View Full Version : Friends and Felines (Dog & Cat RP)

Phoenix Flames
June 13th, 2017, 03:32 PM
So, you're (a) dog(s)/cat(s) living the normal life as a dog or cat would at the shelter. Everything is normal. However, there's a catch. The dogs and cats at the animal shelter, Friends and Felines, have superpowers. You can be adopted by humans, fostered by humans, or be an animal helper—a seeing eye cat/dog, etc.—to encourage people to adopt or foster the animals here.

The story goes on throughout the roleplay.

Form for Animals;
Dog Breed/Cat Breed:
Back story:

Form for Humans;
Job: (example, Manager, Custodian, etc.)

My forms;
Name: Gracie
Age: 36 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Aussiepom (Australian Shepherd/Pomeranian Mix)
Superpower: Can talk to humans, invisibility, teleportation
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Grace (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/6c/2b/cc6c2bd66426b7fd1c950233dc33d8d0.jpg)
Back story:
Other/Questions: Nuh-uh

Name: Maxwell
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Mackerel Tabby
Superpower: Telekinesis, super speed
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Max (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/63/48/40/634840fbdc242633a7442f70c954bf65.jpg)
Back story: He was living as a stray on the streets for a couple of moons until he got taken into the shelter.
Other/Questions: Nada

Name: Cassidy
Age: 24 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Unclassified Dog Breed
Superpower: Can talk to humans, levitation, invisibility, teleportation, super speed
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Cas (https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bowwowtimes-new/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/f380c55a83288d74901f8cec4dd81265.jpg)
Back story: Owners had abandoned her when she was 5 moons old. Cassidy has been at the shelter for 19 moons.
Other/Questions: Nope

Name: Aiden Smith
Age: 14 years old
Gender: Male
Job: (example, Manager, Custodian, etc.) Dog/Cat walker. He takes them on walks everyday.
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Aiden (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/4f/6e/ea4f6e8c0152d8bddb011b8d44e1bfb6.jpg)
Other/Questions: No

June 13th, 2017, 05:29 PM
Age: 17 moons
Gender: female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: American Shorthair
Superpower: Shapeshifting, can speak any language
Personality: tbrped
Appearance: bap (http://40.media.tumblr.com/b540601d046ab2715f1360142d76f23c/tumblr_nm8qq9lAVt1r2rj8po1_500.jpg)
Back story: eh

Phoenix Flames
June 13th, 2017, 05:31 PM
Age: 17 moons
Gender: female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: American Shorthair
Superpower: Shapeshifting, can speak any language
Personality: tbrped
Appearance: bap (http://40.media.tumblr.com/b540601d046ab2715f1360142d76f23c/tumblr_nm8qq9lAVt1r2rj8po1_500.jpg)
Back story: eh

Phoenix Flames
June 14th, 2017, 02:14 PM

June 14th, 2017, 08:17 PM
Name- Feather
Age- 6 Moons
Gender- Female
Dog Breed | Cat Breed- Dog Breed / Pug
Power- Shapeshifter ; Can turn rainbow.
Personality- AN ENERGETIC FLUFFBALL! She loves running around everywhere, and is very mischievous to be honest. Her energy gets wasted on being mischievous, but she's also quite friendly. She greets everyone, and tries her best to make friends with the animals around her. She does have enemies though. Anyways, she loves playing 'catch her tail' and she finds this good entertainment when she's bored, watching her tail 'run' away from her as she chases it in never ending circles. The rest of her personality will be revealed later on.
Appearance- Picture this except with the details I provide. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/31/cd/d031cdc8a1b75b85084577ebec92144e.jpg She looks rainbow and has a narwhal friend that magically appears when she uses her rainbow power. In addition, her eyes are golden normally. She has tiny puppy paws, and she licks her paws all the time. Her tongue is tiny and like this pug's tongue: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/5e/70/f45e700549d307327bcee3bee17fa60d.jpg
Backstory- She was originally a wild pug with a caring mother. She had a father, too, but he hated her. The moment she was born, he shot her glares and nasty looks, and hardly payed attention to her. He acted like she was air, like she wasn't there. Her mother died mysteriously in her sleep, and her father was gone in the morning. One day, one of the animal shelter workers found her alone in the wild, scrawny and skinny, young and helpless. They felt pity for her and rescued her, bringing her here.
Other/Questions- DO YOU LIKE PUGS??? XD

June 14th, 2017, 08:40 PM
Name: Comet
Age: 15 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: American shorthair
Superpower: Can understand and use technology
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Calm'it (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=d%2fhNKakL&id=0E5D068A13BB3776607DCA1DD27D220BD705B5DE&thid=OIP.d_hNKakLS99UccWbopK76gEdDa&q=black+and+white+cat&simid=607991895458120005&selectedIndex=3&qpvt=black+and+white+cat)
Back story: Comet was a stray, who lived in a alley. She became very sick. A human came along one day and nursed her back to health. Later, took her to the shelter.
Other/Questions; nope

June 14th, 2017, 08:49 PM
Age: 20 moons
Gender: male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: short haired Australian shepherd
Superpower: can faze through solid objects, talk to humans, and speak to his twin sister through mind powers
Personality: opposite of his twin sister, aggressive, shy, sort of nerdy, thinks a lot of things through, very protective ,sarcastic, and serious
Appearance: http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/two-australian-shepherds-picture-id534138270?k=6&m=534138270&s=612x612&w=0&h=CqMUYKBHK59AyiU5lBZYTA0hsShvMkUpTIzcLnRP-0I= the one on the right
Back story: him and his sister where not needed on the barn they where raised in after the farmer died and the family wanted to sell the farm and the barn-leaving him and his family behind. Eventually humans came and killed his family since they where too old and won't get adopted. They wanted to put them out of their mysery-even though they where just fine. They took them instead to the shelter
Other/Questions: in some logical way they shall be twins but not the same age :3

Name: Oro (gold)
Age: 16 moons
Dog breed/Cat breed:short haired Australian Shepard
Superpower: can tell if one is lying and make them tell the truth, can speak to her brother through her mind
Personality: opposite of her brother, friendly, very out there, doesn't really think things through before doing them, very protective of her brother, sarcastic, goofy, not all that serious
Appearance: the left one http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/two-australian-shepherds-picture-id534138270?k=6&m=534138270&s=612x612&w=0&h=CqMUYKBHK59AyiU5lBZYTA0hsShvMkUpTIzcLnRP-0I=
Backstory: same as her brothers
Other/Questions: nurp

Name: Kio
Age: 20 moons
Dog breed/Cat breed: Somali
Superpower: shape shifting and only a bit of fire like only a spark
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: https://www.askideas.com/media/26/Orange-Somali-Cat-Face-Photo.jpg and https://static.wixstatic.com/media/34a98f_608d8153e0af4204887fe91f9fc76b16.jpg_srz_36 7_330_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz
Backstory: was just a stray cat that got caught
Other/Questions: no

Name: Angel
Age: 16
Gender : female
Job: a person that feeds the animals
Personality : much like Oros
Appearance :https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/99/17/0f/99170fadba538dd626126e43726fba37.jpg
Other/Questions: no

June 14th, 2017, 09:06 PM
Name: Lupus
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Wolf/ Australian Cattle Dog
Superpower: She can generate ice, and freeze small objects.
Personality: TBRP'ed
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b0/cf/15/b0cf15183e6f41f7bef8bbde311ec5ba.jpg
Back story: Her mother was a wolf, and her feather was an Australian Cattle Dog that had escaped into the forest. Long story short, both of her parents died from drowning, trying to save her. She fled to the city, where she got captured by dog-catchers
Other/Questions: Nothing

Name: Jac
Age: 5 years old
Gender: Male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Superpower: He can generate small charges of electricity from his jaws, which only causes small shocks and static.
Personality: TBRP'ed
Appearance: https://vetstreet.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6456ef0/2147483647/crop/0x0%2B0%2B0/resize/645x380/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvetstreet-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fea%2F073b80a7fa11e0a 0d50050568d634f%2Ffile%2FRhodesian-Ridgeback-2-645mk062811.jpg
Back story: He escaped from a backyard from people that mistreated him, and the pound found him.
Other/Questions: When can we start?

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 03:02 PM
Name- Feather
Age- 6 Moons
Gender- Female
Dog Breed | Cat Breed- Dog Breed / Pug
Power- Shapeshifter ; Can turn rainbow.
Personality- AN ENERGETIC FLUFFBALL! She loves running around everywhere, and is very mischievous to be honest. Her energy gets wasted on being mischievous, but she's also quite friendly. She greets everyone, and tries her best to make friends with the animals around her. She does have enemies though. Anyways, she loves playing 'catch her tail' and she finds this good entertainment when she's bored, watching her tail 'run' away from her as she chases it in never ending circles. The rest of her personality will be revealed later on.
Appearance- Picture this except with the details I provide. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/31/cd/d031cdc8a1b75b85084577ebec92144e.jpg She looks rainbow and has a narwhal friend that magically appears when she uses her rainbow power. In addition, her eyes are golden normally. She has tiny puppy paws, and she licks her paws all the time. Her tongue is tiny and like this pug's tongue: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/5e/70/f45e700549d307327bcee3bee17fa60d.jpg
Backstory- She was originally a wild pug with a caring mother. She had a father, too, but he hated her. The moment she was born, he shot her glares and nasty looks, and hardly payed attention to her. He acted like she was air, like she wasn't there. Her mother died mysteriously in her sleep, and her father was gone in the morning. One day, one of the animal shelter workers found her alone in the wild, scrawny and skinny, young and helpless. They felt pity for her and rescued her, bringing her here.
Other/Questions- DO YOU LIKE PUGS??? XD
Name: Comet
Age: 15 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: American shorthair
Superpower: Can understand and use technology
Personality: TBRP'D
Appearance: Calm'it (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=d%2fhNKakL&id=0E5D068A13BB3776607DCA1DD27D220BD705B5DE&thid=OIP.d_hNKakLS99UccWbopK76gEdDa&q=black+and+white+cat&simid=607991895458120005&selectedIndex=3&qpvt=black+and+white+cat)
Back story: Comet was a stray, who lived in a alley. She became very sick. A human came along one day and nursed her back to health. Later, took her to the shelter.
Other/Questions; nope
Age: 20 moons
Gender: male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: short haired Australian shepherd
Superpower: can faze through solid objects, talk to humans, and speak to his twin sister through mind powers
Personality: opposite of his twin sister, aggressive, shy, sort of nerdy, thinks a lot of things through, very protective ,sarcastic, and serious
Appearance: http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/two-australian-shepherds-picture-id534138270?k=6&m=534138270&s=612x612&w=0&h=CqMUYKBHK59AyiU5lBZYTA0hsShvMkUpTIzcLnRP-0I= the one on the right
Back story: him and his sister where not needed on the barn they where raised in after the farmer died and the family wanted to sell the farm and the barn-leaving him and his family behind. Eventually humans came and killed his family since they where too old and won't get adopted. They wanted to put them out of their mysery-even though they where just fine. They took them instead to the shelter
Other/Questions: in some logical way they shall be twins but not the same age :3

Name: Oro (gold)
Age: 16 moons
Dog breed/Cat breed:short haired Australian Shepard
Superpower: can tell if one is lying and make them tell the truth, can speak to her brother through her mind
Personality: opposite of her brother, friendly, very out there, doesn't really think things through before doing them, very protective of her brother, sarcastic, goofy, not all that serious
Appearance: the left one http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/two-australian-shepherds-picture-id534138270?k=6&m=534138270&s=612x612&w=0&h=CqMUYKBHK59AyiU5lBZYTA0hsShvMkUpTIzcLnRP-0I=
Backstory: same as her brothers
Other/Questions: nurp

Name: Kio
Age: 20 moons
Dog breed/Cat breed: Somali
Superpower: shape shifting and only a bit of fire like only a spark
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: https://www.askideas.com/media/26/Orange-Somali-Cat-Face-Photo.jpg and https://static.wixstatic.com/media/34a98f_608d8153e0af4204887fe91f9fc76b16.jpg_srz_36 7_330_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz
Backstory: was just a stray cat that got caught
Other/Questions: no

Name: Angel
Age: 16
Gender : female
Job: a person that feeds the animals
Personality : much like Oros
Appearance :https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/99/17/0f/99170fadba538dd626126e43726fba37.jpg
Other/Questions: no
Name: Lupus
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Wolf/ Australian Cattle Dog
Superpower: She can generate ice, and freeze small objects.
Personality: TBRP'ed
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b0/cf/15/b0cf15183e6f41f7bef8bbde311ec5ba.jpg
Back story: Her mother was a wolf, and her feather was an Australian Cattle Dog that had escaped into the forest. Long story short, both of her parents died from drowning, trying to save her. She fled to the city, where she got captured by dog-catchers
Other/Questions: Nothing

Name: Jac
Age: 5 years old
Gender: Male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Superpower: He can generate small charges of electricity from his jaws, which only causes small shocks and static.
Personality: TBRP'ed
Appearance: https://vetstreet.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6456ef0/2147483647/crop/0x0%2B0%2B0/resize/645x380/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvetstreet-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fea%2F073b80a7fa11e0a 0d50050568d634f%2Ffile%2FRhodesian-Ridgeback-2-645mk062811.jpg
Back story: He escaped from a backyard from people that mistreated him, and the pound found him.
Other/Questions: When can we start?
All forms are accepted.

We can start whenever.

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 03:05 PM

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 03:42 PM
Aleka; Hopekit; Shadow; Rivergold; Little Bird;

Gracie looked at the cage next to her. Good thing they put her friend, Cassidy, next to her cage. "Cas!", she barked. "What is it, Grace?", Cassidy gumbled, staring at her best friend. "You want to go see Maxwell and the other cats?", the Aussiepom asked. "Sure!", the Golden Retriever/Siberian Husky mix said. "Let's go.", Gracie replied, teleporting out of the cage. Cassidy teleported out of her cage, following Gracie. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.. Come back here you two! Where are you guys going?", Aiden asked. He knew that the two dogs could talk to people. "We're going to see Maxwell and the others; the cats," Grace responded. "Okay...", the boy sighed, rolling his eyes. They go visit the cats everyday... "Just make sure to be back before I call you both for lunch; 3:00 P.M.!", he called.

"We will!", the two dogs exclaimed, padding over to the cat room door. Maxwell perked his ears as he heard Cassidy and Gracie paw at the door. He leapt off the cat tree and walked over to the door, getting a grip on the door knob, opening it. "Hey, guys!", the Mackerel Tabby tom greeted. "Hi, Max.", Gracie barked, tail wagging. "Hello, Maxwell.", Cassidy said. "Well, I'm excited to see you two. I'm not too sure if Comet, Kio, and Lily are as excited as I am, though....", Maxwell muttered. "Yeah.", Cassidy sighed. "Probably not.", Gracie said, tongue lolling.

Max padded over to the door, closing it with his forepaws. "Pretty nifty, eh? My mother taught me how to open doors when I was still a stray living on the streets."

"Yes, it's really cool, Maxwell!", Cassidy and Gracie said. Maxwell nodded, smiling. "Ooh! Feather!!", the tom exclaimed, climbing back up the cat tree as he noticed the feather dangling from the bottom of part of the cat tower.

June 16th, 2017, 03:53 PM
Lily lay coiled at the very top of the cat tree in the form of a garter snake, positioned to absorb the most heat possible from the light above. She opened one eye and poked her head over the lip of the plat form to look down at the visitors. "Hssso, What do you guysss want?" A plus to her powers was that in any form, she could speak any language. But snake form always gave her a lisp.

June 16th, 2017, 04:04 PM
Comet looked around the cat area. She usually would be alone, no other cat or dog for that matter, could understand her interest in human technology. It was her power to understand it, but she loved to figure it out. All the hard coding and programing, numbers and words, programs and documents, they were amazing. Some animals said that it was a pointless power, but Comet strongly disagreed. It made her feel smart when she did it. And she couldn't wait for when the humans would leave and she could sneak up the front desk.

cute skeleton
June 16th, 2017, 04:10 PM
Name: angel
Age: 8 moons
Gender: female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Siamese cat
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35300000/-Siamese-Cats-siamese-cats-35379647-550-704.jpg
Back story: she doesn't have one she was just born in the shelter, her mom and dad where adopted along with the rest of her siblings but no one wanted her.

Name: darky
Age: 6 moons
Gender: male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: germen shepherd
Superpower: all of his senses are better then any dogs and being able to tell what any animal or human is going to do before they do it (I'm thinking of underdog now lol)
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36300000/German-Shepherds-image-german-shepherds-36311386-1997-1636.jpg
Back story: his parents abandoned him in a couple hours after he was born the streets and he was found and brought to the shelter

Name: alice
Age: 16
Gender: female
Job: (example, Manager, Custodian, etc.) make sure the cats/dogs are well fed, have enough water, are healthy, are groomed.
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/c9/17/8bc917ba251b01561df9d9a253bc40cb.jpg

June 16th, 2017, 04:13 PM
Lupus watched the two dogs leave, snorting. I can't believe that they visit the cats so often... The wolf hybrid thought, rolling her eyes. She was laying down, her tail curled toward her back, with barley noticeable ice covering the ground around her. She had always preferred to sleep on somewhere that was cold. Maybe it was because of her power, or maybe it was just her in general. She didn't know, and didn't really care.

June 16th, 2017, 04:28 PM
Name: Luck
Age: 13 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Maine Coon (calico)
Superpower: Can understand human speech
Personality: Friendly, sweet, loving, outgoing
Appearance: http://www.sarajencats.com/sjimages/trixie%20011%20web.jpg
Back story: Luck was abandoned by two old housefolk, one who died, the other moved. She lived on the streets for a bit until some kind housefolk brought her here.
Other/Questions: Calicos are lucky in Japan, hence her name.
(Don't ask how I know.)

Name: Sunny
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Shiba Inu
Superpower: Can lift small things with mind
Personality: Charming, Fearless, Keen, Faithful
Appearance: http://www.petguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/shiba-inu-21.jpg
Back story: Sunny was taken to the shelter after her housefolk decided they couldn't take care of her and three two-leg kits.
Other/Questions: None

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 05:25 PM
Name: Luck
Age: 13 moons
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Maine Coon (calico)
Superpower: Can understand human speech
Personality: Friendly, sweet, loving, outgoing
Appearance: http://www.sarajencats.com/sjimages/trixie%20011%20web.jpg
Back story: Luck was abandoned by two old housefolk, one who died, the other moved. She lived on the streets for a bit until some kind housefolk brought her here.
Other/Questions: Calicos are lucky in Japan, hence her name.
(Don't ask how I know.)

Name: Sunny
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Shiba Inu
Superpower: Can lift small things with mind
Personality: Charming, Fearless, Keen, Faithful
Appearance: http://www.petguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/shiba-inu-21.jpg
Back story: Sunny was taken to the shelter after her housefolk decided they couldn't take care of her and three two-leg kits.
Other/Questions: None Accepted.
Name: angel
Age: 8 moons
Gender: female
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Siamese cat
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35300000/-Siamese-Cats-siamese-cats-35379647-550-704.jpg
Back story: she doesn't have one she was just born in the shelter, her mom and dad where adopted along with the rest of her siblings but no one wanted her.

Name: darky
Age: 6 moons
Gender: male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: germen shepherd
Superpower: all of his senses are better then any dogs and being able to tell what any animal or human is going to do before they do it (I'm thinking of underdog now lol)
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36300000/German-Shepherds-image-german-shepherds-36311386-1997-1636.jpg
Back story: his parents abandoned him in a couple hours after he was born the streets and he was found and brought to the shelter

Name: alice
Age: 16
Gender: female
Job: (example, Manager, Custodian, etc.) make sure the cats/dogs are well fed, have enough water, are healthy, are groomed.
Personality: tbrp
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/c9/17/8bc917ba251b01561df9d9a253bc40cb.jpg
Other/Questions: Accepted.
Lily lay coiled at the very top of the cat tree in the form of a garter snake, positioned to absorb the most heat possible from the light above. She opened one eye and poked her head over the lip of the plat form to look down at the visitors. "Hssso, What do you guysss want?" A plus to her powers was that in any form, she could speak any language. But snake form always gave her a lisp.
Comet looked around the cat area. She usually would be alone, no other cat or dog for that matter, could understand her interest in human technology. It was her power to understand it, but she loved to figure it out. All the hard coding and programing, numbers and words, programs and documents, they were amazing. Some animals said that it was a pointless power, but Comet strongly disagreed. It made her feel smart when she did it. And she couldn't wait for when the humans would leave and she could sneak up the front desk.
Lupus watched the two dogs leave, snorting. I can't believe that they visit the cats so often... The wolf hybrid thought, rolling her eyes. She was laying down, her tail curled toward her back, with barley noticeable ice covering the ground around her. She had always preferred to sleep on somewhere that was cold. Maybe it was because of her power, or maybe it was just her in general. She didn't know, and didn't really care.
"We just wanted to say hi to you guys.", Cassidy and Gracie said. Maxwell looked out the window of the cat room, staring at Lupus. "Seems like someone doesn't want you guys in the cat room.", he chuckled. "It doesn't really matter. But I guess we could leave, now.", Cassidy sighed. "Aww... Can you both stay a but longer?", Maxwell asked. "No, it's almost 3:00, anyways. Aiden said he was going to feed us, even though he's not supposed to.", Gracie growled. "Come on, Cas.", she said, teleporting out of the cat room and back to her cage. Cassidy teleported back to her cage as well. "Hi, Lupus.", Cassidy said, looking at the wolf hybrid.

June 16th, 2017, 05:30 PM

"We just wanted to say hi to you guys.", Cassidy and Gracie said. Maxwell looked out the window of the cat room, staring at Lupus. "Seems like someone doesn't want you guys in the cat room.", he chuckled. "It doesn't really matter. But I guess we could leave, now.", Cassidy sighed. "Aww... Can you both stay a but longer?", Maxwell asked. "No, it's almost 3:00, anyways. Aiden said he was going to feed us, even though he's not supposed to.", Gracie growled. "Come on, Cas.", she said, teleporting out of the cat room and back to her cage. Cassidy teleported back to her cage as well. "Hi, Lupus.", Cassidy said, looking at the wolf hybrid.

Comet padded over to Maxwell. "How are you?" asked the small black and white molly. She gave him a small smile, before raising a paw and giving it a swift lick. The molly looked at him, waiting for him to say something, a smile plastered to her face.

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 05:33 PM
Comet padded over to Maxwell. "How are you?" asked the small black and white molly. She gave him a small smile, before raising a paw and giving it a swift lick. The molly looked at him, waiting for him to say something, a smile plastered to her face.
"I'm good.", the brown furred Mackerel Tabby tom said. "What about you?", Maxwell asked.

June 16th, 2017, 05:39 PM
"I'm good.", the brown furred Mackerel Tabby tom said. "What about you?", Maxwell asked.

"Fine, thank you." Comet purred giving him a small smile. The white and black molly flicked her tail in acknowledgement and padded over to the food bowl. Lying next to it was a squeaky mouse. "Stupid mouse, they expect us to play with these!" she grumbled leaning down to lap up some water.

June 16th, 2017, 05:48 PM
Omg hi I'm here wat I miss??)

June 16th, 2017, 05:50 PM
A fluffy calico sat in her cage, tail neatly curled over her paws as she sat. If the didn't have to breath, and her whiskers didn't twitch, she would have looked like a toy. She blinked, standing to her paws. Okay, Luck, stay calm and listen she thought, straining her ears to hear any humans or other pets.
Sunny lay in her cage, her eyes looking around as she flicked her tail. This place felt.. off.

June 16th, 2017, 05:57 PM
Angel smiled as she entered the shelter. "Hey everyone!" She announced to the pets. She smiled "Whos hungry?!?!" She called

Oro barked "Oh yes yes please I'm starving!" She wagged her tail as she looked at her brother who shrugged. "Aw come on Eren you have to eat." She whined

Eren "I don't really care." he sighed

Kio padded around his cage. The red fur shimmered in the light. He growled as Angel came in

June 16th, 2017, 06:11 PM
Phoenix Flames @Little Bird (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2991)
Lily slithered down the cat tree, her dark coils flowing like liquid down the padded tower. With a flick of her tongue she tasted one of the humans arriving, and gave a hissing sigh. With a glance at the dissatisfied young molly she murmured "I wonder if they'll ever tosss in a few micce for usss to chassse." She coiled her rat snake body around one of the tow mice. "It'd be a nicce change from the rabbit droppingsss they ussually feed usss, and it might just get the fat oness off their lazy tailsss," she gave a pointed look to an obese, white-furred tom who grunted and shifted in his cubbyhole to put his wide back to her.

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 06:12 PM
"Fine, thank you." Comet purred giving him a small smile. The white and black molly flicked her tail in acknowledgement and padded over to the food bowl. Lying next to it was a squeaky mouse. "Stupid mouse, they expect us to play with these!" she grumbled leaning down to lap up some water.
A fluffy calico sat in her cage, tail neatly curled over her paws as she sat. If the didn't have to breath, and her whiskers didn't twitch, she would have looked like a toy. She blinked, standing to her paws. Okay, Luck, stay calm and listen she thought, straining her ears to hear any humans or other pets.
Sunny lay in her cage, her eyes looking around as she flicked her tail. This place felt.. off.
Angel smiled as she entered the shelter. "Hey everyone!" She announced to the pets. She smiled "Whos hungry?!?!" She called

Oro barked "Oh yes yes please I'm starving!" She wagged her tail as she looked at her brother who shrugged. "Aw come on Eren you have to eat." She whined

Eren "I don't really care." he sighed

Kio padded around his cage. The red fur shimmered in the light. He growled as Angel came in
Maxwell looked at the squeaky mouse, climbing down the cat tree. He picked it up with his teeth and climbed back up to his resting spot on the cat tree.

Aiden looked at his watch. "Good, 3:00. Cassidy and Gracie want me to go food them now. Good thing they like when I take them on walks. Probably should take Cas and Grace on a walk once I feed 'em.", he mumbled, walking over to a bag of dog food. He picked it up and walked over to Cassidy's and Gracie's cages. He opened the cage doors and dragged the food bowls towards him, pouring the kibble into the bowls. He placed the bag of dog food down and pushed Cas's and Grace's food bowls back to their corners.

Aiden picked the food bag back up and walked back over to the corner, place the food bag back down. He walked back over to the two dogs' cages. "You two good? You both still have water in the other bowls, don't you?", he asked. Cassidy nodded. "Yes, Aiden. We're good. And we still have water in the other bowls.", Gracie barked. Aiden smiled. "I'll make sure to take you both on a walk, later, okay?", the boy said. "Okay!", Cas and Grace replied. Aiden petted the two dogs and then Cas and Grace started to eat their kibble.

June 16th, 2017, 06:15 PM
Maxwell looked at the squeaky mouse, climbing down the cat tree. He picked it up with his teeth and climbed back up to his resting spot on the cat tree.

Aiden looked at his watch. "Good, 3:00. Cassidy and Gracie want me to go food them now. Good thing they like when I take them on walks. Probably should take Cas and Grace on a walk once I feed 'em.", he mumbled, walking over to a bag of dog food. He picked it up and walked over to Cassidy's and Gracie's cages. He opened the cage doors and dragged the food bowls towards him, pouring the kibble into the bowls. He placed the bag of dog food down and pushed Cas's and Grace's food bowls back to their corners.

Aiden picked the food bag back up and walked back over to the corner, place the food bag back down. He walked back over to the two dogs' cages. "You two good? You both still have water in the other bowls, don't you?", he asked. Cassidy nodded. "Yes, Aiden. We're good. And we still have water in the other bowls.", Gracie barked. Aiden smiled. "I'll make sure to take you both on a walk, later, okay?", the boy said. "Okay!", Cas and Grace replied. Aiden petted the two dogs and then Cas and Grace started to eat their kibble.

After having had all the water she needed, Comet followed Maxwell up the tree. She picked a spot near his, but way from his and lay down. She rested her head on her paws and looked down at the rest of the cat room. Comet yawned closing one of her eyes, almost ready to sleep.

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 06:52 PM
After having had all the water she needed, Comet followed Maxwell up the tree. She picked a spot near his, but way from his and lay down. She rested her head on her paws and looked down at the rest of the cat room. Comet yawned closing one of her eyes, almost ready to sleep.
Maxwell yawned and set the squeaky mouse next to him. He rested his head on his paws, tail draped over his nose as he fell asleep.

Aiden opened Cassidy's and Gracie's cages, putting their collars on them. He then grabbed the leashes as the two dogs come out the cages. He put their leashes on, walking them to the front door of the shelter. He opened the door, closing it as he took the dogs outside. "We're walking 'round the city to get you both exercised!", Aiden said in a sing-song voice. "Mhm.", Cassidy said. "Yup.", Gracie barked.

June 16th, 2017, 08:29 PM
Maxwell looked at the squeaky mouse, climbing down the cat tree. He picked it up with his teeth and climbed back up to his resting spot on the cat tree.

Aiden looked at his watch. "Good, 3:00. Cassidy and Gracie want me to go food them now. Good thing they like when I take them on walks. Probably should take Cas and Grace on a walk once I feed 'em.", he mumbled, walking over to a bag of dog food. He picked it up and walked over to Cassidy's and Gracie's cages. He opened the cage doors and dragged the food bowls towards him, pouring the kibble into the bowls. He placed the bag of dog food down and pushed Cas's and Grace's food bowls back to their corners.

Aiden picked the food bag back up and walked back over to the corner, place the food bag back down. He walked back over to the two dogs' cages. "You two good? You both still have water in the other bowls, don't you?", he asked. Cassidy nodded. "Yes, Aiden. We're good. And we still have water in the other bowls.", Gracie barked. Aiden smiled. "I'll make sure to take you both on a walk, later, okay?", the boy said. "Okay!", Cas and Grace replied. Aiden petted the two dogs and then Cas and Grace started to eat their kibble.
"Hey Aiden." Angel said getting the cat food and giving it toe the cats.

Phoenix Flames
June 16th, 2017, 08:39 PM
Phoenix Flames @Little Bird (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2991)
Lily slithered down the cat tree, her dark coils flowing like liquid down the padded tower. With a flick of her tongue she tasted one of the humans arriving, and gave a hissing sigh. With a glance at the dissatisfied young molly she murmured "I wonder if they'll ever tosss in a few micce for usss to chassse." She coiled her rat snake body around one of the tow mice. "It'd be a nicce change from the rabbit droppingsss they ussually feed usss, and it might just get the fat oness off their lazy tailsss," she gave a pointed look to an obese, white-furred tom who grunted and shifted in his cubbyhole to put his wide back to her.
Maxwell snored.

June 16th, 2017, 08:39 PM
Lily looked up at the girl from her position on the floor, coiled around one of the mouse toys. "Will you ever bring uss real micce insstead of thesse rabbit droppingss?" she hissed, her forked tongue flickering. She let go of the mouse toy and shifted from a snake to a cat again, shaking out her fur as if shaking off scales. "I mean seriously. You don't see humans eating kibble!"

June 16th, 2017, 09:01 PM
Lily looked up at the girl from her position on the floor, coiled around one of the mouse toys. "Will you ever bring uss real micce insstead of thesse rabbit droppingss?" she hissed, her forked tongue flickering. She let go of the mouse toy and shifted from a snake to a cat again, shaking out her fur as if shaking off scales. "I mean seriously. You don't see humans eating kibble!"
Angel looked down at the cat snake thing. And continued feeding her that. She then looked to Kio. She opened his cage and put him in the cage with the shapeshifter cat. "Sorry sweetie but I have to make room for more..I'm sure the two of you will get along. You could become best friends-right? I think your a female.." she talked to Kio as she put the door shut.

Kio hissed "me?! I female?! I'm a male! Hey-do you hear me?!" he meowed over and over as Angel tried to shush him.

(Can she talk to humans?)

Wildy~ =3
June 16th, 2017, 09:08 PM
Form for Animals;
Name: Wild
Age: 6 moons
Gender: She
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: A mix... of something.
Superpower: Flight (Wings), Talking to animals/humans, Light Manipulation (Mainly Shield/Optic Illusions), Special Power (She faints right after using it, and can only be used when most necessary)
Personality: TBRP'd cause every time I rp her she's different XD
Appearance: Basically my profile pic, with purple eyes and barn owl wings
Back story: She will tell her friends... Eventually
Other/Questions: Is she too much? Oh yeah she knows how to sing XD

June 16th, 2017, 09:15 PM
Angel looked down at the cat snake thing. And continued feeding her that. She then looked to Kio. She opened his cage and put him in the cage with the shapeshifter cat. "Sorry sweetie but I have to make room for more..I'm sure the two of you will get along. You could become best friends-right? I think your a female.." she talked to Kio as she put the door shut.

Kio hissed "me?! I female?! I'm a male! Hey-do you hear me?!" he meowed over and over as Angel tried to shush him.

(Can she talk to humans?)(Yes she can and she was in the collective cat enclosure that had a cat tree. Lily's powers are shapeshifting and the ability to understand/communicate in any language, no matter her form. ...And I'm debating whether or not to have Lily tell the girl that he's a guy...nope)
Lily curled her lips at the kibble. "Yup, rabbit droppings." She changed into a slim, shiny-coated she-cat with huge green eyes. She daintily sat and began washing a paw.

June 16th, 2017, 09:21 PM
(Yes she can and she was in the collective cat enclosure that had a cat tree. Lily's powers are shapeshifting and the ability to understand/communicate in any language, no matter her form. ...And I'm debating whether or not to have Lily tell the girl that he's a guy...nope)
Lily curled her lips at the kibble. "Yup, rabbit droppings." She changed into a slim, shiny-coated she-cat with huge green eyes. She daintily sat and began washing a paw.
XD )

Angel walked off.

Sparks flew off of Kio. "Yes I do have a red and nice fur coat but I am not a female!" he hissed. He flicked his tail and ate his own kibble.

June 16th, 2017, 09:48 PM
XD )

Angel walked off.

Sparks flew off of Kio. "Yes I do have a red and nice fur coat but I am not a female!" he hissed. He flicked his tail and ate his own kibble."Get over yourself," Lily said dryly, shifting forms to a small brown bat. She fluttered to the top of the cage and hung there, wrapping her wings around herself as she closed her eyes..

June 16th, 2017, 09:58 PM
"Get over yourself," Lily said dryly, shifting forms to a small brown bat. She fluttered to the top of the cage and hung there, wrapping her wings around herself as she closed her eyes..
Kio growled. "Your not the only one that can do that." he said as he turned into a flying fox (a type of bat). One of the biggest types and hung upsidedown next to her. "How would you feel if you where called a male?!"

June 16th, 2017, 10:04 PM
She looked down at his ears brushing the ground. "I honestly wouldn't care." She dropped to the ground and became a ferret, curling her long body into a ball.

June 16th, 2017, 10:12 PM
She looked down at his ears brushing the ground. "I honestly wouldn't care." She dropped to the ground and became a ferret, curling her long body into a ball.
"Oh really and why is that?" he said as he dropped down next to her becoming a orange brown ferret

June 17th, 2017, 10:14 AM
"Oh really and why is that?" he said as he dropped down next to her becoming a orange brown ferretShe smiled at him and became a small lizard. "I'm not a drama queen like you."

June 17th, 2017, 10:36 AM
She smiled at him and became a small lizard. "I'm not a drama queen like you."
"Well I'm sorry-where I come from Zits offensive to be called an opposite gender. he turned back to a cat

June 17th, 2017, 06:37 PM
"Well I'm sorry-where I come from Zits offensive to be called an opposite gender. he turned back to a catShe changed back into a bat and returned to her place at the ceiling of the cage. "Says the copy-cat."

June 18th, 2017, 10:12 AM
She changed back into a bat and returned to her place at the ceiling of the cage. "Says the copy-cat."
He has an weird accent so that's why I put zits instead of it's)
He growled. And looked up at her.

June 18th, 2017, 03:37 PM
(Ah.) She gazed down at him. "I'm not the one who kept changing to match. And if you really wanted to not be in the same cage as me, then why don't you slither out to an empty one?"

June 18th, 2017, 03:46 PM
(Ah.) She gazed down at him. "I'm not the one who kept changing to match. And if you really wanted to not be in the same cage as me, then why don't you slither out to an empty one?"
"What's the point? Angel zis just going to put me back zin here." he sighed

June 18th, 2017, 07:34 PM
"What's the point? Angel zis just going to put me back zin here." he sighed(I'm sorry but the z makes no sense unless he's supposed to say "s" like "z" but there's still the fact that it sounds like he's putting a purposeful "s" at the back end of words. It'd make more sense if he said "ze" instead of "the." I'm sorry, it's just really messing with me.)
"Not if you hide whenever she goes by." Lily cosed her eyes again, trying to sleep.

cute skeleton
June 18th, 2017, 07:55 PM
(I'm gonna change angels name now that I found out there is a human named angel lol)

the germen shepherd laid in her cage waiting.

the Siamese cat was laying near the cat perch.

June 18th, 2017, 07:57 PM
(I'm sorry but the z makes no sense unless he's supposed to say "s" like "z" but there's still the fact that it sounds like he's putting a purposeful "s" at the back end of words. It'd make more sense if he said "ze" instead of "the." I'm sorry, it's just really messing with me.)
"Not if you hide whenever she goes by." Lily cosed her eyes again, trying to sleep.
Darn I was waiting till your character got annoyed- not you XD he is faking it. He wants to annoy her)

He rolled his eyes. He said nothing as he stayed there. And sighed. He wanted to escape

June 18th, 2017, 07:57 PM
(I'm gonna change angels name now that I found out there is a human named angel lol)

the germen shepherd laid in her cage waiting.

the Siamese cat was laying near the cat perch.
Oh Nu I'm sorry I could change her name)

cute skeleton
June 18th, 2017, 07:59 PM
Oh Nu I'm sorry I could change her name)

(no I'm fine changing her name I also had marsh mellow, mellow for short, in mind

June 18th, 2017, 08:38 PM
(no I'm fine changing her name I also had marsh mellow, mellow for short, in mind

June 18th, 2017, 09:36 PM
Darn I was waiting till your character got annoyed- not you XD he is faking it. He wants to annoy her)

He rolled his eyes. He said nothing as he stayed there. And sighed. He wanted to escape
(oh...sorry XD)
A chirp sounded from somewhere in the cage, and Lily stirred on her perch. The chirp came again.

Phoenix Flames
June 18th, 2017, 09:53 PM
(no I'm fine changing her name I also had marsh mellow, mellow for short, in mind
(oh...sorry XD)
A chirp sounded from somewhere in the cage, and Lily stirred on her perch. The chirp came again.
(How did I miss like 3-4 days worth of posts on this? XD but anyways...)

Aiden walked the tired dogs back to the shelter. He opened the door and took their leashes off, putting them back on the hooks on the wall. Cassidy and Gracie teleported into their cages. Aiden nodded to them as he refilled their food and water bowls.

Aiden went over to Kio's and Lily's cage. The cats looked as if they didn't want to be in there. Aiden opened the cage door. "You both can come out if you want. I can take you both back to the cat room.", the boy sighed, staring at the cat room windows as he saw Maxwell asleep, still.

June 18th, 2017, 10:04 PM
(How did I miss like 3-4 days worth of posts on this? XD but anyways...)

Aiden walked the tired dogs back to the shelter. He opened the door and took their leashes off, putting them back on the hooks on the wall. Cassidy and Gracie teleported into their cages. Aiden nodded to them as he refilled their food and water bowls.

Aiden went over to Kio's and Lily's cage. The cats looked as if they didn't want to be in there. Aiden opened the cage door. "You both can come out if you want. I can take you both back to the cat room.", the boy sighed, staring at the cat room windows as he saw Maxwell asleep, still.
She looked up at him. "Is it possible to somehow be teleported from the cat room to a cage without your knowledge?" She dropped to the floor and padded out of the cage. "Because I believe that happened to me."

June 18th, 2017, 10:14 PM
(oh...sorry XD)
A chirp sounded from somewhere in the cage, and Lily stirred on her perch. The chirp came again.
(How did I miss like 3-4 days worth of posts on this? XD but anyways...)

Aiden walked the tired dogs back to the shelter. He opened the door and took their leashes off, putting them back on the hooks on the wall. Cassidy and Gracie teleported into their cages. Aiden nodded to them as he refilled their food and water bowls.

Aiden went over to Kio's and Lily's cage. The cats looked as if they didn't want to be in there. Aiden opened the cage door. "You both can come out if you want. I can take you both back to the cat room.", the boy sighed, staring at the cat room windows as he saw Maxwell asleep, still.
She looked up at him. "Is it possible to somehow be teleported from the cat room to a cage without your knowledge?" She dropped to the floor and padded out of the cage. "Because I believe that happened to me."
It's okie XD )

Angel where getting more food bags.

Kio mewed. 'Yes please!' he thought

Phoenix Flames
June 19th, 2017, 06:22 PM
She looked up at him. "Is it possible to somehow be teleported from the cat room to a cage without your knowledge?" She dropped to the floor and padded out of the cage. "Because I believe that happened to me."
It's okie XD )

Angel where getting more food bags.

Kio mewed. 'Yes please!' he thought
"Maybe... I don't know..", Aiden sighed. He opened the cage door before Angel had a chance to see hi free the two cats. He closed it as he picked the cats uo and walked over to the cat room door. He opened the door and put Kio and Lily on the floor of the cat room. He closed the cat room door, leaving.

June 19th, 2017, 07:35 PM
"Maybe... I don't know..", Aiden sighed. He opened the cage door before Angel had a chance to see hi free the two cats. He closed it as he picked the cats uo and walked over to the cat room door. He opened the door and put Kio and Lily on the floor of the cat room. He closed the cat room door, leaving.
Angel came back "Slow day eh?" She said to Aiden.

Kio smiled as he had lots of free place to roam.

Phoenix Flames
June 19th, 2017, 07:44 PM
Angel came back "Slow day eh?" She said to Aiden.

Kio smiled as he had lots of free place to roam.
"Pretty much..", Aiden sighed, looking at Angel. "Hopefully these guys get adopted."

June 19th, 2017, 08:31 PM
"Pretty much..", Aiden sighed, looking at Angel. "Hopefully these guys get adopted."
"Yea. That would be amazing." She smiled

June 19th, 2017, 09:48 PM
Lily heard them and turned into a skunk, waving her tail high, though not firing.

Wildy~ =3
June 19th, 2017, 11:22 PM
Form for Animals;
Name: Wild
Age: 6 moons
Gender: She
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: A mix... of something.
Superpower: Flight (Wings), Talking to animals/humans, Light Manipulation (Mainly Shield/Optic Illusions), Special Power (She faints right after using it, and can only be used when most necessary)
Personality: TBRP'd cause every time I rp her she's different XD
Appearance: Basically my profile pic, with purple eyes and barn owl wings
Back story: She will tell her friends... Eventually
Other/Questions: Is she too much? Oh yeah she knows how to sing XD
( Phoenix Flames )

Phoenix Flames
June 20th, 2017, 06:35 PM
"Yea. That would be amazing." She smiled
Lily heard them and turned into a skunk, waving her tail high, though not firing.
Aiden nodded then looked at Lily. "What are you doing?", he mumbled, seeing that the she-cat was in her skunk form.

June 20th, 2017, 06:39 PM
Aiden nodded then looked at Lily. "What are you doing?", he mumbled, seeing that the she-cat was in her skunk form.
Angel squeaked. "Heh I'm still not used to this stuff.."

Phoenix Flames
June 20th, 2017, 07:02 PM
Angel squeaked. "Heh I'm still not used to this stuff.."
"I know. It is weird that they all have powers, but since I know they all do, I'm used to it. Mostly Cassidy's and Gracie's powers.", Aiden said, looking at the dogs' cages. Maybe my mom will, hopefully, let me adopt Cas and Grace.... I don't what them to be 'put down'..., he thought. The fourteen years old looked out the window of the animal shelter. It was starting to be dusk. "I have to go, Angel. I'll see you tomorrow.", he said, grabbing his backpack and opened the door, leaving the shelter. He walked across the sidewalk until he came across his house, it was five blocks down from Friends and Felines. He unlocked his front door, closing it as he went inside. "Mom, I'm home!", he called, going upstairs as he took off his shoes by the door, putting his backpack in his room. "Okay, Aiden.", his mother replied. Aiden went back downstairs as he remembered something. "Um, Mom?", he began. "Yes?", she asked, walking out of the kitchen. "You know the two dogs, that I walk everyday, at the shelter, Cassidy and Grace?", he said. "Yes, why?", Catherine asked, a questioning look on her face. "C-Can we adopt them.... I don't want them to be put down...", Aiden asked. "No, Aiden.... No dogs allowed in the house.", she said. "Please, Mom? I don't want any of the shelter pets dying... I'll miss them, a lot...", he pleaded. Catherine sighed. "Okay... But only under one condition, you need to show me that you can be responsible enough to own dogs.", his mother finished, smiling. Aiden smiled back. "Sure. I can do that. I know thst I can prove thst to you.", Aiden nodded. Catherine went back to the kitchen. Aiden's sister walked out of the living room. "Seems like Mom is going to let you have dogs in the house, Aiden.", she smirked. "Isn't this great, Izzy?", he said to his sister, Isabella. "Yeah. But remember that I have a pet cat that we found on the streets a couple of weeks ago. I'm not so sure if Cooper is going to react well around Cas and Gracie.", Izzy responded. "Yes, that's true. But, let's just hope for the best.", Aiden replied, going back upstairs. Isabella st back on the couch, using her phone. (I'm changing Gracie's name to Grace.)

June 21st, 2017, 08:36 AM
Aiden nodded then looked at Lily. "What are you doing?", he mumbled, seeing that the she-cat was in her skunk form.
She didn't answer, but watched him leave.

Phoenix Flames
June 21st, 2017, 12:05 PM
She didn't answer, but watched him leave.
Aiden yawned as he sat on his bed. Isabella walked upstairs to her brother's room. "Hey.", she said. "Hi..", Aiden sighed. "Are you bored, you look bored and tired.", Izzy said. "I'm bored and tired.", he muttered, turning on his Xbox One to play Minecraft. "I hope Minecraft gets rid of your boredom, then.", Izzy replied, walking back downstairs.

Phoenix Flames
June 25th, 2017, 07:58 PM
Aiden yawned as he sat on his bed. Isabella walked upstairs to her brother's room. "Hey.", she said. "Hi..", Aiden sighed. "Are you bored, you look bored and tired.", Izzy said. "I'm bored and tired.", he muttered, turning on his Xbox One to play Minecraft. "I hope Minecraft gets rid of your boredom, then.", Izzy replied, walking back downstairs.

June 26th, 2017, 10:51 AM
Aiden yawned as he sat on his bed. Isabella walked upstairs to her brother's room. "Hey.", she said. "Hi..", Aiden sighed. "Are you bored, you look bored and tired.", Izzy said. "I'm bored and tired.", he muttered, turning on his Xbox One to play Minecraft. "I hope Minecraft gets rid of your boredom, then.", Izzy replied, walking back downstairs.
(.......*is a cat who is still at the shelter not at Aiden's house*)

June 26th, 2017, 11:16 AM
Name: Otto
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Irish Wolfhound
Superpower: to turn invisible and turn what's ever is touching him invisible.
Personality: TBRP'd
Appearance: Boop (http://www.101dogbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Black-Irish-Wolfhound.jpg) ( But without left foreleg. )
Back story: He was born feral and stuck to that for two years, until he ran out of food and expanded his search. Crossing a road, he was hit by a car and lost his left front leg. Since then, he has lived in the shelter for a year, but is still untamed.
Other/Questions: nope.

Phoenix Flames
June 26th, 2017, 04:10 PM
(.......*is a cat who is still at the shelter not at Aiden's house*)(why did you put that in parentheses and asterisks???)

Aiden saved his Minecraft data and turned off his Xbox One. Cooper, a ginger tom cat with green eyes, walked upstairs into the room. "Hi, Aiden.", the cat meowed. "Hello, Coops. How're you doing?", Aiden asked. "I'm good. How about you?", he asked. "I'm fantastic, even though I'm still not used to this whole be captivated in a house kind of thing. Because remember, I'm feral.", the ginger tom said. "I know, Cooper. I know.", the 14 year old said, petting Cooper. Cooper purred and then headed back downstairs.
Name: Otto
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: Irish Wolfhound
Superpower: to turn invisible and turn what's ever is touching him invisible.
Personality: TBRP'd
Appearance: Boop (http://www.101dogbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Black-Irish-Wolfhound.jpg) ( But without left foreleg. )
Back story: He was born feral and stuck to that for two years, until he ran out of food and expanded his search. Crossing a road, he was hit by a car and lost his left front leg. Since then, he has lived in the shelter for a year, but is still untamed.
Other/Questions: nope.Accepted!!

Wildy~ =3
June 26th, 2017, 04:29 PM
Form for Animals;
Name: Wild
Age: 6 moons
Gender: She
Dog Breed/Cat Breed: A mix... of something.
Superpower: Flight (Wings), Talking to animals/humans, Light Manipulation (Mainly Shield/Optic Illusions), Special Power (She faints right after using it, and can only be used when most necessary)
Personality: TBRP'd cause every time I rp her she's different XD
Appearance: Basically my profile pic, with purple eyes and barn owl wings
Back story: She will tell her friends... Eventually
Other/Questions: Is she too much? Oh yeah she knows how to sing XD
( Ahem. Phoenix Flames )

Phoenix Flames
June 26th, 2017, 04:53 PM
( Ahem. Phoenix Flames )

June 27th, 2017, 09:57 AM
(why did you put that in parentheses and asterisks???)

Aiden saved his Minecraft data and turned off his Xbox One. Cooper, a ginger tom cat with green eyes, walked upstairs into the room. "Hi, Aiden.", the cat meowed. "Hello, Coops. How're you doing?", Aiden asked. "I'm good. How about you?", he asked. "I'm fantastic, even though I'm still not used to this whole be captivated in a house kind of thing. Because remember, I'm feral.", the ginger tom said. "I know, Cooper. I know.", the 14 year old said, petting Cooper. Cooper purred and then headed back downstairs.
Because she is still at the shelter and Aiden is at his house and you quoted me and then mentioned me like you wanted me to respond, even though there is no way for them to comminicate.)

June 27th, 2017, 12:02 PM
Otto sat down in his cage, his golden-brown eyes narrowed as they always were as he gazed with mistrust at the place around him. He hated it, and missed his old life in the wild, but that was over. Without even realizing that he was doing it, he flickered and became invisible to all but himself, for he could still see himself, but no one else could see him. “Oops.” the big black wiry dog muttered, swiping his tongue over his jaws. Impatient to get out, he stood up awkwardly and started chewing on the bars, making an irritating grinding noise that echoed around the shelter.

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 12:30 PM
Because she is still at the shelter and Aiden is at his house and you quoted me and then mentioned me like you wanted me to respond, even though there is no way for them to comminicate.)(oh. Whoops. My bad. Sorry.)
Otto sat down in his cage, his golden-brown eyes narrowed as they always were as he gazed with mistrust at the place around him. He hated it, and missed his old life in the wild, but that was over. Without even realizing that he was doing it, he flickered and became invisible to all but himself, for he could still see himself, but no one else could see him. “Oops.” the big black wiry dog muttered, swiping his tongue over his jaws. Impatient to get out, he stood up awkwardly and started chewing on the bars, making an irritating grinding noise that echoed around the shelter.Cassidy and Grace looked at Otto's cage. They flattened their ears as the wolfhound chewed at the bars on the metal cage. "You know I could just.. We could just... Teleport... You out of the cage... Nevermind....", Cas and Gracie barked.

June 27th, 2017, 12:36 PM
(oh. Whoops. My bad. Sorry.)
Cassidy and Grace looked at Otto's cage. They flattened their ears as the wolfhound chewed at the bars on the metal cage. "You know I could just.. We could just... Teleport... You out of the cage... Nevermind....", Cas and Gracie barked.
Otto blinked and looked at the two others, surprise widening his eyes. Quickly, he stopped gnawing at the bars, for one thing, it was pointless, and another thing, it hurt his teeth and ears. He sighed and after a moment, became visible to them. “Really?” he asked, his tone flat and sarcastic, as usual. Otto used sarcasms quite a bit, sometimes even when he didn't mean to. If they really could do that, why were they still in this place? Why hadn't they run away yet?

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 01:03 PM
Otto blinked and looked at the two others, surprise widening his eyes. Quickly, he stopped gnawing at the bars, for one thing, it was pointless, and another thing, it hurt his teeth and ears. He sighed and after a moment, became visible to them. “Really?” he asked, his tone flat and sarcastic, as usual. Otto used sarcasms quite a bit, sometimes even when he didn't mean to. If they really could do that, why were they still in this place? Why hadn't they run away yet?
"No. Why would we want to do that?!", Cassidy growled. Grace curled her lips back in a snarl. "Yeah!", she snarled. "Even though you were a stray once, Otto, that doesn't mean anyone here should let you free...", they said.

June 27th, 2017, 01:11 PM
"No. Why would we want to do that?!", Cassidy growled. Grace curled her lips back in a snarl. "Yeah!", she snarled. "Even though you were a stray once, Otto, that doesn't mean anyone here should let you free...", they said.
Otto stared at the other two dogs and huffed indignantly. “Exactly. And I would like to stay a stray! But I wouldn't expect a couple human lovers to understand that.” he muttered, baring his fangs in a snarl, then he turned his back on them. “I don't understand why you want me penned up in cage the rest of my life.” Not to mention that that probably won't be very long. They'll probably put me down if I'm not chosen soon.

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 01:23 PM
Otto stared at the other two dogs and huffed indignantly. “Exactly. And I would like to stay a stray! But I wouldn't expect a couple human lovers to understand that.” he muttered, baring his fangs in a snarl, then he turned his back on them. “I don't understand why you want me penned up in cage the rest of my life.” Not to mention that that probably won't be very long. They'll probably put me down if I'm not chosen soon.
Cassidy rolled his eyes, turning away from Otto, growling. "I'm only a human lover because I lived with humans 19 moons ago! But then something had happened and they had to leave... Without me...", the Golden Retriever/Husky mix said. Grace nodded to her friend, staring glaring at Otto. Hopefully, Aiden will adopt Cas and I soon...

June 27th, 2017, 01:38 PM
Cassidy rolled his eyes, turning away from Otto, growling. "I'm only a human lover because I lived with humans 19 moons ago! But then something had happened and they had to leave... Without me...", the Golden Retriever/Husky mix said. Grace nodded to her friend, staring glaring at Otto. Hopefully, Aiden will adopt Cas and I soon...
Otto, still not looking at the others, just huffed indifferently. “So? Sounds like something that would make a dog hate humans.” he said, knowing that if that had happened to him, he would've turned on people. Luckily for Otto, he'd been born and raised away from them, and had never had to worry about it until just a year ago. The black wolfhound looked over his shoulder, sympathy softening his eyes, but he said nothing.

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 01:49 PM
Otto, still not looking at the others, just huffed indifferently. “So? Sounds like something that would make a dog hate humans.” he said, knowing that if that had happened to him, he would've turned on people. Luckily for Otto, he'd been born and raised away from them, and had never had to worry about it until just a year ago. The black wolfhound looked over his shoulder, sympathy softening his eyes, but he said nothing. Cassidy glared at him. "What do you mean, 'so'?", she growled. Grace stared at the wolfhound, once again, growling. The Aussiepom and Goberian stopped looking mad as they saw Otto's gaze soften.

June 27th, 2017, 02:05 PM
Cassidy glared at him. "What do you mean, 'so'?", she growled. Grace stared at the wolfhound, once again, growling. The Aussiepom and Goberian stopped looking mad as they saw Otto's gaze soften.
Otto blinked, becoming invisible for a moment by accident, as he often did that without really meaning to. “I don't know.” he said, trying to cover up his secret soft spot. Everyone saw him as a rough and tough feral dog. He couldn't show anyone that he was just a bit rough around the edges, and kinder than he let on. He could tell that Cassidy sort of sad about being abandoned like that. “It just seems that you're very loyal to humans, huh?”

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 02:20 PM
Otto blinked, becoming invisible for a moment by accident, as he often did that without really meaning to. “I don't know.” he said, trying to cover up his secret soft spot. Everyone saw him as a rough and tough feral dog. He couldn't show anyone that he was just a bit rough around the edges, and kinder than he let on. He could tell that Cassidy sort of sad about being abandoned like that. “It just seems that you're very loyal to humans, huh?”
The Goberian looked at Otto and nodded. "Yeah...", Cassidy sighed. "I'm very loyal to humans... Mostly Aiden, nowadays.", she said. "Mhm.", Grace said. "We hope that one day Aiden will adopt us!", the 3 year old Aussiepom barked, her tail wagging as she looked at her 2 years old Goberian friend. Cassidy's tongue lolled as she nodded.

June 27th, 2017, 04:34 PM
The Goberian looked at Otto and nodded. "Yeah...", Cassidy sighed. "I'm very loyal to humans... Mostly Aiden, nowadays.", she said. "Mhm.", Grace said. "We hope that one day Aiden will adopt us!", the 3 year old Aussiepom barked, her tail wagging as she looked at her 2 years old Goberian friend. Cassidy's tongue lolled as she nodded.
Otto grunted, staring down their single foreleg with an expression of distaste. They thought that humans were nothing but trouble, and not worth the risk. Otto had once taken the risk and gone to beg humans for food, and that had not been worth it. They would rather have starved than continued to suffer and be trapped in a cage. The three year old dog looked up. Sometimes, he felt compelled to get along with other animals, but he also made sure he didn't befriend them, mainly because he didn't want to grow attached only to lose them. “He probably will.” Otto barked in agreement, his deep, loud bark a bit echoey because of the room.

Phoenix Flames
June 27th, 2017, 09:07 PM
Otto grunted, staring down their single foreleg with an expression of distaste. They thought that humans were nothing but trouble, and not worth the risk. Otto had once taken the risk and gone to beg humans for food, and that had not been worth it. They would rather have starved than continued to suffer and be trapped in a cage. The three year old dog looked up. Sometimes, he felt compelled to get along with other animals, but he also made sure he didn't befriend them, mainly because he didn't want to grow attached only to lose them. “He probably will.” Otto barked in agreement, his deep, loud bark a bit echoey because of the room.
The Goberian and Aussiepom nodded. "Pretty sure he will. We don't want to stay here any longer, though, which is why.", they barked at the same time.

June 27th, 2017, 10:01 PM
The Goberian and Aussiepom nodded. "Pretty sure he will. We don't want to stay here any longer, though, which is why.", they barked at the same time.
Otto passed his tongue over his maw, suddenly realizing how hungry he was, as he'd not eaten in awhile, although by choice, because he'd been in a foul temper and had flat out rejected the hard dry pellets he was offered. Which had probably not been the wisest idea, but oh well, who could blamehim really? They were rather disgusting, and why the humans were always insisting that it was actually food, Otto wasn't sure. “And neither do I.” Otto growled under his breath, half to himself.

Phoenix Flames
June 28th, 2017, 06:00 AM
Otto passed his tongue over his maw, suddenly realizing how hungry he was, as he'd not eaten in awhile, although by choice, because he'd been in a foul temper and had flat out rejected the hard dry pellets he was offered. Which had probably not been the wisest idea, but oh well, who could blamehim really? They were rather disgusting, and why the humans were always insisting that it was actually food, Otto wasn't sure. “And neither do I.” Otto growled under his breath, half to himself.
"I mean, we like it here, we just want to be with Aiden at his house.", the two said.

June 28th, 2017, 06:10 AM
"I mean, we like it here, we just want to be with Aiden at his house.", the two said.
Otto nodded. He didn't really know who Aiden was, or why they thought this human was so great, but he didn't really care either. The Irish wolfhound stood up slowly and started hobbling in a circle before flopping down on his aside so he was in a more comfortable position. The cages weren't small, but he was big, so they were a bit cramped, but not too bad.

Phoenix Flames
June 28th, 2017, 06:26 AM
Otto nodded. He didn't really know who Aiden was, or why they thought this human was so great, but he didn't really care either. The Irish wolfhound stood up slowly and started hobbling in a circle before flopping down on his aside so he was in a more comfortable position. The cages weren't small, but he was big, so they were a bit cramped, but not too bad.
Cassidy sighed, looking at Grace as she turned around. "It's almost Midnight, Gracie. We better rest now or else we'll be tired all day tomorrow and doze off a few times tomorrow, maybe even falling asleep more than once, tomorrow.", the Goberian said. Grace nodded, curling up in her cage and soon falling asleep. Grace and Cassidy were tired, anyways. Cassidy stood up and walked in a circle a few times in the cage before curling up and falling asleep.

June 28th, 2017, 10:52 AM
(oh. Whoops. My bad. Sorry.)
Cassidy and Grace looked at Otto's cage. They flattened their ears as the wolfhound chewed at the bars on the metal cage. "You know I could just.. We could just... Teleport... You out of the cage... Nevermind....", Cas and Gracie barked.
Its ok)

June 28th, 2017, 01:04 PM
Cassidy sighed, looking at Grace as she turned around. "It's almost Midnight, Gracie. We better rest now or else we'll be tired all day tomorrow and doze off a few times tomorrow, maybe even falling asleep more than once, tomorrow.", the Goberian said. Grace nodded, curling up in her cage and soon falling asleep. Grace and Cassidy were tired, anyways. Cassidy stood up and walked in a circle a few times in the cage before curling up and falling asleep.
Otto watched them as they one by one fell asleep, but he remained awake, laying on his side with his head propped on his paws, staring into the darkness, unable to even think about closing his eyes. It was a long time before he moved, and he still couldn't sleep. He felt too restless, and after a moment, the wolfhound sat up stiffly and tipped back his head, releasing a long and mournful howl that echoed back at him, making him sound like an entire pack of dogs, howling in unison. He had done this many times in the past year, but never had anyone joined in his howl.

Phoenix Flames
June 28th, 2017, 02:10 PM
Otto watched them as they one by one fell asleep, but he remained awake, laying on his side with his head propped on his paws, staring into the darkness, unable to even think about closing his eyes. It was a long time before he moved, and he still couldn't sleep. He felt too restless, and after a moment, the wolfhound sat up stiffly and tipped back his head, releasing a long and mournful howl that echoed back at him, making him sound like an entire pack of dogs, howling in unison. He had done this many times in the past year, but never had anyone joined in his howl.
Cassidy and Grace twitched as Otto howled and started howling in their sleep, because they were having dreams.

June 28th, 2017, 02:51 PM
Cassidy and Grace twitched as Otto howled and started howling in their sleep, because they were having dreams.
Otto realized that Cassidy and Grace's howling voices had joined with his own, and he shaped his jaw shut and stared at them, but to his surprise, they were asleep. Sleep howling? Had his voice somehow penetrated their dreams without waking them up?

Phoenix Flames
June 28th, 2017, 03:43 PM
Otto realized that Cassidy and Grace's howling voices had joined with his own, and he shaped his jaw shut and stared at them, but to his surprise, they were asleep. Sleep howling? Had his voice somehow penetrated their dreams without waking them up?
Cassidy and Grace stopped sleep howling and Cas started snoring while Gracie snored quietly.

June 28th, 2017, 10:51 PM
Cassidy and Grace stopped sleep howling and Cas started snoring while Gracie snored quietly.
Otto let out a sigh of relief as the two dogs started to snore, and the soft rumbling noise was so familiar, that at last, the big black dog closed his eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. Any noise and he would wake up in an instant though.

June 29th, 2017, 10:58 AM
Lily lay curled in the bottom of her cage, a ferret.

Phoenix Flames
June 29th, 2017, 01:48 PM
Otto let out a sigh of relief as the two dogs started to snore, and the soft rumbling noise was so familiar, that at last, the big black dog closed his eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. Any noise and he would wake up in an instant though.
Cassidy twitched some more in her sleep as she woke up in a dream, about her five moon old self, when her owners left her. Cassidy looked around her owners' house, padding over to the youngest human. "Amanda! Can we play fetch?", the Goberian pup asked. Amanda looked at her. "Not right now, Cas.", the 8 year old sighed, petting the puppy. "But- Why...?", Cas asked. "I'm sorry, Cassidy... We gotta leave.", Amanda replied. "Leave? To where..?", the black-and-golden furred pup whined. "Somewhere, Cassidy... Just... Not here...", the 3rd grader responded, standing up. "Amanda! It's time to go!", her brothers called, heading out the front door. "Come on, Cas.", the girl said, picking up the pup. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Amanda, you're not taking the dog anywhere.", the girl's father said. "But, Dad! I need to take Cassidy with us... She can't survive without food and water without us!", Amanda complained. "I said, leave her here, Amanda!", her father yelled. "Dad... I can't just leave her here... Please, let me take her with us....", Amanda started crying. Her father removed her grip from Cassidy and the puppy landed on the floor with a thud. "Please don't leave me, here, Amanda...!", she whimpered. "We need to leave you here, Cassidy!!", her father said, grabbing Amanda's arm and dragging her towards the front door and opening it. "I'm so sorry, Cassidy. Dad won't let me take you with us...", Amanda said, her father dragging her out the house and into the car with her brothers and mom. The door closed and Cassidy padded over to it. "No! Don't leave me here! Amanda! Michael! James! Come back...", the pup whimpered, walking over to the window sill. "Guess I'm going to have to exit the house from the window... Or I could teleport...", she sighed, tail dropping as she teleported out of the house, walked across the sidewalk as the car drove away, and walked until she went into the city. A boy, about 13 years old, was walking out of the Friends and Felines animal shelter and noticed Cassidy. "Hello, there. Are you lost?", he asked. Cassidy looked at him. "No... I'm not lost... I got abandoned...", she said. Aiden looked at the Goberian pup's collar. "Your name's Cassidy?", Aiden asked. The Goberian nodded, the boy picking her up. He opened the door and closed it as he went inside, placing her in an empty cage. "Preston, we got a new dog in the shelter.", Aiden said, walking over to his friend. "Who's this little cutie?", Preston asked, petting Cassidy. "Her name's Cassidy... She told me that she was aban-", Aiden began, Cas's dream fading away as she woke up. Gracie looked at her, the sun was rising. "You were whimpering and whining a lot in your sleep. Did you have a dream or a nightmare, Cas?", the Aussiepom asked. Cassidy nodded, yawning, and then stretching. "You must've been dreaming about your past again.", Grace sighed, licking her paws. Cassidy nodded, sitting up and shaking her ruffled fur.

June 29th, 2017, 04:22 PM
Cassidy twitched some more in her sleep as she woke up in a dream, about her five moon old self, when her owners left her. Cassidy looked around her owners' house, padding over to the youngest human. "Amanda! Can we play fetch?", the Goberian pup asked. Amanda looked at her. "Not right now, Cas.", the 8 year old sighed, petting the puppy. "But- Why...?", Cas asked. "I'm sorry, Cassidy... We gotta leave.", Amanda replied. "Leave? To where..?", the black-and-golden furred pup whined. "Somewhere, Cassidy... Just... Not here...", the 3rd grader responded, standing up. "Amanda! It's time to go!", her brothers called, heading out the front door. "Come on, Cas.", the girl said, picking up the pup. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Amanda, you're not taking the dog anywhere.", the girl's father said. "But, Dad! I need to take Cassidy with us... She can't survive without food and water without us!", Amanda complained. "I said, leave her here, Amanda!", her father yelled. "Dad... I can't just leave her here... Please, let me take her with us....", Amanda started crying. Her father removed her grip from Cassidy and the puppy landed on the floor with a thud. "Please don't leave me, here, Amanda...!", she whimpered. "We need to leave you here, Cassidy!!", her father said, grabbing Amanda's arm and dragging her towards the front door and opening it. "I'm so sorry, Cassidy. Dad won't let me take you with us...", Amanda said, her father dragging her out the house and into the car with her brothers and mom. The door closed and Cassidy padded over to it. "No! Don't leave me here! Amanda! Michael! James! Come back...", the pup whimpered, walking over to the window sill. "Guess I'm going to have to exit the house from the window... Or I could teleport...", she sighed, tail dropping as she teleported out of the house, walked across the sidewalk as the car drove away, and walked until she went into the city. A boy, about 13 years old, was walking out of the Friends and Felines animal shelter and noticed Cassidy. "Hello, there. Are you lost?", he asked. Cassidy looked at him. "No... I'm not lost... I got abandoned...", she said. Aiden looked at the Goberian pup's collar. "Your name's Cassidy?", Aiden asked. The Goberian nodded, the boy picking her up. He opened the door and closed it as he went inside, placing her in an empty cage. "Preston, we got a new dog in the shelter.", Aiden said, walking over to his friend. "Who's this little cutie?", Preston asked, petting Cassidy. "Her name's Cassidy... She told me that she was aban-", Aiden began, Cas's dream fading away as she woke up. Gracie looked at her, the sun was rising. "You were whimpering and whining a lot in your sleep. Did you have a dream or a nightmare, Cas?", the Aussiepom asked. Cassidy nodded, yawning, and then stretching. "You must've been dreaming about your past again.", Grace sighed, licking her paws. Cassidy nodded, sitting up and shaking her ruffled fur.
Otto stood up. He was outside! Joy ran through him, only to be replaced by disappointment as he realized that the only way he could've ended up outside was if he was dreaming. Sure enough, the big black wolfhound looked down and saw that where there had been no leg before was his leg, good as new. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Otto thought, launching into a full speed run, his long legs eating up the distance as fast as he'd once been able to run, wind flying through his fur and his ears flapping up and down. Then a strange sound hit his ears, like quiet thunder and a hissing cat. Confused, Otto skidded to a halt, but it didn't seem to be coming from anywhere. Then he blinked and saw that he was back in the cage in the animal shelter. Otto sat up, giving his body a thorough shaking. Only to realize that he could still hear the noise, and now he knew what it was. It was Cassidy, whining and yelping in her sleep. Otto grunted, feeling relieved when Gracie woke up the whining dog. He sighed and stood up, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. He felt stiff and cramped, and he must've been trying to run in his sleep again. He yawned, his stomach growling as he did.

Phoenix Flames
June 30th, 2017, 09:26 PM
Otto stood up. He was outside! Joy ran through him, only to be replaced by disappointment as he realized that the only way he could've ended up outside was if he was dreaming. Sure enough, the big black wolfhound looked down and saw that where there had been no leg before was his leg, good as new. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Otto thought, launching into a full speed run, his long legs eating up the distance as fast as he'd once been able to run, wind flying through his fur and his ears flapping up and down. Then a strange sound hit his ears, like quiet thunder and a hissing cat. Confused, Otto skidded to a halt, but it didn't seem to be coming from anywhere. Then he blinked and saw that he was back in the cage in the animal shelter. Otto sat up, giving his body a thorough shaking. Only to realize that he could still hear the noise, and now he knew what it was. It was Cassidy, whining and yelping in her sleep. Otto grunted, feeling relieved when Gracie woke up the whining dog. He sighed and stood up, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. He felt stiff and cramped, and he must've been trying to run in his sleep again. He yawned, his stomach growling as he did.

Now that it was morning, Aiden woke up and got out of bed, heading downstairs. "Good morning, guys!", he called, grabbing his bag, putting on his shoes, and walked towards the door. "Good morning, Aiden!", Isabella said. Aiden nodded to her as he opened the door, closing it as he walked outisde to go to the animal shelter. He opened the door and went inside. "Hello, Cassidy. Hi, Grace. And hello, Otto.", he said, petting the three dogs. "Hi, Aiden!", Cas and Gracie yelped.

June 30th, 2017, 10:08 PM
Now that it was morning, Aiden woke up and got out of bed, heading downstairs. "Good morning, guys!", he called, grabbing his bag, putting on his shoes, and walked towards the door. "Good morning, Aiden!", Isabella said. Aiden nodded to her as he opened the door, closing it as he walked outisde to go to the animal shelter. He opened the door and went inside. "Hello, Cassidy. Hi, Grace. And hello, Otto.", he said, petting the three dogs. "Hi, Aiden!", Cas and Gracie yelped.

Otto growled and pressed himself against the back of the cage, glaring at Aiden. He was not going to be a people lover, because people had never done anything for him. They'd injured him, fixed him, taken his leg, and kept him in a cage when he could've been living wild a free without ever having contact with humans. Otto looked at Cas and Grace, shaking his head. The bug black wolfhound sat down, his body tense and wary, and a slight growl rumbling from deep in his throat. He waited for a moment, then slowly allowed himself to relax a little, although he stayed back with his fur bristling.

Phoenix Flames
June 30th, 2017, 10:50 PM
Otto growled and pressed himself against the back of the cage, glaring at Aiden. He was not going to be a people lover, because people had never done anything for him. They'd injured him, fixed him, taken his leg, and kept him in a cage when he could've been living wild a free without ever having contact with humans. Otto looked at Cas and Grace, shaking his head. The bug black wolfhound sat down, his body tense and wary, and a slight growl rumbling from deep in his throat. He waited for a moment, then slowly allowed himself to relax a little, although he stayed back with his fur bristling.
"What's wrong Otto?", Aiden asked, looking at the wolfhound. "Are you hungry? Scared? Something?", he said, pouring some kibble into a metal bowl. "Here. If you don't like the kibble, I can give you something else.", the 14 year old sighed, closing Otto's cage door as he put the bowl of kibble in the wolfhound's cage. Cassidy and Grace looked at Aiden and then at Otto, hoping Otto would accept the kibble.

(Going to be bringing in a new character named Kaai, who is a Wolfdog.)

Kaai glared at Aiden, Cassidy, and Grace. "Pff, I can't stand those three! And why does Aiden always have to give us these hard pellets that reek of, well, disgusting stuff?!", he growled under his breath. The white Wolfdog looked at Aiden as the boy walked over to his cage. Aiden was about to pet the Wolfdog behind the ears to make the hybrid dog calm down when Kaai snapped and bit Aiden's hand, growling. "Don't touch me!!", he snarled, fur bristling. "Ow! Kaai, what was that for?", Aiden sighed, walking towards the sink to wipe the blood off of his hands. "Never, ever touch me again, Aiden.... You know the consequences....", the 9 months old Wolfdog pup growled, scooting to the very back of his cage, his fur still bristling, teeth bared in a snarl just in case Aiden came back, blood staining his teeth as some of it dripped down his muzzle. It wasn't Kaai's fault that he never liked humans. Since he was a Wolfdog, his mother was some tyoe of dog while his father was a wolf. His mother was a stray and both parents taught him to dislike humans because of what they did to their son.. Some humans in their area had blinded Kaai in his right eyes, gave him multiple deep wounds from him getting abused, his right foreleg was paralyzed, and some of his fur was missing in places.

June 30th, 2017, 11:21 PM
"What's wrong Otto?", Aiden asked, looking at the wolfhound. "Are you hungry? Scared? Something?", he said, pouring some kibble into a metal bowl. "Here. If you don't like the kibble, I can give you something else.", the 14 year old sighed, closing Otto's cage door as he put the bowl of kibble in the wolfhound's cage. Cassidy and Grace looked at Aiden and then at Otto, hoping Otto would accept the kibble.

(Going to be bringing in a new character named Kaai, who is a Wolfdog.)

Kaai glared at Aiden, Cassidy, and Grace. "Pff, I can't stand those three! And why does Aiden always have to give us these hard pellets that reek of, well, disgusting stuff?!", he growled under his breath. The white Wolfdog looked at Aiden as the boy walked over to his cage. Aiden was about to pet the Wolfdog behind the ears to make the hybrid dog calm down when Kaai snapped and bit Aiden's hand, growling. "Don't touch me!!", he snarled, fur bristling. "Ow! Kaai, what was that for?", Aiden sighed, walking towards the sink to wipe the blood off of his hands. "Never, ever touch me again, Aiden.... You know the consequences....", the 9 months old Wolfdog pup growled, scooting to the very back of his cage, his fur still bristling, teeth bared in a snarl just in case Aiden came back, blood staining his teeth as some of it dripped down his muzzle. It wasn't Kaai's fault that he never liked humans. Since he was a Wolfdog, his mother was some tyoe of dog while his father was a wolf. His mother was a stray and both parents taught him to dislike humans because of what they did to their son.. Some humans in their area had blinded Kaai in his right eyes, gave him multiple deep wounds from him getting abused, his right foreleg was paralyzed, and some of his fur was missing in places.

Otto just growled. Unlike a lot of dogs in this place, he didn't understand human-speak. It was all a bunch of unintelligible nonsense to him. He didn't speak it either, obviously, so he had no idea what Aiden was saying. Otto sniffed the hard pellets and wrinkled his nose in disgust. The stuff was awful, especially compared to fresh caught prey animals, like rabbits and squirrels. Otto growled and, with a glance at Cassidy and Grace, the feral black wiry dog sat down, and looked away from his food. If you could even call the stuff food, because anything that looked that much like rabbit droppings was not edible. Why humans thought it was good for animals was beyond Otto.

( K )

Otto turned and looked at a dog he'd never noticed before. They were young, just a pup really, and Otto instantly recognized them as a half wolf. He'd seen a half wolf before, and had kept his distance. The wiry furred male didn't want any trouble, so he'd just left the half wolf alone. He watched how Kaai reacted to being pet, and couldn't help but give a nod of approval. He hated being touched, and the three legged wolfhound could clearly see that this hybrid dog hated humans just as much as Otto did. Otto stood up awkwardly and glared through the bars, his hackles raised. Slowly, Otto sat down again and watched Kaai with great interest, his usually limp tail thumping against the ground every now and then, not fast or hard or very often, but just a little bit. This was a dog who understood how terrible humans were and how awful it was to be confined to a cage all the time, unlike Cas and Gracie, who loved humans and those disgusting hard pellets. Otto rested his head on his paws, now looking at Aiden, a wary dislike shining darkly in his chocolate brown eyes. He growled quietly, his thin and wiry black fur standing up and lips curled back to reveal his sharp yellow teeth. He was not taking this anymore, and would rather die than be kept in a cage forever.

Phoenix Flames
July 1st, 2017, 07:53 AM
Otto just growled. Unlike a lot of dogs in this place, he didn't understand human-speak. It was all a bunch of unintelligible nonsense to him. He didn't speak it either, obviously, so he had no idea what Aiden was saying. Otto sniffed the hard pellets and wrinkled his nose in disgust. The stuff was awful, especially compared to fresh caught prey animals, like rabbits and squirrels. Otto growled and, with a glance at Cassidy and Grace, the feral black wiry dog sat down, and looked away from his food. If you could even call the stuff food, because anything that looked that much like rabbit droppings was not edible. Why humans thought it was good for animals was beyond Otto.

( K )

Otto turned and looked at a dog he'd never noticed before. They were young, just a pup really, and Otto instantly recognized them as a half wolf. He'd seen a half wolf before, and had kept his distance. The wiry furred male didn't want any trouble, so he'd just left the half wolf alone. He watched how Kaai reacted to being pet, and couldn't help but give a nod of approval. He hated being touched, and the three legged wolfhound could clearly see that this hybrid dog hated humans just as much as Otto did. Otto stood up awkwardly and glared through the bars, his hackles raised. Slowly, Otto sat down again and watched Kaai with great interest, his usually limp tail thumping against the ground every now and then, not fast or hard or very often, but just a little bit. This was a dog who understood how terrible humans were and how awful it was to be confined to a cage all the time, unlike Cas and Gracie, who loved humans and those disgusting hard pellets. Otto rested his head on his paws, now looking at Aiden, a wary dislike shining darkly in his chocolate brown eyes. He growled quietly, his thin and wiry black fur standing up and lips curled back to reveal his sharp yellow teeth. He was not taking this anymore, and would rather die than be kept in a cage forever.

Cassidy and Grace stared at Otto and Kaai. They rolled their eyes. "Aiden can give you something else to eat if you want.", the two said as Aiden walked back over to Otto's and Kaai's cages, holding a dead rabbit in his left hand and a dead hen in the other hand. "Had these just in case we had dogs here that didn't want the kibble.", he said, opening Otto's cage to give him the rabbit. He then opened Kaai's cage to give him the hen.

Kaai growled at first as Aiden walked over to his cage but then stopped when the smell of the chicken drifted towards his nose. His tail wagged and drool dripped out of his mouth. This was not Kaai's usual self. Maybe it was because of his dog side, him being part nice doggy, also known as being part Golden Retriever, that his tail started wagging and drool dripped out of his mouth. But, you could also see part Golden Retriever/Wolfdog in him, his long curly fur, him being nice only when he's near things that he was around, like rabbits, chickens, squirrels, etc. and forests, and his always perked ears, and very faint red wolf markings. If Kaai was part Timber Wolf, he wouldn't be this aggressive towards humans. The Wolfdog pup grabbed the chicken from Aiden and began eating it as Aiden closed the cage door.

Phoenix Flames
July 1st, 2017, 10:43 PM
Cassidy and Grace stared at Otto and Kaai. They rolled their eyes. "Aiden can give you something else to eat if you want.", the two said as Aiden walked back over to Otto's and Kaai's cages, holding a dead rabbit in his left hand and a dead hen in the other hand. "Had these just in case we had dogs here that didn't want the kibble.", he said, opening Otto's cage to give him the rabbit. He then opened Kaai's cage to give him the hen.

Kaai growled at first as Aiden walked over to his cage but then stopped when the smell of the chicken drifted towards his nose. His tail wagged and drool dripped out of his mouth. This was not Kaai's usual self. Maybe it was because of his dog side, him being part nice doggy, also known as being part Golden Retriever, that his tail started wagging and drool dripped out of his mouth. But, you could also see part Golden Retriever/Wolfdog in him, his long curly fur, him being nice only when he's near things that he was around, like rabbits, chickens, squirrels, etc. and forests, and his always perked ears, and very faint red wolf markings. If Kaai was part Timber Wolf, he wouldn't be this aggressive towards humans. The Wolfdog pup grabbed the chicken from Aiden and began eating it as Aiden closed the cage door. Skjoldolfr

July 1st, 2017, 10:58 PM
Cassidy and Grace stared at Otto and Kaai. They rolled their eyes. "Aiden can give you something else to eat if you want.", the two said as Aiden walked back over to Otto's and Kaai's cages, holding a dead rabbit in his left hand and a dead hen in the other hand. "Had these just in case we had dogs here that didn't want the kibble.", he said, opening Otto's cage to give him the rabbit. He then opened Kaai's cage to give him the hen.

Kaai growled at first as Aiden walked over to his cage but then stopped when the smell of the chicken drifted towards his nose. His tail wagged and drool dripped out of his mouth. This was not Kaai's usual self. Maybe it was because of his dog side, him being part nice doggy, also known as being part Golden Retriever, that his tail started wagging and drool dripped out of his mouth. But, you could also see part Golden Retriever/Wolfdog in him, his long curly fur, him being nice only when he's near things that he was around, like rabbits, chickens, squirrels, etc. and forests, and his always perked ears, and very faint red wolf markings. If Kaai was part Timber Wolf, he wouldn't be this aggressive towards humans. The Wolfdog pup grabbed the chicken from Aiden and began eating it as Aiden closed the cage door.
Otto stared at Aiden, his neck fur bristling, and for just a moment, he growled quietly, then ducked his head and accepted the rabbit eagerly, although careful not to make any contact with Aiden as he did, and he was tensed in case the human tried to touch him. Relief washed over him as Aiden closed the door, and the massive black dog bit into the rabbit, hearing the crunch of bones under the pressure he applied. He gave a satisfied swish of his tail and set to work devouring the creature quickly and easily.

He finished up the rabbit, swiping his tongue over his maw, blood staining his teeth and soaking the fur around his mouth. He had eaten the entire rabbit save the head, and that he had dropped in the bowl of rejected pellets. He liked bones, the way they tasted and how they cracked and shattered in his mouth. It was very satisfying feeling and noise, and he missed it. Otto looked up and saw that Kaai too was getting an animal, although a chicken, not a rabbit. The massive dog blinked, noticing the obvious change in the pup's behavior, how much more like a dog he was behaving. Otto wasn't sure what to think of Kaai, but he was none too sure of Cassidy and Gracie either, so it wasn't anything unusual, especially for the wolfhound, as he had little trust for anyone anymore, especially human lovers and the like. But he was unsure of the hybrid dog for an entirely different and rather unknown reason.

Phoenix Flames
July 2nd, 2017, 07:51 AM
Otto stared at Aiden, his neck fur bristling, and for just a moment, he growled quietly, then ducked his head and accepted the rabbit eagerly, although careful not to make any contact with Aiden as he did, and he was tensed in case the human tried to touch him. Relief washed over him as Aiden closed the door, and the massive black dog bit into the rabbit, hearing the crunch of bones under the pressure he applied. He gave a satisfied swish of his tail and set to work devouring the creature quickly and easily.

He finished up the rabbit, swiping his tongue over his maw, blood staining his teeth and soaking the fur around his mouth. He had eaten the entire rabbit save the head, and that he had dropped in the bowl of rejected pellets. He liked bones, the way they tasted and how they cracked and shattered in his mouth. It was very satisfying feeling and noise, and he missed it. Otto looked up and saw that Kaai too was getting an animal, although a chicken, not a rabbit. The massive dog blinked, noticing the obvious change in the pup's behavior, how much more like a dog he was behaving. Otto wasn't sure what to think of Kaai, but he was none too sure of Cassidy and Gracie either, so it wasn't anything unusual, especially for the wolfhound, as he had little trust for anyone anymore, especially human lovers and the like. But he was unsure of the hybrid dog for an entirely different and rather unknown reason.
Kaai was too busy eating the chicken, ripping it open first, and eating the organs of the chicken, first, that he didn't realize that Otto was looking at him with a bit of uncertainty. The Wolfdog pup continued eating the chicken, finishing up the chewy bits, the chicken gizzard, and then began ripping the feathers off with his teeth. It took awhile because some of the feathers didn't want to come off. Eventually, the rest of the feathers came off and the nine month old Wolfdog started eating the rest of the chicken, bones and all, except for the chicken head. He never liked the chicken head. It tasted weird to him. Kaai set the chicken head in the foul smelling metal bowl with the dry, hard, and disgusting pellets. Blood was staining his teeth and his muzzle as he finished eating and Kaai licked his chops. He liked the taste of chicken blood. His favorite parts of the chicken to eat are the wings, including the shoulders, the chicken legs, and the chicken gizzard. The red-brownish golden furred Wolfdog looked over at Otto and saw that he was looking at him with an unsure and uncertain look. "What?", he asked, growling. "Were you looking at me because of the change in my behavior earlier when my tail started wagging and drool dripped out of my mouth?", he said. It's a good thing I have the power to read minds, Kaai thought.

July 2nd, 2017, 04:04 PM
Kaai was too busy eating the chicken, ripping it open first, and eating the organs of the chicken, first, that he didn't realize that Otto was looking at him with a bit of uncertainty. The Wolfdog pup continued eating the chicken, finishing up the chewy bits, the chicken gizzard, and then began ripping the feathers off with his teeth. It took awhile because some of the feathers didn't want to come off. Eventually, the rest of the feathers came off and the nine month old Wolfdog started eating the rest of the chicken, bones and all, except for the chicken head. He never liked the chicken head. It tasted weird to him. Kaai set the chicken head in the foul smelling metal bowl with the dry, hard, and disgusting pellets. Blood was staining his teeth and his muzzle as he finished eating and Kaai licked his chops. He liked the taste of chicken blood. His favorite parts of the chicken to eat are the wings, including the shoulders, the chicken legs, and the chicken gizzard. The red-brownish golden furred Wolfdog looked over at Otto and saw that he was looking at him with an unsure and uncertain look. "What?", he asked, growling. "Were you looking at me because of the change in my behavior earlier when my tail started wagging and drool dripped out of my mouth?", he said. It's a good thing I have the power to read minds, Kaai thought.
Otto watched has Kaai finished the chicken, appreciating that he had been given something without feathers. Fur he could handle, feathers, no way. He scraped his claws along the floor of his cage, resulting in a quiet screeching noise, so he stopped instantly, wincing. But as soon as the reddish brown pup turned towards him, the massive black wolfhound became invisible, his teeth bared slightly as he realized that Kaai could read minds. It didn't take an expert to figure it out once he'd asked that question, and Otto didn't like it. His thoughts should be his own, private, and things only he could hear, not open to being overhead by others. It wasn't right, and it made Otto uncomfortable. Hopefully, him being invisible would make his mind invisible to Kaai as well as him being physically impossible to see. “Yes, but also because you're different, like me. You don't want to be stuck in this place with humans, do you.” it wasn't a question, for this was plain enough in Kaai's actions, and this was true, that was also one of the reasons that Otto was staring at Kaai. The three legged wolfhound stood up and panted slightly, his ears back and tail wagging tentatively. Tail wagging was not always a sign if happiness, and was also dine when a dog thought that they were in trouble or something along those lines, and that was almost what Otto felt. He hoped that he hadn't angered the hybrid pup, and as he stood, still invisible, he waited to see what Kaai would say.

Phoenix Flames
July 2nd, 2017, 04:32 PM
Otto watched has Kaai finished the chicken, appreciating that he had been given something without feathers. Fur he could handle, feathers, no way. He scraped his claws along the floor of his cage, resulting in a quiet screeching noise, so he stopped instantly, wincing. But as soon as the reddish brown pup turned towards him, the massive black wolfhound became invisible, his teeth bared slightly as he realized that Kaai could read minds. It didn't take an expert to figure it out once he'd asked that question, and Otto didn't like it. His thoughts should be his own, private, and things only he could hear, not open to being overhead by others. It wasn't right, and it made Otto uncomfortable. Hopefully, him being invisible would make his mind invisible to Kaai as well as him being physically impossible to see. “Yes, but also because you're different, like me. You don't want to be stuck in this place with humans, do you.” it wasn't a question, for this was plain enough in Kaai's actions, and this was true, that was also one of the reasons that Otto was staring at Kaai. The three legged wolfhound stood up and panted slightly, his ears back and tail wagging tentatively. Tail wagging was not always a sign if happiness, and was also dine when a dog thought that they were in trouble or something along those lines, and that was almost what Otto felt. He hoped that he hadn't angered the hybrid pup, and as he stood, still invisible, he waited to see what Kaai would say.
Kaai sat up and stared in the direction Otto's voice was coming from, knowing that the wolfhound had turned invisible, growling a bit. He nodded, gnawing on the metal bars on the cage. "Sure.. You don't like me reading your mind, Otto... But I have to read others' minds... Why else would I have a mind reading power? Also, I cans till read your mind even if you're invisible.", the Wolfdog barked, backing away from the bars on the cage. Now his mouth tasted foul because of the taste of the metal. The hybrid pup sighed but then his tail curled up and his ears pinned back, teeth bared as he sensed that Cassidy and Grace were staring at him. "Stop looking at me!! You're making me feel uncomfortable!", the reddish-brown pup snarled.

Cassidy and Grace sighed as they turned away from Kaai. "Sorry...", they mumbled, rolling their eyes.

Wildy~ =3
July 9th, 2017, 08:03 AM
(Yay! XD)
Wild looked around, still unsure of her surroundings. The winged kitten's purple eyes scanned the area for any possible dangers.