January 13th, 2017, 08:38 PM
Leaf is co-owner

Far in the past, Earth was destroyed and humans go on a voyage to a new planet. To keep them occupied on the long journey, they created a video game, called Epic. After the settlers came here, to New Earth, Epic became the baseplate of our society. We use it to earn money, to raise ourselves in the eyes of our peers, and even to resolve political disputes. The head of our society is the C.A., or Central Allocations. They are made up of the best players, with the richest characters and best equipment. This is a problem when it comes to political disputes, because the only way to get your request heard is to beat a team from Central Allocations with a team of your own. Due to this, it is rare that any complaints are formally heard. Disputes between people are also resolved within Epic, as violence is illegal in our society. Now, let's get you into the game!

(Rules for general:
No cussing
Put "Inry'aat" in the other section if you read everything
Have fun!
At the top of each post, put whether you are in the real world, or the virtual world, and also if you transition in a post, separate them with two empty lines and a new area line

RP rules (can be broken and punished at the discretion of the gov., aka C.A.):
No violence outside of the game
Yeah that's it

(Also, earning money is slow, armor and weapons are expensive, pvp is only in arenas, and if anyone just easily kills a dragon and gets its horde, or easily beats C.A. despite the huge disadvantage, they will be kicked from the rp))

Assassin (C.A. ONLY)
Necromancer (hard to use, C.A. ONLY)
Ranger (archer)
Healer (mage that only heals)
Werewolf (exactly what you think, can only be hurt by poison and silver, C.A. only)
Pirate (cutlass/rapier, is good w/ boats)
Swashbuckler (uses rapier, only, little armor very agile pirate)

Wood elf
Eldunari elf
Dark elf

(You have to fill out both forms)

Form for humans:

Form for in-game characters:
*when creating a character you get 10 points to distribute as you wish. Try and figure out what each does, I'm not explaining except through rp

My form coming after I get a few accepted forms

The limited part is C.A. which there can only be 8 of. As such, I will be v. Picky with them, and I will not choose any power players. Tbh, I probably won't accept any power players at all. Just a warning.
You can however, be in training at the C.A. and have C.A. ONLY characters

January 13th, 2017, 09:08 PM
Form for humans:
Name: Alyson Woodson
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Looks: Alyson is a short girl with somewhat blonde hair that stops about mid-back. She's dyed her ends purple and blue. She has a paler skin tone with light blue eyes.
Personality: Alyson is a fiery girl with a lot of spunk. She doesn't back down from a challenge and is often figured as a leader-type of person. She doesn't like to be bossy though and enjoys listening to other's ideas.
Other: Inry'aat

Form for in-game characters:
Name: Ali'ikai Hakana(Grim if you see this, another throwback from Thieves of Solluna! Woo!)
Race: Wood elf
Looks: Short with tanner skin. She has dark brown hair that stops 3/4 of an inch past her shoulders with chocolate eyes. She wears a dark blue cloak over her armor, often having the hood of it pulled halfway over her head. She uses a small dagger that hangs in it's sheath on a leather belt.
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior
Beauty: 1
Health: 2
Strength: 2
Stamina: 2
Speed: 2
Magic: 1

January 13th, 2017, 09:16 PM
Leaf is co-owner

Far in the past, Earth was destroyed and humans go on a voyage to a new planet. To keep them occupied on the long journey, they created a video game, called Epic. After the settlers came here, to New Earth, Epic became the baseplate of our society. We use it to earn money, to raise ourselves in the eyes of our peers, and even to resolve political disputes. The head of our society is the C.A., or Central Allocations. They are made up of the best players, with the richest characters and best equipment. This is a problem when it comes to political disputes, because the only way to get your request heard is to beat a team from Central Allocations with a team of your own. Due to this, it is rare that any complaints are formally heard. Disputes between people are also resolved within Epic, as violence is illegal in our society. Now, let's get you into the game!

(Rules for general:
No cussing
Put "Inry'aat" in the other section if you read everything
Have fun!
At the top of each post, put whether you are in the real world, or the virtual world, and also if you transition in a post, separate them with two empty lines and a new area line

RP rules (can be broken and punished at the discretion of the gov., aka C.A.):
No violence outside of the game
Yeah that's it

(Also, earning money is slow, armor and weapons are expensive, pvp is only in arenas, and if anyone just easily kills a dragon and gets its horde, or easily beats C.A. despite the huge disadvantage, they will be kicked from the rp))

Assassin (C.A. ONLY)
Necromancer (hard to use, C.A. ONLY)

Wood elf
Eldunari elf
Dark elf

(You have to fill out both forms)

Form for humans:

Form for in-game characters:

My form coming after I get a few accepted forms

Form for humans:
Name: Sam Hall

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Looks: She had shaggy chocolate brown hair and pale teal eyes. Her skin is slightly tanned, with Her cheeks and nose having a pink tint and light freckles littered his face. She's pretty short and not very strong, but is rather skinny. She wears grey shirts most of the time with jeans. She has thin circle glasses.

Personality: She prefers being with himself though she enjoys a little company at times. She doesn't like people who think they're the smartest or greatest at anything and will stay away from those people, she also dislikes people who speak without thinking and would much rather have a thought out conversation than talk about random things. She doesn't much like athletic things as it usually requires her to work on a team with many others, but she loves dance very much. She will not tolerate annoying people, even if they aren't talking but just nearby, and she will snap at them to tell them to stop without second thinking it.

Other: Inry'aat

Form for in-game characters:
Name: Enri

Race: Wood Elf

Looks: Blonde hair with moss green eyes, her hair is always in two braids on each shoulder. She is fit and a medium height, with tanned skin. She wears a short green cloak around her shoulders and a pale green dress that goes to her knees and sleeves go to her elbows, with bits of armor.

Gender: Female

Class: Mage


Beauty: 2
Health: 2
Strength: 1
Stamina: 1
Speed: 1
Magic: 3

January 13th, 2017, 09:17 PM
Form for humans
Nero Grace / Lunaria Cross / Neo Iridae
Male / Female / Male
17 / 15 / 15
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M7xlbYzULew/VVgomgdK1PI/AAAAAAAAAWg/xMKdmVOKpR4/w500-h580/anime%2Bguy%2Borange%2Bhair.jpg (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M7xlbYzULew/VVgomgdK1PI/AAAAAAAAAWg/xMKdmVOKpR4/w500-h580/anime%2Bguy%2Borange%2Bhair.jpg)
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f6/70/90/f670903f65483b893bc242d6b673dbd9.jpg (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f6/70/90/f670903f65483b893bc242d6b673dbd9.jpg)
http://data.whicdn.com/images/162531097/superthumb.jpg (http://data.whicdn.com/images/162531097/superthumb.jpg)
Nero is a bright, open-mind lad who's very out-going. He likes music and isn't much for conflict. While he knows when he is needed, if things can be sorted out through words he would be much happier.
Lunaris, while quiet in reality, is rather upbeat and cheery when she's in the game. Seeing as the game gives her abilities she doesn't have in the real world, due her being mute and having Cerebral Palsy (leaving her bedridden and unable to walk or go anywhere without a wheelchair), she finds her escape through the game and loves every second she spends in that world.
Neo doesn't really like talking much to others and prefer to handle things on his own. Even if he pushes his limits beyond his current capabilities he still tries. He has a fairly shy and quiet demeanor and rarely acknowledges anyone talking to him.

Form for in-game characters
Nero -> N-Zero
Lunaria -> Lunaris
Neo -> N.O.
Human / Eldunari Elf / Dark Elf
http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110606135739/narutofanon/images/thumb/9/92/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg/253px-AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110606135739/narutofanon/images/thumb/9/92/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg/253px-AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg)
http://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w01/437734-anime-anime-girls-elsword-aisha-purple-eyes-purple-hair-twintails.jpg (http://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w01/437734-anime-anime-girls-elsword-aisha-purple-eyes-purple-hair-twintails.jpg)
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a4/c6/9e/a4c69e5908d5036a551bc029ab24457a.jpg (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a4/c6/9e/a4c69e5908d5036a551bc029ab24457a.jpg)
Male / Female / Male
Ranger / Warrior / [In-training] Assassin
[category - Nero, Luna, Neo]
Beauty - 2, 1, 0
Health - 2, 1, 1
Strength - 1, 3, 4
Stamina - 2, 2, 1
Speed - 2, 2, 2
Magic - 1, 2, 2

January 13th, 2017, 09:20 PM
All accepted once the personalities are in for solstice_X

January 13th, 2017, 09:37 PM
Form for humans
Name: Cynthia Woodson
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Looks: Cynthia is of a smaller stature and has semi-length light brown hair and blue eyes with a feminine face. She typically wears cashmere sweaters and black jeans.
Personality: Explosive. But in a good way.
Other: Inry'aat

Form for in-game characters
Name: Ali'gumi Hakana
Race: Wood Elf
Looks: 'Gumi has messy dark brown hair that is somewhat short in some places and longer in others, looking quite aesthetically pleasing. Her eyes are fiery red and she has an average skin tone. She wears mage robes.
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Beauty: 0
Health: 0
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Magic: 10

January 13th, 2017, 09:41 PM
@Grimshaodw Sibling powers!!! Yea!!!)

January 13th, 2017, 09:46 PM
Name: Axel
Gender: male
Age: 17
Looks: tall and lanky, with a crooked smile and brown, short hair. He has humorous brown eyes, but, whenever he thinks no one is looking, he's always checking his back
Personality: wary of new people at first, but when he gets to know you, he warms up quickly. Has a charming sense of humor, and can be slightly flirty. He is scared of the C.A., and as such, has not done anything that will get him noticed by them
Other: Inry'aat (Axel was a C.A. trainee, but he ran away)

Form for in-game characters:
Name: Dak'bar
Race: human
Looks: tall, with dark, shaggy hair and a brown cloak fastened at the neck. He has a thick build, obviously made for strength and being a tank for the team
Gender: male
Class: werewolf
Beauty: 0
Health: 4
Strength: 4
Stamina: 0
Speed: 2
Magic: 0

@Grim accepted, but without any points invested in beauty, her charrie can't be aesthetically pleasing
Grimshadow, Solstice_X, Leaf, Socks without points in beauty, they are basically all grey, black, and white, low res. The more beauty points, the more color and the higher resolution

January 14th, 2017, 04:45 PM
We can start. Everyone, except C.A. and Axel (former C.A. trainee) is just starting with their characters. The best looking, highest res. Characters are: N-Zero and Enri)

Axel sat down at his console, plugging in and joining the world of EPIC. At first glance, his werewolf character looked like a common fighter, bulky, powerful. He used this to his advantage to travel, no one would distinguish him from anyone else. At his side, there cranked a small pouch of wooden coins - the cheapest currency in game, and the only one that most people ever earn - drawing attention from the even less wealthy players playing the game

January 14th, 2017, 05:38 PM
I'm going to be here forever, this sounds really complicated, I'm going to have to read it again, might finish in maybe 2020)

January 14th, 2017, 05:49 PM
(I will just ask loads of questions at the end)
Name: Magisha
Race: Wood elf
Looks: I will add a pic soon
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Points: ??????
Beauty: 7
Health: 8ish
Strength: 3-4
Stamina: 8
Speed: 6
Magic: 5

Name: Alice
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Looks: slim with long black hair, red top with black jeans and hazel eyes
Personality: Shy and sometimes anxious but when she is online she is bold and confident
Other: iny'aaat

No One's Beeswax
January 14th, 2017, 05:50 PM
Form for Humans:
Name: Lauren Gale
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Looks: --removed--
Personality: Lauren is a pessimistic introvert with a negative outlook on things. She is very blunt, sarcastic, and intelligent but doesn't know her limits. You can usually find Lauren playing Epic or reading books.
Other: Inry'aat

Form for In-Game Characters:
Name: Mountain
Race: Dark Elf
Looks: --removed-- but with northwestern purple hair, royal purple eyes, and large elf ears
Gender: Female
Class: Witch
Beauty: 0
Health: 1
Strength: 0
Stamina: 2
Speed: 2
Magic: 5

January 14th, 2017, 05:52 PM
DatDerpz Excuse me, please make sure you read ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, even the stuff under the forms and above

@noonesbeeswax accepted

January 14th, 2017, 05:55 PM
(*head is spinning at the form* I'll make a form when I'm on a computer again, okay? The iPad I'm on now is far too complicated for forms)

January 14th, 2017, 06:07 PM
A girl with brown hair wandered around a messy room for a while digging through her things. It really was quite messy. Clothes, books and supplies were strewn about on the floor. A cashmere sweater hung lazily off the chair in front of her gaming desk and things were piled up all over. Eventually she pulled out (what I assume is like a VR thing *cough*SAOMuch*cough*) a techy looking helmet from said piles with a look of triumph in her posture. She plugged it into her console, sat down, and loaded up EPIC as her explosion-loving mage.

January 14th, 2017, 06:35 PM
Neo was wandering the streets of the EPIC world's capital. He probably was violating a bunch of CA protocol for doing so, but since there weren't much people registered in he didn't see the harm in it. As N.O. he felt more powerful than he did in the real world, however it didn't change the fact that he still felt invisible most, and was, of the time.

Lunaris opened her eyes as she immersed herself into the online world of EPIC. One swing, two swings, three, she swung her legs to make sure they were working and took one wobbly step forward. How long had it been since she was able to walk? She couldn't remember. Whatever the case, she felt ecstatic for finally being able to feel like walking again.

Nero ran fingers through his slightly longer, pink in game hair. It felt so weird to have nearly completely changed in appearance upon entering this online world. Geee...

January 14th, 2017, 06:53 PM
Sorry, one thing I forgot! Dark elves aren't allowed in the cities and npcs will attack them) Axel moved Dak'bar through the streets, stopping at the site of a dark elf... he knew that dark elf... he jumped behind a stall, waiting for his former classmate to be chased out

January 14th, 2017, 07:03 PM
( Agnate xD so my practically invisible character gets noticed by NPCs? Beautiful. )

A chill rushed up Neo's spine as he turned to notice a crowd of NPCs gathering behind him with weapons of various sorts. He cursed under his breath before he darted off, heading for one of the cities minor gates. It slipped his mind that his species wasn't allowed into cities because he had almost always been ignored everywhere else he went.

What a grand day this is. He thought to himself sarcastically as the crowd followed right behind him.

January 14th, 2017, 08:57 PM
Solstice_X I got Neo ^^ Grimshadow SAO had me and lost me halfway through season 1 xD. The beginning concept was great and then it all kinda fell apart) Alyson plugged into the world of EPIC, excited to start playing again. It always messed her up the first few minutes of being Ali'ikai, a wood elf warrior. Ali'ikai was walking around the city when she heard the start of a commotion. She turned her head, curious to see what was happening until she saw a bunch of NPCs chasing a dark elf. She started running after them, both thinking that it would be interesting and that the dark elf needed some help with the mob behind him.

January 14th, 2017, 09:05 PM
(I intend for my character's entrance to be a bit...explody...so I'll just sit by for now.)

January 14th, 2017, 10:11 PM
( Leaf Grimshadow )

( I'm laughing so hard rn. My character that's suppose to be the most invisible garners the most attention in the beginnings of this roleplay. xD )

N.O. bolted down twisting alleyways in attempts to lose the crowd. It partially worked. Many wound up losing him, but there still was a sizable group following him on his tail. Next time I should just lurk instead of walking in the plain sight.

A huff and a puff later he found himself cornered against one of the cities walls. Dammit! Glancing around frantically, he looked for anything he could climb to get away. Eventually he found the side of a house climbable and began to ascend just as the crowd closed in.

Some scaling later and he was atop the rooftops looking down at the crowd gathered below. He back pedaled as a ball of fire whizzed over his head and jumped from the rooftop to the wall. While he didn't exactly reach the top of the wall with his jump, he reached a fair ways up and used his kaiken dagger to scale the rest of the way as more fireballs and even some blades swooshed by his figure.

Sweet Holy ----! He cursed as he continued his ascent, These are some dangerous NPCs

January 14th, 2017, 10:25 PM
Solstice_X Mweheheh) Ali'ikai skidded to a halt at the edge of the crowd of angry NPCs. "You up there?" She called to the top of the building, scanning the top although she couldn't see much because of her height. She did want to help the person with the NPCs chasing them but didn't even know if they were still there or had gotten away. The elf tried again to peer past the top of the building but still couldn't see. She looked at an NPC, wondering if it would be fine if she climbed it's shoulders to get a better look.

January 14th, 2017, 11:32 PM
( Leaf )

"Yeah, just peachy." N.O. called back to whatever voice seemed to be addressing him with concern. While he hardly talked, he could be sarcastic when he did. He didn't like authoritative figures and being told what to do and what his limits were. Considering that, it was probably a miracle that he got into the CA under Assassin training.

He was nearing the top when a rogue fireball clipped the edges of his shirt and set it ablaze. Cursing in a panic, he teetered and lost his footing on the wall. The flames started to spread up his clothing as he struggled to remove the shirt and regain his foothold at the same time.


January 14th, 2017, 11:47 PM
Solstice_X ) Ali'ikai thought for a moment more before practically climbing on top of an NPC. She teetered on it before starting to get a better grip on the wall and climbing up. She heaved herself over the top of the building to see the elf burning. "Uh... What?..." She muttered in complete confusion, trying to comprehend what exactly was in front of her. "Stop, drop, and roll!" She told him, starting to wonder if this guy had ever heard of the thing, considering he was flailing around like he was going to just let himself be cooked.

January 14th, 2017, 11:53 PM
( Leaf )

"Not exactly possible unless I want to fall to my death!" N.O. shot back. He was up the wall midway, and falling would be around a fifteen foot plummet straight to hard ground. Eventually he managed to get rid of his shirt, revealing a toned and leanly muscled figure. He watched it plummet to the ground in flames and the villagers back up a bit.

Continuing his climb, he winced as a couple second degree burns began to sting and blood pooled from the blisters. Gee, this day couldn't possibly be any worse.

January 15th, 2017, 12:09 AM
Solstice_X ) Ali'ikai offered a hand to help him up, glancing at the NPCs, a few of them backing away from the shirt. "In any case, why were you in the middle of a city? I thought anyone who was playing as a dark elf would know that NPCs go after them," she asked him, genuinely wanting to know why. He didn't seem like an idiot if he at least had the sense to run, climb a wall, and take off a burning shirt. Ali'ikai wondered for a brief moment how long she could be on EPIC until she needed to go but pushed the thought away. There were more things to wonder about. Like the elf who was now bleeding and burned.

January 15th, 2017, 12:30 AM
( EXPLOOOOSION! Leaf Solstice_X )

Suddenly, a sudden shaking and a loud boom rocked the earth. A black cloud plumed and rose from the ground not far off. A figure in fiery robes stood on top of a wall nearby, arm outstretched and holding a black staff, red eyes shining. The explosion was certain to draw the attention of the NPCs...and it felt so good. Then they jumped down and raced towards the two in trouble, yet still moving out of the path of the NPCs that were diverging from the mob to go see what'd happened. She wasn't surprised to see her sister getting into trouble, so she thought she may as well back her up and see what this was about. And of course, this gave her a chance to use her magic.

January 15th, 2017, 12:39 AM
( Leaf Grimshadow Dammit Grim xD )

N-Zero raised an eyebrow in the direction of the wall section with all the commotion as the explosion erupted. Only a few moments into gameplay and there was already a stir, wonderful.

"It just slipped my mind." N.O. replied as he took the offered hand to help him up, "People usually don't notice me-" He was cut off mid-sentence at the sudden explosion.

January 15th, 2017, 12:45 AM
Grimshadow Nuuuuuuuuuuu Solstice_X ) Ali'ikai looked over to where the explosion was. "Oh hey my sister is here too," she said, smiling. She enjoyed having her sister's company, the magic user quite fun to be with. She wondered how long she'd been in the game since it must've been before Ali'ikai logged on. She also wondered what was going to happen concerning the wall if it was damaged. "Would you like to use my cloak as a cover for a shirt?" She offered the dark elf.

January 15th, 2017, 01:08 AM
( Oh yeah, you two carry on a bit longer without me Leaf Solstice_X )

January 15th, 2017, 01:18 AM
( Leaf Grimshadow eeeeeevil. )

"I'm fine." N.O. replied. He felt bad that he needed help from others, and he didn't want to be a burden on the wood elf, "So that sister of yours, why does she enjoy exploding thing?"

It made him a bit on edge knowing that there was another mage that could possible blow his top off in his midst.

January 15th, 2017, 01:33 AM
Solstice_X ) "I suppose. She's a really powerful mage. I'm a warrior though," Ali'ikai replied, casting one last glance towards where the explosion had been before looking back at the dark elf. "My name is Ali'ikai, by the way. What's yours?" She asked him.

January 15th, 2017, 01:41 AM
( Leaf )

"N.O." He replied. It felt awkward for someone to want to get to know him. Now that he thought about it, he wondered about when the last time anyone even wanted to remotely speak to him was.

January 15th, 2017, 02:09 AM
Solstice_X ) "I feel like that stands for something but I don't know," Ali'ikai mused, thinking. It did sound like it represented or stood for something but her mind was blank so she turned away from the thoughts.

January 15th, 2017, 03:07 AM
( Leaf )

"Maybe," N.O. shrugged, "If it does, I haven't figured it out yet."

Lunaris managed to make herself look like a normal walking entity, but she still felt awkward about it. The feeling was just...off. Maybe it was just her immobility in real life talking, but it still didn't change her feeling about this world.

January 15th, 2017, 04:36 AM
@DatDerpz (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=622) Excuse me, please make sure you read ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, even the stuff under the forms and above

@noonesbeeswax accepted
Oh yeah sorry I forgot about the thingy

January 15th, 2017, 10:16 AM
DatDerpz Would you mind changing your points to a total of 10 that were distributed?)

January 15th, 2017, 11:50 AM
@DatDerpz (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=622) Would you mind changing your points to a total of 10 that were distributed?)
ok? I'm still confused, XD I'm so stupid helllp)

January 15th, 2017, 11:57 AM
DatDerpz Each player is given 10 points only to distribute among their categories. You can distribute them however you like, but the amount of points you have total should add up to 10)

January 15th, 2017, 06:50 PM
Grimshadow Grim just make your dramatic entrance. Idk what else to have Ali'ikai do xD)

January 15th, 2017, 07:09 PM
(asdfghjkl This won't be as great then. >.< Leaf Solstice_X )

It took her a few minutes, but eventually Ali'gumi maneuvered around the NPCs to catch up to her sister and the dark elf stranger. The crowd was still numerous though. She actually found it pretty amusing that this many NPCs were after the head of one player. Knowing the game rules, she knew why they were after them, and thought it was quite comical. 'Gumi then raised her staff above her head as energy began to flow through its focal point which created a brilliant light. Her robes billowed and her hair blew back from the energy swarming around, and a second later, she lowered the point and marked several spots with runes and shouted, "Explosion!" once they were all placed, and what followed were five large detonations that, while not close enough to cause direct harm to the NPCs, threw debris and smoke all over them, and likely knocked most of them around with shockwaves. 'Gumi watched and reveled in the beauty of destruction and finished with a satisfied sigh before she continued on towards her sister.

No One's Beeswax
January 16th, 2017, 10:36 AM
Lauren plunged into the world of EPIC headfirst. Literally. Lauren landed on her head, she had to get more used to that. Her limbs were wobbly as she stood up. Great. Well, she was Mountain now, a great and powerful witch, so she'd better start acting like it. Mountain sneaked quietly out of the starter town, she read the rules unlike some of the dark elf players.

January 16th, 2017, 11:17 AM
Name: Anna Starr
Gender: female
Age: 16
Looks: (cuz I wanna be lazy) http://68.media.tumblr.com/19cd393760c4bc1a25e970bea9115e2f/tumblr_n86v9uusXY1r2p31ho1_500.jpg
Personality: I would very much like to put to be roleplayed for her parsonality, because no two of my characters ever have the same personalities, and also because I don't want to fight her to force her into an aggressive personality if she turns out shy, or force her to be shy and quiet if she turns out to lean towards sharp aggressiveness...So would it be alright if her personality is left up to the roleplay to decide?
Other: Inry'aat

Name: Arystice
Race: human
Looks: http://68.media.tumblr.com/19cd393760c4bc1a25e970bea9115e2f/tumblr_n86v9uusXY1r2p31ho1_500.jpg
Gender: female
Class: thief
Beauty: |
Health: ||
Strength: |
Stamina: ||
Speed: ||||
Magic: ~

January 16th, 2017, 11:26 AM
Accepted) Axel as the mob was undeterred by the magical explosions, a few of them actually grabbing bows and arrows. Shifting Dak'bar into his wolf form, he ran and jumped in front of the group, growling menacingly and slowly stepping forward. He snapped his jaws at the closest npc, causing them to hurriedly back away

January 16th, 2017, 11:35 AM
(Hey Agnate, is this a computer game or a vr one?)

No One's Beeswax
January 16th, 2017, 12:29 PM
Although it wasn't her class's specialty Mountain managed to sneak around the mob. She lightly It wasn't easy being a dark elf, what were the perks again? Mountain racked her head for the reason she chose to be a dark elf. Being chased around by NPCs was a very crippling drawback. Where would Mountain buy and sell her loot? ( Could someone answer these questions because it would be nice to know. )

January 16th, 2017, 04:47 PM
They wear like a vr suit that they plug into a console that looks like a futuristic gamecube. Minor villages and such allow dark elves, and they often get others to do their bidding for them)

January 17th, 2017, 06:12 PM
( Grimshadow Leaf Agnate and to anybody else who has popped into the scenario. )

N.O. just stared dumbfounded for a bit as not only did a series of explosions go off, but a werewolf also happened to magically appear. While he swore he'd seen the werewolf figure before, the more serious matter regards how the higher ups would penalize him for all the commotion he has managed to cause with the NPCs.

Boy...am I going to have it... He thought grimly to himself as he caught a glimpse of another dark elf miraculously weaving their way through the sea of NPCs. Probably because they're distracted by myself, the werewolf and the explosions.

( Suddenly I want to make him suuuuper sassy. )

January 17th, 2017, 08:43 PM
Solstice_X Grimshadow Agnate ) Ali'ikai turned her head. "Ok so the explosions, that's my sis but why is there a werewolf with the NPCs?" She said, half to herself half to anyone who was listening. "SISSSSS!!!" She yelled out like she always did when she wanted to get her sister's attention.

January 18th, 2017, 06:43 PM
( Why can't I just put everyone into one tag? >.< Leaf Solstice_X Agnate )

'Gumi found that the crowd between her and the two, plus werewolf, was still plentiful. It took her only a second to come up with an explosive idea. She spotted a shield of sorts and put it up against a wall, placing a rune behind it. Leaning into it, 'Gumi raised her staff, which lit up, and the following explosion launched her over with a sense of exhilaration shortly overcoming her. By a calculated miracle, she happened to land in front of Ali'ikai, stumbling upon impact but planting her staff to stop herself. "Haaaaai!" she cried and wrapped her arms around the virtual body of her sibling. "That was incredible!" she breathed excitedly.

January 18th, 2017, 08:26 PM
Grimshadow Solstice_X Agnate ) Ali'ikai hugged her sister back. "Hoi sis!" She greeted her happily. "Nice job on the explosions too," she complimented, peering over at all the spots she'd blown up. "It's beautiful,' the girl said, her eyes lit up with delight and mischief.

January 18th, 2017, 09:11 PM
( Leaf Solstice_X Agnate )

'Gumi spun away from her sister and flourished with a sigh. "It is, isn't it?" Suddenly, she jerked her staff across her field of view on the NPCs, fiery glow in her eyes once more. "So, who's next?" she said more to her self than anyone else, simply determining who would get to witness her wonderful explosions personally.

No One's Beeswax
January 19th, 2017, 04:34 PM
Lauren exited the town unnoticed. She breathed in the fresh, clean air as she left. Now, how did she do this again? Lauren scouted the area for anything to practice her witch powers on.

January 20th, 2017, 06:20 PM
( Leaf Agnate Grimshadow )

N.O. just gaped at the explosion's girl and the fact that she seemed to cheerfully want to blow everyone up. Gee, they seem...nice? He wasn't sure on how to approach even talking to either of them anymore considering that they looked like they'd kill with a cheerful happy grin plastered to their face.

January 20th, 2017, 07:04 PM
Solstice_X Grimshadow ) Ali'ikai giggled and turned around to look at the other elf. "You seem scared," she noted thoughtfully, looking at his face. Her sister and her might come off as slightly crazy, she figured, stifling a laugh. She wasn't sure what they were coming off as but judging by his face it didn't appear to be great.

January 20th, 2017, 07:32 PM
Dak'bar shifted out of Wolf form, drawing a large blade and pointing it at the horde of npcs. Between the maniacal girls behind him, and his huge, hulking figure, it was already a terrifying sight, but the glistening blade made it that much scarier. "Leave now, or face your fate" the voice rumbled lowly from the cloaked figure, sending most of the npcs running. Dak'bar then shifted, running through the streets towards the woods were monsters reigned

January 20th, 2017, 07:54 PM
( Leaf Solstice_X Agnate )

The explosive mage scared off the rest of the NPCs by firing off more explosions while her sister talked to the stranger. "Blast! Blast! Blast!" she giggle-chanted at every explosion she created. By the end, 'Gumi was panting and leaning over. The panting was more from the exhilaration rather than being tired, and she had a slight blush to her face. She wondered who the beast was, and where they'd run off to as she fell back into her sister with a blissful look on her face, and likely knocking her into the dark elf.

January 21st, 2017, 10:48 AM
( Leaf Grimshadow Agnate )

N.O. just yelped as more explosions fired off and the peppy blasty explosions one bumped her sister towards him. He also noted that the werewolf figure had threatened NPCs and then had run off somewhere. Between thinking if he knew that werewolf figure and trying not to get blasted by explosions girl, his mind was just reeling from everything that had happened.

January 21st, 2017, 07:47 PM
Grimshadow Solstice_X ) Ali'ikai beamed with satisfaction. "I'll take that as a yes!" She said cheerfully, giving a little clap to her sister's next explosions. She watched as the last of the NPCs fled the area. She waved goodbye and looked at Ali'Gumi. "Those ones were very good," she complimented her, clapping.

January 21st, 2017, 08:37 PM
( Leaf Solstice_X Agnate )

'Gumi nodded, eyes half-lidded and limp body flopped back on the ground. After expending so much mana, her character was quite exhausted, and would need someone to carry her for a bit. Normally that would be Ali'ikai's job. Not only did her powerful magic consume a lot of mana, she was a glass cannon in general with otherwise low physical attack and health, and in fact no other stats to speak of at all, really.

January 21st, 2017, 09:22 PM
( Leaf Grimshadow Agnate )

N.O. just stared at the collapsed girl, "Is it a good idea for her to be doing that if..." he just pointed to the witch girl without saying any further words.

Today has been a weird day so to speak. Random people keep appearing out of no where combined with the conflict of being chased by NPCs. He'd honestly wanted a peaceful stroll in town before the NPCs came out and all this happened. The thought of what punishment he might receive when he returned crawled under his skin and he didn't like it at all.

January 22nd, 2017, 01:36 PM
Solstice_X Grimshadow ) "Oh this always happens," Ali'ikai said nonchalantly, starting to scoop up her sister. "I think you waste most of your mana on explosions. I like that," she told Ali'gumi with a smile. She turned to the dark elf. "So Mr. Dark Elf, who are ya?"

January 22nd, 2017, 01:48 PM
( Leaf Solstice_X Agnate )

'Gumi weakly gave her sister a thumbs up and whispered, "Explooooosion..." With a dramatic motion of her hands, symbolizing what she just said before being completely slack. Explosion magic was her one and only, so of course she would devote all of her mana to it.

January 22nd, 2017, 01:53 PM
( Leaf Grimshadow Agnate )

"Um...N.O., that's about all I can disclose. I believe I said that before..." he mumbled with a glance down below the other side of the wall.

(sad little post time. x.x)

January 23rd, 2017, 07:14 PM
Grimshadow Solstice_X ) Ali'ikai nodded. "Oh yea. I'm tempted to sign off and go make her do the same but I won't 'cause I'm nice," she said, half to herself, half to N.O. She always did love annoying her sister, if she wasn't doing anything important. She didn't think it was important to be exploding things to scare off NPCs and just because she could at least.

No One's Beeswax
January 30th, 2017, 09:11 PM
Mountain ran around the forest trying to learn the basics of EPIC and staying away from any other players. She blasted a few pig things with magic, though that took a while. Mountain tried incantations and stuff until she got frustrated and finally killed the pig-boar-thing. She didn't know how it worked, but it worked!