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View Full Version : I need kits for Rory to adopt

December 2nd, 2021, 08:42 AM
Yo, so I have this cat Rory who can't have kits of her own, but she does wanna take care of kits. She lives under a porch that leads into a crawlspace, and has made it her decision to adopt any kits in need. I need like 1-3 kits. She can just find them or whatever you wanna do.

December 2nd, 2021, 09:32 AM
Yo, so I have this cat Rory who can't have kits of her own, but she does wanna take care of kits. She lives under a porch that leads into a crawlspace, and has made it her decision to adopt any kits in need. I need like 1-3 kits. She can just find them or whatever you wanna do.

I have a two moon old kit who is old for his age. His name is Grenade. He is a dark brown tom with black stripes and widely innocent blue eyes. He is like an explosive, mainly because of his parents who originally left him. If you want Rory to adopt Grenade, than that is alright.

December 2nd, 2021, 11:50 AM
Yo, so I have this cat Rory who can't have kits of her own, but she does wanna take care of kits. She lives under a porch that leads into a crawlspace, and has made it her decision to adopt any kits in need. I need like 1-3 kits. She can just find them or whatever you wanna do.

I have a loner kit named Dawn who is 3 moons. Her parents passed away at a young age but she may have some family in the clans. She is a cream tabby with white splotches and amber eyes.

December 2nd, 2021, 08:25 PM
Yo, so I have this cat Rory who can't have kits of her own, but she does wanna take care of kits. She lives under a porch that leads into a crawlspace, and has made it her decision to adopt any kits in need. I need like 1-3 kits. She can just find them or whatever you wanna do.

I made a kit just a bit ago! Its in the bios in my sig

The name for the kit is Venus

Born female (transition later :heartbounce:)

December 3rd, 2021, 07:28 AM
alrighty, ill make a thread in twoleg place in a short bit, would you like him to have already been taken in or do you wanna do the part of him being found?

December 3rd, 2021, 07:32 AM
oki, ima make a thread in twolegplace in a bit, do you want Rory to just now find her or her to have been with Rory for a short bit?

December 3rd, 2021, 07:35 AM
alrighty, ill make a thread in twolegplace soon, do you wanna have Rory just now find her or her to have had her for a short bit, a day, a week, etc.

December 3rd, 2021, 12:06 PM
alrighty, ill make a thread in twoleg place in a short bit, would you like him to have already been taken in or do you wanna do the part of him being found?

I guess they could have lived together for a little while, if you'd like.