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June 7th, 2017, 06:02 PM
We Matter Too!

Have you noticed how in almost every Other Roleplay, all the characters are basically straight? I'm not saying that all of them are, but I want to give the others a chance.

And this is exactly the roleplay to do so.

In Aspenclear, nobody is Hetero! No Homophobes, Transphobes, nothing but peace and acceptance. Although it is a small town, Aspenclear has a large population, as it is where everyone goes when they want to live their life, accepted by others. If one gets hated upon for what they are, then the whole town will team up on their side.


All WCO guidelines apply.
Do not make an unnaccepting character!
Try not to have more than two characters.
4+ lines.
Keep a variety of sexualities and gender!
Keep everything realistic!

I will PM when accepted.


Anything else-

My Characters—

Odyssey / Aleci (Ah-Leh-Si)
18 / 20
He/Him / They/Them
Homosexual / Panromantic Asexual
Odyssey is an introverted, yet outgoing guy. He loves to draw, and is always up for an adventure. Although he can be shy and quiet, Odyssey will always be up for a small party. He is funny, kind, geeky, imaginative, and will usually be found sketching or reading. Odyssey can also be seen daydreaming about romance.

Aleci is very extroverted, and can usually always be found at some type of party. They are very fragile, however. Just one small word said in a bad way can send Aleci sobbing for hours. They are very insecure and try not to let it faze them that they are different, going by neutral pronouns since they have recently discovered being non-binary and asexual.
Odyssey has short, messy blonde hair and grass-green eyes. He is around 6" and has a British accent. His skin is tan and helps bring out his eyes. Odyssey normally wears pastel shirts with dark grey hoodies, black skinnies and converse. He has one ear pierced, a lip ring and an assortment of bracelets. The tips of his hair are coloured a dark purple.

Aleci has shoulder length, dark brown-black hair. Their eyes are a deep amber colour, and they are about 5"8'. They wear band tees, skinnies and converse. Aleci's skin is very pale and can almost be described as a sickly colour. They have a hint of French within their voice. Just like Odyssey, Aleci has a wide assortment of bracelets. They have two gauges and red streaks in their hair.
Anything else-
They are cousins.

June 7th, 2017, 06:11 PM
Name- Rubin
Age- 18
Pronouns- He/Him/She/Her/They/Them (GenderFluid)
Sexuality- Panromantic Bisexual
Personality- TBRP'd
Appearance- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/21/f8/00/21f800b698e444afd60d349ff98cf89c.jpg
Anything else- I would like to point out that a lot of roleplays also have a lot of Homosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual and Transgender characters. But, good RP idea!

June 7th, 2017, 06:16 PM
Eh, why not.
Name- Alexis
Age- 13
Pronouns- She/Her
Sexuality- Asexual
Personality-Timid, shy, loyal, trustworthy
Appearance- http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi2l8zO7qzUAhXGxiYKHdLuD3wQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.short-haircut.com%2Fcute-hairstyles-for-short-hair-2014-2015.html&psig=AFQjCNEp0kbWRkvrrpVDtPEhtoOwIEskpg&ust=1496963686769674
Anything else- Nada

June 8th, 2017, 06:31 PM
Name- Peter Evlain
Age- 18
Pronouns- He/Him
Sexuality- Homosexual
Personality- Peter is often very awkward and can have bad freakouts when during big events. Peter has a 'pure heart' due to the fact that he's never been kissed, hugged, or even been in a relationship with another person outside of his family bloodlines. He is what you can call an introvert, as he was often seen to be very shy and reserved as a child
Appearance- http://data.whicdn.com/images/112926485/large.png
Anything else- Peter wears the glasses to hide his eyes. He's quite insecure <3