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February 11th, 2017, 02:04 PM
This is Spirited Darkness and I's winter contest story.
Bubble was a funny little kitten. She'd do odd things when her owner wasn't home. She lick metal objects in the house, she'd taste the soap and run around in the bathtub. She loved water. That's why she got the name. Bubble. That, and, Christmas. She and her owner loved Christmas. Baubles. Baubles was her nickname. It was a strange season, Christmas. Bubble just called it the season of more stuff. Because it was one particular day, just one, where she'd be given new toys, a new collar, more food. And the best part was when she got to wait for it. The little grey kitten had noticed a pattern. That more stuff day was every winter, on the 25th day.
But today was the 1st of those waiting days. And she had been waiting forever. Her owner said she'd go out and visit a place...she came back with little boxes. Inside the little boxes were little pellets, like the ones Bubble ate, except they were red and yellow. Shortly after, they were having a nice cuddle. They fell asleep. During this nap time, there was a lot of noise. There was shouting, coughing, but nothing hot. No fire. It was a damp kind of coughing, like a spluttering. Bubble was taken off of her owner. Madeline. Her owner's daughter. Bubble quite liked Madeline. But Madeline seemed sad. There were a few other scents in the room she didn't recognise. She tried to settle down to sleep again but there were drops, salty, warm drops dipping into her fur from Madeleine's face. Crying. She was crying. "Oh Bubble, you're lucky you're just a kitten. Mum loves you. And you loved her." The grey ball of fluff shifted a little, uncomfortably. She didn't like the groaning noises that people were making. owner, make it stop! These people are disturbing me sleep! she wanted to cry out.
All the noise seemed to last lifetimes until people started leaving.they come here and disturb my sleep then just leave without apologising? These humans are mean! she padded over to the seat where her human usually sat. what do you think owner? Do you know those people? Because I think it was quite rude of them to do that! but her human wasn't there. Bubble searched the whole house and her human wasn't there.she's gone to the shop again the she-kit reassured herself.

The next day, Bubble was restless she left me!she mewled but all that echoed through the empty house was "Mrowwwr!". i bet they've found another cat! They don't want me anymore! I have to get away from here! and with that, she scampered over to the door, scratching at it's lock and head butting the door open, taking her first steps into the large world.

A long track of paw prints in the snow followed Bubble as she trekked on. Wilderness. No sign of the house she'd once lived in, no sign of humans. She was away from all that now. She needed a new life. A new name, but then she thought of Bauble. And Christmas. She wasn't going to get anymore extra food, no more new toys to play with. The grey kitten trembled as she continued on. It was the 2nd waiting day now.I wonder where my human is. She's probably buying toys for another cat now! and she stormed away. Further into the cold icy claws that gripped her surroundings.

Day 3 of waiting. And she wasn't waiting anymore for something that she knew wouldn't come. Walking along the bank of a river, the little grey kitten sighed. "Hey!" A voice in the distance called. "You! Kit! Get off our territory!" The large male's voice echoed around the forest, making the river ripple. "You're on our territory," he repeated. "Get off!" Now Bubble could see him clearly. A brown Tom cat, golden yellow eyes shining, making him stand out against the snow. "I'm sorry, don't you think that's kind of rude? Seeing as it is christmas, we should all be nice to one another!"
"Chr-what are you blabbering about kit? I don't know what, but it's nothing we wild cats do here."
"Christmas! You don't know what Christmas is? Or the season of more stuff?"
"Hmm you have kittypet scent. Of course." He snorted "what's your name kittypet?"
"I'm Bubble!" Bubble remained cheerful. "And why are you here? And where do you plan to go?"
"I'm just travelling at the moment. My human found another cat to be with and probably doesn't want me anymore."
"So you're on the run. Yeah, I get it. We usually get a lot of rogues wondering around here. Oh and I'm Woolyear by the way."
"Woolyear? Haha. What a funny name for a cat!"
"We're not cats like you. We live without humans. Come on, we'll show you. We live in the wild." And they trotted off together further into the woods.

Bubble entered a camp of wild cats, bustling and gossiping. A twig snapped under her paws and cats stared. They stared. And they stared alright, it was a long stare. "That's a kittypet isn't it?" One muttered "GET HER OUT!" Another roared. "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" She growled back. "So everyone just be nice okay!" The wild cats tilted their heads. "Chri...Crimson?"
"Christmas! Or the season of more stuff, I call it." One of the cats looked at Woolyear and shook their head "failed this time...she's a real nut head!" He chuckled. "I'll show you! I'll give you more food, I'll give you more toys! Just wait for another..." She rolled her eyes up, trying to remember "22 more days...then on the last day, you can have all your things. Then I'll leave." She huffed then stormed off to collect moss balls and stones. "Woolyear, do what you can to decorate. Hang vines, flowers, feathers, whatever you can find." Most cats seemed confused, others disgusted but some were catching on and nodding their heads approvingly.

Ahh, Christmas Day. Cats were grooming and sharing tongues in the clearing. "Wow. I could get used to this!" Woolyear stated. "Thank you, Bubble. You brought Christmas to the clans. From now on every Leaf-bare, we shall celebrate the season of better life. And now I give you your warrior name...Bubbleglow!" They cheered and purred. Now cats were grabbing prey for Christmas dinner. For once, peace was in the clans and it wasn't in the form of a full moon. Instead, is was brought to them in the most unlikely way...from a lonely kittypet. Bubble, now Bubbleglow, had her wish. To have a family to fit into. Now she had until next year to deliver all the wishes to the clan cats.