View Full Version : Kit Finder (Onyx&Lilith)

December 18th, 2016, 09:08 PM
Okay, so, Lilith (http://wcowonders.weebly.com/lilith.html) ( fenic! ) and Onyx (http://moonfangcharries.weebly.com/onyx.html) (me) have two charries and we decided that since Onyx killed Lilith's former mate, it would 'boost' their relationship. So we need peeps to RP them.
Now, you can post your form here, but we recommend that you PM me a RP example. I'm going to forward all to Fen, so they can help me decide, since this is a matter of the both of us.

Looks(link please if possible):

REMINDER: Please PM me the RP example.

December 19th, 2016, 07:19 AM

December 19th, 2016, 07:42 AM
I'll do this tonight

December 19th, 2016, 08:14 AM

Ref 1 (http://68.media.tumblr.com/2cf71412222b738f9db660a7e636b06f/tumblr_inline_noaotk8rgD1tqfdb3_500.jpg) | Ref 2 (http://68.media.tumblr.com/cc11de7308bfc80d406f9185f3a6762b/tumblr_inline_no78f2dJNu1tqfdb3_500.jpg) | Ref 3 (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/49/9e/c2/499ec2aed55a327a80901744e2d8ed49.jpg) || Built like her father, yet colored like her mother, this she-cat is very agile and quick. Her fur is a silvery gray color with white underneath that, and she's very tall, long legged and scrawny. Ever part of her in fact appears disproportionately long compared to other cats, even her face. Her eyes are pale yellow, and if you look hard enough, you'll notice a slight look of menace in them.

She's not the sort of cat you'd want to get too close to, as get close and you risk some scratches. She's very cunning and deceptive though, and might choose to be "friendly" to someone. If she does, it's likely she's just going to betray them in the end, as Mercury excells in betrayals. She likes to trick others, and sometimes this dangerous molly will go so far as to kill them or someone close to them, and not feel remorse at all. She's definitely not one to show mercy, and her fighting style is ruthless and without mercy. She'll kill on even the slightest thought that they're going to kill her if she waits, even if that wasn't their intention. But around family, she can actually be friendly, and is very loyal and kind to them. Murder is a game to her, and she likes to threaten those weaker than her, scare them and hurt them. She won't kill them because she knows that if she waits, her threats and attacks will strengthen them, or break them. Either way, they make the Syndicate stronger. As they can be killed of she breaks them, and if they get stronger, so does the Syndicate. Mercury's main idea is to pick off the weak and have a little fun along the way.

December 19th, 2016, 08:33 AM
Name; Rem
Gender; Molly[cis]

Appearance; Reference (http://iheartcats.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/shutterstock_72002977.jpg) | Rem has a base coat of white with brown and golden tabby stripes. Her eyes are a beautiful golden amber. Rem's fur is long and course. Her fur is in thick, but had layers. Her fur color is a mix of her father's black and her mother's gray tabby striped pelt. In herited from her mother, she has tabby stripes. And, in herited from both of them, she has both of her parents stunning amber eyes. Rem is not very large, for she is smaller than the average cat/kit.

Personality; Rem is a very cunning and perculiar molly. She doesn't like to have silly adventures like the other kits or even play their games. Rem prefers to spend time watching her mother and father do their part in the Syndicate. She looks forward to her future and claims that she will work very hard to make sure something good comes out of her. Rem is full of surprises. She is very manipulative and has the rare ability to use it to her advantage. She is also good at faking her true personality. While, she is an evil little kit who wouldn't hesitate to murder. Rem can make it seem like she is a tiny helpless kit. Taking after her father, she prefers to ignore the weak and surround herself with cats dumber, but stronger than her. Rem's intelligence makes up for her lack in size.

December 19th, 2016, 10:25 AM
Name: Kovu
Looks(link please if possible): here (http://moonfangcharries.weebly.com/kovu.html)
Personality: {on site}
​Like his father, Kovu has a thing for killing, but has the slight kindness that resides in his mother. He is very tough to impress, and has a tough shell, but a soft heart. He has his father's nose, able to sense any threat a mile away, and is empathic like his father as well, but he looks most like his mother, having her long, grey fur, but the distinct features of an Oriental, like the long snout and lean, skinny build.

Ludicrous Lunacy
December 19th, 2016, 10:28 AM
Name: Tar
Looks(link please if possible): Beep (http://www.best-cat-art.com/images/bubbles-a-black-cat-with-stripes-21702654.jpg)
Personality: Irritible, mature, clever, constantly acting as "motherly" as possible.

December 19th, 2016, 06:23 PM
Name: Chance
Chance- for the chances Onyx took when he fell in love with Lilith
Example (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/91/45/89/914589ccd6d6a3afbdacf48ac0066dc1.jpg)
Chance is a Full black Short-haired Oriental like her father. She also has blue eyes, her fur is short and slightly fluffer then her fathers. She gets the slight grey color from her mother. Some people think because Of Chance's Milky blue eyes she's blind but in fact, she's not.
The first thing you'll see is that Chance is quiet a playfull cat. She gets it from her father, but she also can be calm. Although she likes to play fight, she doesn't think the clans should be destroyed. Chance thinks that if cats could talk it out, their would be a lot less blood. But she loves her father and is a bit of a Daddy's girl. She likes to hunt leafs, just because of the crunch sound they make. Her favorite Season is leaf fall because, 1. She likes to jump on leafs and 2. "Mamma look at all the pretty colors!" Her favorite word is 'Sneaking' because she likes to sneak up on Leafs when she plays. Her favorite color is Purple because she likes how some leafs turn Pale-purple. She doesn't destroy these ones, she likes to try and put them in her fur.

-Also, she will become a Hunter when she gets older-

December 19th, 2016, 08:57 PM
[also, i'd prefer that you actually take some time on the personality instead of just listing traits ^^;]

Ludicrous Lunacy
December 19th, 2016, 09:24 PM
Name: Tar
Looks(link please if possible): Beep (http://www.best-cat-art.com/images/bubbles-a-black-cat-with-stripes-21702654.jpg)
Personality: Irritible, mature, clever, constantly acting as "motherly" as possible.
Edited fursonality (punnnn)
Tar is a very mature cat, always behaving as motherly as possible for a lot. She is a very warm cat and is fairly lovable but tends to be uptight and highly irritable when stressed. As she gets older she will begin developing a knack for being able to discover cats' worst fears and greatest wishes, although she never figures out the best way to use them

December 19th, 2016, 09:50 PM
Name: Kisa (Male, because there isn't that many)
Looks: http://www.cat-breeds-encyclopedia.com/images/Siberian-grey-and-white.jpg
Personality: kisa is what you'd consider as rather feminine cat despite what his gender is. He takes rather great pride in his pelt and refuses to let others lay a claw on it. Most of the time he is busy grooming his fur and would rather avoid being distrusted or he gets a little sassy. In the time frame in which he's doing something other then grooming he is helping others in minor tasks like fetching prey for others or cleaning a mess up. Kisa doesn't deal with any form of harassment given to him and will lash out. One big thing about him is that he may act more like a drama queen and will sometimes get mistaken as a molly then not.

So I can change anything on this child and if he's accepted I plan of him becoming a healer

December 22nd, 2016, 05:13 PM
Okay, so, Lilith (http://wcowonders.weebly.com/lilith.html) ( fenic! ) and Onyx (http://moonfangcharries.weebly.com/onyx.html) (me) have two charries and we decided that since Onyx killed Lilith's former mate, it would 'boost' their relationship. So we need peeps to RP them.
Now, you can post your form here, but we recommend that you PM me a RP example. I'm going to forward all to Fen, so they can help me decide, since this is a matter of the both of us.

Looks(link please if possible):

REMINDER: Please PM me the RP example.
Name: Aria
Looks (Sorry I can't do pic now, I'll do it when I'm off my phone): Small silver she-cat with black stripes, a long glossy pelt, white color point, and a few black splashes (More like her mom)
Perso: Aria is a 'smart alic' and loves to be right. She dreams of being a guard like her father, Onyx, though she wouldn't mind being a fighter. She looks more up to her dad than here Healer mother, and secretly wishes Lilithe wasn't a Healer.

December 22nd, 2016, 05:29 PM
Name: Aphotic
Link: Ref (http://www.desktopas.com/files/2013/09/Black-Siberian-Cat-7-1000x724.jpg)||Ref (http://img01.deviantart.net/ef8e/i/2011/222/8/7/black_cat_with_blue_eyes_by_cometsong-d462f1b.jpg)||Ref (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Black+siberian+cat&view=detailv2&&id=95D9A0359BE2C20E4FA0E3B2812CE466AEA04F42&selectedIndex=11&ccid=DUCm5o0l&simid=608014044354645022&thid=OIP.M0d40a6e68d258d67502cd203fdbf5276H0&ajaxhist=0)||Ref (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ir3yhJoVYBI/TnWlVIuCL9I/AAAAAAAAFLU/Jtg4TNBq8-Y/s1600/c_sirius_9.1.jpg)
Personality: He loves to order other's around, He feels as though he should be in charge, and that he should be feared. He hates to be ordered around and loves to hurt those who defy him. Aphotic is a very intelligent tom and is always trying to show it off. He loves to make cats suffer for his own pleasure, he'd even sometimes tease his littermates just for the fun of it. Even though he greatly detests seeming weak, he secretly admires healers and looks up to his mother, he's awed by how much they know and loves the smell of the herbs.

December 23rd, 2016, 03:13 AM
[ref1 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/53/97/cd53977ae99f53f7974dbb88e9999d5f.jpg)] [ref2 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/68/ef/fb/68effb371535a98bf84e8426087b9b45.jpg)] [ref3 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/31/fa/6e/31fa6e12a84b97f4e1a0aeb692bf46e1.jpg)] [ref4 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/68/ef/fb/68effb371535a98bf84e8426087b9b45.jpg)]
Pompeii is built similar to her father. She has that oriental look and build, although she's got her mother's beautiful long pelt. What sets her aside from the both of them is her fur coloring. Her fur takes a solid cream coloring which is put together with stunning green hues like her mothers. This together makes her quite a striking cat to look at.
To begin, Pompeii takes after her father. There isn't a good bone in her body like there is in her mother nor does Pompeii have a mind weak enough to stoop to manipulation. She's constantly thinking and seeing through the lies of others, but she'll leave you infatuated before you can blink your eyes.
Pompeii is quite the sophisticated feline. She likes to speak with her mind, using words to twist her meanings. Her beauty and cool attitude most times gets her what she wants when she wants it. She can wrap just about any feline around her paw. A daddy's girl through and through. She runs back to Onyx when she has a problem she alone cannot face alone. Hence the word, alone. Of course being born to a guard, she acts like one. She's just as malicious as Onyx, although she has totally different ways of showing it. She's the Syndicates perfection, taking what she wants or needs and giving nothing but loyalty in return. Everything she does is graceful and almost flawless. Easy for her to get away with anything, Pompeii takes advantage of any weak link she can get her paws on. She can lie without regretting it, she can deceive without another thought, she'll even play you for her own gain. Never doubt a pretty face with a silky voice.
She's a deadly feline born from the sins of two.
Pompeii bows down to no cat, not even the commander, not even the guards. She cares not what they could do to her, but instead views them as an equal. She kills with no mercy unless it's for her entertainment and she doesn't hesitate to prove herself to the Syndicate. This lovely feline will double cross you in a heartbeat. She doesn't make friends, she merely protects family. Never cross her family wrong or run with all the strength you got. Whether that gets her killed one day is all on destiny.
This feline is quite hard to understand, but all in one, she's not. She's got a wonderful memory, making it easy for her to hold grudges, but she's got that attitude where nothing seems to phase her. It's a weird combination. In all, she's lovely.
We'll leave it at that instead of trying to explain her thinking.

December 23rd, 2016, 08:41 PM
And the final kits are.... **drumroll**
honey.freckled Spirited Darkness and Suspiciousmindz

December 23rd, 2016, 08:54 PM
Oh my goodness thank so much!!!!!

Empress Of Evil
December 23rd, 2016, 09:18 PM
Biiiiiiiig family renunions!


December 23rd, 2016, 09:28 PM
Biiiiiiiig family renunions!

Bleddyn is out for Onyx's kits though xD expect to see a lot of him in the DF guys

December 23rd, 2016, 09:32 PM
Bleddyn is out for Onyx's kits though xD expect to see a lot of him in the DF guys