View Full Version : Scp foundation

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 10:16 AM
Welcome to the Scp foundation. We die in the darkness so you can live in the light and we secure, contain and protect.
Here we hold the most mysterious and the most unexpected of creatures, things or any other abnormal beings.
They are held in multiple facilities classed A to Z in multiple locations around the world but you will be working in facilities B to D which hold a few of the most dangerous or the most mysterious along with Other Scps that are classed safe.

A few examples of the facilities and containment of the scp : http://isogonica.deviantart.com/art/SCP-173-Containment-Breach-511616815

Each Scp are classed in three classes
Keter ( http://lycan-therapy.deviantart.com/art/SCP-Foundation-Keter-Symbol-Warning-293973879 ) are extremely dangerous beings that could destroy the world or the human population and usually must be destroyed quickly.

Euclid ( http://lycan-therapy.deviantart.com/art/SCP-Foundation-Euclid-Symbol-Warning-293974156 ) are beings that are mysterious and unpredictable unsure if safe or dangerous but must be kept a eye on at all times.

Safe ( http://lycan-therapy.deviantart.com/art/SCP-Foundation-Safe-Symbol-Warning-293974337 ) they are safe and can cause no harm to humans whatsoever.

Each scp must be feed according to the needs they have and each scp containment must be cleaned regularly as well and constant supervision on them at all times.

Scientists are allowed to test and investigate them if they want to and interview them if needed but only if they could speak and high class scientists can be the ones who only speak with keters.

Guards protect scientists and make sure scps don't escape or attack the scientists at all times. They also must guard the doors and keep constant supervision on the scps

D class personnel are criminals on death row that are tasked with helping with experiments, feeding the scps and cleaning the scps containments. If they try to escape or do anything they are not supposed to do kill them immediately they are always more of them.

I believe that is all- ( http://xxsoulhunterxx.deviantart.com/art/SCP-Wallpaper-173651850 ) -end of transmission-

Forum for scps
Scp number ( example Scp-1115 )
Name they have given you
How are you contained
What's abnormal about you
Class ( keter, Euclid or safe )
Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d)
How did they find you?
Do you interact with other scps
What do they feed you?
Sexuality if any

Forum for staff
Which scp do you work with
If d class what did you do to get death role?
Love interest

June 1st, 2017, 10:41 AM
Scp number: SCP-2022

Name they have given you: Peter

Looks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/d1/ed/f4d1ed5c8160b2a64cbef0d6286c2efe.jpg

Personality: Peter is often very awkward and can have bad freakouts when during big events. Peter has a 'pure heart' due to the fact that he's never been kissed, hugged, or even been in a relationship with another person outside of his family bloodlines. He is what you can call an introvert, as he was often seen to be very shy and reserved as a child.

How are you contained: In a large cell room with glass windows.

What's abnormal about you: Wolf ears and a wolf tail :3

Class ( keter, Euclid or safe ): Safe

Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d): C

How did they find you?: In the woods, trying to hunt

Do you interact with other scps: No, he's too scared and traumatized to

What do they feed you?: Human food

Sexuality if any: Bisexual (A person who is emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to males/men and females/women, or a person who is emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to people of their gender and another gender. This attraction does not have to be equally split or indicate a level of interest that is the same across the genders or sexes an individual may be attracted to.)

Other: Nope

Questions: Nada

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 10:48 AM
Scp- 1666
The suffering aka Sasuke
Has a other form that he usually can't control:http://holbix.deviantart.com/art/SCP-076-2-459221322
Forces a smile very often, is in constant pain and usually tries to help others despite him needing help the most. He's very kind and often worries about others human and scps and is friends with a scp that hates everyone.
He's contained in a small cell with chains connecting to his arms legs and neck. The room has 2 inches of a calming Chemical that hopefully eases some of the pain he feels
He's in constant pain and hardly ever sleeps and his other form he can't control himself and can summon demonic like weapons to kill anyone and anything even controlling demonic shadows that open portals. But when he's normal and sane he can control small shadows but it hurts him a lot and he ends up coughing up blood.
They found him in a old cave with strange writings chained up to a huge wolf like statue
Yes he interacts with many scps and often is known to be a big brother or a worthy friend to them including scp-176 who worries about him very often despite his hate towards humans he's always calm around Sasuke:
He eats anything really and doesn't really need to eat at all but they can't help but feed him especially with sweets saying it's always cute when he eats his favorite food.
Whz up?

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 10:53 AM
Accepted!!) scp-176
Hard to kill Beast aka just beast
Cold hates everyone that he deems annoying or disgusting but loves Sasuke and only answers any questions when Sasuke is around the calm him
He is contained in a huge room with a few dead trees and a acid pool
He's hard to kill since he can survive anything with his constant fast changing body that adapts to anything
He was found wondering the streets tearing people apart
He only interacts with Sasuke
He eats anything poisonous or bad for humans
Whz up!!?

Scp- 1876
The doctor
He's calm, and doesn't really speak much
He's contained in a doctor room and often is left out the heal a injured scp
He has built in medical supplies and tools on his back and tail
He was found in a old abandoned hospital alone and chained to a door
He interacts with anyone that is injured
Eats any dead animals or anything dead and uses it as fuel
None hi :3

cute skeleton
June 1st, 2017, 11:53 AM
Scp number ( example Scp-1115 ) 860 2
Name they have given you: the guardian (or just guardian)
Looks: http://img12.deviantart.net/89da/i/2014/241/7/5/scp_860_2_by_valeoab-d7x47nf.jpg
Personality: her personality isn't really known much since she likes to stick to herself most of the time
How are you contained: in a cell that is full of trees
What's abnormal about you: she is an unknown creature that is able to make clones of herself
Class ( keter, Euclid or safe ): euclid
Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d): c
How did they find you? they found her in a forest while watching a group of teens
Do you interact with other scps: sometimes and when she does they cant tell what she is saying
What do they feed you? meat
Sexuality if any: straight

Name Sarah moon
Age 18
Looks http://thumb7.shutterstock.com/photos/display_pic_with_logo/419014/419014,1243866790,5.jpg
Personality she is kind and isn't afraid of anything. she would do any job and not have second thoughts and doesn't really talk back much.
Role scientist
Which scp do you work with: 1876 (or the docter)
If d class what did you do to get death role? not in class d
Love interest open

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 11:54 AM

June 1st, 2017, 12:13 PM
Scp number ( example Scp-1115 ): SCP-1293
Name they have given you- The Ghost (or simply Ghost)
Looks: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/556520110790561792/g6WR7U0y.jpeg
Personality: Ghost is silent, almost mute and rarely interacts with others. She is often sitting in her room-thingy, and she only comes out of her shell around certain SCPS.
How are you contained: In a semi-large room with a few trees and a couple windows to see outside of. She has a tiny pool of water in the corner and
What's abnormal about you: She can levitate/hover, her teeth are fang-like, she has pointed ears. (So a mix of a vampire-ghost.. thing)
Class ( keter, Euclid or safe ): safe
Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d): C
How did they find you?: In an old abandoned house in the corner, sitting with face in knees.
Do you interact with other scps: A select few
What do they feed you?: Mostly human foods
Sexuality if any: Asexual
Other: Because why not, i'm bored XD
Questions: None

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 12:15 PM
Accepted !

June 1st, 2017, 02:01 PM
Scp Number: Scp-428
Name they have given you: Terror Bird (or just Terror)
Looks: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwpi-V-R8jfjOifabk5SXYNssrQI547NyNvXgyFTKcDAI8FAf-
Personality: TBRP'ed
How are you contained: in a very dark cell with a few perches
What's abnormal about you: He was a new species, and also he can see though he lacks eyeballs.
Class: Euclid
Which building are you contained in?: C
How did they find you: Some explorers were well, exploring in a cave in a rainforest type of place, and he attacked them.
Do you interact with others: Sometimes.
What do they feed you: Either bones or live animals
Sexuality: Asexual
Other: None
Questions: None

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 02:07 PM

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 02:21 PM
Should we start?

June 1st, 2017, 02:28 PM
Should we start?

Only if you think we should! ^^)

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 02:41 PM
Hmmmmmmm let's start!)

June 1st, 2017, 02:45 PM
Yay! XD)

Peter sat inside of his cell, curled up in the corner and ignoring everything. He wouldn't talk to anything or anyone at all, too scared to move.

June 1st, 2017, 02:56 PM
The bird-like creature sat on a perch, watching the entrance of his cell, his tail slowly waving behind him.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 03:08 PM
I shall make a scientist for y'all!) dr wolf was walking down the halls sighing softly to himself as he walks by the cells. He closes the book he had in his hand and rubs his head a bit as he thinks.

Sasuke was in his cell breathing heavily in pain as he sat there alone and in deep pain. But whenever someone passes by he forces a smile to not worry anyone but once they pass he groans a bit pain was normal for him yet it was always hurt so much.

Beast was laying around in his cell in the acid pool, he yawns loudly as he lays his head down his tail moving here and there as his eyes glowed a bit.

June 1st, 2017, 03:12 PM
(ooh I just recently started getting into SCP, are canons allowed or only oc's?)

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 03:14 PM
(ooh I just recently started getting into SCP, are canons allowed or only oc's?)
Yes canons are allowed!! )

cute skeleton
June 1st, 2017, 03:16 PM
Guardian looked threw the trees watching for someone.

Sarah walked threw the halls looking at each cell.

June 1st, 2017, 03:16 PM
Yes canons are allowed!! )
(Awesome! I was thinking about making an rp like this but I was worried no one would know what scp was. I'll get started on my app right away)

June 1st, 2017, 03:33 PM
The ghost-vampire like girl sat in her room, on a thick tree-branch over a pool of water. She looked around her, glancing out of her cell-room with a frown and staring at the reflective pool.

June 1st, 2017, 03:39 PM
"SCP-1048-C - Subject resembles a teddy bear similar to SCP-1048, but composed entirely of rusted metal scraps. Subject was first sighted on ██/██/████ by Dr. Carver in his office while writing up a report on the SCP-1048-B incident. Subject fled the room when it noticed Dr. Carver observing it. In the attempted pursuit of SCP-1048-C, Dr. Carver witnessed the death and maiming of █ Foundation personnel as the subject exhibited extreme violence during its escape. SCP-1048-C has not been encountered since this initial sighting, and it is unknown whether it still resides somewhere within Site 24. The origins of any materials possibly used to construct SCP-1048-C by SCP-1048 are also unknown at this time."

Scp number:: SCP-1048-C (Created by 1048 Builder Bear)
Name they have given you:: Metal Bear
Looks:: https://wir.skyrock.net/wir/v1/resize/?c=isi&im=%2F7175%2F94437175%2Fpics%2F3261456046_1_9_bFuM a7Xm.jpg&w=310
Personality:: Somewhat shy, loyal to scp-1048, merciless, desire to kill humans and work with the other spc's
How are you contained:: Roaming free
What's abnormal about you:: Made with metal scraps but can move extremely quickly. Can use radio signals to communicate to most things.
Class:: Euclid
Which building are you contained in:: Roaming in D
How will they find you:: Wandering the halls
Do you interact with other scps:: Radio signals and gestures.
What do they feed you?:: Nothing
Sexuality if any:: Asexual
Other:: Any SPC's want to communicate with him or any staff want to find him?
Questions:: Character limit?

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 04:10 PM
Ahhhh I know this one!! Accepted!!)

cute skeleton
June 1st, 2017, 04:14 PM
"SCP-1048-C - Subject resembles a teddy bear similar to SCP-1048, but composed entirely of rusted metal scraps. Subject was first sighted on ██/██/████ by Dr. Carver in his office while writing up a report on the SCP-1048-B incident. Subject fled the room when it noticed Dr. Carver observing it. In the attempted pursuit of SCP-1048-C, Dr. Carver witnessed the death and maiming of █ Foundation personnel as the subject exhibited extreme violence during its escape. SCP-1048-C has not been encountered since this initial sighting, and it is unknown whether it still resides somewhere within Site 24. The origins of any materials possibly used to construct SCP-1048-C by SCP-1048 are also unknown at this time."

Scp number:: SCP-1048-C (Created by 1048 Builder Bear)
Name they have given you:: Metal Bear
Looks:: https://wir.skyrock.net/wir/v1/resize/?c=isi&im=%2F7175%2F94437175%2Fpics%2F3261456046_1_9_bFuM a7Xm.jpg&w=310
Personality:: Somewhat shy, loyal to scp-1048, merciless, desire to kill humans and work with the other spc's
How are you contained:: Roaming free
What's abnormal about you:: Made with metal scraps but can move extremely quickly. Can use radio signals to communicate to most things.
Class:: Euclid
Which building are you contained in:: Roaming in D
How will they find you:: Wandering the halls
Do you interact with other scps:: Radio signals and gestures.
What do they feed you?:: Nothing
Sexuality if any:: Asexual
Other:: Any SPC's want to communicate with him or any staff want to find him?
Questions:: Character limit?

(Im not the only one who created one from there XD )

June 1st, 2017, 04:22 PM
Metal Bear had to hide in the very edge of facility D in the darkest stairwell he could find just to avoid the high levels of security. Being seen and chased by one of the humans had already gave him a fright. He decided to send out a signal, "Builder Bear?" He waited a long time for a reply but nothing. Metal Bear proceeded to walk up the stairs in search for any help, possibly another SCP. Each step was a fairly loud clank and it echoed quite a ways.

cute skeleton
June 1st, 2017, 04:32 PM
Guardian watched and waited for someone, moving threw out her room.

Sarah walked down the hall stopping occasionally to look at some chambers making sure everything was alright, including 1876, the docter.

June 1st, 2017, 04:37 PM
Ghost floated down from the branch, hovering inches from the ground as she approached a window. Like a child almost, she pushed her face against it as a tiny cloud of mist appeared. She audibly sighed, floating around her cell-room.

June 1st, 2017, 04:47 PM
Name:: Aiden
Age:: 20
Looks:: (6'3'' tall and usually looks angry)https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/4e/59/504e59523eccd33c38d146e1162ecc06.png
Personality:: Aiden has a short temper and isn't afraid to back down from a fight. He is one to hold a grudge so be careful around this kid. He often gets in trouble with the staff because of fighting and sometimes pulling pranks. Aiden used to fear his death sentence but lately after everything he's seen he's just waiting for the day when a SCP kills him.
Role:: D Class
Which scp do you work with:: Rotates
If d class what did you do to get death role?:: Aircraft Hijacking, he was paid by a third party to hijack an airplane from California to New York and bring it to Florida. He was put up to the job because he had a pilots license but obviously he was caught. Third party remains free and some passengers had died in landing.
Love interest:: Sarah winter (if that's ok)
Other:: He's known for escaping death many times when dealing with SCP's.

cute skeleton
June 1st, 2017, 04:50 PM
Name:: Aiden
Age:: 20
Looks:: (6'3'' tall and usually looks angry)https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/4e/59/504e59523eccd33c38d146e1162ecc06.png
Personality:: Aiden has a short temper and isn't afraid to back down from a fight. He is one to hold a grudge so be careful around this kid. He often gets in trouble with the staff because of fighting and sometimes pulling pranks. Aiden used to fear his death sentence but lately after everything he's seen he's just waiting for the day when a SCP kills him.
Role:: D Class
Which scp do you work with:: Rotates
If d class what did you do to get death role?:: Aircraft Hijacking, he was paid by a third party to hijack an airplane from California to New York and bring it to Florida. He was put up to the job because he had a pilots license but obviously he was caught. Third party remains free and some passengers had died in landing.
Love interest:: Sarah winter (if that's ok)
Other:: He's known for escaping death many times when dealing with SCP's.

(Im fine with it

June 1st, 2017, 05:01 PM
Metal Bear had to hide in the very edge of facility D in the darkest stairwell he could find just to avoid the high levels of security. Being seen and chased by one of the humans had already gave him a fright. He decided to send out a signal, "Builder Bear?" He waited a long time for a reply but nothing. Metal Bear proceeded to walk up the stairs in search for any help, possibly another SCP. Each step was a fairly loud clank and it echoed quite a ways.
(Metal Bear and Aiden are open)
Aiden lay on his cot for awhile with his hands over his eyes, dreading to get up. Though he accepted his fate in the SCP Foundation he still didn't want to go face the monstrous creatures in the facility. Finally he rolled out of bed and dragged his feet into the halls, glancing around for one of the staff members so he could receive his assignment.

June 1st, 2017, 05:07 PM
Name: Alex Byrne
Age: 19
Looks: Boop (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/4a/3e/a64a3eaa4508e9b043f5918a883e2526.jpg)
Personality: TBRP'ed
Role: D Class
Which scp do you work with: Works with multiple, if that's okay.
If d class what did you do to get death role?: He was convicted of mass murder, although he did not actually murder anyone, and was sent to the SCP Foundation as a class D.
Love interest: Open
Other: Hello! :3
Questions: Nope

June 1st, 2017, 05:10 PM
Name: Alex Byrne
Age: 19
Looks: Boop (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/4a/3e/a64a3eaa4508e9b043f5918a883e2526.jpg)
Personality: TBRP'ed
Role: D Class
Which scp do you work with: Works with multiple, if that's okay.
If d class what did you do to get death role?: He was convicted of mass murder, although he did not actually murder anyone, and was sent to the SCP Foundation as a class D.
Love interest: Open
Other: Hello! :3
Questions: Nope
Could he work with Terror?)

June 1st, 2017, 05:12 PM
Could he work with Terror?)
( Sure! ^^ )

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 1st, 2017, 05:17 PM

June 1st, 2017, 10:39 PM
Yay! XD)

Peter sat inside of his cell, curled up in the corner and ignoring everything. He wouldn't talk to anything or anyone at all, too scared to move.

Bump for whoever wants to interact with him! <3)

June 1st, 2017, 10:44 PM
Alex waited in his cell. He just sat there, staring at the wall. He soon sighed and closed his eyes, wondering why he had been convicted for the huge crime he didn't even do. Now he was in a place in the middle of nowhere, and they won't even let him outside. So now, he could just wait for someone to tell him what to do or something to happen.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 09:52 AM
Bump for whoever wants to interact with him! <3)
I shall!!) dr wolf noticed peter and gets a idea as he opens the door to his room " scp 2022 follow me please it's time for your testing with the other scps " he says calmly as he looks over to scp. Young, shy and half wolf it's worth a shot but he can't grant any promises.

June 2nd, 2017, 11:11 AM
Forum for scps
Scp number ( example Scp-1115 ) : SCP-2785_9
Name they have given you: Amelia
Looks: Amelia appears to be a normal human upon first glance, with strawberry-blonde hair, shimmering blue eyes and pale skin. However, closer inspection reveals that her eyes are abnormally blue, and the pupil is more akin to a cats with a glassy green sheen to it, and it's ability to narrow from a regular pupil to a line across her eye. More testing as revealed that her nails are thick, like a cats, and grow much faster than the average human's nail. Looking back into her birth records, as a child she had been born with a "tail" that was longer than normal, and her ears were towards the top of her head.
Personality: TBRP
How are you contained: Amelia is allowed to wander the facility, provided she doesn't interact with dangerous SCPs. She's often brought in to help Peter, and she is more than often staring into Sasuke's cell with a sad look on her face. Amelia's containment area has been revamped into a house-like area, like a one-room apartment.
What's abnormal about you: As stated before, Amelia has abnormal cat-like features, and tends to behave more cat than human sometimes. It has been discovered that she purrs, likes to wander around at night, and there's been times when she's caught a mouse or two for the Doctor SCP to enjoy.
Class ( keter, Euclid or safe ): Safe
Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d): Her room is in B, but she wanders around all the buildings.
How did they find you?: A simple run-in on the streets, nothing more.
Do you interact with other scps: Yes.
What do they feed you?: A mixture of human food, and she unsurprisingly likes cat-food as a treat.
Sexuality if any

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 11:13 AM
Forum for scps
Scp number ( example Scp-1115 ) : SCP-2785_9
Name they have given you: Amelia
Looks: Amelia appears to be a normal human upon first glance, with strawberry-blonde hair, shimmering blue eyes and pale skin. However, closer inspection reveals that her eyes are abnormally blue, and the pupil is more akin to a cats with a glassy green sheen to it, and it's ability to narrow from a regular pupil to a line across her eye. More testing as revealed that her nails are thick, like a cats, and grow much faster than the average human's nail. Looking back into her birth records, as a child she had been born with a "tail" that was longer than normal, and her ears were towards the top of her head.
Personality: TBRP
How are you contained: Amelia is allowed to wander the facility, provided she doesn't interact with dangerous SCPs. She's often brought in to help Peter, and she is more than often staring into Sasuke's cell with a sad look on her face. Amelia's containment area has been revamped into a house-like area, like a one-room apartment.
What's abnormal about you: As stated before, Amelia has abnormal cat-like features, and tends to behave more cat than human sometimes. It has been discovered that she purrs, likes to wander around at night, and there's been times when she's caught a mouse or two for the Doctor SCP to enjoy.
Class ( keter, Euclid or safe ): Safe
Which building are you contained in ( b, c or d): Her room is in B, but she wanders around all the buildings.
How did they find you?: A simple run-in on the streets, nothing more.
Do you interact with other scps: Yes.
What do they feed you?: A mixture of human food, and she unsurprisingly likes cat-food as a treat.
Sexuality if any

June 2nd, 2017, 11:18 AM
I shall!!) dr wolf noticed peter and gets a idea as he opens the door to his room " scp 2022 follow me please it's time for your testing with the other scps " he says calmly as he looks over to scp. Young, shy and half wolf it's worth a shot but he can't grant any promises.

Peter looked at Dr.wolf, his eyes filling with worry. He slowly stood up and quietly walked towards him, his ears drooping as he continuously avoided eye contact with him.

cute skeleton
June 2nd, 2017, 11:21 AM
guardian moved around the trees waiting silently as she watched for door. her eyes glowed yellow as she waited.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 11:22 AM
Dr. Wolf nods as he begins to walk out of the room " follow me it's time you meet the suffering " he says calmly as he begins to walk towards Sasukes room

June 2nd, 2017, 11:26 AM
Dr. Wolf nods as he begins to walk out of the room " follow me it's time you meet the suffering " he says calmly as he begins to walk towards Sasukes room

Peter's gaze softened. The suffering didn't sound like a very nice name. He hoped that he could make the new stranger feel happy, genuinely happy. He didn't want them to be in pain.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 11:32 AM
Dr. Wolf opens the door showing Sasuke who eyes glowed with pain but he quickly in vain regained his composure a bit and smiles a forced kind smile " what could I do for you two today?" He asks kindly but it sounded tired and very painful as dr. Wolf pushes peter forward " this one will be here for a while... I thought it would worth a shot since he's half wolf and animals are known to help ease pain so hopefully it'll-" Sasuke stops him with a raised hand " like I keep telling you guys I'm used to the pain so you don't have to worry about me " he says once again forcing that pained smile.

June 2nd, 2017, 11:48 AM
Dr. Wolf opens the door showing Sasuke who eyes glowed with pain but he quickly in vain regained his composure a bit and smiles a forced kind smile " what could I do for you two today?" He asks kindly but it sounded tired and very painful as dr. Wolf pushes peter forward " this one will be here for a while... I thought it would worth a shot since he's half wolf and animals are known to help ease pain so hopefully it'll-" Sasuke stops him with a raised hand " like I keep telling you guys I'm used to the pain so you don't have to worry about me " he says once again forcing that pained smile.

Peter saw the pain in his eyes, and compassion flooded into his heart. He stumbled a bit as he was pushed into the room, looking at Sasuke and immediately walking towards him. He reached out and gently touched the side of Sasuke's face, his eyes glowing softly. "I know." He whispered, his voice gentle and kind.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 11:55 AM
Sasukes body tensed up but he let peter touch him once again forcing a smile " know what?" He asks tiredly as his breathing begins to quickly again losing his composure as he groans a bit. " please you don't have to be here besides-" he coughs a bit of blood which was normal for the man but it still made dr. Wolf flinch a bit. Sasuke breathes deeply as he smiles " I've got to meet beast soon "

June 2nd, 2017, 12:01 PM
Sasukes body tensed up but he let peter touch him once again forcing a smile " know what?" He asks tiredly as his breathing begins to quickly again losing his composure as he groans a bit. " please you don't have to be here besides-" he coughs a bit of blood which was normal for the man but it still made dr. Wolf flinch a bit. Sasuke breathes deeply as he smiles " I've got to meet beast soon "

Peter smiled kindly. "I know you're in pain." He whispered, still gently touching the side of Sasuke's face. He wiped away the blood that he coughed up, his ears twitching curiously. "It's okay, Sasuke.." Peter said sweetly. "May I meet Beast, too?"

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 12:11 PM
Sasuke looks at peter than laughs softly " you're a interesting one but fine.." he says as dr. Wolf begins to unlock the chains letting Sasuke free. Sasuke begins to stand up slowly grabbing the chains for support as he gets up " let's go and please don't try to help me I'll get there myself." Dr. Wolf nods slowly " if you say so also scp 2022 be warned the scp we're going to visit isn't exactly kind. " he says as Sasuke begins to walk out of the room slowly his hand on the wall for support

June 2nd, 2017, 12:23 PM
Sasuke looks at peter than laughs softly " you're a interesting one but fine.." he says as dr. Wolf begins to unlock the chains letting Sasuke free. Sasuke begins to stand up slowly grabbing the chains for support as he gets up " let's go and please don't try to help me I'll get there myself." Dr. Wolf nods slowly " if you say so also scp 2022 be warned the scp we're going to visit isn't exactly kind. " he says as Sasuke begins to walk out of the room slowly his hand on the wall for support

Peter shook his head, "No, Sasuke.. "I'm going to help you." He wrapped an arm around Sasuke's waist, supporting him and helping him walk. His ears were perked up and he looked at Sasuke with a smile. "Let me help you."

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 12:29 PM
Peter shook his head, "No, Sasuke.. "I'm going to help you." He wrapped an arm around Sasuke's waist, supporting him and helping him walk. His ears were perked up and he looked at Sasuke with a smile. "Let me help you."
Sasuke laughs softly " so stubborn aren't you?" He says as he continues to walk forward a wave of pain hitting him with each step but he tries his best to ignore it as he continues to walk towards a door. Dr. Wolf catches up and begins to look at them " are you still feeling pain?" Sasuke nods slowly " yeah I keep telling you guys nothing is going to change but I guess you humans are still stubborn as ever " Dr. wolf nods slowly " you are one of our oldest scps so we can't help but worry about you especially when we found you in that state "

June 2nd, 2017, 12:36 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " so stubborn aren't you?" He says as he continues to walk forward a wave of pain hitting him with each step but he tries his best to ignore it as he continues to walk towards a door. Dr. Wolf catches up and begins to look at them " are you still feeling pain?" Sasuke nods slowly " yeah I keep telling you guys nothing is going to change but I guess you humans are still stubborn as ever " Dr. wolf nods slowly " you are one of our oldest scps so we can't help but worry about you especially when we found you in that state "

Peter sighed, helping Sasuke towards the door. "I'm sorry you're feeling this way, Sasuke. I want to help you." He held Sasuke up, keeping him supported as they made their way out of the room and to Beast's room. "I'll be there for you."

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 12:41 PM
Sasuke smiles " don't worry I've felt this pain for a long time now so it's okay I'm used to it" he says as the door opens and he begins to walk in holding onto the door. Beast immediately smells Sasuke and opens his wings to take off and fly towards them landing right in front of them but he immediately growls when he sees peter " who's the mutt?" He says coldly

June 2nd, 2017, 12:49 PM
Sasuke smiles " don't worry I've felt this pain for a long time now so it's okay I'm used to it" he says as the door opens and he begins to walk in holding onto the door. Beast immediately smells Sasuke and opens his wings to take off and fly towards them landing right in front of them but he immediately growls when he sees peter " who's the mutt?" He says coldly

Peter shook his head. "I'm going to make it disappear, Sasuke. I'm going to help you, and that's a promise." He smiled kindly at him, but then suddenly shrunk back behind Sasuke as the beast appeared. "I-I-I'm Peter, I.. I wanted to m-meet you.." He said nervously, looking at the creature from behind Sasuke.

June 2nd, 2017, 01:36 PM
Amelia peeked her head through the door, before crawling into the observation room and sitting herself on top of the desk. She was away from the blinking lights they used when testing the SCP's since when she came here she had pressed a few- all in good fun!- and ruined a few tests. For as long as she could remember, she was raised here. About eleven years ago, they found eight-year-old Amelia Barrows wandering the streets, a homeless child evading the police and the child protective services. This was her home, and she had no reason to want to escape. She tilted her head as she looked through the glass, observing Peter, Sasuke and Beast for a moment before looking into the chamber next to her, the one with the Doctor inside. Nineteen-year-old Amelia was like a little child, a cat trapped in a human body. She crept closer to the window, before she clawed at the glass. In her jaws was the body of a rat she had found wandering around her chambers, ready for the Doctor to eat is he wanted it. She let out a meowing sound,, before dropping the little dead critter into the slot they had to deposit food, watching it slide down and into the Doctor's feeding bowl.

(What if Ross was Amelia's caretaker?)

June 2nd, 2017, 01:42 PM
Amelia peeked her head through the door, before crawling into the observation room and sitting herself on top of the desk. She was away from the blinking lights they used when testing the SCP's since when she came here she had pressed a few- all in good fun!- and ruined a few tests. For as long as she could remember, she was raised here. About eleven years ago, they found eight-year-old Amelia Barrows wandering the streets, a homeless child evading the police and the child protective services. This was her home, and she had no reason to want to escape. She tilted her head as she looked through the glass, observing Peter, Sasuke and Beast for a moment before looking into the chamber next to her, the one with the Doctor inside. Nineteen-year-old Amelia was like a little child, a cat trapped in a human body. She crept closer to the window, before she clawed at the glass. In her jaws was the body of a rat she had found wandering around her chambers, ready for the Doctor to eat is he wanted it. She let out a meowing sound,, before dropping the little dead critter into the slot they had to deposit food, watching it slide down and into the Doctor's feeding bowl.

(What if Ross was Amelia's caretaker?)


June 2nd, 2017, 05:36 PM
Alex waited in his cell. He just sat there, staring at the wall. He soon sighed and closed his eyes, wondering why he had been convicted for the huge crime he didn't even do. Now he was in a place in the middle of nowhere, and they won't even let him outside. So now, he could just wait for someone to tell him what to do or something to happen.
( Open for interaction with. :3 )

cute skeleton
June 2nd, 2017, 05:41 PM
( Open for interaction with. :3 )

(I can make a form to have someone interact with him if you want)

June 2nd, 2017, 05:59 PM
(I can make a form to have someone interact with him if you want)
( If you want to. Right now he just needs a scientist or guard to tell him what to do. )

cute skeleton
June 2nd, 2017, 08:03 PM
( If you want to. Right now he just needs a scientist or guard to tell him what to do. )

(ok then)

Sarah appeared at his cell door looking at him "i need you to come help me with one of the scp, number 1048-c, or metal bear, has escaped and we need to start finding him before he does anything dangerous" she said opening his cell door and stepping out of the way to let him out.

( also Sasukewolf (madness) I'm making another form)

Name: amber smith // winter smith
Age: 18 // 18
Looks: https://phoenixajournal.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/soldier.jpg // https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/a87/wallpaper-girl-anime-hot-sniper-image-attitude-images-weapons-backpack.jpg
Personality: tbrp // tbrp
Role: guard // d class
Which scp do you work with: all mostly ones that escaped though // all
If d class what did you do to get death role? not d class // she was an assassin for hire and killed many people (both good and bad)
Love interest: open // open
Other: their sisters :p
Questions: no

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 08:22 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " that's what everyone else says " he says as beast huffs a bit " a other worried soul for you huh?" Says beast as Sasuke begins to walk forward and sit down to rest. " they can't help it, it's human nature to help someone that is in pain but my case is special I can't feel but feel loved when people do things like this " he says as beast huffs " does it hurt any less?" He asks worriedly. Sasuke shakes his head " no ... it's getting worse and I believe eventually I'll just have a other episode hopefully they can stop me this time " he says looking at peter with a smile " come sit my friend "

June 2nd, 2017, 08:26 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " that's what everyone else says " he says as beast huffs a bit " a other worried soul for you huh?" Says beast as Sasuke begins to walk forward and sit down to rest. " they can't help it, it's human nature to help someone that is in pain but my case is special I can't feel but feel loved when people do things like this " he says as beast huffs " does it hurt any less?" He asks worriedly. Sasuke shakes his head " no ... it's getting worse and I believe eventually I'll just have a other episode hopefully they can stop me this time " he says looking at peter with a smile " come sit my friend "

Peter sat down next to Sasuke, looking at him with worry. Then, he looked down at his hands. He really did want to help, but.. He was scared that he wouldn't be successful. Sasuke was in constant pain, and he wanted to end that.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 08:51 PM
Sasuke smiles at him " like I said don't worry it's nothing just... pain that's all so don't look so sad I think it would be cute if you smiled more for me"

June 2nd, 2017, 09:10 PM
Sasuke smiles at him " like I said don't worry it's nothing just... pain that's all so don't look so sad I think it would be cute if you smiled more for me"

Peter pouted a bit, still upset, before he blushed at what Sasuke said. Smiling softly, Peter looked up at Sasuke and blushed more, his tail wagging a bit.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 09:14 PM
Beast laughs softly " and he takes a other heart Jesus Sasuke ease down on the flirting " Sasuke laughs softly " I was just speaking truth and I was right he does look cute when he smiles "

June 2nd, 2017, 09:18 PM
Beast laughs softly " and he takes a other heart Jesus Sasuke ease down on the flirting " Sasuke laughs softly " I was just speaking truth and I was right he does look cute when he smiles "

Peter blushed some more, looking down at the ground. He smiled a bit more, his ears flattening against his head. "You do too..." he said softly, giggling to himself.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 09:25 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " why thank you-" he coughs a bit and beast immediately reacts by patting his back as Sasuke coughs up some blood again. He takes a few deep breaths and forces a smile again " thanks beast but-" beast growls softly " I did it because I heard it helps with the pain a bit so don't even say it"

June 2nd, 2017, 09:38 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " why thank you-" he coughs a bit and beast immediately reacts by patting his back as Sasuke coughs up some blood again. He takes a few deep breaths and forces a smile again " thanks beast but-" beast growls softly " I did it because I heard it helps with the pain a bit so don't even say it"

Peter gently placed his hand over Sasuke's, trying to comfort him. Worry flashed in his eyes and his smile dropped.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 09:40 PM
Sasuke smiles at peter " like o said it's okay don't need to be-" beast growls softly " Sasuke of course we would be worried about you you're in pain and nice guys like you should be enjoying life not hating it .... especially like this"

June 2nd, 2017, 09:47 PM
Sasuke smiles at peter " like o said it's okay don't need to be-" beast growls softly " Sasuke of course we would be worried about you you're in pain and nice guys like you should be enjoying life not hating it .... especially like this"

Peter nodded, agreeing with Beast. "Yes, Sasuke. None of us want you to die. That.. That would hurt many, many people here. Please let us help you." He said sweetly, his expression softening.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 10:30 PM
Peter nodded, agreeing with Beast. "Yes, Sasuke. None of us want you to die. That.. That would hurt many, many people here. Please let us help you." He said sweetly, his expression softening.
Sasuke laughs softly " thanks you guys " he says as he begins to lay his head on peters shoulder " since you offered just let me regain my breath for a bit here" he says tried and a bit in pain although his voice sounded happy

June 2nd, 2017, 10:35 PM
Sasuke laughs softly " thanks you guys " he says as he begins to lay his head on peters shoulder " since you offered just let me regain my breath for a bit here" he says tried and a bit in pain although his voice sounded happy

Peter smiled softly, blushing some more. "That's fine with me, Sasuke." His tail wagged a bit more and he nuzzled Sasuke's hair playfully.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 2nd, 2017, 10:44 PM
Beast laughs softly " aren't you two the love birds either way I think it's about time Sasuke gets taken back to his cell if he's sleepy that only means danger now go"

June 2nd, 2017, 11:14 PM
Amelia yawned as she stretched out, before slipping out the door. She let out a meow-like sound, trying to stand up on her legs. Success! She began walking, sticking out her tongue as she made her way along.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:05 AM
Beast laughs softly " aren't you two the love birds either way I think it's about time Sasuke gets taken back to his cell if he's sleepy that only means danger now go"

Peter blushed and nodded, wrapping his arm around Sasuke to help him stand. "Sasuke, I'll bring a blanket for you to keep you warm." Peter said sweetly, his eyes brightening.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:06 AM
Amelia yawned as she stretched out, before slipping out the door. She let out a meow-like sound, trying to stand up on her legs. Success! She began walking, sticking out her tongue as she made her way along.

Abusive Ross or Sweet, caring Ross?)

June 3rd, 2017, 12:10 AM
Abusive Ross or Sweet, caring Ross?)
Caring. It'll be cute~

June 3rd, 2017, 12:23 AM
Caring. It'll be cute~

:nuggle: )

Ross walled towards Amelia, smiling down at her. "What are you doing out of your cell, Amy?" He said playfully.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:34 AM
:nuggle: )

Ross walled towards Amelia, smiling down at her. "What are you doing out of your cell, Amy?" He said playfully.
Amy giggled, before sitting against the wall and pointing into the Doctor's cell. "Give treat." She announced. Her speech had certainly gotten better, but the nineteen year old cat... person was still more cat like. Her being here was for her protection as much as it was for the other "safe" ones in the facility. They had recently given her a robotic tail to make up for the one amputated when she was a child, as well as restoring her cat ears as much as they could.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:36 AM
Why did you post that twice? O,O I replied.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:37 AM
Amy giggled, before sitting against the wall and pointing into the Doctor's cell. "Give treat." She announced. Her speech had certainly gotten better, but the nineteen year old cat... person was still more cat like. Her being here was for her protection as much as it was for the other "safe" ones in the facility. They had recently given her a robotic tail to make up for the one amputated when she was a child, as well as restoring her cat ears as much as they could.

Sorry xD I didnt mean to. I deleted it.) Ross smiled and gently poked her cheek. "You gave him another? My, you sure are generous, sweetheart." He held out his hand. "May I be of some assistance for your journey back to the room, my lady?" He purred, his eyes glittering with kindness.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:45 AM
Amelia purred, rubbing her head against Ross's hand for a moment before taking his hand and standing up on wobbly legs. "Don't get human legs," she muttered in frustration at her inability to walk. "Adult humans walk good, why not me?" She sighed.

(Posted in Mayflower,)

June 3rd, 2017, 12:50 AM
Amelia purred, rubbing her head against Ross's hand for a moment before taking his hand and standing up on wobbly legs. "Don't get human legs," she muttered in frustration at her inability to walk. "Adult humans walk good, why not me?" She sighed.

(Posted in Mayflower,)

Alrighty :3)

Ross smiled, picking her up bridal style. "I can carry you, then, darling. Perhaps I could teach you how to walk?" He asked, making his way back to her cell. Ross's dark blue eyes sparkled with affection.

June 3rd, 2017, 01:01 AM
Amelia purred again, nuzzling Ross and nodding.

June 3rd, 2017, 01:03 AM
Amelia purred again, nuzzling Ross and nodding.

Ross smiled, blushing a bit. Once he arrived at Amelia's cell, he gently set her down on the ground, then took a few steps backwards. "Here, walk towards me, love." He said kindly, holding his arms out to catch her in case she fell.

New Adventures
June 3rd, 2017, 01:08 AM
Scp number:
Snake Eyes
How are you contained
Snake Eyes is kept in an average bedroom sized white room with large windows stretching from the floor to the roof.
What's abnormal about you
Snake Eyes is a black cat silhouette with the ability to seemingly disappear. This is not the case, of course, but that's up to the scientists to figure out themselves.
How did they find you?
Snake Eyes was found after an elderly man with many goats had reported that a chupacabra had taken his goats' blood. The SCP Fundation believed it to be a scp, and were not mistaken. They set out secret cameras and found Snake Eyes, confirming their suspicions. They sent out a group of Class Ds, which were sucsessful in capturing the cat-like scp. The SCP Foundation decided that the creature was an Euclid and that the prisoners on death row might as well care for it for the rest of their lives.
Do you interact with other scps
Goat, ram and sheeps.
Sexuality if any
May try and escape.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 08:46 AM
Peter blushed and nodded, wrapping his arm around Sasuke to help him stand. "Sasuke, I'll bring a blanket for you to keep you warm." Peter said sweetly, his eyes brightening.
Accepted!) Sasuke nods slowly " no need I'll just end up ripping it apart just take me to my room please " he says as he stands up weakly as beast stays back a bit " take care of him okay?" He asks peter.

Dr. Wolf was watching Ross and Amelia " what are you two doing?" He asks suddenly

June 3rd, 2017, 09:46 AM
Accepted!) Sasuke nods slowly " no need I'll just end up ripping it apart just take me to my room please " he says as he stands up weakly as beast stays back a bit " take care of him okay?" He asks peter.

Dr. Wolf was watching Ross and Amelia " what are you two doing?" He asks suddenly

Peter nodded, biting his lip as he helped Sasuke stand up. "I will, Beast. I'll do my best." He said softly, his ears perked up.

Ross glanced at Dr. Wolf in surprise. "Oh, I was just helping Amelia learn how to walk, sir."

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 09:56 AM
Sasuke nods slowly as beast nods " you better " he says as he begins to walk away as Sasuke breathing begins to slow down " let's get to my cell fast please "

Dr. Wolf nods slowly " by calling her love?" He says calmly

June 3rd, 2017, 10:20 AM
Amelia was standing, staring at Dr. Wolf. She looked back and forth, before she shrunk back slightly and her pupils narrowed.

June 3rd, 2017, 10:25 AM
Peter got worried and walked faster, holding Sasuke close as he hurried towards his cell. Once they got there, Peter gently set Sasuke down on the ground before he hugged him. "I'm sorry, Sasuke.. I'll be back to see you tomorrow." He said softly, before moving back and putting the chains back on Sasuke.

Ross bit his lip. "Well, sir, I.. I was just being kind." He looked back at Amelia.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 10:41 AM
Dr. Wolf nods slowly " I see... you have weird taste Ross either way take her back to her cell for now Sasuke may have a episode soon and I don't any other scps to get killed by him especially since cats are known to... help with pain as well. " he says calmly as he looks behind him " I'll inform the rest about it while you take care of your ' love' " he says as he begins to walk past them

Sasuke eyes glowed madly as he suddenly grabs peters arm " where do you think you're going?" He says suddenly in a dark voice as the chemical that was might to ease his pain instead turned blood red as he looks at peter with glowing blood red eyes.... he wasn't Sasuke anymore.

June 3rd, 2017, 10:50 AM
Dr. Wolf nods slowly " I see... you have weird taste Ross either way take her back to her cell for now Sasuke may have a episode soon and I don't any other scps to get killed by him especially since cats are known to... help with pain as well. " he says calmly as he looks behind him " I'll inform the rest about it while you take care of your ' love' " he says as he begins to walk past them

Sasuke eyes glowed madly as he suddenly grabs peters arm " where do you think you're going?" He says suddenly in a dark voice as the chemical that was might to ease his pain instead turned blood red as he looks at peter with glowing blood red eyes.... he wasn't Sasuke anymore.

Peter winced in pain. "Ow, S-Sasuke.. You're hurting me." He tried pulling away, but Sasuke's grip was strong as rock. "I.. I have to go back to my cell, Sasuke." He said in slight fear. "Sasuke, y-you're scaring me.. Please, stop." He said softly.

Ross nodded and walked back over to Amelia, gently picking her up and bringing her back to her cell.

cute skeleton
June 3rd, 2017, 10:56 AM
(ok then)

Sarah appeared at his cell door looking at him "i need you to come help me with one of the scp, number 1048-c, or metal bear, has escaped and we need to start finding him before he does anything dangerous" she said opening his cell door and stepping out of the way to let him out.

( also Sasukewolf (madness) I'm making another form)

Name: amber smith // winter smith
Age: 18 // 18
Looks: https://phoenixajournal.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/soldier.jpg // https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/a87/wallpaper-girl-anime-hot-sniper-image-attitude-images-weapons-backpack.jpg
Personality: tbrp // tbrp
Role: guard // d class
Which scp do you work with: all mostly ones that escaped though // all
If d class what did you do to get death role? not d class // she was an assassin for hire and killed many people (both good and bad)
Love interest: open // open
Other: their sisters :p
Questions: no

( ¤Insert_User_Name¤ bump

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 11:00 AM
Peter winced in pain. "Ow, S-Sasuke.. You're hurting me." He tried pulling away, but Sasuke's grip was strong as rock. "I.. I have to go back to my cell, Sasuke." He said in slight fear. "Sasuke, y-you're scaring me.. Please, stop." He said softly.

Ross nodded and walked back over to Amelia, gently picking her up and bringing her back to her cell.
Sasuke eyes glowed softly as he suddenly begins to cover peters mouth with his hand as ... a sword appears in the other hand stabbing peter in the stomach. His eyes glowing dangerously the whole time " shh go to sleep before the devil comes for me and you " he says letting peter fall onto the floor as more swords appeared and cut the chains allowing him to stand up as shadows began to take over the room.

June 3rd, 2017, 11:04 AM
Sasuke eyes glowed softly as he suddenly begins to cover peters mouth with his hand as ... a sword appears in the other hand stabbing peter in the stomach. His eyes glowing dangerously the whole time " shh go to sleep before the devil comes for me and you " he says letting peter fall onto the floor as more swords appeared and cut the chains allowing him to stand up as shadows began to take over the room.


Peter squirmed around, trying to free himself as Sasuke held his hand over his mouth. Once he saw the sword, Peter panicked and frantically tried getting away, only to get stabbed. Peter screamed out in pain, blood gushing from the wound. The small boy fell to the ground, eventually going quiet as he blacked out.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 11:18 AM
He ain't Sasuke anymore!! XD meet lucifer!! His inner demonic form and the main cause for his constant pain!!) Sasuke breaks down the door with his swords as he begins to walk out of the room his shadows begins to cover peter as Sasuke looks around. He sees Ross with Amelia and his swords immediately point at them " get them" he says as swords fly towards them.

June 3rd, 2017, 11:26 AM
He ain't Sasuke anymore!! XD meet lucifer!! His inner demonic form and the main cause for his constant pain!!) Sasuke breaks down the door with his swords as he begins to walk out of the room his shadows begins to cover peter as Sasuke looks around. He sees Ross with Amelia and his swords immediately point at them " get them" he says as swords fly towards them.

A tear slid down Peter's cheek as he lay on the floor, bleeding out.

Ross's eyed widened and he shielded Amelia, getting stabbed by the swords. He fell to the ground, letting go of Amelia and crying out in agony.

June 3rd, 2017, 11:53 AM
Amelia let out a scream, and her claws slashed through the swords. Her eyes started glowing as the metal was absorbed into her claws, leaving nothing but shadow.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 11:56 AM
Sasuke eyes glowed when he saw this " .... must get rid of pest" he says as shadows suddenly come to life under her grabbing her hands and feet as Sasuke begins to walk forward

June 3rd, 2017, 12:09 PM
Ross painfully stood up, his eyes full of agony. "You leave her alone, Sasuke.." he growled angrily.

Where the heck is Dr. Wolf? XD)

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 12:19 PM
Behind him :3) Dr. wolf holds out a gun and aims it at Sasukes head " this isn't Sasuke Ross it's his inner being lucifer didn't you read his files " he says coldly as lucifer eyes glowed as he growls loudly " oh it's the sinner "

June 3rd, 2017, 12:20 PM
Amelia let out a choked sob, struggling against the shadows. Her pupils were lines against her fright-filled blue eyes, staring at Sasuke with utter fear and hopelessness. "Ross," She mewled, beginning to let tears run down her face.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:30 PM
Ross huffed, weakly moving towards Amelia and wrapping his arms around her. He tried freeing her, comforting her and quietly gushing her. "It's okay Amelia, I've got you sweetheart." He said kindly.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:38 PM
"Scared," Amelia murmured, watching the water drip down her face. She turned to Ross, her ears flat against her skull and her tail lashing. She nuzzled his hand slightly, trying to calm her racing heart. It wasn't long before her legs gave out, however, and she was back on the ground crouched like a cat.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:40 PM
"Scared," Amelia murmured, watching the water drip down her face. She turned to Ross, her ears flat against her skull and her tail lashing. She nuzzled his hand slightly, trying to calm her racing heart. It wasn't long before her legs gave out, however, and she was back on the ground crouched like a cat.

Ross helped her stand, picking her up before he fell to the ground, weakened by the loss of blood. He smiled at her in exhaustion, brushing some hair out of her eyes before passing out.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 12:48 PM
Lucifer eyes glowed as shadows suddenly stab Amelia's leg " shut up " dr. Wolf takes out a tool used to knock out aggressive scps " lucifer stand down or else " he says as he holds the tool up high. Lucifer smiles " I don't listen to sinners " he says as he suddenly kicks dr. Wolf in the side sending him flying towards the wall also making him drop the tool. Lucifer laughs darkly " come child let's play!"

June 3rd, 2017, 12:54 PM
Amelia cried out in pain, her eyes filling with tears as she stared into Lucifer/Sasuke's eyes.

June 3rd, 2017, 01:00 PM
Idk what to say XD Peter and Ross both passed out lol)

June 3rd, 2017, 03:27 PM
(Waits for Sasuke)

cute skeleton
June 3rd, 2017, 03:54 PM
(ok then)

Sarah appeared at his cell door looking at him "i need you to come help me with one of the scp, number 1048-c, or metal bear, has escaped and we need to start finding him before he does anything dangerous" she said opening his cell door and stepping out of the way to let him out.

( ¤Insert_User_Name¤ bump)

Amber walked toward where Sarah said to meet her, wonder what it is this time she thought

Winter waited behind Sarah for the other d class to come out.

guardian growled moving threw the tree

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 04:05 PM
Dr. Wolf steps out some of his fake skin peeling showing a robotic muscle face and arm. He growls loudly as he steps out cleaning his lab coat " of course I just had to be thrown good thing the doctor is a part of me" lucifer huffs " what are you-" suddenly he passes out and behind him as he fell was the doctor a scp known for his healing ways with the tool in his tail " I've took care of the wolf boy I'll take care of the rest " he says as he drops peter who's wound was healed up down by the wall as he begins to walk towards Ross and Amelia " come ill take care of you "

June 3rd, 2017, 04:20 PM
Amelia purred slightly, but she didn't move away from Ross as she nudged him.

June 3rd, 2017, 06:48 PM
(ok then)

Sarah appeared at his cell door looking at him "i need you to come help me with one of the scp, number 1048-c, or metal bear, has escaped and we need to start finding him before he does anything dangerous" she said opening his cell door and stepping out of the way to let him out.

( also Sasukewolf (madness) I'm making another form)

Name: amber smith // winter smith
Age: 18 // 18
Looks: https://phoenixajournal.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/soldier.jpg // https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/a87/wallpaper-girl-anime-hot-sniper-image-attitude-images-weapons-backpack.jpg
Personality: tbrp // tbrp
Role: guard // d class
Which scp do you work with: all mostly ones that escaped though // all
If d class what did you do to get death role? not d class // she was an assassin for hire and killed many people (both good and bad)
Love interest: open // open
Other: their sisters :p
Questions: no
( Sorry! )

Alex looked at her strangely. "Metal bear? What?" He listened though, standing up and walking out of his cell slowly. "Is, metal bear, dangerous?" He asked cautiously.

June 3rd, 2017, 06:54 PM
Peter whimpered in his sleep, shifting on the floor and wrapping his arms around his stomach and curling up into a ball.

Ross held Amelia close, hugging her against his chest and nuzzling her hair.

cute skeleton
June 3rd, 2017, 06:59 PM
( Sorry! )

Alex looked at her strangely. "Metal bear? What?" He listened though, standing up and walking out of his cell slowly. "Is, metal bear, dangerous?" He asked cautiously.

(its fine)

"yes, if he was able to get out of the place he was contained, then yes he is dangerous but your not doing this alone we have one more person to get then your going after him" she said as winter stepped out from behind sarah and amber appeared turning down the hall

June 3rd, 2017, 07:43 PM
Peter whimpered in his sleep, shifting on the floor and wrapping his arms around his stomach and curling up into a ball.

Ross held Amelia close, hugging her against his chest and nuzzling her hair.

Amelia closed her eyes, curling up in Ross' embrace. She ran a hand down her wounded leg, before letting her claws sink into the diseased, shadowy flesh. As expected, she felt no pain. Amelia took her claws out, and traced the area that was completely blackened by the wound. Amelia was intelligent, and most people assume that she wasn't. She knew the danger of keeping that shadowy area on her leg, but she couldn't convey the thought to the others in the way she needed to. It was frustrating. Amelia nuzzled Ross quietly, forcing the thought to the back of her mind.

June 3rd, 2017, 08:53 PM
Amelia closed her eyes, curling up in Ross' embrace. She ran a hand down her wounded leg, before letting her claws sink into the diseased, shadowy flesh. As expected, she felt no pain. Amelia took her claws out, and traced the area that was completely blackened by the wound. Amelia was intelligent, and most people assume that she wasn't. She knew the danger of keeping that shadowy area on her leg, but she couldn't convey the thought to the others in the way she needed to. It was frustrating. Amelia nuzzled Ross quietly, forcing the thought to the back of her mind.

Ross closed his eyes and sighed quietly. "Amelia, do you want me to patch up your wound for you?" He said softly, nuzzling her hair again.

Galaxy Of Wisdom
June 3rd, 2017, 09:08 PM
The doctor begins to stands in front of Amelia " no need im a doctor " he says as his tail and body immediately begins to work on her wounds healing her quickly and as painless as possible

June 3rd, 2017, 09:47 PM
The doctor begins to stands in front of Amelia " no need im a doctor " he says as his tail and body immediately begins to work on her wounds healing her quickly and as painless as possible

Ross sighed quietly, watching the doctor as he held Amelia close against his chest, still nuzzling her to keep her calm.