View Full Version : pack of tge rising sun and bloodmoon pack

April 20th, 2017, 02:10 PM
Pack of the Rising Sun- good
Pack of the Bloodmoon- evil
•Only Alphas, betta, and delta are high ranked
•high ranks can have one impossible blessing and three common ones.
•A lower ranking can have three common blessings.
•An Omega may have two common blessings
•a higher role in ranking must be fought for if already taken
•A high ranked wolf can grant another blessing of his/her's choosing
• the three gods cannot join packs, they're neutral
Alpha male
Alpha female
lead hunter/huntress
Lead warrior

Alpha male
Alpha female: stellar
Betta: rose (wings)
lead hunter/huntress
Lead warrior


Icebeam- the ability to freezing everything, including fire, can not be used on a living creature

Gift giver- this is a curse that is basically a deadly disease, if killed by opponent, it will spread to them and slowly let them decay before dying. It affects the carrier.

Trickstar- is the only cure to Gift giver, and does not affect the carrier anymore but still has the blessing

Fly- can fly with or without wings

Greenpaw- can heal any type of injury in a few seconds, can only be used once per IN character day

ADOS- distracts a Character on a shiny object, if not careful, you may be mesmerized as well

Sand- causes a sand storm for one post

Star- can read the stars and predict things from them

Tenderizer- This blessing makes your skin temporarily to tough to bite! It can last as long as you like however with each turn it is used it drains your energy.

Gills- being able to breath underwater, cannot affect your swimming skills though

Infest- a swarm of fleas surround the opponent

Blade- gives you a set of temporary claws (wolves do not have claws, since they are from the dog family)

impossible blessings for high ranks

Sion- this alows you to change into any creature imaginable!

Illusion- This blessing allows the user to create illusions of either themselves, or make the area seem dense with trees. Confuses the opponent or makes them think they have gone mad.

Dance with the devil- This blessing summons illusionary demons. If any of these demons touches another character they are 'cursed'. These demons only last a few minutes at most (a maximum of two turns per battle). Curses last a whole month. This curse affects the characters state of mind and can cause them to go crazy or try and end their life. If they do manage to live through the curse they are cured at the end of the month. However, it might leave them with emotional damage but heightened senses

Bloodbond- This blessing works in a similar way to Bond. It enables two characters to connect (with permission of both involved). Whenever one is injured the other character absorbs a large amount of the pain instead. This can cause the character connected to die when their partner is in battle. However this does not make one character infinite, as it does receive damage to a lesser extent.
When one of the characters sharing a Blood Bond dies, the other also dies.

Absolute- A small group of sharp, ice pillars blasts up from the ground under the foe. Ice Only comes out of the ground, no where else.

Mitternatch- Makes the character it is used on fear everything, even their own shadow. Lasts one day (if the character can last that long!)

Nightmare- This blessing puts the opponent in a deep sleep for a couple of minutes. However if made to bleed in this short space of time they wake up instantly. This blessing also causes a sense of confusion once waking up, making attacks less likely to hit. Therefore this blessing is best for those creatures who want to make a quick escape or take advance of poor reflex reactions of their opponent.

Whirlwind- Allows the user to summon a gust of wind which surrounds the opponent. The wind is so strong that it holds them in place, not allowing them to use an attack for one turn. However, it also prevents anyone else accessing them too as they cannot get through the wind.

Vampire heart- This blessing dramatically changes a character for as long as they live. If they die and are restored to life they become normal again. This blessing can be used on another character or on your own. It basically makes teeth grow longer and more pointy, the lust for blood becomes stronger and daylight can dramatically affect how well the character can function.

Sunblock- A character equipped with Vampire Heart can venture into sunlight without being burned or weakened. Must have Vampire Heart first.

Berserker- This makes your opponent slip into a mindless rage in which they attack themselves savagely. Enacts directly on the target and cannot miss. Can only be used once, per month.

Name: Rose
Age: 2 years
Gender: female
Personality: to be revealed
Looks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/47/4d/52/474d52961156ca34c1d38fe327d91ac7.png
Pack: Bloodmoon pack
Rank: betta
Power(s): Vampire heart, fly, Gift giver, trickstar


April 20th, 2017, 02:12 PM
Name: Stellar
Age: 30 moons
Pack: Bloodmoon
Rank: Alpha Female
Mate: open

April 20th, 2017, 02:30 PM
Name: Stellar
Age: 30 moons
Pack: Bloodmoon
Rank: Alpha Female
Mate: open

Magic, looks, Personality?

April 20th, 2017, 02:58 PM
Magic, looks, Personality?

She can create illusions, grey wolf with green eyes, perso to be revealed