View Full Version : Warriors of the night

April 23rd, 2017, 12:18 PM
*intense music XD* We were a great nation. The dragon riders. Then... we were attacked. The red legion attacked and destroyed our last city. We must take back our city and rise again!

Basically its a knock off of :3 destiny 2 XD. There was a collapse and humanity died. Dragon riders survived with their dragons and there was one last city where everyone occupied and survived. Then the red legion destroyed it and must take it back.

Dragon rider or red legion or dragon
mate/crush/significant other

Ranks for red legion are commander (leader) troops and architect
Ranks for dragon riders are Leaders (3) guards, troops, special
ranks for dragons are unlimited: Titan wing, Gliders, Stealth

Name Ruby, Mast, Gale
age 17 years, 15 years, unknown
rank titan wing, leader,troop
species dragon, dragon rider, red legion
gender all male
appearance a red dragon with orange eyes and as rank states, wings that are titan size./ A white male with blue eyes and a loving gaze/ unknown through mask and armor
Mate/Crush/significant other: open, open, open
Weapon (dragon riders and red legion only) Mast = Red sword representing ruby/A bow and arrow and a black sword representing the god of death

April 23rd, 2017, 12:32 PM
Is this off of a show,because I would join but I would need to understand the show.if not then I will join later

April 23rd, 2017, 12:46 PM
Is this off of a show,because I would join but I would need to understand the show.if not then I will join later
not a show