View Full Version : Ravenscreech - ShadowClan

October 24th, 2023, 12:23 PM

≫ Name: - Ravenscreech
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Prefix meaning - her black fur and love of ravens
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Suffix meaning - the sound she makes when she's angry
≫ Other names: - Ravenkit, Ravenpaw
≫ Age : - 24
≫ Gender: male - she/her
≫ Sexual Orientation: - heterosexual

≫ Current Affiliation: - ShadowClan
≫ Former Affiliation: -
≫ Rank(s): - apprentice
≫ Mentor(s)/Apprentice(s): -
[Herb/Wound/Injury] (Location: -) - [How they learned it]
- Uses
- How to use

≫ Personality overview: - At first, she is a sweet and out-going she-cat - but that is only a front. a front for a sad, depressed cat who cares about absolutely nothing but has to act like she does so she seems normal. She's kind of combative and a little snappy at times, but she loves certain cats - although she'd push them all away, thinking she'll hurt them. She can be snappy and violent, but she tries to reserve herself. Ambitious and protective, she is quiet but loyal.
≫ Quirks: -
≫ Theme song: -
≫ Voice: - poetic and sweet, but when she removes the mask her voice comes into a 'stiff upper lip' masculine voice.
≫ Mental age: -
≫ Complication: -
≫ Biggest Fear: -
≫ Biggest Hope: -
≫ Skill(s)/What this character is great at: - She is great at fighting, but also at escalating situations
≫ Greatest Strength: -
≫ Greatest Weakness: -
≫ Hobby: -
≫ Logical/Emotional/Both/Neither: - both
≫ Like(s): -
≫ Dislike(s): -

* = Dead
^ = Unknown


≫ Mother(s): - Darkpoppy
≫ Father(s): - Pondstreak
≫ Siblings (s): - [Shademoss - male], [Ashpaw - male]
≫ Aunt(s): -
≫ Uncle(s): -
≫ Nephew(s): -
≫ Neice(s):


≫ Friend(s): -
≫ Rival(s): -
≫ Crush(es): -
≫ Lover(s): -
≫ Offspring: -
≫ Former Lover(s): - [Goldenflower(handsome gold-furred tom with bright green eyes)], [name(physical description)]


[Name] - [Role] - [Affiliation]

[Name] - [Role] - [Affiliation]

[Name] - [Role] - [Affiliation]

≫ Detailed description: - an average sized she-cat with a slightly muscular build and long, black fur with a white chest and paws. Her eyes are a dull, dark green color - her eye color (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plattevalleyvacandsew.com%2F shop%2Fc%2Fp%2FRA-2553-DARK-ARMY-GREEN-x38298198.htm&psig=AOvVaw3qClcAM0XCYvVvtC9Pe8Ad&ust=1698254810698000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCLDdmaeaj4IDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE). She has a few scars - one long one on her right flank, and another over her right eye(that eye is now blind and she has a tattered left ear.
≫ Short description: - black with a white chest and paws and green eyes
≫ Other: -
≫ Place of Birth: - ShadowClan nursery

She was the favorite, as a kit and apprentice. she didn't know why, but she had accepted it and started to grow distant from her siblings. Eventually she became depressed, snappy, and combative by the time she was a young warrior. She met a handsome tom who stole her heart... then left. She tries not to remember her name - Goldenflower - but she is having his kits, and is debating on how to best name them after their father.

