View Full Version : Walk in the Moonlight {OPEN}

April 28th, 2020, 03:19 PM
{Anyone is welcome to join in, just looking for some friends or another cat taking a night stroll to interact with. Open to any sort of plotting too}

Her small paws softly padded on the ground as she strolled quietly, taking in the sounds of the night. Crickets rang out with their song, and the branches creaked in the wind, the woods rustled ever so softly with life. As Aspenpool listened to this melody the moon shined down upon her through the branches above.

What am I doing here?

Aspenpool thought to herself. The nightmares had been ongoing even before her parents had passed. She always had problems sleeping and hated rustling around in the den and disturbing others. So many times she would get up and walk through the territory.

I would do anything for some sleep.

She never talked much about these issues with others. She was too worried that there was something wrong with her on such a deep level that it couldn't even be fixed. So she dealt with them quietly on nights like this. Aspenpool kept going with no real destination. Just trying to pass the time until morning.

April 28th, 2020, 03:30 PM
(Oh no! I just saw you said this was for Riverclan! I can delete this if you want!)

Mouse yawned as he woke up from a deep sleep. He got up, trotting out of the barn. He needed to clear his head. He headed into the forest, not really knowing where he was going. Why do I keep having that dream...That happened a long time ago... He shook his short black pelt, trying to clear his head. He decided he would do some night hunting and started to smell around for prey.

Mouse's amber eyes studied the forest for any signs of movement. He saw a mouse and crouched, looking almost invisible with his black pelt at night. He leaped at the mouse, biting it's neck and killing it. He suddenly smelled the strong scent of cat. He turned, seeing a she-cat walking in the forest and heading straight for him.

Mouse quickly grabbed his mouse, and jumped into the nearest tree. He lay down, looking at the cat as she walked through the forest. "What's a pretty cat like you doing walking through a forest at night," he called down to the she-cat. Camilla

April 28th, 2020, 05:41 PM
{ wolfnight Mouse is a rouge right? Aspenpool is on the edge of the territory so I guess it would make sense that she could run into a rouge! We can play it out (: }

Aspenpool was startled at the sound of a voice. She flinched back for a second before gazing up at the tom. "Oh- I uh..." She started, not really knowing what to say. "Just taking a walk. Hard to sleep some nights." Even that was more information than she wished to share with strangers. "And what brings you out on such a quiet night?" she asked in her usual soft spoken voice. She was a bit weary of loners and rouges and was still a bit on edge as she spoke. Her body stayed tense as she gazed at the tom, her pale green eyes seeming brighter in the moonlight.

April 28th, 2020, 05:54 PM
Camilla (Yeah, Mouse is a rouge.)

Mouse nodded, agreeing with her. "Well, I don't think you should be wandering around these dangerous woods alone..." He grabbed the mouse and hopped out of the tree. "Especially a pretty she-cat like you." He flashed a flirty smile before walking over to her, sitting down. "A warm mouse usually helps me fall asleep. Here, have mine." He pushed the mouse over to her with his paw. "I'm Mouse, by the way."

April 28th, 2020, 06:08 PM
Aspenpool sighed quietly, the tension leaving her body as she relaxed a bit and sat, wrapping her tail around her paws. To her it was a bit funny to think about sharing a meal with a lone cat. She really tended to keep to her clan and didn't interact with anyone outside of that regularly. She reached her paw out towards Mouse, accepting the offer for it would be rude to tell someone no that was being so suspiciously generous. "Kind of you. Thank you." She said simply. "I'm Aspenpool. I haven't seen you around before and I walk this way often. I'm up most nights..." She looked at him for a moment, but felt this was more of a game than a threat. Not to mention this was more interesting than the many walks alone she had taken in the darkness before.

April 28th, 2020, 06:36 PM
Mouse smiled as she accepted the mouse. "Aspenpool. A pretty name for a pretty she-cat." He flashed another flirty smile and shook his pelt. "I don't really come here...I'm glad I came this way. If I didn't I wouldn't have met you." He shook his short black pelt, almost impossible to see. He watched her with his bright amber eyes. "I see why you walk around here. The night is great, and you can really see the moon here." He looked up at the sky, able to see the moon through the trees.

April 28th, 2020, 06:49 PM
{ wolfnight Wish Aspenpool was closer in age to Mouse- I quite like him :P}

Aspenpool smiled a bit, the young tom was sweet and harmless. "How sweet, It has been nice to meet you tonight as well, Mouse." As he gazed up at the sky, she did as well. " It's amazing right. So bright tonight." The moon represented all the wonder she had ever had about what was out there. It made her feel at peace. "This is a wonderful spot for star watching. So you couldn't sleep either huh?" She said with a smirk.

April 28th, 2020, 06:57 PM
Camilla (I was actually thinking of making him older. Like maybe...25 moons? I just think it would be better for his personality.)

Mouse nodded as Aspenpool talked about the stars and moon. When she asked if he couldn't sleep either he turned to look at her quickly. "W-what? No, no way. I slept as sound as a kit." He laughed awkwardly and gave his chest fur an embarrassed lick. He shook his pelt, trying to calm him nerves.

April 28th, 2020, 08:23 PM
{ wolfnight I do think that would be fitting! I actually thought he was older until I read his bio.}

Aspenpool's eyes opened a bit wider as she heard the hesitation in his voice. She couldn't help but wonder if he also had nightmares. If when he closed his eyes it was a constant battle of needing to sleep, but not wanting to.

Of course not. Only you have these problems.

She would lay awake so long that the sun would come up, and camp would bustle with activity, but Aspenpool would be oh so tried. It made everything she did a bit harder, and was a huge reason she tended to be a bit quiet at times. She just never felt like she had the energy to talk.

"Really, is that so?" She said, squinting her eyes a bit. He definitely had more reason to be out in the woods then a late night snack. "I'm glad, Mouse." She said with a smile. He felt a bit mysterious to her and she liked that.

April 29th, 2020, 03:33 PM
(I think I am going to change his age. Sorry for the late reply.)

Mouse shifted on his paws, seeing Aspenpool's eyes widening. Does she know about my dreams? He shook his pelt, not sure what she was thinking. He sighed with relief as she continued to talk. "Yeah, I just like to take moon-lit walks, and maybe meet a pretty she-cat. Must be my lucky night." He flashed another flirty smile, gaining his confidence again. "So, you take moon-lit walks a lot?" Maybe I can see her more offten!

April 29th, 2020, 03:46 PM
{ wolfnight Awesome, love that! And it's no problem.}

Aspenpool liked someone fussing over her for once. She found the tom to be quite handsome, but still had, in the back of her mind, questions about what he was doing so close to Riverclan territory. Where does he come from? Does he have family?She blinked, trying to shake the questions. Why would you care to know? She asked herself quietly. "Yeah, I don't want to wake my friends rustling around all night." She smiled at him for a moment, "Maybe it's my lucky night." She turned her head away for a moment, shyly. She thought about when they may meet up again.She wasn't sure if she should ask him such a thing.

April 29th, 2020, 04:02 PM

Mouse got up, walking closer to the she-cat, sitting down next to her, their pelts almost touching, not quite. So, she can't sleep all night? Does she have dreams too? His pelt started to get warm as she replied, not sure what to think. He wasn't used to a cat actually flirting back with him. He smiled, glad she was flirting back. He saw that the sun was coming up. He sighed, sad that he would have to leave. "Well, I think I better get back to my barn...I don't want to run into any of your clan mates..." He shifted on his paws, sad he had to go.

April 29th, 2020, 04:09 PM

Aspenpool sighed before looking down at her paws. She didn't want him to leave either but knew he had to go. "I'll see you around Mouse. I walk through here most nights." She smiled and stood up, bowing her head gracefully before turning around to leave. She really did hope she would see him again one night.

April 29th, 2020, 04:26 PM

Mouse noticed that Aspenpool seemed to be sad too. He smiled, feeling better. "I'll see you soon. Keep a lookout!" He flashed a flirty smile, quickly running around her. He purred, his tail running over her back before he ran into the forest, disappearing.

He walked back to the barn, smiling to himself. He shook his pelt, his stomach rumbling. He realized that he didn't get to eat. He sighed, opening up his mouth, letting the smells wash over him.

April 29th, 2020, 04:31 PM
Echobreeze sniffed the air. She couldn't smell Blazeclaw, just. . . Echobreeze couldn't figure out what it was. Hopefully, if it was a cat, it wouldn't attack a pregnant queen.

May 1st, 2020, 08:24 PM
Mouse woke up in the middle of the night, panting heavily. He sighed getting out of his nest in the barn and walking out. Why do I keep having that same dream... He growled in frustration, shaking his head. He decided he would take a walk, needing to take his mind off of things. He suddenly remembered Aspenpool, wondering if she was taking a walk like last time.

He smiled, deciding to check. He trotted quickly to where they had met, jumping up into the same tree, in case the cat he met wasn't Aspenpool. He looked around, smelling if she had already gone by tonight. It had been a few nights since he had seen her, and he hoped he would see her. He lay down on the branch, deciding to stay and see if she would come by. Then, he got an idea.

He smiled to himself and jumped out of the tree. He looked around and then saw what he was looking for. He grabbed a couple of them, then hopped back into the tree, hoping she would come.

May 1st, 2020, 10:39 PM
Aspenpool padded out of the den quietly. Graceful on her paws, they didn't make a sound. She yawned for a moment before exiting the clearing and hearing out into the forest. Tonight she thought the forest was a bit louder than usual. The crickets seemed to chirp louder. The branches seemed to snap louder. The night was alive.

She hadn't any nightmares the previous night after talking with Dawncloud. She knew she needed to be more aware for her apprentice. She had really been trying to get some quiet sleep. However, she couldn't help herself but wonder if she might be able to meet back up with Mouse. She really found him to be charming. She knew she better not get caught, because she wasn't sure how Lionstar would take it.

She padded even lighter as she approached the same tree where Mouse had last scouted her out. Her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but have a huge smile when she saw him there. "Well, well, well- you waiting for me mister?" She said, taking a seat near the tree.

May 2nd, 2020, 11:10 AM
Mouse heard paw steps and sat up, not sure who it was. Then he was hit with a wave of Aspenpool's scent. He smiled as he saw her walk up to the tree and sit down at the base of it. "Why of course! I promised I would, didn't I?" He hopped out of the tree, down to her. He had a couple of daisies in his mouth. He dropped them at her paws.

"Here. A couple of pretty flowers for a pretty she-cat. He purred and swished his tail from side to side. "I hope your getting more sleep." He looked at Aspenpool with concern shining in his eyes. He noticed she looked more well rested then the last time he saw her, but then again, she was walking out here in the middle of the night.

May 2nd, 2020, 11:57 AM
Aspenpool smiled, turning her head just a bit in an attempt to shy away. Attention always made her feel weird. She was use to being the quiet she-cat that Toms would befriend but rarely flirted with. She had always had an innocence about her. "Aw Mouse, that is so sweet." She said as he dropped flowers at her feet. She purred loudly, "Thank you" Her eyes looked into the amber color of his, he almost seemed to be concerned for her. She could handle her own...she thought so at least. "I am. Poppy seeds will do the trick if nothing else." She laughed slightly at the thought of how many times she had needed poppy seeds to get any rest at all. She was definitely in better spirits tonight. "What about you? You're looking at bit tired" She said softly. I hope he doesn't think that means I don't think he looks great. She thought for a moment about all the questions she had about this cat. She didn't want them to just come pouring out.

May 2nd, 2020, 02:47 PM
(Sorry for the late reply)

Mouse was glad that she liked his flowers, which made him purr a little louder. I'm glad she's getting sleep. He shifted a little on his paws as she asked the question. Is it really that obvious... He looked at the ground as he replied. "Well, I have been waking up in the middle of the night for a while now..." He looked around and shook his short black pelt. He didn't normally share when he was weak, but he felt that he could trust her. "So," he said, changing the subject. "What's it like in the clan? Have any special toms?" He asked the second question with a little hesitation. He hoped he didn't have any competition. But on the other hand, he wanted to make sure that she wanted him. He didn't want to just be the cat she would settle for.

May 2nd, 2020, 05:43 PM
{Quite alright!}

Aspenpool's ears perked up at the idea of Mouse also having sleeping issues. She wondered what kept him up in the dark, late at night. If he tossed and turned and couldn't for the life of him get to sleep, because he knew what that would mean. And as he was drifting off, he was already regretting allowing himself to dare fall asleep. If every night he was greeted with visions of death and terror, or like Aspenpool, fire and the screeching of other cats. Sometimes she would swear she could smell the stench of burning fur. Other times she would find herself unable to awake at all-

She stopped. Shifting the weight on her paws.

Now wasn't the time for that. She gazed back at Mouse, now listening to what he was asking. "The clan is wonderful, really. It provides a sense of belonging and gives much safety" She meant it. It offered protection, friendships, a meaning- it was everything she could want honestly. "My clanmates are my friends and family..." She stopped for a second before smiling at Mouse, "But no, I don't have any toms that are special to me really in my clan. Some are wonderful friends though." She didn't have a mate. Had always figured she would find a nice cat in Riverclan and settle down some day. It just hadn't happened yet. Sure, she had relationships with other cats, but she just hadn't found someone she had really felt understood her. And then to have this wonderful cat in front of her, it made her rethink a lot of things.

"What about you? What is it like where you come from?" She wasn't sure if Mouse had other cats that he knew or if he stayed alone. She really was only familiar with other clan cats. Where did he come from? She wanted to know more about him.

May 2nd, 2020, 05:56 PM
Mouse twitched his ears as she thought about what he had said about not sleeping well. I wonder if she has bad dreams like me...She said that she takes walks a lot, so maybe she has bad dreams too... He shook his short black pelt, not wanting to think about that right now.

Mouse listened as she talked about her clan. He was listening to her, but he couldn't help but notice how her green eyes sparkled in the night. He smiled as he looked her over. He hadn't noticed before how her sand-colored pelt shone in the light of the moon. Wow...She's beautiful... He couldn't help but sigh in relief as she replied she didn't have any special toms. He was a little surprised when she asked about where he lived.

"Oh, well...I wandered around a lot. I mostly just made a nest in the forest for one night, then moved on to another place." He looked at the night sky, a little nervous. He had never told another cat about his past life. But then again, no one really asked. "Right now, I have settled down. I live in a barn currently. There is another cat who lives there. He is pretty nice. He let me stay, so that was good." He smiled as he remembered the barn. "It's warm and cozy. Always full of mice, and it's always peaceful." He looked back at Aspenpool. Mouse looked into her green eyes with his amber eyes, looking into their depths, not wanting to look away, fearful it would brake the moment. He was breathing quietly. Time seemed to stand still, everything else faded into the back round. It was just him, and her.


May 2nd, 2020, 06:30 PM
Aspenpool let out a loud purr as he talked about where he lived. She was so intrigued to hear about this barn. It sounded warm and cozy like he had said. She was relieved that he had a quiet, safe place to stay, and was even more relieved that he wasn't some sort of crazed lunatic. Just another cat like herself, trying to survive.

She was glad when he mentioned that he had settled down for the time being. That means he isn't leaving anytime soon. "That does sound peaceful." she admitted quietly, but she found her eyes locked on his. Unable to look away because she didn't honestly know what to say, and at the same time didn't want to speak at all. She wanted to tell him that she actually liked him. She found him to be charming, and interesting, and he was kind to her when he really had not needed to be. She found herself looking at his fur, wanting to nuzzle her face in it. She sighed quietly, happy in this moment and not wanting to leave it. A smile rolled over her face for a moment before saying, "I'm glad I got to see you again Mouse. I want to..." her voice was so frail and quiet, "keep being able to see you..." She wasn't sure what that meant for either of them, but she felt the need to say it.

May 2nd, 2020, 06:56 PM
Mouse sighed softly as he saw her eyes wander to his fur, as if she wanted to put her face in it. He could of sat there forever, staring at her. Looking into those green eyes, wondering what she was thinking. He heard her say something quietly and smiled, glad that she felt the same as him. I don't think I would be able to stop seeing her now. He managed to talk, though it was also frail and small. "I-I would love that..." He started to move forward,
then hesitated. He made up his mind and moved closer to her, he let their pelts touch. He was close enough to her to feel her breathing. He started to purr, liking to be close to her.

May 2nd, 2020, 07:08 PM
Aspenpool breathed in deeply as Mouse allowed their pelts to touch ever so slightly. She finally took her head and nuzzled it against Mouse's fur. She purred deeply, closing her eyes for a moment thinking about how he had said that he would also like to keep seeing her. She wasn't sure how that would even be possible, being a clan cat. He would never want a life like she has right? How could she possibly explain to him that the simple meeting they had on a walk one night had ended up meaning something to her. She felt almost silly to think about it. She had found herself thinking about Mouse even back at camp since their meeting. "I keep thinking about you." she admitted, sweetly purring, her fur against his. "Even back at camp. I-" She didn't really know what else to say and stopped momentarily, waiting on Mouse to say something. She looked at him, wondering how he might feel.

May 2nd, 2020, 07:25 PM
Mouse started to purr louder as Aspenpool nuzzled her head into his pelt. He did the same, letting her scent fill his nose as he did. He intertwined his tail with hers, wanting to stay here forever. He gave her fur a quick lick as he continued to purr. He heard Aspenpool talk about how she had been thinking about him. "I can't keep you out of my head," he admitted. "I keep scaring away prey when I am trying to hunt..." His voice was quiet and careful, not wanting to go forward too soon. "I...I wish I could meet your friends..." He sighed, knowing he couldn't. He had heard about how some clan cats were mean to rouges like him. He shook his head. "N-evermind...It was a studpid idea..." he turned away from him, thinking about all the reasons this would never work.


May 2nd, 2020, 09:53 PM
Aspenpool shut her eyes as he licked her fur. She thought about how hard it had been to train her apprentice with Mouse on her mind and wondering if she was letting down others by interacting with a rouge. She felt saddened when he said his idea had been stupid. "It's not a stupid idea. I wish you could meet them too." It wasn't a stupid idea...but it was one that Aspenpool wasn't sure would work. Joining the clan meant a lot of commitment and work and her clanmates were not as accepting as she was. She didn't want to take away Mouse's freedom. She didn't want to suggest that. "My friends aren't all as accepting as I am...Maybe I can come see your barn sometime though?" She hoped this idea would be a good suggestion to make up for the fact that Mouse really couldn't see where she lived.

May 2nd, 2020, 10:05 PM
Mouse looked at Aspenpool, love showing clearly in his eyes. He purred loudly, grateful that she wanted to make this work. "I would love that..." He rested his head on top of the smaller she-cats head. "Aspenpool...I know this isn't surprising, but I think I'm in love with you.." He got up, putting his tail under her chin flirtatiously before running away into the forest, hoping she would catch on to the game. "You better hurry or you'll never catch me!" He laughed over his shoulder as he slowed down, waiting for her to catch up.

May 2nd, 2020, 10:10 PM
Aspenpool looked at him for just a second, taking in what was happening before looking back at him and saying, "I'm in love with you too, Mouse" and just like that he was gone. Aspenpool laughed as she got up and quickly ran after him. She was small and nimble, fast on her feet. The only thing slowing her down was the fact that she was laughing. "I can keep up!" she declared in a playful way as she darted after him.

May 2nd, 2020, 10:14 PM
Mouse was purring even louder as he raced away. He saw her coming up close behind him and he ran faster. He didn't look in front of him, so he tripped on a root, falling down and rolling, before hitting into a tree. He groaned and slowly got up. He started to laugh, despite of being in pain.

May 2nd, 2020, 10:18 PM
Aspenpool was still running when Mouse had fallen. She was shocked and worried as she jumped down to check on him. "Oh! You took quite a fall. Are you okay?" She said, a look of concern on her face. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh, but she still worried. "It's not funny-" she started, but she couldn't help but giggle because he was laughing, "You could hurt yourself" She nuzzled her face against his fur.

May 3rd, 2020, 09:18 AM
Mouse got up, shaking his fur. He nuzzled her, replying, "I'm fine. Just took a tumble." He licked her and then started to run again. "Come on! Your as slow as a slug!" He laughed as he raced ahead.

May 3rd, 2020, 10:40 AM
Aspenpool rolled her eyes when he said he was fine and licked her ear. He was going to accidentally hurt himself and then he surely wouldn't be fine. She tried to stop being motherly, as he joked with her and ran ahead. She gaped, acting as if she had been offended at the thought of being slow.

She laughed and followed him once again, gliding on her feet over the rough terrain. She was smaller than the tom and found herself bouncing over ferns and bushes that Mouse jumped over with much more ease. "Who is the slow one now?" Aspenpool said as she took the lead for a moment, trying to brush Mouse in the face playfully with her tail.

May 3rd, 2020, 11:44 AM
Mouse gasped in playful shock as Aspenpool ran ahead of him. "Hey, when did you get so fast?" They had ran into a clearing, so he leapt, playfully tackling Aspenpool. He pinned her to the ground, breathing heavily from running. His face was inches from hers. He slowed his breathing, looking into her eyes. He nuzzled his face into her fur, then continued to look at her, still pinned. He smiled, love showing in his eyes. He started to purr loudly.

May 3rd, 2020, 02:55 PM
Aspenpool laughed as she was tackled to the ground. Moise laying there on top of her, she licked his ear and nuzzled her face into his fur. She felt lucky in this moment to have a tom around that cared for her so much. She purred wildly, still wondering what might come out of all of this. She couldn't exactly leave her clan. She smiled, looking into Mouse's eyes. "I don't want to be without you Mouse. How will this ever work?" She asked, now feeling delicate. wolfnight

May 3rd, 2020, 04:24 PM
Mouse was purring loudly. "I don't think I could be without you," he admitted. He touched his nose to hers, breathing in her scent. He never wanted to let her out of his sight. He pulled his nose away, smiling. He thought for a moment before replying, "Well, I guess I would have to join your clan...I'm not used to being around so many cats...But if that's what it takes to be with you, I would do it in a heartbeat." He nuzzled her again, wishing it could stay like this forever. "We can make this work. We will find a way." He intertwined his tail with hers. He flashed a flirty smile, getting playful again. He let her get up, not pinning her anymore. He sat down next to her, batting at her ears.

May 3rd, 2020, 06:34 PM
Aspenpool tried not to worry herself. She felt kind of bad that Mouse was willing to just give living in his barn up to come be with her and her life, in her clan. The idea also kind of excited her! Mouse being able to experience how wonderful Riverclan was with her. Nobody had ever offered to do anything like that for her before. "Really? You would do that?" She said sweetly, a bit surprised. She wanted to jump up with joy but instead nuzzled him.

She felt him roll over and get up, and she did the same, sitting next to him. With him things seemed, easy. Aspenpool pawed at Mouse's face gently as he kept batting at her ears. "You still play like a kit" She informed him, laughing as she flirted. She was only twenty moons old herself though and still had a fresh take on the memories of being younger. As a kit she would play for hours with the other clan cats- now all warriors like herself. Mouse made her feel playful though. Sitting next to him now, it seemed to bring all those memories back to her. He seemed so carefree- despite the issues she knew he had sleeping, that she still excepted were nightmares.

May 3rd, 2020, 09:10 PM
Mouse laughed softly as she flirted with him. He smiled and lay down next to Aspenpool, thoughts going through his head a mile per hour. He pressed himself against her, feeling her flank rising and falling. "I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't met you...I'm so glad I did." He smiled starting to groom her fur. His eyelids started to feel heavy, her flanks moving slowly seemed to be like they were lulling him to sleep. He fought to stay awake, but fell asleep, knowing it was useless.

May 3rd, 2020, 10:36 PM
Aspenpool sensed peace and would have easily fallen asleep next to the tom, but fought hard to stay awake. She continued to lick Mouse's ears and groom his fur for quite sometime. Her eyes and heart, both felt heavy as she made the choice to leave. She had to get back to camp. If the others didn't see her there in the morning they would worry, or worse, send out a patrol to check on her. It wasn't unusual for her friends to warn her about wandering off alone at night. They would worry. She knew it. "Mouse. I love you. I need to get back to camp or my friends will worry in the morning. I'm too comfortable- I'll fall asleep next to you too easily." She whispered quietly in her ear as she attempted to get up from next to him without making too much of a stir. Their limbs were all tangled together from nuzzling and she felt so warm next to him. She hated the feeling as she lifted her body off the ground, the air striking her, it felt cold all of the sudden. She knew she would see him again.

May 4th, 2020, 06:58 AM
Mouse woke up, feeling the warmth next to him leave. He got up, seeing that Aspenpool was leaving. He ran up next to her, nuzzling her for the last time. "I'll see you soon," he said, sadness and love in his eyes. He gave her fur a quick lick before turning, walking towards the barn. He knew if he looked back, he wouldn't be able to go to the barn. He sighed, running to the barn.

May 4th, 2020, 08:16 AM
Aspenpool nodded as he gave her fur a quick lick. "See you soon" She said but it was more as assurance to herself. She felt uneasy leaving him. It pained her to have to walk away and return to clan life while Mouse was out there in the forest. She padded along in the dark, her paws hitting the ground faster and faster until she was in full stride. She made quick time in returning to camp and easily slipped into her nest without question. wolfnight

May 5th, 2020, 07:56 AM
Mouse woke up, breathing heavily. He looked around, his eyes frantic. It's alright...You're still in the barn... His breathing slowly slowed down, becoming normal again. He got up, shaking his short, black pelt. He sighed and walked out of the barn. He sat down, looking at the moon. Wait, Aspenpool! He smiled, remembering the she-cat. He got up, running through the forest to the spot where they first met. This had become their meeting spot.

Mouse smiled, getting an idea. Instead of going into the tree, like he normally did, he hid in a bush next to it. He giggled a little, excited to surprise Aspenpool. He remembered how her eyes had glistened in the moonlight and he could hardly sit still. He wanted to rush over to where she was, where ever she was. It took all of his will power to stay still and wait for her.


May 5th, 2020, 08:21 AM
Aspenpool had waited until her den mates were asleep to sneak out. She was a free cat to go where she wanted of course, but she didn't need any extra questions about where she was going or what she was doing. It was bad enough her being sluggish around camp lately had drawn unwanted attention. She had been napping during the day but still managed to complete her duties, and then leaving at night to see Mouse.

She padded out of camp quietly, but once she hit the forest she led into a nice steady run and kept that pace until she had reached the meeting spot. As she came up on that tree Mouse always waited in, her pace slowed. She dropped her head in sadness for a moment when she didn't see Mouse. What if he stopped showing up to meet her? She looked around, her pale green eyes starring out into the darkness of the woods. "Mouse?" She called out in her usual soft tone, very nervous that he wasn't going to show up.

May 5th, 2020, 08:29 AM
Mouse saw Aspenpool's reaction and felt a little bad. Maybe this is a bad idea... He shook his head and jumped out of the bush, playfully pinning her. He laughed as he saw the surprise on her face. He touched his nose to hers, then moved his head back, taking her in. She was breathtaking in light of the moon. He studied her, trying to stamp her face into his brain so he could see it always. He started to purr deeply, nuzzling his face into her fur. "I've missed you. The days are getting longer and longer. I can't stop thinking about you." He breathed in deeply, her scent overflowing his nose. He stepped off of her and let her get up.

He sat down next to her, still watching her with his amber eyes. I'm so lucky that I came here that first night. I can't imagine life if I didn't meet Aspenpool.
And I hope I never have to be in a life with out her. He scooted a little closer to her, twining his tail and hers. "So, hows life for you?" He wanted to know a little more about her. Her dreams, fears, everything. He looked at the moon while waiting for her response.


May 5th, 2020, 09:34 AM
Aspenpool let out a small yelp as Mouse surprised her and pinned her down. She laughed but felt her eyes get teary. She was so emotional. Always had been. Of course she knew it had just been a joke, but she couldn't help feel bad about how awful she had felt in the couple moments that she didn't see him. It made her realize how much he meant to her. "I've missed you so much" She said happily, nuzzling her face into his fur. "They really are getting longer. I have many duties during the day but have been getting small naps in here and there. I just think about you so often." It was true. Mouse had been constantly on her mind since their first meeting. She sat down next to him and sighed happily, glad to have him near again.

She failed to mention that while her sleeping habits had always been bad- she also had been making it a point to come out and see him now.

"It's been okay. Busy around camp. We just had a gathering of all the clans. I've been training my apprentice. Lots of naps during the day and thinking about you." She turned to him and smiled brightly. She wondered if he knew what a gathering was. Or what an apprentice might be. She realized shyly, that she could have been making no sense to him. "Are you familiar with the clans Mouse?" She finally asked. Her eyes looking into his. She just wanted their lives to match up in some crazy way. Maybe it would be easier for me to just go live in the barn with him. She knew that would never happen.

May 5th, 2020, 09:54 AM
Mouse felt bad as he saw her eyes teary. He didn't mean to make her sad. He held his tail high in the air as he listened to Aspenpool. "Yeah, I think. I mean, I know a little about them. I know you guys live in camps with lots of other cats...But I have no idea what a gathering or apprentice is." he admitted. He suddenly got an idea. "Hey, why don't you come to my barn! I can show you around, and you can tell me more about your clan!" He smiled, purring deeply. He nuzzled her, thinking how much he loved her. "Aspenpool...I love you, and I don't think I could live without you. If I have to join your clan, I'm fine with that. Anything for you..."


May 5th, 2020, 12:30 PM
Aspenpool had figured he'd known about as much as he seemed to. That was fine with her. She was elated when he told her she could come and see the barn where he lived. "Mouse, that would be so wonderful! I can't wait to see where you live!" She said basically hopping up and down on her paws with excitement. It sounded like a great way to understand more about him. She purred as he nuzzled her. It still made her feel weird to want another cat to stop their way of living to come join her in her life. "Mouse, I don't know what to say. I couldn't possibly leave my clan so I would really want you to come join us. But I feel bad. You seem so carefree out here in the forest. But I can't be without you! I don't know what I would do. I would miss you too much."

May 6th, 2020, 07:35 AM
Mouse was happy that Aspenpool was excited to see where he lived. He was excited for her to see it too! He laughed as he saw her hop up and down. "Now your the your the one who's acting like a kit!" He looked at Aspenpool as she talked, unable to look away. "Aspenpool...I'm really okay with joining the clan...I need to learn to have some responsibility anyways! And then I can make sure your okay every time I see you, not just at night..." He got up, giving her nose a lick, and then turning, flicking his tail to tell her to follow him as he padded through the forest.

May 6th, 2020, 09:50 AM
A brown cat walked along a stream. Why had her paws carried her here?

May 6th, 2020, 10:54 AM
Aspenpool smiled as Mouse told her she was acting like a kit. He was right. She had thought since they met that he really brought out her more playful side. Usually she was reserved and shy.

Aspenpool was relieved to hear he really seemed to be okay joining Riverclan. If he was looking for responsibility he would find plenty of it there. She wasn't sure how Lionstar would take it. That would have to come later. Her ears flattened for a second when he mentioned checking on her not just at night. But she smiled anyways when he licked her nose. "I can protect myself, Mouse" she said gently. She at least wanted him to know that she could.

She had always been weird about toms being protective over her. During her apprenticeship she had befriended a tom apprentice. They had stayed close throughout apprenticeship but had drifted since and rarely talked now. He had constantly tried to protect her from everything from badgers to rude clanmates. It had bothered her so much that he never thought she could defend herself. She had never been allowed to do things on her own with him around.

Aspenpool and her sister Ivyshine had been alone for many moons since their parents had died. Aspenpool had become use to doing things on her own and she didn't like her sense of independence being stepped on. She hadn't known any other way, being so lonely at such a young age.

She didn't dwell on it. Mouse had meant no harm. She found herself lucky to find a cat that cared so much. She followed closely next to him as he padded along, because of course she didn't know the way to the barn. "So how long have you lived at the barn?" She asked, purring as she walked closely to him.

May 6th, 2020, 11:27 AM
Mouse smiled as she said that she could protect herself. "Oh, of course! I wouldn't dream of protecting you." He laughed, nudging her playfully. He knew that Aspenpool was a strong cat. She could take care of herself. But that didn't stop him from worrying about her.

Mouse shook his pelt, knowing that they were getting close to the barn. He inhaled deeply, letting the scents of the forest wash over him. He turned his head to Aspenpool as she asked the question. "Oh, well, like I said, I used to move around a lot. So, I have only just settled down. So maybe...a moon?" He closed his eyes for a moment, in thought. "Yeah, about a moon." He twitched his whiskers, hesitant to say what he wanted to. He shook his head, determined to say what he wanted to.

"I lived around here as a kit...My dad was a warrior of Thunderclan...Once he found at that she was going to have kits, he left her." He growled, still mad. "He left her there, when she was going to have kits!" He shook his head, as if he was still in disbelief that a cat would do that. "I left when I was old enough. I didn't want to see him again. I wandered around before deciding to come back. And I'm glad that I did." His amber eyes looked her over, love shining bright in them. He pushed her a little, playfully, before running ahead, so close to the barn he could smell the hay.


May 6th, 2020, 11:28 PM
Aspenpool felt instantly silly. Of course, he didn't mean it like that. He just cares. She continued on, her pale green eyes shining as they looked out into the night. They had been confined to meeting in the darkness due to the secrecy of it all. Aspenpool thought maybe she had been trying to remind herself that she didn't need protecting. She really tried not to let her thoughts roam though. Focus in on this moment.

Her eyes turned to look at him for a moment when he mentioned he had just been here for a moon. She felt lucky to have met him. It was hard to wonder what would have been if she had taken her walk just a bit later that first night. They might have missed each other all together. And then what would have come of this? She couldn't imagine now that night going any other way.

She listened intently as Mouse spoke. His words having so much anger. She could tell he was still so hurt by all of this. She felt upset for him. It must feel awful to be forgotten. Left behind. By a parent. Her own parents didn't choose to leave. "Mouse, I'm so sorry. You are better off without him in your life if that is the type of cat he was. I know that doesn't make it hurt any less." She wanted to make him smile, or make him forget all his problems, and while she could offer him companionship and love, she couldn't make everything better. She was glad that he had felt comfortable enough to share that with her.

Aspenpool tried to bat him with her paw but missed as he ran away. She couldn't help but laugh. Her thoughts were quickly broken by a strong strange smell. It was odd and different, yet smelled a little like Mouse. "What do I smell?" she asked smiling at him. She had never really smelled hay before other than what was left on Mouse's pelt.

May 7th, 2020, 07:14 AM
Mouse smiled as she asked the question. The anger he had was slipping away as she talked. "Oh. That's the hay in the barn! We're almost there!" He purred loudly, nuzzling her and licking her pelt before racing forward again. I can't wait to show her the barn!

Mouse walked out of the woods, and a field stretched in front of them. He smiled as the barn loomed over them. He breathed in deeply, letting the smell of the barn overpower his nose. He flicked his tail as they walked in, excited to be back home.

The barn wasn't very big. It had a few hay piles and a loft. The moon light shone through the cracks in the boards, making a pattern of light on the floor of the barn. Even from here, he could hear the mice running around in the barn. Mouse smiled and sat down as he took it all in.


May 7th, 2020, 11:10 AM
Aspenpool nodded quietly towards Mouse when he said it was hay. She padded along for a moment thinking about how much hay there must be for it to have such a strong smell, and how that was probably better nesting then the bramble they used in nests back at camp.

As the forest had reached it's limit, Aspenpool could see a vast field with the moonlight shining directly over it. She felt as if in this moment the moon's only calling was to beam down over this field. It felt peaceful. As she padded through next to mouse, she breathed in deeply, trying to take it all in. The grass felt different on the pads of her paws then the underbrush she was use to walking in. It felt so soft, and she was elated with this notion. Of course she had walked on grass when going to gatherings, and of course they had some grass in the clearing, but it just didn't compare.

She entered the barn next to Mouse and couldn't help but let "Wow" escape her mouth. It felt large to her inside. So much more room than her cramped den back at home. She looked up to see the cracks in the roof of the barn, clearly aged from many moons of watching over it's field. "Mouse, there is so much room here. It's beautiful." She was at a loss for words and was still processing her thoughts about the barn. She loved it!

May 7th, 2020, 11:23 AM
Mouse smiled, purring loudly. I'm so glad she loves it! He turned to her, and was going to say something, but his breath was taken away. Aspenpool's sandy pelt was shining in the moon's light. Her green eyes sparkled as she took in the barn. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Mouse swallowed and continued to look at her. He scooted close to her, looking at her face as if he was trying to memorize it. He finally burrowed his head into her fur, breathing in her scent.

"Aspenpool...I know I say this a lot...But I'm so in love with you..." He purred deeply, hoping she knew how much he loved her. He could have stayed there forever in that moment, just him and her, no one else. He sighed and then pulled away from her. "Aspenpool...I know that the clan sometimes get in fights...If there is a fight, and you are hurt bad, someone needs to tell me...I-I don't think I could stop worrying if you didn't meet me one night, and I didn't know why...And if you ever need a place to stay, the barn is always open." He wished he could go with her, back to her clan. He wished he could make sure that nothing happened to her, but he pushed the thought away. She can take care of herself. She's survived so far without you...

Mouse started to groom Aspenpool, wanting to make the most of the small amount of time they had together before the sun rose. Thoughts were racing through his mind a mile a second. I know I would join her clan if I could be with her...But would I be accepted? What if I end up being horrible at clan life...What if Aspenpool won't love me anymore when she sees that! He tried to push the thoughts away, but he knew that they would always be there, tugging at the back of his brain. He shook his head, wishing they would go away.


May 9th, 2020, 06:44 PM
Bump Camilla

May 11th, 2020, 12:25 PM
Bump Camilla

May 14th, 2020, 08:50 AM
Just a friendly bump Camilla

Space Cat
May 14th, 2020, 12:53 PM
(hey is it okay if i plop a loner in here?) wolfnight