View Full Version : Hawk (From Stranded...and...Alone?)

June 6th, 2018, 06:22 PM
( * means that they have died)

Current name: Hawk

Other names, if any: none

Age: 19 years

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: demisexual

Creation Date: June 6th, 2018

Current Affilation: His tribe

Rank: Shaman

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Father: Taniack (Tane-ack)*

Mother: Aleu (Ah-loo) *

Siblings: none

Offspring: Are you kinding?! He's only 19!

Best Friend: open

Friends: open

Neutral: open

Acquaintances: open

Enemies: if he has any, it's because of accidentally sassing them.

Crush: He ain't got time!

Significant Other: HE'S ONLY 19!!! HE HAS PLENTY OF TIME!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Overview: Hawk is not one for formalities, and likes to get to the point. He's kind and compassionate, and very smart. He's not savage, and is very mild mannered and polite. He's also very stubborn and cheeky, always telling jokes and telling stories to the children of the tribe. He takes the job as shaman very seriously, and would never do something to put the group in danger.

Traits: informal, straight forward, kind, compassionate, smart, mild mannered, polite, stubborn, cheeky, playful, serious, flirty. Loyal.

Mental Age: 20

Phobias: fear of the dark

Sociability: 95%

Outlook: very positive

Responsibility: 80%

Cleanliness: 100%

Generosity: 70%

Manners: 90%

Bravery: 60%

More logical or more emotional?: More emotional, but logic takes a very high place in his decision making.

Favorite Season: summer

Favorite Food(s): grilled bananas, mangos, roasted duck, pork soaked in coconut milk ( he's very picky about his food).

Favorite Word: life

Favorite Sound: the ocean crashing against the beach.

Greatest Hope: never to let his tribe down

Greatest Strengths: his slender build, compassion, and sympathy. Also skilled with herbs.

Greatest Weaknesses: fear of the dark, and his horrible habit to run himself until he falls over from exhaustion. His memory also sometimes fails him, and he'll tense up because he can't remember the herbs.

Worst Nightmare: He wakes up, and the tribe is gone.

Deepest Darkest Secret: he's secretly practicing how to make poisons at night. never known when he's going to have to put someone out of their misery instead of healing them. He's only doing it FOR GOOD.

Most Treasured Memory: playing kick the ball with his father when he was ten.

Quirks: his cheeky smile and adorable laugh.

Theme Songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyNiHs4ctC4 ( with credit)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_nxkUZswMA ( with credit)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPQdQd7vY1g ( with credit)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Place of Birth: The Tribe's camp

Date of Birth: sometime 19 years ago

Former Rank: child

Beliefs: he's a staunch believer in his ancestors
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Race: human

Hair color: brown

Hair texture: soft

Hair length: shoulder length, usually pulled into a messy side ponytail.

Markings: back face paint under eyes, white lightning bolt on one cheek

Eye Color: Blue

Body type/Structure: Slender, lightweight, slight, thin

Height: 5 foot 9 inches

Weight: 168 lbs

Voice: Calm, mellow, sweet, with a hint of an accent

Gait: soft footed, sure of himself, confident

Scent: Ocean and herbs

Scars/ Deformities: Scratch over the bridge of his nose

reflexes: 50%

Strength; 40%


Formal Attire: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luqlbxKCXZ1r4e6sio1_500.png [ with credit]

Informal: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/7c/08/b5/7c08b5c55e73ab18f4433449506fc4ef.jpg ( just the clothing)
[ with credit]

His face ( uncolored): http://orig15.deviantart.net/3573/f/2012/003/2/d/the_indian_boy_by_theaspiringflower-d4l75on.jpg
[ with credit]

June 6th, 2018, 07:57 PM
This is for my OTHER OC from Stranded...and... alone?
Everyone... This is Weston!

Current Name: Weston Montoya

Other Names, if any: Westie ( his nickname), Momma Westie ( when he's fretting over someone), Master of the Wild ( no one him)

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Creation Date: June 6th, 2018

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Current Affiliation: The Group

Former Affiliation, if any: none

Rank/Position: Not really, he just kinda acts as fretting Momma Westie
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Father(s): Dante Montoya*

Mother (s): Angelina Green-Montoya

Sibling(s): None

Offspring: HE'S 19!! That just AIN'T RIGHT!

Best Friend(s): open!

Friend(s): open

Neutral: open

Acquaintance(s): open

Enemies: the tribe

Crush: He's single

Significant Other: look at offspring, you'll see why he don't have a Significant other.

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Overview: Weston is a very loud person, he has no off button, and can be snarky and rude. He's very intelligent and helpful. He prides himself on being your typical jock, but is secretly sweet, funny, and kind. He's the kind of guy who will coo at a baby and then deny it, or get secret snuggles with his aunt's cat. He baby talks his dog. Yeah, we all know that kind of guy; admit it, we do. You just have to roll with it.

Traits: loud, snarky, brash, rude, yet intelligent and helpful. typical jock, but is actually really sweet, funny, and kind. Determined, seemingly brave.

Mental Age: 12

Phobias: fear of blood, injuries, and bugs. ( a butterfly could send him into a panic, don't even mention ants)

Sociability: 100%

Outlook: pretty positive

Responsibility: 70%

Cleanliness: 90%

Generosity: 50%

Manners: 60%

Bravery: 40%

More Logical or More Emotional?: More Emotional

Favorite Season: Winter

Favorite Food(s): Chicken, sushi, steak and potatoes, cupcakes

Favorite Word: Family

Favorite Sound: Birds

Greatest Hope: To get rescued

Greatest Strength: His determination.

Greatest Weakness: Scared to DEATH of bugs, and can get beat down pretty quickly. mental state isn't the best.

Worst Nightmare: never seeing his parents again

Deepest Darkest Secret: His mind is messed up, and he gets depressed easily. He bounces back fairly quick though.

Most Treasured Memory: Graduating High School, he was the #1 student of his class.

Quirk(s): He bites his lip constantly

Theme Song(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE7sAncx0Sw ( with credit)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Place of Birth: Rapid Springs, South Dakota

Date of Birth: Febuary 12th, 2001

Former rank/position(s): none

Beliefs: Nothing

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Race: Human

Hair Color(s): ginger/ red

Hair Texture: soft, a curly mess

Hair/Fur Length: short, just above his ears

Markings: none

Eye Color: a pale, misty gray

Body Type/Structure: slender, tall, broad shouldered, slim

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 168 lbs

Voice: sharp, slightly wavering

Gait: normal

Scent: dirt, salt water

Scars / Deformities: scratch across his knuckles on right hand, long scar on left arm. ( scratch is from him playing with a knife when he was 14, long scar was from a nail when he was 18. He's a reckless doof)

Diseases / Conditions: none

Coordination: 40%

Reflexes: 80%

Strength: 60%

Clothing Before The Ship crashed: http://www.outfittrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/685be7e48024e502c6be412eee21356a.jpg ( with credit)

Clothing after the ship crashed is the same, just tattered and smelling of salt water.