, his tail flickering back and forth with annoyance. They were loud with the way they moved through the wind.

Most of them left.

Wormbite stood up straight, letting out an annoyed huff. "There is a reason rotting food is named after you, " He murmured, at least he was bringing home prey.


Pfpfpfff!! Cowpaw couldn't help but giggle at the silly Riverclan shield's statement. Of course, it wouldn't taste good! He imagined it would be similar to stone, what a silly, silly guy. Maybe he should bring a stone from Windclan for the guy. That might make him happy.

Cowpaw's gaze flickered to Ivysnake for a brief moment at her mentor statement. Why did Elmshadow know something she did not? Were they not made medicine cats at the same time? Her mentor didn't respond, only answering her question about celandine which he was grateful for. She proceeded to ask about juniper berries, asking what they looked like, their name - ah, he.. he wasn't sure if Ivysnake simply could not understand him or if she wasn't paying attention. Cowpaw didn't mind repeating himself, it was just... a bit important to know what she wasn't catching, if any.

His offer wasn't meant to imply anything lesser of Shadowclan and admittedly, he did not appreciate when meanings were put into his words. It made him very uncomfortable. Attempting to explain slowly, "Juniper berries,, " Cowpaw started, using his mouth in an attempt to lip-sync the syllables in hopes it would help Ivysnake. "Blue-purple... Berries... Grows on spiky bush, " Cutting up his phrases to make it simple, he leaned back, looking at the medicine cat apprentice with ... wide eyes. Almost unnerving. "I never implied anything different.. Windclan's graveyard... simply has... a lot.. and I enjoy .. offering when I can... because all our territories differ... Juniper berries.. are rather hard to find... in territories such as yours.. as they do not appear.. to enjoy wet places.." He still carried a smile, the ditzy expression as usual. The offer was still there but at last, if Shadowclan was to be stubborn, Cowpaw could do nothing else.

Wonderful! The gentle giant now knew what burnet was. He would have to look for a few later on. Cowpaw nodded his head, yes! He shall keep that in mind and deliver.

He. He did not expect for this announcement. Well, he wasn't sure what he had actually expected? It - it was wonderful. One could not mistake this. It was a gift to receive your full name. An honor and he was so very happy. Cowpaw grinned brightly, practically beaming at Rosepaw, excitement for her. He just... gee, Starclan forgive his selfish thoughts - he felt guilt. Envious. They had both been training at the same time, or about, and yet.. only one of them were making this milestone. (would.. he ever make this milestone? he didn't.. have a mentor. he didn't really have,, anyone.)

he shook the thoughts away. forbidden! starclan had a plan for him. otherwise, they wouldn't have chosen him! maybe, maybe he'll recieve his fullname later on! who knows!!

Shaking his head, he happily tapped his paws on the ground once Rosepaw was named... ahem.. ROSERAVEN! What a beautiful name, truly fitting for such a divine individual. He was very happy for her. So were the crows, actually? Because wow. There was a lot of crows.

Cowpaw watched them swirl around with amazement, "I think ..they like your new name..." He signed, a small chuckle escaping him. It must be a good omen. With the announcement over, he rose to his paws, standing full.

"Theenn.. I think we're ready to start..?" He turned to the moonstone, slowly beginning to approach it. how.. did this work..

January 13th, 2023, 03:01 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/97517470-48a5-483a-9288-e82cdb1cecd2/dcjxzn7-b0a933cc-2823-4cae-a116-13147f221e75.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzk3NTE3NDcwLTQ4YTUtNDgzYS05Mj g4LWU4MmNkYjFjZWNkMlwvZGNqeHpuNy1iMGE5MzNjYy0yODIz LTRjYWUtYTExNi0xMzE0N2YyMjFlNzUuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.ir3zOILO CeiFv-ZZjylmq8cPdK0Gh7M6mim0BP7ktLAhttps://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/97517470-48a5-483a-9288-e82cdb1cecd2/dcnhryz-7f84566a-609e-499c-887b-1df8b263e0ba.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzk3NTE3NDcwLTQ4YTUtNDgzYS05Mj g4LWU4MmNkYjFjZWNkMlwvZGNuaHJ5ei03Zjg0NTY2YS02MDll LTQ5OWMtODg3Yi0xZGY4YjI2M2UwYmEuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.1vCBX-7TzSAgOlF0dD0eYLSb51dx5qIu6onjsVyp1zchttps://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/97517470-48a5-483a-9288-e82cdb1cecd2/dcjxzn7-b0a933cc-2823-4cae-a116-13147f221e75.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzk3NTE3NDcwLTQ4YTUtNDgzYS05Mj g4LWU4MmNkYjFjZWNkMlwvZGNqeHpuNy1iMGE5MzNjYy0yODIz LTRjYWUtYTExNi0xMzE0N2YyMjFlNzUuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.ir3zOILO CeiFv-ZZjylmq8cPdK0Gh7M6mim0BP7ktLA (https://www.deviantart.com/8-bitspider/art/NEVER-759092659)

┊┊┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✧ ⋆ ★ ✧. ┊   ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊

╰► birdie naiad Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart
The splotched medicine cat pushed through the snowy and frosted evergreen. Droplets of snow landing on his pink nose and he sneezed lightly. It made him pause, surprised by his own movements before carrying on. The calm atmosphere was comforting to Cowpaw. Windclan has been calm - with the .. he shook his head lightly. Featherfoot was at peace now.

The entrance of the Starcave came into view and he smiled, picking up his pace and bouncing towards it. To his surprise, he seemed to be the first one here. Awfully shocking, typically he ah, struggled with being on time. He just got awfully distracted. So many interesting things. He did plan to take home a pinecone or two... they would be wonderful decorations.

Nonetheless, Cowpaw moved to sit in the doorway of the Starcave, his long feathery tail wrapping around him. He tapped his large paws against the stone to fill the silence, not wishing to be alone with his thoughts after that .. horrid nightmare. Then again, that was all it was. A nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less.

January 13th, 2023, 07:34 PM
With this being her first trip as a full medicine cat, anticipation swirled in Fawnlight's chest as she rounded the rise that eventually sloped down from RiverClan territory towards the Starcave. She had left the trees behind quite some time ago, light from the half-moon doing its best to illuminate her path. But she knew it by heard now, paws traversing a path she could only imagine how many other cats before her had walked. Eyes glimmering, she wondered what the night would hold.

As the Starcave came into view so did a certain large black and white tom. Cowpaw! Joy lit up her face and Fawnlight bounded the rest of the way towards him, purring as she got closer. "Cowpaw! How lovely to see you." Truly he was the cat she felt closest to out of all of the medicine cats, so it was perfect that she had showed up right after him. Blue eyes warm in greeting the RiverClan medicine cat took a seat next to him. "How is Twigkit healing?" The young WindClan kit whom she had placed back into the care of WindClan after healing him still occupied her mind, and she hoped the little one was safe in the nursery still.

[ x ghostie naiad Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart ]

January 13th, 2023, 09:07 PM
Sundust’s fluffy swished side to side as he approached the Starcave, made even fluffier as he puffed his coat out against the cool. He hated the seasons where it was cold enough to see his breath; they meant cracked paws, little prey, and - for some reason this particular year - an abundance of kits on the way. He wasn’t super stressed, considering most of the clan had been in good health as of late, but an outbreak of kittencough or whitecough could be devastating to his herb stores.

As he drew closer to the cavern, he flicked a glance to his companion. As silly as it sounded, he hoped his theory would be right. He hadn’t heard from StarClan since he and Roseraven received their training from Cricketpaw, and frankly it was.. concerning. He didn’t know where the idea that bringing a resurrected cat (i.e. a cat who had been to StarClan) with him might make it easier to reach them had come from, but it was worth a shot.

Now he was close enough that he could see the others - it looked like Fawnpaw and Cowpaw were present so far. As he approached, he lifted his tail in greeting. “Good evening.” He finally came to a halt as he reached the mouth of the cave. “I hope your clans are doing well - I hope you don’t mind, I’ve brought an escort with me.” He gestured towards the cat in question, Cinderpaw. He didn’t think it would be to big a deal to bring an escort, but he thought it courteous to let them know.

[ birdie x ghostie littlelove TheNyanCatMinecart Ravensong ]

January 13th, 2023, 09:58 PM

A huff of warm air plumed out of her mouth and wisped away into the cold night as Cinderpaw padded closely behind Sundust. A half moon meeting, he had told her, and Starclan had been ignoring them for an embarassing amount of moons at this point. Maybe, just maybe, if he brought a cat who had been among their ranks...

Well, the overgrown apprentice certainly wouldn't call what she had experienced Starclan, but if she could make those assholes pay attention to the clan they made pay for everything for once? She certainly wouldn't want to miss that chance. So the speckled molly found herself in front of the Starcave on this frosty night, somewhere she'd never been before -- and she wondered if she'd ever see it again after this.

Sundust didn't hesitate as they came up on the sacred sight, but Cinderpaw found herself frozen. There would be other clans here tonight -- Windclan, Riverclan, and Shadowclan. She wasn't sure which of the latter two she hated more at this point. Taking in a deep breath, she could smell the stale scent of the moors and a distinct murky fragrance come from nearby. Windclan and Riverclan -- thankfully, those weasels hadn't muddied up their meeting grounds... yet.

The molly unsheathed her claws, and letting out another puff of air, she trudged ahead towards the shadows that sat by the cave entrance. She could hear Sundust's voice addressing the two other medics here already, and she turned to look at them.

A tom about the same size of her, mottled white and black and mismatched eyes. A younger molly who couldn't have been much older than 12 moons, brown and marked with darker dapples. They were familiar, but not really. She'd seen them at gatherings, maybe. Cinderpaw didn't offer the either of them greetings, though, instead absentmindedly scratching her claws against stone and avoiding their eye contact. Hell of a bodyguard she was.

[ birdie x ghostie naiad Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart ]

January 14th, 2023, 09:41 AM

Ivysnake hadn't bothered waiting for her mentor. Elmshadow would arrive soon enough. The tall she-cat padded through the pine forest beyond ShadowClan territory, breathing in the sharp, sappy scents that were both familiar and unfamiliar. Snow crunched beneath her paws, and globs occasionally slid from the green-needled branches. Ivysnake, with her good sense of perception, sidestepped them with ease. Only one fell on her head. Annoyed, the medicine cat apprentice shook it off and continued on her way. It was cold. The bite of leaf-bare sank into her skin, bypassing her short yet thick pelt. But she didn't mind. She kept her fur as flat and sleek as ever, weaving between the shadows, her black-striped pelt mimicking the shapes of the branches above. Against the snow, it stood out starkly, but there were always shadows to hide in. With practiced stealth and swiftness, Ivysnake approached the mouth of the Starcave and paused for a moment to peer at the other arrivals.

Cowpaw was sitting at the entrance. His huge shape seemed to fill it, his white fur blending with the snow and standing out against the dark gray rock. His black splotches had an opposite yet similar effect, merging with the night and boldly announcing their presence against the cold white powder coating the earth. Next to him was Fawnlight, whose full name had been announced at the Gathering. Ivysnake's sharp, piercing amber eyes narrowed. There seemed to be a change in the rosetted light brown she-cat, whose pelt was washed out by starlight. She held herself taller, not a hunched coward, nor was she flanked by RiverClan warriors who had no right being at the Starcave. She also looked older, more mature. Ivysnake was mildly interested. She'd have to talk to Fawnlight directly and see whether or not she was a babbling frog-brain.

There were two other shapes nearby. One was Sundust, who looked like a ridiculous fluffball. Surely the other was Roseraven. But... Ivysnake peered closer from her spot, hidden in the shadows of the pine trees. It had been a while, but she recognized the massive dark gray shape, adorned with lighter speckles. It was Cinderpaw. Ivysnake's eyes narrowed. She remembered the overgrown apprentice well. Last they'd met, it had been at ShadowClan's brief takeover of ThunderClan, and the ThunderClan she-cat had crushed her throat. But Ivysnake had left some deep gouges on her stomach, so that was a plus. On a more important note, hadn't Cinderpaw died? Perhaps StarClan somehow deemed her important enough to return. I doubt she's an apprentice anyone.

In her typical fashion, Ivysnake slunk forward, disappearing into the shadows and seeming to magically reappear in front of the other medicine cats - and the ThunderClan cat, who was sporting a significant amount of scars. "Hello," she meowed in her usual flat, monotone, but still slightly menacing voice. Her amber gaze turned to Cinderpaw. "I heard you died. StarClan must've had a good reason for sending you back. They probably thought you'd be a good warrior. Surely you're not an apprentice anymore. What's your new name?" Her voice held a stiff formality. Ivysnake did not sit down at first, but after a moment, she settled beside the others, tucking her sleek tabby tail around her paws. Unlike Sundust, who resembled a ginger burr, the medicine cat apprentice kept her pelt sleek and flat. "We can exchange news once the others arrive, or whenever you all so choose, but once the time arrives, we shouldn't waste time in getting down to the Starcave," she suggested, though it didn't sound much like a suggestion, scanning the others. Her breath puffed out in grayish-white clouds, and whenever they passed in front of her face, her amber eyes pierced through. She may be formal, but she was always fierce, always watching, always a nightmare of the shadows.

daenerys x ghostie naiad Ravensong littlelove Shade.

January 14th, 2023, 04:57 PM
TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad daenerys x ghostie [Sorry this is...not good. Zero Low motivation but I don't want to hold anything up><]

Stalking through the chilled forest, Elmshadow set a brisk pace. He'd gotten a slightly later start than he would've liked but if the others had gotten started without him he wasn't sure he'd care much. He didn't feel the connection with their ancestors that so many others seemed to feel, especially as medicine cats. They were dead cats, they'd need to do something more noteworthy than simply dying to earn any particular respect from him. He moved into view of the awning mouth of the Starcave and made out the shapes of five others waiting. His green eyes narrowed slightly though he didn't slow his even pace. He recognized the shapes of Cowpaw and Ivysnake quickly, Fawnlight and Sundust were picked out soon after, though he noticed the cat with Sundust did not appear to be Roseraven. He kept his eyes on the less familiar cat as he approached, stopping near Ivysnake who was being her usual self in her diplomatic way. He kept on his paws but made no other move to associate or conversate with the other medicine cats.

January 15th, 2023, 04:36 AM
❀ ೃ⁀➷ TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad daenerys Ravensong || running under the assumption this takes place after the gathering since cowpaw doesn't have his fullname there ! jsyk!
A figure came into view and Cowpaw lit up with joy. Pleased that he would not have to sit alone with his thoughts any longer. He dipped his large head in greeting to the fellow medicine cat. The light from the moon made it a struggle to pick out any defining features that may give away who this was. Then again, he was really only familiar with Fawnlight's defining features.

The sweet voice and blue eyes gave it all once she came closer and Cowpaw felt himself relax. "Twigkit is doing just fine ... thank you for bringing him home... I am sorry for the trouble caused, still, " He gestured, "And Riverclan..? Is leaf-bare being kind to all..?" He paused, a memory clicking in place. He let out a gasp, leaning forward. "While I believe.. the weather is cold enough that.. they are no worry.. I must warn you against the snails...! Evil buggers, devious,.. just devious! They attacked my poor storage .. " Cowpaw shook his head, sticking out his tongue. He did not declare distaste for many, but snails were on his naughty list!

"The only true.. damage ..was the marigold.. a shame, I did find other.. golden flowers that..." He seemed to stop signing, looking behind Fawnlight's shoulder. This was.. confusing. Awfully confusing? He could hear Sundust's voice, but he ... he had a friend with him.. An escort he said, but this was truly a friend. A potential friend.

There was a sudden gasp that came from the splotched medicine cat, a happy squeak of glee and there he went - rushing to greet Cinderpaw properly. He was bouncing on his paws, gesturing to her one floppy ear and then both of his. They had similarities! He's never seen another cat with similar ears, besides his family, it was neat!! Neat, neat!!! Cowpaw turned to look towards Fawnlight, repeating the gestures to both of their ears.

"It is truly wonderful how variant ears can be.. I mean.." Well, now he was distracted. An unfortunate fate. He scrambled up to Sundust, peering at the tom's ears with curiosity. Very much ears. Then he looked at Fawnlight's. She had good ears too. Then, uh, he squinted his eyes at the next cat who appeared.

Man, one day he would improve at this guessing game. At least it was easy to tell it was Ivysnake. She always had... interesting.. remarks. Ahem. His floppy ears lowered as she talked to uhm... Sundust's escort? Cowpaw didn't really understand, and while there was this .. okay he, he had his own questions. He did not know hello, this cool cat had been brought back to life - but it couldn't have been a nice event!! He was frowning at Ivysnake. Staring rather... intensely. If only for a mere moment before his attention was drove away.

Cowpaw nodded in agreement, "Is.. there any announcements to share...? Windclan is well.. ah, I have not found .. any new herbs... apologizes.. but I do believe we can start.. when.." speak of the devil, there was Elmshadow. By process of elimination, he figured this was him! (Hehe.) He dipped his head in greeting, deciding to take a nice seat because he was still, actually standing? For some reason. "Any announcements?" He brings both of his paws to his mouth, one claw was unsheathed on both of his paws before pulling his paws away from himself.

January 18th, 2023, 12:43 AM
The tension in her shoulders visibly relaxed as Cowpaw confirmed that Twigkit was healing and doing alright. Fawnlight had found herself worrying over him quiet a bit, so it was a relief to hear. Nonetheless, the RiverClan medicine cat expected no less as her faith in Cowpaw was more resolute than anything. "I'm glad. It is somewhat relieving to know that RiverClan is not the only Clan who has rather adventurous kits." Hopefully the new kit curriculums that had been implemented would curb that.

"We are well. The frost has killed most of what could be found, but we've been alright. Plus, thankfully I know how to save some herbs to get through the colder moons. I can teach you, if you'd like." Memories of Marigoldleap teaching her how to bury certain plants to preserve them through the harshest temperatures of leaf-bare rang in her mind; maybe it would be helpful to the others.

The information on snails was useful, and surprising. Fawnlight couldn't recall if she had ever seen one, but it was good to know for the future. She gave a nod and soft smile. "I will be sure to watch out for snails, thank you." Gratitude shown clearly in her gaze as she nodded to Cowpaw.

Before much more could be said however the scent of arriving cats brushed past her nose. Fawnlight turned to see Sundust padding towards them, trailed by a rather large cat. "Good evening, Sundust." Her gaze flickered to the cat with him (who was definitely not Roseraven). Wait... she knew this cat. Faint memories of her kithood swirled back to her, and her blue eyes widen in recognition. "Cinderpaw!" She doubted the apprentice recalled her, as she had only been Fawnkit then. But stars, she remembered her. At once a sharp claw dug its way into her heart, but she refrained from allowing any pity in her eyes; something told her the scarred she-cat wouldn't appreciate it.

There wasn't much allotted time to expand on the confusion that swirled about before the familiar faces of ShadowClan's medicine cats came into view. Shifting her gaze to Ivysnake, Fawnlight refused to allow a shiver to pass through her - not this time. She met the medicine cat apprentices' glare with a slight rise of her head, though her glittering blue eyes held no challenge nor hostility - only a soft gleam accompanied by a tiny smile in greeting.

Her interrogation of Cinderpaw didn't sit well in Fawnlight's stomach, but she knew better than to reignite that flame. Some sort of tension seemed to be in the air - perhaps leftover flames from ShadowClan's brief stint in ThunderClan? Flicking her tail off to the side, she glanced towards the apprentice before back to Ivysnake. "The only one we are waiting for appears to be your mentor," she replied, her tone void of any emotion other than neutrality and matter-of-fact.

Speaking of, the medicine cat seemed to arrive then, to which Fawnlight nodded in greeting. "I hope things are well in ShadowClan." She would be cordial, and polite, but as of right now she saw no real point in engaging with either medicine cat beyond a greeting. They had made it clear they wanted nothing to do with her, and she had too many thoughts occupying her mind to waste time for either medicine cat.

Soon enough Cowpaw took the reigns and Fawnlight turned to give her full attention to the WindClan medicine cat. "I have discovered a plant that appears to grow well, even in the snow." Eyes flickered over the gathered group as she decided to share her latest discovery. Memories of finding the plant tucked away underneath frosted undergrowth rang clear in her mind, and how it had helped heal some particularly nasty wounds. "They're yellow, with thick petals, and shaped a bit like bluebells. I must admit I do not know if this is the name of them, but I have taken to calling them yellow bells. They appear to withstand leaf-bare temperatures and work similar to marigold in helping with wounds once chewed into a poultice." Hopefully that information would be of some use - and perhaps one of the medicine cats would even know which herb she was talking about.

There wasn't much more to add to that, so Fawnlight simply dipped her head to indicate that was all she had to share. "That was all, really. I am ready to head down whenever you all are as well."

[ x ghostie naiad littlelove Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart - the herb Fawnlight discovered was broom! but since there's no realistic way for her to know that, she's been calling them yellow bells since they appear to look like the bluebell flower ]

January 19th, 2023, 06:04 PM
Oh, good! It looked like everyone had made it to the meeting. Sundust watched carefully at everyone’s reaction to Cinderpaw. Ivysnake immediately began speaking to Cinderpaw, which surprised him, but he said nothing. Instead he looked for Cinderpaw’s response - he knew she had been on edge around the other clans, and Ivysnake had been one of the cats who personally oversaw the invasion of ThunderClan. Fawnlight seemed to recognize her as well, and Sundust wondered if that had something to do with her time in RiverClan - hopefully that memory wouldn’t be too sore for her. Cowpaw seemed ecstatic by Cinderpaw’s presence, and after a moment of trying to interpret the young tom’s excited movements Sundust realized he was pointing out the similarities of their ears - his whiskers twitched with amusement at the revelation.

Fawnlight began speaking once more, and Sundust listened with intrigue as she began describing a plant - one that functioned like marigold and grew in leafbare! “Yellowbells..” He repeated, wanting to make sure he could recall it correctly. He would have to look for some tomorrow. “Thank you, Fawnlight, that’s very helpful. StarClan knows we go through marigold too fast in the Leafbare.” It was true - Sundust found himself in an exceptionally tight spot especially since about a quarter of his marigold supply had gone bad out of no where. He’s have to keep an eye out for those snails Cowpaw had mentioned as well - perhaps he could find some way to keep them out of the herb storage.

littlelove Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart daenerys x ghostie

January 19th, 2023, 08:22 PM

Near instantly, Cinderpaw found herself bombarded by the other two young medicine cats. She never really paid much attention to the attention to the rank, let alone see either of these two up close -- were they all so young? Jeez. A cold and uncomfortable jolt shot through her veins when the Riverclanner even knew her by name. "...Yeah," She rasped. Not wanting to address her remaining anger and discomfort at the guppies lest it boil over, she instead focused on the black and white tom.

He was... Gesturing. A much more knowledgeable side of her said that this was probably sign, but the apprentice, uh... didn't know it. None of the deaf cats she interacted with on a regular basis in Thunderclan seemed to use it. However, at the sight of the tom's silent words, a flicker of an idea lit in her head. Maybe there was someone who could...

"D'yuh, uh... ears, they're pretty cool, huh? Glad I have'em. Even if this one doesn't st-stand up 'nymore." The apprentice mumbled, poking a paw at her once upright ear that had begun to fold downward thanks to a particularly lucky strike from that coyote. "Uh. Sorry. I du-dunno anything you're saying. Don't hafta talk though. Do you know a-any words that would be like... easy to feel?" It would be a shot in the dark, but there was a kid in her clan that was seemed particularly hard to reach -- she couldn't imagine being both blind and deaf at the same time, but she figured that was how Blazekit had always lived. It couldn't be so uncomprehensible if he was living his life just fine, and if they could find a reliable way to communicate with him, that couldn't be anything but good... right?

Before she could try to decode his answer, though, a marshy and unbearable scent floated across their little meeting spot. Dammit. Cinderpaw could feel her fur bristle and hackles raise as Ivysnake slipped out of the shadow. Of course the weasel wanted to speak to her, first, just her luck. She held back all of her temptation to scream and claw the medicine cat as she crept forward. Can't protect them if you're exiled, can't protect them if you're exiled...

Desperate to hold onto any little bit of rationality she still had, Cinderpaw gave the devil a blunt answer. "I don't give my name to Shadowclanners." Giving a name wouldn't change her status as a plaything - if anything, letting the weasels know she still had an apprentice's name would only give them more ammo (even if she did wear it as a badge of honor). She wasn't interested in being put on trial for murdering another clan's medic tonight if she was tempted by insults.

As soon as the other healers mentioned going into the cave, the apprentice didn't waste any time. She pushed ahead, claws glinting in the moonlight, and squeezed through the far-too-small for her entrance. It was like she wasn't meant to be here.

The first thing that met her eyes as they adjusted to the darkness was the grand, almost glowing pristine gem that stretched from floor to ceiling. Once, she would have been amazed -- instead now she just stared at the thing dully. A monument that took all of their prayers and gave them nothing in return. The usher stood idly, waiting for the rest of them to make their way in and for Sundust to hopefully give those deserters a piece of Thunderclan's mind.

[ x ghostie naiad daenerys Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart ]

January 20th, 2023, 02:56 PM

Ivysnake glanced at the other medicine cats, not quite sure what they were up to. Cowpaw had been looking at Fawnlight's ears, and now he was staring at her, his expression unusually intense. She didn't pay it much mind. Whatever foolishness the bumbling, oversized tom was up to wasn't any of her concern. It probably has to do with the silliness and immaturity the other Clans seem to enforce. ShadowClan was usually good at keeping a formal, proper air, and Ivysnake was no exception. Even now she stood rigid, her face a mask of indifference despite the intensity that wreathed her and the gleam in her amber eyes, her short fur remaining slicked back even though she was cold to the bone. At least Cowpaw agreed with her words, nodding and signing with his paws. Centipedepaw might have vanished - the frog-brain, he'd had potential, but of course he had to waste it by going missing - but she was getting better at understanding paw signs, difference or no difference in the various languages. Ivysnake interpreted something about the others speaking... announcements? And WindClan. Not finding plants... herbs. An apology? Why in the Dark Forest was he apologizing? Weak soft-heart. And something about starting. Okay, she'd gleaned enough to have a basic understanding.

The tall dark brown tabby's attention was drawn away by Fawnlight's greeting. The younger she-cat did not look scared, not this time. Her head was confidently lifted into the air and, although she didn't look defiant, she carried a mien of confidence as her vibrant blue eyes met Ivysnake's piercing amber ones. She was smiling, too, another show of the other Clans' softness. Ivysnake only allowed a twitch of one of her pointed ears. She was mildly surprised at this change in attitude, but the feeling didn't show. It was contained, suppressed, and quickly winked out before it even touched her eyes. You'll still weak, going about and smiling at everyone like they're your friends. Fawnlight could be as friendly and foolish as she wanted to be. Ivysnake care much for the other Clans unless she had to, and she came to these meetings for two reasons: one, obligation, and two, the knowledge she could gain from the other Clans. Redshrike was right. The other Clans can be useful, but we mustn't bow to them. We mustn't let them think we're weak. Her claws slid out and sank into the wet, freezing earth. They glinted in the half-moon's light. She would never let that happen, not as long as she had breath in her body.

Fawnlight's words brought her back to the unnaturally wet leaf-bare, the familiar shadows of the night, and the mingled scents of the other Clans. The RiverClan medicine cat had made quick work of speaking after her question to Cinderpaw. She was referencing the fact that Elmshadow had not yet arrived, a quip that was only backed up by context since her tone was neutral and factual; someone stating things as they were. She really had changed. For the better, though that didn't stop her from being a soft-heart like Cowpaw and the others who were too weak to see why ShadowClan had the best ideals. Oh, and look at that, Elmshadow arrived. Like Ivysnake, his dark pelt blended into the shadows while his eyes glimmered brightly against them, though this did not hinder their stealth. She gave her mentor a cool nod and meowed to Fawnlight, "You seem to have learned something between now and our last half-moon meeting, but patience doesn't seem to be it." Her voice, similar to Fawnlight's, was flat, yet it remained imposing with the hinted - contextually, not tonally - quip.

As Fawnlight asked Elmshadow about ShadowClan, Ivysnake let her attention go to Cinderpaw once more. The dark gray tabby she-cat's hackles had risen, and her fur was bristling. There was also the huge scar across her face - hadn't Ivysnake given that to her? She'd given one to that tom, Bumblepaw - now Bumblebreak, she remembered. Perhaps I gave it to them both. As her first battle, and the one proceeding her warrior name, Ivysnake felt like she should remember it better, especially considering the sharp mind she had. But the battle had still been a battle, and the medicine cat apprentice found no need to dwell on it. She instead listened to the massive ThunderClan cat's response, which was simply that she didn't give her name to ShadowClan cats. Ivysnake snorted. Really? She was about to make another one of those comments when she wondered whether she should cause something to break out tonight. The others weren't violent, but she knew the drive Cinderpaw had, the fire that had burned in her green eyes all those moons ago even as Ivysnake - then Ivypaw - had cut deep into her stomach. Oh, how she longed for the scent of blood in her nostrils and the taste of it in her mouth. Things had been too peaceful for too long. But what would Dawnstar think? Did she want a conflict at the moment? I'll humor the squirrel for the time being. "Fine, if it bothers you that much," Ivysnake replied, sounding as uninterested as ever. "I'll keep calling you Cinderpaw, then." She'd wanted to ask if Cinderpaw was ashamed of her name, but oh well.

Turning her attention back to the other medicine cats, Ivysnake found that Cowpaw was once again asking for announcements. Fawnlight replied first, her dappled light brown pelt washed out by the moonlight as she began talking about an herb. Ivysnake's dark brown ears pricked with interest. This was what she was here for. And communicating with the Dark Forest. Maybe StarClan if the overfed, light-loving soft-hearts wanted to chat. She listened closely as the fish described the herb, not caring much about the bluebell descriptor as she did not know what the flower looked like. But she could envision it well enough. Yellow bells. That was what Fawnlight had decided to call them. No, Ivysnake had not seen the herb before, or at least hadn't learned it. Sundust didn't seem to know what it was, either. So, I suppose we're not getting an official name for it unless the other medicine cats recognize it. Considering the herb knowledge they'd shared at the last meeting, Ivysnake doubted they did.

"I haven't heard of it," the medicine cat apprentice replied. Despite the way her dark brown fur blended into the night-shadows, the moonlight accentuated her distinctive, ivy-like black stripes, and the mingled light and shadow made it look as if they were moving as they entwined themselves around her. "I'll check to see if any grows in our territory." She wouldn't say it out loud, but Sundust was right: an herb such as that would be very useful. Fawnlight's description was committed to mental memory. Ivysnake's sharp amber eyes slid around the rest of the gathered cats, wondering if they had any input - and she especially wondered if Elmshadow had been taught about this herb in one of his secret night-visits. I doubt it. He'd have told me long before now, considering how useful this herb sounds. Yet he should've been telling her everything. Ivysnake did not let any of her emotions show beyond an intensity in her eyes and a silent question she was sure only her mentor could decipher as her eyes lingered on him only a heartbeat longer than they did on the other medicine cats, then continued on.

Oh, Cinderpaw was missing. Where had the overaged apprentice - if she still was one, which seemed likely unless she was humiliating herself out of spite - gone? Ivysnake knew not to only use her sense of sight and tasted the air. Amid the mingling scents of all four Clans, she detected the ThunderClan odor weaving its way into the Starcave. Her eyes narrowed. I see the squirrel decided to go down before us. Not that she was meant to be here. It seemed as if everyone enjoyed bringing uninvited guests, although Fawnlight's from last time had at least been justified. Did it have to do with the fact that Cinderpaw had died? I don't care if the frog-brain insults StarClan or the other medicine cats, Ivysnake thought, rolling her eyes before turning back to the medicine cats and continuing to listen to their conversation. Other than the little twinge of spite she felt toward Cinderpaw, she didn't care for the squirrel, not one bit.

Ravensong x ghostie daenerys naiad littlelove

January 20th, 2023, 03:44 PM
TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad daenerys x ghostie

There was an air of disconnectedness as his green eyes moved over the other medicine cats and Thunderclan's escort. He gave a curt nod to Fawnlight. Against all desire to associate with the other clans' medicine cats as little as possible, something about Fawnlight's new demeanor intrigued him. "Shadowclan is well. Leafbare has been good to us, at least giving us nothing we weren't prepared to handle."

He flicked an ear in the direction of the Thunderclanner's sharp retort and felt the fur prickling along his spine. He hadn't noticed it immediately but it suddenly became clear that what he'd felt walking in had mostly been radiating from Ivysnake and that Thunderclanner, there was a resentful hostility and Ivysnake appeared to be stoking it. He shot a warning green stare at the scarred Thunderclanner. If Thunderclan wanted to start something at a halfmoon gathering, Elmshadow had no qualms against using claws to back up the medicine cat apprentice, though he wasn't convinced he'd need to. The other medicine cats would surely shy from a fight at such a meeting and Ivysnake was as strictly trained in warrior fighting as he himself was, as well as that Thunderclanner. But as quickly as it had seemed to bubble up, the tension dissipated and Elmshadow turned his attention back toward Fawnlight and Sundust as they discussed the yellow bells. He made a note then had a thought. "I found a green herb. Small and fragile but it has a strong smell and leaves shaped like miniature maple leaves. I haven't found a specific use for it other than it doesn't help against fevers or coughs but it's safe enough to eat. It is a good alternative to lavender though for masking scents. I'm not sure what it's called."

January 21st, 2023, 02:36 AM
❀ ೃ⁀➷ daenerys TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad Ravensong || :heartbounce:
Cowpaw smiled softly at the statement. Ah yes, adventurous kits. He couldn't even bring himself to be frustrated with them when they were simply having so much fun, expressing themself.

Interest shown in his eyes at the offer of more knowledge, especially knowledge that would help him greatly. The splotched medicine cat gave the nod of his head. He could've sworn Snakeheart had mentioned a way to do so but, in all honesty, he had been caught up on learning catmint.

He dipped his head in response to her gratitude, a way of accepting it.

His attention shifted to Cinderpaw. Ah! Right! She didn't really seem to understand his gestures, nothing surprising. She was asking a peculiar question, at least in his own belief. Why... why touch? She could see him, as she had saw his excitement about ears... hm! He hopped up to his paws, approaching the apprentice. Right. Cowpaw had to figure out how to teach a few basics while the other discussed. Hm. The first one that came to mind was sorry and hungry.

He reached forward to attempt to gently touch Cinderpaw, making a cupped paw and starting at the start of her chest to the end. Then, he pulled back, nodding to confirm that was the sign. In an attempt to explain the meaning, he gestured to his stomach and chomped his teeth. Hungry.

The other sign, Cowpaw attempted to press his pad against Cinderpaw and make a circular motion twice with an apologetic expression. Nodding his head to confirm it was done, he thought over how to... explain. Ah. With nervousness begun to rise he tapped his mouth to grab Cinderpaw's attention to it. With that he formed the shapes of the syllables for, "Sor-ry, "

He smiled brightly, right-so! He could offer more later on, he decided. She.. did not seem to like the appearance of Ivysnake. Hm, perhaps .. in the future he could teach Cinderpaw the code he had made up. That would be fun.. Yes, yes.

Cowpaw watched the exchange between Ivysnake and Fawnlight with an unreadable expression. He enjoyed all things mysterious, Ivysnake... well, she was an enigma of sorts. At least to him. He wanted to believe there was a way to befriend her and her expressing interest in learning from him .. had made him believe there was a way. Perhaps she was having a bad day. Cowpaw decided on that.

The gentle giant happily listened to both Fawnlight's and Elmshadow's piece of information. He would be storing this in his head, thank you! The yellow bells would be especially useful. He dipped his head once more in thanks but, while he would've shared the golden flowers he had discovered - though, not sure what their use was of - he was caught by surprise to see Cinderpaw was... heading into the cave.

Blink. Blink.


Without another thought, Cowpaw hopped to his paws and followed after in trail. He was brimming with excitement. The crystal caught his breath away. It would every time. Peacefulness washed over him and almost hypnotized, he stepped up to it with wide eyes. Sometimes he couldn't believe Starclan had chosen him. It was... a dream come true.

With a happy and fond sigh, Cowpaw pressed his forehead against the surface. Hello, ancestors.

As impolite as it was, he slid down into a laying position - pressing his nose against the surface and... letting his eyes flicker closer...

January 22nd, 2023, 05:34 PM
Fawnlight would be lying if she said that she didn't get a little satisfaction out of how Cinderpaw bluntly answered Ivysnake's question. Good for her. In her opinion, the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice deserved to be taken down a notch or two, being among the last to arrive and yet having the gall to hurry them all inside. Which surprised her when she caught the response from the medicine cat.

Not missing a beat the RiverClan medicine cat blinked. "I'm not the one hurrying us inside," she stated simply as she rose to her paws wasting no more time humoring Ivysnake with her attention. Fawnlight nodded towards Sundust, who thanked her for the knowledge of the herbs (Ivysnake's response went ignored). At least her mentor seemed to have a better control over his mannerisms and actually took the time to speak to her like a full grown cat instead of a whiny kit. "I'm glad to hear it." And she was - from Elmshadow. She didn't hold same hatred towards ShadowClan as a whole as most Clan cats seemed to, instead deciding to judge each cat individually. So far, Elmshadow had given her no reason to lose her respect as a fellow medicine cat.

Speaking of the tom, Fawnlight blinked in curiosity as he began to describe a herb he had found. No use of it was known yet, but it appeared to help masks scents. That would be good to know for burials. "I'll keep an eye out for it. Thank you for sharing." A genuine smile of appreciation and a dip of her head, pointedly not looking at Ivysnake and only Elmshadow as she did so to express her gratitude was towards the ShadowClan medicine cat and him alone for this information.

Not long after she took notice of Cinderpaw disappearing into the cave, with Cowpaw following shortly after. Swishing her tail behind her she-cat turned her paws to follow them both into the cave. Glittering and gleaming from the light of the moon above, Fawnlight was awe-struck by its beauty. Seeing Cowpaw settle down, she turned to dip her head in temporary farewell to her fellow medicine cats before lying down near the stone, touching her nose to it and closing her eyes.

[ x ghostie naiad littlelove TheNyanCatMinecart Ravensong ]

January 24th, 2023, 10:30 PM
Oh, well.. there goes Cinderpaw. Sundust supposed there was no harm in her going first - he always intended on her accompanying them to the Starcave anyways. He waited a moment as the other medicine cats finished speaking, taking special note of the new herb Elmshadow described, then followed the group down into the darkness of the cavern.

Sundust didn't think he’d ever forget his first time in the Starcave, nor get over his awe of the shimmering stone which sat in the middle, illuminating the space by refracting moonlight into glittering flecks that sparkled along the walls. He paused for a moment, tilting his head and watching how the light shifted along with his motions before continuing to the stone.

He glanced towards Cinderpaw, but said nothing, then refocused on his task and touched his nose to the ice-cold stone. Slowly his eyes slid closed and he drifted to sleep, praying to Starclan all the while.

[ TheNyanCatMinecart Ravensong littlelove x ghostie Birdie ]

January 26th, 2023, 03:51 PM
(Littlelove told me to skip Cinderpaw's turn, so I'm going ahead with Ivysnake!)


Ivysnake might have been frustrated with her mentor as of late, but she respected his maturity and cool, casual air. He did not hold much care for the other medicine cats beyond what could be learned from them, and he was not here to make friends. ShadowClan didn't waste time with such things. The other Clans were enemies, cats whose lives were worth as much as a frog's unless proven otherwise. The other Clans were cats, and they could be strong, but Ivysnake did not care about them outside of practicality. Nor did Elmshadow, although she felt as if the stoic tom could take more advantage of these meetings. I hate to think it, but the other medicine cats know more than we do - even the younger ones. We may be stronger and more mature- Ivysnake was sure she could beat any of these cats in a fight without any issues, and they certainly had pelts worthy of Dawnstar's collection -but they have knowledge that has been passed onto them by others. Deceased medicine cats of StarClan or mentors who taught them. Though selecting medicine cats had been a messy thing for the duration of Ivysnake's life. Mentors kept dying, so unknowledgeable warriors had to replace them. Elmshadow and I aren't helpless, she thought assertively. We know plenty of herbs. And we can communicate with both sets of ancestors. Not many could boast of speaking with both StarClan and the Dark Forest. Although Ivysnake certainly preferred the latter.

The life of a warrior ran through her veins. So did serving her Clan, and Ivysnake had no issues converting to this new life. She'd been a medicine cat apprentice for a few moons now; she was getting the hang of it. And Dawnstar was wise enough to not limit her to the usual boundaries medicine cats had. She could still be a warrior. She could still fight and run her claws through the pelts of her enemies. She could find a cat with a decent pelt and present it to her glorious leader. But Ivysnake was also bound to healing, to learning herbs and ways to treat sick or injured cats. Learning was something she'd always done best - once she was taught something, she never forgot it. Ivysnake loved learning. Knowledge provided as much power as claws, and she was willing to use every last piece. When she died and went to the Dark Forest - which she doubted had many medicine cats - she could train the next ShadowClan medicine cat. And the next. She'd never leave her Clan alone. My life belongs to them, but I have a life. I'm not a puppet. If I die, oh well. But I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

Ivysnake wasn't here to stand around, lost in thought. She had a meeting to attend to, a meeting where she learned from others and communicated with her ancestors. Redshrike had made her understand the importance of the other Clans, and so had Dawnstar, but they had not made her soft or loving toward them. They had just made her understanding. Wiser, not smarter. But enough of that. The medicine cat apprentice's sharp, piercing amber eyes shifted to Elmshadow as he described an herb he'd found. An herb he'd found and not told her about. Her previous frustration returned, and her eyes narrowed as she gazed at her mentor, whose dark fur blended into the rainy nighttime landscape. It was easy for Ivysnake to ignore the weather. It was just a thing she had to deal with. She wasn't going to complain about the wet. This was better than leaf-bare usually was, and she wasn't going to waste time whining. Anyway, Elmshadow and his herb. She paid close attention to his description of it, trying not to let her annoyance show in front of the others - although she gave her mentor a side-eyed glance that warned, If you keep withholding important information from me, I'm telling Dawnstar.

Ivysnake's attention was caught by Cowpaw's paw signs. She hadn't been paying full attention to what he'd been doing before, but she made a mental note to observe the signs more closely. From what she understood, Cowpaw could hear but couldn't speak; he was mute. However, having had a deaf apprentice - a deserter, but she had cared about him until he'd foolishly vanished - who used paw signs, albeit slightly different, made her interested. She'd talked to Cowpaw about potentially learning them, and she intended to, even if it was more for the sake of curiosity and communicating better with the WindClan medicine cat. Perhaps she could remind him. For such a huge cat, he had a small brain filled with love and dandelion fluff. Useless. Ivysnake opened her jaws, about to speak, when she realized that Cowpaw was now walking away... into the Starcave. After Cinderpaw or whatever her name was. She let out an exasperated exhale through her nostrils, her eyes rolling in unison, flashing against her rain-darkened fur. Not even waiting, huh? So, this was the start of the meeting, then. Though the WindClan medicine cat had no reason to follow Cinderpaw anywhere. She wasn't the one running this meeting. Irritation made Ivysnake's fur prickle. Despite its sleekness, it was looking spiky after the rain - especially around her face and tail - and this hostile gesture didn't help.

Fawnlight thought she could speak up, too. Give some kind of retort. Ivysnake's gaze shifted to the dappled light brown she-cat. She did not miss the suggestion in her voice. So, Fawnlight had gained some confidence. It was good that she wasn't being pathetic anymore. Yet she thought she could step on leaves (push buttons) - and Ivysnake wouldn't tolerate it. In any other scenario, she would've cut the RiverClan cat's throat out. But she didn't think she was allowed to do that at a medicine cat meeting, and besides, Dawnstar might not want to stir up more trouble with RiverClan at the moment. But as soon as we can... Fawnlight's pelt would make a nice addition to Dawnstar's collection. And the taste of her blood in Ivysnake's mouth would, too, even if it reeked of fish. But I do not care much about her or Cinderpaw. I'd rip into them if I could, but they're meager pests. However... I don't want the other Clans thinking ShadowClan is weak. That we will stand for these things. We may not have fought in a while, but when we do, I will rip out as many throats as I can reach.

"I wanted to make sure we didn't dawdle," Ivysnake replied, her face a mask of indifference despite the flash in her eyes and the blunt, almost uncaring tone of her voice. "I wasn't saying an overaged apprentice should determine the course of the medicine cat meeting." She glanced pointedly at the darkened entrance to the Starcave where Cinderpaw - and now Cowpaw - had disappeared. Then she looked back. It was odd that Fawnlight seemed to like Elmshadow so much. Probably because he was quiet. Ivysnake frowned slightly - not at the other medicine cat, but in thought. She had matured and improved at interacting with the other Clans, but she wasn't entirely acquainted to acting like a medicine cat instead of a warrior. Not that she wasn't a warrior, but... well, she wasn't, even if she could still perform warrior tasks. It was odd, that thought, but the point was, there seemed to be a certain etiquette for it. Ivysnake knew to be cautious to an extent, but she wasn't going to be nice. She shouldn't be nice to any of these cats, and she was allowed to be as opinionated as she wanted without stirring up a storm. She would not let ShadowClan be viewed as nice or weak, but she would be formal - although she wouldn't hold back entirely. She had no intentions of humoring the others.

Fawnlight decided to head into the cave, and Ivysnake followed suit. So, the meeting was about to begin. She felt no need to say anything else. The thick black shadows swallowed her up, turning her dark brown tabby pelt into a void, her piercing amber eyes being the only things to show through. Then there was light - the light of the Starcave, of the glittering crystal in its midst. Ivysnake showed no awe or wonder at the stone or its light. It washed out her pelt, chasing away the shadows - where she belonged - while reflecting in her sharp gaze. It was simply the place where she was to communicate with her ancestors. Twitching her tail-tip in acknowledgement to Fawnlight's head dip so the RiverClan she-cat didn't decide to push Ivysnake's leaves further and leave the fish without a medicine cat, Ivysnake leaned forward and settled onto her stomach. Then she pressed her black nose against the cold, hard surface. StarClan will speak to me, I'm sure. I doubt the Dark Forest responds to this light. Perhaps due to the dryness or whatever powers StarClan held down here, the medicine cat apprentice closed her eyes and was immediately asleep.

Ravensong x ghostie daenerys naiad littlelove (Just so you know I went! :heartbounce:)

January 26th, 2023, 05:13 PM
TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad daenerys x ghostie

There was a new sharpness to Fawnlight, especially in the way she seemed to respond and react to Ivysnake. The attitude towards his clanmate irked him but, all the same, he found himself thinking differently of the once-timid Riverclanner due to it, something akin to respect, though he'd never say as much. Sundust's jovialness was still embarrassing to the stoic tom and Cowpaw's seeming naivety was old from the moment it began. His pelt began to prickle and his green eyes were pulled to the intent gaze of Ivysnake. Her expression was collected as he'd expect but there was a fierceness in her eye. He considered coolly that he'd found the herb while he was out on his own and had tested it to the extent he had while he was on his own, so it was knowledge the medicine cat apprentice apparently didn't know. The last halfmoon meeting had had a similar episode under Ivysnake's perturbance that he hadn't been blind to but had actively chosen to ignore. He hadn't told her before that he'd acquired new knowledge, so he took some responsibility in that, but since that meeting she'd never come to him so he'd allowed it to move to the back of his mind in favor of more pressing matters than chasing down a grown cat to give her his knowledge. Now, her direct stare moved away but the side-eye was loud and the fur on his spine prickled though he kept his fur flat, holding her gaze coolly. The pair had been appointed by Dawnstar at the same time and had both entered the rank with no knowledge and nearly no clear way to obtain it. Elmshadow had dedicated his first sleepless moons frequently away from camp in an effort to learn what he could. If Ivysnake wanted to play petulant child, expecting knowledge to fall in her lap, then it was her deserved place to fall behind. She was valuable to Shadowclan, a skilled fighter, a loyal she-cat, and sharp, both in wit and intelligence. Elmshadow respected the young she-cat but the blatant show of entitlement wouldn't continue to go on unchallenged. He had never considered Ivysnake his apprentice but rather his partner, apprentice only in name; he was wondering now if he'd made a mistake in giving her that much and if he'd instead have faired better in treating her as he had every other apprentice he'd trained. In any case, he hadn't seen the medicine cat apprentice anywhere outside of gatherings with the other medicine cats and training Shadowclan's young in warrior skills in order to exchange any knowledge with her. For that matter, he'd learned about the herb in question this particular time while he treated the greencough outbreak virtually on his own.

Elmshadow looked away from his apprentice, it was a matter for another time. At the moment there were far too many other eyes for any sort of discussion to be had between the two Shadowclanners and they had to carry on with the meeting. He blinked, taking a breath as the other medicine cats followed the Thunderclan warrior into the Starcave. He was relieved for the break in discussion and moved in behind the others. He didn't slow as the crystal came into view and didn't hesitate to copy the others, touching his nose to the cold surface and closing his eyes. Dark Forest or Starclan, he wasn't particularly interested in which chose to visit him. Thus far he'd communicated primarily with Starclan, which made sense to some degree in that most medicine cats, if not all, ended up among their starry ancestors. He wasn't sure if there were even Dark Forest cats with a significant amount of herb or healing knowledge, though he now wondered if he could seek them out at another time to find out. Another matter for another time, most likely. He let the pulling sleep drag him under.

January 26th, 2023, 06:08 PM

Staying by the entrance of the cave as medics filtered in, Cinderpaw watched one by one as they began their communication with the stars. The black and white one was almost too eager, bouncing in and beelining towards the gemstone to touch his nose to its’ no doubt cold surface. The others followed suit, including Ivysnake and Elmshadow (She scoffed. Nice, go and reward the clan that actively hated you because they were strong, Starclan! That will make everyone believe in your powers.), and she wondered why Thunderclan was the only one being ignored. Everything in this forest seemed to be their fault, and the other clans' businesses. The next time any cat even suggested they needed ‘help’, she wasn’t sure if she could keep her claws from their face. Quietly, her eyes' met Sundust's, and she for a moment wondered how much faith he had left to give, in both her and Starclan, to try this.

Well, she needed to get back on track. In an attempt to cool herself down, Cinderpaw found her paws repeating the signs Cowpaw had shown her… What had they meant? Sorry, hungry. Sorry, hungry. She repeated those two, almost inconsequential words to herself silently for a few moments before her eyes flickered upwards. It… was pretty quiet now, huh? The tabby now found the cave around her silent and sprawled with various sleeping bodies.

It seemed like she
was alone now.

Suddenly, her eyes bored into stone, as she wished she could cut holes in it with her glare. It seemed like her sign practice hadn’t done much to truly calm her. She was split between not knowing the point of being here if Starclan refused to even acknowledge them, and being able to chase after the slim chance of making them face their own actions. The longer the healers stayed still and unstirring in their sleep, however, dwindled her hope into near infinitesimal amounts - and if their last ditch effort was losing hope, then really what was the point of even trying again?

That was Starclan’s thing. They refused to see how Thunderclan tried, and tried, and tried again because they couldn’t stay stable. They couldn’t see the very cats neglecting the stability were the ones the stars named as their leadership, so they punished the people instead. It was like that was all those sorry excuses for deities did these days. Cinderpaw’s breath quickened with rage, and the apprentice found herself slowly, but surely drawn towards the very bane of her existence.

Claws clicking against stone, she padded forward to find herself up close and personal with the gem. Her breath billowed out and fogged up its’ sleek and shiny surface, covering up the reflection of her in its’ many faces. The tabby’s face twisted into a scowl. For a moment, one of the many mirror images didn’t look like her amidst the condensation, instead morphing her into a light grey with darker spots. She could have sworn that was…

It was almost like they were taunting her.

“... Y’think this is funny, huh? Ignoring us after everything. Se-sending me back here to clean up your mess, or suffer for the rest of this life, or whatever.” Her gravely voice came out in a snarl who’s ferocity surprised even her. “Cindersky, I’m not playing right now, dammit. Why do y-you stay with them? What has Starclan done except abandon us over and over again? We didn’t choose Aspenstar. We didn’t choose Eveningstar. We didn’t choose Dogbark, or– or Roseraven, or least of all Dawnstripe! But we still get punished, we still get killed in choices and wars we had no say in. And Starclan d-doesn’t even care, ‘cause apparently we haven’t been beaten into the ground enough!"

White-hot fires blazed in her eyes as she stared right into the glassy surface, mist fading away and revealing to the tabby her own face. Seeing her own rage only made her burn brighter.

“If you think you’re what makes us a clan, then give us a s-starsdamned reason to believe in you!”

Reeling back a forepaw and unsheathing her claws out as far as they would go, Cinderpaw let out a roar and slammed it down upon the stone. They cut small grooves and emitted an unholy screeching sound as she slowly but surely dragged them down the face of the crystal. The image of her face was fractured by the scratches and morphed even further.

“I don’t care th-that this stupid rock supposed to be holy. I won’t stop until you give Thunderclan an an-answer for why we’re the ones to blame for the ideas you give us? Why it’s okay when the other clans break the code to kill us? Why the kids are still the only ones being h-hurt by what adults do, like Sharpeye, or Redfur's kits? Why do you only care about being right like every other grown up cat in this c-crappy forest!?”

Sins were only sins when her kind committed them. “Cindersky, please…!”

Her clawstrokes weren’t enough. As she dug her talons as deep into the monolith as she could, in her fit of rage Cinderpaw whipped her head back. The apprentice’s skull let out a hollow knock as she hit its’ glassy surface, and the moment her nose came into contact with it she was out like a light.

Come the end of the meeting, the other healers would awaken to find her slumped against the gem, claws still embedded into the milky quartz and most likely attempt to rouse and interrogate her for her vandalism of their monument. But for now, Cinderpaw found herself diving deeper and deeper into a land eerily familiar yet foreign to her.

[ x ghostie naiad daenerys Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart

... surpriiiiiiise !]

January 27th, 2023, 12:03 PM
“Well, are you going to do it, or what?” Blackshiver asked, her eyes narrowed at Silverbark. Little details like her eye color were fading, now, and Dogbark found that they seemed to fluctuate like a river. One moment they were blue, another they were green.
The sky was a robin’s egg blue this morning, and the birds tittered in the trees like gossiping queens. The sun played over the water, giving it a sparkling, shiny appearance. The air was comfortably warm, and Dogbark felt like he could just sit here, enjoying this moment forever. Alas, he could not.
“What do you mean?” Silverbark asked, his paws sinking into the bank of the sunkissed creek. He was watching his distorted reflection in the water, his handsome features marred. It was especially ripply around his muzzle.
“You know you want to jump in,” She purred, shoving him lightly in the shoulder as she referred to the snowmelt-swelled creek, “You know how to swim,” She pointed out as Silverbark opened his mouth to argue.
“I… can’t,” Dogbark meowed, breaking the flow of the dream. Blackshiver’s mouth hung agape as she watched him, a look of horror on her face. Dogbark felt the blood begin to trickle across his maw.
There was a lag in the dream, and if Dogbark had any knowledge of twoleg video games, he might have referred to such a lag as a glitch, but he had no such metaknowledge. Dogbark took one last glance around the pretty setting as Blackshiver spoke again. This time, her cheerful tone was gone.
“Why?” She hissed as the dream shuddered into a dream-version of the dark forest. There was a pond in front of them, stars reflected in its surface, though the sky was void of any such wonders. Blackshiver stood and charged at him, blood dripping from the gash in her throat, “What are you, a baby?”
Dogbark loathed the dark forest version of his sister that his subconscious mind dreamt up, but he knew that is wasn’t actually her. In fact, he was absolutely sure that it was just his negative thoughts taking form. Though, in a dream, he didn’t know that, and he was terrified.
“No,” He meowed softly, his pupils turning to slits as he backed away from his sister, “I-I’m not a baby, I just don’t want to.”
Blackshiver’s hackles sprung up, and her claws unsheathed as she glared at her brother with eyes blazing with hate,
“You want to get back home, don’t you, stupid? It’s the only way, unavoidable! You’re just scared.”
Dogbark glanced at the shimmering pool. He gulped, fear welling up inside of him.
“But I don’t know if I can, Blackshiver,” He whispered, his heart pounding, his blood roaring in his ears, “I really don’t know if I’m brave enough to try.”
“You are a baby, Silverbark,” Her tone was dark, dangerous, “You’re not worthy of being a StarClan warrior. You belong in the dark forest! With me!” She lets out a bitter laugh as she advances forwards, “Admit it!”
“No! I’m not like you at all, the dark forest is for killers!”
But Blackshiver doesn’t reply. Instead, she leaps at Dogbark, claws extended as she rips out his throat.

Dogbark shuddered awake, clutching his throat, and his head smashed against the underside of the rock that he slept beneath, but he felt no pain, only the force of the impact. Cursed StarClan safety nets.
The StarClan sky was bright as always, and the grass, a luscious blue-green, tickled Dogbark’s paws as he stood up and walked to the edge of the pond, where he splashed some water on his face to fully awaken himself and shake away any scraps of the nightmare.
Dogbark hated dreaming, he had thought that, after death, one would cease to dream, but that was apparently not the case. He sighed, he would just have to deal with it.
The nightmare was fading now, and Dogbark scarcely remembered what had made it a nightmare in the first place. But the one thing he did remember…
Dogbark’s eyes flicked to the pond’s surface before he looked away again.
Stupid nightmares, He thought to himself, glaring at nothing in particular ahead of him, Making me paranoid about literal Heaven! Figures. I can’t catch a break even when dead. I should probably just stop sleeping. I don’t need to, anyway.
Dogbark frowned as he looked about himself. It seemed like no one had bothered to wander into Dogbark’s little slice of stomping grounds, so he had no one to talk to. He grumbled.
The main problem with StarClan was fighting boredom when your family doesn’t care about you, and that was rather difficult.
So, Dogbark decided he’d go to the forest and find himself something tasty to eat. Sure, it was always super easy to catch all the fat prey that wandered the forest, but sometimes Dogbark could find a particularly wily piece of prey, and it would provide him with enough of a chase to satisfy his needs in the moment.
The forest was beautiful, but Dogbark payed it no mind. He wasn’t in the mood for admiring the scenery. He never really was, but that was totally besides the point.
Dogbark found himself wandering further than he usually trekked, propelled by some invisible force. Dogbark let it lead him, though, as he had nothing to do, and he wasn’t worried about anything hurting him in these starry forests. He padded down a well-worn trail until he reached a cave that seemed to just radiate StarClan energy. Dogbark’s oddly scar-free muzzle scrunched up.
Why do I need to go in there? He wondered, pausing a couple tail-lengths from the cave entrance, his tail whipping from side to side as he studied the cave, Well… I suppose there’s only one way to find out…
Dogbark padded into the cave and followed a winding path until he reached a cavern, and his breath hitched in his throat. In front of him were six cats, most of which he recognized, though a couple of them were strangers to him.
He realized quickly where he was, the Starcave. He must have come in through a StarClan-exclusive back entrance.
Medicine cats, He thought, It must be the half-moon meeting… but why am I here, and not a better representing member of StarClan? A dead ThunderClan deputy who didn’t make much of a splash when alive is not the best cat to meet with the medicine cats. But, whatever. Who was Dogbark to argue with the forces of life and death (and, apparently, who showed up for the little shiny rock parties.)?
Speaking of who showed up to little shiny rock parties… Cinderpaw was there as the sixth member of the medicine cat squad, yet she didn’t settle at the rock like the others. Hm, was she a guard, Dogbark wondered? Or was she just… there? Did she have something she wanted? Did she just want to visit the sacred place?
Dogbark felt something like a spiritual tapping on the shoulder, so he was just about to pull them all into a communal dream (excluding Cinderpaw, as she was neither touching the stone nor a medicine cat.), when Cinderpaw started kind of freaking out.
This, Dogbark wanted to watch.
She seemed to be crying out to Cindersky, which was fine by Dogbark, she was the better of ThunderClan’s past leadership after all. She was lashing out at StarClan, saying that they never chose Eveningstar, him (ouch, but true. Though, he wondered why Aspenstar wasn’t mentioned.), or… Roseraven? Dogbark was a bit confused, he’d been out of the loop for a moment or so, what had happened with Roseraven?
Anyway, when she had finished, Dogbark expected that to be that, but what he saw next was… bad. Cinderpaw sank her claws into the sacred stone, and Dogbark couldn’t even blame her. He was just as angry at StarClan for letting bad things happen to his clan. So, as Cinderpaw slumped against the stone, Dogbark drew the medicine cats into a dream. He’d keep Cinderpaw’s little secret for the time time he was meeting with the medicine cats. He wasn’t a snitch. Besides, Cinderpaw’s deed would be known when the medicine cats awoke.
StarClan’s hunting grounds were insufferably bright compared to the darkness of the Starcave, and Dogbark found himself blinking in the sunlight as he awaited further instruction from whatever driving force had been commanding him earlier. He found his eyes drawn to young Cowpaw, and a moment of realization settled on him.
Naming ceremony, He thought, I’m in charge of Cowpaw’s naming ceremony. I can’t screw this up, then.
Dogbark stepped forward, his heart (Do StarClan cats have hearts?) pounding in a rhythm of “Don’t screw up. Don’t screw up. Don’t screw the hell up!”. His eyes momentarily flicked to meet Sundust’s, and he resisted the urge to say something to ThunderClan’s medicine cat as he opened his mouth facing Cowpaw.
“I, Dogbark, Warrior of StarClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he will serve his Clan for many moons,” So far so good. The words just seemed to be flowing from him at this point, “Cowpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?”
Dogbark paused for a moment, giving Cowpaw a moment to respond in whatever way he really wished, as long as it meant “I do”.
“Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Cowpaw,” This would be the last time anyone addressed Cowpaw as an apprentice, Dogbark realized with a swell of warmth in his chest, “From this moment on you will be known as…” Dogbark almost felt the blood drain from his face. What was Cowpaw’s new name supposed to be? He’d never chosen someone’s name before, he realized.
Suddenly, as if someone was speaking in his ear, he heard the name clear as day, and he continued on with the ceremony,
“…Cowtuft! StarClan honors your kindness, trustworthiness, and empathy, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of WindClan.”
Okay, whew, that was over. Dogbark had never felt so high-anxiety since the days of pretty much both his and Aspenstar’s deaths. He was happy to have been given the honor of doing this, but he was glad it was over, just because he’d been so afraid of messing up.
“Congratulations, Cowtuft,” He meowed, breaking the elusive StarClan profile for a moment to warmly touch Cowtuft’s forehead with his nose, “You’re going to be an amazing medicine cat.”
Dogbark drew back his nose, and was just about to turn to Sundust and ask him how ThunderClan was faring, he even got so far as to start with “How is-“ when something like an odd chill went up his spine. He shivered. Something was wrong.

x ghostie naiad daenerys Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove
(Surprise number two electric boogaloo.)

January 27th, 2023, 11:32 PM
❀ ೃ⁀➷ daenerys Willowfern Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart naiad littlelove Pheasantflight ||
The tom’s eyes fluttered open as he awoke, thoughts hazy as he began to stir. As his vision adjusted, he laid there quietly, watching the sky with awe and relishing in the tranquility that seemed embedded in the atmosphere. Cowpaw let out a soft sigh, slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position. Taking the chance to survey his surroundings, it appeared he was the only one to arrive. A yawn rolled out his mouth, shoulders rolling back. What a pretty meadow. Dappled with flowers he hadn’t seen since New-Leaf.

If there was one thing he was thankful for, it was the simple fact he was here. Given the chance to walk the path of a medicine cat, it was the highest honor. To serve his clan in an atypical way, to stay true to his own interests. Sometimes Cowpaw was convinced he was still dreaming. Wouldn’t that be funny, to dream inside a dream? The thought earned a chuckle from him.

The other medicine cats were soon to arrive. Ah, he hoped he hadn’t offended them with his haste. He simply could not wait to talk to his ancestors. It was not a pleasure he took for granted. However, his attention wasn’t quite diverted to them, instead, the gentle giant found himself looking at … With a tilt of his head and a squint of his eyes, he could make out stars sparkling in the starclanner’s pelt.

Ah!! With an excited squeak, Cowpaw dipped down into a brief bow to show respect. Eyes beginning to twinkle, oh golly, he hoped he wasn’t looking like a mess. He didn’t, he didn’t know what to say! An introduction, a greeting? Why was this cat here? Not as if he was complaining but, he hoped all was well. Lifting his head up, his ears perked up as… oh, Dogbark - what a lovely name - begun to speak. Eyebrows furrowed to form a small crinkle, a ceremony? He looked around, Ivysnake already had her full name. Perhaps it was getting changed?

No. Thank the stars above, his confusion turned into pure joy as Dogbark spoke his name. No one else’s. His time had come. After what seemed long moons going by, pushing himself to grow and be his very best version of himself, it was his time. Starclan had come to answer his prayers. Thoughts whirled around about what his name was going to be, tears of happiness began to form in his heterochromic gaze.

Cowpaw stood as tall as he could and when the question was asked, he nodded his head once, twice, and a third. I do. I do. I do. A promise for the lifetime. He would serve his clan as their healer till the day he died. This was his destiny. Starclan had chosen him for this, and all the struggles he took here was worth it.

His heart soared with glee and he had found himself standing, tail high in the air with unparalleled pride. Prideness that was pure; a symbol of self love. Love for Starclan, love for his clan, love for his life. He smiled with the brightness of a thousand suns. He looked back to his fellow medicine cats, interested to gauge their reactions.


The splotched tom turned to Dogbark, mouth agape. Oh, it felt .. just right. Cowtuft. It rolled off the tongue with a ring. The feelings of comfortability he felt could be compared to the first time he realized he was a boy. A tom. His true self.

Cowtuft was convinced tears were beginning to fall from his eyes as Dogbark stepped forward and pressed his nose to his forehead. Warmth flooded through his body and if he couldn’t feel the grass rustling against his legs, he would believe he was floating. He lifted a paw to bring it to his mouth and pull back. “Thank you... Truly. This is an honor.. I will do my absolute best.. Starclan and Windclan has.. my pure devotion.. “ He took a step back, ready to rejoin his fellow medicine cats.

“Damn, kid, honestly? I’m impressed! You really made it this far, really, props to you, “ The sentiment was laced with resentment and rung true of cruelty. The familiar voice had Cowtuft stopping cold in his tracks. The fur on the back of his nape began to rise and he felt frozen with fear. “I was thinking of a name like Cowmoon or something but, you know what? Cowtuft is cute, let’s stick with that. “


Oh god.

The medicine cat turned to face the predator that came out of the evergreen. Once luscious and full of life, the area around the warrior had begun to rot and decay. The color slowly begins to drain away. The meadow that had once clearly belonged to Starclan now had the Dark Forest’s name scribbled across it. A tall tom that was primarily a dilute brown color with a white chest and belly was the perpetrator of this oncoming darkness. “What? No greeting? Not even a smile? You remember me, don’t you? Flickerlight? Honestly, wounded if you could forget me. After all, the reason you are standing here is because of me, “ The warrior now known as Flickerlight let out a cackling laughter, muscles rippling under his pelt. Sleek tail lashing back and forth behind him as he approached the small group.

Cowtuft took a cautious step back, ears flattening to his skull. His nightmares had come to life. He offered a defiant shake of his head, on instinct, his claws unsheathing. There was a beat of silence. An exchange of looks.

“Fine, “ Flickerlight hissed with venom, snapping his head to the other four medicine cats. “You want to know a little secret about your friend Cow-y? It’s a really juicy one. You see, he’s been lying! Silly, I’ll just say it outright. I ain’t a fan of all that cryptid nonsense. Cowtuft was not handpicked from Starclan! The prophecy that was given to Peachfrost and then later him? It was all a fraud. Quite proud of it actually, after all, I’m the one who handcrafted it. It was a part of our deal, isn’t that right, Cowtuft?” Everytime he spoke the name it was spoken with disgust. He seemed to be waiting for a response from the tom, even a few gestures but there was nothing. A scowl growing on Flickerlight’s lips in replace of the smirk. It appeared that every response he was not given, his annoyance only grew. There was a point. A silent point. He was not very patient.

Cowtuft couldn’t even process what this .. stars, maniac was speaking of. Before today, he thought .. he thought the nightmares had been.. nightmares. That was all. How could this happen? To him? Was his efforts not enough? What did… what did Flickerlight mean? ..

Was he a fraud?

He looked to Dogbark for answers with a desperate plea, he was a Starclanner! He had the answers, right? He had to know what was going on. He didn’t want to listen to these cruel words Flickerlight was saying. A soft and quiet whimper came from him, a frantic shake of his head. This was a lie. It had to be.

Whatever it was, the Dark Forest cat seemed pleased at the final reaction he was getting out of the tom. “What? Toad stuck in your throat?” He snickered, moving on, “You see - the deal was Cowtuft is placed as Windclan’s medicine cat and in return, he’ll do a few favors for little ol’ me. Small issue, he didn’t bother to hold up the end of his deal! Rude, whatever, honestly, “ Flickerlight gave a dismissive shrug of his shoulders.

“Believe me, don’t believe me. I really don’t care. I do not gain or lose anything from this. It has to make you think, though, doesn’t it?” Gray eyes shifted to Elmshadow and Ivysnake. “You two seem smart. Shadowclan, correct? Hasn’t his kindness ever unnerved you? There’s a difference between someone sweet like, hm, “ He narrowed his eyes at Fawnlight. Not awfully familiar with her but, he heard a few basic stories from Cowtuft himself. “You, Fawn.. ugh, something. See, you’re genuine. On the other paw, “ A laugh escaped from Flickerlight, “Well. You get my point. Something just ain’t right.”

Cowtuft gave another defiant shake of his head, “I would.. never! I wouldn’t.. betray Starclan… dealing with you would be a betrayal to them.. myself.. and my clan. Why are you being.. cruel..?” He gestured desperately, attempting to defend himself. With a roll of Flickerlight’s eyes, “Cruel? Me? That’s ironic. I can’t even name all the cats that have died under your care.”

What? Cowtuft’s eyebrows furrowed together.

“I mean, there was Fireflame.. Featherfoot. Bravebird.. Fireflymeadow. Huh, wasn’t there a kit? Swiftkit? A sibling of sorts to them if not? You want me to go on? Oh! Man, wonder why Peachfrost disappeared almost directly after she received the prophecy I gave her. “

Was.. he applying that .. bile rose up in the gentle giant’s throat and he lifted his paws to bury his face in them, shaking his head back and forth.

“Or why Cowtuft just happened to be in the right place at the right time when Twilightstar came to Peachfrost’s former den. Happening to find marigolds on what, the premise of sleepwalking?”

A maniacal laughter started to come from Flickerlight, shoulders shaking with a burning rage. His plan that had failed. At all of this. “Whatever. Whatever, believe what you want! I am here to bestow my kindness. Awful if you trust the wrong cat for help and your patient ends up dead, or hey! Worse, you! So, I’ll let you make your own opinions ‘bout little Cow-y here. Be distrustful of me if you will, but I won’t be holding back any of my told you so’s.” With a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a hazy look clouded over Flickerlight’s eyes.

Cowtuft looked to … were they his friends? Could he call them that? Did.. did they believe this … liar? He wanted to hope, wanted to pray that they would see through his lies but, if he was in their position - he could see himself having doubts.

Suddenly, his ears perked up and grey eyes snapped to Sundust. “Isn’t it your lucky day? Seems like someone wants you elsewhere. Well, I’ve said my peace. So fun to meet you all, I bid you adieu, “ He laughed, letting his unsettling stare settle upon each and every one of them.

The King lifted his paw and slammed it against the ground. The sky broke in two, lightning striking across followed by the sound of a loud thunder. Cowtuft could hear the sound of his own hopes and dreams breaking.

“Wake up. “

Cowtuft’s eyes snapped awake.

The cold stone floor was welcoming when a fire was running through his veins. He laid there, motionlessly, blinking away tears with a desperateness. What? What had even happened? Was this all not a dream?

January 30th, 2023, 09:13 PM
Drawing awake in StarClan's hunting grounds was something that would never grow old to the brown dappled medicine cat. Blue eyes fluttered open and she pushed herself to her paws. Stars glistened all around and light was much brighter here (perhaps bright enough to irritate the pelt of Ivysnake, which Fawnlight would enjoy silently). She glanced over at Cowpaw who was there as well with a light smile before turning to the cat before them.

She wasn't familiar with him until he spoke his name. Dogbark? Fawnlight wasn't entirely certain who that was, but Cowpaw seemed to recognize him if the dip of his head was anything to go by. Fawnlight mirrored her friend and smiled warmly at the StarClan ancestor. It was a bit odd that she seemed to be in the same dream as the WindClan medicine cat; was something special happening? Oh. As Dogbark spoke of Cowpaw's name, the RiverClan medicine cat let out a squeak of excitement. Her friend was getting his full name! Joy sparked in her paws as she watched the giant tom excitedly.

Cowtuft! "Congratulations, Cowtuft! I'm so proud of you, friend!" A wide grin cracked across Fawnlight's face as she lifted her paws in a soft cheer for the WindClan medicine cat. It fit him well, and went together quite well. They both had their names now, and something about it swelled her heart with warmth. Blue eyes gazed at her friend with admiration shining within them, so happy that he was finally a full medicine cat just like her.

Suddenly a chill swept through the air and Fawnlight blinked. Confused, the young she-cat took a look around her, the surroundings seemingly growing a tad darker in what she could see. Then a rather sinister voice spoke, and she turned around to see an unfamiliar cat making their way out of the undergrowth behind them. Who was this? And why were they speaking as if they knew Cowtuft??

With the life from the StarClan dreamland seeming to drain away, Fawnlight tucked her ears against her head and worry creased her face. "Cowtuft? What's happening?" she inquired, though her voice was rather soft and quiet. Something about... him being her being due to this cat? What?? A confused look to her friend before her gaze went back to this darkness bringer. Chills crept up her spine as she stood in place, blue eyes shimmering with concern.

Cowtuft... had been selected by the Dark Forest? Doubt gripped her heart easily and Fawnlight glanced at Cowtuft. She didn't believe it, not for one second. The tom was her friend. He was kind and gentle and empathetic. He offered her a paw when no one else in the healing world really had. He was Cowtuft. Her name drew her attention back and Fawnlight only narrowed her eyes. Whoever this was, was clearly lying, and the dappled brown she-cat would not stand for it. "You're lying. Cowtuft is genuine and kind, I know he is." She would be here standing by her friends side no matter what, that much was clear.

As the figure started to fade from view, Fawnlight looked at Cowtuft - her friend, Cowtuft. There was a fierceness in her eyes, sharp and clear. "Don't listen to him, Cowtuft, he's got minnows in his brain. You are WindClan's true medicine cat, and it's been your hard work that has put you where you are, nothing else." Stars, did he believe her? After all, that Flickeringlight had been pretty cruel.

There wasn't anytime to comfort her friend as the loud crack of thunder split the sky and immediately darkness washed over Fawnlight once more.


Awakening with a start the RiverClan medicine cat's eyes flew open and immediately she crawled over to Cowtuft's side. Nestling her flank against his, she aimed to draw her tongue over his ears in a swift yet comforting lick. "Don't listen to him, Cowtuft. You're a great medicine cat, okay? I know it. You are kind and brilliant and selfless and..." Fawnlight would've continued on, had her eyes not caught sight of something... awful. Deep gouges in the shimmering stone that held their connection to StarClan. Signs of claws raked against it, chips of the rock having fell to the cave floor. Tears sprung to her eyes as she took it in, eventually her eyes trailing down to the culprit; Cinderpaw.

Something akin to burning hot anger engulfed her heart and Fawnlight couldn't stop the tears from falling. Still by Cowtuft's side, the dappled brown medicine cats' mouth was agape, eyes glistening in horror. "What... What did she do?" What had the ThunderClan apprentice done? Had that happened while they were all asleep?? Why... why had she struck such a sacred part of Clan history like... like it was nothing?? Suddenly her limbs began to tremble and she ducked back down near Cowtuft, as if perhaps being beside her friend would not only aid him in strength to also provide her with some sense of security that had been ripped away from her at what was left of the Starcave.

[ naiad littlelove Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart x ghostie Willowfern ]

February 3rd, 2023, 08:19 PM

Tall dark brown she-cat with black stripes and amber eyes.

Ivysnake's eyes shot open. Light flooded into them, burning her retinas, and she blinked against it, despite herself. If this was an interaction with her ancestors, she didn't want to waste time getting up. So, before she had fully processed the landscape, she rose to her paws. Her movements were neat despite the sunlight filling her vision with dazzling white, and by the time her legs straightened, everything became clear, as if a veil had suddenly lifted. The landscape that stretched out before her was lush, carrying the scents of life and fresh growth. Prey squeaked in the vibrant green grass, and their musky odor mingled with the too-sweet smell of blooming flowers. Ivysnake's nostrils flared. It smelled of light, happiness, paradise, and weakness. No doubt it was StarClan territory. It had to be. The ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice had never been here, but the presence of their starry ancestors was obvious.

So, this is where the warrior-code-loving fools go when they die. Ivysnake's gaze flitted around the area she was standing in. The other medicine cats were nearby, their pelts glowing in the strong sunlight that seeped into Ivysnake's pelt. Her eyes narrowed, though she did not display any other show of unhappiness or discomfort. It was bright here. Too bright. She preferred the shadows, the darkness, the scent of marshland and blood that she'd grown accustomed to in her Clan and the Dark Forest. She didn't belong here. But she supposed, as a rising medicine cat - even as a rising ShadowClan medicine cat - she was supposed to have a paw in StarClan, although it wasn't her preferred method of communication. The other star-loving fools, besides Elmshadow, must be delighted, she thought scornfully, her gaze discreetly roving over the others once more. But enough of staring at the others. She hardly cared about them. This dream was about their ancestors and whatever message they had concerning her, Elmshadow, and ShadowClan, not medics from the other Clans. Ivysnake's attention moved away from the others and fixed straight ahead. Whatever was coming for them would surely approach from the front. Everyone was looking that way, anyway.

Sure enough, a StarClan cat was heading their way. It had to be - his gray tabby fur was alight with stars that gave him an unusual ethereal glow, highlighted by the golden rays of the sun. For a StarClan cat, his territory sure was bright and sunny. And... Ivysnake squinted at him. He looked familiar, but at the same time, different, and not because of the stars in his fur. Ah. He spoke before Ivysnake could ponder much, revealing himself as Dogbark, ThunderClan's former deputy. Her eyes narrowed into amber slits. Oh, she'd heard plenty about him. Other than one brief interaction at a Gathering when she'd been an apprentice, she knew he was one of ThunderClan's failures, not stepping up to leadership when he should've... or something like that. He'd paved the way for ShadowClan's takeover of ThunderClan, along with Nectarflame. Despite failing his Clan, he ended up here. Her lip curled. What were StarClan's standards?

And something was missing. Dogbark had been known for his notable scars, especially one on his face, but there were none. It was as if they had been wiped clean, reverted back to healed flesh and lush gray fur. It was odd, to say the least. Had StarClan done this? Why? Do they think scars are ugly or something like that? Ivysnake's gaze grew more intense, flashing a sharp, piercing shade of amber in the sunlight and greatly contrasting her dark fur. She must be a shadow in this world of light. Peace-loving fools. Scars were nothing to be ashamed of, nor was strength. And they said the Dark Forest was bad. The cats they deem "evil" are strong, and the cats they deem "good" are weak. The other Clans had such skewed perspectives. Only ShadowClan was proper. Only ShadowClan was right. When would the others follow suit? But perhaps that was another reason why ShadowClan was special. Superior. There had to be a balance, according to Dawnstar and Redshrike.

Anyway, Dogbark was here for... a ceremony. Cowpaw's ceremony. Ivysnake looked at the large, fluff-brained tom. It was about time. But why, out of all cats, was Dogbark performing it? Why not a former WindClan medicine cat instead of a failure of a deputy? Or did StarClan not care who they sent? Ivysnake would've rolled her eyes, but she felt that would've been a bit informal, despite not caring much about what the other Clans thought. So, she watched Cowpaw, gauging the medicine cat's reaction. Cowpaw had gotten into a bow - ugh, now she really wanted to roll her eyes, or maybe tear out his throat so WindClan and the other medicine cats didn't have to deal with such a soft idiot - and now was looking confused. He even looked at her, for the Dark Forest's sake. Then his expression turned to one of joy, and he was nodding emphatically. Ivysnake watched with little interest. Why had they all been pulled in for this? She didn't particularly care about his ceremony, nor did she hold any opinions toward his name, Cowtuft, although now it meant he wasn't stuck with an apprentice name. Why couldn't we get sucked into our own dreams instead of having to watch his? Maybe this was how it worked for medicine cats - they got dreams like this as one. StarClan thought they were all connected, perhaps. And, in a way, they were. Though Ivysnake and Elmshadow would never be as attached to the others as the others were to each other.

The traits Dogbark listed for Cowtuft were almost laughable, if Ivysnake had been one for laughing. Kindness, trustworthiness, and empathy? Ivysnake wouldn't be caught dead being described like that. The cat who used those descriptors would. But it made sense... for him. The dark brown tabby she-cat watched the preceding moments dully, her reactions mainly internal as she eyed Cowtuft's overemotional excitement and Fawnlight's too-friendly congratulations - though there was obvious judgment in her eyes - and when the dream began to shift, she thought it was over. Well, that was useless. Nothing gained but a new name. Nothing that concerned Ivysnake and Elmshadow other than a full-named medicinecat. What did her mentor think? Ivysnake's gaze flitted to him curiously, but before she could read the gray-and-black tom's face, the landscape evolved into something she was much more well acquainted with.

The Dark Forest.

Also known as the Place of No Stars.

The lush green grass turned into bare, slimy ground, and the sunlight turned into darkness, eternal shadow under a black sky with no stars, blotted out by trees that forever stretched up, up, up and their bare branches. Warmth was replaced by cold mist. Ivysnake breathed it in, letting it seep into her pelt. It was jarring after the sunlight, but it was welcome, and she adjusted quickly. Here, she wasn't highlighted in light. Here, she was in the dark, the shadows, where she belonged. But what was happening? Had she been transported into her own dream? No. She looked around and found the other medicine cats there. So, they were all here. How come? Had the Dark Forest decided to give the others a taste of true power, of a true afterlife to look forward to?

Then she saw it. Cowtuft was standing at the front, his white fur like a beacon in the darkness, only broken by his black splotches. He looked... uncomfortable. Scared. Of course he does. And there was another cat, one who Ivysnake didn't know, but he was obviously from the Dark Forest. His fur was wreathed in the same mist as the forest, and he was slightly translucent. He was a diluted brown color that blended into the background, but his white markings standing out in opposition to the gloom, like an inversion of Cowtuft. Flickerlight, he introduced himself as. And the words he spoke were... interesting, to say the least. They had Ivysnake leaning forward, ears pricked, eyes flashing intensely. This intrigued her far more than Dogbark's nonsense. Speaking of which, the StarClan cat was still there, watching everything, but, as interesting as his reactions would be, Ivysnake was invested. The shadows called to her, not the stars.

When Flickerlight turned to her and Elmshadow, Ivysnake's attention immediately snapped to him. She faced him with no fear, only curiosity and a willingness to listen. He seemed to be implying... no, more than that, saying... that everything with Cowtuft was a plot. A ploy. A way for the Dark Forest to make its way into WindClan. Oh? This was intriguing. Very much so. Ivysnake found it hard to believe that Cowtuft was in any way evil or in cohorts... She looked at the large tom, who was looking quite mortified. Was it over being exposed, or was the Dark Forest cat revealing his plan as opposed to Cowtuft's? The WindClan medicine cat's reactions seemed genuine, but Ivysnake wondered whether he was as foolishly kind as he presented himself. Then again, many cats were frog-brained like that. Either way, seeing someone from this place of darkness and power so invested in WindClan... so invested in Cowtuft, of all cats... Ivysnake would not soon forget this.

The tall she-cat absorbed the rest of the information, about Flickerlight's paw in guiding Cowtuft to the position of medicine cat. Fawnlight tried objecting. Of course she did. Ivysnake rolled her eyes this time. Then the sky broke in two and lightning crashed, driving the dream to an abrupt halt. The world closed in, dark and cold, and Ivysnake found chilled stone beneath her stomach and numbing her nose. Her eyes blinked open. The moonlight had faded, leaving the crystal a flicker of its former self, and she heard the noises of a warm, furry body shuffling against stone. Turning, she saw Fawnlight curling up against Cowtuft. She narrowed her eyes at them. What was this, the next forbidden romance? She was annoyed with Fawnlight, as usual, and Cowtuft looked so weak, with tears sparkling in his mismatched eyes. Yet now she held a new interest in him. Why was the Dark Forest so invested? Why had they chosen to guide him into the path of medicine cat? Was it because of his naivety, perhaps? Ivysnake found it hard to believe Cowtuft had intentionally orchestrated this... but who knew. What mattered was that the Dark Forest was involved somehow. And things just got much more interesting. Usually, Ivysnake didn't care much for the other Clans, but this... it felt different, especially now that she was training to be a medicine cat.

Then she saw Fawnlight's gaze drift elsewhere and her eyes widening as she stared at something. Ivysnake followed it and found an... interesting sight. Cinderpaw was lying at the base of the glittering crystal that held all the power of StarClan, and the crystal itself was marred, with claw marks running down it and glimmering bits of the gem surrounding the unconscious ThunderClan cat. They gleamed in the gloom like dying stars. What happened here? she wondered, rising to her paws. Well, it was obvious enough. Fawnlight asked, her voice filled with horror and anger, and the tall tabby turned to face her. Her eyes displayed as much care as if she had spotted a piece of grass on the moor. Which is to say, none at all.

"It's obvious. Cinderpaw, or whatever her name is, decided to have a tantrum while we were all asleep," Ivysnake replied bluntly. Maybe she should care about the marring of the crystal, but she didn't. It served StarClan right. No, what annoyed her was the fact that Cinderpaw was here at all, as whiny and pathetic as she was, and she wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. "Frankly, I'm not quite sure why Sundust decided to bring her and not his accomplice, Roseraven." She turned to look at the marbled ginger tabby. What had he been thinking? This meeting was for medicine cats, not overaged, disgraceful apprentices. But Ivysnake had more important things to think about. She turned to Cowtuft and padded over to him, ignoring Fawnlight for the time being.

"So, you've got your full name now. Given to you by a failure of a deputy, but I'm not one to judge for that. It's good that WindClan has a medicine cat with a full name. It's far past your time for one. I suppose I should say congratulations, but I see no point in wasting words." Despite her blunt, uncaring tone, there was intrigue glittering in the piercing amber depths of Ivysnake's eyes, not annoyance or judgment, as was her nature. "I see you've got paws in the Dark Forest," she continued. "You didn't seem to enjoy it much, but what Flickerlight said was pretty interesting." Her head cocked to the side. "I didn't know the Dark Forest cared so much about WindClan. Maybe this will be more interesting than I thought." Indeed, it would, and Ivysnake didn't mind the others hearing her opinion, although usually, she would've been less vocal about it. The medicine cat apprentice stepped back. "If we don't have anything else to do here, we may as well be heading back. Cowtuft has his full name now, and it would be a waste to stand around here when we've already conversed and spoken with our ancestors." Both the starry-eyed fools and the strong, dark-headed shadow-walkers, she wanted to add, but she had a feeling that wouldn't go over well. Not that anything she said did.

x ghostie daenerys naiad littlelove Ravensong Willowfern (WHEWW, that was a wild ride!)

February 5th, 2023, 01:19 AM
TheNyanCatMinecart littlelove naiad daenerys x ghostie

Sleep hadn't come when he opened his eyes again but he awakened somewhere new. The darkened cave had opened to a bright expanse of flower-speckled meadow. He blinked against the unexpected brightness, a stark and unnerving change from the darkness of the cave he'd been in just heartbeats before. As his gaze swept over the sprawling meadow, shimmering with the starry trademark of Starclan's hunting grounds, the group of other medicine cats was easy enough to pick out. He took long, measured steps toward the others, the soft grasses brushing the black fur of his legs. It was nearly uncanny, he knew he was dreaming but he could feel everything as if he was walking in his own body. He pushed the thoughts away as another figure seemed to approach the group and he noticed Cowpaw was out in front. Elmshadow slowed as he reached the other medicine cats though his green eyes stayed curiously on Cowpaw's back until the newcomer was close enough that he was able to recognize Dogbark. His scars were erased and his pelt was starry but Elmshadow recognized the former deputy well enough. His head cocked as the former Thunderclan deputy began speaking with the Windclan medicine cat. He noticed the look Dogbark shot in Sundust's direction but it seemed he was indeed here for Cowpaw. The reason became clear quick enough, though it was still a wonder that the failed deputy of Thunderclan would be the chosen ancestor to give the Windclanner his full name. Regardless, it was no matter to Elmshadow. His ear twitched as Dogbark recited the ceremonious words, "to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally". Could Elmshadow honestly say he could uphold that vow? He wasn't sure, and he wasn't sure he cared to try. Shadowclan, for many aspects, traveled outside the Warrior Code, forging the path that gave Shadowclan and the territories the greatest chance of success, regardless what the Code dictated. And for his own part, Elmshadow wouldn't hesitate to give his own life to protect and serve Shadowclan; but forfeiting his life for a cat outside Shadowclan would leave his own clan that much more vulnerable. He couldn't imagine holding to that, he still struggled with letting go of his warriorhood hold on the normal clan rivalries in their most basic. He blinked, coming back to Dogbark's words as Cowpaw received his new name, Cowtuft.

Elmshadow's muscles began to loosen as the brightness seemed to dissipate into mist and a chill swept over the land as though he were being pulled back into the cold, dim cave. Until Cowtuft's sudden demeanor change alerted the Shadowclan medicine cat and he followed the Windclanner's line of sight to a dilute brown and white tom. Elmshadow tensed slightly at the newcomer who seemed to be the source of the Dark Forest encroaching over what had been Starclan territory. Elmshadow sat down and watched blankly as this Flickerlight seemed to imply that he had placed Cowtuft in his position through an agreement. The soft Windclanner made a deal with the Dark Forest? That was interesting, indeed. He'd never heard of a medicine cat making a deal with any of their ancestors but it seemed all the more interesting that it would end up being Cowtuft as the first and with a Dark Forest cat nonetheless. He watched with mild interest until the darkness swallowed him back up and, when his eyes opened again it took a few heartbeats for his eyes to adjust back to the darkness. When the shapes began to materialize around him, he looked first to the stone in front of him and his eyes tracked back around towards the other medicine cats but stopped on the slumped shape of the Thunderclanner that had joined Sundust. He stood up and cocked his head, looking over the gouges in the crystal trailing up from where the she-cat's claws still stuck. From the corner of his eye he saw others gravitating towards Cowtuft, understandably, but Elmshadow moved his gaze mildly to Sundust, awaiting what the medicine cat would do about his companion having just vandalized their sacred stone. Elmshadow couldn't say he cared, he wasn't completely sure the point of the whole ordeal since they were supposed to be able to walk with their ancestors at any given point without the crystal but the other medicine cats seemed to put a good deal of importance and reverence into it and here this Thunderclanner had apparently attacked it while they slept.

February 15th, 2023, 09:16 PM

It was thunderous, the jolt that brought her body back to life and ran lightning through her veins. The way she hung from the crystal by her claws left her entire forepaw aching like fire, and that was the first thing Cinderpaw could feel as she was roused from her almost abyssal sleep.

Eyes fluttering open, it took a few moments for the apprentice to process what exactly sat in front of her face -- the cave floor, her top half suspended only inches from falling flat on the ground. She could feel panic spark through her head, and she pulled her claws from the stone with shards of clear stone following. All at once, her full body weight was on her one front paw remaining on the ground... and Cinderpaw's face smacked full force into the frozen ground.

She let out an angered groan and a few muttered curses, pulling her paws up to her face as she turned from facing the stone to... various pairs of eyes trained on the scene she'd created. The dark tabby stared, wide eyed, back at them. Part of her felt the need to explain, tell them they had to believe how bad Starclan had been screwing their clan over...

But she owed no explanation to cats who were staring at her with such scorn. Especially not Shadowclan killers. Besides, she had much more important things to attend to, across the forest in Thunderclan's territory.

Cinderpaw rose shakily, eyes flickering between the shaken and displeased faces surrounding her. "Out of my way." She hissed, shouldering past the crowd and daring them to challenge her departure as she slipped quickly out of the cave. She would waste no more time on those who took away what she was now looking for.

[ x ghostie daenerys naiad TheNyanCatMinecart Ravensong ]

February 17th, 2023, 10:13 PM
❀ ೃ⁀➷ daenerys Willowfern Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart naiad littlelove
His chest rose up and down half-hazardously, he couldn't.. breathe. It was if there was something crushing down on his wide pipe as he laid on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn't breathe, why couldn't he breathe? Oh goodness, pardon his language but damned the shadows, Cowtuft was making a pathetic show of himself. What had Flickerlight been true? Why.. why would he say such a thing? He.. he didn't know.

It was only when the warmth and softness pressed against his flank, he appeared to gain the slightest bit of tranquility. Guilt flashed through his splotched pelt; he was the older one here. Fawnlight shouldn't have to be seeing him like this, coddling him ever so softly. Cowtuft choked down his panic, gently pushing himself up into a sitting position. He lifted a large paw to wipe away his tears. He proceeded to bring his paw to his lips before pulling away, "Thank you.." and while he did not believe her words, he took comfort in knowing his friend was here. He closed his eyes, relishing in the peace she offered to his hurricane of a thoughts.

It was only the horror-filled statement that shook him, and he opened his mismatched hues to follow where she was staring. The scene struck him cold, seeing the apprentice hang jaggedly from the stone with her claws still dug in. Cowtuft's eyebrows furrowed together, oh starry skies, how much harm has been done to her to have this much rage? Surely, you can forgive her actions. She mustn't mean it.

He frowned, shakily rising to his paws. If Cinderpaw stayed in that position any longer, she was going to end up ripping her claws. Yet, it seemed like just in the nit of time, she awoke from her slumber. He could.. hear the impact and he winced in sympathy. With a slight squeak of surprise, all Cowtuft could do was watch her scornfully walk away.

He nervously chewed on his bottom lip, ears pinning to his skull. He turned back to the fragments on the floor that had been torn away. Oh no.. that couldn't do.. no, no.. the tom would attempt to place it back where they had been torn from but it seemed to be useless. Futile. What could he do with such precious stones lying on the floor? .. (cowtuft picked up a fragment and held it in his mouth, holding onto it for comfort. maybe, maybe if he had starclan with him, they could push away the shadows.)

Cowtuft needed to leave.

His attention turned back to Ivysnake who was speaking to him now, and sickness churned in his stomach as she watched .. interest shine in her eyes. Not the familiar disgust he had grown customed to seeing. Was.. was.. she pleased to see what had happened..? It wasn't as if he wanted judgement or scorn but, he did not.. did not enjoy how she was looking at him. It was terrifying.

Utmost terrifying.

"I.. will never follow the Dark Forest... I worship.. Starclan.. and Starclan only.." Cowtuft signed with a ferocity, but it seemed to waver. Could he still say this with everything that had been revealed? .. he felt like he was going to be sick.

Taking a shaking breath, he needed to go home. He jerked his head up and down, agreeing with Ivysnake - this was over. They had nothing else to do. While Sundust was still asleep, Cowtuft could not bid himself any more time to waste. Still holding onto the fragment of stone, the medicine cat gently weaved through the gathered cats and left the Starcave with a swiftness.

February 20th, 2023, 11:07 AM
The first thing to ring in her ears was the voice of Ivysnake, and it had Fawnlight snapping her gaze over to the ShadowClan medicine cat. A rare display of anger flared in them and she rose to her paws, giving a lash of her tail. "He does not. If it's such a waste to stand here, then leave. No one is making you come to these meetings, Ivysnake. You and Elmshadow both have already stated you don't even communicate with StarClan, so why are you here?" What once would've made her shake only steeled her bones to provide her composure against the dark shadow of a cat before her. It truly baffled her; why the tabby would even bother coming if she despised being here so much.

"I hope someone rips your tongue out for the words you spit one day." Another lash of her tail before Fawnlight turned to look at Cinderpaw - who unceremoniously face planted into the ground upon waking up. The shock had wore off, and now all that was left was... rage. Burning and biting away at her heart. Incredulous eyes stared at the large she-cat as she stared wide-eyed back. Would she have anything to say for her deplorable actions??

It seemed not. A rough shoulder jutted into her side and Fawnlight whipped around. Blue eyes that were once round with shock narrowed in anger. "I hope you never allow her near this stone again." The sharp words were directed at Sundust as the RiverClan medicine cat turned to look at him. There was disgust swirling within them, lingering on the golden furred tom a moment longer before shifting to Cowtuft.

He was busying himself with trying to piece the stone back together, and Fawnlight felt empathy wash over her. She wanted to stop him, to tell him there was no point - what's done was done. But soon enough he wheeled around to face Ivysnake, motioning something with his paws that she couldn't quite catch and - leaving, with the stone still in his mouth. Her eyes widened at that. Was he just... taking it? Just like that? Confliction emotions churned in her stomach and suddenly the brown dappled she-cat felt sick.

Without a single word to any other cat she hurried after him, fluffy tail swishing behind her as she exited the cave before breaking into a run back to RiverClan's border.

Tonight had been an utter disaster.

[ x ghostie Willowfern Ravensong TheNyanCatMinecart naiad littlelove ]

February 22nd, 2023, 09:00 AM
Sundust blinked awake to a commotion of the other medicine cats chattering. Slowly he rose to his paws, and came face to face with the stone of the Starcave, deep claw-marks embedded into it. Good stars. It did not take long to make the connection as he looked towards the others to see Cinderpaw shouldering past. Like hell he wasn’t going to follow her.

Fawnlight’s sharp words lashed and Sundust felt like facepalming. How in StarClan’s name was he supposed to bring her back here as his apprentice. “I am deeply sorry for her actions, I assure you that her misbehavior will be handled. I can’t - I-“ Stars, he was going to kill her. Was this what Cindersky meant by ‘sending a message’? “We have very urgent matters to attend to - again, I am truly sorry for how this night transpired.” He cast a glance to Cowtuft’s retreating form. He wished he could offer some kind words to the young medicine cat, but his top priority was to catch up to Cinderpaw.

With one last dip of his head, a sort of awkward farewell, the ThunderClan medicine cat set off from the Starcave, wondering what in stars name could be waiting in Firefly Cove.

March 7th, 2023, 05:47 PM
Around the area, he ambled. Sundust, Redhawk, and Foxflurry trailing behind. This was his first opportunity to see the Starcave. His main feelings were anxiety and excitement. When it came to her lives, how did Sparrowstar feel? Was she elated as well? He huffed as he approached the Starcave. His eyes blazed, and he gulped as his mouth dried up. He hurriedly moved in that direction after noticing the cave's foreboding darkness. But a faint flicker of light managed to penetrate the darkness. Making him apprehensive as he peered back. In an effort to keep his lip from twitching, his eyes alternated between Foxflurry and Redhawk. After then, Sundust came into view as the ginger tabby strolled with his curly fur bouncing. "Okay..." He took a restless breath. Calming himself down. He then made a deliberate entrance, giving Sundust the opportunity to take the lead. After passing through such a nightmarish tunnel, illumination eventually hit his vision. The light bounced off their fur, reflecting into his blue eyes, revealing its glossy substance, which was a delicate light blue. His feathery fur jittered out, seeing the glittering spectacular marvel of a shard in his eyes. The way it embellished the whole grotto, linking its radiance and spiritual knowledge to those who dared observe it. Thrushfur's mouth widened in awe at the magnificent crystal being before him. The connection between both the clans and Starclan occurred here.

He didn't appreciate having his jaw lowered by beings he despised. Yet, the work they produced was just remarkable. The mucus had already been completely sucked out of his mouth, leaving the roof of his mouth dry, so he tightly shut his mouth. He directed Sundust in his gaze. "W-What do I do?" His speech took on a faltering stutter, making him sound more youthful. Like a kitten who just discovered a shiny pebble. He felt like an amateur when he asked the medicine cat. Nonetheless, it was astounding. How he managed to prove that he was fit enough to assume the position of leader. Was the rest of his family up there? Observing him as he entered their modest home? And to think that he felt such a strong connection with them. Now, how much did he still believe in them? To be able to have whatever type of lives he may get. Due to his inability to see or even have a clear impression of these heavenly beings, he also felt a sense of skepticism against them. Simple descriptions of their starry garments and how they smelled like all four seasons are only found in those fairy tales. What if he morphed into one of those starry-coated cats in the future?

[ naiad, daenerys, carmen ]

March 9th, 2023, 11:25 PM
Having never set paw anywhere near the Starcave, Redhawk was in awe as the patrol approached. Carved out of a large mountainside the tunnel seemed to descend down into pure darkness. Amber eyes glowed round as she observed the way it curved to a place well out of sight, the pathway worn down by many various paw prints. How many cats had walked this path? How many leaders? Medicine cats? Deputies? The sheer thought of how many left her almost breathless as she stopped just behind Thrushfur who was allowing Sundust to take the lead.

Once past the winding, dark tunnel, Redhawk blinked the light away from the glittering stone before them. It was awe-inspiring for sure, and her gaze traveled over its entirety. Beautiful, glimmering, and - wait. Near the side of the stone there were pieces jutted out, jagged edges broken off and some pieces on the ground underneath. Several long scores of claw marks were indented on the wall and the warrior blinked in confusion. The fur along her spine prickled, and she was surprised that Thrushfur was being so calm about this. Or maybe he hadn't noticed??

"Has... Is that suppose to be like that, Sundust?" It certainly didn't feel like it. The gouges in the stone appeared to have been created by a cat. What if they weren't alone here? What if this was an ambush?? Redhawk parted her jaws to taste the air, but couldn't detect anything aside from the four cats, including herself, within the caverns' walls.

[ Eaglet naiad carmen ]

March 15th, 2023, 12:22 PM
Something had been weighing on her as she followed behind Redhawk and Thrushfur. A reappearing feeling that for some reason, coming to the Starcave was a betrayal. She shouldn't be here, she shouldn't be staring at the overbearing walls of the cave that reached above her head. Time and time again she had watched her clanmates fall from grace, watch them dip into a cycle of death and rebirth. It didn't feel right to stand here and stare at the flickering light that was a few steps before her. Was it abandoning them for her to be here? They had died and come back so many times that grief meant nothing. And though she had had never wavered in her belief, it had begun to turn to hate. Cinderpaw had become medicine cat and she didn't know what that meant for the rest of them. She didn't know what StarClan was doing. That was a gamble that had done nothing but cause further confusion.

The sight of the crystal had her stop, staring at the glimmering white stone with an emotion even she could not name. She was walking down this tunnel, treading in the literal footsteps of those who came before her. How many had walked this trail? How many had done well with what they were given? And how many had failed? She shivered with apprehension as she came to a stop, staring at the gem. Only, the more she stared, the more she realized that it was broken, missing edges and filled with trails of claws. That was more like it. That seemed more right. They pretended to be oh so perfect, but they were just as cracked underneath the shimmer of their death. Still, it was unnerving, no matter how she tried to trick herself into thinking all was right. Words came from her left, and she blinked at Redhawk.

"Almost like a cat made it." It felt strange to speak in the cavern, a whisper barely being more acceptable than normal words. It was a sacred place, whether she liked it or not. A quick glance at Redhawk as she looked around. "We'll stay here?" It was a question, she'd stay with Sundust and Thrushfur if they wanted, but honestly. she already felt like she shouldn't be here. Intruding upon that sacred of an event would only make it worse. She didn't want to be here.

naiad Eaglet daenerys

March 26th, 2023, 10:39 PM
Sundust trailed behind at the rear of the group as they trekked their way to the Starcave. His third time witnessing this ceremony in the span of just a few moons. Hopefully it would be his last time overseeing a leader receiving their name for a long while. It was funny, he thought, how thrice he would see a leader ascend from a warrior to a star but not once would they received the lives to accompany the name.

He wondered if this had happened before, or if he was supposed to be the only cat lucky enough to witness such a curse. He wondered if Thrushfur would earn his lives - the medicine cat had no faith in them being gifted anymore. He paused, staring almost wearily at the mouth of the cave that yawned before him. After a moments wait and perhaps a quick prayer he plunged himself into the darkness.

Though he was growing used to the sight of the glittering stone, he still marveled at it with every glance, even now that it was marred by the shallow clawmarks which still seemed to carry within them the scathing rage which had caused them. He turned to Thrushfur as the soon-to-be leader spoke, blinking warmly at him. "You simply have to touch your nose to the stone and StarClan should come to speak with you. I will not accompany you, but I will be here when you awake." Redhawk and Foxflurry's murmurs reach his ears and he looked back at the stone, his gaze colder than when he had first glanced at it now that it was not softened by wonder. "That's from an... incident which occurred during the last half-moon meeting. Nothing to be concerned about." His confidence did waver slightly. Surely the damage would not affect their connection to StarClan, right? Stars, it already felt like they had such a weak signal. But, no. No dreams had been interrupted last meeting, and so Sundust saw no reason for there to be an effect this one. "As for your question, you two may stay down here if you wish, or go up to the cave entrance to keep a lookout, should you feel so compelled."

He stepped back, to the edge of the cave. "Go ahead an touch your nose to the stone, Thrushfur. ThunderClan has placed their faith in you, and I hope dearly you will lead us well. May StarClan light your path."

[ daenerys carmen Eaglet ]

March 27th, 2023, 09:19 AM
Just the pressure of the shimmering stone caused him to shudder. His ears turned to face the curly-haired tabby. He was startled and ashamed when they all observed that the moonstone had... chipped off. The talk amongst them, as well as the murmurs of Foxflurry and Redhawk, made him apprehensive. Why didn't he realize this earlier? His eyes darted over to the stone as he writhed softly. Touch my nose. That was a straightforward instruction. Oh, how long has it taken for him to be exposed to this moment? He couldn't have possibly imagined that he would be able to reach such a height after so many moons. It was peculiar. Sundust had already told the two escorts to remain in the rear, he huffed. He moved closer to the sparkling stone, seeing its enormous, razor-sharp points that soared for the stars. How many cats have passed through here throughout the decades? Every clan's history was contained within this one cave. The feathery tom experienced a heart-stopping moment. His heart's hammering was timed with each stride he took.

He was on his way to see Starclan. For the overwhelming majority of individuals he may encounter there, what will happen when he touches his cherry-colored nose to the cold stone. There would be a purpose somewhere that would determine his fate and destiny. The stone's menacing shadow surrounded him. The stone was barely out of reach for him by a whisker. He licked his lips, here goes. He felt drowsy as he pressed his nose against the stone. Before he crashed to the earth, his body briefly spasmed. His blue eyes closed as he drifted into a deep sleep, leaving the world of the living to enter one far more oppressive than this one. His body remained motionless as his consciousness was converted to a dream state.

[ naiad, daenerys, carmen ]

March 27th, 2023, 10:49 AM
Nothing to be concerned about? Redhawk was definitely concerned, but she didn't dare speak out against the medicine cat. Wonder and a slight twinge of fear continued to remain present in her gaze as she gazed at the rock before looking back to Sundust once more.

Once was all she needed; this place gave her the creepy crawlies in her pelt. Looking to Foxflurry to see if the other was coming, Redhawk turned and headed back out the long tunnel to sit at the mouth of the cave. Only once she was outside did she feel like she could breathe once more. Moonlight shimmered down from the sky and she turned her head to gaze upon it, wondering which of the nine stars in the sky would be descending to give Thrushfur his lives.

[ Eaglet carmen naiad ]

March 27th, 2023, 11:46 PM
"A word."

Brokenstar let Cindersky have her say. He simply didn't care to play her childish games. He wasn't sure how she could fall so far from the dignified cat she used to be, but here they were. He was in a constant state of disappointment when it came to the younger generations, it seemed.

As he stepped in front of Thrushstar, he held with him an aura of indifference. Too many times, had he urged ThunderClan forward - and for what? "The blind only see themselves and their own interests, but I have always sought to keep ThunderClan secure. You are not getting lives because they must be earned.

"What you've done before this day means nothing. Better deputies excelled in their role, and still failed my Clan. They sing empty promises but lack the willpower to back their words; and are so willing to step down and surrender instead of embrace their calling.

"Stand tall, and rise above the rest. Dedicate yourself to ThunderClan's success and falter nought when faced with challenge, and you shall be rewarded. You will not need to come here again if you pass these trials." StarClan could easily walk through dreams, and as so lives could be granted while Thrushstar remained in the security of his den.

However Thrushstar felt about this, Brokenstar did not care. He would not give lives to cats so prone to wasting it. If Thrushstar could establish consistency and work ethic, he would allow him to be gifted. Until then.. "One last caution. Heed it well, or be damned to repeat the past.
'Weighed down by a storm, the instability will swallow your Clan whole.'"

On that happy note, he vanished.

[ Eaglet ]

March 29th, 2023, 08:03 AM
He awoke with an odd sensation throughout his body. Everything felt rough and chilly. This dream's climate was unmatched by any other. He opened his eyes and experienced a strange sense of gravity. His gaze was fixed on the ground, which appeared to be covered in stars and was rippled by even the smallest motions. Even though the dream was disorienting, he somehow found it comforting. A celestial cat suddenly appeared in front of him and his vision whirled. It appeared splendid in his eyes. Who was this? He's never seen this cat before. He hoped that he might have run into a familiar face. An acquaintance or family member, but this was just strange. The cat did not express any feelings toward him as he swallowed. He was waiting for something extraordinary to occur, anything that would startle him. He just had a talk with this being. He wouldn't be given any lives, would he? No surprise. Cindersky resigned from her position as leader, but died just some time later. This curse on Thunderclan destroyed everything in its path. As well as why Sparrowstar was so readily captured by twolegs. Oh, how awful. Thunderclan was notorious for vanquishing leaders. He assumed that Starclan was telling him this for that purpose. To stop leaders from easily burning through their lives as a result of their inability to maintain the position they hold. And here he was. In the same way that his other ancestors had, he had the ability to become both that stability and a dead leaf on the ground.

He's only been deputy for roughly two moons. It was alarmingly short, and now he had arrived so easily. He was used to the fact that everything was real by this point. Now known as Thrushstar. That's it; he wouldn't be gaining lives. Until he could prove to Starclan that he could beat all the other leaders and hold that position. He grumbled, the discomfort in here felt suffocating. He experienced a squeeze out of his consciousness from this dream. His hearing caught the prophecy that the cat had mentioned. Weighed down by the storm, the instability will swallow your clan whole. Storm? What storm? What mystery will sweep over my clan? Will I be the one? Or another person? "Wa-" He sensed the dream slipping away as the cat disappeared into nothingness. The dream vanished as he felt himself falling somewhere else. Feeling his soul being pulled dangerously.

Returning to reality after sputtering out of the dream. His entire body twitched. His eyes flickered open to the glaring stone's light. The illumination was now darker than ever. With the stone's chipped edges and cat marks visible. He felt exhausted, as though his remaining vitality had been largely sapped by that dream. He groaned and shook his head. His blurry eyesight was beginning to become clearer. He looked away before blinking and pivoting to face Sundust. Did he know this beforepaw? Thrushfur- No Thrushstar grimaced. He gave a headshake. Just as the loop kept going. He would not gain lives until he proved worthy that he would be able to lead Thunderclan. "Nothing, nothing at all." He quietly hissed. "Just a simple reminder from someone about my lives. But.. I’ll need to have a chat with you about something Sundust. As you are the only cat I can ask that is adept at these sorts of things. The name Thrushstar sounds weird on the tongue." He sighed and got up from his seat. He had a new name. Now he had a name that everyone knew. Thrushstar. His brow furrowed. With his whiskers twitching he flicked his tail beckoning to head back. It was repulsive. Telling him that he couldn’t gain lives? It makes sense why leaders have disappeared so frequently. Thrushstar didn't want to keep his people in the dark about it. But he had to for their own safety. Similar to how any other Thunderclan leader has. Starclan no longer gave a damn about their clan; to them, they were just a circus act. How awful. He had a frown on his face.

He padded out of the Starcave and returned to camp.

[ BEAR.daenerys, carmen, naiad ]

April 11th, 2023, 09:57 PM

Enough was enough.

Brokenstar was at his wits' end. Time and time again, he witnessed the carelessness of the living - the blatant disrespect for the sanctity of life and death. There was no order, no limitations, nothing to keep the balance. Even now, a child chose to return on nothing more than a whim.

And it was time for that to change.

Standing in the reflection of the Star Stone, Brokenstar's smoldering gaze scored through the silent trees of StarClan. "I expected better from you." His ire was boundless, voice laced with venom toward cats he thought more of. "You of all cats should have known this was getting out of paw, but none of you have ever put your paw forth to stop this." Only he had. He had placed a limitation on a Clan dear to his heart, and it seemed he would have to push the others further.

"It's no wonder the Clans lack faith in us, when the very dead can defy fate itself. Death has no meaning because we allow it to.

"When I restricted ThunderClan's leadership... it was done with the intent to minimize their foolish deaths. To force their leadership to rely not on the lives they were gifted, but their own guile. But you allow any cat with half a brain to die and return, and this is simply not acceptable."

Brokenstar lashed his tail, casting his gaze away from the shades. They could bask in their shame; he had work to do. "Spirits of the skies, I don't give a damn what path you walk. This problem impacts all of us - step forth if you wish to see it stopped."

[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

April 11th, 2023, 10:28 PM
➵ pebblepool ❀⋆˚₊⁻∘・
// ➵ Poprock perseus. naiad BEAR. Jester Lillian Starfall dino.

oh dear, it seemed grandpa here was upset.
whilst pebblepool could admit that she would've known better.. she had no part in bringing the dead back, she entirely focused her energy on guiding the future leaders of the clans.. like that had worked at all so far. either she was bad at it or the clans just kept electing really crappy people.. anywho. pebblepool sat through the lecture about a subject she wasn't all that interested in, although brokenstar did make certainly make a case that pebblepool agreed with. starclan had grown distant from the clans and they became lazy. she supposed most just didn't expect to have to work in undeath, that thought made her chuckle. it was such a preposterous thought wasn't it? having to work for others even when you're dead, but it was what the signed up for when they chose their faith. so who's fault REALLY was it?
the talonkit situation was certainly a situation that existed, and it was an entertaining one at that. hmm, pebblepool had thought of a motivator for joining this little club brokenstar was wanting to create. entertainment, dear god was starclan a bore. the dead feeling sorry for themselves plagued it, the clans weren't much better either in that regard. she needed SPICE in her afterlife. stepping forward after brokenstars speech pebblepool B O O M E D her voice in the spiritual starcave. "in that regard you are very right brokenstar! if we are to regain our respect it looks like we must earn it back hm? seems like a thrill for the ages! I stand with you. we must set up the clans for success if they are to realize they have not misplaced their faith in us!" pebblepool liked brokenstar, as he had flare to him. she had never spoken the leader and likely would never have in normal circumstances, but starclan's laze was getting to the point of emergency and it needed to end now.

April 11th, 2023, 11:10 PM
COLDSONG | Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, BEAR., Lillian, Starfall, dino.

"Finally, cats with some sense around here..."

Coldsong stepped into the starcave, brows furrowed and pelt bristling. He couldn't believe he was stuck in this pathetic place. "I'm tired of wasting my time. I did enough of that when I was alive." He'd only been dead for about a moon or so (whatever, not like he was keeping track anymore), but he'd seen more than enough. ThunderClan could barely keep a leader, RiverClan had cats dropping like flies, and ShadowClan seemed to have lost their faith in StarClan all together. And he thought WindClan used to be bad...tssk. StarClan, though? What was he supposed to even do around here? Lazily patrol the border between the stars and darkness for the rest of eternity? Hell no! He wanted to do something with his afterlife! He wanted direction and power! If he couldn't achieve it in the living realm, then by stars, he'll do it here.

"Things have to change around here or I'll have a cow. We are the STARS, damnit! We have the power to give life and take it away, no? Why are cats around here so happy just to be sittin' on their starry asses while the Clans below are barely managing? This is ridiculous!" Coldsong hissed, blue eyes blazing between Pebblepool and Brokenstar. He had no clue who these cats were, but then again, he didn't know many cats here yet. However, he'd already taken a liking to them. "I don't know how long you guys have been dead or what you've been up to since dying, but I can't stand being dead like this much longer. I gotta do something!"

April 11th, 2023, 11:11 PM
☄. *. ⋆ Ghostblaze

The large snow bengal tom, heavily scarred across his whole body, chuckled, it sounding like stone scraping against stone and he had it echo through the cave as he heard Brokenstar. He opened his burning amber eyes that looked like flames with the yellow that surrounded his pupil. He quickly stalked out, seemingly melting out from the shadows as he let his gaze burn into the two others he could see, Pebblepool was the other one, who had boomed rather loudly as she spoke and the dark forest cat scoffed at silently as he waited for the dramatics to be done, and he let his burning glaze flicker to Coldsong as he spoke. While he didn't know these cats personally, he had at least heard of Coldsong while he was watching his former clan from the darkness. Being the only Dark Forest cat so far, he felt a shiver of disgust of being surrounded by Starclan cats, but pushed those feelings away.

He had been watching the clans from the dark woods that he called his home, snarling in disgust as weakling cats were brought back from the dead and they wasted the kindness those in the dark woods had given them by dying like a weak kittypet, only to beg to be brought back once again. He wish he could have stopped every single one of those lives that were brought back, but he was only one cat and couldn't be everywhere at once.

Truly he wasn't surprised at the amount of weakness that seemed to infect the clans lately as it even infect his clan when he was still alive before he was killed because of a mistake. He pushed his past away as he spoke, his voice sounding like stones scraping against stone, "The cats of the clans have always been weak and soft, and I'm disappointed that weaklings have been allowed back just to be killed only moons later. I don't take kindly to that. I'll stand with you in this matter, they must learn that we are to be feared and not easily walked over." He rasped, though the cold and calm anger was evident.

Poprock marshall naiad BEAR. Jester Lillian Starfall dino.

April 12th, 2023, 01:17 AM
silt | 10 moons at death | he/him | stc in death, outsider in life

Silt hated this afterlife. Hated, hated, hated it. In all his moons up in the stars, it was silent. Cats spoke, sure, but they didn't talk. He could count on one paw the number of times he had eavesdropped on a substantial conversation, or witnessed a cat actually care. He himself had not had a conversation since he was first guided to StarClan by Snailkit. Honestly it was surprising how hard these pretentious rat-tails were gate-keeping the place. 'Oh welcome to StarClan! We don't want anyone else in our crappy club so back to your silly little life you go!' It was ridiculous. What ever happened to resting in peace? Or those cats who burned through their life like a pile of brush? Those who lived terrible lives? Who gave them the right to send the most obnoxious cats back down to torment all the other cats smart enough to still be alive.

One day, though, the silence broke. Someone was talking. Not speaking, not prattling, but talking. Lecturing, even. Showing at least a smidge of emotion that wasn't vacant complacency. He did as the cat requested and stepped forward, half-surprised as other spoke their own grievances. "I don't want a single unworthy cat dancing the border of life and death again. Life, especially life after death, is no longer valued as a gift or miracle, but as an expectation. I stand with you all." Did he know any of these other cats? Heck no, but they were talking and the words they were saying made more sense than anything he had ever heard since his last conversation with Tidepaw.

[ Poprock, perseus., BEAR., marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

April 12th, 2023, 01:58 AM
Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, BEAR. , dino.

The tabby lifted his head as a voice boomed over the echoey domain. It felt as though the voice bounced off the stars themselves. Half of him wished to simply lay there, and let them babble. It seemed as though even a soul who belonged to the Dark Forest had found their way into the conversation. That being said curiosity got the better of him, flopped ears perked as much as they could before he picked himself up, making his way to the small gaggle of cats that were beginning to accumulate.

The former RiverClan warrior tilted his head to the side as he listened to them babble, whining about how nothing was being done, and how the Clans were now soft...which they were. They no longer upheld the code they swore to, those who deserved...and didn't deserve, to be brought back were running around with new lives they had no right waving around. How was that fair to those who perished in fight, did they too not deserve a second chance? Why were they not worthy? As a tom spoke up, the tom turned to look at him, soft smile blooming. "Than why didn't you do anything?" he hummed, before turning his head to look back at the others.

"Well I suppose there's no point in whining about it now. As you've said let's fix it. I'd like to see this problem stopped." he laughed.

April 12th, 2023, 01:54 PM
From deep within the starry field stood a small figure. Her curly tail waved side to side idly, bits of stardust shimmering off in it's wake. It was time for Strawberryswirl to make herself known to the world once more. It had been such a long time... With a quick shake of her orange and white fur, the ancient windclan cat noted that she was not the only one roused by Brokenstar's call.

"Oh my!" A cheerful giggle escaped before it could be stopped with a dainty white paw. These cats were filled with a shared passion, regardless of where their souls ended up. It was quite sweet! Even if she was not thrilled to be working with cats of the Dark Forest... she could see they meant well. The line between life and death had gotten much, much too thin. Someone needed to do something about that!

"I agree with you all!" A gentle smile sent each and every cats way. "The clans have lost our light a long time ago, it is time we shine on them once more."
Starfall perseus. naiad marshall Jester Lillian BEAR. dino.

April 14th, 2023, 10:37 AM
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The star-flecked she-cat's ears swiveled in the direction of a booming voice. She turned to see a cat addressing everyone, though she wasn't quite sure who he was. The way he carried himself meant he must be important and had been here for a long time.

Shimmerbird had died recently, and hadn't been in StarClan for that long, though what he was talking about made since from what she had seen during her time in RiverClan. Padding towards the cats who had already given their support, Shimmerbird gave a firm nod to the tom who had originally spoken.

"I may have died recently, but I don't want StarClan to be like my time in life. I made mistakes then, and I will not make them now. The Clans havae lost faith in us, but we will bring it back."

BEAR. Poprock perseus. Starfall naiad Jester marshall dino.

April 14th, 2023, 02:57 PM
goosefury === > BEAR. Poprock perseus. Starfall naiad Jester marshall Lillian As irritated as he was with Brokenstar and the practically ancient tom's immediate first comment... Goosefury had to admit he was right.

His single eye swept over the gathered cats. He noticed only one spirit whom originated from the Dark Forest, and though his gaze lingered curiously on Ghostblaze for a moment he turned his attention to a figure who deserved it so much more. Rowanmist still looked exactly the same, despite the fact Goosefury hadn't seen him in moons—stars, his laugh was the same, too. Goosefury stamped down the pang in his heart as he angled his head forward with a sharp nod.

"I'm tired of watching cats abuse and waste the lives they live because they think they unwaveringly have more than one chance," he bit out. "They need to be reigned in. I'm with you."

April 14th, 2023, 03:22 PM
How cats felt mattered little to Brokenstar. What he cared for was the words - the step forward needed to initiate change.

"Then it's settled." His icy gaze lingered on Ghostblaze for just a moment. The presence of the dark warrior had not been lost to him, but Brokenstar did not care where one's allegiance laid in death. He had opened this up to all spirits because it impacted everyone. The darkness, the light, the haze. "Let this be our covenant - a treaty between all paths, to restore the dignity of death. Here, we shall stand united on one front."

Where they stood held the thinnest veil between life and death. On their side of the Starcave, where leaders claimed lives and their medicine cats received omens. Though the reach of the sky was limitless, this held the strongest connection.

If cats wished to petition for a life anew, it seemed only natural it be hosted here.

"Now, we need to determine.."

[ FADE TO BLACK - will be posting the info threads soon so the public can eat it up / start their applications! ]
[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

April 27th, 2023, 03:26 PM
Things had been decently promising so far.

When Brokenstar had warned Thrushstar about the collapse, he had expected the same old, same old. Though Cindersky and Sparrowflight might have made some attempt to keep the Clan together, his concern stemmed by how.. Unmotivated, they'd been, to push the Clan forward.

Being a leader was more than ceremonies and patrols. It was more than just building relationships with one's charges. To be a leader, one needed to build upon the Clan meaningfully. In Brokenstar's day, he strove to make ThunderClan the strongest in the forest - and painted the sands red with RiverClan blood.

Both Cindersky and Sparrowflight's lasting impact ended with the cove victory. After that, they lost their drive for the Clan's future.

So, color him impressed that Thrushstar was trying to handle the challenge he was given. He really ought to send more curveballs at the living, apparently, though meddling was not something he relished in. Ideally, Brokenstar wanted nothing to do with them - but he refused to stand by while they destroyed themselves.

"Wardens," his voice radiated along the walls, booming across stone. This coined rank was satisfying - an accurate term to describe their role. "We need to speak."

[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

April 27th, 2023, 06:03 PM
Coldsong was relieved to hear Brokenstar's call. He'd been keeping close watch on WindClan, and boy, if it were possible to get grey hairs in StarClan, he'd definitely have a few more after witnessing the fiery showdown. He was certain WindClan would be fine, but it was still stressful to witness your home struggle and be unable to do anything about it. Even when he wanted to take his mind off things, he was well aware of the shambles the other three clans were in. Stars, what a mess everything was. Sure, he could easily hide deeper into the starry abyss and avoid it all like most StarClanners did, but he refused to be so paws-off with the living. There was work to be done.

He just hoped that one day this omnipresent 'life'style would get easier...

Weary and distressed, Coldsong took his seat by the Starstone and craned his aching head toward the commander of the wardens. "Mm." He grumbled to count himself present, then silently waited for the rest of the covenant to gather.

Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, BEAR., Lillian, Starfall, dino.

April 30th, 2023, 12:48 PM
☄. *. ⋆ Ghostblaze

The large warrior slipped from the shadows at the call of Brokenstar, humming in slight disinterests at whatever may be spoken about. He was watching Windclan from the dark shadows he called his home as flames consumed the camp. Did he feel bad? to an extent yes but also that place hadn't been his home for many moons so he just watched it with interests to see how the leader would handle with the fire and he had even watched as she was killed in the fight by some stupid rouge which quickly changed his thoughts on the leader of being strong.

His intense gaze flickered to Brokenstar, giving a simply tail flick in greeting as he stayed near the shadows as he awaited for the rest of the wardens to come.

Poprock, Jester, naiad, marshall, BEAR., Lillian, Starfall, dino.

April 30th, 2023, 06:17 PM
Strawberryswirl padded over, offering Brokenstar and the others a friendly smile. She was still getting used to being awake for long, having been asleep for seasons now. Every now and then she would awake and peer down on her home, maybe help guide a few souls here and there... but her work as a Starclan guide was tiring stuff! Her soul was so so old now, time was merely an illusion at this point. How long had she been resting anyways?

My goodness! It seems Thunderclan has taken their newest challenge in stride." A delighted purr rumbled within her body as she peered down at Brokenstar's former clan. Thrushstar was leading his clan to safety brilliantly - a nice change of pace to the line of disappointing leaders. The last one she had observed was... Aspen? Ah who knew, she was in and out of her position in a blink of an eye anyways. "Would I be wrong to assume this meeting is about them?"
Jester perseus. naiad marshall BEAR. Lillian Starfall dino.

April 30th, 2023, 09:55 PM
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The starry she-cat tore her gaze from the pool she had been staring into at Brokenstar's call. Watching the living brought her some peace and she would often sit and watch the Clans for hours at a time. Though Shimmerbird couldn't interfere even if watching the struggles RiverClan was going through was painful, she would at least know what was going on.

Standing, the white-flecked molly gave her pelt a shake before padding over to where the Wardens were gathering, dipping her head in greeting to them all before taking a seat and curling her tail over her paws.

@BEAR. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=1) @Poprock (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=13509) @perseus. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=16999) @Jester (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=17) @naiad (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6890) @marshall (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=10933) @Starfall (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=72) @dino. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=426)

May 1st, 2023, 03:46 PM
Silt joined group, his eyes flicked to each of his fellow wardens with curiosity. It funny how different all of them are, but he supposed a varied jury was the best one. He flicked an ear at Strawberryswirl’s comment - he didn’t care much for ThunderClan, but they did seem to be improving somewhat. Perhaps they might even earn a life back.

[ short post bc i’m in rehearsal rn
BEAR. Lillian Poprock perseus. dino. Jester marshall Starfall ]

May 3rd, 2023, 07:54 PM
➵ pebblepool ❀⋆˚₊⁻∘・
// ➵ BEAR. Lillian Poprock perseus. dino. Jester naiad Starfall

pebblepools sharp gaze was averted to the gathering of the council that had started. she liked the new term brokenstar had come up with, wardens... it had a good ring to it. she brought herself over as more cats started to appear, some with pelts of stars and others.. not so much. pebblepool wasn't quite sure how she felt about the presence of those wicked in a councils midst but it would certainly add some more excitement to the whole thing. she sat down and pondered only a moment what brokenstar could be wanting to meet abou.t

May 7th, 2023, 07:45 PM
(tags tags tags)

The Tabby turned, ears perked as he heard a familiar voice speak up. Wordlessly, the tom made his way over to the already formed group. Listening as they all spoke up about what it could be and their thoughts. He would wait, wait to speak until he felt as though it was appropriate.

So, with that, he sat himself down and wrapped his tail around his paws.

May 7th, 2023, 08:11 PM
goosefury === > At Brokenstar's call, Goosefury pulled himself away from the pool of water he had been frustradedly observing to join the rest of the group. His displeasure was clear - RiverClan had crumbled into a right mess in his absence. Perhaps this would provide a distraction. Or the opportunity to fix it. He'd take either at this point.

May 8th, 2023, 11:07 PM
"You would be correct." Brokenstar's gaze lingered on the RiverClan cats, unsurprisingly the latest to the party. He did not expect much from them - he knew them to be slothful and complacent. Perhaps with time they would grow to impress him; but for now, they had much work to do.

As for ThunderClan: "Thrushstar, specifically. As most of you know, I have put a restriction in place when it comes to new leaders of ThunderClan. Since Cindersky, they have not been able to receive them just because of the rank they've claimed. It needs to be earned." A considerable pause, before he added. "That said, I do not desire these tasks to be easy. Thrushstar has shown promise with how he has handled the sinkhole, but being a leader means one needs to be consistent. I propose granting him a single additional life - the others, he still has to work for."

For now, he figured this would be a good morale boost. If Thrushstar recognized the potential of being engaged with his Clan, he could go on to do many great things.

[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

May 10th, 2023, 03:50 PM
Coldsong perked up at Strawberryswirl and Brokenstar's words, weariness dissipating. This was all news to him. Thrushstar had yet to earn his nine lives? Interesting...brilliant, actually. Part of him thought it could be clever if that was the norm for every new leader, but he figured that was not his territory to speak on. He looked down at the Starstone before them, whiskers twitching in thought before finally giving a faint nod. "I like how you went about this, and I definitely agree Thrushstar has earned a life."

[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, BEAR., Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

May 13th, 2023, 02:46 PM
☄. *. ⋆ Ghostblaze

The large bengal hummed at the knowledge he had gain, truly he had thought it would be best for all the leaders to go through that, but the only ones who needed to be taught a lesson really was Riverclan and Thunderclan. He had watched from the shadows of the forests that he called home that they could barely keep a leader.

Though what Brokenstar had said was right, Thrush'star' had done well in the sinkholes. So he nodded, "It seems Thunderclan is finally proving themselves to have a stable leader." he spoke with a sarcastic edge, he had seen what Cindersky and Sparrow'star' had done.

[ Poprock, Jester, naiad, marshall, BEAR., Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

May 18th, 2023, 08:04 PM
Only a couple of the council felt compelled to input, and Brokenstar wasn't going to sit here for another eternity awaiting their response. Prepared to set things into motion, his gaze drifted from the two that spoke to rest on the chaos below.


Okay, maybe he had spoken too soon.

An old familiar sting struck him, watching a promising individual fester away in their own slothfulness. Thrushstar had started off strong, but was already floundering in his role - struggling to push the Clan forward and maintain a sense of direction. This realization was a stark contrast from where he had expected the so-called-leader to be, and he was seriously reconsidering if the new 'leader' had actually earned that life. Brokenstar was not going to reward this behavior. "... We will put a pin in this for now, to see how he handles the rest of this obstacle." His voice had a hardened edge, a defensive manuever to not betray his own emotions. He really needed to stop getting his hopes up about these cats. They always seemed to find a way to shred them.

Perhaps the curse he pondered of was real all along, and ThunderClan was truly doomed. It was beginning to seem like every time things looked up, they came crashing down like the tunnels had.

He was done with this, disheartened and exhausted from the same game, and wanted to move on. He would keep a close eye on Thrushstar but for the moment, he was trying to abstain from getting his hopes up. "Before we depart, is there anything else to discuss?"

[ Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall, dino. ]

May 20th, 2023, 08:40 PM
goosefury === > BEAR. Poprock, perseus., naiad, marshall, Jester, Lillian, Starfall Well. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Goosefury's whiskers twitched as Brokenstar doubled back. If only the old tom's Clan could get their act together. At the invitation to speak, he stood and cleared his throat.

"I've got concerns about RiverClan. Ever since Lionstorm's death, the majority of leaders have been sorrowful excuses, and I'm about sick and tired of watching them falter and fail, yet still think they're entitled to lives. I gave one to Sparrowskip, who wasted it and his leadership with no concern; I did the same with Snowleap, when I thought he would actually make use of it, but he's only proven to be a dissapointment. With how the recent mutt disaster played out, I'm denying their next leader access until they prove they actually deserve it. I'm tired of watching my Clan flounder in the shadows of what they could have been."

May 22nd, 2023, 09:11 PM
➵ pebblepool ❀⋆˚₊⁻∘・
// ➵ BEAR. Poprock perseus. naiad dino. Jester Lillian Starfall

pebblepool felt a chill, one that was familiar. something was off about thrushstar, and that thing warped her view on this life that he had so 'deserved'. "oh dear, it seems our favored leader isn't ready. pity really, though its not something to dwell on of course! let us see if he'll get his act together." pebblepool had hopes for that one, that he'd break the endless cycle of leader after leader gone. it started with that.. aspenstar, and it continued through every leader that followed her. if you wanted to squint at it you could say that the curse followed even in leaders before aspenstar, but pebblepool didn't like to squint. it hurt her eyes and gave her headaches, she much preferred what lay in the present.
her gaze turned to goosefury, he seemed adamant about riverclan and its leaders being deadbeat. pebblepool had liked their leaders up until skystar. she paid ill attention to him, as she somewhat mourned the death of kestrelstar as she quite enjoyed him. but as quick as he became leader, he left leadership. then with snowleap.. he was dormant his entire leadership. no flare, no action. it was unfortunate really, she was looking to him to bring riverclan forward. "i'm waiting to see this new leader before i decide anything, though concerns do plague me despite that. time will only tell how the next in line will handle leadership."

May 23rd, 2023, 10:57 AM
Shimmerbird remained silent as Brokenstar brought up the issue of Thrushstar. Being one of the more recent cats to join StarClan, she didn’t feel her input would be worth much since she wasn’t entirely sure of ThunderClan’s situation. RiverClan, however, was a different matter. It was the Clan she had been born into and she had a special attachment to them.

“I also have concerns about RiverClan, but is denying lives the way to go? It doesn’t seem like it’s helped ThunderClan at all, so how can we know it will help RiverClan?”

dino. BEAR. marshall Poprock perseus. Jester naiad Starfall

May 29th, 2023, 06:40 PM
"It has not." Brokenstar's disappointment knew no bounds. Where Goosefury's rage was a new spark, Brokenstar's had cooled with the constant stream of carelessness. "I do not care what you fish do, but changing the course may be for the best." Whether RiverClan rose or fell concerned him very little, but he was interested in seeing how the Clan would fair if changes were implemented.

It'd either confirm his suspicions, or prove this issue ran deeper than some ancient curse.

[ dino. Lillian marshall Poprock perseus. Jester naiad Starfall ]

May 29th, 2023, 07:11 PM
bumblebreak === > lio Lillian Bumblebreak's fur still prickled with the chaos of the meeting, and hot words still burned unspoken on her tongue. She didn't understand what had even happened. The pushback with her choices (except for Roseraven, that she could see) didn't make a lick of sense. They were all ThunderClan, couldn't they all see what was right in front of their faces? She tossed Gentledoe and Hazelpaw quick glances as she walked, trying to calm herself down for their sake. She'd brought Gentledoe for the she-cat's peaceful presence, and Hazelpaw for simply the experience and because the apprentice had been calm throughout the chaos (Bumblebreak was choosing to ignore the last jab at Goldenpaw).

The trek was shorter than Bumblebreak had expected. With Gentledoe and Hazelpaw behind her, she stopped briefly at the entrance of the cave. Outlined by dark, moss-covered stone, the tunnel stretched deep beyond a bend that dipped under the earth, leaving much to the imagination. Her ears pointed forward as she studied it, before glancing at the two she’d brought along with her.

“Wait out here,” she said. “I’ll see you in a minute.”

She would wait only briefly for any response they might give. Then, with a breath, she began her descent into the cave.

May 29th, 2023, 07:20 PM
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The Siamese trotted along behind Bumblebreak, oblivious to the tension simmering off the older she-cat. She was just so excited that Bumblebreak had chosen her to go to the Starcave!

"Okay!" she chirped, waving a paw as Bumblebreak disappeared into the gave before sitting beside Gentledoe to wait.

lio dino.

May 29th, 2023, 07:34 PM
GENTLEDOE (https://toyhou.se/20474513.gentledoe)
messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

Gentledoe had followed closely behind Bumblebreak, bicolored eyes passing back and forth to keep watch as they walked. Upon reaching the Starcave, she sat down, shooting an encouraging smile in Bumblebreak's direction.

"Stay safe, love. We'll be eagerly awaiting your return," she purred. As Hazelpaw sat beside her, she gave the apprentice a nod before returning to keeping watch.

[ dino. Lillian ]

May 29th, 2023, 07:36 PM
bumblebreak === > BEAR. The cave was dark. When she skirted around the bend, felt the ground beginning to slope beneath her paws, the low evening light from outside vanished completely. Her shoulder knocked into the wall as her eyes adjusted to the inky blackness—she changed her course with an irritated hiss.

It felt like hours before she reached the actual cave, but it couldn’t have been longer than a few minutes, tops. She squinted as the glittering stone came into view. Furious jagged edges carved themselves into its side, shards scattered along the ground just to the side, and she couldn’t help but wonder what had happened here and who had been angry enough to do it.

She didn’t hesitate for another moment before striding forward with purpose, settling down in front of the stone, and pressing her nose against its surface.

May 29th, 2023, 07:43 PM
[ PLEASE READ FOR CONTEXT: Brokenstar is the cat who blocked off ThunderClan leaders receiving lives, with the intention of making them earn it through significant acts of leadership (more than just day-to-day routine.) He had spoken to 3/4 leaders prior to this decision, trying to guide them toward being involved leaders of their Clan, but things don't go as planned and those leaders burned through their lives very rapidly.
With Cindersky and Sparrowflight, they were both very active prior to being leaders but so was Duskstar, so Brokenstar wanted to push them into earning their lives in their new position to avoid another Duskfiasco. While they both kept the Clan organized, nothing outside of routine really happened to obtain lives - which is why they didn't receive any (Cinder also resigned after just a few months!) Thrushstar was in line to receive one due to the Sinkhole plot, but started to fall off mid-plot (and later resigned) and Bumblebreak has handled the vast majority of the chaos since. Essentially, she's receiving the life that would have been for Thrush, because she took charge.
Brokenstar has been ruminating on the lives situation since speaking with the Covenant, and this is his last-ditch effort to push TC in a direction he thinks is best. ]

In his youth, StarClan had been regaled as all-knowing and powerful. Paragons of wisdom set to guide the Clans to prosperity.

But the longer Brokenstar stalked these woods, the more poppycock it seemed. For all his effort, nothing seemed to change. Duskstar, Buckstar, Eveningstar, Aspenstar, Cindersky, Sparrowflight, Thrushfur-- all cats he sought to aid, a growing list of failures with no end in sight.

Were his expectations really that unreasonable? He sought stability for his Clan, cats looking to push ThunderClan forward for seasons to come, not days. He had no interest in putting time into cats not invested in the role or responsibility of leadership. His whole decision to strip them of their privilege to leader lives had been to force them into action to actually earn it-- but it seemed that would never work. Three leaders since he started, and not a single one granted a life.

To some extent, he regret trying to meddle. Eons ago, he had pondered the possibility of ThunderClan being cursed. Intentional or not, the impact of his blood on the Clan only seemed to do more harm than good. ...

It'd be a lie if he said he was tempted to not do this. Brokenstar was exhausted from having such a similar conversation every other moon, but here they were. In the spirit of fairness, he would hold Bumblebreak to similar expectations than the rest. However, he was keeping Shimmerbird's words to heart.

"... is denying lives the way to go? It doesn’t seem like it’s helped ThunderClan at all."

As the smaller cat materialized in front of him, Brokenstar watched her with a skeptical gaze. He was done with the plastic promises, discarded like crowfood. He was done with getting his hopes up. He was done with watching his Clan struggle. If this did not work, he was done with ThunderClan.

"You are fortunate, Bumblebreak, that the weight of the sinkhole did not swallow you whole." He would give credit where it was due: if not for her, ThunderClan would be without a home. She had been the driving force behind their move. "But you are not the first deputy to lead your Clan, nor will you be the last. I have seen more promising deputies rise to the occasion, only to collapse under the mantle of leadership." It was unfortunate, but the track record of her predecessors left a sour taste in his mouth. He would not put his faith in any cat claiming the ThunderClan throne. "Save your breath, words will do you no good. It will be nothing I have yet to hear.

"This is the deal. Seasons ago, ThunderClan lost the honor of receiving leader lives. I had chosen that route in the hopes it would inspire cats to push themselves - to gain a life, they had to earn it through significant acts of leadership. As you can see, that did not work." A fact that was mind-boggling to Brokenstar. He would have loved such a challenge in his day - and painted the forest in fish blood. "You will not be receiving many lives today, but that does not mean you are leaving empty-pawed. To recognize your efforts in Thrushstar's absence, you are being given the opportunity to be granted one life to start your leadership."

[ dino. ]

May 29th, 2023, 07:59 PM
bumblebreak === > BEAR. A starry expanse materialized around her. Bumblebreak let her eyes drift open and glanced around the area, over the grass and the trees and the swirling night sky above. It felt fresher, cleaner, and far more calming than the hellscape she’d left behind. Her gaze found the single tom with her just before he spoke. She didn’t say a word as he opened his jaws, but… she had to stifle a snort of wry amusement. Her leaders had been barred from receiving their lives? Now everything made a whole lot more sense.

Her head tilted as she studied Brokenstar, eyes flickering over his starry form. Words wouldn’t do her any good? Good thing she didn’t plan on promising him anything, then. She hadn’t promised her Clan like all the others had, she had merely given them an ultimatum. Why would she promise anything to the starry ancestors she’d spent so long not believing in?

Hard to keep to that, now, she supposed. He was right in front of her, clear as daylight. Saying that, out of all the cats who had come before her, who had been denied their lives due to their incompetence, she would be receiving just one life. She was breaking that long, long chain. It was almost funny that her name had come to encompass so many meanings over the moons.

“I appreciate the opportunity,” she answered simply. It was all she had to say to him.

May 29th, 2023, 09:01 PM
At least this one kept her mouth shut. Brokenstar really did not want to hear anything she had to say. If she made this worth it, great. If not -

ThunderClan would be on their own.

"Then it's settled. Step forward." He would not be overseeing this, already beginning his departure. His piece was over.


"Whoever looked at that dude and saw 'leader' material really ought to be ashamed." Jaystride twitched his whiskers in the direction of the departing spirit, visibly vexed. "I'm all for making cats earn their dung, but what the hell. That just seems like a disaster waiting to happen." No wonder ThunderClan burned through so many ranks. Maybe if they had lives, they'd last a little longer! It wouldn't have necessarily saved Cindersky or Sparrowflight, but maybe.. And that's all they needed was that maybe.

He couldn't help but wonder where they went off to - he hadn't seen them at all since his arrival. They had a lot of catchin' up to do.

Shaking his head, Jaystride offered a smile in the direction of Bumblebreak. "Been a bit, hasn't it? Sorry I dipped on ya, it was never my intention." Badgers were a pain, in more way than one. ".. But you've done really well for yourself. A goddamn leader, I knew you could do it." Any of the apprentices from their time had the potential. Bumblebreak made it happen.

"Now, let's get this rolling." Enough with the emotions. Bumblebreak had work to do. Jaystride reached forward to bop her forehead. "With this life, I give you VICTORY. ThunderClan's success goes above all else - never settle for less. Too many of our leaders have forgotten how to win, and you're gonna change that." He pulled himself back, muzzle morphed into a grin. "I'm granting you the guardianship of ThunderClan, Bumblestar. Don't screw this up." The last part was light-hearted. Jaystride might be biased, but he didn't think he'd have to worry about the kid ruining his good name.

[ dino. ]

May 30th, 2023, 11:24 AM
bumblestar === > BEAR. lio Lillian Bumblebreak watched as the spirit disappeared, wholly unfazed—but the sudden appearance of someone completely unexpected made her snap her head around.

Jaystride. Holy crap. For a brief moment she could only stare, a hundred different thoughts flashing through her head. Then, with a grin breaking out across her face, she moved forward to meet him. "Someone definitely put ants in his nest last night."

Stars, she could hardly believe she was seeing him again. "Don't apologize. Wasn't your fault. I'm just glad to see you again." She couldn't even imagine what being trapped under the earth would have felt like, let alone how he had even gotten there in the first place. His smile was returned easily, pride bubbling in her chest as the reality of the situation slammed into her.

A starsdamned leader.

Her ears twitched at the bop Jaystride delivered to her head. A life of victory. As Bumblestar. There would be victory, alright. Under her, ThunderClan would no longer be the weak, cowardly Clan that the leaders of the past had morphed them into. No, there would be hell to pay forward, she would make sure of that.

When Jaystride leaned away again, she gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks. For teaching me, and for being there for me, and... for this."

The starry landscape spun away, and she jolted awake in the dim hollow of the Starcave. She glanced up at the broken stone in front of her, rethinking Jaystride's words, before she stood, stretched, and turned to hurry back up the tunnel.

Bumblestar's excitement was clear when she returned to the surface, eyes squinting against the golden sunlight. Morning already. Had she been down there for that long?

"Hey." To Gentledoe and Hazelpaw. She was done here. "I'm all set. Let's go."

May 30th, 2023, 12:55 PM
GENTLEDOE (https://toyhou.se/20474513.gentledoe)
messy-furred brown she-cat with heterochromia.

Waiting outside for Bumblebreak's return was growing a little... tiring. She had begun to doze, paws itching to get up and do something. Was Bumblebreak alright? Gentledoe didn't know how long Starcave meetings lasted, or how long it would take for her to receive her lives. She forced herself to stay awake, though, fighting away the boredom that was slowly creeping in.

However, just as her eyes had begun to slip closed, the telltale voice of the tabby reached her ears. Bicolored eyes blinked open, a smile pulling up at her lips at the sight of her leader.

"Hello, love. I assume it went well, yes?" her head tilted to the side. Gentledoe stood and stretched, then walked closer to the leader. She leaned over and touched her nose to her cheek, a purr rumbling in her throat. Then, she stepped back and began to follow along back to camp.

"Congratulations, Bumblestar. You will do wonderfully as our leader."

[ dino. Lillian ]

June 23rd, 2023, 08:39 AM

Beansprout (https://beanstarrc.carrd.co/#bean-overview)
RiverClan Leader

Finally, the RiverClan leader had found the confidence to leave his Clan in the care of Gingerfrost, Stonepaw, and Wormbite so that he could make the trek to the Starcave in the dead of night. He knew it was typical to have medicine cats along, but... Beansprout didn't quite fully trust Stonepaw. What if something happened, and he was rejected as the leader? What if what happened here would be more personal than he would anticipate? Some moments were meant for Beansprout and Beansprout alone, and he knew in his heart that this was one of them. So, as the siamese cat made his way to the mouth of the cave, he only hesitated for a second. Out of fear of the unknown, his paws temporarily came to a halt. But duty pushed him forward again.

As he made his way deeper into the cave, a glowing stone caught his eye. That had to be it, right? The leader hesitated again. He had renounced the Star Cats not long ago. So... what would happen? No. He shook out his pelt and steeled his nerves. Whatever happened, he decided, he would accept. Beansprout knew he was the right choice for this job. If some Star Cats didn't think so, he would just prove them wrong. So, without any more hesitation, Beansprout laid by the stone. He felt a pull towards it, instinctively pressing his soft nose against the cold stone and closing his eye.

He was ready.

// dino. \\

June 26th, 2023, 12:29 AM
It was really disappointing how far RiverClan had fallen.

Goosefury was beyond frustrated. He’d been watching from above, through the various pools scattered about the afterlife, keeping tabs on his Clan. And each moon had brought a different irritation, a different reason to be positively infuriated.

Sometimes he was certain his Clan thought the blessing of StarClan was a joke. Sparrowskip clearly had, with his blatant dismissal of the nine gifts given to him; Snowleap obviously had not placed much value in them to begin with, if this was how he had stepped away from the position.

Shimmerbird had commented that the revocation of lives hadn’t helped ThunderClan. Goosefury didn’t care about ThunderClan. But maybe this would knock some sense into Beansprout.

A single green eye fell upon the tom that materialized before him.

“It’s been a moon since you took up the mantle of my Clan, yet only now are you coming to me for your ceremony,” he began scathingly. “Gingerfrost trusts you to keep things moving, but I can’t say the same for myself. I’ve been watching RiverClan, keeping tabs—and for as long as I've lived and as long as I haven't, I’ve witnessed more qualified cats than you falter with leadership because they thought they could handle something they couldn't.” Sootflare came to mind, a glaring blemish right after Lionstorm’s reign. Sparrowskip, too, whom Goosefury had seen promise in—a feeling which had quickly turned into regret, after witnessing how he handled things.

“I can’t tell if you’re going to actually pull through, or if you’re going to recklessly throw this opportunity away and drag RiverClan deeper into this stagnant pit you’ve dug yourselves, like the others have. So until you prove you’re worthy of them, you won’t be receiving any lives from the afterlife. I’m done wasting my time on failures. Go fix my Clan, Beansprout.”

Goosefury wouldn’t be giving the tom his name or lives, not today. That was earned. And with one last sharp look, the former RiverClan warrior faded away.

[ vellichor ]

June 28th, 2023, 11:21 AM

Beansprout (https://beanstarrc.carrd.co/#bean-overview)
RiverClan Leader

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Nothing was. He was met with a familiar face as he opened his eye. It was impossible to mistake this cat for anyone else, and a name came to Beansprout's mind automatically. Goosefury. The siamese made sure to maintain eye contact as the other one-eyed tom berated him. Anger and frustration bubbled inside of him, yet he let the cat speak. This wasn't something he should interrupt.

Yes, other cats had taken up the mantle of leader. Cats better than Beansprout. He knew he wasn't the most amazing cat to walk the earth. He wasn't that narcissistic or unrealistic. However, when Goosefury refused him his lives, Beansprout felt compelled to speak. Not in protest, but in indignation. "You better bet I'll be back here once RiverClan has grown under me. I'll prove to you and the rest of the Star Cats that I'm more than worthy of this title and its responsibilities. Got it?"

Then, he awoke, nose cold and vision bleary. His mind, though, was as clear as ever. If he went back to RiverClan as Beansprout, that would only tear the Clan apart. No. The "almighty Star Cats" weren't as clever or smart as they seemed if they wanted him to bring his Clan together while telling them he was refused leadership. "As RiverClan's leader, and the one who will bring this Clan back from the depths of hell into the sunlight where it belongs, I strip myself of my old name. Beansprout is no longer. It will not be Beansprout who saves this Clan, but Beanstar."

The siamese didn't look back as he exited the cave and headed home.

// dino. \\

June 30th, 2023, 01:06 AM
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck; left green eye and right blue eye ★

ೃ⁀➷ Alchemist Kitsune Omari Ravensong ares carmen.

The splotched medicine cat looked up to the stars while he walked beside his apprentice. The sky was dark, and trees loomed over them, but the stars shone brightly. They were always to find in the depths of the night and were a comfort to Cowtuft. It had been what he focused on when he first walked the trial to the Starcave. Such a blessed area, he dearly missed the piece of moonstone shard he used to hold. Burned in the flames, he wondered if it would be possible to scavenge it. Something he must think about.

Cowtuft looked to his apprentice, offering her a small smile. And now, he was with Lightningpaw. His successor. Strange to think about, really, it felt like years since he became a medicine cat while having only been yesterday simultaneously. "This will.. a much more neutral grounds to meet on.. with everything, it is best we make amends with ThunderClan. .. No need to stir something ..that does not need to .. be stirred, yes..? I am not asking.. for you to be friends with them.. that is your own decision, of course.. but nothing is gained with.. hostility .. " Cowtuft spoke softly, and he dearly hoped the apprentice would indeed deliver an apology to Springpaw.

His ears perked up, the Starcave coming into sight. "Oh! Is it not.. beautiful?" He hummed, picking up his pace to swiftly come to the entrance. It did appear that they were the first to arrive, interesting! "Hm, well.. I...think this is the first time I have been early..?" He was more often than not late to things. He ,, had an issue with daydreams,, and was easily distracted.

Turning to Lightningpaw once more, "I.. am unsure if Ivysnake will make a show.. today, but if she does.. do your best to uhm,, disengage... she can be..." His face scrunched up, a small tilt of his head. "a little bit of a wolfhead..! I,, think she means well.." He wasn't actually sure. Maybe it was ShadowClan culture. How they bonded? Who knew, he was a little unnerved by the ShadowClan medicine cat. Dark forest worshippers.. a shiver rolled down his spine. Cowtuft couldn't fathom.

"I think.. you will have fun!! It is, nice to talk.. amongst everyone.. and you can get.. useful information.. it is how I learned burnet..!!" He chirped. He took a seat in the entrance, his fluffy tail curling around him.

Alchemist Kitsune
June 30th, 2023, 03:10 PM
| Lightningpaw |

The walk had been doing wonders for the wiry framed apprentice as she followed after her mentor, the breeze feeling like a comforting, familiar hug along the path. This wasn't her first time leaving the safety of WindClan's territory. The seastones were well away from their new home, and the very journey to their new camp had led them away from the borders they had once resided in. This was the first time, however, when she felt at peace with the walk. There was no fear like the time they had been driven out of their home by the flames. No incessant curiosity or excitement like the time they'd gone to the seastones. The will to gain the knowledge of the Starcave was there, but it came with a sense of calm to it unlike her usual frame of being.

Her mood soured only a little when her mentor spoke, remembering their inability to meet common grounds in their view on the threat ThunderClan posed. Lightningpaw had no real enmity nor held any grudge against Drizzlecloud and Springpaw. The apprentice had asked a question. Which happened to sound suspiciously like an order from their leader... who just happened to be a colossal arse. And who had threatened their clan right before expecting them to give friendly passage to their medicine cats and teach them all they knew. Cowtuft might not see it as a power move, but the oriental shorthair did not agree. Much as she wished she could see the good in everyone like her mentor did, she struggled with it, having seen too many instances of cats looking out only for themselves to have as much faith in potential enemies. Seen enough death despite her young age to have grown a bit more jaded than such an optimistic outlook of life permitted.

"Might want to remind Bumblestar of that when it's my furless body found by the border," Lightningpaw remarked, her ear giving an annoyed flicker before she sighed. "I know you want to... see the good in her but... I cannot ignore the facts, Tufty. Still, I promise. Won't bring her or my potential hairlessness up. Unless coaxed," she added, a cheeky grin following her last few words in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Silence followed as they moved along, the entrance to their goal upon them. Cowtuft was quick to comment on its beauty as Lightningpaw wrinkled her nose, inspecting the scenery. The place was... pretty, of course, but she was expecting something a bit more... starry? Her imagination had gotten away from her again, no doubt, as she'd started to assume they would be walking on clouds, stars forming the very entrance to the cave. Similar to that first escape she'd had as a kit from the night horrors that had plagued her every night. The night she'd met Featherfoot. Just like Starry Meadow, however, the locale was very much tied to earth, the ethereal feeling from it seemingly coming more from a place of faith and inner peace that augmented the area's natural beauty. If she had to hazard a guess, in any case.

"That's because tonight we were quick as lightning," the apprentice joked as her mentor made his surprise audible, an amused giggle escaping her. Nose wrinkling once more in thought, however, she turned to stare at him at the mention of the one medicine cat apprentice who had not made it to the last gathering. His warning, considering how stubborn he was being on the Bumblestar front, surprising her. "Ivysnake... That is Chuckle's apprentice, correct? I'm sure she's fine. Rainbows and sunshine even," Lightningpaw teased, her whiskers twitching with glee.

"I promise to try my best to not be a wolfhead back, though. Can't be embarrassing you every time we meet with the other medicine cats, now can I? That'll make that first gathering all the less special, yeah?" Mischief glinting in her eyes, Lightningpaw sat, waiting for the others to arrive. She really did have every intention to behave, if only to not further disappoint her mentor, but it was best to not raise his expectations too much on that regard. She knew herself well enough. As much as she'd mastered the art of thoroughly annoying others as a kit, she'd never quite gotten down the ability to be a precious darling and stay put. There was always a first time for everything though, right? Stars above... this was going to be a mess, wasn't it?


x ghostie [Cowtuft] | Omari [Drizzlecloud] | Ravensong [Elmshadow] | carmen. [Stonepaw] | ares [Springpaw]

June 30th, 2023, 03:57 PM
x ghostie Omari Alchemist Kitsune carmen. ares

Was this his first trip to the Starcave alone? Elmshadow couldn't be completely sure, maybe once before, but regardless, this time was different anyways. This time there was a finality about it, there was a new reality about this trip that hadn't quite been present in the days leading up to the halfmoon. Ivysnake wasn't back at camp, she wasn't going to come in the next moon, she wasn't catching up or returning. Elmshadow wasn't a sentimental cat but this was start to a new era, one without the medicine cat apprentice who he'd had his eyes on since she had hardly just begun her apprenticeship. Shadowclan would feel the loss of such a promising young cat for some time to come. Nevertheless, his own duties were not to be put on hold over the death of a clanmate, regardless of relation.

He padded over the growingly familiar path and approached the two Windclan medicine cats who had apparently beat him to their meeting place, but that seemed to be it. Drizzlecloud, Springpaw, and Stonepaw had yet to arrive. He dipped his head cordially to the other medicine cats and then waited.

July 1st, 2023, 10:44 AM

Alright, she had absolutely no clue where she was going. Sure, they had received directions, but things can get a bit confusing when you're trying to navigate somewhere for the first time by yourself–well, not completely by herself, her apprentice was here, of course.. But she didn't really know where they were going either, so at this point Drizzlecloud was just kind of hoping for the best.

"When we arrive.. Let's both try to forget about what happened at the last gathering, and perhaps we shouldn't mention the battle with Shadowclan, either." Unless brought up by someone else, of course, but hopefully they could just ignore the elephant in the room when it came to seeing the Shadowclan medicine cats. It's what medicine cats were supposed to do, right? "And, hopefully this will be a bit less nerve-wracking, too. Still, if you start to feel anxious, let me know and we can take a step away for a bit, alright?"

Her nose twitched when she caught the scent of Windclan and Shadowclan, lifting her head to view the vague shapes of three cats slightly off in the distance. We're they last? Oh, no they weren't.. But almost. For some reason the fact that they hadn't arrived last lifted a bit of weight from her shoulders, but it certainly didn't wash away all of her anxieties.

"Hello!" She chirped once they grew a bit closer, nodding her head to the three cats in a respectful greeting.

[Quick post just to get Drizzle n Spring here on time, sorry for it being a bit on the shorter side. ares carmen. Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie Ravensong ]

July 1st, 2023, 10:50 AM
Yin peered into the cave and came face to face with someone he knew well. Yang. "Sister, I failed you. I am not worthy of being a brother, let alone being alive." He mewed.
"Brother, it isn't your fault." She responded. "I was nearing my time anyway. I want you to do something for me."
"I want you to join a clan, and become a clan cat for me. Please." Yang spoke pleasingly.
"...alright." Yin sighed. "I'll see if one of those 'clan cats' will show me to their leader and allow me to join.

July 1st, 2023, 10:42 PM
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear

Shaken, anxious, and tired. Those were the three emotions that could describe the oriental calico at that given moment. The light breeze of the nightly wind rushing through her long, thick coat didn’t really help either, causing a low, dry huff to escape her maw as exhausted hues scanned around the moonlit area, eyes briefly glancing up towards the distant entrance of the large cave. Springpaw hadn’t really been up at the Starcave before, nor had she ever ventured this far away from the familiar home of ThunderClan territory. Whatever the case was, she had to rely on the little directions that she and Drizzlecloud were given, and in all honesty? They barely even gave both of the felines enough wording of where exactly the Starcave was located. But, of course, they had to rely on their own senses and to see if they would get to the right place at the right time, and it seemed to be just that.

Her exhaustion only seemed to grow more apparent as her ears strained to listen to her mentor speak, her bagged eyes drifting upwards towards the direction of the ticked tabby. Trying to forget about everything that had recently happened wasn’t going to be some simple, easy task, as it was much easier said than done. The bitter thought of the recent battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan almost quickly began to lace her mind, a small shudder escaping from the young calico. There was so much unnecessary bloodshed that escaped from such a vicious battle, and Gentledoe’s blood was on her own paws. Great StarClan, the bitter thought of such an horrific experience had latched itself in her mind, twisting itself into its endless gates, putting itself in the spotlight as if it owned the place. Another shiver escaped the calico, along from the wistful breeze that blew through her pale fur, peripheral vision steadily growing adjusted with the darker atmosphere of the cave forming ahead of them.

Of course, she still had to answer her mentor’s statement, only giving off a short, cohesive nod of understanding in hopes that the older molly wouldn’t take it to heavy offense. Exhaustion was already creeping enough around the corners of Springpaw’s brain that the young feline already felt like she could simply just collapse onto the dirt below her numbed paws. It would be much better than to stand here and stare into the opening of the narrow cave. “Of… course I won’t mention anything of either event,” she stated, voice slow as she briefly glanced up towards the direction of Drizzlecloud, “we’ve already dealt with enough casualties as it is to mention either of anything, really. We don’t need the other clans to know about what had recently came before us.” It was true, that none of the other clans didn’t really need to know of the recent battle that had happened within her clan. But, if her deepest concerns were correct and that one medicine cat from ShadowClan was there, then she’d surely be certain that he’d possibly mention a good bit of something from the recent battle. Only the stars above knows what horrendous words could spill out of his mouth.

Oh, well, at least Drizzlecloud was going to be there for in case Springpaw was going to have another ‘freak-out’ act again. That whole situation alone from the gathering had only just been embarrassing, knowing just how much of a reputation that she had probably spilt onto the other medicine cats just from that simple act alone. Good lord, they could possibly think that she was entirely unfit to become the next medicine cat itself! Surely that wouldn’t be the case, would it? If that were true, then Springpaw was absolutely dreading on what irredeemable words were bound to escape the other medicine cats’ mouths as soon as they approached the Starcave. Which, it had already had been doing so.

Gosh, the place surely was pretty. Her tired-drenched eyes were quick to take in on the scenery, oceanic hues glancing around at every open nick and cranny that the cave held, slowly contemplating in the dark scenery of the cave. Her comments on the place would remain subtly to herself, as an ear flicked in the direction of her mentor as Drizzlecloud began to introduce herself to the other medicine cats. Ah, right, it seemed that Springpaw should do so herself, even if the action didn’t feel all that right to do as she had met the other medicine cats not so long ago. Craning her head, Springpaw glanced over in the direction of all the cats that had seemingly arrived. Well, creepy Elmshadow was here, that seemed fun. And both Cowtuft and his apprentice was here, so all they needed was Stonepaw, if she remembered.

Sucking in a rather hesitant, deep breath, the calico began to waltz in the other medicine cats direction to stand close with her mentor, the tip of her white-tipped tail twitching as she numbly nodded her head in each of the cats direction. “Greetings,” she spoke briefly, casting a rather blink in greeting, “I hope everyone here has been doing… greatly.” her tone was unreasonably tart and her voice was slow, plus her heavy exhaustion felt like it was on edge. Her blue gaze briefly drifted over in the familiar direction of Elmshadow before quickly focusing back at Cowtuft and Lightningpaw, casting them a rather forced smile. It was best if she had forgotten entirely about the gruesome battle from before and messy gathering, she had to introduce herself to them properly, afterall. She had make some sort of good impression, otherwise.


Omari Alchemist Kitsune Ravensong x ghostie carmen

July 4th, 2023, 01:11 PM

It had taken him a while to get to the Starcave. He had known what it was from vague mentions, he had understood Cowtuft's request, but did he know how to get there? Not remotely. He'd had enough help to push him in the right direction, but he had been hopelessly lost until he had caught the scent of one of the other medicine cats. No matter, he'd made it here eventually. Stonepaw hadn't known much about the Starcave until recently, heck, he didn't know Starclan was a thing until a few nights ago. Coldamber. He still had more than a few questions about her. Who she'd been, why she'd helped him, how she'd died. He was guessing the last one wasn't something someone usually asked the deceased, but he was curious!

Coming up the rise to be faced with the other five, he couldn't help but blow out a sigh of relief. He had known he would be late, but at least they hadn't left without him. That would've been awful. He couldn't help but notice Ivysheep was missing. The bully hadn't been at the gathering, and she hadn't appeared here either. A guilty jolt of glee bounced through his body at the idea of not having to deal with her, but he bit it back. Fawnlight hadn't been mean, so neither would he. Instead, he rewarded them with a small smile as he trotted up to stand beside Lightningpaw.

"Hellooo! Sorry I'm late! Took a couple wrong turns. How're we all doing?" He had to force some of the enthusiasm, but there was a sort of stillness that radiated from the group, making him uneasy and uncertain. Cowtuft had always been introverted and Elmshadow uptight, but the presence of the added three didn't do much to still the water. Springpaw was anxious, he could tell that from a single glance in her direction. It didn't seem to be as bad as from the Gathering, but he had never been skilled at reading the emotions of strangers. The smile cast in her direction only widened in an attempt to seem comforting, but in his eleven moons of life, he had never been quite certain if he appeared that way.

Drizzlecloud was fine, he supposed. He still thought she should be in Riverclan, with a name like that, but she seemed strong and comforting and good. She had a good presence. Lightningpaw was a redeemer. Stars above, he wouldn't have been able to stand this meeting if he there wasn't at least someone around who would say something. Still, with this combination, it would probably be fine. "How's Ivyshe-shadow?" His eyes turned to Elmshadow as he tried to rebuttal his thoughts from earlier. Remedy the mean with well-intended questions. Besides, he really wasn't a fan of all this quiet.

"So, uh, what are we supposed to do here?" Fawnlight hadn't told him, and this hadn't came up when he had spoken to Marigoldleap and Coldamber. It was a new experience, and one with a cool name.

x ghostie Alchemist Kitsune Ravensong Omari ares

July 8th, 2023, 02:25 AM
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck; scarred shoulders, hindleg - left green eye and right blue eye ★

ೃ⁀➷ Alchemist Kitsune carmen. Ravensong Omari ares
|| apologizes about the delay in response! been feelin' quite sick ueue
Cowtuft stared blankly at Lightningpaw's response, only raising a small eyebrow. As if to say, ahem? Hello? He did not enjoy the image that came to mind and simply settled for shaking his head back and forth. They did not need to start this conversation again, that could be for later. After this meeting. He settled for a small nod of his head, "Thank you, " Cowtuft responded sincerely. If they could maintain peace, the gentle giant would be pleased.

A soft chuckle escaped from him at Lightningpaw's pun, pausing momentarily. "C..chuckles?" He questioned, slowly tilting his head to the side. "If you are referring to uhm.. Elmshadow..! I do believe, yes..!" He wasn't sure for the reason of the name, but his whiskers twitched in amusement either way. Ooh, thank the stars Elmshadow was not here yet. Cowtuft doubt he would be as fond.

A small snort came from him and he playfully rolled my eyes. "You could never.. embarrass me.. Lightningpaw, " He corrected, yes - the first Gathering she had gone to had been.. interesting, per say, but he wouldn't consider himself embarrass. He could never be ashamed of her. Perhaps that was why StarClan choose her instead of him.

His ears perked up as someone approached. Their was the scent of ShadowClan and Cowtuft briefly wondered who of the medicine cats it was. Still, he dipped his head in greeting. Becoming quieter with someone else here, his feathery tail curled around his paws. A small chirp once another joined with a smaller cat. ThunderClan. It was when the littler one spoke that Cowtuft's eyebrows furrowed in concern. They seemed so tired! Ooh, goodness. Poor little guy.

Then, Stonepaw came and Cowtuft smiled brightly at him. "Hello, Stonepaw..!" He gestured, pausing at the other's first question. The medicine cat looked around, and he supposed there was indeed no Ivysnake. That was peculiar. "Will she not be joining us..? I do hope all is well with her.." He signed towards Elmshadow. She had missed the Gathering previously and that was far from her. Ivysnake clearly had determination for her role, she was no cat to stay behind!

Cowtuft turned back to Stonepaw. "Well.. we typically exchange.. information about new herbs.. different techniques.. those sorts of things.. and we visit our ancestors.. with the Moonstone.. " then, his gaze went back to Drizzlecloud and Springpaw. "Have you ..two been settling in your.. new roles well? I am unsure if you have had the chance yet.. but perhaps I could go over.. a few basic herbs with you two..? If someone has not already?" Cowtuft offered.

Alchemist Kitsune
July 9th, 2023, 10:34 PM
| Lightningpaw |

Aha! There it was. She saw it. Cowtuft might thing he was being a sneaky kitty, but she saw those whiskers twitch. It wasn't her fault this Elmshadow was just a bundle of chuckles and delight. As far as she knew. Maybe she'd caught him on a bad night the last time. Who knew?

And speaking of the dark, brooding, silent medicine cat, is seemed he was here! Alone? Hmm... That was odd. Perhaps something had happened to his apprentice? Maybe there was sickness running rampant in ShadowClan? Whatever it was, it had to be fairly harsh for the wolfhead - Cowtuft described her that way she could use it all she wanted - to not have come around, right? It wasn't like one could just... opt out of these things, right?

Regardless of what had happened, Chuckles seemed polite enough even if he seemed a bit sterner than the other medicine cats, going as far as giving a silent greeting. That... was more than she'd gotten last time, honestly, and Lightningpaw gave a small dip of her head back. After the argument she'd started last time, she had to stay as polite as possible... for as long as possible. For Cowtuft's sake. Even if she thought all this politeness was making this event dreadfully boring.

Gratefully, the young apprentice didn't have time to dwell too long in such thoughts, as the ThunderClan medicine cat and her apprentice soon showed up as well, greeting the three that had already arrived rather amicably. Or at least... Drizzlecloud had been amicable. Springpaw spoke like she'd just been forced to ingest a mouthful of the most bitter herbs she'd ever swallowed. The lithe calico was truthfully unable to tell if this molly was tired or just against the idea of interacting with either WindClan medicine cats. Her facial expression was not helping matters much, either... Quirking a brow at the forced smile sent their way, Lightningpaw responded, sending a cheeky little smirk back. Cowtuft had asked her to keep the peace, and what was more peaceful than smiling back when being smiled at?

Before she could question Springpaw over what was vexing her so - or what stick had gone and got stuck in her tail, whichever worked - Stonepaw arrived, marking the arrival of all medicine cats at the StarCave. The smirk on her lips turning more genuine at the sight of the tom, she lifted a paw in greeting. Stonepaw had been right fun last time, hadn't he? Maybe they could get to know each other better today? If any extra drama could be avoided, in any case. Gratefully, Cowtuft instantly kept her busy. The apprentice was uncertain if the others could understand her mentor's gesturing in its entirety, but frankly at this point, she always began her translation by instinct. It was simply simpler than the awkward silence that sometimes followed before it was made clear that she had to translate anyways.

"Cowtuft says hello! And also wishes to know if your apprentice won't be joining us," Lightningpaw mewed, turning her attention on Chuckles. "He hopes all is well with her. As for what we do here - excellent question by the way, I had so many things in mind I proper forgot that, can you believe - Cowtuft says this is were we exchange information of new herbs and different techniques without warriors and leaders screeching over our heads and making all that information very easy to get lost in the pandemonium... I added that last part, I'll behave starting now, promise yeah?" the apprentice mewed, blue eyes sparkling with mischief as she turned to her mentor with a playful smile that wholly promised the contrary. "Apparently we also evaporate our ancestors... Wait, really? No hang on. Visit. That was visit! My bad!"

Turning to the two ThunderClan medicine cats with whiskers trembling as she contained a small bout of giggles threatening to evaporate her from the meeting, she continued translating for Cowtuft. Until someone told her it wasn't necessary, of course. "My mentor wishes to know if you two have been settling in to your new roles. He is unsure if you two have had chance to practice, but he would be happy to go through some basic herbs with both of you if you haven't found some help in the matter already," she finished, turning to Cowtuft once more, while tapping her tail against the ground. The visits from the ancestors and the moonstone sounded fascinating, but even more so was the exchange of herbal knowledge. Things she could actually use to help her clan? No wonder medicine cats like to play nice and behave. That was definitely easier than everyone learning every single herb on their own through trial and many a potential error, as far as she was concerned.


x ghostie [Cowtuft] | Omari [Drizzlecloud] | Ravensong [Elmshadow] | carmen. [Stonepaw] | ares [Springpaw]

July 12th, 2023, 01:35 AM
Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie carmen ares Omari

The tension was palpable, a thickness in the air that the stoic tom was rather used to, it was a quality that he was more used to himself and Ivysnake providing. Though this time it seemed to come in on waves with the Thunderclan medicine cats. Not completely surprising after the display at the previous gathering. He returned Drizzlecloud's greeting with a silent nod of his head though, while his attention remained directed towards the medicine cat, the Thunderclan apprentice's continued anxiety did not go unnoticed. He gave the young cat a pass being that she was still just an apprentice but it was still a trait she should be old enough to have outgrown by now surely.

And then Stonepaw arrived in a flush. The young medicine cat was still...uneasy but Elmshadow had noticed some form of sureness slowly developing. But his thoughts were cut short as Stonepaw brought up the other Shadowclan medicine cat. Elmshadow's face remained stony, "Ivysnake was murdered. So she is obviously no longer serving with me." He blinked slowly, his green eyes flicking towards Drizzlecloud and Springpaw for the pair's reaction. Ivysnake had trained as a warrior and was a better fighter than most warriors of the other clans and she loved the fight of the warrior. Elmshadow would not be one to blame a warrior for treating her as a warrior as he was sure that she was acting as one. But even as a murdered warrior, the circumstances of her death as he knew them were dishonorable at best.

As much as his own warrior blood wanted to rear itself, he knew now was not the time so he changed the subject promptly. "I have found a flowering plant that appears to be toxic, fatal to those in a weakened state. But this one seems to not affect prey in the same way, though prey that has recently eaten it is as toxic as the plant itself. It causes lethargy and vomiting. A quick dose of nettle seeds to bring up the toxin seemed to be the best, then treating the symptoms and hydration. It doesn't seem to be completely effective, however. I figured you all should know to keep an eye out. They're low patches of purple flowers with thin green leaves. The flowers are almost like a daisy but with fewer petals and more closed upwards."

July 12th, 2023, 03:16 PM

Drizzlecloud lifted her tail, carefully resting her tail-tip against one of Springpaw’s shoulders. A silent action that could easily be missed by the others, but it was an act of comfort nonetheless. Her wordless way of saying, I’m here, it’s okay. Her attention averted from her apprentice, looking towards Lightningpaw and Cowtuft instead, and she dipped her head gratefully to the pair.

“I do believe we’ve been settling in just fine. Roseraven has been giving us her guidance, teaching us what she knows, so we know the basics.” The blue-grey spotted tabby smiled at him after hearing about his kind offer, tipping her head to the side rather than denying him outright. “We’ve been learning a lot since our new positions have been granted to us. I don’t think it will be necessary to teach us the basics, but we do appreciate the offer nonetheless!”

If she had any questions, though, she would likely be asking him.

Ivysnake. Oh. Ivysnake had been murdered. The news made her positive demeanour drain ever so slightly, unsure how to take the news.. They never had the chance to meet Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat apprentice, and even despite the recent battle at Sunkissed Creek, she did want to meet her. The look that Elmshadow sent their way almost made the fur along her spine bristle–why was he looking at them for a reaction?

Was it Thunderclan’s doing?

She swallowed the lump in her throat, her tail-tip gently tapping Springpaw’s shoulder a couple of times subconsciously. Deciding to follow Elmshadow’s lead with sharing their own learnings, she inhaled sharply, running through the list of herbs that she had recently learned. What if they already knew everything that they had learned? Surely they wouldn’t poke fun, right? Probably not. Most likely.

“Well, we–.. We’ve learned a handful of things, and I apologize if you already know of these, but.. Glowing mushrooms? If those are ingested, they can kill.” Probably best to share something else, too, right? “And.. In my own time, I’ve learned about lavender. A purple flower that grows in sprigs rather than blooms of petals. If you let a cat inhale it, it can cure fevers, chills..” Her words trailed off a bit, finding herself to be a bit nervous once more. Less nervous than the last gathering, but still a teensy bit nervous nonetheless! She hoped that it wouldn’t be too obvious.

[ ares carmen. Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie Ravensong ]

July 13th, 2023, 05:39 PM
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear

Well, at least Stonepaw didn’t take very long to get to the Starcave. Springpaw would’ve swore that her paws would’ve simply fallen off her legs at this point if she continued standing here, exhaustion was practically wiping itself away through her system. Wasn’t there something to help with that? Probably, but she wasn’t sure of what that may be; could have it been that one herb called ragweed perhaps? That was an energy booster and helped give cats strength during long treks like these, but it wasn’t like she and Drizzlecloud had any of that in their herb storage at the given moment. So she’ll have to just cope herself through the heavy wave of exhaustion that was overcoming itself through her body in random directions. Totally one of the things that the pastel calico needed at that very given moment. Silently huffing beneath her breath, Springpaw silently locked her oceanic hues with Stonepaw’s amber hues, her eyes quick to notice the comforting smile that he was giving off towards her direction. Well, at least he was trying to help her ease her up-rising anxiety, and it seemed to do the trick, as the calico gave the gray tom a smile right back. It wasn’t a smile that the calico would’ve liked, but it was a smile either way. Maybe he won’t mind? It wasn’t like Springpaw was in the best mood at heart to be standing here out in the late midst of the night.

However, Stonepaw’s words had only worsened that dreadful feeling, the calico’s muscles tensing as her brain slowly worked itself out of how to properly respond to his question. How was she doing? Absolutely horrible. How was Springpaw espoused to simply respond with that? Oh, let’s just say, ‘Oh! I’m fine! I totally didn’t just deal with a recent battle of bloodshed and deal with my mother almost dying!’ Yeah. Not happening. Knowing most likely, the others would just give her weird looks if she had randomly blurted out those specific answers; or in most particularly Elmshadow. He would probably give her the weirder looks. It wasn’t like the tom creeped her enough as it is. Including, the calico had promised to keep her mouth shut about the recent battle to her mentor. She wasn’t going to go behind her back and simply betray her word. Springpaw wasn’t the type of cat to break promises, and that wasn’t something that she had on her ‘to-do’ list. Other than that, she shook away the thought and simply just muttered a quick, ‘I’m fine’ to pass on the question. It wasn’t enough to make it seem like a reasonable answer, but Springpaw wasn’t in the mood to go into further detail about what was going on in her mind at the very moment. Or even have anyone start randomly picking and prodding at her words if she did go into further detail about it.

Her hazy eyes quickly shifted towards the direction of Cowtuft as Stonepaw asked him what they were espoused to do at the Starcave, curiosity now peeking at the young nine moon feline. What exactly were they espoused to do here at the Starcave? Did they just… meet up like this and talked? To spread knowledge of herbal remedies and other important medical topics? Springpaw’s exhaustion dimmed as her brain forcibly woke itself to focus enough of the large black-and-white tom as he began to express through gestures what she had supposed what they were supposed to do here at the Starcave. A frown grew among the calico's face as she merely understood almost… none of it, in fact. Around the only thing that was caught to her attention was Stonepaw asking Elmshadow where… someone named ‘Ivyshe-shadow’ was. That’s a rather strange name for someone in ShadowClan, then again, Springpaw didn’t really think much of the matter. That was Stonepaw and Elmshadow’s private conversation, not hers. She just had to figure out whatever Cowtuft was gesturing to all of them… however that’ll work. Springpaw wasn’t much for signing, but hopefully she’ll get most of what the tom had been signing eventually.

The familiar sight of the short-furred calico Lightningpaw was quick to catch her eye, Springpaw turning her head towards the WindClan molly’s direction. Right, she had accidentally taken in full acknowledgement that she was here. Then again, a small grasp of worry tugged deeply in her chest at the way the other oriental-shaped molly looked in her direction. Did… did she not trust her? Or, did she notice how forced her smile was? Oops. That wasn’t fully intentional for her to notice, and an apology was quick to rise up in her throat, but it died down as soon as it rose. Lightningpaw didn’t really seem to be that much of a bad cat, and Springpaw had a deep desire to apologize for how rather… indespicable their meeting was at the last gathering. Hopefully soon she’ll be able to fully apologize to her eventually during this meeting. Other than that, her interest quickly spiked up as Lightningpaw began to translate what most of Cowtuft’s gesturing was, making a relieved sigh escape Springpaw’s maw. Thank the stars above for that. She wasn’t sure if she was ever going to get some sort of translation for what the tom had been signing. Sure, she wouldn’t blame him for not wishing to speak, but it could be a bit confusing at times for not understanding what most of the gestures he was signing were saying at most.

Well, the first part was rather obvious to the contrary. Cowtuft had introduced himself to them—it felt rather embarrassing that it wasn’t easy to understand that part in all honesty—and wanted to know if Elmshadow’s apprentice would be joining them at this meeting… whatever it’ll be about. Interest quickly grabbed hold of Springpaw as she continued to listen to Lightningpaw’s translation, both a mixture of amusement and curiosity grabbing at the calico eagerly. So, this was a meeting where they exchanged information about new herbs and different techniques to each other? Sounded interesting and very informative. Springpaw didn’t know much, but it sounded helpful that it was going to be given to her and her mentor. A small fit of snickers helplessly escaped the pastel calico, merely from how Lightningpaw worded most of her words. It wasn’t out of her own intention, she just only heard something that she thought was funny. Hopefully she wouldn’t get too aggravated about it, would she? Springpaw had only just heard something that she found amusing, so hopefully that wasn’t that much of a big deal. Other than that, at least she heard that they were here to visit their ancestors and to not evaporate them. How would that even be allegedly possible though?

However, as the other medicine cat’s apprentice turned her focus on her and her mentor were quick to make Springpaw’s throat tighten, words silently lodging themselves in her throat. A tiny part of her brain screamed at her in worry that Cowtuft had possibly signed something that she would’ve had to know. However, her tensed nerves quickly calmed themselves as soon as they arrived, sighing silently as Lightningpaw stated that Cowtuft only wanted if both she and Drizzlecloud had been settling down in with their new roles and learned some basic starter herbs to start them off with their new ranks. Springpaw opened her jaws to respond, her brain working out a response to say to the other calico, only for her to quickly shut them as soon as Drizzlecloud began to speak. Well, thank the stars for that. Springpaw was sure that she would’ve been stumbling over her words if she tried to respond to that. However, it felt like it would be a necessity to respond due to the fact of her herb training with that former medicine cat, Coldamber. She’ll mention it sooner or later, she supposed. Hopefully Drizzlecloud won’t be too mad about her not saying anything about it. That would just be something that the calico definitely wouldn’t want.

Other than that, her focus shifted towards Elmshadow as the dark-furred tom began to speak, a wave of uncomfortable anxiety rushing through her as he looked directly at both her and her mentor as if they knew something that the others didn’t. Other than that, his words left an unsettling chill up her spine. His apprentice, Ivysnake, was dead? Springpaw didn’t know the molly, whatsoever, but the way that Elmshadow was staring at her made the calico feel uncomfortable in her spot. Her oceanic hues briefly glanced up towards Drizzlecloud’s jade-green as they both silently shared the same question. Was it ThunderClan’s doing? The question in itself felt like a rather dreadful realization if that were the case, but hopefully that won’t be the case… right? The subconscious tapping of her mentor’s tail along her shoulders further proved that her mentor was just as worried about the question as she was. Springpaw forcefully swallowed a lump that was stuck in her throat as she quickly glanced away from Drizzlecloud as she focused back at Elmshadow again, suppressing herself so she could properly focus at the other tom as he continued to speak, this time about flower that that appears to be toxic and is extremely fatal to anyone in a weakened state. Well, at least that seemed to be something that she’ll keep in mind for in case she were to come across a flower like that. She didn’t want to risk anyone accidentally eating it and then suddenly dying from it.

Well, it seemed that it was Drizzlecloud’s turn to speak, and Springpaw felt an unsettling level of anxiety coming off from her mentor as she began to speak, speaking up about a herb called lavender. The calico's ears angled themselves in her mentor’s direction as she listened to the properties of the herb that she spoke about. A quick, small purr escaped her throat as her blue eyes focused up towards her mentor. “You never told me that you learned a herb called lavender. I’ll have to keep that in mind.” Springpaw spoke, smiling briefly up at the blue-grey ticked tabby as she whisked her tail in her direction. Well, since her mentor gave out a herb that she learned, it wouldn’t hurt to give out the things that she learned from Coldamber, right? Just hopefully Drizzlecloud wouldn’t be angry at her for not telling her in the first place. “Well… I’ve been receiving some herb training from a former medicine cat named Coldamber, and she’s been teaching me about the usages of some herbs; she taught me chamomile, borage, dandelions, daisies, and some other herbs that you all probably know.” she silently scraped a paw along the ground, ears pinned back as she silently awaited what the other medicine cats had to say. Hopefully it wouldn’t be anything negative.


Omari x ghostie Alchemist Kitsune carmen Ravensong

July 29th, 2023, 06:06 PM

He'd said it once and he'd say it again. This group of cats was awkward. Embarrassing. Nerve-wracking. Bland. Dull. Bo-ring. They were all so quiet, but there was still that sense of tension in the air, a feeling of mutual distrust. Beestar could be thanked for much of that, her hostility unnecessary and equally ill fated. He could taste that she was a bad egg and that sense of evil had began to leek into her clanmates. Elmshadow needed no explanation, but there was something off about the Thunderclanners that didn't match their previous interactions.

He hadn't picked up on it when he had first arrived, but it was different after being here for a bit, something he had picked up on until later. He shuffled closer to the Windclan medicine cats, turning towards Cowtuft as the other cat began to sign. He forgot about the questions pertaining to the other three and smiled back widely. "Hello, hello!" He grinned back at Lightningpaw next before tilting his head to watch Cowtufts paws.

He wasn't the best with deciphering the signs, but with Lightningpaws assistance, he had started understanding. Little signals now and then, it wasn't perfect, but he was working on it. He snorted at her addedHerbs and info would serve to be useful, so he supposed it made sense. "The Moonstone..." He wasn't quite sure what that was, but with the accompanying explanation of a connection with the ancestors, he dipped his head in understanding.

Up until recently, Stonepaw hadn't believed in Starclan. No, scratch that, he hadn't known what Starclan was. It wasn't until the arrival of Coldamber that he had realized that the home of the dead was more than just a saying to express relief. They were real and starry and it almost felt as if they weren't real, but they were cause he had seen one right in front of him. Real and dead. Dead dead dead. Was his dad up there? Antkit? Had Indigopaw's adventures led to their fall? What about Fawnlight. Fawnlight. Was she there? His mom?

"Uh, yeah! If you need any help with herbs, I'm always open to help as well, though I think Mr. Cowtuft knows more." He knew a few, but Cowtuft was a big medicine cat, he knew more, that was for certain. Perhaps he'd ask him some later.

He froze when Elmshadow finally spoke, head turning to stare at him, slack-jawed. He didn't like Ivysheep, but murdered? Murdered? She didn't deserve that, nobody did. He followed Elmshadow to stare at the Thunderclan medicine cats. Had Thunderclan? No. That would be crazy, even a cat like Ivysnake wasn't exempt from the safety given to medicine cats. That was bad, really bad. But, both Drizzlecloud and Springpaw looked equally surprised. Shocked by the news, even though it was seemingly their fault. That was weird.

So was Elmshadows quick topic change, but he supposed that it was important. A poisonous plant with purple flowers and green leaves. He'd remember that. And the glowing mushrooms. Two bad ones. But, oh, lavender! That sounded nice! Fevers and chills be gone? That sounded nice, he'd have to get some later. He turned to Springpaw and nodded. They had both seen the same ancestor? Cool! Though, he wouldn't steal her thunder. "What do those do?" Give her a chance to explain them, you know!

Omari x ghostie Alchemist Kitsune ares Ravensong

August 3rd, 2023, 12:24 AM
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck, burned hindleg, x-scar marks on shoulders; left green eye and right blue eye ★

ೃ⁀➷ carmen. Ravensong Omari Alchemist Kitsune ares

The gentle giant smiled softly as the young apprentice begun to translate for him. It was much appreciated. Things could sometimes get lost in meaning. Cowtuft's ears perked up as Lightningpaw translated his question and he turned to look towards Elmshadow. Perhaps he was expecting a sickness. Something. He hadn't expected for Elmshadow to announce Ivysnake had been murdered. The shock was clear on his face, jaw parting slightly.

Oh. Cowtuft's expression shifted into something filled with sorrow. Acceptance. "I.. hope she is at peace.. in her respective afterlife.." He signed, lifting two front paws to brush them against and turn them over. He remembered she worshipped the Dark Forest and .. he didn't understand it but if it made her,, happy then all was well? (An image of the starless sky flashed in his mind and he suppressed a shudder.) Cowtuft didn't ask for any more information. He supposed they would find out when the full moon came.

A chuckle fell from Cowtuft's lips as Lightningpaw furthered translated, embellishing a few of his words. She wasn't entirely wrong. Gatherings were far too complicated, too chaotic, to truly exchange information. He was mainly focused on getting through it if anything. He paused and then attempted to stifle another laugh at Lightningpaw's mistranslation. He wasn't sure if it was genuine or an attempt to lighten the mood. He leaned forward to attempt to gently press his nose against her cheek affectionately.

Cowtuft looked back to Elmshadow. Ooh! Herb information time. He wished he had more to offer but to be frank,, experimentation on prey seemed like such a waste. Though.. perhaps if he could ensure it would be safe to eat.. He pushed that thought aside for another day. "Interesting,, I cannot recall.. if I have ever seen that type of flower.. " Cowtuft confessed, shelving this bit of knowledge into a corner of his mind. Do Not Eat.

A smile came across Cowtuft's face. "Ooh, golly, that's wonderful then..! Glad you are making progress.." He rumbled, maybe he forgot Roseraven was still apart of ThunderClan. She had been an interesting lass.

The tom almost coughed as Drizzlecloud revealed what glowing mushrooms could do. "GEE!!" He shook his head back and forth, "I .. have been warned to stay away from them, yes, .. but only because the effect.. was unknown.. Quite glad I did not.. try to branch out.. Thank you.." He had been very close to trying to figure it out but almost as if graced from the stars -- the herb patrol didn't come back with mushrooms. Or report to him. Or come back with anything.

Lavender seemed useful.. Cowtuft nodded his head. " 'Fraid I do not have.. much to offer .. I have learnt .. two new herbs .. Sunnyfuzzies.. A very thick, fluffy.. golden flowering plant.. grows along a stem.. often found in patches... The flowers can be chewed.. and applied to wounds to speed up the healing process.. and then, there are Sunset Roses.. which can be used to treat Snow-Fever.. It helps with chills, nausea, fever .. " Cowtuft shuffled his paws, eyebrows furrowing together as he attempted to recall everything.

"Unsure.. if you all have.. had a case of Snow-Fever .. bit peculiar.. but WindClan had a horrible outbreak.. quite a few moons ago.. presents with chills and then progresses quickly.. highly infectious.. the herb I told you.. can only treat the beginning case.. once someone who has it reached muscle tremors.. I do not believe anything can be done,, " He explained, his shoulders slumping. It wasn't a fond memory. Far from it.

His tongue darted out to wet his lips. He was eager to move on from the topic. Thankfully Springpaw had her own snippet to add. "Coldamber..?" Cowtuft blinked in surprise, the name stumbling from his lips before a grin spread across them. "Ooh, that makes me awfully happy.. she's very kind, taught me quite a lot.. have not heard of chamomile before.. though..?"

Alchemist Kitsune
August 3rd, 2023, 11:15 PM
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 1] - Inactive

There was a moment of levity. Of snorts and giggles being had. It seemed her teasing had gotten the desired effect, at least from the paws and her mentor. Drizzlecloud, while certainly more chatty than Elmshadow, had more in common with the dark furred tom than first met the eye. They both gave the appearance of speaking only what was necessary and little more, giving no opening, no glance into their inner workings even in this meeting. Despite this, Lightningpaw offered a cheeky grin to the few laughs she got, a purr escaping her as she felt her mentor's nose on her cheek.

And then the mood changed. Soured in an instant. Almond shaped eyes grew round at Chuckles' announcement. Ivysnake had been... murdered? Murdered?! That... that was awful! Following his cool gaze, Lightningpaw's own blue hues narrowed momentarily, wondering if ThunderClan was to blame. It wouldn't surprise her. Not really. In fact, that had been the very thing Cowtuft and her had been arguing about just before their arrival!

But... something didn't add up. Drizzlecloud and Springpaw seemed shocked. Caught unawares by the news. If ThunderClan had really killed the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice, wouldn't they know about it? Surely Bumblebreath would have held a clan meeting at a potential war with ShadowClan upon such a crime? It just wasn't right. How out of the loop they seemed.

Chuckles wasn't really in the mood it seemed to add any more details to his revelation either, as he quickly changed the subject, forcing Lightningpaw to shake any suspicion away. If ThunderClan had truly killed Ivysnake, she was certain Chuckles would have said something, wouldn't have he? She definitely wouldn't just chat up a storm with the healers of the clan who had just murdered Cowtuft. She'd be out for their blood. There must have been another meaning behind that stare. There just had to be.

"Sorry... for your loss," Lightningpaw mewed, sincerity lacing her voice as she dipped her head respectfully towards Elmshadow. She'd lost enough cats in her life to know the sting. She couldn't even imagine what she would do if something happened to her Tufty. Elmshadow was no doubt more distraught than he let on... or so she chose to believe. "Cowtuft wishes to let you know that he hopes she's at peace... in her... chosen afterlife."

Her mentor's words confused her, making her take pause between them as she made sure she got them right. Chosen afterlife? What? Didn't medicine cats just go to StarClan? They served their clan in StarClan's name, didn't they? Surely they had chosen the old geezers in taking this path? Could you even choose? She had so. Many. Inappropriately timed. Questions! Gah! These would have to wait until they got back for that bit of information. Instant hatred for this situation, ta.

Deciding to focus instead on the conversation at paw, Lightningpaw's large ears raised at the mention of not just one, but two former medicine cats? Residing in ThunderClan? Wait... why in the Dark Forest did Murderstar want to have her medicine cats coming to WindClan's territory to learn herbs when they had plenty of former medicine cats just lurking about their ranks? This whole situation stank more and more the more information she got from it. Perhaps Springpaw wasn't aware of any foul play... maybe even Drizzlecloud, but Bumbledung was definitely playing a dangerous game here.

Giving herself a mental headshake - she had promised Cowtuft she wouldn't be bringing any of that up tonight - she proceeded to translate for the rest, her mentor oddly chatty this evening. She supposed maybe he enjoyed the company of these other medicine cats. Perhaps trusted them more than most warriors? Not that she blamed him, necessarily. These cats had consciously taken a vow to help others over hurting them. Even other clans did not openly attack them... although that seemed to not have helped the former Shadowclan apprentice.

"Cowtuft wishes to let you know he finds your findings interesting. He cannot recall ever seeing that flower before. But wait... Hold on just a mo. Is it... the first time you see these flowers in your territory? Has there been a change in climate? Perhaps the recent rains have made the terrain more amicable to your clan's biome? Was it in the swampier areas, perhaps? Er... um... That was me. Not Cowtuft. Sorry, I tend to get carried away," Lightningpaw mewed, eyes shining with interest, not a hint of remorse in them before she continued translating for her mentor.

"Erm... Oh go- Yeah no, not saying that, sorry! Cowtuft wishes to let you know he thinks it's brilliant that you've gotten some progress in, then. He also thanks you for the knowledge on the glowing buggers. He'd been warned to stay away from them, but had no idea why. Honestly, gonna thank you there too. Might have had a quick trip to the afterlife myself if I was getting any experimenting done. Note to self... find a better way to find any potentially lethal side effects to herbs," she giggled, her tail lashing out in amusement.

"He also wishes to inform that he has found out some knew herbs himself. Sun... Sunny... This really takes the edge off any serious conversation, I hope you are proper chuffed, you are," she muttered, giving her mentor a playful glare before continuing. "Sunnyfuzzies and Sunset Roses. The first is a golden, flowering plant. Very thick and fluffy. Grows along a stem and can usually be seen in dirt piles... erm... patches. Patches. That is a very confusing gesture. The second is used to cure Snow Fever."

Lightningpaw took a pause here, her ears twitching at the memory of the events that led to her being chosen as a medicine cat apprentice. It had been... horrible, really. Watching her clanmates ill with no way to cure them. With nothing working. With StarClan providing no clues until it was too late for some. No wonder Cowtuft had chosen an apprentice after that. StarClan's help was... sparse at best. It was probably best at the time to take matters into his own paws.

"It helps those who are afflicted with signs of chills, nausea, and fever. It is a highly infectious disease, and the plant can only cure those who have the very earliest of stages. It seemed that any who had advanced into tremors might be too late," the Abyssinian mix continued her explanation, falling quiet when her mentor spoke up for the first time since the others had arrived.

Eyes round, she turned to him with a curious expression. Who was this cat who'd coaxed the normally silent black and white tom to say her name? Out loud! This was unheard of, Cowtuft speaking to so many cats all together! And the way he spoke of her... Was she... was she a retired medicine cat that had worked with Cowtuft before? Her mentor wasn't quite that old! She'd heard the other clans went through high ranks faster than a WindClan cat could run through the moors and back again, but to have two retired medicine cats that the tom knew seemed... excessive at best.

"Are you familiar with her?" Lightningpaw asked curiously, tilting her head in query, forgetting to translate for once. Any cat who got her mentor so chatty - one word was a lot, okay - definitely piqued her interest.


x ghostie [Cowtuft] | Omari [Drizzlecloud] | Ravensong [Elmshadow] | carmen. [Stonepaw] | ares [Springpaw]

August 4th, 2023, 12:21 PM
Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie carmen ares Omari

His glance toward Drizzlecloud and Springpaw told him most of what he had needed to know and the discovery made his pelt crawl, though his face remained a stony mask. The two were either feigning ignorance, leave it to Thunderclan to constantly play the victim. Of course they were a clan that was too high and mighty to have been responsible for the underhandedness in an altercation between them and Shadowclan. It wouldn't surprise the dark tom a bit if they'd milk that image for as long as they could. Either that or, in Elmshadow's mind, potentially worse, they truly didn't know. Two of their clanmates, their charges, dead at the border by the claws of a lone medicine cat apprentice and they had no idea, Typical. Bumblestar was asking for fights she had no business in and that fact had never been so clear as now, with her medicine cats clueless as new apprentices, or manipulative as the snakes they claimed Shadowclan was. It was insulting, the clan of mice. He'd been immersed in the politics of clan life long enough to know when to hold his tongue and play nice, though. Thunderclan would repent, but cowing their medicine cats at a halfmoon meeting was near as cowardly as outnumbering and murdering a lone medicine cat apprentice at the border.

Cowtuft, Lightningpaw, and Stonepaw seemed equally, but in their cases reasonably, shocked by the news. Cowtuft's expression said enough that Elmshadow was confident enough interpreting his signs as condolences and well wishes. Lightningpaw confirmed as much with her translation and a rather rare glimpse of contriteness in the boisterous young she-cat as well. He had to admit he was only gaining more respect for the seemingly soft large medicine cat in his choice of apprentice. Each meeting seemed to show Elmshadow more of what Lightningpaw could grow to become. She was lightning ready to strike unexpectedly but showed good judgement on when to temper herself. He dipped his head back respectfully toward Cowtuft and then Lightningpaw. "I have no doubt that she is comfortable and thriving in her new role." He was confident enough in Ivysnake's path to the Dark Forest but was also aware that mention of such was a discomforting notion among his current company, a bit that Cowtuft seemed to be aware of as well judging by Lightningpaw's uncertain translation.

He listened blandly as Drizzlecloud brought up lavender, an herb he'd used plenty but had never before considered using for uses beyond its masking scent. That was an oversight that he was impressed he had made, though he wasn't prepared to simply take the Thunderclanner's word for it, but he saw no reason for the information to not be accurate based on what he already knew. Springpaw's addition, much to his chagrin, made his ears twitch. Coldamber, he'd heard her name spoken by somebody else before as well, who had it been? Who was she in life? The former medicine cat had given him so little information about herself, leaving him only to deduce she had not been Shadowclan and thus it had left him suspicious of her motives. But it seemed she was apparently training the little Thunderclan apprentice now as well. But it was Cowtuft's reaction to the comment that struck him more. He seemed surprised though Elmshadow couldn't make out what he signed after mentioning the Starclan medicine cat's name aloud. Was he also visited by Coldamber, or did he know her? Lightningpaw seemed to have the same question surrounding Cowtuft and Coldamber so he kept his own mouth shut and observed.

He awaited some of the responses, especially wanting to see Cowtuft's answer to Lightningpaw's question around Coldamber and, to a lesser degree, what Springpaw had to elaborate on regarding the herbs she'd decided to list but not explain. He knew of all but chamomile, interestingly enough considering that was the herb one of his daughters had been named for. He'd begun testing with it but was unsure exactly of all of its uses. Stonepaw was slowly beginning to surpass his moons for a medicine cat who was appointed at such a young age, his response to the Thunderclan medicine cats seemed both mature and direct.

#water (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=water)

August 12th, 2023, 01:38 PM

Drizzlecloud found herself falling silent as words were exchanged. Her gaze slowly flicked back and forth from cat to cat, still feeling that dread in her chest from what Elmshadow had said before. It made her feel sick to her stomach–but she knew that gaze he sent their way was not some random act. Perhaps Thunderclan truly had been responsible for Shadowclan’s loss, but she wondered how they had heard nothing of it up until this point. At the very least, it was news to her. Best not to pry here, of all places. She exhaled, her gaze trailing over towards Cowtuft and Lightningpaw instead.

At peace in her chosen afterlife. The words echoed in her mind–sent a chill down her spine. It was so vague, and it even left Lightningpaw a little confused as she translated it. There was no doubt in Drizzlecloud’s mind that those specific words were chosen by Cowtuft for a reason. She resisted the urge to hum in consideration, instead she just dipped her head to Elmshadow, as if to give him a silent apology for the loss.

A few blinks dragged her out of her own thoughts, and she smiled to Lightningpaw when she spoke on Cowtuft’s behalf regarding the glowing mushrooms. “Of course, I wouldn't want to risk any unnecessary losses due to experimentation, after all. I’m glad to have told you about them.” She smiled to the apprentice, amusement lighting up her eyes for a moment–she liked Lightningpaw’s attitude.

Sunnyfuzzies and Sunset Roses–Sunnyfuzzies, ehe, what a fun little name for those. A low purr rumbled in her throat at the word.

A sigh escaped her mouth–one that she hadn’t even noticed herself–as she shifted her gaze to look at her apprentice, offering her a reassuring smile. Stonepaw had offered Springpaw the chance to explain the herbs that she had been taught, so of course, she wanted to give Springpaw the stage for a moment, too.

[ ares carmen. Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie Ravensong , sorry for the delay, everyone! Also I apologize if this is a messy post, I just wanted to get something out so I didn’t have you lot waiting on me anymore :heartbounce: ]

August 21st, 2023, 06:32 PM
• Springpaw •
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
Purrks: Herbal Knowledge - Tier 1 | The Collector [active] | Mind Reader [active]

The sustained silence that suddenly fell over the long-furred feline made her paws feel jittery in their place; almost having the underlying urge to tremble against the hidden bursts of anxiety that was thundering through her body. She could easily feel the burning tension of the other medicine cats’ eyes burning into her fur, feeling like the scorching sun on a sunny day resting along her tri-colored back. Both her chest and throat only felt like they were being brutally strangled by an angry pack of snakes; each intake of breath that she took through her nostrils felt like she was breathing in the cold, chilled air on a hazardous winter day. The calico closed her eyes for a brief moment, trying to compel herself against the burdening anxiety that was uneasily thrumetting through her system. It was almost working itself restlessly through her veins like how a massive dog restlessly dug and tore through the earth’s life-rich soil with its large, gnarly claws. Stonepaw’s chirpy voice broke through her impending thoughts, the calico briefly cracking open an eyelid to look in the gray tom-cat’s direction; his bright amber hues glistening with both curiosity and fascination from the eagerness to learn what the herbs did that the calico herself had been taught by the former medicine cat herself. She couldn’t help but notice the immense wonder in his eyes that was almost resembling what a young, naive kit’s eye would look like when they wanted to hear a story from one of the elders. It was almost cute in a way in her opinion.

“Well, it’s not gonna be easy to describe the herbs as accurately as I can without having the herb right alongside me, but I can try to tell them to you as best as I can even without the herbs with me.” Springpaw mewed, casting the gray tom-cat a sideways smile as she shifted herself in her place, shifting herself around to face the tom-cat so that she could properly explain to him what each of the herbs were and what they did while facing in his direction. She might as well start off with the hardest of the batch; chamomile. It seemed that the lot of medicine cats around her seemed to look evidently confused as soon as she mentioned the herb, making it seem that they didn’t know what that herb did in itself. “I’ll start off by explaining what chamomile is, since it’s not really the easiest to find and it's quite valuable to have in your resources. Chamomile is a small, white flower with a large, yellow center. They can be commonly found around twoleg gardens or even at some abandoned twoleg nests! But they can also be located in areas where it has sand-like soil and where it is cool. The best bet to find them is probably around in the forest since they don’t require being out in the sun often and are more often to wilt if exposed. Chamomile is used to strengthen the heart and soothe the mind; it can be given to cats who are going to travel far distances for extra strength so that they don’t get tired so easily. Unfortunately, I don’t have any chamomile yet in my storage, but I hope to find some soon in the territory while strolling through the woodlands once in a while.”

Wow, both her mouth and tongue felt extremely dry after giving out a lot of information to the other medicine cats. She was already certain that if she said anything else that was as long as that, she would most certainly lose her tongue from speaking so much. Plus, she didn’t want to make Stonepaw be overloaded with information and be unsure of whatever she said next, so she was bound to use her next choices of words wisely and to make sure that she didn’t accidentally send too much information that could easily lead to anybody at a risk of overthinking or becoming overwhelmed by her words. “Sorry for the rather long spewing of words, Stonepaw. Hopefully my choice of wording doesn’t accidentally send you into a rabbit hole of overthinking. I… may have a tendency of making some cats overthink by accident when I don’t really mean to.” A half-hearted chuckle escaped her maw as she spoke, the long-furred calico’s white-tipped tail whisking as her lips remained smeared in a giddily smile. Nonetheless, she should continue her little ‘lesson’ for the gray tom-cat, now should she? Clearing her throat, the dilute calico silently began to click her tongue against the roof of her rigged mouth as she searched through her memories for the usages of borage. Borage was such a weird name, in her opinion. Of course, she knew it was a type of herb, but that didn’t mean that it had to have a strange name! Then again, almost all the herbs that she learned had rather strange names and different usages at once, so it wasn’t like she could really help it. Gah, she would do anything to have that special ability that Coldamber had to shift different things in the ground to make it look like the item that she was talking about. That little trick was always super cool to watch.

“Anyways, borage is either a purple, blue, or pink flower with soft, dark green leaves and has a distinctive smell that comes off them and makes them rather easy to find. They are also the shape of stars, so that should make it easier to find! The best leaves are typically halfway up the stem and usually have a zesty scent to them. Careful though, they taste quite bitter when you carry them; it makes it difficult to give to a patient without them getting from the taste of it alone. They are quite common around in the woodlands, but I’m sure that you’ll have a better chance at finding them around your territory due to them being more common around RiverClan territory, but that’s probably just my personal opinion.” the calico explained with an amused swish of her tail, lapis hues twinkling as her lips curled into a wide grin. She didn’t really have much of the rather zesty herb in her storage quite yet, but she did have enough to know what exactly that they did and how they worked. Which, she should explain to the fellow ‘paw how the herb worked, right? That was the entire point of him even asking what the herbs did. “Other than that, borage is very good for lowering any potential high fevers that someone may carry, such as a young kit or a potential apprentice. It’s also known to help soothe any potential bellyaches and to relieve tight chests; it can also produce more and better milk for any queens that are having difficulty with producing enough milk for their kits. Oh! And, to help any picky kits eat the herb since it tastes bitter, make sure to mix it in with some honey! It’ll help hide the bitter taste that the herb gives off and they won’t even suspect a thing! You’ll thank me for it later.” Springpaw casted the gray tom-cat a quick wink and toothy grin as she added in the little tip, lashing her tail in amusement. Speaking about the usages of herbs were practically helping the calico ease away from all the troubles that had been succumbing through her mind. Huh, how did that happen?

Well, time to move onto the next herb! This one shouldn’t be as hard or complex to explain as the other one was. Besides, dandelions are quite easy to find and they have a relatively good use for cats. If she recalled, the herb was literally found almost everywhere; commonly meadows, fields, in forest ground, anywhere really. Besides, Stonepaw should know what a dandelion looked like, right? He probably has seen it plenty of times! “For dandelions, I probably don’t need to explain the appearances of the herb since you’ve probably seen it a bunch of times, but I can definitely tell you that you should definitely stock up on them while you can, because they have a bunch of uses, and I mean a lot.” She had to pause herself for a split second to emphasize on ‘a lot’ by using her snow-white paws to make an obvious point for the common flower’s usages. “Or, in case you have any that commonly grows around your camp, then you are in luck! Those common little wildflowers are usually used to act as a painkiller, their leaves can be chewed to help any feverish cats sleep and to reduce their fever, kinda like how a poppyseed does! If I recall, its roots can be helped to cure some type of poisoning from some type of dangerous flower… but I can’t really exactly remember which type of flower it was. Whichever, you might want to keep a lookout for it anyways. If I can potentially find one, I can maybe show you another thing that the herb can do that’ll definitely help your clan-mates out… aha!” The calico molly was quick to catch the sight of the common, yellow-colored flower in a glimpse from the dim moonlight that shone down from the deep midnight-blue sky. Springpaw’s lips grew into a wide, cheeky smile as she b-lined towards the flower, promptly picking it out with a simple tug of her teeth before focusing back towards Stonepaw again, smiling behind the herb that she held delicately in her jaws.

“You see?” The young molly abruptly turned back around and trekked her way back towards the group of cats, showing Stonepaw the yellow flower by making sure to tilt her head at an appropriate angle for the gray tom-cat to further inspect the herb more clearly; the dim moonlight shining right directly at the bright yellow flower’s head to show it more clearly in the night. Thanks moon! “As you can probably see right now, the flower head has a usage as well! Not just the stem. The flower itself can be used to squeeze out a white liquid to put on top of bed stings to help soothe the irritated area. I haven’t dealt with any potential bee stings myself quite yet so I didn’t have to use any of the dandelions that I have in my storage. However, when you are squeezing, be careful not to squeeze too hard so that it’ll break the flower itself. A wilted or broken flower is something that we all definitely don’t want in our storages! Nope! Nada!” She shook her head while speaking, her chipper voice muffled by the small flower clamped in her jaws that she had been trying to show to Stonepaw right in front of her. Maybe all this information would be relatively useful for him when he went back to camp? Dropping the flower in front of his paws, she gently nudged the flower closer towards his direction as she gave him a sideways, crooked grin. “Here you go, take it! You’ll probably need it in case anybody gets any potential bee stings. I’m sure that you don’t want that to happen. Just remember not to squeeze it too hard, alright? It can risk breaking the flower and I’m sure you’ll not want that. Ooh, and by the way, the liquid makes your paw almost look like it’s glowing when the light from the sun or moon shines on it. It’s super cool. You should try it.” she would’ve totally shown him an example of what she meant by ‘glowing’, but she resisted it. She didn’t want to waste the only flower that she gave him anyways, didn’t she? Even though she would’ve loved to show him what she meant, though.

If she was certain, there was at least one final herb that she mentioned while speaking and she was certain that Stonepaw was probably growing tired of her restless rambling—which was understandable though, since she had probably been rambling to the young tom long enough to probably make his head spin like it was a spider making it’s cobweb-like home in the safety depths of a gnarly stump from a fallen tree. Thankfully for his sake, the molly only just had one herb that she was bound to start rambling on about that the tom had been wondering what its usages are. “Okay, for the last herb that I mentioned, daisy, they are quite as common to be found as one of a dandelion would be found, but I’ll describe the herb to you anyways. A daisy is a yellow flower; kinda like a chamomile, but larger! However, you don’t use the actual flower itself, you actually use its stems… or its leaves! The leaves are usually thick, oval-shaped and dark green, and they tend to give off a rather bitter taste once you pick them up, so be careful while carrying them. They are usually chewed into a thick poultice and are used to ease the pain of aching joints like back pain! Daisy leaves are going to be quite the favorite for your elders. While the leaves are the only ones that are usable, keeping the white flower will help make it easier to identify if you are going to harvest out for some daisy leaves. How to apply the poultice though is to apply it right directly on the swollen or sore joint and to be left there as long as possible to let the poultice take effect and have time to work. Although, the flowers might have a potential use in them, but I’m not quite sure as of late. Maybe if you find a potential usage for them, you can tell me what they are good to be used for? I haven’t found anything yet, but I hope that they will serve to be quite useful when you find them!’

With an almighty grin, the calico merely finished off the short, brief lesson, taking a quick moment to allow the gray tom-cat in front of her to accumulate her rather large amounts of info-dumping onto him. A small part of her felt a little bad for dumping that much information onto a fellow apprentice like her—or should she state him as a medicine cat due to his given rank? Oh well, she wasn’t exactly sure nor did she really have much of a mindset for it. So, with a giddy smile smeared on her face from her rather evident amount of info-dumping, the medicine cat apprentice merely whisked the tip of her tail in the gray tom-cat’s direction as a apologetic gesture of sorts for rambling about the facts that she had learned from her temporary teacher, Coldamber. “Sorry about the rather immense load of information being dumped onto you all at once, Stonepaw. Maybe if there was another time, I can tell you about some more herbs that I’ve learned from my little lesson with Coldamber! Maybe one day if the tensions weren’t so high among the clans. Does that sound like a good idea?” She cocked her head to the side as her bright lapis hues twinkled inquisitively against the rather dim yellow light of the moon shining among the path; her long, tri-colored fur eliminating against its bright rays against the cool breeze that swept through her thick fur and made her suppress a quiet shiver against its comforting, yet haunting embrace. Weird. Did the breeze suddenly mean something that was going to happen to them all? Why did it feel… sinister than she wanted it to be? Her whiskers daintily twitched as her lapis hues briefly glanced towards the darkest abyss of the Starcave that was right in front of the small group of medics. She hadn’t ever been inside of the cave before, nor had she ever seen the Moonstone, but she hoped that it would at least be a decent experience once they entered the dark cave.

Her focus on the darkened abyss in front of her was quick to be dismantled by her gaze drawing back towards the small group, her eyes catching sight of Cowtuft’s mismatched paws moving. Squinting, the young calico focused silently in his direction as she tried to understand the signs that he had been giving out, only understanding a small bit of them. She wasn’t exactly sure what the tom-cat was fully saying, but she knew that he was at least giving out some sort of important information towards the direction of Elmshadow; who Springpaw still felt a little at unease to make direct eye contact with due to his rather stoic and cold expressions towards the other medicine cats. However, she couldn’t help but feel like he was more focused right towards both of the ThunderClan medicine cat’s directions… why? Was it for Ivysnake’s—hopefully accidental—murder? DId ThunderClan actually have some sort of atrocity for being involved with something as foul as that? If it were true… then it wasn’t like she had any well-known notice for it. Bumblestar hadn’t said a lick of anything after they had gotten back from the gathering; and some of her clan-mates had been seemingly trying to stay low from causing any other potential problems to abrupt on the spot. Which, that was rather to be quick to be a downfall, as there was already enough drama ensuring between the clan’s that it is from all of the ShadowClan and ThunderClan issues uprising. Stars, could these issues ever come to a close? It’s almost like they always had a problem to come up from behind them and it always seemed to be ThunderClan that was pinned to the center of every problem. Who in the world in her clan was trying to start these random feuds with the other clans?

Ignoring the impending urge to lash her tail against her thoughts, the WindClan medicine cat apprentice had already began to translate most of what her mentor had signed, the calico silently feeling her impending irritation from her pondering thoughts against the situation slowly slipping away as she merely focused on Lightningpaw’s translations from Cowtuft’s signs. The first part of her translations weren’t much for her to really listen in much on, rather really noticing that they were mainly speaking towards Elmshadow from his recent discovery of the poisonous herb that he found in the marshlands of ShadowClan territory. The questions that escaped Lightningpaw’s lips were more than enough to make the calico herself curious of the mysteriously dangerous flower itself. A thought slowly purged itself through Springpaw’s mind, the calico silently pursing her lips in thought as she thought back about the dandelion that she gave to Stonepaw. What If… the stems along the common wildflower could help treat the poisoning among that flower that Elmshadow mentioned? The more that Springpaw thought about it, the more she felt like it could be likely. She’ll keep that personal observation to herself if it’s bound to be unlikely, but she wouldn’t risk causing any potential unwanted deaths to happen to the clan. That had already happened more than once; such as the rather grave Roseraven situation. The bitter thought of the rather gruesome scene was more than enough to make her hackles raise uncomfortably. She wasn’t around at the time to witness it, of course, but the news was quick to spread around camp like a crazed wildfire. It wasn’t hard to simply not think about it.

Nonetheless, the calico forcefully shoved the thought away when Lightningpaw’s focus drifted towards her and Drizzlecloud, noticing that the silent tom’s next set of signs were being mainly located towards her and her mentor. Well, it wasn’t really much for the calico to dwell much upon, other than the fact that Cowtuft wished to let both of the medicine cats know that it was excellent that they got some progress in; including to thank them for the knowledge of the glowing mushrooms that Drizzlecloud had mentioned a few moments earlier. The single thought about the tiny mushrooms was more than useful just for killing off any cats that weren’t going to properly make it. At least, that was what Bumblestar instructed both her and Drizzlecloud to use the herbs for; alongside giving them the knowledge about the usages of ragweed, marigold, and burdock root. Gee, the simple thought of the herbs that the leader had first taught her and her mentor made the apprentice almost feel like she was getting older or something along the lines of that. Of course, she was only just merely a young molly—who was quite literally almost the size of a kit—who already had quite a while to go before she was an adult feline with her own adult responsibilities. Of course, the calico couldn’t help but give out an amused snort to Lightningpaw’s short note to herself, the calico’s long-furred tail swishing with amusement. “Yeah, I’ll definitely keep that one in mind next time we possibly do any potential experimenting with herbs. Don’t wanna risk having anything happen to our clan-mates now, don’t we?” her lips eagerly curled into an lop-sided, crooked grin as she casted her giddily smile towards the fellow medicine cat apprentice. Well, this ain’t going so bad after all! She was growing a liking to the other apprentice as time went on!

The fellow apprentice’s next set of words were quick to hook Springpaw’s attention, the calico’s brows furrowing as her face almost quickly contorted into one of seriousness. So there were a couple of herbs that the long-furred tom-cat had seemingly wanted to tell both Drizzlecloud and Springpaw about and their names were almost quick to make the young feline snicker. Sunnyfuzzies and Sunset Roses; they sounded like such silly little names, but Springpaw dealt with it. They seemed to both share an important part in the world and they both seemed to be relatively important for both of the WindClan medicine cats. The first one being a golden flower ting plant and being very thick and quite obviously fluffy—gee, where did the term -fuzzies suddenly come from then? Including, they grew from dirt… patches? Well, that’s weird. Maybe she could spot a few of those herbs around the newer parts of the territory when she got a chance to do so. Her paws had just been itching for some exploration so it wouldn’t hurt to just go out and search for a few herbs that she learned thanks to her fellow medicine cats. The second one, Sunset Roses, made the molly quirk up an eyebrow. Snow Fever? She was almost certain that she never heard of such a disease—at least, Coldamber never told her of such an illness that existed before while she was training her. Could it be that one illness that she was telling her about that she had been told about that happened a while ago? Springpaw wasn’t sure, but the rather solemn look that was stained on Lightningpaw’s face was more than enough to tell her that the herb was definitely something that was important to her and was a desired necessity for her clan. Jeez, it must’ve been rough having to deal with such difficulties like that.

“I… Thank you both for the information about the herbs and what this… Snow Fever is.” Springpaw spoke, trying to at least brighten up the mood as a small smile spread across her lips. “It’ll help us whenever anything dangerous like that comes across our camp… or even yours. I wouldn’t like it if something as dangerous as that came striding across the clans as an infectious disease and infected every cat. I’m sure that it would cause us all a grave concern if something like this happens in the future.” she mewed truthfully, briefly glancing over in the direction of her mentor to see what she had to think of the situation. Did she think the same way? If this Snow Fever were ever to catch anyone inside ThunderClan… there was definitely bound to be trouble uprising in the clan. Just imagine the amount of chaos that would rise just from that situation alone. Oriental-shaped ears suddenly perked over in the direction of Cowtuft when he spoke, his mismatched eyes locked in her direction and laced with shock and surprise. Did… did he know who Coldamber was? It seemed to be so, because his expression was quick to wound up into a mixture of pleasure and glee; his mismatched-colored paws quickly worked themselves into signs that Springpaw unfortunately couldn’t bring herself to fully understand. She didn’t exactly know what the gentle-souled tom-cat was saying, but it had to be something that he really wanted to share. Nonetheless, Springpaw could feel both her and Lightningpaw bear the same question as the oriental-shaped dilute calico stared dumbfoundedly in the direction of the black-and-white tom-cat. Did he know who Coldamber was? “D… D-do you know Coldamber? Was she a former medicine cat from WindClan? I felt like she always was… but I never truly had the full courage to ask her myself, but it may seem likely if that is true.” she asked carefully, silently scraping a paw along the ground. Was that even the right thing to ask? Hopefully, because her curiosity was blooming more than a flower in the early parts of new-leaf.


Omari Pitou carmen Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie [ ahhhh deeply apologize for how late this is! school is a big pain in the butt to deal with :sob: also don’t mind spring’s little rambling spree. she loves to speak about the new things she’s learned in grave detail and will go on non-stop about it. :rofl: ]

August 27th, 2023, 05:13 PM
It was… A little embarrassing, needing an escort at his age and record; but truth was, the ginger tabby hadn’t the faintest clue where this supposed ‘Starcave’ was. He didn’t even know if it existed – he’d believe leader lives were nothing more than a myth if it weren’t for the fact he’d witnessed cats return from the dead, including leaders. It was such a strange thing. Such an unfair thing. Why should they get extra chances at life when innocents were dying everyday, when kits were passing away to never return?

Immediately, his thoughts went to his own sister. Goldenkit. His beloved sister, supposedly older by minutes, something she never let him forget. She was the leader. He was the deputy, the follower. If only she’d been given a second chance at life. If only that mysterious illness hadn’t taken her, if only their mother had been there to do something – but she too had been gone, lost her life and he never got to know how. It was cruel. They were good cats, great cats, even. It was unfair that they lost their lives when others got to stand up from the dead.

...But death was unfair like that. It takes no consideration of who it took and how, it never had pity it never favoured one over another. It only took and took and took and took more. It was greedy. Then, on the flip side, life. It returned to the most random of cats. Life had favourites, it was clear. If one cat got to go back to life, why couldn’t another? What decided who did and didn’t get a second chance? These were questions he’d asked himself again and again, stayed up nights trying to figure out and understand. But never came an answer. So, he banned them to the back of his mind, gathering dust of shelves full of unanswered queries, not to be touched upon lest his mind began running like it so often did.

Ah, but they were here. Lost in thought along the way, only idly looking around to commit the area to mind, Gingerfrost barely noticed when they arrived at the fabled cave. How… Peculiar. He shot a look at Crowstorm, his escort for this evening, and gave the feline a nod of thanks. Though he didn’t speak a word, silently turning to look back at the rocky entrance, deep in thought. So this was it. It was all becoming so real now, and yet a part of him still doubted any of this was, in fact, real. That maybe this ‘StarClan’ had just been a fable all along… But then how would he explain the resurrections, the dream?

Here he went again, his mind on a tangent. Shutting down the thoughts once more, the tabby briefly allowed himself to hesitate before entering the cave with a firm step. Whether Crowstorm wished to follow was up to him, Gingerfrost didn’t mind either way. Truthfully, he also hadn’t the faintest clue on what he had to do now. He just kind of stood inside the cave, quietly, awkwardly looking around for an answer to hit him in the face. He’d never done this before, obviously, nor did he want to ask Crowstorm to hold his hand. He could do this alone.

That’s when he spotted a stone. A large stone, with the markings of what he assumed to be claws along it. What happened here? And what did he have to do now? It was probably some ancient battle or disagreement, if this place is a sacred as they say, then it could be possible. Cats fought over the silliest things, after all. But that wasn’t the matter at paw. The stone, by all means, had a mysterious air to it. It stood out among the rest of the stony cave for some reason or another, and it wasn’t just because of the markings the decorated it. It was something else, something he couldn’t described.

As if on instinct, as if pulled in by the air of the stone, Gingerfrost got over. He looked at it with scepticism for some time, wondering what in the world he was supposed to do with this, but somehow knowing this was it. The fable Starcave, the mysterious stone. He grimaced, before his face fell back to it’s usual state. His tail gave a twitch. Then, and he wouldn’t be able to say why, he reached out to touch his nose to the stone, sitting down in the process as he slumped over. How strange.

[ Starfall dino. ]

August 27th, 2023, 07:33 PM
He was doing this for the second time now.

Goosefury watched from within the void as Gingerfrost materialized in front of him. It was easy enough to see how he felt about it, with bristling hackles and a single, sharp green eye that stared in the tom's direction.

The steps he took forward lingered briefly in the form of starry pawprints before vanishing. It was a dark, starless void, oppressive and vast, the only point of light being what minimal flickering points lingered within Goosefury's fur. He stopped a few pawsteps away from Gingerfrost and a harsh wind swept through, relentlessly slamming Gingerfrost but leaving Goosefury untouched.

"Beansprout failed me." His voice rolled over the abyssal expanse like thunder. "I wasn't expecting much more from him. In all honesty, I don't expect much more from you. From what I've seen, you sit and you do little else than play yes-tom to leaders who don't deserve the title, and allow unworthy cats to remain in places of power. Beansprout didn't get his lives. I didn't give him his name, either - he lied about that - and neither will you. Prove you deserve to have them, to me and to your Clan, before they fall with you. Now get out."

The abyss collapsed in on itself, leaving Goosefury's single green eye gleaming in the dark before it winked out.

[ Estelle ]

August 28th, 2023, 11:20 AM
Estelle ; dino.

The tabby did nothing more than guide the leader to the Starcave. His own paws itching the closer he got. Once there he was repsectful, however, sitting post on the outside of the cave. A leader without lives was like a mouse without any cover. Although granted the tabby had no care for what ultimately happened. The future, his own fate, as well as other's fates were out of his paws. It wasn't for him to decide.

August 28th, 2023, 02:29 PM
Weird was the only way he could describe this. Weird, strange and unusual. And all the words the describe something that shouldn’t be. Is this what StarClan is supposed to look like? Empty and dark, cold and ruthless. Or is this the Dark Forest? Neither option seemed viable though. Maybe this was some in-between, some space devoid of time and feeling. Heh. Maybe this is where all the missing cats went.

But something stood in front of him, evidently the only source of light emanating from the few stars in its pelt and the steps it left behind. His eyes were immediately attracted to the form, a name popping into his mind the moment he laid eyes on it. Goosefury, a former warrior of RiverClan. Though they never spoke, he was one of the few faces from his youth he could recall the name off. So, he’d died and joined the stars now too. A shame.

A cold fury of a wind hit him, knocking into his side as his eyes momentarily closed from impact, but he quickly regained his composure. Then he spoke. And briefly Gingerfrost’s expression faltered, a shadow casting over his face before it vanished into the darkness. Neutrality. Patience. Understanding. He did not sit, opting to remain standing and upright, head held high as he listened to the clearly aggravated tom. He’s faced judgement before, this was no different. It only came from a cat long dead.

He couldn’t deny Goosefury’s words. He couldn’t deny having played along with Beansprout’s games when he should’ve taken a stance against him the moment seeds of doubt were planted within him and the clan. Instead, he’d given the benefit of the doubt. Was that so wrong? Apparently so. He still had a lot to learn, evidence being what happened with Beansprout. He once really thought he could trust him to lead the clan, and see where that got them.

His eyes flashed shut for a brief moment of reflection when opened again to meet the StarClan tom’s. So, the former leader hadn’t even been given a name – not that a name meant much. The lives were far more significant, and even then he had his doubts about them.

The news that he wouldn’t receive lives, not even a name, shouldn’t come as a surprise. If anything, seen the anger in the feline opposite him, Gingerfrost had lost the little bit of expectancy he had for them the moment he arrived. Should he care? Should this be the moment he screamed in opposition and indignancy?

Truthfully, it was… Not very practical in some aspects. But considering he had trouble believing in them in the first place, did he really care? The tabby’s tail gave a twitch.
“That’s fine by me.”
Is all he replied, voice even as he looked to him with what could only be neutrality. He wasn’t offended, and he didn’t truly care about receiving these lives, it wasn't his priority. So if the starry feline wanted him to work for them, that was fine. What mattered to him was the safety of the clan, that they’d succeed.

Some part of him had hoped this visit would impart him with some sort of wisdom he hadn’t before, but evidently he’d been mistaken. This was nothing more than an age old tradition involving cats long dead and supposedly better-knowing. He was going to believe they were better knowing because his sister stood among them, and only for that reason. She had always been the smarter one among the two, albeit the more irresponsible one too.

And just like that, the world around him began to darken. Or at least, darken more than it already was. H e felt his mind and body swirl in place, dizziness in his mind until he suddenly woke up in the cave he’d been before, the stone awfully cold under his nose. Mildly shaken from the experience (mainly the travelling, as he’d have to call it), the tabby shook his head then fur as he got back up to his paws.

Well then. No lives, no name. He as still Gingerfrost. Undoubtedly, Beansprout had renamed himself. Gingerfrost didn’t know if he had it in him to do that too… If anything he’d go by ‘Gingerstar’ among the other leaders to keep up appearances. They didn’t need to know about this, even so, he didn’t see himself lying to the clan about all this. Backlash he may receive, they had a right to know, and did not want to experience the same judgement as when Beansrpout had lied to them. Maybe it was a risk, but he’d rather be honest.

Emerging from the cave, he was met with the sight of Crowstorm dutifully standing guard. Gingerfrost made himself know with a swish of his tail, giving the feline an appreciative nod for his help. Momentarily, he was quiet, then spoke up.
“You can head back if you wish, I’ll be making a detour.”
He mew, offering Crowstorm a last glance to give him the chance to follow or leave. Then, he began moving away, trailing not far from their original path though enough to see new parts of the area. If they were going to look for a new camp, he wanted to get an idea of what the place around them was like first.

[ dino. Starfall ]

September 1st, 2023, 07:51 PM
(Apologies for the delayed reply T^T I am out of my funk ! /w\ )

The tabby's ears twitched as he kept watch. A leader without lives was vunerable, and RiverClan had been through enough. Loosing one leader, as useless as he was, was a big enough blow. They didn't need to loose another so soon after.

It felt as though an eternity had gone past before Gingerfrost had poked his head out of the Cave. Ears swiveling before his head. Taking a moment to take the tom in, although the Warrior couldn't discern anything different. No sense of accomplishment, not even a hint of dissapointment. Unable to tell if he was accepted or turned down. It piqued his interest.

The Tom picked himself up and dipped his head. "I'll be joining you, if you don't mind Gingerstar." he replied.

September 2nd, 2023, 03:49 PM
he | him ★ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears + scar over his neck, burned hindleg, x-scar marks on shoulders; left green eye and right blue eye ★
ೃ⁀➷ @Pitou (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=14720) @carmen (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=14087). @Alchemist Kitsune (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=16850) @ares (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=12986) @Omari (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=18619)
|| aa sorry about the quality of this but wanted to get it out while i had the chance
A laugh fell from Cowtuft's lips as his apprentice rode off track in her translations. Eager to pipe up with questions, but that wasn't anything new. It was something he found endearing. A wonderful trait to have in their profession. The medicine cat listened as Lightningpaw repeated what he said verbally, his tail swishing back and forth. Heat flooded in his cheeks as she got to the part of uhm, what he had named said herbs he had found.

"It's a good.. name.." Cowtuft gestured, looking away innocently despite Lightningpaw's playful glare. His whiskers twitched in amusement. A lot of herb names were not fitting. Maybe he should start renaming them. He held back a chuckle at the thought.

As Lightningpaw explained in further detail he realized he, in fact, forgot to give a physical description of Sunset Roses. "Also! Uhm... Sunset Roses are well.. roses... with a red ..and orange color to their petals.. Strangely,, enough,,, we found them underground.. so it appears they need little sunlight?" He gestured swiftly, ooh. He was grateful he had someone to translate. It made this all the more easier. He allowed his thoughts to drift. Snow-Fever was far from something he would ever wish on anyone.

(The thought of Wrenfeather and Hawkkit made his heart ached. How he failed. All his failures.)

He listened to Springpaw explain what chamomile is with interest. Ooh, the description seemed familiar. Was this one of the flowers Twolegs enjoyed to grow? Like catmint? Perhaps Cowtuft ought to do some investigating. It seemed like it could be useful. Primarily for the elders. The rest of the herbs he was familiar with and he settled with fidgeting with a blade of grass. Dododo.

Floppy ears perked up as Lightningpaw asked him a question and then Springpaw. He slowly blinked, his mouth feeling dry. He didn't believe the other apprentice could read gestures. He was feeling fairly confident and admittedly, he was comfortable with most of the current medicine cats. (Springpaw and Drizzlecloud made him slightly nervous but they seemed sweet, well intentions.)

"M,,mhm!! Uhm,, Coldamber.. was WindClan's,, medicine cat before Snailswirl and Peachfrost.. who was bef,,fore me, " Cowtuft stuttered, squeezing his eyes shut. Ignore his voice. Ignore his voice. This was fine. Progress. "She was trained,, by I think,, Coyotesnarl..? I can't.. remember her all Coldamber's.. app..rentices,, though,, " He didn't know if they all got their full name or what.

"Nice to know.. she's still about! She uhm,, t,,trained me.. haven't seen her in.. a bit, though,," Not since he got his full name. Cowtuft discarded the thought. With a nod of his head, and slightly interested in pushing the meeting forward (and ignore the oddity of speaking in front of them)

"Shall..we head in.. if there is nothing else to say..?" He smiled softly.

Alchemist Kitsune
September 5th, 2023, 12:05 AM
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

An amused purr escaped Lightningpaw at her mentor's response, allowing a moment of affection to pass between them as she attempted to nuzzle his shoulder. Well... lower shoulder. Their size difference was... remaining apparent no matter how old she got. "You know I love to tease," she mewed, her voice kinder than it had been throughout the night despite the playful words.

Taking a small breather, she turned to the dilute ThunderClan calico as she began to speak, teaching of herbs she had learned of recently herself. As with all new knowledge gained, Lightningpaw's large ears perked up, alert and ready to absorb all the information Springpaw had to offer. The lithe molly had never been one for gossip herself, finding the idle chatter of things that were rarely ever even half truths dull and unnecessary. Facts, however? Things she could use. That would only raise her use to the clan, give her even more capabilities to atone for those she had been unable to save? Unwilling to, in one instance? Those she lapped up with gusto. Savoring every word and holding it dear in her mind, safely guarded for a time she might need it.

A part of her wondered if she would ever have something to share here with these cats. Some herb she'd found out about that no one else had any knowledge of. She supposed she might, although... maybe not everything? Maybe not things that she felt they might not get in their own territories. Bumblestar had already shown to feel like she was above clan borders when it came to her own clan. She wouldn't be surprised if she sent herb patrols to find herbs unavailable in the woods towards the other clans. Or worse. Gain territory until she alone held all the cures in the forest. It was probably unfair of her to assume such grandiosely evil plans, but her imagination had always had the tendency to go big on such situations. Making bad things inevitably worse.

Deciding to not dwell on such things, she instead opted for offering the ThunderClan medicine cat apprentice a playful grin, blue eyes lighting up as her thirst for knowledge lay temporarily sated. "Look at you, being mentor for the night. Cheers on that, love. Always good to hear new uses well known herbs. The more common the herb, the better. Easier to keep in stock, really."

Interrupted by her mentor's gesturing once more, Lightningpaw quirked her brow before her mouth rounded in a silent oh. Right. She had been so focused on translating, she hadn't noticed they hadn't described the sunset roses. It was a shame they didn't have any on them after the fire, although frankly, she would prefer it if they never needed them again. Still... with leafbare soon upon them, maybe it would be wise to send a patrol or two out to potentially find them. In the meantime, maybe the other clans could try to find them on their own with the description provided here today.

"Right, forgot to mention. For the sunset roses. They are... well... roses, like the name implies. Beautiful shades of red and orange, like a proper sunset when the light hits them just right, innit?" she mewed, turning a grin at her mentor, the memory of their discovery still one she relished. "They seem to prefer low amounts of sunlight, so well covered areas with little exposure should be best for them."

The conversation taking a small turn after Lightningpaw asked for more information on Coldamber, however, she had to admit to being in complete shock because... well... Cowtuft was talking. Proper talking! In front of others! He seemed... distressed, and by instinct the medicine cat apprentice raised a paw and attempted to place it comfortingly at his forelimb as she often did.

Still... attempts to comfort her mentor aside, what he said did not add up. Did Coldamber defect to ThunderClan at some point? Huh... that was strange. But, why would she abandon WindClan to become a retired medicine cat in ThunderClan? Why not just ask to step down in WindClan itself? She couldn't imagine doing it herself, leaving her job of helping the wounded and sick. But she could understand that it wasn't for everyone. She certainly wouldn't have seen herself doing such when she was younger.

Before she could ask for more details, however, Cowtuft was mentioning that it was time to go in. It would probably be cruel of her. To ask him to speak more than necessary. Especially after he'd already spoken so much tonight! And besides, she wanted to know what was starting! Curiosity sparking in her gaze, she got up, her dainty paws giddily stomping on the ground like a kit being taken out of the nursery for the first time. Turning to the rest, she offered a grin before speaking.

"Looks like it's time, unless anyone's got any objections?"


x ghostie [Cowtuft] | Omari [Drizzlecloud] | Pitou [Elmshadow] | carmen. [Stonepaw] | ares [Springpaw]

September 8th, 2023, 12:55 AM
Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie carmen ares Omari [Am sick and kind of rushed to get something out so I apologize if I missed anything or jumbled this together a bit ><]

The dark medicine cat's green eyes traveled languidly from one fellow medicine cat to the next as they continued conversing, exchanging knowledge and pleasantries. He had at one time thought Ivysnake would be the politically-minded of the two, playing nice with the other meds. That had proven folly and, regardless, here he was as the sole Shadowclan medicine cat remaining. However, he'd done his dues, he'd given the others his most recent discovery and the most pressing or concerning at that. He truly had little interest in sharing further. Though listening generally proved useful. It was common of the type of cats who generally ended up at medicine cats to be a little looser of the tongue, a tad bit more willing to trust than their warrior counterparts. Though he knew they were not completely frog-brained, at least not to give up any true secrets.

His attention turned to focus on Springpaw, though he kept his eyes cold and neutral, as the Thunderclanner began explaining chamomile. Cooler areas, not in the sun. Should be easy enough to find in Shadowclan. Though the sandy area will be a challenge. To strengthen the heart and soothe the mind. Indeed it sounded to be exactly the herb his daughter had needed; she was always a skittish thing, too attached to Goldenstep and Sunsetthorn and prone to cowering. He stifled a yawn at her concern over Stonepaw's ability to maintain focus though her rambling. She was mighty impressed with herself to believe she had the power to make others overthink. It was only after her next little monologue about borage that he began to realize that the apprentice was not simply sharing information but apparently offering Stonepaw a lesson. His brow cocked mildly. He hadn't gotten the impression that the young Riverclanner had particulaly needed a lesson, especially from the far less experienced Springpaw. It seemed the new medicine apprentice had been hitting the learnings hard quite early on in her appointment but that hardly negated Stonepaw's moons of extra time spent.

Though, admittedly more interesting to Elmshadow, Cowtuft's voice broke his thoughts, stealing them away completely to the other track that Springpaw had started. Coldamber. Looking at it all now, of course Coldamber had been of Windclan, it seemed to be woven into her very pelt. Elmshadow had simply blinded himself to it, plausible deniability and such. Besides, it made that much less sense that she'd help him. If what Cowtuft said was true, she would've been in the prime of the true heat between their clans. Did Starclan truly have so much power as to completely wipe a cat of their grudges? There really was little point in continuing to allow the thought to continue down the path it was traveling so Elmshadow cut it short. He'd already determined that Coldamber's teachings were legit so there was little point in trying to figure out or understand her motives.

As his own mind turned towards the next phase, Cowtuft made a fairly easily readable gesture of moving on and then, naturally, Lightningpaw echoed the sentiment. Elmshadow nodded once at the Windclan medicine cat, feigning back just slightly to give leave for Cowtuft and his apprentice to head inside first.

September 10th, 2023, 12:09 PM

The Thunderclan Medicine Cat listened to Lightningpaw’s translations again, humming in consideration now that she knew what the rose in question looked like–and where it grew. Good to know! She could only pray that she would remember it–and if she didn’t, she dearly hoped that Springpaw would.

Drizzlecloud kept quiet as she listened to her apprentice’s findings, trying her very best to commit it all to her own memory. Even if she didn’t remember it all, she found no shame in asking her apprentice to help her remember these things. Some might find that learning from your own apprentice is embarrassing or belittling, but truly, none of that applied here. At least not to her. Drizzlecloud and Springpaw became Medicine Cats at the same time, so it was only reasonable for the both of them to teach each other about their findings. In all honesty, it made her feel proud of her apprentice–she had come far since the very first time in which they stepped into the medicine den alongside each other.

Her gaze shifted to Cowtuft, surprised to hear his voice, but she tried her best to make sure that surprise wasn’t visible on her face. It was interesting to hear more about Coldamber–a medicine cat who seemed to help out all of the herb cats that were sitting with her now. She found it interesting–and she found herself wondering about the Starclan molly even more-so now. She hummed softly, “Interesting.”

Ah, it seemed that now was the time to enter. She felt a rush of anxiety run down her spine, but instead of letting out a shaky sigh, she simply offered her new herb-companions a smile. “Now seems like a good time, if any.” She dipped her head, wordlessly offering for the rest of the cats to enter before her. They had seniority in this position, so they deserved to lead the way.

[ eris carmen Pitou Alchemist Kitsune x ghostie ]

September 30th, 2023, 09:12 PM

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────

⌦ .。.:* ✮ Alchemist Kitsune

Cowtuft was nervous. Beyond nervous even as he walked beside the spotted apprentice, feathery tail swishing back and forth. He never talked much, not on these walks. (..and sometimes he went through days where he didn't talk much in general. ) Happy to let her fill the silence if she desired but didn't find it uncomfortable if she did not.

This was a very special walk. Which made every nerve of his own fire. He was anxious. And his body was protesting against him. Specifically, his hindleg didn't like the cold ache of possible rain in the future and a long trek. Atop of his head was a flower crown (mostly)

The last naming ceremony for a medicine cat had been his. Now it was his apprentice. He thought Stonepaw would've been the first but there had been no news he's heard of it. (briefly he was curious if that task fell on him before brushing the thought away. he was fawnlight's successor so, there was sentiment there but it would likely not be mutual. despite this, he wished the younger lad the best.)

Perhaps what had truly pushed the medicine cat into believing something private would be suited was the brewing tensions within the clans. Fireflymeadow had left him a message, a prophecy. (,, he desperately needed to talk to his fellow high ranks about it. not now. lightningpaw deserved this moment of.. ) "Awfully misty today, " Cowtuft quipped, pulling himself out of his thoughts. Always a bad habit. Case in point, his own ceremony had been a disaster and Lightningpaw was going to get a heckin' decent ceremony if he could help it.

He's done his very best to prepare. Stars, he hoped she wouldn't have preferred this with the rest of the medicine cats. He hoped he said the proper words and really, really hoped she would like her name!!!! Actually. Cowtuft exchanged a quick glance towards Lightningpaw. He hadn't really told her what he was doing.

Cowtuft had secrets. Many. Had a nasty habit of forgetting to communicate. This felt like an okay secret to keep. A little surprise. If it wasn't obvious, anyway. He was taking her on a sudden walk to the Starcave. He had let her take the reigns for healing their clanmates who were hurt by RiverClan. (he never expected that to happen of all things.) l He squinted his eyes. She probably knew.

"Think .. we are pretty close.." Cowtuft hummed, turning his head away. With the mist in the air the cave hadn't came into view but the scent had changed. The air was colder. He couldn't explain but somehow he simply felt it. And a few moments later the entrance came into view. He was going to do this.

Alchemist Kitsune
October 1st, 2023, 05:03 PM
| Lightningpaw |
Flock Together [Tier 2] - Inactive

It had been a mostly silent walk up to the Starcave. The young molly had her suspicions as to why her mentor had decided to make the long journey there tonight. It had been odd... what with the lack of communication on their destination. She had simply recognized the path. It wasn't time for a half moon meeting, and considering how much he'd been preferring to stay inside the den of late, it was a surprise at all that the tom had suggested the walk. Of course, she had no doubt that there were no nefarious thoughts in the black and white feline's heart, but other than a half moon meeting, there was little left to come here for. With Twilightstar still being with them, this was certainly not medicine cats travelling with their deputy to earn them their new lives. So that left Cowtuft needing to communicate with StarClan urgently, or... maybe... it was just time?

But then... wouldn't have Cowtuft mentioned something about it? Probably. He'd been the one to ask her if she wanted to follow the path of healing that fateful night seasons ago. He would have probably been just as giddy to tell her he thought she was ready to receive her own name. To become a proper medicine cat. Well... quite frankly, proper medicine cat in name only. Lightningpaw wasn't sure if she would ever stop seeing herself as his apprentice. There was just so much the tom did so effortlessly, his seasons of experience on her always ensuring she had to keep on her toes just to keep up.

Some might have found that exhausting, but she thought it was quite exhilarating. Kept her from going lazy. From thinking she had no more to learn. Because there was always more to learn. But if that wasn't it... then what? What emergency could have led him here tonight?

Before her mind could wander down that path and get lost in her usual, winding trails fueled by an overactive imagination that overrode her sense of logic from time to time, the tom spoke, coaxing large ears up. Blinking once, she looked around them in surprise. Had it been so misty when they'd left, or had the weather turned on them as they made their way to the Starcave? "Prob'ly for the best. Tempers around the clans been stormy at best, at least this way we won't have to deal with anyone following."

It was probably a coincidence, but a part of her did wonder if this was all StarClan. Did the dead lot want to speak to Cowtuft tonight? Was this their way of ensuring the medicine cat's safe passage? Maybe... maybe not. Regardless she would assume they would take the credit if it was to their advantage, so no point in dwindling on that for too long.

It wasn't long after he spoke again, not a moment too soon either. It was getting colder, Lightningpaw could feel the chill through her short fur. It was an uncomfortable chill, not quite belonging to the night itself. Curiously, she placed herself besides the tom as the entrance came to view. The lithe calico wasn't certain if she was imagining it, but there was something... off about Cowtuft tonight. Some sort of hesitance? Anxiety? Yes... that felt more like it. It must have been something dire that had compelled him to come here.

Turning her gaze towards the entrance, she smirked, attempting to lighten the mood. "Looks like you were right. Shall we go rustle up some stars, then? Hope they don't think me too shabby looking next to that dapper flower crown of yours with just my little feather," the molly purred, attempting to rub her shoulder playfully against the tom.


x ghostie [Cowtuft]

October 7th, 2023, 09:21 PM

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────

⌦ .。.:* ✮ Alchemist Kitsune || powerplay permission was given :heartbounce:
Bloody hell. Cowtuft gave a small nervous look to Lightningpaw as she quipped about stormy tempers. Well. That didn't help his nerves. He's come to accept his chest might always be buzzing, slightly, in times of importance. His fluffy tail swished back and forth, giving a small nod in agreeance if only to let the topic drift away. Despite everything, he felt hope. Giddiness to reveal this secret to her. Cowtuft had never explained to her about the messages StarClan had sent him. (it always slipped away and briefly he wondered if had ever truly happened. his faith was a question, drifting until called upon.)

He took a small breath, wasting no time lingering by the entrance. To make small talk. It felt unnatural when it was only them. It had never been only them. Cowtuft wasn't exactly sure how to ask for advice on these things. He thinks he could settle if he just made Lightningpaw understand how proud he was, how wonderful it was to witness her journey. To offer something firm, good in these times of brewing tension. Something to celebrate.

A laugh falls from his lips as Lightningpaw smirks, shifting the tone into friendly, casual banter. Something familiar and nice. "D'aww, aren't you the sweetest..! Your feather is lovely, thank you very much, " He insisted, this was her day. Even if she didn't know it yet. Ehh.

He shuffles into the cave and spares a swift look to the cave, taking in their ridges. The stone and the illuminating light. Cowtuft always feel likes he's holding his breath in it. As if waiting for something to happen. "Well.. let's take a second. It's not quite time, not yet, " He gestured in amusement, taking a tail-length back from his apprentice. "Lightningpaw,, After witnessing how you acted in the last battle we faced, how you took charge .. acted confidentiality in your role and firm. It confirmed .. well, something I knew was coming. The day where I had nothing m..more to teach you,, Not really, maybe a few obscure tricks hiding my fluff .." He gave a playful wink at that part, a small jest. He clears his throat quietly.

"I have known you for many ,, many moons now. Goodness,, it takes me by shock sometimes realizing how .. you've grown,, and I am so proud of you. Lightningpaw, StarClan sent me signs .. all those moons ago but it was also you. When ,, the plague hit us you were always there to lend a helping paw. Eager, and I could see you cared.. The most determined little thing I've ever met..!! I'm telling you .." He bursts out into a grin, unable to stop the belly chuckles from escaping his mouth. His anxiety beginning to drift away into pride. He knew this had to be the right thing.

"And then, then.. blimey, one night .. the stars — they showed me you. At a gathering, even. I ,, don't know how to explain it but my only thought was you. The stars .. aligned to form a shape.. of a lightning bolt .. it broke the sky in two.. I had been ,, confused on what to do.. that time wasn't a good time,," Cowtuft confesses softly, the memory simmering in the back of his head. He had remembered the way it made him feel. The sense of tranquility and the loss of control. He wasn't sure if others had noticed it. Could see it.

He never revealed himself, always simple facts. Nothing too vulnerable. He wanted to share this part of him to her. He knew she was always willingly, there if he needed it. He always had been stubborn (and he would still be. he loved her fiercely and protectively, he never wanted his concerns to be hers. ) "I ,, well,, wouldn't say I'm old,, by any means but uhm, I was young.. Barely earned my name — and that ,, did not go well.. A lot of things shifted for me. A story for another time,, perhaps,," he'll tell her. one day. but not on her day. "but .. then StarClan gave me an idea. Couldn't shake it, either,, never been the best at.. trusting. Especially after that. I waited. "

"I think I would have came to this ..choice down the line eventually.. maybe a little later, perhaps, you were always a spark, Lightning,, .. and then after, a long while .. when the plague had its grip firmly .. there was a storm.. As if the skies were weeping, and then later I saw you .. helping patients and it clicked into place. You care .. so deeply for each and every one of your clanmates .. " He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling air into his lungs as he straightened himself up. "Your mother would be proud.. I am sure she always has been .. but how far you have grown.."

Cowtuft had only spoken this much when he had encountered Twilightstar that day. He had been so nervous, so young. Confused with messages sent to him. Words were never something gifted to him. They always sat at the pit of his stomach, thick brambles that wrapped around his tongue and choked him. He's gotten better and they flow easy in this time. He know what he needs to do.

"You are no longer a small spark — you are a brewing storm,, and while you always be little lily to me — it is clear you are ready, " His smile softens, and the tom is grateful for this moment of privacy with his apprentice. He couldn't have done this with the others around. Not in the way he wanted. Not in the way Lightningpaw deserved.

"I, Cowtuft, medicine cat of WindClan... call upon my ancestors to look down at this apprentice.. She has trained hard to.. understand the ways of a medicine cat,, and with your help.. she will serve her clan for many moons. Lightningpaw,, do you promise.. to uphold the ways.. of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clans ... and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life..? To seek out ways to care for your clan..?" He fell back on what Dogbark had done for him. (Ignoring the way his skin begins to prickle in apprehension. )

He waits for something of an agreeance and his apprehension falls away. Nothing would be happening. Lightningpaw was safe. Cowtuft would keep her safe — keep WindClan safe until the end of his life.

"Then by the powers of StarClan .. I give you your true name as a medicine.. Lightningpaw, from this ..moment forward.. your name shall be Lightningstorm.. StarClan honors your courage, determination, and intelligence.. We welcome you .. as a full medicine cat of WindClan .. may you continue to burn like a star and your journey be full of light ... You are going to do so much good — " his voice cracks softly, tears of simple pride swelling up in his round hues, he shakes his head gently.

Cowtuft makes a small gesture for her to come forward and tilts his head down, letting the flower crown slide onto the top of her head. A little bit lopsided perhaps but he thinks it looks stunning. "There,, Now who is outshining who,?" A rumble rolls out from his throat and he thinks this is what true happiness is. If he does anything good in his life it would've been this.

Alchemist Kitsune
October 8th, 2023, 01:24 PM
| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive

The young molly let a giggle escape her as her mentor responded in his usual, kind way, his laughter infectious. At least her remark had seemingly taken some of that tension away, if only for a little while. Shuffling into the cave in amicable silence, Lightningpaw turned her head towards the ceiling, undisguised awe in her almond shaped eyes. This place was simply so different to most anything WindClan offered. To the wide, open expanse of the plateau. Even the healer's underground den did not hold a thing to the odd, cold, stony grandeur of the cavern. How many paws had come here? During generations past... for guidance from the stars.

As Cowtuft sat a tail length away from her, the lithe calico got comfortable as well, blue hues on the tom as he gestured away. A brow quirked as she gave the black and white feline a curious look at his choice of words. Not quite time yet? Was StarClan taking a bit of a snack break between messages? She knew the lot of them had a flair for the dramatics, but that seemed a bit much, even by their standards. Surely if there was something so vital that they had to come here before the half moon meeting the snack could bloody well wait? Or perhaps... Were they waiting for somebody else? Oh, that would definitely be unprecedented, but if her mentor had suddenly gotten a bit of an adventurous streak she would not be about to complain about it! Plus, she could always start claiming she had learned from the best the next time she decided to sneak around. It certainly helped in making rule breaking seem like a much more potential possibility.

Whiskers twitching in mild amusement as the decided to not go down that rabbit hole of thoughts, Lightningpaw's good humors slowly dampened lightly, a flush of self consciousness and embarrassment rushing through her. She didn't think she particularly excelled in that last battle. She had... only done what she had been trained to do. And potentially had noticed she might need a little bit of training outside of her own medicinal lessons to learn how to better defend herself. To receive such high praise from her mentor, however... It made her feel warm... and fuzzy, truly. If she had done right in his eyes... if she hadn't just not messed up but genuinely surpassed his expectations? The petite she-cat could ask for nothing more from herself.

She would, of course... She would always strive for perfection as far as she could, to avoid any lives lost due to her own incompetence. But she would take the small victories and hold them dear. If only to give her the strength needed to face the next calamity. Because there would be a next one. There would always be a next time.

Another bout of giggles escaped her, a cheeky grin on her face as Cowtuft lightened the mood once again. "You'll always have those lush locks, love. The amount of tricks you can hide in there will probably keep me on my toes for a lifetime."

The tom always did this. Lightningpaw had noticed as much during her apprenticeship. Like she wasn't the only one with anxiety tearing down at the fringes of her mind. She always had that nagging feeling. The one that told her that she wasn't enough. That she would never be enough. That she was just a placeholder. A test for when the real deal came along. Waiting to be cast out. Replaced. By the cat that was deemed worthy of working next to the black and white tom.

And yet for all her doubt in herself... for all her certainty that she was not the one that would be besides him in the end - that she would be cast out when it was realized just how meaningless she truly was - it always felt like she wasn't alone in her feeling. Because the look in those heterochromatic eyes mirrored her fears back at her at times. Small flashes and hints of this fear. Blink and it was gone... making her doubt if she'd even seen in after the fact. It was only these little moments, these little remarks that made her certain of what she had witnessed so many times before.

It didn't seem to hold him back this time. Whatever it was that had caused his sentiment before to surface. The one of him having no more to teach her. For his voice soon sounded through the near empty darkness, coaxing large ears to perk up at the softness of it. At the fondness in it. The warmth that returned. The unfiltered pride that matched that grin. It was contagious, for without her noticing, she found herself grinning back. An earnest grin, filled with nothing more than overflowing mirth. Not because he had stated that StarClan had sent him signs. She'd learned long ago that StarClan hadn't the foggiest clue what they were up to half the time. No. It was because of him. Because StarClan or not, he had chosen her. And not only did he not regret it, he was proud.

It was one of those rare instances. The ones in which Lightningpaw found herself without a voice. Without words to respond. For all her sass and cheek, for all her argumentativeness... when it came down to it, when it came down to having a heart to heart, the young molly was out of her element. It wasn't just hard... it was downright impossible to open up. To expose herself, whether it be a joyful admission or one of pain and doubt. It was too slippery a slope. Start with one, and suddenly it would all be out there. No longer just her problem but someone else's, and how could she do that to anyone? Everyone had their own burdens to bear. It was her job to make those loads a little lighter, not toss her own in addition to theirs.

And so she remained quiet. Listening. Grinning from ear to ear. The closest she came from dropping her cheeky mask for earnest glee. She hadn't a clue what had coaxed the tom to speak now... perhaps it had been that one break she'd had after the battle... when she'd come face to face with her mistake? Maybe he wanted to boost her confidence. She had figured her little clean up after the mess had not fully worked. Whatever it was, she could most certainly live with the compliments. At least for tonight. Or so she thought.

"Your mother would be proud.. I am sure she always has been .. but how far you have grown.."

Her grin finally faltered, eyes growing rounder for only a second. Her mother... She hadn't thought of her... not outside of her nightmares. Whenever she was visited by the grotesque vision of her, blaming her for all that went wrong with her life. For being the reason she had to leave the clan. She had always wanted so badly to apologize. For what she had done. For what she had failed to do... but Gingerheart was gone. And here was Cowtuft... Letting her know so surely that she would have been proud of her now. That she had always been proud.

Lightningpaw felt the sting of tears before they released, forcing a smirk upon her face as she raised a paw and waved it in the air. "Best be careful with those compliments, Tufty. You keep them up, my head might get too big for our den. Don't think even Dustbunny could make tunnels wide enough for it," she teased, the words flowing easily as she went back to what was comfortable. Words of denial and diversion. Her specialty.

Except it obviously did not work this time. Cowtuft kept speaking, the fondness still in his eyes. When had this happened? When had her mentor gotten so verbose? He always had fun with words. His vocabulary was quite vast, actually, ranging from the silliest of words to the most clever. But he never spoke so much. So openly. For so long. And to think he was making this rare instance all about her. Why? What could possibly-

It snapped together. Too late, really. He'd already stated that she was ready... and only a fool would not understand the meaning behind those words. For the second time today, her mask broke, her maw parted slightly in an admittedly befuddled, surprised look. Even as he called forth upon the ancestors she blinked... because when had she grown so hare-brained? How had she not pieced it together sooner?

"I... I do," the apprentice nodded, only half aware of the fact that she was speaking, her heart slowly picking up in pace as her mind brewed a million thoughts a second, each one vying for her attention, making it impossible to settle on just one.

And here was Cowtuft, commending her courage, determination, and intelligence. Honestly, Lightningpaw would have snorted had she not been so speechless right now. No... not Lightningpaw. Lightningstorm. She wasn't an apprentice anymore. She was a full fledged medicine cat now. It was the crack in his voice that finally got to her. That finally coaxed the tears to flow. Heading towards him, she feels the weight of the flower crown on her head, and she laughs, a wet, choking sound that is hard to distinguish as such as she wipes her eyes with her paw.

"Oh don't you get smart with me," the Abyssinian mix half giggles half mock hisses out as she attempts to wrap her mentor in a hug. "It don't matter if I am a spark or a storm, that'll always be my job around here, you hear?"

It wasn't what she really wanted to say. The words of gratitude that bubbled within her, wishing to come out, yet staying stuck halfway. Unable to be expressed. Because she didn't know how to. How did you say thank you for being you? How did you thank someone for being everything that everyone needed at every moment of every day? It was too much, the amount of love she felt for this tom, the joy she felt at having made him proud. The giddiness at having her name! Lightningstorm! It felt right. Like it was meant to be. Like it had been her all along. Now it was her job to live up to it. To continue to make him proud.


xX ghostie Xx [Cowtuft]

October 11th, 2023, 08:40 PM

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────

⌦ .。.:* ✮ Alchemist Kitsune
The gentle giant never guessed for a second that she would say those words but it was still wonderful to hear. To have it be official. And then she was crying and by golly, it was just really hard to control his own eyeballs if she was having a hard time too!! He laughs with her, making no comment about her tears. If they didn't speak about it maybe it wouldn't be so silly. Cowtuft didn't think he minded as he wrapped Lightningpaw up in a hug. He gave her a tight squeeze, resting his head on the top of her shoulders.

"C'mon now.. it's your day, " He pulled back, gesturing the statement as his whiskers twitched in amusement. It was a small prompt, refusal to let her deflect this back onto him but he wouldn't press. Besides. Cowtuft was vibrating with happiness, excitement. All the adrenaline from him started to fade, legs a little bit like jelly. He smiled, "Alrighty.. now let's go say hello.. to those stars now, shall we..?" He prompted, turning to the Moonstone. The blue light illuminated the cave. (He missed his token from the stone, maybe one day he would find it.) He shuffled forward and laid down.

Cowtuft nuzzled closer towards the Moonstone, coldness washing over his body at the slightest touch. Eyes beginning to flutter close as his mind drifted into a hazy nothing. He thought perhaps the stars would stay silent. They did not always come, after all, but it was wishful thinking. Cowtuft slowly awoke to find himself standing in a vast meadow. He blinked slowly, vision clearing in and out. The skies above them were grey and crackled with light. The loud thundering followed a few minutes after. It reminded him too much of a familiar cheshire smile.

The medicine cat glanced towards Lightningstorm and took a step in front of her. "Stay close, " Cowtuft warned in a hush whisper, floppy ears pulled back. The fur near the end of his back starting to rise up. It was foolish to fight the dead but oh by starlight would he keep her safe. Wind blew at him harshly that his eyes started to water as it became more intense.

He took a breath and the sky broke into two once more. The wind started to pick up and something started to form. The speed picking up that he could see dust, gravel, the very ground beneath them begin to be torn up. Cowtuft had never saw such a thing.

The meadow beneath them started to fall away. The ground shifted into something wet and moist, squishing in-between his toes. He didn't have time to think until the screams started. Cowtuft stood in the entrance of a camp he could only think to be ShadowClan's or RiverClan's. He saw something approaching in the distance, ripping the the trees. The trees. He looked around for Lightningstorm, opening his jaws to let out a cry before someone knocked into him. He hadn't even realized the cats running past.

Cowtuft landed against the ground with a crash, squeezed his eyes shut and suddenly he was drowning. Water filled his lungs and his eyes shot open with panic. He was going to die, he was going to die -- Paws lashed out desperately to try and catch onto some time of fur but he couldn't see. If he succeeded, he would try and tug the fur up to the surface with him.

His lungs wheezed for air when he broke through, looking around to see their camp. Cowtuft saw his clanmates. He knew it was them. He knew their home. Something was coming. Thump. Thump. Thump. (so cold, so cold.)

He squeezed his eyes shut and was thrusted into a battlefield. The ground was sturdier, firm. Grass nipped at his ankles but storms of cats flooded into a camp. (The trees, what did the trees look like? Not pine? Not pine, was it Oak? It was overgrown.) Cowtuft could not make out the pelt colors. They were black as night. Someone leapt at him as he turned to look at them. His eyes widened but he accepted it. This time he let the ground fall away. He did not close his eyes. You will not watch. You will not rest.

There were pine trees. ShadowClan. Smoke clouded the air and suddenly he felt thrusted right back into those flames. The pain. The screams that had filled his ears had started to reach their peak. It was all he could focus on. The desperate cries of help as the lightning struck the ground, enlightening the pine needles on fire. Cowtuft looked towards his apprentice, forced to witness it all. He closed his eyes quietly and let the flames take him. They did not hurt.

He saw himself in the mists of chaos. He knew this was at the Seastones as he watched hoards of cats attacking each other. The brutality, bodies strewn across the floor. Something dark swarmed in the distance. It was as if the sun had been swallowed hole by an abyss. Would they be swallowed whole? The apprentices. Their children, their elders. Destruction would not spare them. Destruction would not spare WindClan and Cowtuft knew. He knew it in his very bones what was to come. The brewing tensions, the wars amongst the horizon. Shamefully, he thought WindClan would escape it.

Cowtuft awoke with a silent cry, jerking away from the Moonstone. Images blinking rapidly in his mind, replaying and shifting and twisting and curling inside his head, rooting themselves into his heart. He felt foolish, stupidly foolish. It made him want to laugh. How foolish he could be. Tears started to prickle but alas, his own dispersing would have to be done privately. "Lightning, lightning,," Cowtuft meant to coo softly but it came out as a croak, voice cracking. His head did a woosh as he shuffled towards the calico molly. "Must ..Leave, leave.. so sorry, so sorry.." He raised two paws and had them flat before taking them away in a scrunching, dragging away motion. "Home,, " He curled his left frontpaw and touched his cheek near his mouth before pulling back and touching his cheek again but at a distance form the mouth. He would start to try and nudge her gently.

They could not wait anymore. He wished they could stay and focus on her name. Her accomplishments. They would, Cowtuft promised to himself. No matter what he would get this figured out but he would do something to make it up to her.

Alchemist Kitsune
October 16th, 2023, 07:58 PM
| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive

The hug was every bit of warmth and love she always felt from the black and white tom, and she could feel the purr bubbling up within her. While the calico desperately tried - and sometimes most certainly failed - to control emotional outbursts, she couldn't help it this time. It was an accomplishment she knew she had to reach at some point - if only because the alternative was unthinkable - yet she couldn't believe she had. Did she truly deserve it? To have her name? If Cowtuft believed so, then she would chose to do so as well. Her mentor usually knew best.

Another bout of laughter escaped the molly at her companion's words. Yes, she supposed the old gray-pelts were owed a visit. She wouldn't be surprised if they somehow tried to claim ownership of the name her mentor had just given her in the process. That was all StarClan seemed to do. Claim that completely unrelated events were done by their paw. Brought about by their immense power while it seemed they were in a constant state of floundering, incapable of giving an accurate message if their lives depended on it. Well... that checked out, Lightningstorm supposed. Hard to have your life at stake when it had been forfeited so long ago.

Following Cowtuft's example, the lithe calico touched her nose to the Moonstone as well, almond shaped eyes instantly becoming heavy. It was hard to remain standing even, and as she struggled to not collapse, she closed her eyes, shaking herself awake. Opening blue orbs, the molly found herself not at the Starcave, but in a meadow, her confusion only apparent for a moment before she realized what had happened. It wasn't the first time this had occurred. It wasn't her usual dream state, but she'd been pulled out of her nightmares enough times by the star clad warriors for her to understand where she was. The lightning above was not out of place for her. The few times she was given a respite from the horrors that hunted her at night there had always been lightning flashing all over the cloudscape of her mind. The thunder, on the the other paw? That was new, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

Her mentor's voice almost making her jump out of her fur, Lightningstorm turned wide eyes in his direction before she nodded. Alright. This was also far out of the norm. What was Cowtuft doing here as well? Usually whenever he made his presence known in her unconscious mind, his form was much more... grotesque. Menacing. Filled with naught but vengeance and hatred. This was no doubt the real deal, as she knew her dreams would never allow such a concerned looking Cowtuft to visit her. Not of their own volition, in any case.

The newly named medicine cat wanted to ask what was up. What was happening. Because... call her feather-brained, but she was pretty sure this wasn't exactly a warm reception from StarClan celebrating her naming. Did they disapprove of her as a medicine cat? No. It couldn't be. According to Cowtuft they had specifically chosen her, and if they had changed their mind, she was certain they would have made their discontent known before now. Ahead of the ceremony taking place. They would have ensured the storm fizzled before it reached its fated place. And yet she was silenced as the gale crept upon them, buffeting them every which way.

It seemed it wasn't just her feeling as though her pelt was being ripped from her body. The meadow itself seemed to disintegrate, and soon her toes were wet. Mucked up. A familiar sensation that she'd most felt by their border with ShadowClan. Not daring to raise a paw to investigate, keeping her claws unsheathed and gripping as much as she could, Lightningstorm stared with horror as a wave of cats suddenly appeared. The stampeding felines bumped into them until she lost sight of Cowtuft, tossed and turned as she was. Finally, she relented, falling to the ground and plunging deep inside, surrounded by what she assumed was water. The tricolored molly had never been underwater before, but if this was it, she was over it. The lack of oxygen driving her mad, she twisted and turned, unable to tell up from down in this empty realm until she broke free.

Never had anything felt better than the sweet air that now filled her lungs, her claws desperately gripping to a shoreline she could have sworn had not been there. Was not there. The water was gone. She was... home? It had to be. She knew the clearing well enough. But something was coming for them. A loud, booming sound. A force that left little to the imagination in terms of its strength. She saw her mentor once more and opened her maw to call him, only to be silenced again, thrust to a new scene. A new battlefield.

What... what was this? So many cats. Too many cats. She couldn't make them out. Lightningstorm felt her fur bristle, ire consuming her. If this was a joke, she didn't find it funny. If it was a message? Even less so. Bloody arseholes just had to send the most cryptic message ever on the day of her naming, didn't they? Well, if they wanted to be difficult, two could play that game. She was done. All she had to do was find Cowtuft and-

Lightning fell from the sky, lighting it all on fire. The inferno paralyzed her, memories that had never died down consuming her. The shrieks and laughter of the burned, mangled copies of her loved ones - Cowtuft, Mothflower, Gingerheart - all echoed in her mind, reminding her of how useless she'd been. Of how she'd run. Of how she'd left them all to burn, just like she'd done to Featherfoot. Gritting her teeth, she rushed forward, trying to make her way through battling cats. Trying to find the tom she'd gotten here with. She would not leave him again. Not like this.

Lightningstorm saw him, eyes wide with horror. He was burning. She'd left him to burn again. She hadn't changed. Not one bit. She had to save him though... she just had to! Setting her jaw, she closed her eyes, leaping forward if only to feel the flames against her own pelt, to not let him burn alone again... and yet... nothing came. Blue hues flying open, the healer could spot the Seastones looming above her, a cacophonous battle taking place all around. Ears flattening, she took a step back, noticing the strewn out bodies. The code was gone. Everything the clans stood for was gone. They were naught more than rogues playing at some honor bound game whose meaning had been long lost. In the distance, she could hear someone calling her name, and she shook herself, unwilling to listen. Whatever it was, she didn't want to hear it... She just wanted to find her mentor and be rid of this nightmare. At least in her own, it was only her getting her just desserts. This... this was brutality for the sake of brutality, and she wanted out of here.

Bright blue eyes fluttered awake, Cowtuft's croak of a voice finally getting through to her. It took her a moment to gather herself. Confusion was clear in her expression. Had it been a dream? Had she somehow fallen asleep? It didn't seem to be the case... at least not judging by her mentor's expression. Worry chewing at her insides, the Abyssinian mix nodded, unwilling to divulge the storm that had let loose in her mind. Getting up as swiftly as she could, she followed after the black and white tom, knowing they had to get home.


xX ghostie Xx [Cowtuft]

October 25th, 2023, 01:55 PM

She/her | 17 moons | Mind Reader - ACTIVE
A sleek dilute tortie she-cat with green eyes

She listens carefully, soaking in the words said to her as if her very life depends on them - because it’s true, because if she does not comply or does poorly, the ancient tom will kill her as easily as catching a mouse. Though, working herself ragged does not feel like the most efficient way to run a clan. If she’s bone tired, how is she expected to be useful?

Either way, she is ejected from the Dark Forest, from the boiling water beneath her paws, and finds herself blinking her eyes open back in the StarCave. It’s disorienting at first, and she doesn’t quite feel like she’s in her own body for a few heartbeats. But then the fatigue sets in… she’s exhausted, her muscles ache. It’s all she can do to not curl up and go to sleep right here and now. But she forces herself to stand up and makes her way outside the cave on wobbly paws, where she finds PebbleSplash waiting, just like she said she’d be.

Forcing a weak smile, Larkwing walks up to her friend and sits down for a minute, sifting through her mind and her thoughts on all that had just happened. She hadn’t gone to StarClan, she’d been detoured to the Dark Forest where she did not receive so much as a single new life or the customary name. Part of her doesn’t want to share what had happened… part of her wants to lie and hide it all away. To cower behind a title she does not have and boast about extra lives that are not hers. But doing so would make her no better than Beanstar had been so she pushes the impulse to the very back of her mind.

She’d made a promise to do right by her clan, to do the most she possibly could to return them to their former glory, and that was a vow she intended to keep. And, just as she’d said, she’d start by reclaiming Cattail Pond. Before that, the clan would need to be trained up some… she was certain cats would die in the fight even if they didn’t get extra training, and that left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Those deaths would be on her paws. How do leaders cope with that? With the knowledge that good, innocent cats will die because of the decisions they make? How does the knowledge of that not cripple them with guilt and fear?

”I’m back,” she says weakly, the pause between when she returned and when she spoke entirely too long. ”I, um, I didn’t get any lives. Or a name. Or go to StarClan.” Larkwing’s gaze is on the dirt beneath her paws, shame coursing through her. Pebblesplash had believed in her, believed she was worthy and… Larkwing couldn’t help but feel she had let her down. ”Let’s go back now, there’s a lot to do.” Mind troubled, Larkwing waits for PebbleSplash’s answer, but she’s not really listening, instead running through worst case scenario after worst case scenario for how things might end for her, how she might raze RiverClan to the ground, how she’d fail to reclaim the pond and risk countless lives in the process. How she’d prove that ancient cat right and be nothing more than another mistake and disappointment.


[ pebs - Sakura. ]

October 25th, 2023, 02:15 PM
~A beautiful scarred white mollie, pale gray and ginger torbie markings with blue eyes~
She listens, and I mean she genuinely listens… She nods along to her dear friends words, and could see the fear, the sadness behind LarkWings eyes… Without hesitation, PebbleSplash gives her a friendly nuzzle to the shoulder as she smiles…

“It’s okay, Larkie. You have what it takes, even without extra lives… You’re a strong and independent mollie with great ideas and even greater desires for our clan. Make no mistake, with dedication and determination, RiverClan will be what it once was. Time will assist with that…”

Pulling away from LarkWing, Pebblesplash nudges her playfully. “You were great before your ancestral visit, and you’re still just as great. You don’t need a fancy title or extra lives to lead us to victory! Just use that brilliant brain of yours. RiverClan wants a leader that dedicates themselves to the clan, like a big clan mother! Think of it that way- you’re RiverClans mom now-“

Pebblesplash giggles, hoping that LarkBestie would giggle too. “I do have a strategy with cattail pond, however… So, They want us to be stronger, yes? They never said in what way! I suggest we use what’s in our heads to our advantages, to your advantage… I’ll tell you about it as we walk… Lead us home, Miss Leader.”

October 26th, 2023, 03:04 PM
slender silver cat with stark green eyes
Herbal knowledge t3 (perm), silver tongue (perm, disabled/activated)
he/him – RC medicine cat – 34 moons

He couldn't explain how he knew, or why he knew, but he just did. The stars had a soft glow to time, but he still felt as if they mocked the two healers as Falconfeather and Tansypaw neared the Starcave, laughing in his face at the destruction RiverClan faced in the coming moon. He didn't exactly want to come here, but knew it was something required of them that they had to do. The last thing on his list was coming to this recheted place. StarClan could burn down the sky for all he cared, and not once would he look up. He had to say though, the Starcave was impressive. Beautiful as it was, the recent events had Falcon holding no liking to it. "Welp, looks like we're the first ones here. Might as well get comfy, we are pretty early?" He crouched in a loaf position, tail curling tightly around his body.

"And hey, I know we are in quite hostilities with the other clans, so try your best not to, uh, get at them? Not that you'd do that, just fair warning you. We should try to make..not friends but, I guess, acquaintances with them. It'll be better for us down the road." He'd hoped himself that he could get along with the others, much to his disliking of social interaction.

It was near moonhigh now, so he guessed the others would be joining them soon.

[ spookywynds; something.; eris; Pitou; wolfie; Alchemist Kitsune ]

October 26th, 2023, 06:19 PM
purrks: herbal knowledge tier 1


Tansypaw wasn't sure she even believed in this Starclan. Being raised a loner and then as a kittypet, she had never heard of such a thing. Dead cats that lived amongst the stars... Deciding the fate of the poor souls below... It didn't seem fair. It wasn't her place to say whether or not those cats existed up there or not but it was her place to say that the dead shouldn't have any kind of effect on the living. If the star cats truly were the ones that were causing all this misfortune... What exactly had Riverclan done in it's recent past to deserve this treatement?

Falconfeather goes on about niceties and acting cordial and it takes all her strength to not roll her eyes. It's not like she needed to be told how to act-- and even if she did, she was going to act how she wanted to. Truth of the matter was the fact that every other clan's medicine cat was more experienced than them. They needed more information. More experience, more connections. And the young cat was determined to get that for Riverclan.

She nods in response to his words anyway, just so he knows she was listening. Good thing she chewed on some thyme on the walk here... This was going to get stressful.

falconfeather| els // drizzlecloud| something. // springpaw| eris // elmshadow| Pitou// cowtuft | wolfie // lightningstorm | Alchemist Kitsune

October 28th, 2023, 08:44 PM
els spookywynds something. eris wolfie Alchemist Kitsune

Tired. Another halfmoon, another trip on his own. This had to be, what, the third trip to the Starcave since Ivysnake's murder? He wasn't old and he knew his time serving Shadowclan was long from over but the weight of possibly bringing on a new apprentice was ever present though daunting. He pushed the thoughts from his mind as he drew closer to his destination. The fishy scent of Riverclan met him first, but that was the only scent he picked up. Interesting, the two newest additions to the medicine cat group were the first and so far only medicine cats to arrive. He hadn't decided a full read of the two just yet so the night may have plenty to offer. Stonepaw had just begun growing on him and now it was to start anew. Lightningstorm was promising and Cowtuft was intriguing in his own way. Drizzlecloud and Springpaw were as underpawed and slimy as the rest of their pretentious clan. He could only hope that Falconfeather and Tansypaw would turn out to be tolerable. As he moved out of the brush, he looked over the two new medics and nodded a silent greeting before sitting down to wait for Windclan and Thunderclan's medicine cats.

October 29th, 2023, 01:35 PM

Although she and Springpaw had been Thunderclan’s medicine cats for the last few moons, this would only be their second visit to the starcave. She still didn’t know much about the sacred place, and as much as she wished to know more about it, there just didn’t seem to be much time to do so. At least, there hadn’t been. Perhaps that would change now.

“Try not to strain yourself, okay?” Drizzlecloud advised Springpaw gently as they approached, catching the scents of Riverclan–surprisingly, they were here before the Windclan healers were–and Shadowclan. “Let’s try to enjoy this little meeting–we aren’t the newbies anymore, so I suppose we can be proud of that.” That last bit there was a tease, gently bumping her side against Springpaw as she cast a grin down towards her.

When they got closer to the trio that awaited them, Drizzlecloud dipped her head. “Elmshadow, hello. Falconfeather and Tansypaw, I hope your trip here went well. No troubles, I would assume?”

Drizzlecloud didn’t have any strong feelings about Falconfeather right now. On the other hand, Tansypaw reminded her of Springpaw, so she liked the apprentice more than her mentor–not that she disliked him, she just didn’t really have a good read on the guy yet. When it came to Elmshadow, she felt the same way that she felt about him during the last gathering between the clans–and to refresh your memory, it wasn’t anything good.

Now, to wait for Cowtuft and Lightningpaw.

[ eris els spookywynds Pitou wolfie Alchemist Kitsune ]

October 30th, 2023, 10:11 AM
~A beautiful scarred white mollie, pale gray and ginger torbie markings with blue eyes~
She listens, and I mean she genuinely listens… She nods along to her dear friends words, and could see the fear, the sadness behind LarkWings eyes… Without hesitation, PebbleSplash gives her a friendly nuzzle to the shoulder as she smiles…

“It’s okay, Larkie. You have what it takes, even without extra lives… You’re a strong and independent mollie with great ideas and even greater desires for our clan. Make no mistake, with dedication and determination, RiverClan will be what it once was. Time will assist with that…”

Pulling away from LarkWing, Pebblesplash nudges her playfully. “You were great before your ancestral visit, and you’re still just as great. You don’t need a fancy title or extra lives to lead us to victory! Just use that brilliant brain of yours. RiverClan wants a leader that dedicates themselves to the clan, like a big clan mother! Think of it that way- you’re RiverClans mom now-“

Pebblesplash giggles, hoping that LarkBestie would giggle too. “I do have a strategy with cattail pond, however… So, They want us to be stronger, yes? They never said in what way! I suggest we use what’s in our heads to our advantages, to your advantage… I’ll tell you about it as we walk… Lead us home, Miss Leader.”


She/her | 18 moons | Mind Reader - ACTIVE
A sleek, dilute tortie molly with green eyes

Almost at once, Larkwing leans into the comfort offered. Pebblesplash was so wise... like an older sister almost, but Lark already had older siblings, so she was happy just calling Pebble one of her closest friends (and also one of her only real friends, but that was a depressing topic for another time).

She laughs at the mom comment, though her heart is warmed and she feels considerably lighter than she had just moments before. Lark feels much to young to be a mother of an entire litter, let alone an entire clan. But it's her responsibility now, so she will shoulder it with pride. Interest peaked when strategy talk is offered for regaining Cattail Pond, Larkwing dips her head in acknowledgemnt, fighting a smile that's wormed its way onto her face regardless of her efforts.

New resolve found, and a determination behind her eyes that hadn't been there in days, Larkwing, RiverClan's newest leader, leads the way home.


[ this interaction can now be considered done !! ]

Alchemist Kitsune
November 1st, 2023, 05:30 PM
| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive

Guided by the light of the half moon towards the place where her latest recurring nightmare had originated, Lightningstorm's dainty paws led the way, her spotted pelt gleaming in the spare moonlight. The vision of screaming, blood, terror, and the breaking of everything she knew was still seared into her mind. Honestly, she hadn't a clue if it would ever leave. If it would ever let her go back to her more peaceful dreams. The ones in which only she suffered, and for reasons she could understand. For sins she'd committed. Not on the whims of tyrants, idiots, and arsehole stars that couldn't be bothered to give messages with more substance to them. With a clearer message. Leaving the ones still doomed to fall to the whims of their prophecies to flounder and falter until they too inevitably joined their ranks in the night sky.

Scents of others filled the air as she got closer to her destination, her nose wrinkling slightly as she realized WindClan must be the last to show up tonight. It was fine, she supposed. They were the ones who had been relegated to waiting last time, and truth be told, she preferred it this way. A quicker meeting in which Cowtuft and her were not forced to sit out in the cold, just fox lengths away from where it'd happen. The louder the voices became, the more she forced herself to relax, her stiff maw slowly curling, becoming the cheery, cheeky smirk she was fond of sporting. She hadn't a clue what her mentor had planned, what he was thinking of sharing, and she would rather not give any unnecessary clues away with pointless emotional outbursts now. They would serve no purpose here.

"Evening, loves. Sorry bout the wait. Fraid it took me some time to convince my poor toe beans that stepping out onto the chilly night breeze was a must. Turning quite nippy the closer we get to leafbare, innit?" the healer purred, almond shaped eyes gleaming with mischief as she cast a look towards the others before sitting down, pointedly curling her tail around her paws.

As usual, her words were covered in truth to some degree. She really hadn't wanted to come back to the Starcave so soon after that nightmare. And it just so happened to be far colder than she liked. It didn't matter this wasn't her first leafbare, all it had taken was one for her to learn that she was not made for cold weather. And she had been born in cold weather, for star's sake! Perhaps the context to her words wasn't entirely stated. Maybe some things were left out. But it wouldn't matter in the long run. Especially if Cowtuft preferred to keep quiet for now.

wolfie [Cowtuft] | Pitou [Elmshadow] | something. [Drizzlecloud] | els [Falconfeather] | eris [Springpaw] | silverwynds [Tansypaw]

November 8th, 2023, 05:45 PM
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

The moon was awfully bright tonight. Its bright atmosphere shone through the pale concealment of the bleak skies that decorated the tenebrosity along the deep pitch jet-black sky. The endless array of bright stars seemed to not be so visible as they naturally would in such dark nights as these. Her eyes had grown adjacent with the dim silver lighting that had made the medic’s duo trip to the Starcave relatively simple, bearing little troubles during their stroll, only being relatively guided by the bright light of the silver moon. The pale glow decorated a good portion of the cave, eliminating the ridges tops of it with a brighter portion of silver than its natural dank, gloomy gray. Springpaw was almost bound to call the cave monstrously ancient at this point with its shadow, triangular figures features and being omnipresent and resonant. It was a glorious sight to foresee, but it wasn’t enough to warrant away the fact that Springpaw didn’t have a clear indication of wanting to see this place as nothing more than a clear monument to her deep-set dark blue eyes.

Drizzlecloud’s words tore the calico’s eyes away from the foreign sight, focusing clearly up towards the silver-lit molly as the ticked tabby expelled her own words, practically regarding towards Springpaw’s both current physical and mental physic. Her advision was almost something that the young molly wanted to shield herself away from. Her words meant no harm, truly, but they left a bridged gap between her heavy heart and soul that it felt painfully heavy. The intensity of the pounding of her migraine was more keener and louder than the deep and numbing sensation of her split heart tumbling to the bottom of her stomach.

Her mentor’s next set of words brew only a pile of distraught and utter exhaustion deep within the calico’s stomach, her lips merely pursing against the heavy feeling as she felt Drizzlecloud’s silky, long fur brush past her own. The feeling of her mentor’s gentle nudge was more than enough to drift the feline off course from her thoughts, but not enough to distract her from the already arrived medicine cats. Her pupils narrowed to grow attentive towards the moonlit bodies to take in the shapes of who had arrived, and once she had figured out who each cat was, she felt her heavy heart ache more against her body.

Like a pond slowly freezing solid, her blood runs cold. Her breath halts in her throat, and her lungs, half-empty, shudder as though she had been kicked on the lower-half of her belly. The sight of RiverClan’s medics and Elmshadow casted a heavy shock upon her body, merely gripping at her chest with a grip that felt like she was being submerged into the cold depths of the salty waters of the sea. Her naturally rounded paws felt soggy and uncomfortable against the dampened grass that had brushed past her legs far earlier while both Drizzlecloud and her were journeying their way to the Starcave. They were dry to the point where the dampened fur wasn’t visible, but it still stuck to her skin and left an irking feeling that drowsed its way through Springpaw’s stomach, practically swarming it with the nausea that swelled within her.

After Drizzlecloud’s brief greeting towards both of the RiverClan medic duo, Springpaw could feel herself landing on a shaky breath, the young healer parting her lips to say something but nothing comes out. It was absolutely embarrassing, really, that Springpaw herself couldn’t even complicate the words to greet both of the newbie medics. It was rather unfortunate, if she said so herself.

The arrival of Lightningstorm at least gave the oriental calico some composure, as the WindClan medicine cat hadn’t really given the molly much of a problem—other than her sassy outcome of a personality, that is. Either way, the WindClan healer wasn’t much of an issue for Springpaw as she hasn’t seen much of anything negative about her within the first place. However, it wasn’t hard for the naturally keen-eyed molly to take note of the way that the other molly seemed to be hiding something… like what? Having an keen eye for detail wasn’t something that Springpaw necessarily liked, but rather, it was deemed poseable when it was absolutely necessary to be presented. Her greeting briefly caught the calico off-guard from her concerns about Lightingstorm’s hidden thoughts, only focusing on that instead as she casted the molly a small, plantitive smile that coursed its way through her lips.

“It… is… indeed… growing colder… it’s… been growing… harder… to find… herbs… due… to the… frost…” the words gurgled and were quiet against the louder gush of the autumn chills that surpassed through her thick, tri-colored coat. It made the young feline resist the urge to give out teeth-clattering shudder against the slight chill that bit through her body, making it more difficult than she wanted to suppress the words restlessly wanting to escape her throat. In which, the calico had suddenly remembered that both of the new RiverClan medics still needed to bear some acquainted knowledge for the ways of healing the sick and weakened, alongside the wounded. In return, they could give out the knowledge of those herbs that the fourteen moon old recalled the both of them mentioning. Tansy, thyme, blessed thistle, and watermint. The quadruple set being herbs that the calico had no idea existed and were used.

Swallowing thickly, she focused her deep blue eyes towards the direction of the other medic duo, nervously kneading against the cold floor. “E-erm… T… Tansypaw… Falconfeather… do you… both care… to share… the knowledge… of those… four… herbs… that were… mentioned at… the gathering?… I… will give… you both… some knowledge… that would… be reliable… for the… future… if you… wish…” She half-heartedly offered to the duo of medics as she casted them a sheepish smile, hoping that they’ll take her offer for granted and presumably accept what she was willing to teach the newbie pair of medicine cats. What she was bound to offer could at least help them out with their beginnings of their new roles, and maybe even give them a boost for learning the ways of healing just like Coldamber had for her.

Omari silverwynds staurn Alchemist Kitsune wolfie Pitou [ apologies for the lateness of this post! haven’t been feeling the greatest ]

November 9th, 2023, 01:53 AM

✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ [ COWTUFT ‼ ] ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
✩。°°。✩ he . . him ➔ massive white tom with black splotches and floppy ears. scars cover his neck. x-marks on his shoulders and his left hindleg is covered in burn scars
╭₊˚purrks﹕monkey's paw, the collector, herb knowledge, kitty softpaws ₊˚੭
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘∘₊✧─ ────✧₊∘∘₊✧──────

⌦ .。.:* ✮ Alchemist Kitsune silverwynds Omari Pitou eris staurn
There was any other place Cowtuft would want to be then here. It was not out a dislike for his fellow medicine cats. He always been one to seek a connection, an alliance with them to his best efforts, but he did not want to speak to the stars. He was ridiculously frustrated with them. If there was another plague, another disaster awaiting on the horizon for WindClan — he often found himself at this place of refusal — he was going to .. something. Something, he would bloody do something. If ever got the chance to.

The idea of leaving WindClan alone — even briefly — was dreadful but alas, here he was with Lightningstorm. Connections were important and with the growing concerns of the herb shortage and leaf-bare beginning to show, they might end up needing them. Cowtuft was not sure how far the others valued the alliance so, he didn't put high hopes but he still had hopes at least. He kept his relationships with mutual respect. Time made him more confident in his own value, he had moons of experience. No one could quite doubt his capabilities. Despite it all, he preferred his connections to stay as acquaintances. At a tail's length. They all had their expiration dates. He just didn't want it to hurt much when theirs was met.

So wrapped up in his own thoughts the gentle giant didn't realize they were nearing close until they the entrance was right in front of their faces. "Ah,"

Cowtuft took a deep breath, smiling softly at Lightningstorm who seemed to be uncurling from her shell. "I reckon.. this will go fairly quick.. too cold to dwell, " He offered quietly before entering into the den. He understood he looked worse for wear (he kept himself well-groomed but there wasn't much you could do for lack of sleep) but still kept his tail at a relaxed, confident position.

He let Lightningstorm do the proper entrance, only smiling and nodding his head before taking a seat. Ears perking up at Springpaw's mention of RiverClan's medics .. already knowing a few herbs? Cowtuft blinked in surprise. Huh. He wondered if StarClan had taught them a few or they figured it out on his own. This he could do. It was a comfortable subjection —knowledge. "Ooh! Yes.. That sounds quite delightful..! I have a quite few new discoveries also.. Suppose we can go around and .. exchange knowledge like usual..? Or if there is any news to be said or.. news can be after..?" He gestured swiftly with a bit of excitement. He shook his head at the last bit. Wording was hard, he was sure his point got across. He also could've never believed a herb could cause someone to vomit. It was very interesting the differing effects and while unpleasant, useful!! He was sure the others would agree. Maybe.

December 14th, 2023, 10:09 AM
TW: Emotional Distress & Mentions of Blood
This Starcave visit takes place directly after this (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74667) VA.

Larkfire (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/larkfire)
She/Her | The Wraith
Shadow Fiend, Beefed Up (T1), & Dreamwalker Purrk

Once-white paws were now crusted with blood as Larkfire placed paw after paw down. Her reckless run through the forest after realizing her sight was... was... no, she wouldn't think it. She couldn't. Shame burned into Larkfire's mind, and for a moment the Medicine Cat could fool herself that the blood running down her face were salty tears. Her heart burned, whether with internal pain or whether from her run, Larkfire knew not.

Her steps, however, had turned into a hesitant trot after too many instances where she'd run face-first into something, or tripped over a rock, or... one instance, she'd even stepped on her own tail and fallen to the ground. She'd only succeeded in injuring herself further. Her pelt was on fire, her face was on fire - fitting, it was a mockery of her name. Thoroughly mortified afterward, Larkfire had frozen in place for too long, wondering if anyone had seen her act like an utter fool. What did it matter, though, when she had ended up a fool anyway?

She didn't know what she looked like, at this point. Did she care, though? Did she? Her eyes... Her... Another pang of hurt swept over her. What would Dawnstar say? What would Darkfall say? Her mate... he'd been the only cat who'd told her her eyes were beautiful. He'd ... told her on more than one occasion that he loved her eyes. And now... now the doubts would not stop invading her common sense. Was that all he'd loved her for? Would he leave her? Skies... she was expecting his kits. She hadn't told him. She...

Larkfire was not a vain cat, not at all, but at this moment she felt her pride shatter, she felt her heart break, she felt the self-assurance with which she carried herself through life crumple before her, then and there.

Her head bowed, body curling into itself, as Larkfire kneeled, face pressed against the dirt, ears pinned flat against her head to drown out the quiet sounds of the forest around her. She didn't know what to do, and she felt too cowardly to go back to ShadowClan just yet. She'd have to go, eventually, because Larkfire would never willingly abandon her Clan. Never. Especially with the litter growing in her. They needed to be protected, and Larkfire didn't know if she alone could offer that protection anymore.

It was in this state, pressed against the ground, vision a black void, ears pressed back to ignore any noise, that the Medicine Cat picked up on a faint scent trail where her muzzle was pressed against the dirt. A scent trail, of all things, all the way out here. And it wasn't just any scent trail -- it was Clan cats. More than four of them, but the thing that called to Larkfire the most was that she could pick out Elmshadow's smell among others, faint and lingering. He'd been here. He'd been down this path. What for, she did not know. But a sadness welled in her heart, unexpected and sudden, for the parted Medicine Cat. Shoving the sorrow aside, the pregnant molly pushed to her paws, each step as careful as the last as she followed her former mentor’s ghost. If he’d been here once, there had to be a reason for it.

One paw. The next. One paw. The next. One paw– Skies! She’d just stepped into a pothole and stumbled quite theatrically, nearly flat on her face (Larkfire didn’t even want to count how many times she’d fallen already). Her tail was riddled with fir needles, prickly and uncomfortable with every step. It was slow going, her progress, but she was determined, and eventually Larkfire noticed that the world had grown even darker, the wind chillier, as if she’d stepped out of the sun.

Two seconds later, her fur brushed against rock. Rock. She was inside a cave. That explained the darkness, and the cold draft in the air. Unable to stop a shudder from wracking her body, the pale feline continued following Elmshadow’s scent trail. It mingled - with RiverClan, ThunderClan, WindClan, and made her wonder what he’d been doing here. A couple of twists and turns later, Larkfire came upon... she didn't know. All she knew that it was a bigger space than the narrow tunnels she'd been walking through - and right in front of her, something pulsed, as if it had life of it's own. She didn't know what it was, but even the darkness of her vision gave way to a weak, insistent light, like how the sun looked behind closed eyelids.

She was drawn to the light, like a moth to a flame, and one paw reached out on it's own accord to press against the cold, smooth surface.

Larkfire couldn't tell anyone later what happened exactly in that moment, but it was as if a streak of burning claws raked down her spine, a foretelling, a warning, and the Medicine Cat stumbled backwards in surprise, falling back on her haunches.

And the world was alive with color once more.

But it wasn't Larkfire's world.

It was a landscape not her own - it was vastly different from ShadowClan's forest. And then, Larkfire looked down, and she went stiller than a statue. An obsidian pool of water sprawled at her paws, black as tar and yet still as reflective as a mirror. The sky was a depressing shade, dark and gloomy above her head.

Regardless, it was Larkfire's own reflection that froze her. She could see, yes, but at what cost? Blood clung to her fur, to her lashes, like a second skin, dry and crusted in most places. Four clawmarks ran diagonal across her face, her once unmarred features a mess of crimson. And her eyes... her eyes were glassy, distant, as if a milky film had descended over her once fiery-amber eyes.

This was her reality. It had always been.

A disgraced daughter.

Maybe Larkfire's biggest mistake had been to take her life in ShadowClan for granted. She was a former outsider, after all. The Medicine Cat was unsure how long she sat there, staring at her ruined reflection, but it was after some time that she sensed a presence, an uneasy chill crawling down her spine, and went as still as death, every nerve on high alert.

There was a predator in these dreary woods, and it wasn't her.

[ @BEAR. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=1) ]

December 14th, 2023, 10:29 AM
Well well well, what did they have here?

It was rare for a cat to crawl into Wolverine's neck of the woods, let alone one so familiar yet new. He had always kept a distance from the living, his only true intervention being his daughter. Ah, that was some moons ago..

But when a juicy kill came right to his doorstep, he could hardly resist. His steps on the mire were soft, near-undetectable as he approached his latest victim. Though his interactions might be limited, his observation was not - a closer examination told him this was Larkfire. Even better, he was aware of the little border spat that brought her to her knees. Hah! Did his granddaughter favor kit-warriors these days?

He bared his fangs, breath reeking of blood and rot. Wolverine just didn't smell pleasant in general, comparable to swamp dung. "So the prodigy has finally decided to visit. Don't tell me that border fiasco kept ya, I don't think my heart can take more disappointment." A crane of his neck, to get a better view of her face - her eyes. "Oooh, ya really screwed those up. Who taught ya how to fight, a squirrel on crabapples? A kitten has better defense than ya do." A dismissive swish of his tail. "No wonder ya got promoted to apprentice. Enforcement isn't for the weak-willed."

[ Rose ]

December 14th, 2023, 10:44 AM
Larkfire (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/larkfire)
She/Her | The Wraith
Shadow Fiend, Beefed Up (T1), & Dreamwalker Purrk

A wilting flower. If there was any way to describe Larkfire in that moment, this was the most accurate. But her spine was rigid, her throat dry, the panic in her heart crushed down and suppressed to take care of at a later date. She turned only halfway to face the approaching predator, unwilling to put her back to such a dark pool of water that looked like it'd reach out and swallow her whole. Her lips peeled back in a silent sneer, hackles rising at the insult after insult.

She was ashamed to admit that every one of this cat's words hit home.

Jaw clenched, the Medicice Cat was unable to ignore the pit of helplessness that opened inside of her. She was cornered, easy prey to be picked up. Every one of her flight or fight instincts was screaming at her to flee, but in a forest such as this, where monsters ruled, there was nowhere for her to go. "What are you. Who are you?" Was all she managed finally, taking a step away from the - for lack of better words, disgusting - cat in front of her. How did he know what had happened? Where was she? Why was she here? Maybe she'd asked those questions out loud, maybe she hadn't. Who knew?

[ BEAR. ]

December 14th, 2023, 08:15 PM
Wolverine withdrew a bit from Larkfire, satisfied with the look he had gotten. He wasn't impressed with Larkfire so far, decisively. Maybe if she stood up to him, showed why Dawnstar had taken a liking to her - but she crumbled and failed just as she had when she fought for her sight, and lost. He dropped the informality of his words, disenchanted. "As kin, you can at least start with 'hello'. Why don't you give that a try?" Regardless of her efforts, he would continue. "I would say we aren't so different, but I never fell so lowly as to let a ThunderClan flea-bag blind me. I hope, chosen of my grandkit, that is not an omen of what is to come next, for your sake."

If she didn't put the pieces together, that was on her. It was not his job to spell things out further. "I am many things, but what I become to you depends on how this discussion goes. I could be your greatest ally, or your most feared enemy. The challenges you face in the living are naught compared to the pain I could cause you." A twist of his muzzle, the beginning of a smile. "You may call me Wolverine."

A lifetime ago, he had another name. But it was weak, and meant nothing to him. He always felt Wolverine was more fitting - fierce, and matched his oversized claws to boot. Thank the rogues who made that connection, for the knowledge of the animal would not be within his grasp otherwise. "Now, Larkfire. Why are you here? As much as I love visits, it is never without a cost."

[ Rose ]

December 15th, 2023, 01:36 PM
Larkfire (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/larkfire)
She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

Monkey's Paw Purrk - Active

Kin. Kin. The word rang in her mind, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. Kin had never been a pleasant experience for Larkfire. From Risk's abandonment to Fablespinner's hateful upbringing. From Howler's betrayal to Prince's disappearance. From Dappledleaf's death to Sagechaser's flight. It had hardened her, for a time, and then she'd gone soft, pampered by Darkfall's attentions and Sleepykit's snuggles. With Dawnstar's silent praise, with the pride she'd started to feel in herself.

She paused, took a moment. She stopped, rethought. And then; "Hello."

It was a herculean effort, to ignore the insults being thrown her way. To not snap at them until tears blurred her vision and her claws were covered in blood. But Fablespinner had taught her a long time ago to rule with her head and not her heart, to think before she did. After joining ShadowClan, Larkfire had let her heart lead her, and this was where it'd ended; broken and useless.

She'd left her cunning behind for something soft, and her heart had failed her.

'Chosen of his grandkid.' Within moments, she knew. This was not her real kin, no. This forest-dweller was Dawnstar's grandfather, and in that moment, a small part of Larkfire's mind noted that their attitudes did match up.

"You are dead." She breathed finally, the revelation dawning on her. This was not the world of the living. "And I am dying." Her second statement was just as true as the first -- she was running out of time. If she didn't make it back to the world of the living and patch her wounds, she would surely die, and she would take her litter with her. She would be failing Dawnstar, Darkfall, and then entirety of ShadowClan all in one.

Wolverine's smile was just as unwelcome as his presence, but Larkfire kept her expression a blank slate -- she was self-sufficient and sound of mind (enough) to know that she did not want this cat as her enemy. No, she did not.

Wolverine's question haunted her. Why was she here, why was she here, whywasshehere?

Why. Was. She. Here?

Her brother's words came back to her, after all these moons, a balm to the soul. Regardless of his betrayal, Larkfire would never forget the comfort Howler had once offered her with his words on the countless nights she'd lain awake, unsure how to face another day.

'Fear is just a game, little sister. You win by playing.'

And stars above knew that Larkfire intended to play. Ironic, that at this moment, there were no stars above her head, just a yawning darkness. Maybe that was a testimony. She was damning herself, preparing to make a deal with the devil.

Her eyes lifted, light orange hues fixing on a cruel, unwavering gaze. If she had a price to pay for being here, she might as well take something of hers back with her. "You are dead, and yet you are able to speak to me." Her attention drifted around the eerily still clearing, the forest around them devoid of life, before turning back to her great-grandfather. "I do not know how, but since you are doing it, and since I still retain my vision in this world, I wish for my sight back in the waking world. If there is a cost as you say, then so be it."

It was a reckless jump into the wide expanse of the unknown, but there was nothing anyone could take from Larkfire anymore. Or so she thought.

Oh, it was truly a pity how wrong she would eventually be.

[ @BEAR. (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=1) - Wolverine ]

December 17th, 2023, 10:13 AM
Wolverine hadn't expected Larkfire to humor him with a greeting, and a laugh choked in his throat. After all this time, genuine laughter felt unreal - unnatural. But here they were.

A ponderance, as he gazed at the cat his granddaughter claimed as her own. If she survived, if she overcame this obstacle-- she could make a powerful ally. Wolverine's influence over the living had waned since Icestar's passing, and finding cats to communicate through proved difficult when few wandered into his part of this hellscape. Perhaps...

"Death may not come for you yet, but you need to be ready to fight for every breath. Yours is not the only life at stake." His tongue rasped over his mouth, thoughtful. "I like you, little bird. I wish you had some of this fire when that ThunderClan rat attacked, it might've saved you from what's to come.

"I'll grant that wish of yours. The path ahead will be dark for now. In time, you will see the light again." It was funny - how she took it as she was paying the price. Originally, he had intended it for himself, for Larkfire was not here for pleasantries but to satisfy her own self interest. "Your body just needs time to recover." Aa for the actual price she'd be paying.. eh, they'd find out later. Wolverine didn't know how the wish thing worked, he just wanted to take credit for it. "There is one thing we should discuss before you wake up: your name."

[ Rose ]

December 17th, 2023, 04:36 PM
Larkfire (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/larkfire)
She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

Uneasiness. It prickled at the base of her neck, and then crawled down her spine, mimicking the path the burning rake of claws had taken earlier. Wolverine's moods were as unpredictable as her mother's (her third mother's, to be precise), and after spending moons in the scarred tabby's presence, Larkfire had learned never to let her guard down, no matter how calm her companion seemed.

Wary gaze resting on her great-grandfather, Larkfire listened in silence to his words, ignoring the sense of foreboding hovering at the edges of her mind. She would not die today, or the next day, or the one after that. She would live, because she had a litter to give birth to, there was life growing within her, and she owed it to Darkfall to see this through. He'd already lost so much family. She'd not allow him to lose more -- she'd not be the reason he lost any more.

Wolverine's next words hit like a punch to the gut. It wasn't the insult that wounded her, oh no. It was a nickname that scraped Larkfire raw, that sent her back in time to another life, when Dappledleaf had been her caretaker.

‘Larkfire, my little bird.’

‘Thank you, my little bird.’

‘My little bird? May I come and sit with you, darling?’

Larkfire's breath came out in a short, harsh exhale as she battled with herself not to reveal how unstable the nickname made her. The memories flicked by, insistent and nagging, but the Medicine Cat pushed them away. Dappledleaf was dead to her -- had long since been dead to her. Attention zeroing in on Wolverine as the older feline granted ... her wish?, but did not tell her the cost, Larkfire parted her maw to argue, but was cut short by his next words.

“What’s wrong with my name?” She asked warily instead.

[ BEAR. - Wolverine ]

December 17th, 2023, 07:22 PM
"Well, there certainly isn't anything right about it. You went from one of ShadowClan's finest to a cat groveling to the dead for salvation. What does that tell you?"

Almost a rhetorical question, really. Wolverine didn't want her answer. "It tells me, going forward your name should be stripped. You are no longer Larkfire, a blazing beacon of ShadowClan's prowess, but Lostspark-- the new medicine cat with a lot to work toward. Reignite your passion and prove the flame within still burns, and you may find yourself in the sky's graces again.

"But until then, wake up Lostspark. You will find the key to your immediate survival near the cave's edge."

A dismissive lash of his tail, indicating the conclusion of the dream. Lostspark would likely find the waking world to be less than pleasant.

[ Rose ]

December 18th, 2023, 08:38 PM
Lostspark (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/larkfire)
She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

The sinking feeling in her gut only seemed to worsen, to become more prominent as Wolverine continued to speak, oh-so-casually placing down her worst of failures and serving it to her on a golden platter. What did it tell her, that she'd fallen so far? That she'd fallen from the elite so quickly, so effortlessly?

Her stance only stiffened, jaw only clenched, almost to the point of being painful, as her great-grandfather stripped her of her name. The name she'd earned, after spending moons in ShadowClan. The name she'd earned, the one Dawnstar, her mother, had given her.

Gone. It was gone, just like that.

And this time, Larkfire did not open her mouth to argue. She just stood there, silent, ignoring the raw ache in her chest, glassy amber eyes cold and unfeeling as she was sent back to the mortal realm.

"Bleeding burning skies." It was the first thing she said, cursing through gritted teeth, wheezing as the pain ripped through her body anew, practically choking for a moment before she spat out the blood that'd seeped into her mouth.

The heady taste of betrayal sat heavily on her tongue, a mockery of her faint hope. She was an utter, delusional fool, for thinking there was a chance of survival for any relationship with this so-called kin of hers; Wolverine. At least he'd crushed that hope from the start instead of letting it dwindle on and then ultimately letting her down like all the others had done. Maybe it was karma that followed her, because she'd been the one to let Fablespinner down.

Figures, that it was an endless cycle of no party ever being satisfied. That all these moons later, she was still letting everyone important down.

Fine, then. She would do this. She would drag herself the heck out of here, she would live, would thrive, because Wolverine wasn't wrong. She had lost her fire, but there was nothing that would stop Lostspark from getting it back. The world was dark once more, and her sight was lost to her once again, but she would fight that darkness at every turn, she would fight to let the fire within flare as it had before.

[ @/BEAR. - Wolverine ]

March 5th, 2024, 05:16 PM
Lostspark (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lostspark)

She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

Here she was again. Nearly three moons later. This time, though, there had been no scents of a dead mentor to guide her. Only her scent lingered here, a whispered secret the winds carried. Lostspark was seeing this path with her vision for the first time. Each step brought her to that cave, the only way she currently knew how to contact a cat long dead.


Grandfather to her mother, biological or no. Each step was a reminiscent of the past - she had walked this same path once before, but each movement had been an awkward jerk, limbs heavy, paws stumbling, face bleeding, eyes sightless, heart broken. Now, a reformed cat stood where once she'd been shattered, an unmoving pillar of stone and in full health in comparison to the feline who had once barely clung to life, shivering and pathetic.

Lips curling up in a fanged grin, Lostspark adjusted her hold on the... item clutched in her mouth, careful not to press down too hard on it lest it break as she waltzed past the Starcave's entrance. The tunnel was dark, just as she'd presumed, but every one of Lostspark's steps was certain and sure, gaze flitting briefly to the dark, unmistakable stain of blood on the floor. Huh, she'd made quite the mess here during her last visit, had she? No matter. This place would do well to remember her long after she, too, was gone.

Setting down the gift she carried with her, Lostspark slowly approached the large crystal that seemed to emit light all on it's own, a fallen star, dimmed on the ground. She knew this stone, knew that it hid the secrets of the Stars and the Starless within it's beckoning depths. So with a satisfied exhale that this cave had been real - that it had not been a figment of her imagination, an illusion - Lostspark lowered herself to the ground and pressed her muzzle to the crystal's cold surface.

There was no burning scrape of claws this time, or maybe there was, for all Lostspark felt the brief, phantom caress of something not of this world, a whisper of an embrace before the Starcave dimmed, and Lostspark was plunged back into a world of darkness.

When she'd blinked the darkness into focus, Lostspark took her time surveying her surroundings. And then finally, finally, she turned in the direction of the cat she'd come here to see. “Salutations, Wolverine, kin of my kin, as you so nicely put it last time. I’d say it’s a surprise to see you again, but I can only hope you were expecting me just as much as I was expecting you.” The tip of Lostspark’s fluffy tail flicked against the ground, back and forth, almost absentmindedly.

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” The Medicine Cat laughed, the sound low and bitter and .. strangely amused. Dark and ringing hollow, but filled with the shadows she belonged to. “You wanted the spark – here it is. So I suppose, in a twisted way, I should be thanking your insight.” The lithe grey feline angled her head to the side in silent acknowledgment.

Glassy amber eyes turned to the side, far away, toward the dark horizon. “I tried to make my peace with you, Wolverine. But peace is not what you seek, is it?” She hated it. Hated the power he had over her. Because even though she refused to bow now to his whims, they both still knew she was back here again. At his mercy. Surrounded by his world.

And yet… Lostspark found that she did not particularly care. She was the one who would atone for her sins, those that she’d committed from the first of her breaths to her last. Full of contradictions, she was, but they fit.

But there was a sense of closure Lostspark could bring to this. She didn’t want to harbor the hate until it poisoned her from the inside out. Did not want to live in fear, as she had for so many moons with Fablespinner until she’d realized… realized how frail and weak her mother was, grappling at vines too far out of reach. Maybe Fablespinner had not been bestowed enough love in life, and it had made her bitter and hateful beyond belief — or maybe Fablespinner had been spoiled with too much love that she now didn’t know how to live without it.

She could forgive, could let go of this, and be free of it. So instead of spitting any more venom that would get her nowhere, the Medicine Cat shut her eyes, brows furrowing for a moment as she attempted something she wasn’t even sure was possible – conjuring the rat skull she’d brought along with her into this… dreamscape. She peered curiously down at the skeletal thing a moment. “Huh, I was not sure it would work. I can bring something bigger next time.” She mused mostly to herself, and then, louder; “A gift, of goodwill, I suppose.” Lostspark raised her gaze to the dark-furred maine coon she was facing.

The Medicine Cat smiled, and it was a vicious thing, white fangs a flash in the dark. “I will grow my wings again, Grandfather of my Mother. I will reclaim my place in ShadowClan, I will take back my name.”

[ BEAR. - Wolverine ]

March 6th, 2024, 06:10 PM
He really ought to start cleaning the place up if cats were going to insist on visiting. Wolverine wasn't accustomed to so many guests, used to the solitude that came with an exile to the pits of hell. But here they were, an insolent grandkit tantruming her way into his home.

In all honestly, he was neither shocked or impressed. His blank stare at her as she started blabbering away was telling of his indifference to her strife. "It can hardly be a surprise, my dear, when you've been stewing on this for so long." He knew it was coming as soon as she made her wish, had anticipated it - and the wait to meet her ire was only worth the amusement that stirred in his chest.

"Fool you? Well, that's funny coming from the cat who didn't care for consequences. That is on your conscious, not mine." Perhaps if she read the fine print before signing a devil's contract, she wouldn't be in this spot. "A lack of poor planning on your part does not constitute a sin on mine. You had no second thoughts, and that impulse cost your children quite dearly, didn't it? Selfish desires often do bring pain to others, after all." Go ahead and cancel him, Wolverine already had a paw in the door with one of her kids. The others would follow soon enough. "Being detached from them won't heal the suffering you caused, it will only let it simmer and grow. Remember that, little bird."

Wolverine dismissively eyed the rat skull, scooping it toward him with a flick of his paw. "Peace is not what the wicked receive, Lostspark. To survive, you must be willing to do anything to stay ahead - and a skull only symbolizes your inevitable demise." Until death ceased to be, peace would not exist. It was merely the game of life.

He quirked a brow at her. "You will or you are? Speak with your chest, kitten. You sputter like a flame in the wind."

[ Rose ]

March 7th, 2024, 08:44 PM
Lostspark (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lostspark)
She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

Lips pressing into a thin line, Lostspark listened to her great-grandfather in silence. He was not wrong, not entirely. And in the end, there was no use arguing. Arguing with a dead cat was like gossiping with a kittypet who had nothing better to do. (And by skies, Lostspark had already had to sit in and listen to a kittypet blabber on and on during her kithood days. It was not a repeat-worthy experience).

She had been selfish. She could not deny it. It pained to admit to it, but Lostspark could not live in denial. Changing the past was not an option, and never would be, but her future path? That, she could forge on her own. How could she reach her children when they refused to be compliant? When all some of them saw in her were faults upon faults? Was that who she'd become? Was that who she wished to be? No, it wasn't Wolverine's words, no matter how venomous, held meaning. Lostspark would be the fool she'd labeled herself as already to ignore the lingering connotation behind them.

So lost in thought, the lithe grey Medicine Cat nearly missed Wolverine's moniker for her. He'd used it before, but this time it did not make her blaze from the inside out with pain. Dappledleaf was long gone, a cat of a time past her.

Cracking a vague yet humorless smile, Lostspark glanced towards the owner of this swamp-ridden hell hole. "Little bird," She repeated, straightening up. "I have one of my own now, and the cat who once called me such has been dead numerous moons, but it likely matters little to you." Dappledleaf's death did not bring Lostspark strife still - not since she'd realized that Dawnstar was the best mother she ever could have asked for.

Someone she could actually hope to model herself after. Both Fablespinner and Dappledleaf had ultimately failed to be prospective role models.

Blinking back into the present, Lostspark gazed at her kin. "We'll just have to see, won't we? I've already made enough promises in advance as it is, now the question is whether I will deliver. And perhaps, even if I do waver, at the very least I have found the means to reclaim my flame." Lostspark could not describe the hollow feeling in her chest, but she did know that for now, there was no more reason for her to return here anymore. She already knew what she would do next from here on out. The next time Lostspark would be here would be for Mossfreckle's ceremony.

Being grateful had never killed anyone - she still had manners where they were due. "So thank you, for the lesson you've taught me. And I suppose I won't be seeing you again for a while."

[ BEAR. - Wolverine | Post is a bit meh, but here we are. ]

March 7th, 2024, 10:13 PM
"You might have your own little bird, but you'll always be one to me." Wolverine was watching his granddaughter carefully - observing the distant look she had in her eye as she swallowed his former words with grace. This was far from the pathetic little worm that had crept into his nest, seeking salvation while drowning in a pool of despair. No, the last few moons, being challenged to be better, seemed to have brought out the cat that inhabited her before she became a shell of her former self.

He liked it. She was displaying behaviors a true ShadowClan cat should have: pride and confidence. A willingness to take a challenge on without being held back by the fear of failure. "So we will." Failure or not, Wolverine wanted her to have a backbone. Even after he tore her down, she remained upright - her gaze sharp and meaningful. "Maintain your posture, kitten. Keep your head up against the upcoming storms and you will prevail. Your wings may bend and break beneath the wind, but as long as you allow your flame to burn within you will not truly falter."

A step forward, the rat skull released to disappear behind his daunting form. "Oh, the swamp's always open to you if you decide to come by again. I never turn my family away." Besides, despite everything he liked her company - if she were any feistier, she might remind him of his daughter. "A parting gift, for now. I am not blind, little lark - I know progress when I see it, and effort is to be rewarded.

"Consider the name Lostspark no more, for the cat who earned that name is dead. Go forth as Larkrise: your growing passion is the start of a new era and will serve as a catalyst to spurring ShadowClan to success. Help Dawnstar get a grip on those tadpoles." A light bop against her forehead, and then he withdrew. "Don't be a stranger, now. Maybe bring dear Dawnstar along with you next time, it's been a while since I've seen her."

[ Rose ]

March 8th, 2024, 01:28 PM
Larkrise (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lostspark)
She/Her | Purrks Overlook (https://katlike1.wixsite.com/kats-wco-characters/lark-purrks-list)

A name. A new name, she had been given, and from Wolverine no less. If Lostspark - or, well, she supposed she was Larkrise now - had been less shocked, she likely would have found the situation amusing. But behind the surprise, behind the hint of mirth, Larkrise found genuine gratitude peeking out, waving it's arms wildly about to be noticed among her clamoring feelings. In the end, the partially redeemed molly felt the corners of her mouth tipping upward with... yikes, was she happy?

Wolverine was right, after all. Larkrise was no Lostspark. Hell, Larkrise was not even Larkfire. She had noticed somewhere along the way that Larkfire had died when she'd been blinded, and now Lostspark was dead too, brought out from her grief and into a new light.

Larkfire had been a trapped candle flame that'd burned so bright it'd doused itself.

Lostspark had been a barely glowing ember in the ashes, alone in its struggle, surrounded by the dead.

Larkrise had wings, like the bird she'd been named after. Larkrise had the means to take flight.

Amusement and appreciation warred between one another to shine in Larkrise's fogged gaze as Wolverine stepped back after renaming her. She had been entirely prepared to say her piece and leave - but now? Now, Larkrise knew she'd found a tentative ally, that she could not back away and leave Wolverine to his solitude anymore. She would not thank Wolverine again, because she knew he was already aware of her gratitude, and because she knew she could offer something else that would mean much more than a simple 'thank you'. She could do him one better.

"If Dawnstar does not kick me out of ShadowClan for having visited you again after your parting gift from last time, I will mention meeting you again to her." Larkrise said, tone laced with merriment. She did not think her mother would be very displeased with this new update to her name, but one never knew, did they?

[ BEAR. - Wolverine ]

March 8th, 2024, 02:48 PM

The day that Drizzlecloud had finally decided that it was time, was the very same day as this moon's gathering. Why had she decided today, of all days? She was a little unsure, but nonetheless, it felt right. Today would be a big traveling day for the both of them, but it was an especially big day for Springpaw. The very day of her ceremony… Which she would be guiding. What a frightening thought! It made her anxious, but on the flipside, it filled her with excitement too. There were far too many emotions for her to process in this moment, though.

The eldest of the two healers had decided to leave early that morning, when the sun's light was just barely lighting up the forest floor. It made her head hurt less. If they could travel to the Starcave in a bit of a dimmer setting, perhaps the gathering that would follow would be less overwhelming. Perhaps her head would pound just that much less. She knew that all of the scents would cause her to reel, but she would just have to hope and pray that she'd be able to get through the day without toppling over and hacking up her breakfast from that morning.

During their trek to the cave, Drizzlecloud kept quiet for the most part. She guided Springpaw–albeit just a couple of pawsteps ahead of her–with her tail resting on one of her apprentice's shoulders, just to ensure that she stayed close… But, the action was made to whose benefit? Her own. The physical touch made her less anxious. Drizzlecloud's recent losses, that being the rest of her hearing, had left her grasping at all of the different ways that she could approach certain situations. There wasn't an ounce of hearing left for her to depend on anymore, so she had to depend on the rest of her senses, of course. It wasn't much of a concern to her, she knew that she would manage. It was just a learning curve, one that she thought she wouldn't have to experience ever again, not since kithood, not since her early apprentice moons, not since her selective mutism as a wee baby… But, here she was. Just as daunting as it had been all of those moons ago, but a little less scary. Not with all of the support that she had now–not with knowing that she was a capable individual.

Her attention shifted from the grass, eying the cave as they approached its open jaws. Green eyes flicked from the cave's opening to the grass again, then to her paws, and then to her apprentice. “You ready?” She asked softly, offering Springpaw a reassuring smile.

Drizzlecloud knew that she was ready. She knew from the very moment that she had woken up that day. After the panic had settled, there was a blanket of relief that seemed to have been draped gently over her in that moment just at the sight and the realization of Springpaw and what she had done that day. What she had done without guidance, what she had done when left to her own devices. Perfectly capable. Dedicated to her clan. What any good medicine cat should be, and Springpaw herself, at her very core, was Drizzlecloud's very own prideful example of that.

[ vei LETS GO LETS GO WOOO:spinning: ]

March 9th, 2024, 09:34 AM
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

Today was quiet, almost too quiet for her mental sake. It had been a mostly silent walk up to the Starcave, but the occasional whistling and howling of the wind occasionally caught her off guard. She didn’t know why Drizzlecloud decided to choose today of all days to take her up to the Starcave. Given the past times that she had walked the very same path alongside her mentor up toward the looming cave, she hadn’t ever truly seen what it was like to delve into the stone-covered area itself. But, that didn’t explain why Drizzlecloud chose today to take her here. Wasn’t today espoused to be the day when the current gathering was going to occur? Her fur bristled against the whispers of the cool air lapping against her long-furred coat, signaling it’s abrupt arrival towards springtime. It felt nice, but not enough to ease her bumbling wonders for why she had been brought here. It certainly didn’t seem like it was anything urgent… but maybe… Drizzlecloud thought it was time? But then wouldn’t she have mentioned something about it? Maybe, or potentially she was just keeping it a secret for the young medic to learn in due time. It was mind-boggling to say, but she had been proposed to keep her jaws shut without saying anything to her mentor about the matter nonetheless.

Given how early it was, the night remained prominent with only softer strokes of dawn etching towards the edge of the world. The moon wasn’t dancing in the night sky anymore, having already retreated to the horizon. Springpaw couldn’t find herself not looking at the stars upon arrival at the cave, feeling memorized by the complexity of the inky darkness that once covered the sky. Its hues were colored in bits of indigo and violet as if it were awakening from a deep slumber. Springpaw’s focus on the awakening dawn soon faltered, focusing back on her mentor as she eyed her cautious movements. She didn’t want to risk seeing Drizzlecloud trip over her paws and accidentally fall due to her recent loss of hearing. The calico already knew of Drizzlecloud being half deaf, so it was unfortunate that she had lost the only remnants of her hearing that she had once left. Her stomach churned as she thought about the day of the raid and how she had to pitifully witness her mentor getting her head busted by that molly. It was a horrific sight, but at least she was able to save her before it was too late. As they approached the mouth of the cave, Springpaw felt the area around her growing colder, almost chilly, in a way.

Was this the way how their ancestors called to them? Springpaw couldn’t be so sure, and she felt herself channeling a feeling that she hadn’t felt in moons. Anxiety and a thrummed of nervousness. Why did she feel this way standing in front of the very place where medicine cats go to share tongues with their ancestors and for deputies to become leaders? Was it due to the wordless trek all the way here that Springpaw felt uncertain of what was to come before her? That last question sounded about right, as her attention shifted up towards her mentor as she asked if she was ready. Ready for what, to be exact? Ready to share tongues with StarClan and finally have a word with them after what had seemed to be moons? Her mind buzzed with questions and unwavering curiosity, she felt as if her stomach was churning with butterflies as her blue hues locked with her mentor’s gentle green, finally letting loose the nod that she was ready for whatever was about to come before her. “I’m ready.” The words felt pitiful to let loose out of her maw, but she mustered the courage to pull through. Whatever Drizzlecloud wanted to show her, she was going to face it and take it head on like she had for the last moons of her rank as medicine cat apprentice.


March 9th, 2024, 10:26 AM

Drizzlecloud purred quietly when Springpaw had nodded. She noted the movement of her mouth, presuming that she had said something along the lines of yes. Lifting her tail from Springpaw’s shoulders, she began to lead the way into the cave–with a bit more confidence than she had when they were traversing the territories. Certainly there was no kind of danger in here, so she was a lot less anxious here. With a playful flick of her tail, her tail-tip flicked her apprentice’s nose ever so gently.

“Off we go, then.” She cast the words over her shoulder as her paw pads came into contact with the cold stone of the cave’s floor. The closer that they got to their objective–the moonstone–Drizzlecloud began to get what she could only describe as the heebie jeebies. Not that this cave was frightening, but more so in regards to the surprise ceremony that she had in store. What if I do it wrong? Oh, no, what if she absolutely hates the name that I give her? Exhaling through her nose, she tried her best to dispel the concerns circling her mind. It’s going to be fine.

The stone came into view, and she paused a few tail-lengths away from it, her gaze locked onto the astonishing quartz before her attention slowly drifted to her apprentice.

“Springpaw, my apprentice.” She began softly, her eyes alight with an affectionate warmth. “My exceptional pride. I… Hope I’ve done well at keeping this decision a secret from you–a nice surprise, I’d like to think, but there’s no point in hiding it now. After the events that took place during the raid, when I woke up, I-I… I was so frightened. Afraid of what had happened, what had become of me, perhaps what had become of the clan in my absence. However, when I awoke, after my fit of terror, of course, I was given a moment of calm… But only at the sight of you.”

Stepping closer to the moonstone, she sat with her tail curled neatly over her paws, and with a small nod of her head, she gestured for Springpaw to come close, too. “You had taken charge that day. I always knew that you were capable, I’ve seen it time and time again, but considering the scale of that night… You acted with confidence in yourself, your knowledge and your capabilities. It has been a pleasure watching you grow, Springpaw. From the moment that Bumblestar assigned us as Thunderclan’s medicine cats, learning our first basic herbs together, when you were anxious and still stumbled over your words at our very first gathering together… Up to this very moment. No matter what the world throws at you, you manage to come back stronger each time… An intelligent, heartfelt, dedicated young molly whom I have had the privilege of calling my apprentice.”

Drizzlecloud paused to offer her a smile, her green eyes growing cloudy with each word that she spoke. Springpaw was her pride. They had learned alongside each other and taught each other, aided each other in healing others and in healing each other. There was no doubt in her mind that this young healer was her greatest pride. “I believe, wholeheartedly and without a single doubt, that you are more than ready to take the next step in your path as a medicine cat.”

Oh, I really hope she likes it. With a sharp inhale and a few rapid blinks to hopefully brush away her tears, she swallowed hard before she continued. "So... I, Drizzlecloud, medicine cat of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help, she will serve her clan for many moons."

There was a pause as Drizzlecloud gave Springpaw a small nod of her head. "Springpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan and to protect all cats equally... Even at the cost of your life?"

[ vei i started crying real tears writing this btw ]

March 10th, 2024, 06:36 PM
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

Being inside the internal structure of the cave was vividly strange. Springpaw couldn’t seem to find herself looking away from the smooth texture, gradually unfolding itself like a silent tale of geological history. Her paws felt compressed against the cool, smooth stone, feeling relatively nice to walk upon without the consistent bothersome poking and prodding at her skin from the soil outside of the cave itself. Her ears consistently turned at the distant sound of water dripping from the stalactites that hung at the top of the cave-like ancient chandeliers. She hadn’t ever been on the inside of the cave before, only on the outside when she had been meeting with the other medicine cats. Speaking of the other medics, Springpaw found herself quietly wondering when they would be enduring another half-moon meeting. She doubted it would be anytime soon due to the recent political tensions that had occurred as of late, especially with both ShadowClan and RiverClan. The recent raid involving RiverClan only heightened those tensions, further making it relatively difficult to keep all the clans together in a relatively neutral state. But, RiverClan didn’t have any medicine cats yet due to both Tansypaw and Falconfeather seemingly disappearing without a trace. It was a shame. Springpaw had felt interested to know the former duo of medics more before they disappeared as soon as they were appointed. Especially Tansypaw, as the young tortoiseshell seemed like a relatively kind young molly to know and get along with. Sure, there was also Lightningstorm, but Springpaw held her heavy doubts about the fellow calico ever becoming a potential ally with her.

Her thoughts gradually came to a stop as both of the medics approached the moonstone, Springpaw’s eyes growing wide as she stared owlishly at the luminous blue quartz. It… looked relatively beautiful, to say the least. Its celestial glow radiated itself through the dull, gray-black cave walls, its luminosity staying tall as it glowed vibrantly. The calico felt tempted to take a closer look at the beautiful, yet strangely astonishing gem, but Drizzlecloud’s abrupt stop seemed to stop her from making any possible attempt at investigating the stone. The medic almost found herself wanting to ask once again why her mentor had brought her here, but the words had died as soon as they came once her mentor’s eyes rested upon her own, her eyes enlisted with an affectionate warmth that the calico only knew her mother often bore towards her. Springpaw found herself growing focused intently on the words that were escaping flawlessly out of her mentor’s maw. Her recent thoughts that she had once had rummaging through her mind had died, slowly rejuvenating and swarming with a whole new train of thoughts. Everything about the whole event of the raid had been terrifying, especially with the concept of her potentially losing one of the only cats that she had by her side after her former mentor had disappeared out of the blue. Rabbitchatter wasn’t much to her than just a fragment of a cat that taught her how to hunt and keep her chin held high, but Drizzlecloud was different. Drizzlecloud was a cat that Springpaw grew herself close to; that she looked up to like a family member of her own.

Her mentor’s words left something panging within her stomach, almost making her mind spin and whirl as she thought about all the events that had occurred before the raid. Their first patient, their first battle, the poison, the battle at Sunkissed Creek… There were so many things that she found herself thinking about, and she couldn’t get her thoughts out of the entire time that she had been a mere apprentice; a simple, young naive cat who didn’t have a single idea of what was going on in the world. She used to be a young feline who held high curiosity towards the simplest of things and was a big thinker, always devoted to the things that she thought were most important to her. The first thing that she had held much love and dedication towards was her siblings, raising them as if they were her kits after Smallsky had abandoned her and them. It still tremendously ached to think about her biological siblings, but it didn’t hurt as bad as it once did after her real mother had given birth to kits; a second chance for her to finally step up and be the big sister that she had always dreamed of being. But, her focus wasn’t solely about her family, it was about her growth. She had changed mentally, emotionally, and physically. She changed into a more stronger, intelligent feline than what she had used to be; she wasn’t any longer that burden that quivered and stuttered from anxiety. No, she was a true ThunderClan medicine cat; a member who had devoted herself heavily to her clan more than anything that she could ever achieve.

Drizzlecloud’s words of appreciation made her lips bore up into a smile that easily felt her lips beginning to ache tremendously from how wide her smile had stretched. Drizzlecloud was proud of her. She saw her as no longer the young apprentice who quivered from anxiety and hung herself in the dark; she saw her as a strong, independent molly who was capable of anything that was thrown at her. That weak, fragile shield that had formed on the day that she gained this horrific injury had strengthened and rejuvenated the moment that she was back on her paws and proved to herself that she wasn’t weak. She had Dovefluff’s support, Drizzlecloud’s gentleness, Bumblestar’s strength, and more. The certain cats in her clan were the initial reason why she was standing here today by the moonstone. Why she was standing here with Drizzlecloud making her speech and going on about just how deeply proud she was? Springpaw couldn’t muster the words that desperately wanted to come out, knowing well that Drizzlecloud couldn’t hear her even if she could speak. But, if she could hear her, she would thank her. Thank her for being the cat that she is today and for standing by her side since the day they both were appointed as medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice. The day that they stuck together by each other’s side and learned different complex herbs together. Thank her for not abandoning her and leaving her like how other cats had in the past. The deep trust had thrived to make it through that moment in time, and now, it was finally up to the point where Drizzlecloud was stating how proud she was to have had the calico as her apprentice. Of how proud of the experience that Springpaw had endured through their time together as mentor and apprentice.

Now? Springpaw had a choice to make. To accept the offer and finally rejuvenate into the next step of being a medicine cat, or reject and continue with her current name. There wasn’t much of an option that Springpaw held at the given moment, as she already had her mind set on what she wanted. She was chosen by the stars to be set on the path of healing. She was picked to become ThunderClan’s medicine cat. She had determination that she wasn’t going to become anything like how the past medicine cats had. They’ve all committed wrongdoings, and Springpaw wasn’t that. She was devoted to staying on the right path of a medicine cat, and she wasn’t going to let that go to waste from Drizzlecloud’s choice offered to her. So, with her head and tail held high and lips curled into a smile, the tears of utter joy prickling at the corners of her eyes. She finally nodded her head and began to speak. “I do.” Her tone shook but remained strong. She knew that Drizzlecloud wouldn’t be able to hear her, but Springpaw’s consciousness got the best of her. She could already see how proud her mother would be if she saw her right now. If Springpaw was certain, she would see that Dovefluff would be gushing tears and happily congratulating her daughter for achieving the goal of becoming a full medicine cat. Springpaw didn’t want to ponder on the thought for too long, keeping her gaze peeled on her mentor’s own as she waited for her to continue with the ceremony of making her a full medicine cat of ThunderClan.


March 11th, 2024, 02:49 PM

The corners of her lips tugged upwards into a smile, taking a moment to just look at the molly that Springpaw had grown into. A quiet purr rumbled in her chest as she watched her apprentice smile, and a watery chuckle escaped her when she noticed the tears in her eyes. “Oh, no no, don't cry–if you cry then I'll cry, too. We can't have both of us crying now, can we?” She asked as a few stray tears managed to spill over her eyelids. Goodness. Drizzlecloud leaned over to carefully nose at the corners of Springpaw's eyes, playfully tutting under her breath as if scolding the poor girl. It was all in good spirits, though. She knew that a few tears would be shed here, after all.

I do. Although she hadn't actually heard it, she found herself conjuring up the sound within her own mind. With a sharp inhale, she straightened her posture once again to proceed. Not that they had an audience, but considering their location she felt it necessary to uphold at least a bit of formality. “Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat.” For a moment, she felt anxiety bubbling up in her gut, quickly dampening the feeling with a harsh swallow. “Springpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Springlight. Starclan honors your clarity, commitment and intelligence, and we–err, I, I suppose, since we're alone–welcome you as a full medicine cat of Thunderclan.”

It felt like a bit of a weight was lifted off of her shoulders, now that she had said it out loud. Drizzlecloud jerked her head slightly and lifted her tail, her fluffy tail-tip twitching in a come here sort of motion. With a smile etched into her features and watery eyes, she lifted her head to carefully rest her muzzle between her apprentice's ears, giving her an affectionate little nuzzle in the process. “I really hope you like your name, I'd hate to give you a name you didn't remotely enjoy..”

[ vei ]

March 16th, 2024, 02:50 PM
long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

The world felt tilted on its axis, and her naturally deep lapis-blue gaze flooded with the fury of tears that welled up in the corners of her eyes. Was it normal to feel the unbridled urge to start crying the moment that joy began to fill every crevice within her heart? She wasn’t sure whatsoever, and yet, she couldn’t find herself being able to control it. Her mentor’s words briefly touched the crevices of her mind, her lips sore from the wide smile smeared across her facial expression. Stars, how long had it been since she had smiled like this? She had regular, normal smiles before, but never ones like this. Words jumbled at the back of her throat, suppressing themselves to clutter out of her grasp as her mentor’s nose brushed away the stray tears that formed at the corners of her eyes. Each part of her mind felt sluggish at that very moment, pulling and tugging at her inner consciousness like the roaring salty shores of the ocean crashing up against the banks. Incoherently, she nodded, her sore lips still burning from the smile that tainted her expression. There wasn’t anything to further prove the fact that she felt pleasantly surprised by the fact that Drizzlecloud thought she was more than ready to earn her name, just from her taking charge of what had happened with RiverClan.

Such emotions couldn’t falter, only further fueling the swirling that expressed itself through her tremendous emotions. A sharp breath took itself into her lungs as she stood herself up tall, her tail whisking side-to-side. Each part of her flourished as she listened to Drizzlecloud begin the ceremony, stating her vows as she glanced skyward towards the illuminating ceiling before them both. The cool feeling beneath her paws from the stone spread itself through her body as she awaited for the name that her mentor was going to give her. A reminiscing warmth that spread itself throughout her body that she hadn’t felt since the days of her being adopted by Dovefluff when she was much younger. Her eyes blinked as the ticked tabby before her mentor rested her nose along the diluted calico’s head and finally gave her her name; the name that she had been long working for ever since she had been apprenticed. Springlight. She was no longer Springpaw, but Springlight. A full medicine cat of ThunderClan and a member of the clan that she had grown up in. A name that was granted to her because of her clarity and intelligence. Stars, the name would take some time getting used to, but being granted such a reward was nothing more than a pleasant experience for the calico to endure. Her smile had finally drifted, and the newly named medic gave herself time to get used to the new name that Drizzlecloud had granted her.

It was anything but horrible, in fact, Springlight adored it. The weight that Drizzlecloud had to bear along her shoulders finally being lifted must’ve been an enormous pleasure to have. The calico wouldn’t be certain with how she would be able to deal with it if she was the one giving an apprentice their name. But, but that’s not the matter now, this was, and Springlight adored every second of it. In response to her mentor’s question, the calico slowly shook her head to reminisce about the fact that she did not hate the name at all, as it fit her more particularly well than she thought. She wasn’t sure how she would be able to respond to her mentor’s comments without using any kind of verbal language. She had no clear understanding of how to use sign language, and there wasn’t any sort of communication that she knew how to send out. So how was she supposed to have known that well… she didn’t know what was supposed to happen next? Did they have to touch the moonstone now? She didn’t know, but she felt antsy to know what was bound to come forth of this whole ordeal.

Omari [ this is a mess but i was rushing to get it finished before then! super sorry ]

April 7th, 2024, 09:47 AM

If Drizzlecloud knew her apprentice–could she even call her that now? Her previous apprentice, she supposed–she could tell that she was pleased by the name. What a relief that was. The blue-grey tabby couldn’t help but sigh, her green gaze lingering on Springlight for a few moments longer. It was nice to relish in the moment, feel the pride, recall the memories and how far this molly had come since the moment that they were assigned their new roles within the clan.

There was this odd thought at the back of her mind–odd, yet soothing. Drizzlecloud had no family now. Well, she supposed that she never had much of one in the first place. A mother, whom she adored, from the beginning up until the very end. Even now, with her mother gone, disappeared as if she had never existed in the first place, instead of frustration at her sudden disappearance, she was only sad with the loss, but thankful for the time that they had together nonetheless. Now… What did she have? Her mate. She had her love, Sparrowpelt, which was more than enough to keep her content with this life. However, with Springlight being given her full name, she would be content with leaving this life, too. She would feel that Thunderclan would be safe beneath her watchful eye and her healing. If anything were to happen to her, she would not fret–and perhaps she would not fight it, either. Perhaps she would go willingly, knowing that Springlight was here… That is not to say that she wished to die. No, she just did not harbor a fear for it any longer.

Drizzlecloud blinked the thought away, offering Springlight one last smile before she turned to gaze at the stone before them.

“I suppose this would be our next step, hm?” Drizzlecloud murmured softly as she shuffled closer to the stone, laying down on her side so that she wouldn’t simply topple over. Her gaze drifted to Springlight again, nodding to the space beside her invitingly. She wouldn’t want to touch the stone before she did–she wanted Springlight to touch the stone before her, in all honesty. She felt that in this scenario especially, she deserved to go first.

[ iliri ]

April 7th, 2024, 11:46 AM
The ragdoll was silent as Dusk struggled for words, and before everything… Bird would’ve hugged her. Cried with her. Apologized. Done anything just to stop the tears. But these tears were necessary. With tears came acceptance. Once Dusklion accepted that she wouldn’t be deputy at this moment, she’d be more at peace. Bird had wanted to be a medicine cat once. Not once. Multiple times. She had watched cats do what she secretly desired to, and every time she didn’t get picked, it felt like an insult, like a kick to the gut. Like she was being told she wasn’t worthy. She got over it. Eventually.

So she let Dusk find the words, her broken inner child screaming with empathy but her face remaining still, only a slight dance of sadness and restraint behind her eyes showing that she wasn’t as stern as she seemed.

”You didn’t do anything wrong, Dusklion. His gain is not your lack. You’re an amazing warrior and cat and I’m honored to have you as my Head Lionheart, and I know you’re going to do even more impressive things in the near future.” Just not as deputy. Not right now. She didn’t even know what factor had placed Fadingsun slightly higher than Dusklion on the chart. She couldn’t put her paw on it, and she knew that Dusk might want an explanation, but Bird felt like she needed to understand it herself first.

Hearing Dusk speak further, she winced at the raw emotion, feeling her heart ache for the younger cat. She and Fading had come to the Clan recently and had done great things.

”I’m not going to remove you from your position.” She murmured softly after Dusklion was finished. ”I’d be a fool for demoting you over something like that. You earned it, and anyone who can’t see that is an idiot.” Secretly, she was relieved that Dusk was coming; sometimes she was okay, but other times, Birdsnow was just a little girl who was afraid of the evil that lurked in the undergrowth. A little cat being afraid of being alone; or rather… afraid of being alone with someone dangerous.

Luckily, she wasn’t sure if Dusk had heard about any of what had happened to her so the relief and shadows of memories that crossed her face would probably just be a little confusing if the Lionheart noticed. ”Thank you… I’m glad you’re coming.” Her throat was oddly clenched, so she just nodded slowly and began to walk, making sure Dusk was coming as she padded away towards the StarCave.


Silently entering the cave, she had some strange form of tunnel vision for the stone in front of her, anxiousness keeping her from looking around in wonder. Now or never, she supposed. She was a few moons late to do this, trying to keep a stable hold on the Clan had taken up most of her time as well as healing from the battle, but the ragdoll was ready now. Not ready, no. She was here now. And Bird would do this, whether she was terrified or not.

// taillow Starfall - hi star remember me, i’m here for magpie if ur still down <3

April 7th, 2024, 11:59 AM
Dusklion - RiverClan Head Lionheart
She/her | 27 moons | Go with the Flow, Beefed Up T3, Rapid Recovery, Shadow Fiend[
"You didn't do anything wrong."

The words reverberated in her head and the knee-jerk reaction was to ask why, and make Birds give her an explanation. Why hadn't she been picked? What had set Fades above her? They had given the same amount of effort... did Birds just like him more? He was the more quiet of the two in the sense that he'd always been the one to have a bit more of a filter. Maybe that was it... maybe Birds didn't really like her as much as she was claiming to.

But voicing any of that would just distract them from what they needed to do, which was get Birdsnow to the Starcave. After months of putting it off, Dusklion was at least glad that the ragdoll leader was getting to it. So the head Lionheart nodded at her words - noticing the relief that spread through her as she was told she wouldn't be stripped of her position - and trotted at the leader's flank the rest of the way towards the cave.

Upon reaching it, something felt... heavy in Dusklion's chest. Birds said nothing as she slipped into the cave, leaving the head Lionheart unsure if she should follow her leader or not. Her jaws parted to call out after her, but the ragdoll was already disappearing inside. So she snapped her jaws shut in a brief show of irritation - irritation that soon melted into sadness. She wanted to see what it looked like deep within the cave, to see the glittery glow of the stone that she'd heard so much about.

But she hadn't been invited inside, so instead she took up a seat just outside the entrance, her back to it and her eyes scanning the lands beyond. She would remain here until Birds was done, a silent protector for anything that might come and try to harm the RiverClan leader.

[ poppy - dusk will be just outside until birdsnow is done ]

April 8th, 2024, 11:38 PM
Ancient RC Medicine Cat || Dark Forest

taillow (To read) ; poppy
(Lmk if you want me to change any of this /w\ )

Whenever the molly decided to touch the stone, she was blessed with the grace of the stars for only a fraction of a second before being plunged into a thick, sewer like water. Algae and moss seemingly intermingled within it. Head dunked it felt as though something along the lines of kelp was wrapping itself around her and dragging her further and further into the depths.

When she was rudely slapped into the Bog, the blackish grey water splashing everywhere. Instead of stars, she was met with nothing more than waves and waves of fog, along with faint glimmering of red in the area around her. Enticing, is what they wanted to come across as, those red berries. Although directly in front were, instead, two icy blue berries. No. Eyes. The body abstracted by the fog for a mere few moments before he'd decided he'd make himself known.

Magpiewisp was standing within the Bog, only a few pawlengths from Birdsnow. His tail lashing back and fourth, and yet it didn't seem as though he was splashing any of the murky water. Frost decorating the tips of his whiskers as an angered expression adorns his face. "A sad excuse of a RiverClanner who hadn't become a Warrior until they were well within their 20 Moons." a spit as he takes a step closer. "It takes quite the Gall to waltz into the Cave believing you'd be granted lives or even be considered for a life. My Clan has been nothing but letdown after letdown. Pathetic enough that even a Beetle could squash you and you all would do nothing more than drift away. Fortune neglects you, and you take that neglect willingly." a pause. The tuxedo mix is now nothing more than a pawstep away from Birdsnow.

"So. Tell me. What is it you've planned on doing. What is your goal, your predesessor was a pathetic excuse, and I promised that one I'd rip her throat out of her back and decorate her spine with her own teeth if she'd failed. You must convince me you're worth keeping alive, no lives, before I simply decide to kill you and have whoever pathetic idiot who's chosen next come up and have the same fate." a test.

"The star's won't reach you here, so speak."