View Full Version : Casually Vacant [private]

May 1st, 2017, 05:42 PM
Ludicrous Lunacy

Cyan was really confused, and his mind was vacant. The body of Flickrtail had crawled out of the river and barfed a lot of stuff. All Cyan could force out of his mouth was "Oh."

Ludicrous Lunacy
May 1st, 2017, 05:46 PM
Ludicrous Lunacy

Cyan was really confused, and his mind was vacant. The body of Flickrtail had crawled out of the river and barfed a lot of stuff. All Cyan could force out of his mouth was "Oh."
Ludi spectated silently, and then, sternly and offering a handful of chocolate bars said, "Take the chocolate and your phone and whatever you want and go to your room! You are grounded, childbean, grounded I say!"

May 1st, 2017, 05:48 PM
Ludi spectated silently, and then, sternly and offering a handful of chocolate bars said, "Take the chocolate and your phone and whatever you want and go to your room! You are grounded, childbean, grounded I say!"

"Got it. Grounded" Cyan managed to say, but he couldn't wrap his small, inefficient mind around the magicalness of the body. "can I at least read?" He asked. If he couldn't read, he'd be eternally unhappy for his murdererererereding.

Ludicrous Lunacy
May 1st, 2017, 05:53 PM
"Got it. Grounded" Cyan managed to say, but he couldn't wrap his small, inefficient mind around the magicalness of the body. "can I at least read?" He asked. If he couldn't read, he'd be eternally unhappy for his murdererererereding.
"Of course! The worst punishment!" yelled Ludi triumphantly. "And you get a doubled allowance! That will teach you a lesson!"

May 1st, 2017, 05:58 PM
"Of course! The worst punishment!" yelled Ludi triumphantly. "And you get a doubled allowance! That will teach you a lesson!"

"No! No, no, no, nooooo!" He yelled. Cyan hated himself for letting Flickrtail get murdererererered. "I wish I hadn't did the murdererererererererereding!" He shouted. He stomped to his room after grabbing a book labeled The book of Books.