View Full Version : Cat creator!

Branch of Life
October 7th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Hi! I used to have one of these but I believe it got archived. Well it’s to late to look I’m not going to ramble let’s get started.

Alright so all of these numbers are optional if you have a suffix but no pre fix put ___ and then your suffix and so on for all of the numbers


Name: 1
Apperance: 2
Mental health: 3
Personality: 4
Rank: 5
Age: 6
Favorite food: 7
Favorite word: 8
Strengh (s): 9
Weakness(s): 10
Phobias: 11
Gender: 12
Other: 13

Alright just copy and paste. Agian if you have it figured out such as you know the age delete “6” and put the age. Only keep the numbers for what you don’t know and need me to help you with!!!! Have a great day!