View Full Version : Blazingstorm's Finder

January 3rd, 2017, 02:36 PM
As you guys probably already know, Blazingstorm is now the deputy of Windclan and with that in mind, I'd like him to have a little more relations. Now keep in mind that this cat's history has been roleplayed other than his kit moons meaning that Blazingstorm has a lot to hold to and care for.

Needed/Wanted/Nice To Have

Blazingstorm (http://echowcorp.weebly.com/blazingstorm.html)
Mother (In StC or WC)
Father (In StC or WC)
1-3 Siblings
An apprentice (since his current one went inactive)
Possible Love Interest
Other Kin -- Look at her current family before applying!!!

Role Wanted:
Plot Ideas?:

Note: I'm not looking for cross-clan relationships other than acquaintances. Blazingstorm isn't one to break the code in any way so keep that in mind.

January 3rd, 2017, 02:46 PM
Name: Aspenblaze
Age: 29 moons
Clan: Windclan
Appearance: http://wcokittiessite.weebly.com/uploads/8/1/2/3/81231750/195477815.jpg
Personality: Aspenblaze is a handsome tom, but he doesn't really notice it. He is kind all around, and believes that everyone is good. He has a perfect sense of humor, and laughs at almost anything. But, it is very easy to make him cry. The handsome tom is also very stubborn, and sometimes doesn't realize it. He also doesn't have a lot of common sense, and gets caught up over the silliest things. He is a great hunter and a fierce fighter, but is not very smart. Sometimes, the tom trips over the tiniest of things. Another downside, is that he is not very brave, and gets scared around trouble. But overall, he is a great cat to be around. When you are sad, he will try to cheer anyone up, and even offers to do jobs that someone doesn't want to do. Lots of mollys want to be his mate, and are attracted to him. As great as he is, Aspenblaze is not looking for anyone.
Role Wanted: Brother
Other?: I think it would be best if they were great friends. I just want someone for him that he would joke a lot around with.
Plot Ideas?:I was brainstorming a plot for him... But if they were brothers, he would have little to no role in it.

EDIT: Here is his site:http://wcokittiessite.weebly.com/aspenblaze.html

January 3rd, 2017, 03:12 PM
Name: Zephyrkit Zephyrpaw Zephyrfrost
Age: 5 moons
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: Zephyrkit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/1b/00/d3/1b00d368ff94efa4424d24d42c05a83d.png)
Personality: She has strong nature but is very adventurous. She will put herself in danger to save any cat she loves and cares about. She is honest and loyal and loves to learn new things, like hunting, battle, etc. Zephyrkit does tend to speak her mind a lot, even when the other doesn't want to hear it and is very persistent to help and will ask a lot to help with something. She will obey the clan rules with fierce loyalty and will never give up! Recently she has started to stay to herself and only interacting with older cats instead of her kin. But she will eventually open up to someone, if she is chosen she will open up to Blazingstorm. She dislikes being front and center and hates being praised for doing something she felt she did bad in. Zephyrkit wants to do everything perfect, and will try and impress her mentor alot, but sometimes will fail.
Role Wanted: Apprentice
Other?: none
Plot Ideas?: none right now, maybe i could come up with something if she's chosen XD

January 3rd, 2017, 05:47 PM
Le boop

January 3rd, 2017, 05:57 PM
Name: FawnSkip | MumbleNose (http://duxislife.weebly.com/mumble.html)
Gender;; Female | Male
Age: 29 Moons | 48 Moons
Clan: WindClan | WindClan
ref (https://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1665823/281509733/stock-photo-cat-in-a-flowery-garden-281509733.jpg)
[see link w/name]
Charming; Independent; Loyal;
Reserved; Sarcastic; Stubborn;
Deceitful; Fiery; Willful;
[see link w/ name]
Role Wanted: Possible Love Interest(?) | Acquaintance
Other?: If you'd prefer, I can whip up a sibling instead | Nada
Plot Ideas?: FawnSkip is a bit of a dominant yet complex kitty... Perhaps BlazingStorm can be entranced with her mysterious nature? And I quote, from his character page, ``This leads him to be stubborn as he doesn't give up easily on anyone. He tries his hardest to get approval from everyone as he doesn't like disapproval.`` Not to mention his flirtatious nature with she-cats. Oo! Perhaps BlazingStorm and FawnSkip can be flirting buddies - because she'll willingly flirt back ( she likes to play hard-to-get, though )? She'll basically, I guess, play with him. For example, he can be all *charming, charming, charming* and she'll respond, in a teasing yet serious tone, with *your too cocky for your own good* then flip her hair and catwalk off. Then BlazingStorm is like, =o *I love her* & yeup

Trashy Sky
January 3rd, 2017, 05:58 PM
Name: Caramelblood (http://noonelivesforever.weebly.com/caramelblood.html) ayyyyy
Age: 12 moons
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: Caramelblood is a cream-colored cat with caramel-colored markings on his tail, face, and legs. Their eyes are a clear blue while their nose and paw pads are pink. They have a tear in their right ear and a faded scar that goes across their muzzle. They're a small cat, having a build that tends to be shorter and skinnier then other warriors their age. Their slightly fluffy fur hides that but their still the same height. Hopefully their duties will solve that.
Personality: Caramelblood could be described with one word; trick. They seem to be soft and kind on the outside, like a normal warrior, but they're sharp and terrible on the inside. They loves to mess with the minds of others, listening in on conversations just to get something to use against a cat. If you get into a deep conversation with them, you'll probably hear them say they hate everyone. Though, they don't hate everyone. As long as they see the same side with them or like his dark sense of humor or like the way they mess with others then you're completely fine by them. It doesn't mean you're friends, but it means you have a possibility of being friends with them. They have a dark mind, loving the thought of bloodshed and despair, and they joke about it often. If they could, they would slice every cat that looks at them the wrong way. Though, they knows he can't and that's the problem. They're a small cat, not much strength. Though, they hope that warrior duties will help him with that. Caramelblood despises anything considered 'sweet' or 'lovely', as they just don't pertain to their certain stature on life. They despise the fact that everyone exists and thinks they should only exist under the rule of a sharp and harsh claw. They don't care if they were that ruler or not, they'd be loyal to anyone who has the potential to. They tend to be emotionless a lot, having a monotone voice and blank eyes that seem to stare into your soul. Some mistake this as depression but it's not, they've always been emotionless with a spark of hate inside.
Role Wanted: Nemesis and/or Enemy
Other?: Nope but we need to rp caramel and thrush tbh
Plot Ideas?: Not really
Name:Blackgaze (http://noonelivesforever.weebly.com/blackgaze.html)
Age: 43 moons
Clan: RiverClan
Appearance: Blackgaze is a strong and thick-muscled she-cat. Her fur is pitch black, leaving zero markings of other colors, and his a short length. Her eyes are a milky green, and that's where we get to a flaw of her's. Blackgaze is blind. Though, even if she is blind her thick body and great fighting and hunting seems to almost counter out that fact. She has a big body on slightly bigger paws, which make her seem like she could smack a cat across the clearing. Though, due to her large body and blindness, she's not very good at running for long periods of time through any area that's thick with obstacles. Though, there's another thing she's not that great at. It's swimming. She can swim but her blindness causes her to not swim as much as possible, making her a drypaw. This seems to be completely fine though, as she's never had the real need to swim a long distance.
Personality: Blackgaze is a terribly ambitious code-follower. She's made her way up to being a warrior even though she's blind, and it's made her feel great about herself. Her (now deceased) brother Northpaw always told her things like "you'll never become a warrior" or "you should just give up now" and she believed these things for most of her apprentice years, causing her to have a hidden low self-esteem that can be triggered by just a few words. She's trained hard and long just to show her brother that she, and any other blind cat, can become a warrior if they want to. This training along with living 40+ moons and following the code, makes her better then some other non-blind warriors seen. As, to her, it's not all about the skills a warrior has, but the determination they have to do it. Blackgaze also tends to think over things too, maybe even too much. She wants to make sure she's making the right decision before she does and it makes her freak out a bit when she can't decide. The only time this doesn't happen is when she's in the heat of battle. Then she just goes for her first thought and first move, hoping for the best. She does tend to believe she isn't a great warrior and will never amount to anything, even if she has potential to be better then most warriors in her clan. This causes her to not be as great as she could be, seeing how once she believes something it tends to become true. Even if she still trains alone and is a great warrior for the reasons of her skills and the fact that she follows the code, she will mostly believe something like this. Though, all it takes is someone to tell her that she's great and she can amount to anything to get her to feel better about herself.
Role Wanted: Acquaintance
Other?: Nah
Plot Ideas?: Not really but hey the two newest deputies knowing each other is cool I guess

January 3rd, 2017, 06:53 PM
I know you want nothing more than acquaintance for cross-clan relationships, but maybe blazing and Mistfall (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/mistfall.html) could possibly be on the friendly side since they are allowed friends in other clans (especially friendly behavior during gathering and such)

I also have Burntkit (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/burntkit.html) for an apprentice?

Name- Scorchkit | Scorchpaw | Scorchflare
Age- 10 moons
Clan- Windclan
Appearance- [ref 1 (http://previews.123rf.com/images/evdoha/evdoha1209/evdoha120903122/15359124-red-with-white-fluffy-cat-Stock-Photo.jpg)] [ref 2 (http://previews.123rf.com/images/evdoha/evdoha1209/evdoha120903104/15358998-red-with-white-fluffy-cat-Stock-Photo.jpg)] [ref 3 (http://previews.123rf.com/images/evdoha/evdoha1209/evdoha120903103/15359089-red-with-white-fluffy-cat-Stock-Photo.jpg)]
Personality- Adventurous | Ambitious | More talk than action
Scorch is very adventurous and rambunctious cat. He seems to be careless and tends to ignore what other say about him - though he actually isn't this careless. He does care about how others see him but doesn't want to seem desperate for everyone's approval since that would just make him seem worse in the eyes of other's. He tends to act like a kit - in both good and bad ways. He can be fun and loves to play with others, but he also can be annoying and also pouty when he doesn't get his way. Scorch is very adventurous and doesn't really seem to share the same belief of others about many of the rules, especially the ones concerning any kind of relationship in either other clans or even outside the clans. He seems to look for trouble and seems interested in everything outside the Windclan territory, though disproving the rules and straight out breaking them are two completely different things and he doesn't try to really break any of them.This is mostly because he believes that others would only look even more down on him if he were to do something against the code.
Role Wanted- Brother
Other?- Could he possibly a younger brother? Maybe even half if you want half members as well?
Plot Ideas?- Noop

Empress Of Evil
January 3rd, 2017, 09:32 PM
Name: Winterwisp
Age: 27 moons
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: Here (http://empressoesocs.weebly.com/winterwisp.html)
Personality: Winterwisp is a quiet cat. She isn't well known amongst the clan and is normally seen alone. She doesn't talk to many cats and feels like an outsider amongst the clan. Winterwisp was born a kittypet and joined WindClan at a young age. Ever since the day she joined, she had always been grateful that the leader had let her join. Although, Winterwisp felt like she was a burden towards the clan. As an apprentice, she struggled with her training and she felt useless. She always felt like she didn't belong. She still does. Whenever Winterwisp feels down, she finds there's no one there to comfort her, she doesn't expect there to be anyone anyway.
Winterwisp believes she is not a worthy or useful cat. She doesn't believe in herself, yet Winterwisp seems to have so much confidence and hope in others. Everytime someone finds it hard to believe in themselves, or finds themselves useless, Winterwisp always seems to be there to comfort them. When making others feel better, Winterwisp isn't the angry sounding cat she normally is when talking. When she comforts others, she is gentle and she show her real side of personality.
When someone tries to strike up a conversation with Winterwisp, she'll reply with an angry reply. Winterwisp has been bullied a lot in her kithood and apprenticehood years so she was normally upset and angry. This has clung onto her ever since and so now she always seems to reply with an angry tone and she might let out something rude or mean by accident. Winterwisp doesn't mean it though, she realises what she does and always tries so hard to be nicer when talking. Winterwisp really is a nice cat but she struggles due to the bad moments in the past. Winterwips tries to forget about the bad things of the past, but she finds it hard to let go. And no one seems to be there to help her let go either.
Winterwisp is a very loyal cat. She finds that a lot of cats don't trust her that much due to her kittypet origins, so she's always trying to find a way where she can prove to her clan that she's a trustworthy warrior. She still struggles, fighting and hunting aren't really her thing, she's just really fast when running. Winterwisp feels like that's the only thing she's good at. Because of her lack of skill in fighting and hunting, Winterwisp finds that it's really hard for her to prove herself and her loyalty to her clan. Though she'll never stop trying. It's not just her clan that Winterwisp is loyal to though. Winterwisp is very loyal when it comes to love. The she cat refuses to let herself fall in love with more then one tom at a time. She doesn't want to hurt anyone in case they feel the same. Winterwisp doesn't really approve of others who fall for or flirt with more then one cat. When she see's one cat who does, she tries to help them see different and try be a little more loyal. When she does this, sometimes cats don't like her doing it and she manages to earn herself a few enemies. Winterwisp doesn't stop though, she wants to help others and that's what she'll do.
Now, despite Winterwisp's loyalty to love, she is quite flirty. When Winterwisp likes someone, she tends to flirt. She only flirts with the cat she likes though, she refuses to let herself flirt with anyone else, that way she's still keeping herself loyal. For some reason, Winterwisp feels like she shouldn't be flirting, but she doesn't know why. But she does it anyway.
Overall, Winterwisp is quiet and kind, loyal and flirty, but angry when talking normally.
Role Wanted: Enemy at first then possible love interest?
Other: Nothing
Plot Ideas?: Well I was thinking, that since Winterwisp normally starts a normal 'conversation' with angry and rude remarks, one day Blazingstorm could approach her to just have a chat then she says something rather rude? Maybe this could lead them to be enemies. Then, one day, Blazingstorm could be feeling stressed or something? With duties or something, and then Winterwisp comes along to make him feel better then they become friends. And then, since they're both flirty, they could flirt with each other?

Name: Gorsekit
Age: 3 moons (Though I think that Lily's kits could probably be aged up to 5 moons sometime soon)
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: Here (http://empressoesocs.weebly.com/gorsekit.html)
Personality: Gorsekit is a real big crybaby. He cries at just the simplest things. He tries to be brave but often gets scared away and crys. Gorsekit is loyal and trustworthy. He respects other and is kind. He always tries his best to express as much kindness as he can to another cat. Only problem is he is one of those gullible kitties that get picked on a lot. He can't defend himself as he is always already crying a river of tears. If you offend him, or even if you just say something and he thinks you offended him he will cry. He has a weak mind and can easily be convinced to do something or believe in something. One of Gorsekit's worst fears is being left alone. Just the thought of being alone can scare him. Luckily, just not enough to make him cry but makes him close. Gorsekit is clingy to his family and gets upset if they walk off to play with some others cats. Because of the fact he doesn't have many friends, he kind of envies his siblings that do, yet he doesn't want friends at the same time. He just needs his family. How he will make it to warriorhood? No one knows.
Role Wanted: Apprentice
Other: Nothing
Plot Ideas?: None

Name: Auroraflame
Age: 24 moons
Clan: SkyClan
Appearance: Here (http://empressoesocs.weebly.com/auroraflame.html)
Personality: Auroraflame. A loyal warrior to the very end. She is hardworking and always tries to do her best. Auroraflame is a fierce fighter and doesn't give up easily. She is not easily influenced and has her own head and mind. Although despite her fierceness to fight for her clan, she also prefers peace over conflict and will use words before actions. Auroraflame is kind and caring. She is supportive and always encourages others. Especially young cats. She is always looking out for the youngsters of the clans. She adores kits a lot, and hopes to have some of her own one day. She always enjoys talking to apprentice's. Auroraflame looks out for not only the youngsters, but the older ones as well. Auroraflame loves to sleep. Because she has duties, she doesn't really sleep in but when she does sleep she does her best to enjoy the moment. Auroraflame has a great sense of humour. She is funny and her life is made of sarcasm. This ebony she cat loves sarcasm. She often uses it on the difficult cats in her life. If someone is rude to Aurora, she isn't afraid to use her weapons of sarcasm. Sometimes, if a cat annoys her enough, her sarcasm can be a little hurtful but she never means it. When Aurora does something embarrassing she always like to cover it up by saying something funny. Or something that's so stupid that it's funny. Auroraflame enjoys making others laugh. Auroraflame often uses sarcasm when arguing. This may be weird but Auroraflame likes to argue. Friendly arguments where no one really means anything. She has like a whole list of comebacks in her mind. When it comes to real arguments though, she can be very serious. If she disagrees with someone she'll speak up and not be afraid to let out her opinion. She's pretty smart. She's not super intelligent but pretty smart. Now, despite the fact that Auroraflame is so outgoing snd friendly, often letting cats off for their mistakes, she can be stern and brisk. In times of emergency, when someone is in trouble the humour goes away and she doesn't want to be annoyed. And when she isn't in the mood and others annoy her she often snaps at them. There aren't many things that get on her nerves but there is one thing that certainly does. Others who think they're really good at something or really smart when they're not. She doesn't enjoy it when they boast. Overall, Auroraflame is a kind and friendly cat who is humourous but can be serious and is also extremely fierce when fighting for her clan.
Role Wanted: Acquaintance
Other: Nothing
Plot Ideas?: None ​

January 3rd, 2017, 10:33 PM
I'm on mobile so this form will suck, but I have Crestpaw (www.lillswcocats.weebly.com/crestpaw.html) or Moonkit (www.lillswcocats.weebly.com/moonkit.html) (soon to be paw) available for apprentice?

January 4th, 2017, 10:37 AM
when will you choose the roles my friend?

January 4th, 2017, 11:43 AM
when will you choose the roles my friend?
Most likely later today

January 4th, 2017, 11:47 AM
Most likely later today

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 5th, 2017, 11:02 AM
Name: Redpaw
Age: 8 moons
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: Small calico tomcat with bright, almost neon blue eyes and a black shape resembling a four-point star of his forehead. The left side of his face is slightly disfigured due to an unfortanute run-in with a rabit.
Personality: Clumsy, kind, gets lost easily, and friendly, he isn't very good at hunting or fighting because of his clumsy nature and tries to make others laugh despite being sad almost all the time.
Role Wanted: Apprentice, or possibly friend?
Other?: Sry this sucks im in a rush
Plot Ideas?: (Can edit in soon/later)

January 5th, 2017, 11:42 AM
Ember: For her dark gender pelt
Dust: For the silver specks in her yellow eyes, and it's a symbol for death {Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust} that and it sounds cool
Age: 29 moons
Apperance:Ref1 (http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_megvofcnG01rqpai0o1_500.jpg)//Ref2 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6f/7b/2f/6f7b2f696ab23f6b08fd6ae779c4bb29.jpg)//Ref3 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/bf/b4/91/bfb49155ced553cdcbfa9f9d28312994.jpg)
Personality: She is a very serious molly, not ever truely understanding jokes or sarcasm. She's more of a factual molly, always wanting to know more about somethings than others. She's not as open and optimistic as her brother, in fact she would rather be by herself, not really liking the attention from other cats, she hates to feel crowded, which is why, most nights she goes and sleeps outside. Emberdust doesn't care about what others think of her, if she likes what she's doing, then she'll do it with pride, not caring I feel she gets scolded or gets shot odd looks. Even though she's almost the exact opposite of her brother, they both will give up everything to protect the clan, even if they don't like her that much she's will fight fang and claw for he clan mates, right to the bitter end, and then some, considering how stubborn she is as well.
Role Wanted:Sibling
Other: nah I don't think so
Plot Ideas: not right at this moment, I'll tell you if I do though.

January 5th, 2017, 05:54 PM
TBA on the apprentice with so many forms. Here's everything else so far.



TehDerpyShoelace's Aspenblaze
Hexict's Scorchpaw (younger, I'd do half but Blazing doesn't have parents x.x)
starfall's Emberdust


Pink Orca!'s Redpaw (like states above, I'll get back to everyone about the apprentice role)

Possible Love Interests
AbsurdJinx's Fawnskip (they'd be funny xD)

AbsurdJinx's Mumblenose
Skybird's Blackgaze
Hexict's Mistfall (we can make them a little friendlier though)
Empress Of Evil's Auroraflame

Empress Of Evil's Winterwisp (I like the plot idea)

Skybird's Caramelblood (we really do need to RP ThrushXCaramel)

Other Kin

January 5th, 2017, 05:55 PM
Thanks! ^w^

(i could also apply for a father if you want?)

January 5th, 2017, 05:56 PM
Can I update my form a bit?

January 5th, 2017, 05:59 PM
terrible at soellingOk fixed meh spelling mistakes!

January 5th, 2017, 06:00 PM
c; he's got gale as a love interest

January 5th, 2017, 06:09 PM
Can I update my form a bit?
Yup! You can updates forms until someone's chosen!

The Skeleton Prince
January 5th, 2017, 06:11 PM
Name: Lakepaw
Age: 6 moons
Clan: Windclan
Appearance: Click Here (http://img.charahub.com/c1008071_47103c0cac9d18ae011fbfc0ba94d81f.jpg)
Personality: There's more than meets the eye in the case of Lakepaw, but two things you'll never forget are that he's amusing and freethinking. Of course he's also playful, independent and dynamic, but those are often overshadowed by tendencies of being unfriendly as well.
His amusing nature though, this is what he's often adored for. Friends usually count on this and his sympathetic nature whenever they need help.

Nobody's perfect of course and Lakepaw has plenty of rainy days too. His venomous nature and tactlessness don't make for the greatest company, both personally and for others.
Fortunately his freethinking nature helps prevent most of these grievances.

He has MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)

His other personality:

A whole lot can be said about Lakepaw, but the fact he's sadistic and inconsiderate is just the tip of the iceberg. To make things worse he's also cold, careless and amoral, but at least those are kept somewhat in check by habits of being flexible as well.
But focus on his as this is what he's often despised. Any healthy relationship is made incredibly difficult because of this and his shallowness, much to the annoyance of others.

Fair is fair though, Lake does have some lighter sides. He's friendly and cheerful for a start, but who knows what could happen.
Unfortunately his inconsideration will probably never truly go away.

When in his other personality he calls himself Specklepaw
Role Wanted: Apprentice
Other?: Link for his charahub (https://charahub.com/character/1008071/LakePaw/public/)
Plot Ideas?: im up for anything but i have writers block atm to think of anything

January 5th, 2017, 06:34 PM
Okay, with so many forms for the apprentice slot (which I didn't expect), I've decided that there will be a choosing date for the role!

January 7th will be the day I'm choosing his apprentice!

Until then you can apply for apprentice
anything else he still needs(on first page, anything not crossed through)

The Skeleton Prince
January 5th, 2017, 06:43 PM
Name: Lakepaw
Age: 6 moons
Clan: Windclan
Appearance: Click Here (http://img.charahub.com/c1008071_47103c0cac9d18ae011fbfc0ba94d81f.jpg)
Personality: There's more than meets the eye in the case of Lakepaw, but two things you'll never forget are that he's amusing and freethinking. Of course he's also playful, independent and dynamic, but those are often overshadowed by tendencies of being unfriendly as well.
His amusing nature though, this is what he's often adored for. Friends usually count on this and his sympathetic nature whenever they need help.

Nobody's perfect of course and Lakepaw has plenty of rainy days too. His venomous nature and tactlessness don't make for the greatest company, both personally and for others.
Fortunately his freethinking nature helps prevent most of these grievances.

He has MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)

His other personality:

A whole lot can be said about Lakepaw, but the fact he's sadistic and inconsiderate is just the tip of the iceberg. To make things worse he's also cold, careless and amoral, but at least those are kept somewhat in check by habits of being flexible as well.
But focus on his as this is what he's often despised. Any healthy relationship is made incredibly difficult because of this and his shallowness, much to the annoyance of others.

Fair is fair though, Lake does have some lighter sides. He's friendly and cheerful for a start, but who knows what could happen.
Unfortunately his inconsideration will probably never truly go away.

When in his other personality he calls himself Specklepaw
Role Wanted: Apprentice
Other?: Link for his charahub (https://charahub.com/character/1008071/LakePaw/public/)
Plot Ideas?: im up for anything but i have writers block atm to think of anything


does he need to be a kit? rn he is a frozen charrie until he gets mentor but i was wondering if he needed to be a kit

January 5th, 2017, 06:45 PM

does he need to be a kit? rn he is a frozen charrie until he gets mentor but i was wondering if he needed to be a kit
No, he doesn't have to be a kit

The Skeleton Prince
January 5th, 2017, 06:47 PM
No, he doesn't have to be a kit
ok :) Im really proud of this charrie lol. First one i had with MPD.

Empress Of Evil
January 5th, 2017, 08:24 PM
Great! Just notify me if you ever want to rp!

January 5th, 2017, 08:38 PM
Thank you :heartbounce:

January 6th, 2017, 03:57 PM
Okay, with so many forms for the apprentice slot (which I didn't expect), I've decided that there will be a choosing date for the role!

January 7th will be the day I'm choosing his apprentice!

Until then you can apply for apprentice
anything else he still needs(on first page, anything not crossed through)

Just bumping to the bottom

January 7th, 2017, 06:32 AM
Name- Gingerflame
Age- 56 moons
Clan- Windclan
Appearance- [ref 1 (https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/orange-fluffy-cat-looking-away-outside-yard-16964611.jpg)] [ref 2 (https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/gato-europeo-5066838.jpg)]
Personality- Ginger wouldn't entirely be considered 'Dad of the Year'. Of course, he does love all his kits, but he doesn't quite show it properly. He's a cold and distant cat that hardly likes to get involved in other's business - whether it's another cat or even the other clans. He can be a bit close minded and isn't intent on changing any of his ways. ginger has a difficult time expressing his emotions, which is why he can be snappy and is usually cold and sharp-tongued towards anyone around him. If he's proven wrong or told he's done something wrong than this tom is known to snap back and not accept it. Since he barely acknowledges that he's done something wrong, he rarely ever apologizes - so when he does, you know he sincerely means it. Even if he is harsh, he is extremely protective over his family and would give his life for them. Ginger will also snap at his family if they scared him and he believed they could've gotten hurt. He also tries to get them to obey the rules if they ever ventured despite the fact that he doesn't follow them either. He has a constant fear that while he's out or just not around them that something will happen, which is why he seems to want to be around all his kits- though he remains cold and harsh on the out-side and continues to show them tough-love when in their presence.
Role Wanted- Blazingstorm's Father
Other?- Noop
Plot Ideas?- No

January 7th, 2017, 07:59 AM
Name: rowanpaw
Age: 07 moons
Clan: Windclan
Appearance: all seen here (http://fabufox.weebly.com/rowanpaw.html) (appearance and relatives / family is a WIP)
Personality: look to link
Role Wanted: apprentice
Other?: mm no
Plot Ideas?: not that I can think of while I'm making this form <3

January 7th, 2017, 08:07 AM
Wait for me for an apprentice! Will put something together quickly! :D

January 7th, 2017, 08:34 AM
Here I go

Ferretkit - Ferretpaw - Ferret?

5 ½ moons



Quite small siamese cat.
She has the typical black-brown ears, paws and muzzle as a siamese, as well as the white patches
A usual siamese, nothing big to go in details with


Held back & Unconfident
This young kitten is usually to be seen sitting in the corner of camp, trying to keep away as much as possible. This is because of the many harsh words she’s been given during her kithood. Not having any family, she’s been teased with it by the other kits, and has not made any friends.
She tends to stay alone, preferably hidden under a bush most of the days, just watching and learning that way.
She is a very saddened kitten, not having much confidence due to the bullying she has been a victim of. She believes their words about not being worth much, being too tiny to do much good in battle and so forth.
Despite this, she has a quite big vocabulary when it comes to snapping back, leading me to her next traits:

Scared & Snapping
If anyone approaches this kitten, she will most likely snap at them and tell them to keep away. This is since she believes that everyone wants to tell her how little she is worth.
She is scared to make friends, believing that when they see how small and weak she is, they will judge her and laugh at her. This is also a reason to why she usually keeps to herself.
If anyone ever accuses her of doing something bad, she will snap back and defend herself in the worst way; By becoming badmouthed.

Caring & Protective:
If anyone succeeds at getting close to her heart, which hasn’t happened yet, she will develop great care and protectiveness towards them, especially if they are younger than her. She will try her best to defend them, even if it will make her confidence even worse by it becoming her herself retrieving the bad words.
If she ever gains a friend that goes through the same as her, she will always be ready with a listening ear and kind words.

Hopeful & Idolizing:
This kitten will most likely find someone, probably more than one, that she starts looking up to a lot. She will become somewhat of a stalker, watching whoever this is from a distance, and try her best to do the same as them.
She hopes to at some point get out of the bullying, and become a great warrior. She uses those idols of hers to make herself into a better warrior, by watching their moves and trying to do them herself.

Hardworking & Not easily giving up:
Even though this kitten is quite scared and held back, she will do her best in her apprentice years to train. Even going out of her way to get into patrols and gain the experience she needs to become one of the best warriors in the clan. She will not give up on anything she has set her mind to, however much it will wear her out.
This also leads to her usually being tired, but she will do her best to not let anyone notice it, and go on even though she will become fatigued.

Role wanted:
Apprentice & Friend

Plot ideas:
With Ferretkit/paw not having any parents and family, if accepted as Blazingstorm’s apprentice, she will most likely idolize him and try to be with him as much as she can, taking in every word he tells her. She will probably develop a feeling that Blazingstorm is some sort of father figure for her over time.

Sorry about the late reply and extremely long description, I sometimes get big ideas and just need them to get out :P (Blame that on being an amateur author...)

January 8th, 2017, 12:28 AM
With much thought I've decided that Spirit's Ferretkit will be Blazingstorm's apprentice!
Their personalities would just fit perfectly for what Blazingstorm wants to do and just how they'll connect.

Hexict's Gingerflame accepted for his father

The Skeleton Prince
January 8th, 2017, 07:32 AM
*claps and cheers* Congrats Spirit

January 14th, 2017, 09:13 PM
omg this is perfect--
approx. thirty nine moons
An elegant, slender, ginger ticked tabby with two front paws, and brown amber eyes. Her fur is rather soft in texture, and is quite well-groomed. Alderscreech is a slender, but well built warrior, a quick, and speedy type. Her fur is a pine brown and ginger color, looking quite like a cedar tree. Alderscreech's eyes are a brown amber hue, with an almond shape.
Alderscreech is a very protective type, and doesn't like to see others hurt, and would do anything to help, for everyone she cares for and loves dearly. She's not one to be loud, or obnoxious, and is rather quiet, but will speak for what is right, for her clan. Alder is a proud, and patriotic queen, and would die before she would betray her clan for outsiders. She's a sweet, and overly caring cat for others, with a very loving nature. Alderscreech is a fighter, with a fierce reputation with being great on the battlefield, with family to protect. She's a motherly type, and is very calm and gentle with young cats, and often gives advice to those who need it the most. But, Alder can be a grumpy, and short-tempered molly when she wants to be, and has a short temper to those who irritate her
the most, but is a forgiving one, and won't be mad for very long.
Role Wanted:
Blazingstorm's Mother.
Plot Ideas?:
One day, Alderscreech could save Blazingstorm from something, and sacrifice herself to save her son.

January 14th, 2017, 09:16 PM
Eyy @suspiciousminds what's open still? Anything needed I can just fill in for ya?

January 14th, 2017, 10:44 PM
Name: Firestorm
Age: 53 moons
Clan: Windclan
Appearance: orange and white tabby with green eyes (image a WIP)
Personality: Loyal | Rash | Outgoing | Brutally Honest | Nasty Attitude
Role Wanted: mother
Other?: If not mother then friend would be cool
Plot Ideas?: I'm up for anything, though I was thinking that maybe she wasn't the best mother and tries to make up for it now in her own slightly harsh way??


January 15th, 2017, 12:36 AM
Eyy @suspiciousminds what's open still? Anything needed I can just fill in for ya?
Um the only things he needs now are enemies and a mother

January 15th, 2017, 03:50 PM
Um the only things he needs now are enemies and a mother

I can try put for mother.

January 15th, 2017, 04:02 PM
omg this is perfect--
Alderscreech | Alderpaw | Alderkit
approx. thirty nine moons
An elegant, slender, ginger ticked tabby with two
front paws, and brown amber eyes. Her fur is
rather soft in texture, and is quite well-groomed.
Alderscreech is a slender, but well built warrior,
a quick, and speedy type. Her fur is a pine brown
and ginger color, looking quite like a cedar tree.
Alderscreech's eyes are a brown amber hue, with
an almond shape.
Alderscreech is a very protective type, and doesn't like
to see others hurt, and would do anything to help, for
everyone she cares for and loves dearly. She's not one
to be loud, or obnoxious, and is rather quiet, but will
speak for what is right, for her clan. Alder is a proud,
and patriotic queen, and would die before she would betray
her clan for outsiders. She's a sweet, and overly caring
cat for others, with a very loving nature. Alderscreech is a
fighter, with a fierce reputation with being great on the
battlefield, with family to protect. She's a motherly type,
and is very calm and gentle with young cats, and often
gives advice to those who need it the most. But, Alder can
be a grumpy, and short-tempered molly when she wants
to be, and has a short temper to those who irritate her
the most, but is a forgiving one, and won't be mad for
very long.
Role Wanted:
Blazingstorm's Mother.
Plot Ideas?:
One day, Alderscreech could save Blazingstorm from
something, and sacrifice herself to save her son.

Everyone's agreed on you xD so Alderscreech is accepted as mother! And that plot idea will destroy poor Blazing x.x Since someones done that to him before.

January 15th, 2017, 04:15 PM
Everyone's agreed on you xD so Alderscreech is accepted as mother! And that plot idea will destroy poor Blazing x.x Since someones done that to him before.

Yea, I've noticed that, poor Blazing ;-;

January 15th, 2017, 04:18 PM
Yea, I've noticed that, poor Blazing ;-;

It'll be okay though x.x It'll shape him more

January 15th, 2017, 04:23 PM
It'll be okay though x.x It'll shape him more

And if he becomes leader, Alder could be one of the cats in his ceremony.
I'd rather her die peacefully honestly ;c. :heartballoon4:

January 15th, 2017, 04:24 PM
And if he becomes leader, Alder could be one of the cats in his ceremony.
I'd rather her die peacefully honestly ;c. :heartballoon4:

Either way, he hasn't lost someone to death in a while ;-; so we can work with that a bit

January 28th, 2017, 11:46 AM
Could I possibly apply for a younger sister?

January 28th, 2017, 11:51 AM
Could I possibly apply for a younger sister?
It would make sense for them to be Scorchpaw's age if you are

January 28th, 2017, 11:52 AM
It would make sense for them to be Scorchpaw's age if you are

Okay :)

How about Brightpaw (http://wcodesert.weebly.com/brightpaw.html)?

January 28th, 2017, 01:29 PM
Name: Shorttail
Link: Click (http://areptesa.wixsite.com/wcochars/shorttail)
Role Wanted: Friend
Other?: Blip :3
Plot Ideas?: (This plot idea is for way in Shorttail's past, as she's been a Windclan warrior for quite a while now) Maybe Blazingstorm helped Shorttail come to Windclan when she joined, helping her around and teaching her the ways of being a warrior, without actually mentoring her xD

January 29th, 2017, 09:41 AM
Name:: Stormtail. http://maplefall.weebly.com/windclan.html
Role Wanted:: Freind,
Other?:: Nope.
Plot Ideas?:: Blazingstar could help her with her three adoptive kits. (In a platonic way, like a freind helping a freind.)

January 29th, 2017, 02:47 PM
As you guys probably already know, Blazingstorm is now the deputy of Windclan and with that in mind, I'd like him to have a little more relations. Now keep in mind that this cat's history has been roleplayed other than his kit moons meaning that Blazingstorm has a lot to hold to and care for.

Needed/Wanted/Nice To Have

Blazingstorm (http://echowcorp.weebly.com/blazingstorm.html)
Mother (In StC or WC)
Father (In StC or WC)
1-3 Siblings
An apprentice (since his current one went inactive)
Possible Love Interest
Other Kin

Role Wanted:
Plot Ideas?:

Note: I'm not looking for cross-clan relationships other than acquaintances. Blazingstorm isn't one to break the code in any way so keep that in mind.

Name: Shyfrost (also known as Shykit or Shypaw)
Gender: She-cat
Age: 19 moons
Clan: WindClan
Appearance: White w/ dark blue eyes and a black tail-tip
Personality: Shy, hence her name, but also fierce. Will pack a bite when needed.
Role wanted: Great friend :3
Other?: Nuuuupe
Plot Ideas: Brainstorming.

January 29th, 2017, 05:12 PM
Name: Timberwisp
Age: 32 moons
Clan: Windclan duhh
Appearance: A tall tom with brown tabby markings up his tail to his torso and up his neck. Long fur that reaches the ground by his belly. Darker brown paws that gives off the look of muddy or dirty paws. Stunning blue eyes and dazzling build.
Personality: timberwisp is one of those cats whom you would NOT want to mess with. Though when you get to know him you will understand he is a big lug. he loves everyone and will stop at nothing to keep the trusting bonds he has with others.
Role Wanted: friend
Other?: Open for any type of plot with him.
Plot Ideas?: Anything simple from them liking the same she cat or end up getting into a fight over something.

January 31st, 2017, 11:00 PM
Brightpaw accepted

Timperwisp accepted

Shorttail accepted

The Eyes Of The Storm
Stormtail accepted

Shyfrost accepted

January 31st, 2017, 11:10 PM
Brightpaw accepted

Timperwisp accepted

Shorttail accepted

The Eyes Of The Storm
Stormtail accepted

Shyfrost accepted

Thanks Suspiciousmindz really appreciated

February 1st, 2017, 03:39 AM
Brightpaw accepted

Timperwisp accepted

Shorttail accepted

The Eyes Of The Storm
Stormtail accepted

Shyfrost accepted

Thanks :)

Ludicrous Lunacy
February 1st, 2017, 08:42 AM
Name: Taloncry (1, not 2)
Age: 33 moons
Clan: WC
Appearance: --
Personality: 1)) Taloncry is flirty and sly, testing the edge and a quick thinker. He is fairly arrogant, and next to more childish and warm cats seems uptight and rigid. He is childish and prefers not to work, instead chatting up she-cats and toms alike, behaving like he owns the Clan. || 2)) Talon is a frigid cat, filled with loathing and refusing to interact with others when he can help it.
Role Wanted: Enemy
Plot Ideas?: *le shrug*

February 3rd, 2017, 04:08 PM
Brightpaw accepted

Timperwisp accepted

Shorttail accepted

The Eyes Of The Storm
Stormtail accepted

Shyfrost accepted

Thank you!