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January 27th, 2017, 05:13 PM
/ Updated \ 2-9-2017

I need things
Character Site (http://siteofjinx.weebly.com/)


` Forms `

[with link]
Name w/link;;
[without link]


Parents | Siblings | Former Mentor | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies | Other Kin

Parents | Siblings | Former Mentor | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies | Other Kin

Parents | Siblings | Future Love Interests | Mentor | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies | Other Kin

Parents | Siblings | Love Interests | Former Mentor | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Enemies | Other Kin

Friends | Acquaintances | Enemies

Mentor | Friends | Acquaintances | Enemies

Former Mentor | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies

Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies

Parents | Siblings | Former Mentor | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies | Other Kin

Parents | Siblings | Former Mentor | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies | Other Kin

Future Mentor | Love Interests | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies

Parents | Former Mentor | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies

Former Trainer | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Enemies

Love Interests | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies

Parents | Siblings | Love Interests | Best Friend | Close Friends | Friends | Acquaintances | Rival | Enemies


Thank you! c=

January 27th, 2017, 09:38 PM
Name w/link;; Cardinalkit (http://accidentshappenatwco.weebly.com/cardinalkit.html)
Role;; Cloverkit's Best Friend

January 28th, 2017, 12:10 PM
Name w/link; Brightpaw (http://wcodesert.weebly.com/brightpaw.html)
Role; Mumblenose's Apprentice & Cloverkit's Enemy

January 28th, 2017, 09:51 PM
Name w/link;; Cardinalkit (http://accidentshappenatwco.weebly.com/cardinalkit.html)
Role;; Cloverkit's Best Friend

Name w/link; Brightpaw (http://wcodesert.weebly.com/brightpaw.html)
Role; Mumblenose's Apprentice & Cloverkit's Enemy

Cardinalkit accepted as Cloverkit's Best Friend

Brightpaw accepted as Mumblenose's Apprentice & Cloverkit's Enemy

January 28th, 2017, 10:23 PM
Cardinalkit accepted as Cloverkit's Best Friend

Brightpaw accepted as Mumblenose's Apprentice & Cloverkit's Enemy

Okay, I'll PM you when he is born so we can Rp the two c:

January 29th, 2017, 07:49 AM
Brightpaw accepted as Mumblenose's Apprentice & Cloverkit's Enemy
Thank you!

January 29th, 2017, 09:36 AM
Name w/Link: Hawkfeather- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/hawkfeather
Role: Best Friend for Sagefrost
(I was thinking this might be an interesting pair since Wrenclaw and Sagefrost are ex mates and Hawkfeather is one of Wrenclaw's love interests...she really cares about him, so I thought she could sort of help Sagefrost through all this or something xD idk)

Name w/Link: Forestpelt- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/forestpelt
Role: Rival for Maplecloud
(So, Forestpelt is one of Foxclaw's love interests...and at the moment the two of them have been arguing a lot, so I thought maybe when Maple and Fox start hanging out Forest would start disliking Maple for some reason and then when they get closer and closer she would dislike him more and more and eventually just be downright jealous...idk what do you think)

Name w/Link: Leopardkit- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/leopardkit
Role: Rival for Risingkit
(I was thinking originally the two might be a little friendly and then get into a REALLY big argument one day causing Leopard or Rising to just totally freak out and then they'd be rivals o.o)

Name w/Link: Silverkit- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/silverkit
Role: Friend for Onyxkit

Name w/Link: Charmpelt- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/charmpelt
Role: Friend for Tumblestep
(So, since Charmpelt's like the all around flirt and he's USUALLY so confident, maybe he could be trying to get Tumblestep to be more confident too? I thought it might be interesting seeing the two interact x3)

Name w/Link: Pinekit- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/pinekit
Role: Apprentice for Mumblenose

Name w/Link: Aspenkit- http://lonestar23swarriorcats.weebly.com/aspenkit
Role: Close friend for Fawnskip, best friend/love interest for Cloverkit
(I know Aspen and Clover's personalities clash a little, but I was thinking this could actually be really interesting since Aspen's more the 'caring, background type' and it seems like Clover's the more 'fierce, out there' type...idk)

Role: Close friend/Sister for Sagefrost
Name: Snowbreeze
Snow- for her white pelt
Breeze- for her gentle personality and soft fur
Gender: Female
Age: 24 moons
Appearance: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=birman+cat&view=detailv2&&id=71ACAC492DA45B310D8A787AFC86D1615DA158DD&selectedIndex=22&ccid=31G0QGmT&simid=608026478343028818&thid=OIP.31G0QGmTj7zXjte5RZNQlQEsCw&ajaxhist=0
Personality: Gentle: Snowbreeze is very gentle. Her movements, her actions...even her words all seem to be surprisingly gentle. Even her appearance is soft and airy, as her name suggests- like a breeze.
Soft Spoken: Snowbreeze is very soft spoken. At first this can be taken for stubbornness or just being plain rude, but after a while it can be realized that she is not rude or trying to be stubborn, she is simply quiet. There's nothing wrong with being quiet, in her words, but it seems that others have a different opinion of this statement.
Shy: Well, Snowbreeze might be gentle and soft spoken, but if she is so, it's because she's very shy. She doesn't like large crowds or loud noises, bright lights or water, and she tends to stay away from all of these things, turning her into quite the shy young cat. Snowbreeze looks quite innocent, and unlike some cats, her innocence is not faked. As a matter of fact, Snowbreeze doesn't know much on most subjects. Asking her about something like the Evil Era will send her into a total nervous breakdown, while asking her about different hunting techniques will get you only a blank stare.
Nervous: Snowbreeze is very nervous. She can sometimes be found muttering to herself, which her enemies might call a sign of madness, but she's just trying to calm herself from becoming a nervous wreck. It's a little late, but at least she's trying; she could just choose to break down and not do anything. Despite her efforts, Snowbreeze has turned into quite the nervous cat, leading to some paranoia...this can make her hard to be around, but once you get used to her constant jumpiness, she will become a much more pleasant and tolerable companion.
Reclusive: Snowbreeze is reclusive. Due to her shyness, her nervousness, and her overall personality, she doesn't like to be out much. Although this doesn't make her a very helpful addition to the Clan, it does make her quite the interesting cat to be around. Some might say it gives others motivation- to not become like her, while others say she's just a plain waste of space and should certainly leave the Clan.
Other: I was thinking Sagefrost would be able to help Snowbreeze out with her nervous nature...even though they're the same age maybe it could be more of a 'big sister, little sister' relationship?

Role: Sister for Oriolekit
Name: Vixenkit
Vixen- for her coloring
Kit- the usual suffix given to a cat under 6 moons
Gender: Female
Age: 4 moons
Appearance: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=tortoiseshell+maine+coon&view=detailv2&&id=01D383648EAF53D0CB28C371C53C0D87FBF5AE96&selectedIndex=4&ccid=UFwDUWlO&simid=608001000603975698&thid=OIP.M505c0351694e692dc79e04b89fe89461o0&ajaxhist=0
Personality: Sneaky: Vixenkit, living up to her name, sneaks around. She never seems as though she's up to anything good, and at other times she acts like quite the little diva. She can be acting like a complete brat one second, and the next be slinking around as though nothing bad has ever happened to her. Vixenkit doesn't hold much by threats; pretty much if she gets threatened, she doesn't think anything of it.
Suspicious: Vixenkit is suspicious of everyone else; surprising, since she's quite the sneaky young kit herself. She is more then willing to accuse a clanmate of doing something wrong, but when the blame is pinned on her, she turns into her diva self again, acting like quite the annoying young kit. It's hard to tell who Vixenkit really is, when she switches personalities like that. Even to her own family and friends.
Secretive: Vixenkit has quite a few secrets up her...paws. She doesn't trust anybody- well, almost anybody- with them, and it's very hard to understand quite why she would sneak around like this. The reason being that she doesn't trust her clanmates, of course she wouldn't tell them something like that. Vixenkit absolutely hates weak links, although she trusts them as she believes them too weak to be able to reveal her secrets to the rest of the Clan. This is the only time that she holds much by threats, as she knows most of these cats are terrified of them.
Deceitful: Well, obviously Vixenkit is decietful. After seeing all of that, it's pretty obvious that this young kit wouldn't have good intentions for everything she does...and she doesn't. She's not an ambitious cat; as a matter of fact she shrinks from responsibility and power, but she is quite the trickster. It's a little funny how she tricks everyone, acting as though she's doing it for a reason, and then is only doing it for fun.
Other: So Vixenkit is a little sneak/traitor...whatever x3...but anyway, I was thinking that Oriolekit would be super suspicious of her but whenever she tries to bring it up Vixen always changes the subject and starts whining about how Oriole's being so mean to her and stuff, and it causes their relationship to just completely become ruined x3

Role: Best friend/love interest for Oriolekit
Name: Beetlekit
Beetle- for his coloring
Kit- the usual suffix given to cats under 6 moons
Gender: Male
Age: 5 moons
Appearance: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=japanese+bobtail&view=detailv2&&id=49CC40B60B8BE9A8597452A87A593639D4A3EFD0&selectedIndex=33&ccid=ZOXmCjLi&simid=608016024394728089&thid=OIP.ZOXmCjLiOnDlHRtlmeVIhAEsC7&ajaxhist=0
Personality: Outgoing: Beetlekit is very outgoing. Despite his somewhat tramatic past, that doesn't seem to have stopped Beetlekit from being the friendliest cat he can possibly be. Beetlekit loves to make new friends, just as long as they show him respect...he believes every cat deserves respect, no matter their rank or personality, and thinks that it's his sworn duty to make sure that every cat gets that respect from him.
Fiery: Despite his belief that 'everyone deserves respect,' Beetlekit can be quite fiery. He tends to lash out at those who are closest to him when he's angry, not those that he doesn't know well, and he does it in fairly subtle ways. Beetlekit has a somewhat twisted form of having a 'fiery temper,' consisting of just dropping subtle hints that he's frustrated and letting them wonder what they did wrong or what they did to make him so angry.
Fun Loving: Beetlekit loves a good time. Anything that he thinks might allow others or himself to have fun, he'll start on it as soon as he can. He can appreciate others when they want to rest, but as soon as they're ready, he's waiting for them to get up and go. He's willing to do this with any cat, not only his close friends... anyone he knows, he will seek them out to have a good time with. He doesn't care how old they are or how well he knows them, if they're up for anything, he's up for anything.
Bossy: Despite having mostly good traits, Beetlekit tends to be bossy. He likes to be a little leader, taking charge of whatever might be at hand, and when he does so he definitely takes control. It can be hard to deal with him at these times, and he's realizing that this will only cause him to lose friends in the future, so he is trying to make himself friendlier and less bossy so that others will like him more then they do.
Know-It-All: Beetlekit definitely acts like a know it all. Although it's not always 'in your face, I know something you don't,' when it is, he comes intolerable. It's hard to deal with Beetlekit's energy at the best of times, but when he goes into his bossy, 'I know something you don't' personality, he certainly becomes very hard to deal with.
Other: Maybe Beetle and Oriole could be sort of like "partners in crime" and sneak out together and stuff

Role: Close Friend/Love Interest for Iris
Name: Barracuda
Gender: Male
Age: 25 moons
Appearance: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Silver+Tabby+Maine+Coon&view=detailv2&&id=9E9A56656ED9963FA755EFAFD2173A67A878CB29&selectedIndex=0&ccid=xAq0hmW%2f&simid=608033423298399828&thid=OIP.Mc40ab48665bfb0303d59a6179e21dd46o0&ajaxhist=0
Personality: Insane: Barracuda certainly seems like an insane cat. At least, half the things he says and does no sane cat would do. He doesn't really belong in a group of cats, to be honest...but once he finds someone that he likes, this insane personality of his seems to fade away and reveal the true personality behind Barracuda's actions and strange, strange words. So, who is Barracuda really? Get to know him, and you're lucky to have survived his strange personality. Stay out of his way, and he'll tolerate you enough to the point where it's easy to stay alive around him.
Stalker: Barracuda acts a lot like his namesake. He stalks his prey, his victims...making their lives as miserable as he possibly can. With cats he likes, he stalks them as well, although in a less creepy manner. Barracuda is certainly a very physical cat...physical contact is preferred to words, and he believes in using actions to show how he feels rather then just standing around. Barracuda is a cat who, if he wants something done, he'll get it done...and if the other cat won't cooperate, well...he's more than happy to show them what he can do. If they want, of course.
Violent: Barracuda is a violent cat. He may not strike you this way at first, with his creepy stalker-ish personality and his strange words, but he is one of the most paws-on cats you can meet. He likes to be right beside a cat he may be stalking, whether they are a victim of his or someone that he actually cares for. Things can get very violent if he is disrespected or defied, but thankfully for Barracuda, he's not one to kill another cat. He respects the cats of the Dusk Syndicate more then that. No- he much rather prefers to attack, weaken them, and then attack again when they least expect it until they either give up and run away or die from exhaustion. It's not a pretty way of killing his targets, but that's what Barracuda does.
Obsessive: Barracuda is very, very obsessive. Once he finds a cat he either hates or likes, he will latch onto that cat and stay with them until he decides that they are no longer worthy of his affections. When this happens, if the cat decides to stay...Barracuda will pretend they are invisible. He will not speak, look at, or acknowledge them. For a cat who really cares about him, this is something that could easily drive them mind. Barracuda is fickle, however...his decisions are not always final, and he just might decide to move back to you once he changes his mind.
Protective: To those that he truly cares about, not obsessing over but truly cares about, Barracuda is very, very protective over them. He would give his life for these cats, and all the violence and insanity that appears to be who Barracuda is disappears. The truth is that he cares...too much, almost. He cares about what others think of him, and he's not the cat that everybody thinks he is. However, he doesn't want this image of himself getting out. Therefore he only will hold this protective, more caring image in front of those friends whom he cares about. To everyone else...he's just the same as he's always been. A ruthless, insane hunter stalking his prey.
Other: So I was thinking that perhaps originally Barracuda could just be obsessing over Iris and staying super, super close to her all the time until he loses interest and moves on for a while, and then all of a sudden he becomes more friendly towards her and for a while she ignores him because 'seriously? he left me before, how can I know that he won't do it again' and because he's such a kitty of action he would try and prove to her that he actually cares now? (idk thought that might be interesting to see how it plays out)

Role: Best Friend/Love Interest for Calia, Rival for Augustus
Name: Obsidian
Gender: Male
Age: 20 moons
Appearance: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bombay+cat+personality&view=detailv2&&id=A10551165CC6E4490ADA83A7ABA3B12DF4E13B9A&selectedIndex=1&ccid=CKwPfcqn&simid=608024352326223809&thid=OIP.M08ac0f7dcaa7a6a53d7e427f7c36a352o0&ajaxhist=0
Personality: Hurt: Obsidian has been hurt in the past, and he doesn't want to be hurt again. He acts as though he doesn't care about anyone or anything, but in reality he wants to be accepted. Now, through this tom's scars both inside and out, who is he?
Guarded: Obsidian is very guarded. He guards his words and actions, careful of what he thinks, feels, says or does. It's surprising how slowly he seems to move, when in reality he is quite a sharp and alert cat. He just doesn't want to be hurt or hurt anyone else. Because of his scarred and blurred past, Obsidian is cautious around cats he doesn't know and tends to avoid them when he can, sticking close to those that he knows better. Still, when he is confronted by a strange cat, he's more then happy to talk with them. For a while, of course...but naturally, he doesn't have all day.
Protective: For those that he really cares about, Obsidian is protective. He will stand up for them against anyone, although his guarded nature does sometimes limit him to how long he will stand up. He has a good sense of judgement of when someone actually needs help or when they can handle things themselves, and uses this when he gets the chance. Obsidian doesn't appreciate cats who want to stand up for him; though he is a good actor, he isn't that good of one and is unable to hide his feelings.
Intelligent: Obsidian is quite intelligent. He's sharp, and alert...aware of everything around him. His mind takes in everyone's stances, and analyzes them so that he can figure out their age, their past, and who they might have fought. That's just one of the things that Obsidian can figure out...he's quite the observant cat, along with his intelligence, which should make others fear him...and yet it doesn't. Too bad for him, although he doesn't really want fear- he would prefer acceptance. Too bad he can't get that either.
Fierce: Obsidian is quite a fierce young tom. Despite his guarded emotions, Obsidian is willing to let that slip if his pride is damaged or if another cat comes right out and starts bothering him. It's hard to step around Obsidian's emotions; sort of like stepping through a minefield, except one could kill you and probably will and the other could kill you and probably won't. Obsidian's not a killer, at heart...he doesn't like to hurt other cats either and physical violence is a last resort for him.
Prideful: Obsidian has quite a bit of pride. His self-confidence has been damaged as well as his pride, but the little bit that he has left, he prefers to keep carefully guarded. Once you have insulted his pride, you might as well have told him that he doesn't belong anywhere. You might as well have basically slashed him across the face. Obsidian's not very good at the whole revenge thing, but he is good at talking sharply to other cats, which is one thing that he's able to do when he feels threatened.
Other: Calia seems like a pretty decent cat, but Obsidian's probably going to give her a hard time for a while since he's just super prideful and guarded, but after he realizes she doesn't want to hurt him he'll become more protective of her. Just FYI for what will probably happen, depending on Calia's reaction to how guarded he is

January 29th, 2017, 05:36 PM
~ Hawkfeather accepted as Best Friend (this pair does sound interesting!)
~ Snowbreeze accepted as Close Friend & Sister (Sage will happily attempt to get Snow outta her shell!)
~ Forestpelt accepted as Rival (they shall fight for Fox's affection! cx)
~ Leopardkit accepted as Rival (Rising could of gotten annoyed with Leopard's energy, and then snapped at her? Since then, their friendship faded and the rivalry started?)
~ Silverkit accepted as Friend (I think they'd have a cute friendship)
~ Charmpelt accepted as Friend
~ Unfortunately, Mumblenose has just received an apprentice. However, Fawnskip is open to one?
~ Aspenkit accepted as Fawnskip's Close Friend (I love friendships between young cats like kits and older cats like warriors/elders)
~ Aspenkit accepted as Best Friend & Love Interest (Clover will most definitely be the leader to Aspen's follower. I can see this couple being adorable!)
{ Just making sure, so I don't accept these and you regret it - Oriole's gender is Non-Binary, and their references are they/them}
~ Vixenkit accepted as Sister (Yeah, I can't see the relationship between Vixen and Oriole as good)
~ Beetlekit accepted as Love Interest (I love `partners in crime` ships <3)
~ Barracuda accepted as Love Interest (I demand we take this ship to pm and form a plot)
~ Obsidian accepted as Love Interest (Cal has all the time in the world cx)
~ Obsidian accepted as Rival

January 29th, 2017, 06:10 PM
Name w/link- Blossomkit/Newtkit (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/blossomkit.html)
Role- Cloverkit's friend

January 29th, 2017, 06:15 PM
Role;; Maplecloud's Former Mentor
Name;; Nightpool
Gender;; Female (She-Cat)
Age;; 199 moons
Appearance;; A black cat with browning fur around her neck, somewhat streaked with white if you part the fur. Has sweet yellow eyes. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/38/24/cd38245b2be0fb460dd77f70a821f988.jpg)
Personality;; She's wise and strong-willed, and will not give up for the life of her. She is old, but she knows many tricks and has a lot of experience. Surprisingly tough.
Other;; N/A

January 30th, 2017, 12:43 PM
Name w/link- Blossomkit/Newtkit (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/blossomkit.html)
Role- Cloverkit's friend

Role;; Maplecloud's Former Mentor
Name;; Nightpool
Gender;; Female (She-Cat)
Age;; 199 moons
Appearance;; A black cat with browning fur around her neck, somewhat streaked with white if you part the fur. Has sweet yellow eyes. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/38/24/cd38245b2be0fb460dd77f70a821f988.jpg)
Personality;; She's wise and strong-willed, and will not give up for the life of her. She is old, but she knows many tricks and has a lot of experience. Surprisingly tough.
Other;; N/A

Blossomkit/Newtkit accepted as Cloverkit's Friend

Nightpool accepted as Maplecloud's Former Mentor

January 30th, 2017, 01:10 PM
@Lonestar23 (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=42)

~ Hawkfeather accepted as Best Friend (this pair does sound interesting!)
~ Snowbreeze accepted as Close Friend & Sister (Sage will happily attempt to get Snow outta her shell!)
~ Forestpelt accepted as Rival (they shall fight for Fox's affection! cx)
~ Leopardkit accepted as Rival (Rising could of gotten annoyed with Leopard's energy, and then snapped at her? Since then, their friendship faded and the rivalry started?)
~ Silverkit accepted as Friend (I think they'd have a cute friendship)
~ Charmpelt accepted as Friend
~ Unfortunately, Mumblenose has just received an apprentice. However, Fawnskip is open to one?
~ Aspenkit accepted as Fawnskip's Close Friend (I love friendships between young cats like kits and older cats like warriors/elders)
~ Aspenkit accepted as Best Friend & Love Interest (Clover will most definitely be the leader to Aspen's follower. I can see this couple being adorable!)
{ Just making sure, so I don't accept these and you regret it - Oriole's gender is Non-Binary, and their references are they/them}
~ Vixenkit accepted as Sister (Yeah, I can't see the relationship between Vixen and Oriole as good)
~ Beetlekit accepted as Love Interest (I love `partners in crime` ships <3)
~ Barracuda accepted as Love Interest (I demand we take this ship to pm and form a plot)
~ Obsidian accepted as Love Interest (Cal has all the time in the world cx)
~ Obsidian accepted as Rival

Awesome! Let me know when you want to RP with any of them- Forestpelt, Silverkit, and Charmpelt are currently in roleplays RN but I can always clone them

January 30th, 2017, 03:13 PM
Blossomkit/Newtkit accepted as Cloverkit's Friend

Nightpool accepted as Maplecloud's Former Mentor

Oh, ty!

January 30th, 2017, 05:40 PM
Name w/link;; Cedar (http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=153301#post153301)
Role;; Fawnskip's Apprentice

January 30th, 2017, 06:28 PM
Name w/link;; Cedar (http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=153301#post153301)
Role;; Fawnskip's Apprentice
Oh, I'm so sorry! Fawnskip has just received an apprentice, but Cedar can be a friend..?

January 30th, 2017, 06:40 PM
Ah, no problem! Friends are nice too <3

February 6th, 2017, 04:25 AM
It's me ;u;

*whispers* do you think Aspen would accept his old mate back if I created a plot to show why she disappeared and where she is?

Also hello how are you fren ily <3 ;u;

February 9th, 2017, 07:52 PM
It's me ;u;

*whispers* do you think Aspen would accept his old mate back if I created a plot to show why she disappeared and where she is?

Also hello how are you fren ily <3 ;u;

dude aspen has been lost without maple
he'll take her back in a heartbeat
you vanished lawlz
then you reappeared
ily ^^

February 9th, 2017, 08:56 PM
Name: Jinxleap (http://cashmeoussidehowboutnah.weebly.com/jinxleap.html)
Role: Wolfspirits close friend, and maybe future love interest if things go well c:

February 10th, 2017, 07:07 PM
Name w/link;
Swiftcry (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/swiftcry.html)
Sagefrost's Friend, Wolfspirit's Former Mentor.

Name w/link;
Leafkit (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/leafkit.html)
Oriolekit's Close Friend.

Name w/link;
Mossdrop (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/mossdrop.html)
Sagefrost's Enemy/Rival, Wolfspirits Enemy, Oriolekit's half sibling/ friend.
[Sagefrost would be "kinda scared of them",
and Wolfsprit would argue about different things like starclan with them.]

Name w/link;
Pineneedle (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/pineneedle.html)
Tumblestep's close friend and role model.

February 10th, 2017, 07:12 PM
i believe that rabbitkit (http://fenic.weebly.com/rabbitkit.html) was either onyx or rising's future love interest? c:

February 11th, 2017, 03:45 PM
Name: Jinxleap (http://cashmeoussidehowboutnah.weebly.com/jinxleap.html)
Role: Wolfspirits close friend, and maybe future love interest if things go well c:

Love, Jinx is accepted as BEST friend & possible future interest c;

Name w/link;
Swiftcry (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/swiftcry.html)
Sagefrost's Friend, Wolfspirit's Former Mentor.

Name w/link;
Leafkit (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/leafkit.html)
Oriolekit's Close Friend.

Name w/link;
Mossdrop (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/mossdrop.html)
Sagefrost's Enemy/Rival, Wolfspirits Enemy, Oriolekit's half sibling/ friend.
[Sagefrost would be "kinda scared of them",
and Wolfsprit would argue about different things like starclan with them.]

Name w/link;
Pineneedle (http://cloudyswcocharcters.weebly.com/pineneedle.html)
Tumblestep's close friend and role model.

Swiftcry accepted as Sagefrost's Friend & Wolfspirit's Former Mentor
Leafkit accepted as Oriolekit's Close Friend
Mossdrop accepted as Sagefrost's Rival & Wolfspirit's Enemy & Oriolekit's Half-Sibling/Friend
Pineneedle accepted as Tumblestep's Close Friend & Role Model

i believe that rabbitkit (http://fenic.weebly.com/rabbitkit.html) was either onyx or rising's future love interest? c:

Oh yeah! I believe Rabbit & Rising were going to be love interests unless you'd prefer Onyx? c=

February 11th, 2017, 03:59 PM
Love, Jinx is accepted as BEST friend & possible future interest c;

Swiftcry accepted as Sagefrost's Friend & Wolfspirit's Former Mentor
Leafkit accepted as Oriolekit's Close Friend
Mossdrop accepted as Sagefrost's Rival & Wolfspirit's Enemy & Oriolekit's Half-Sibling/Friend
Pineneedle accepted as Tumblestep's Close Friend & Role Model

Oh yeah! I believe Rabbit & Rising were going to be love interests unless you'd prefer Onyx? c=

that's fine with me! :0