View Full Version : Stranded...and....alone?

June 6th, 2018, 03:10 PM
Welcome to...

(This first part is going to be short and speedy for the people that just wanna get the gist of it)


1.) The Stranded-
The last thing you remember was being on a cruise ship and that was the last time you ever saw any of yours friends ok. One thing led to another, and now you found yourself stranded on an island. You looked out to sea and found what remained of the ship in bits and pieces, scattered in the ocean or on the island. Now you must survive. (See spoiler for more detailed info)

2.) The Tribe People-
This island is your home,your tribe’s home. And it has been invaded after a big monster floating on the waters surface died. Strange things like scents have been showing up around the island,which our dogs had picked up. We must protect our tribe and find these invaders-they may be hostile. (See spoiler for more detailed info)

The Stranded-

You waved goodbye to yours friends, unbeknownst to you...the last time you could possibly see them. You walked to your room, with your (choice of drink) in hand and did your nightly ritual before collapsing onto the bed. It seemed like only second had passed before you opened your eyes in panic to an alarm going off. ‘This can’t be real!’ You though but where proven wrong when the alarm said that this was NOT a drill. You got on your life preserver and went to go make your way to your area of the ship. Sadly, you never did. You heard a loud bang and then everything went black. You opened your eyes to still be greeted with the night sky, however when you looked behind you there was the ship, in flames....sinking slowly. You started paddling forward afraid it might blow up, but you screamed as your hand touched a face. That’s when you noticed that there was bodies floating all around you. You hoped they where unconscious and not dead, but your survival instincts kicked in. Now was not the time to wonder, you where in the OCEAN BLEEDING! You finally found a piece of the ship that you could pull yourself on and relaxed then. You lifted your head and saw something in the distance. You squinted and saw an area of land in front of you. Then you started paddling towards the piece of land, which turned out to be an island, and plopped down on the beach to rest. Then everything hit you all at once. What would you do now? You where all alone, on perhaps a dangerous island, all of your positions are gone-except for...oh thank goodness you still have your (choice of object here-don’t let it be too big please). What are you going to do know? Would your look for your friends,or other people in general? Explore? Or try to find the other people that have already been on this island?

The Tribe People-

Everyone has been talking about it. There has been an monster that has been near our home and now after such a loud sound in the middle of the night, something attacked it! Pieces of it is everywhere-sometimes we see its black blood floating around in the ocean,we are afraid of what it might do to our fish. Our hunting/patrolling teams have noticed weird scents and objects on our island. Could these new invaders be hostile? We can’t let them hurt our tribe.//(or) maybe these new people can help us and we can help them. We must be cautious though..you never know...

•Follow WCO Rules
•No Marry Sues
•EVERYONE gets hurt at one point in this rp
•AT LEAST one or two full sentences (to keep this going)
•No god like people that never get hurt and such
•Try to keep romance following the site Rules
•You can have as many characters as you want,just make sure you can keep up with them all :3
•Love between Tribe person and Stranded person is ok :3

We must at least have three-four of each group of humans. On to the forms-

Stranded Form-

Age(Not younger than 16 please)-
Will you be in a group or a loner?
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)-
Anything I missed?-

Tribe Form-

Age(Not younger than 12 please)-
Rank(Like Leader, Shaman, etc.)-
Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’-
Anything I missed?-

Tribe Ranks
Leader-Peta Aurora Australis 1/1
Shaman-Hawk Played by Silentshade1/1
Warriors- Meskwaki (Lead Warrior) Played by Panda , Kahuna played by me
Women-Meskwaki 1/infinite

Panda Silentshade

These are the two ppl that asked to join-don’t have that many active friends so uh...yea *cry*

June 6th, 2018, 03:30 PM
Name: Hawk

Age: 19

Gender: male

Rank: Shaman

Appearance: Hawk is a slender and tanned 19 year old with brown hair that reaches his shoulders. His blue eyes are sharp and intelligent, but not cold. Quite the opposite, they shine with warmth and bravery. He reaches 5' 9", so not the tallest, but he gets by. His face has black face paint under his eyes to block out the sun, and a white lightning bolt on his left cheek. he's not once for face paint, but if it's needed, he'll endure it.

Personality: Hawk is not one for formalities, and likes to get to the point. He's kind and compassionate, and very smart. He's not savage, and is very mild mannered and polite. He's also very stubborn and cheeky, always telling jokes and telling stories to the children of the tribe. He takes the job as shaman very seriously, and would never do something to put the group in danger.

Strengths: his slender build, compassion, and sympathy. Also skilled with herbs.

Weaknesses: fear of the dark, and his horrible habit to run himself until he falls over from exhaustion. His memory also sometimes fails him, and he'll tense up because he can't remember the herbs.

Being welcoming or hostile?: He's a welcoming cutie. He thinks they could teach the tribe some pretty neat stuff, and he thinks the tribe can help them.

Anything I missed: I forgot to mention he's a little flirty flirt. He has that cheeky smile and adorable laugh!

Questions: CAN he be shaman?

This is what he wears to formal meetings among the tribe, like where they expect him to do readings and stuff: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luqlbxKCXZ1r4e6sio1_500.png ( with credit to artist)

Every other time he just wears a brown shirt, brown pants, he goes barefoot. Unless it's important, then he'll put on moccasins. he'll leave them if he doesn't care.

June 6th, 2018, 03:38 PM
Name: Hawk

Age: 19

Gender: male

Rank: Shaman

Appearance: Hawk is a slender and tanned 19 year old with brown hair that reaches his shoulders. His blue eyes are sharp and intelligent, but not cold. Quite the opposite, they shine with warmth and bravery. He reaches 5' 9", so not the tallest, but he gets by. His face has black face paint under his eyes to block out the sun, and a white lightning bolt on his left cheek. he's not once for face paint, but if it's needed, he'll endure it.

Personality: Hawk is not one for formalities, and likes to get to the point. He's kind and compassionate, and very smart. He's not savage, and is very mild mannered and polite. He's also very stubborn and cheeky, always telling jokes and telling stories to the children of the tribe. He takes the job as shaman very seriously, and would never do something to put the group in danger.

Strengths: his slender build, compassion, and sympathy. Also skilled with herbs.

Weaknesses: fear of the dark, and his horrible habit to run himself until he falls over from exhaustion. His memory also sometimes fails him, and he'll tense up because he can't remember the herbs.

Being welcoming or hostile?: He's a welcoming cutie. He thinks they could teach the tribe some pretty neat stuff, and he thinks the tribe can help them.

Anything I missed: I forgot to mention he's a little flirty flirt. He has that cheeky smile and adorable laugh!

Questions: CAN he be shaman?

Accepted! And of course he can be!

June 6th, 2018, 03:49 PM
Accepted! And of course he can be!
Can't wait!

June 6th, 2018, 03:51 PM
Name- Meskwaki
This is the indianword for fox.
Age- 24
Gender- Female
Rank- Warrior
Appearance- Boop (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://pre00.deviantart.net/6b67/th/pre/f/2014/170/1/8/indian_girl_by_alexandrapetrakova-d7n3yul.jpg&imgrefurl=https://alexandrapetrakova.deviantart.com/art/INDIAN-GIRL-462079533&h=730&w=1095&tbnid=jnQ0vKS7srKtwM:&q=%5B%5B%5B%22xjs.sav.en_US.RKf5gx_dKRo.O%22,5%5D% 5D,%5B%5B%22id%22,%22type%22,%22created_timestamp% 22,%22last_modified_timestamp%22,%22signed_redirec t_url%22,%22dominant_color_rgb%22,%22tag_info%22,% 22url%22,%22title%22,%22comment%22,%22snippet%22,% 22image%22,%22thumbnail%22,%22num_ratings%22,%22av g_rating%22,%22page%22,%22job%22%5D%5D,%5B%5B%22dt _fav_images%22%5D%5D,10000%5D&tbnh=183&tbnw=275&usg=__QDRxAoNKY7iUzoiogDDW_6w94Xk%3D&vet=1&docid=K8nytCW0pulbIM)
Personality- Kind Protective Loyal Caring Sarcastic Snappy Blunt Stubborn Indecisive
Strengths- Helping others Fighting Scavenging Negotiating
Weaknesses- Hunting Directions Afraid of water (Like going into a lake or the ocean)
Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’- She will act hostile towards them around her other tribe members, and will try to act hostile to the invaders, but she won't actually be able to push herself to hurt any of them.
Anything I missed?- Nope
Other- None!

Name- Kaylin
Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 21
Gender- Female
Strengths- Treating wound/sicknesses Caring for others
Weaknesses/Fears- Fighting Hunting She will be afriad of the tribal people
Personality- Energetic Eccentric Friendly Bold Optimistic Open-Book Fidgety Quirky Fierce Emotional Intelligent Talkative Competitive Proud Coward
Appearance- Boop (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/6e/90/6d6e90ae5894e280a66a6255376bc137.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153544668523699994/&h=600&w=405&tbnid=SE8L_dhv5599QM:&q=%5B%5B%5B%22xjs.sav.en_US.BuG9CZeYrCc.O%22,5%5D% 5D,%5B%5B%22id%22,%22type%22,%22created_timestamp% 22,%22last_modified_timestamp%22,%22signed_redirec t_url%22,%22dominant_color_rgb%22,%22tag_info%22,% 22url%22,%22title%22,%22comment%22,%22snippet%22,% 22image%22,%22thumbnail%22,%22num_ratings%22,%22av g_rating%22,%22page%22,%22job%22%5D%5D,%5B%5B%22dt _fav_images%22%5D%5D,10000%5D&tbnh=273&tbnw=184&usg=__lmFerYQ1yaLF6goZzKMly5Md0io%3D&vet=1&docid=YJw91sXp3uNHQM)
Will you be in a group or a loner? Group or Loner, depends on the rp
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- She has a medical text book (Explained in other)
Anything I missed?- Nope!
Other- Kaylin is a student doctor, that was studying for that years finals when the cruise crashed, and she thought the book might come in handy so she brought it onto the island.
Questions- Is the student doctor thing okay?

June 6th, 2018, 03:57 PM
Name- Meskwaki
An indian word for Fox, which correlates to her bright red hair. (I didn't know how the naming was gonna go for them... So I just kinda guessed)

Age- 24
Gender- Female
Rank- Leader
Appearance- Boop (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://orig00.deviantart.net/1305/f/2013/109/6/3/indian_girl_by_welximak-d628caj.jpg&imgrefurl=https://welximak.deviantart.com/art/Indian-Girl-366545467&h=500&w=374&tbnid=OithZUtnwkHTaM:&q=%5B%5B%5B%22xjs.sav.en_US.BuG9CZeYrCc.O%22,5%5D% 5D,%5B%5B%22id%22,%22type%22,%22created_timestamp% 22,%22last_modified_timestamp%22,%22signed_redirec t_url%22,%22dominant_color_rgb%22,%22tag_info%22,% 22url%22,%22title%22,%22comment%22,%22snippet%22,% 22image%22,%22thumbnail%22,%22num_ratings%22,%22av g_rating%22,%22page%22,%22job%22%5D%5D,%5B%5B%22dt _fav_images%22%5D%5D,10000%5D&tbnh=260&tbnw=194&usg=__LdyVX4Q76CKe3i_5b7NTCikahAE%3D&vet=1&docid=uAzMKtliuu0WqM)
Personality- Kind Protective Loyal Caring Sarcastic Snappy Blunt Stubborn Indecisive
Strengths- Helping others Fighting Scavenging Negotiating
Weaknesses- Hunting Directions Afraid of water (Like going into a lake or the ocean)
Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’- She will act hostile around her other tribe members, and will try to act hostile to the invaders, but she won't actually be able to push herself to hurt any of them.
Anything I missed?- Nope!
Other- None!
Questions- Can she be leader?

Name- Kaylin
Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 21
Gender- Female
Strengths- Treating wound/sicknesses Caring for others
Weaknesses/Fears- Fighting Hunting She will be afriad of the tribal people
Personality- Energetic Eccentric Friendly Bold Optimistic Open-Book Fidgety Quirky Fierce Emotional Intelligent Talkative Competitive Proud
Appearance- Boop (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/6e/90/6d6e90ae5894e280a66a6255376bc137.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153544668523699994/&h=600&w=405&tbnid=SE8L_dhv5599QM:&q=%5B%5B%5B%22xjs.sav.en_US.BuG9CZeYrCc.O%22,5%5D% 5D,%5B%5B%22id%22,%22type%22,%22created_timestamp% 22,%22last_modified_timestamp%22,%22signed_redirec t_url%22,%22dominant_color_rgb%22,%22tag_info%22,% 22url%22,%22title%22,%22comment%22,%22snippet%22,% 22image%22,%22thumbnail%22,%22num_ratings%22,%22av g_rating%22,%22page%22,%22job%22%5D%5D,%5B%5B%22dt _fav_images%22%5D%5D,10000%5D&tbnh=273&tbnw=184&usg=__lmFerYQ1yaLF6goZzKMly5Md0io%3D&vet=1&docid=YJw91sXp3uNHQM)
Will you be in a group or a loner? Group or Loner, depends on the rp
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- She has a medical text book (Explained in other)
Anything I missed?- Nope!
Other- Kaylin is a student doctor, that was studying for that years finals when the cruise crashed, and she thought the book might come in handy so she brought it onto the island.
Questions- Is the student doctor thing okay?
Accepted!! However women cannot be leaders in this tribe-she can be like a lead warrior or something?

June 6th, 2018, 03:58 PM
Accepted!! However women cannot be leaders in this tribe-she can be like a lead warrior or something?
Sure! Sorry I didn't realize. >.>

June 6th, 2018, 05:17 PM
Sure! Sorry I didn't realize. >.>
No no it okie)

Name- Willow
Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 17
Gender- FEMALE (She/Her)
Strengths- Stealth, hand to hand combat, hunting (though prefers not to do it because she hates killing animals)
Weaknesses/Fears-Teh dark,spiders, the ocean
Personality- Not shy- but if she doesn’t find a need to talk she won’t, stubborn, likes to do things on her own but finds comfort in being with other people, takes a lot to get her mad-but when you do..watch out, has trust issues.
Appearance- Was this on the ship (http://www.fashionglint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/best-summer-short-hairstyles-in-pakistan-8.jpg) Now this (https://tmp1.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/short-hairstyles-for-girls-with-thick-hair-long-trendy-haircuts-hottest-women-hairstyle.jpg)
Will you be in a group or a loner?-Group but for now, a loner
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)-a pocket knife (that how she cut her hair)
Anything I missed?- I hope not
Other-SHE STRAIGHT and she cut her hair because she figured if she was gonna survive and since it’s hot here she doesn’t need all that hair.
Questions- Nur

Name- Kahuna (means held high in self esteem)
Age(not younger than 12 please)- 19
Rank(Like Leader, Shaman, etc.)-Son of Chief/Warrior
Appearance-bBut with tribal clothes and stoof (https://images.summitmedia-digital.com/preview/images/articles/2016/02/10/guys_with_long_hair/tommy.jpg)
Personality-aggressive, easily angered,stubborn, doesn’t think before he speaks or does things
Strengths-combat of almost any kind (like hand to hand or soear combat), hunting
Weaknesses-his temper, is afraid of anything poisonous, not becoming the next chief
Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’-Hostile
Anything I missed?-no
Other-nuh uh

June 6th, 2018, 05:39 PM
So I just realized all the appearances are going very traditional looking tribal people So I changed Meskwaki's appearance X3 Just checking that's fine. @Shadow (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=70)

June 6th, 2018, 06:41 PM
So I just realized all the appearances are going very traditional looking tribal people So I changed Meskwaki's appearance X3 Just checking that's fine. @Shadow (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=70)
That’s fine XD



June 6th, 2018, 06:43 PM
Hey people y'all should make a character for this rp :3

_ @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) @Ebonyrose (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=4402) @Silver Fishie (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6243) @Littledragon (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=5034) _

*Cough* You should totally make a character that came from the ship so we can start *Cough* Silentshade

June 6th, 2018, 07:10 PM
Hey people y'all should make a character for this rp :3

_ @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) @Ebonyrose (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=4402) @Silver Fishie (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6243) @Littledragon (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=5034) _

*Cough* You should totally make a character that came from the ship so we can start *Cough* @Silentshade (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2952)
*Whispers* okay!

@Shadow (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=70)

Name: Weston

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Strengths: bravery, and actually has experience building things

Weaknesses/fears: fear of blood, injuries, and bugs. ( a butterfly could send him into a panic, don't even mention ants)

Personality: loud, snarky, brash, rude, yet intelligent and helpful. Acts like your typical jock, but is actually really sweet, funny, and kind once you get past the 'first meeting jockiness'. Calls himself 'Master of the Wild'. ( You just roll with it)

Appearance: Weston has ginger hair that's cut just above his ear, with wisps curling around his ears. He's pale skinned, and his nose is red due to sunburn. He's of medium build, and has misty gray eyes.

Will they be in the group, or a loner: He'll keep threatening to leave the group, but he's too attached and scared to actually LEAVE the group. So he's in the group.

Choice of item you found in your pocket: he has a compass, which he got while in Boy Scouts, and he NEVER takes it off.

Anything I missed: He a snarky boi, he sassy and classy

Other: nope!

June 6th, 2018, 07:41 PM
Hey people y'all should make a character for this rp :3

_ @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) @Ebonyrose (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=4402) @Silver Fishie (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6243) @Littledragon (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=5034) _

*Cough* You should totally make a character that came from the ship so we can start *Cough* Silentshade
This looks cool, why not.

Name: Janie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Strengths: Good with bow and arrow/Agile and quick on her feet/Hunting/Fishing/Taking care of others

Weaknesses/Fears: Low Stamina/Introverted/Mysophobia/Atelophobia/Arachnophobia

+Determined: She has a distinct need to be useful, and isn't afraid to work long hours to meet that goal. She's incredibly worried about being stranded (who wouldn't be , but she'll try her best to not disappoint others.

+Focused: She has a tendency to get wrapped up in a task and not be able to focus on anything else until its finished. Be it watching birds or reading a book or some other seemingly important task.

+ Justice oriented: Janie gets annoyed when she sees other people avoid their duties. There's not much she can do about it yet, which just frustrates her more.

-/+ Quiet: She doesn't understand the need for other teens her age to be so loud and exuberant. Maybe its just because she likes the peace that quiet brings, who knows.

-/+ Calm: For her age, she's strangely calm. Blood doesn't affect her like it might affect another person, even if she isn't super used to being around it, day in and day out.

- Distrustful: Because of a betrayal in her youth, she has a problem with fully trusting other people, since she's afraid they might abandon her too.

- Articulate: She's not an idiot and she knows it. If she's angry at someone she tends to use bigger words to act like she's superior, even when it sounds like she's just sprouting gibberish instead of words.

- Blunt: She can be horribly blunt, to the point where she might hurt someone's feelings. If she does, she'll leave them a feather as an apology, opting not to confront them. Honesty is a rule in her opinion.

Appearance: Janie has clover green eyes and fawn brown hair. She's on the shorter more petite side, only being about 5'2 with a slightly pudgier body type then the norm, but not enough to be classified as overweight. She also has freckles covering most parts of her body and crooked teeth seeing as her family was never able to afford braces.
Will you be in a group or a loner?: Depends on the RP

Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- Pocket Watch

Anything I missed?-

Other- Shadow


June 6th, 2018, 08:21 PM
*Whispers* okay!

@Shadow (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=70)

Name: Weston

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Strengths: bravery, and actually has experience building things

Weaknesses/fears: fear of blood, injuries, and bugs. ( a butterfly could send him into a panic, don't even mention ants)

Personality: loud, snarky, brash, rude, yet intelligent and helpful. Acts like your typical jock, but is actually really sweet, funny, and kind once you get past the 'first meeting jockiness'. Calls himself 'Master of the Wild'. ( You just roll with it)

Appearance: Weston has ginger hair that's cut just above his ear, with wisps curling around his ears. He's pale skinned, and his nose is red due to sunburn. He's of medium build, and has misty gray eyes.

Will they be in the group, or a loner: He'll keep threatening to leave the group, but he's too attached and scared to actually LEAVE the group. So he's in the group.

Choice of item you found in your pocket: he has a compass, which he got while in Boy Scouts, and he NEVER takes it off.

Anything I missed: He a snarky boi, he sassy and classy

Other: nope!

This looks cool, why not.

Name: Janie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Strengths: Good with bow and arrow/Agile and quick on her feet/Hunting/Fishing/Taking care of others

Weaknesses/Fears: Low Stamina/Introverted/Mysophobia/Atelophobia/Arachnophobia

+Determined: She has a distinct need to be useful, and isn't afraid to work long hours to meet that goal. She's incredibly worried about being stranded (who wouldn't be , but she'll try her best to not disappoint others.

+Focused: She has a tendency to get wrapped up in a task and not be able to focus on anything else until its finished. Be it watching birds or reading a book or some other seemingly important task.

+ Justice oriented: Janie gets annoyed when she sees other people avoid their duties. There's not much she can do about it yet, which just frustrates her more.

-/+ Quiet: She doesn't understand the need for other teens her age to be so loud and exuberant. Maybe its just because she likes the peace that quiet brings, who knows.

-/+ Calm: For her age, she's strangely calm. Blood doesn't affect her like it might affect another person, even if she isn't super used to being around it, day in and day out.

- Distrustful: Because of a betrayal in her youth, she has a problem with fully trusting other people, since she's afraid they might abandon her too.

- Articulate: She's not an idiot and she knows it. If she's angry at someone she tends to use bigger words to act like she's superior, even when it sounds like she's just sprouting gibberish instead of words.

- Blunt: She can be horribly blunt, to the point where she might hurt someone's feelings. If she does, she'll leave them a feather as an apology, opting not to confront them. Honesty is a rule in her opinion.

Appearance: Janie has clover green eyes and fawn brown hair. She's on the shorter more petite side, only being about 5'2 with a slightly pudgier body type then the norm, but not enough to be classified as overweight. She also has freckles covering most parts of her body and crooked teeth seeing as her family was never able to afford braces.
Will you be in a group or a loner?: Depends on the RP

Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- Pocket Watch

Anything I missed?-

Other- Shadow


Both are Accepted!!!

Panda Silentshade Tavvi WE CAN STARTTT we will start with them pulling themselves off the beach and into the island!! Who wants to go first?

June 6th, 2018, 08:25 PM
Both are Accepted!!!

@Panda (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6855) @Silentshade (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2952) @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) WE CAN STARTTT we will start with them pulling themselves off the beach and into the island!! Who wants to go first?
I can, if that's okay with everyone?

June 6th, 2018, 08:26 PM
I can, if that's okay with everyone?
It good by meeeee

June 6th, 2018, 08:37 PM
It good by meeeee
[Well, okay then.... here we go. Maiden post of this roleplay]

Weston wasn't entirely sure what had happened. In fact, he wasn't sure what had even happened. All he could remember was waking up. Surrounded by sand.
"what the heck?!" he exclaimed, bolting upright. he cupped his hand, letting the pale gold stuff shift out of his fingers. He sat on knees, looking around. the ginger saw that he wasn't alone. He got to his feet, brushing sand off and wringing out his clothes. Walking around, he waited for the girls around him to wake up.

(I just realized... Weston's the only guy in the stranded... oh boy he's going to be surrounded by warrior queens) @Panda (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6855) @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593)

June 6th, 2018, 09:06 PM
[Well, okay then.... here we go. Maiden post of this roleplay]

Weston wasn't entirely sure what had happened. In fact, he wasn't sure what had even happened. All he could remember was waking up. Surrounded by sand.
"what the heck?!" he exclaimed, bolting upright. he cupped his hand, letting the pale gold stuff shift out of his fingers. He sat on knees, looking around. the ginger saw that he wasn't alone. He got to his feet, brushing sand off and wringing out his clothes. Walking around, he waited for the girls around him to wake up.

(I just realized... Weston's the only guy in the stranded... oh boy he's going to be surrounded by warrior queens) @Panda (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6855) @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593)

Janie yawned, drowsy as she blinked her clover colored orbs. Her mind wasn't quite all there so when her hand went over a cool grainy surface, she thought nothing of it. However, after a few seconds, she freaked out and without hesitation withdrew her hand and screamed as she realized she was surrounded by it! "What the bloody heck!" She shrieked before looking up to see a rather tall ginger boy around her age and getting up to approach him hoping he was on the friendlier side of things as she could not deal with the current situation if that was not the case.

June 6th, 2018, 09:11 PM
Janie yawned, drowsy as she blinked her clover colored orbs. Her mind wasn't quite all there so when her hand went over a cool grainy surface, she thought nothing of it. However, after a few seconds, she freaked out and without hesitation withdrew her hand and screamed as she realized she was surrounded by it! "What the bloody heck!" She shrieked before looking up to see a rather tall ginger boy around her age and getting up to approach him hoping he was on the friendlier side of things as she could not deal with the current situation if that was not the case.

Weston blinked rapidly as one of the girls around him woke up and approached. "Hi? I'm Weston, not sure if it helps, given our problem. And you are?" he gestured to her, giving a look that said: please tell me you're friendly before I scream a girly scream. He looked ready to freak out, and bit his bottom lip to try and keep calm.

June 6th, 2018, 09:14 PM
Shadow save m leader of the tribe. ill reply with my form in the morning!

June 6th, 2018, 09:20 PM
Weston blinked rapidly as one of the girls around him woke up and approached. "Hi? I'm Weston, not sure if it helps, given our problem. And you are?" he gestured to her, giving a look that said: please tell me you're friendly before I scream a girly scream. He looked ready to freak out, and bit his bottom lip to try and keep calm.

Janie gave Weston a crooked smile deciding to show her friendly side to the boy as held out her right hand to shake. "Hi, Weston, I do suppose knowing your name does help a bit since now I know what to call you. I'm Janie or I guess you call me Jane if you want." She greeted still smiling as she used her free non-handshake ready hand to thread through her now mess as sugar lemon pies hair, "I'm guessing, however, you won't want me to call you West." She giggled making a slight joke to lighten the mood.

June 6th, 2018, 09:22 PM
[Well, okay then.... here we go. Maiden post of this roleplay]

Weston wasn't entirely sure what had happened. In fact, he wasn't sure what had even happened. All he could remember was waking up. Surrounded by sand.
"what the heck?!" he exclaimed, bolting upright. he cupped his hand, letting the pale gold stuff shift out of his fingers. He sat on knees, looking around. the ginger saw that he wasn't alone. He got to his feet, brushing sand off and wringing out his clothes. Walking around, he waited for the girls around him to wake up.

(I just realized... Weston's the only guy in the stranded... oh boy he's going to be surrounded by warrior queens) @Panda (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6855) @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593)
Janie yawned, drowsy as she blinked her clover colored orbs. Her mind wasn't quite all there so when her hand went over a cool grainy surface, she thought nothing of it. However, after a few seconds, she freaked out and without hesitation withdrew her hand and screamed as she realized she was surrounded by it! "What the bloody heck!" She shrieked before looking up to see a rather tall ginger boy around her age and getting up to approach him hoping he was on the friendlier side of things as she could not deal with the current situation if that was not the case.

(Keep in mind that Willow still has her hair cuz she hasn’t cut it yet)

Willow groaned and shifted around in what she thought was her bed. She then shifted again so she would be laying down on her stomach. However when the girl breathed in through her mouth she bolted upright and started coughing trying to get the sand out of her mouth. Wait. Sand?!

Willow then stood up quickly-groaning at her now dizzy surroundings and felt the stinging on her arms and legs. The girl looked down and cursed as she saw multiple cuts on her arms and legs. She lifted her gaze to looked around her and froze as she was not on the cruise ship anymore.

Then, all at once everything came back to her. “No...” she whispered. Her friends,what happened to them?! Are they alright?! The brown headed girl whipped her head towards where she heard some noise. Her amber colored eyes winded as she saw two people that she never seen before. “Who are you?” She coughed out. Reaching to her back pocket where her pocket knife was.

‘Thank goodness something didn’t unsheath the knife when I was out.’ She quickly thought. She then stood there ready to take the knife out of her pocket just in case they decided to do anything. She then held back a cry as her cuts on her stung a bit more and decided now wasn’t the time to think of all the people that could have possibly died on the boat.
Silentshade Tavvi

June 6th, 2018, 09:57 PM
Weston crinkled his nose as he smiled. "Well Jane, you're right about me not liking the nickname 'West'. I prefer 'Westie', it's more fun to say!" He laughed. He shook her hand, before reaching around his neck. Pulling the compass out, he studied it. "Shoot, it's cracked!" he growled, rubbing his thumb across the cracked glass of the compass. A few grains of sand was with the needle, and he frantically shook it to get them out. "Great, just great! Stuck on an island, with NO food, NO wifi, and a cracked compass! I got this in Boy Scouts! BOY SCOUTS, Jane!" he gestured to the compass in his hand frantically, a crazed look on his face. Then he slapped his forehead with a groan. Great, now she's going to ask me if I drank the sea water. I must seem insane!

(This is the look he was giving her: http://www.mithmeoi.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/the_road_to_el_dorado.jpg *credit to the animators of 'Road to El Dorado'* )
Janie continued to snicker finding Weston's smile endearing, "Okay, Westie--Oh! You're right it is more fun to say!" She snickered before becoming more on edge as he reached his hand behind his neck. What if he was reaching for a knife!? She tranquilized herself, however when realizing it was just a compass and a broken one at that, "Oh...I'm terribly sorry, Westie. You know I was a Girl Scout...I don't really know how that's going to help...but it's true!" Janie mumbled before hearing a voice and whipping her head to see another girl had awakened, "Hello there! I'm a Jaine but you can call me Jane!" She explained approaching the other somewhat pained look female with a smile on her face to show she was friendly. Shadow

June 6th, 2018, 10:02 PM
Janie continued to snicker finding Weston's smile endearing, "Okay, Westie--Oh! You're right it is more fun to say!" She snickered before becoming more on edge as he reached his hand behind his neck. What if he was reaching for a knife!? She tranquilized herself, however when realizing it was just a compass and a broken one at that, "Oh...I'm terribly sorry, Westie. You know I was a Girl Scout...I don't really know how that's going to help...but it's true!" Janie mumbled before hearing a voice and whipping her head to see another girl had awakened, "Hello there! I'm a Jaine but you can call me Jane!" She explained approaching the other somewhat pained look female with a smile on her face to show she was friendly. @Shadow (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=70)

( I'm getting confused...)
Weston broke off of his moaning and groaning, looking at Jane. "You were? That's cool! It'll be useful-" he broke off as he heard a sharp breath. Turning his head, he saw another of them had woken up. Her short hair fell just below the shoulders, and he could see she was trying not to cry. He frowned as he realized what about... the other people on the boat. "Hey, hey... I don't know you, but you look like you could use a hug right about now... so I'm just going to hug you, are you okay with that? okay? Okay." Weston walked over to the girl and wrapped her into a hug. Then, he gripped her shoulders. "We're gonna get through this, okay? They're trees, we can find something that's edible. we may never had to tough it out on our own before, but we can wallow in self pity and doubt later. Right now let's asset our wounds and see what we can do about them, then let's go into the trees and find us so food!" he gave her a reassuring grin, hoping he didn't freak her out. "I'm Weston by the way," he added as a last minute thought. He looked at Jane. "Good plan, Girl Scout?" he asked.

June 6th, 2018, 10:13 PM
Janie continued to snicker finding Weston's smile endearing, "Okay, Westie--Oh! You're right it is more fun to say!" She snickered before becoming more on edge as he reached his hand behind his neck. What if he was reaching for a knife!? She tranquilized herself, however when realizing it was just a compass and a broken one at that, "Oh...I'm terribly sorry, Westie. You know I was a Girl Scout...I don't really know how that's going to help...but it's true!" Janie mumbled before hearing a voice and whipping her head to see another girl had awakened, "Hello there! I'm a Jaine but you can call me Jane!" She explained approaching the other somewhat pained look female with a smile on her face to show she was friendly. Shadow
Weston crinkled his nose as he smiled. "Well Jane, you're right about me not liking the nickname 'West'. I prefer 'Westie', it's more fun to say!" He laughed. He shook her hand, before reaching around his neck. Pulling the compass out, he studied it. "Shoot, it's cracked!" he growled, rubbing his thumb across the cracked glass of the compass. A few grains of sand was with the needle, and he frantically shook it to get them out. "Great, just great! Stuck on an island, with NO food, NO wifi, and a cracked compass! I got this in Boy Scouts! BOY SCOUTS, Jane!" he gestured to the compass in his hand frantically, a crazed look on his face. Then he slapped his forehead with a groan. Great, now she's going to ask me if I drank the sea water. I must seem insane!

(This is the look he was giving her: http://www.mithmeoi.net/wp-content/u..._el_dorado.jpg (http://www.mithmeoi.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/the_road_to_el_dorado.jpg) *credit to the animators of 'Road to El Dorado'* )

Weston broke off of his moaning and groaning as he heard a sharp breath. Turning his head, he saw another of them had woken up. Her short hair fell just below the shoulders, and he could see she was trying not to cry. He frowned as he realized what about... the other people on the boat. "Hey, hey... I don't know you, but you look like you could use a hug right about now... so I'm just going to hug you, are you okay with that? okay? Okay." Weston walked over to the girl and wrapped her into a hug. Then, he gripped her shoulders. "We're gonna get through this, okay? They're trees, we can find something that's edible. we may never had to tough it out on our own before, but we can wallow in self pity and doubt later. Right now let's asset our wounds and see what we can do about them, then let's go into the trees and find us so food!" he gave her a reassuring grin, hoping he didn't freak her out. "I'm Weston by the way," he added as a last minute thought.

Willow blinked as she was taken into a hug without her consent then the man held her shoulders. She shimmied herself out of his touch and looked at the both of them with a unbelieving look. “I-I’m sorry if I seem rude-I just..I don’t like being touched..” She was still tense but put both of her hands to her sides.

“I-how? How can you be so optimistic...I-I...” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. “I’m Willow. My friends called my Willy...I know that’s a weird nickname but uh...yea..let’s get going to uh..” Her voice cracked again and instead of words she pointed towards the forest and marched forward.

June 6th, 2018, 10:19 PM
Willow blinked as she was taken into a hug without her consent then the man held her shoulders. She shimmied herself out of his touch and looked at the both of them with a unbelieving look. “I-I’m sorry if I seem rude-I just..I don’t like being touched..” She was still tense but put both of her hands to her sides.

“I-how? How can you be so optimistic...I-I...” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. “I’m Willow. My friends called my Willy...I know that’s a weird nickname but uh...yea..let’s get going to uh..” Her voice cracked again and instead of words she pointed towards the forest and marched forward.

Weston instantly let her shake his hands off. "I'm sorry Willow! I should've asked. And yeah, let's get looking for food." he followed her as she marched forward, taking care to stay a respectful distance away. Stupid. Stupid, STUPID WESTON! Why are you so HEADSTRONG! She OBVIOUSLY doesn't want you to hug her! you just got SHIPWRECKED for crying out loud! Weston cursed him and his stupidity, yet continued to follow Willow like a lost puppy.
(when does the Tribe people come in?)

June 6th, 2018, 10:20 PM
( I'm getting confused...)
Weston broke off of his moaning and groaning, looking at Jane. "You were? That's cool! It'll be useful-" he broke off as he heard a sharp breath. Turning his head, he saw another of them had woken up. Her short hair fell just below the shoulders, and he could see she was trying not to cry. He frowned as he realized what about... the other people on the boat. "Hey, hey... I don't know you, but you look like you could use a hug right about now... so I'm just going to hug you, are you okay with that? okay? Okay." Weston walked over to the girl and wrapped her into a hug. Then, he gripped her shoulders. "We're gonna get through this, okay? They're trees, we can find something that's edible. we may never had to tough it out on our own before, but we can wallow in self pity and doubt later. Right now let's asset our wounds and see what we can do about them, then let's go into the trees and find us so food!" he gave her a reassuring grin, hoping he didn't freak her out. "I'm Weston by the way," he added as a last minute thought. He looked at Jane. "Good plan, Girl Scout?" he asked.

(I am too)

"Sounds good to me, Westie." Janie agreed, nodding her head as she watched Westie hug the other conscious girl and feel a quick jab of jealousy, though she just as quickly pushed it aside. She began then to trek down the beach over to where the treeline began to look for food and only then did she noticed a huge gash on her forearm, "WHAT THE BLOODY GRACES!?" She screamed somehow falling back onto the soft yet still grainy and getting some in her eyes and mouth in the process. It was okay it was fine, she was fine. Just a little to sand no big deal to experienced Girl Scout, Janie VerHoef, right? Right, she said to herself though whenever she tried to get up she just started to feel less and less calm. just think, she was on an island with complete strangers and no clear food or water source. She was hurt and without proper medical care her cut could easily get infected and that infection could enter her bloodstream and then...and then, "I'M GOING TO DIE!" Janie shrieked shaking as she became fully panicky. Who would have thought a slip in the sand could cause this?

June 6th, 2018, 10:23 PM
(I am too)

"Sounds good to me, Westie." Janie agreed, nodding her head as she watched Westie hug the other conscious girl and feel a quick jab of jealousy, though she just as quickly pushed it aside. She began then to trek down the beach over to where the treeline began to look for food and only then did she noticed a huge gash on her forearm, "WHAT THE BLOODY GRACES!?" She screamed somehow falling back onto the soft yet still grainy and getting some in her eyes and mouth in the process. It was okay it was fine, she was fine. Just a little to sand no big deal to experienced Girl Scout, Janie VerHoef, right? Right, she said to herself though whenever she tried to get up she just started to feel less and less calm. just think, she was on an island with complete strangers and no clear food or water source. She was hurt and without proper medical care her cut could easily get infected and that infection could enter her bloodstream and then...and then, "I'M GOING TO DIE!" Janie shrieked shaking as she became fully panicky. Who would have thought a slip in the sand could cause this?
Weston instantly let her shake his hands off. "I'm sorry Willow! I should've asked. And yeah, let's get looking for food." he followed her as she marched forward, taking care to stay a respectful distance away. Stupid. Stupid, STUPID WESTON! Why are you so HEADSTRONG! She OBVIOUSLY doesn't want you to hug her! you just got SHIPWRECKED for crying out loud! Weston cursed him and his stupidity, yet continued to follow Willow like a lost puppy.
(when does the Tribe people come in?)
(When all three of us are on wait for at least two of us to respond cuz that’s what I do and I’m not confused yet)
Also one of them could find us)

Willow spun around at the sound of the other girl. “O-ohmygosh are you ok?!” She tried shushing her. “We don’t know if there are predators on this island shhh...” she quickly took out her knife and slashed off the bottom of her shirt. “Ok ok so I don’t know much but I’m going to wrap this around your arm to stop the blood loss..how did we not notice this before...” she thought to herself.

After she was done she sat back and looked at her now bloody hands and her half of a shirt and sighed. ‘Great..’ she sat up and washed her hands in the ocean. “Does uh... does anyone know how to make sure it doesn’t get infected?”

June 6th, 2018, 11:07 PM
(When all three of us are on wait for at least two of us to respond cuz that’s what I do and I’m not confused yet)
Also one of them could find us)

Willow spun around at the sound of the other girl. “O-ohmygosh are you ok?!” She tried shushing her. “We don’t know if there are predators on this island shhh...” she quickly took out her knife and slashed off the bottom of her shirt. “Ok ok so I don’t know much but I’m going to wrap this around your arm to stop the blood loss..how did we not notice this before...” she thought to herself.

After she was done she sat back and looked at her now bloody hands and her half of a shirt and sighed. ‘Great..’ she sat up and washed her hands in the ocean. “Does uh... does anyone know how to make sure it doesn’t get infected?”

(That's a VERY good idea. And the only one who wouldn't kill them at first glance is my Hawk, and the only one who acts hostile yet doesn't harm them is Meskwaki.... what are we going to do?!)

Weston looked at the wound, and instantly gagged. Turning to Willow, he then covered his mouth with his hand. Blood. Oh gosh.. urk. He tried not to throw up in front of the Willow and Jane, so he turned to face the trees. he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You would wash the wound with fresh water, but since the only water I've seen is salty, it wouldn't work. Guess I'm not much help?" He asked. The continued to keep his eyes closed. "I have a fear of blood..." he finally squeaked, looking slightly green in the face.

June 7th, 2018, 12:38 AM
Hello! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, but is this still open?))

June 7th, 2018, 01:58 AM
(I am too)

"Sounds good to me, Westie." Janie agreed, nodding her head as she watched Westie hug the other conscious girl and feel a quick jab of jealousy, though she just as quickly pushed it aside. She began then to trek down the beach over to where the treeline began to look for food and only then did she noticed a huge gash on her forearm, "WHAT THE BLOODY GRACES!?" She screamed somehow falling back onto the soft yet still grainy and getting some in her eyes and mouth in the process. It was okay it was fine, she was fine. Just a little to sand no big deal to experienced Girl Scout, Janie VerHoef, right? Right, she said to herself though whenever she tried to get up she just started to feel less and less calm. just think, she was on an island with complete strangers and no clear food or water source. She was hurt and without proper medical care her cut could easily get infected and that infection could enter her bloodstream and then...and then, "I'M GOING TO DIE!" Janie shrieked shaking as she became fully panicky. Who would have thought a slip in the sand could cause this?

(When all three of us are on wait for at least two of us to respond cuz that’s what I do and I’m not confused yet)
Also one of them could find us)

Willow spun around at the sound of the other girl. “O-ohmygosh are you ok?!” She tried shushing her. “We don’t know if there are predators on this island shhh...” she quickly took out her knife and slashed off the bottom of her shirt. “Ok ok so I don’t know much but I’m going to wrap this around your arm to stop the blood loss..how did we not notice this before...” she thought to herself.

After she was done she sat back and looked at her now bloody hands and her half of a shirt and sighed. ‘Great..’ she sat up and washed her hands in the ocean. “Does uh... does anyone know how to make sure it doesn’t get infected?”

(That's a VERY good idea. And the only one who wouldn't kill them at first glance is my Hawk, and the only one who acts hostile yet doesn't harm them is Meskwaki.... what are we going to do?!)

Weston looked at the wound, and instantly gagged. Turning to Willow, he then covered his mouth with his hand. Blood. Oh gosh.. urk. He tried not to throw up in front of the Willow and Jane, so he turned to face the trees. he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You would wash the wound with fresh water, but since the only water I've seen is salty, it wouldn't work. Guess I'm not much help?" He asked. The continued to keep his eyes closed. "I have a fear of blood..." he finally squeaked, looking slightly green in the face.

(Sorry i took so long to reply! I got a bit busy after I made my application! I don't mind Meskwakie being the first to spot them. It could be like, she notices them, they notice her, both parties run type thing just to let both groups become aware of one another and there could be more detail interactions once the survivors get a bit more situated.)

Kaylin groaned in pain, and slowly brought herself into an upright position. She cracked open her eyes, and looked across the beach in confusion. "What?" Her eyes slowly became wider, and panic began to set in as she started to recall all that happened. "My satchel!" She called out in worry, but relief ran across her face once she looked to her side seeing her satchel was still slung over her shoulder. "Thank god!" She opened it up, only to pull out a sopping wet book. "No!" She stared at the object in disbelief for a moment, before placing it back in the satchel and continuing optimistically. "It's okay... It can dry out, and then it will be good as new! Except for the wrinkles, and water damage, it will most definitely get from this, but hey hey hey! That's okay!" She faked a smile to herself, trying to keep her mind away from the grim scenario she faced. "As long as I can read the pages, that's all that matters. Looks like I wasn't wrong to bring one of my textbooks with me!" Her tone was cheerful, but her gaze dropped solemnly to the ground.
"No. Get up. You need to..." She began to think of what might take priority in this scenario. "Check yourself for any wounds, and then look around for other survivors. Company is important when you're stranded." The stress of her realization of being stranded had kept her from feeling any pain, but now she could definitely feel a sharp stinging on her cheek. She rubbed her palm across it, and it returned smeared in blood. "That's not great! It's okay. Just... Uhh... Think! You know this! You studied for this!" Her eyes lit up as she remembered. "That's right! Dry with a clean rag, and disinfect... with soap... and hot water... Well, that's a no-go for obvious reasons. I guess my best chance is to make a fire, and boil a rag of some sort. That'd be the best for disinfecting I can get." With a goal in mind, she began to walk down the beach, occasionally stopping to grab kindling for the fire, and sticks. As she walked along, she swore she heard voices coming from farther up the beach. She dropped the kindling and sticks and sprinted towards the sound. She felt hope began to stir in her again once she saw that it was other survivors. "Hey! Hey!" She couldn't help but yell joyfully to them as she ran. Her chances of survival went up astronomically now that she had others with her. Once she reached them, she noticed they all were freaking out, and upon further inspection, one was bleeding quite a bit out of a gash on her arm. "Hey! Woah woah! Calm down. You don't want to get worked up and make your heart rate going any faster do you? That means you'll bleed out faster, and I'm sure you don't want that. Just take a deep breath in, count to three and breath out." She gave the girl a calm smile before continuing. "We need a fire of some sort in order to boil some of the water, and put a rag in it to make it sterile. That'll be the best way to clean her wound so it won't get infected. Infections are the worst thing we could get while waiting for help to arrive."

June 7th, 2018, 08:59 AM
(When all three of us are on wait for at least two of us to respond cuz that’s what I do and I’m not confused yet)
Also one of them could find us)

Willow spun around at the sound of the other girl. “O-ohmygosh are you ok?!” She tried shushing her. “We don’t know if there are predators on this island shhh...” she quickly took out her knife and slashed off the bottom of her shirt. “Ok ok so I don’t know much but I’m going to wrap this around your arm to stop the blood loss..how did we not notice this before...” she thought to herself.

After she was done she sat back and looked at her now bloody hands and her half of a shirt and sighed. ‘Great..’ she sat up and washed her hands in the ocean. “Does uh... does anyone know how to make sure it doesn’t get infected?”

(That's a VERY good idea. And the only one who wouldn't kill them at first glance is my Hawk, and the only one who acts hostile yet doesn't harm them is Meskwaki.... what are we going to do?!)

Weston looked at the wound, and instantly gagged. Turning to Willow, he then covered his mouth with his hand. Blood. Oh gosh.. urk. He tried not to throw up in front of the Willow and Jane, so he turned to face the trees. he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You would wash the wound with fresh water, but since the only water I've seen is salty, it wouldn't work. Guess I'm not much help?" He asked. The continued to keep his eyes closed. "I have a fear of blood..." he finally squeaked, looking slightly green in the face.
(Sorry i took so long to reply! I got a bit busy after I made my application! I don't mind Meskwakie being the first to spot them. It could be like, she notices them, they notice her, both parties run type thing just to let both groups become aware of one another and there could be more detail interactions once the survivors get a bit more situated.)

Kaylin groaned in pain, and slowly brought herself into an upright position. She cracked open her eyes, and looked across the beach in confusion. "What?" Her eyes slowly became wider, and panic began to set in as she started to recall all that happened. "My satchel!" She called out in worry, but relief ran across her face once she looked to her side seeing her satchel was still slung over her shoulder. "Thank god!" She opened it up, only to pull out a sopping wet book. "No!" She stared at the object in disbelief for a moment, before placing it back in the satchel and continuing optimistically. "It's okay... It can dry out, and then it will be good as new! Except for the wrinkles, and water damage, it will most definitely get from this, but hey hey hey! That's okay!" She faked a smile to herself, trying to keep her mind away from the grim scenario she faced. "As long as I can read the pages, that's all that matters. Looks like I wasn't wrong to bring one of my textbooks with me!" Her tone was cheerful, but her gaze dropped solemnly to the ground.
"No. Get up. You need to..." She began to think of what might take priority in this scenario. "Check yourself for any wounds, and then look around for other survivors. Company is important when you're stranded." The stress of her realization of being stranded had kept her from feeling any pain, but now she could definitely feel a sharp stinging on her cheek. She rubbed her palm across it, and it returned smeared in blood. "That's not great! It's okay. Just... Uhh... Think! You know this! You studied for this!" Her eyes lit up as she remembered. "That's right! Dry with a clean rag, and disinfect... with soap... and hot water... Well, that's a no-go for obvious reasons. I guess my best chance is to make a fire, and boil a rag of some sort. That'd be the best for disinfecting I can get." With a goal in mind, she began to walk down the beach, occasionally stopping to grab kindling for the fire, and sticks. As she walked along, she swore she heard voices coming from farther up the beach. She dropped the kindling and sticks and sprinted towards the sound. She felt hope began to stir in her again once she saw that it was other survivors. "Hey! Hey!" She couldn't help but yell joyfully to them as she ran. Her chances of survival went up astronomically now that she had others with her. Once she reached them, she noticed they all were freaking out, and upon further inspection, one was bleeding quite a bit out of a gash on her arm. "Hey! Woah woah! Calm down. You don't want to get worked up and make your heart rate going any faster do you? That means you'll bleed out faster, and I'm sure you don't want that. Just take a deep breath in, count to three and breath out." She gave the girl a calm smile before continuing. "We need a fire of some sort in order to boil some of the water, and put a rag in it to make it sterile. That'll be the best way to clean her wound so it won't get infected. Infections are the worst thing we could get while waiting for help to arrive."

Looked gratefully at the other brown-haired girl coming to her senses after a few deep breaths. "I-I'm fine, I just don't like the idea of infection and germs and all that foul stuff. Scares me witless." She admitted getting up somewhat wobbly as she decided greeted the newcomer, "I'm calm. don't worry if anything I'm just a little dizzy now. All that adrenaline pumping through my veins that made the pain less intense seems to be wearing off...but don't worry I'm fine now totally fine...still heavily bleeding but fine. Oh! Also I'm Janie but you can just call me Jane. What's your name?" Janie asked before seeing Weston looking green in the gills and approaching him. "Westie are you okay?" She asked before starting to rub hopefully soothing circles into his back. She would have never thought of doing this to another person anywhere but where they currently were considering the predicament.

June 7th, 2018, 09:09 AM
Looked gratefully at the other brown-haired girl coming to her senses after a few deep breaths. "I-I'm fine, I just don't like the idea of infection and germs and all that foul stuff. Scares me witless." She admitted getting up somewhat wobbly as she decided greeted the newcomer, "I'm calm. don't worry if anything I'm just a little dizzy now. All that adrenaline pumping through my veins that made the pain less intense seems to be wearing off...but don't worry I'm fine now totally fine...still heavily bleeding but fine. Oh! Also I'm Janie but you can just call me Jane. What's your name?" Janie asked before seeing Weston looking green in the gills and approaching him. "Westie are you okay?" She asked before starting to rub hopefully soothing circles into his back. She would have never thought of doing this to another person anywhere but where they currently were considering the predicament.

Weston blinked gratefully as Janie rubbed circles into his back. "I'm fine... just a bit unnerved. And my leg hurts, but if there was any blood- you would have seen me faint a long time ago," he said softly. He tried to move his right leg, wincing as he did so. "Yep, something's sprained. Shoot," he muttered. Then he heard a crack. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he stiffened up. "Totally not sprained... ow ow ow ow."
He cursed the ground, the trees, the sky, the ocean... anything that could have a old New Orleans curse uttered upon it got a curse muttered upon it. "I'm having a peachy day," he grumbled.
(hope Kaylin knows how to set broken bones, I made the doof have a broken right leg, he got it when a board from the ship hit him)

June 7th, 2018, 09:23 AM
Weston blinked gratefully as Janie rubbed circles into his back. "I'm fine... just a bit unnerved. And my leg hurts, but if there was any blood- you would have seen me faint a long time ago," he said softly. He tried to move his right leg, wincing as he did so. "Yep, something's sprained. Shoot," he muttered. Then he heard a crack. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he stiffened up. "Totally not sprained... ow ow ow ow."
He cursed the ground, the trees, the sky, the ocean... anything that could have a old New Orleans curse uttered upon it got a curse muttered upon it. "I'm having a peachy day," he grumbled.
(hope Kaylin knows how to set broken bones, I made the doof have a broken right leg, he got it when a board from the ship hit him)

"How about you sit down then, the worst thing you can do to a broken or sprained leg is prolonged movement before it's been set. You know I learned that in Girl Scouts." Janie chuckled continuing to rub circles into the ginger's back. She quietly hoped it wasn't too serious because if it was Weston could very well have a permanent limp. Oh, gosh what if he got a bone infection? And then it moved to his blood system and then he died? No, that wasn't going to happen she told herself, the girl they just met seemed to know a thing or two about medicine so they would be fine. "Just sit down, please sit down," She urged if anything to just quill her own anxieties.

June 7th, 2018, 09:37 AM
"How about you sit down then, the worst thing you can do to a broken or sprained leg is prolonged movement before it's been set. You know I learned that in Girl Scouts." Janie chuckled continuing to rub circles into the ginger's back. She quietly hoped it wasn't too serious because if it was Weston could very well have a permanent limp. Oh, gosh what if he got a bone infection? And then it moved to his blood system and then he died? No, that wasn't going to happen she told herself, the girl they just met seemed to know a thing or two about medicine so they would be fine. "Just sit down, please sit down," She urged if anything to just quill her own anxieties.

Weston chuckled. "I trust your judgement, Jane, so I will." Weston let himself sink to the sand, right leg at a comfortable but slightly awkward angle. He watched the sky and sand around him, tapping into the little kid side of his mind to keep the grown up side of his mind off his rather... unfortunate pickle. He pointed at a bird. "Look! A seagull! I've always wanted to see one... not too many around in South Dakota... I wonder what my parent's are doing right now. They've obviously got called about the ship by now.. who knows how many days we were out?" He looked at jane, gray eyes wide and soft, before going flinty. "No time for being gushy and soft hearted- we have to survive, we have too." he spoke sharply. you keep telling them that, yet do you believe it yourself? He asked himself. Yes. Yes I do. he answered himself.

June 7th, 2018, 09:54 AM
Weston chuckled. "I trust your judgement, Jane, so I will." Weston let himself sink to the sand, right leg at a comfortable but slightly awkward angle. He watched the sky and sand around him, tapping into the little kid side of his mind to keep the grown up side of his mind off his rather... unfortunate pickle. He pointed at a bird. "Look! A seagull! I've always wanted to see one... not too many around in South Dakota... I wonder what my parent's are doing right now. They've obviously got called about the ship by now.. who knows how many days we were out?" He looked at jane, gray eyes wide and soft, before going flinty. "No time for being gushy and soft hearted- we have to survive, we have too." he spoke sharply. you keep telling them that, yet do you believe it yourself? He asked himself. Yes. Yes I do. he answered himself.

Janie gave another crooked simper deciding to sit down with Weston and just take a moment to sit down and relax. She looked up at the sky as well smiling at the vibrant beauty of it, "Hmm?" She asked somewhat out of it as Weston spoke before getting what he was saying, "Oh, yeah cool a gull. I've seen a bunch in Maine. I and my Grammy live by the gulf so we see them all the time. I bet she's still sleeping...I really hope she hasn't gotten told yet." Janie whispered threading through her hair worriedly before calming down after Weston's mini pep talk, "You know for someone who's always saying how much we need to survive and ignore all emotional and cutesy childish things...your outrageously sentimental yourself...go figure, Westie."

June 7th, 2018, 10:22 AM
Janie gave another crooked simper deciding to sit down with Weston and just take a moment to sit down and relax. She looked up at the sky as well smiling at the vibrant beauty of it, "Hmm?" She asked somewhat out of it as Weston spoke before getting what he was saying, "Oh, yeah cool a gull. I've seen a bunch in Maine. I and my Grammy live by the gulf so we see them all the time. I bet she's still sleeping...I really hope she hasn't gotten told yet." Janie whispered threading through her hair worriedly before calming down after Weston's mini pep talk, "You know for someone who's always saying how much we need to survive and ignore all emotional and cutesy childish things...your outrageously sentimental yourself...go figure, Westie."

Weston shrugged, drawing a square in the sand. He added a roof, and then a window. he realized he had drawn a hut. "Well, I guess it's stupid of me to say that I want to keep your spirits up by telling you guys what I'm trying to convince myself... I'm a nice guy like that. Now, instead of this hut, I really wish it was a 'Pizza Hut'!" He gestured to the drawing. "But in all seriousness, even if sickness, infection, or something doesn't kill us- starvation will. We need food." he told her, pointing into the trees. "At least a coconut, you can eat those, right?"

June 7th, 2018, 10:38 AM
(That's a VERY good idea. And the only one who wouldn't kill them at first glance is my Hawk, and the only one who acts hostile yet doesn't harm them is Meskwaki.... what are we going to do?!)

Weston looked at the wound, and instantly gagged. Turning to Willow, he then covered his mouth with his hand. Blood. Oh gosh.. urk. He tried not to throw up in front of the Willow and Jane, so he turned to face the trees. he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You would wash the wound with fresh water, but since the only water I've seen is salty, it wouldn't work. Guess I'm not much help?" He asked. The continued to keep his eyes closed. "I have a fear of blood..." he finally squeaked, looking slightly green in the face.
Hello! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, but is this still open?))
(Sorry i took so long to reply! I got a bit busy after I made my application! I don't mind Meskwakie being the first to spot them. It could be like, she notices them, they notice her, both parties run type thing just to let both groups become aware of one another and there could be more detail interactions once the survivors get a bit more situated.)

Kaylin groaned in pain, and slowly brought herself into an upright position. She cracked open her eyes, and looked across the beach in confusion. "What?" Her eyes slowly became wider, and panic began to set in as she started to recall all that happened. "My satchel!" She called out in worry, but relief ran across her face once she looked to her side seeing her satchel was still slung over her shoulder. "Thank god!" She opened it up, only to pull out a sopping wet book. "No!" She stared at the object in disbelief for a moment, before placing it back in the satchel and continuing optimistically. "It's okay... It can dry out, and then it will be good as new! Except for the wrinkles, and water damage, it will most definitely get from this, but hey hey hey! That's okay!" She faked a smile to herself, trying to keep her mind away from the grim scenario she faced. "As long as I can read the pages, that's all that matters. Looks like I wasn't wrong to bring one of my textbooks with me!" Her tone was cheerful, but her gaze dropped solemnly to the ground.
"No. Get up. You need to..." She began to think of what might take priority in this scenario. "Check yourself for any wounds, and then look around for other survivors. Company is important when you're stranded." The stress of her realization of being stranded had kept her from feeling any pain, but now she could definitely feel a sharp stinging on her cheek. She rubbed her palm across it, and it returned smeared in blood. "That's not great! It's okay. Just... Uhh... Think! You know this! You studied for this!" Her eyes lit up as she remembered. "That's right! Dry with a clean rag, and disinfect... with soap... and hot water... Well, that's a no-go for obvious reasons. I guess my best chance is to make a fire, and boil a rag of some sort. That'd be the best for disinfecting I can get." With a goal in mind, she began to walk down the beach, occasionally stopping to grab kindling for the fire, and sticks. As she walked along, she swore she heard voices coming from farther up the beach. She dropped the kindling and sticks and sprinted towards the sound. She felt hope began to stir in her again once she saw that it was other survivors. "Hey! Hey!" She couldn't help but yell joyfully to them as she ran. Her chances of survival went up astronomically now that she had others with her. Once she reached them, she noticed they all were freaking out, and upon further inspection, one was bleeding quite a bit out of a gash on her arm. "Hey! Woah woah! Calm down. You don't want to get worked up and make your heart rate going any faster do you? That means you'll bleed out faster, and I'm sure you don't want that. Just take a deep breath in, count to three and breath out." She gave the girl a calm smile before continuing. "We need a fire of some sort in order to boil some of the water, and put a rag in it to make it sterile. That'll be the best way to clean her wound so it won't get infected. Infections are the worst thing we could get while waiting for help to arrive."
(I read everything else I just didn’t want to make the quotes too long)
And no it’s not too late!)

The entire time everyone else was socializing Willow seemed like she was playing in the water. Splashing around and quickly darting her hand into the water every now and then. But upon further inspection you would see that she had a knife and was stabbing all edible things in the water, sadly though, she was soaked.

She girl came back to them with a couple of tiny crabs and some tiny fish that she managed to get. She blinked at them. “I got some sort of food.” She said, in fact that was all she said. She shivered slightly but continued to move as she got a palm leaf and put the food on it.

“Can someone come with me to get sticks to start a fire.” She asked them, too busy with putting their food on the palm leaf to look at any of them. “Someone that isn’t hurt too badly..if everyone else got hurt pretty badly I’ll go by myself.”

(This is the prefect time for Hawk to find them-when one of two of them go into the forest thing to find sticks)

June 7th, 2018, 11:01 AM
(I read everything else I just didn’t want to make the quotes too long)
And no it’s not too late!)

The entire time everyone else was socializing Willow seemed like she was playing in the water. Splashing around and quickly darting her hand into the water every now and then. But upon further inspection you would see that she had a knife and was stabbing all edible things in the water, sadly though, she was soaked.

She girl came back to them with a couple of tiny crabs and some tiny fish that she managed to get. She blinked at them. “I got some sort of food.” She said, in fact that was all she said. She shivered slightly but continued to move as she got a palm leaf and put the food on it.

“Can someone come with me to get sticks to start a fire.” She asked them, too busy with putting their food on the palm leaf to look at any of them. “Someone that isn’t hurt too badly..if everyone else got hurt pretty badly I’ll go by myself.”

(This is the prefect time for Hawk to find them-when one of two of them go into the forest thing to find sticks)
(Okay! Hawk shall find them!)
"Sorry, broken leg over here!" Weston said, gesturing to his awkward right leg. "And I don't think Jane will let me go," he added, "So I'm stuck." Weston grinned. He couldn't feel his leg at all, and the warm sunlight was making him sleepy. Yet his eyes widened at the food. "You." he said to Willow. "Are my new best friend. Seafood!" he grabbed one of the fish, inspecting it. "This will be so good! Great job!" he said, giving her a thumbs up.
(I'll wait until she goes into the trees to bring Hawk into the mix)

June 7th, 2018, 11:15 AM
(Okay! Hawk shall find them!)
"Sorry, broken leg over here!" Weston said, gesturing to his awkward right leg. "And I don't think Jane will let me go," he added, "So I'm stuck." Weston grinned. He couldn't feel his leg at all, and the warm sunlight was making him sleepy. Yet his eyes widened at the food. "You." he said to Willow. "Are my new best friend. Seafood!" he grabbed one of the fish, inspecting it. "This will be so good! Great job!" he said, giving her a thumbs up.
(I'll wait until she goes into the trees to bring Hawk into the mix)

Willow nodded. “Alright don’t let flies get them I’ll be right back I guess.” She didn’t wait for anyone to reply as she walked into the jungle forest thing in the island. When she was well within the trees she stopped and slid to the ground.

Here she could cry. The pain of her cuts hurt-her friends are probably dead. She will probably die here. All those people are dead. All those children are dead. She will never see her family again. Here she could cry. She never liked crying infront of people because she took that as a sign of weakness.

She guessed it was because she wanted to show that girls where strong too. She didn’t know how she got that into her head but it was there anyway. So she cried. Willow was a silent crier so no one could hear unless they where really close.

After about ten-fifteen minutes of crying she forced herself to look for sticks and stones. Tears still rolling down her cheeks and she sniffled everyonce and a while but she kept on going. ‘We need warmth soon. I need warmth...I’m soaked-that won’t be good at night.’

The girl thought to herself. She was getting pretty hot...maybe it would be a good idea to cut her hair...she didn’t realize all the sound she was making as she was having a silent argument with herself about her hair.

June 7th, 2018, 11:29 AM
Willow nodded. “Alright don’t let flies get them I’ll be right back I guess.” She didn’t wait for anyone to reply as she walked into the jungle forest thing in the island. When she was well within the trees she stopped and slid to the ground.

Here she could cry. The pain of her cuts hurt-her friends are probably dead. She will probably die here. All those people are dead. All those children are dead. She will never see her family again. Here she could cry. She never liked crying infront of people because she took that as a sign of weakness.

She guessed it was because she wanted to show that girls where strong too. She didn’t know how she got that into her head but it was there anyway. So she cried. Willow was a silent crier so no one could hear unless they where really close.

After about ten-fifteen minutes of crying she forced herself to look for sticks and stones. Tears still rolling down her cheeks and she sniffled everyonce and a while but she kept on going. ‘We need warmth soon. I need warmth...I’m soaked-that won’t be good at night.’

The girl thought to herself. She was getting pretty hot...maybe it would be a good idea to cut her hair...she didn’t realize all the sound she was making as she was having a silent argument with herself about her hair.

(Okay! Hawk shall find them!)
"Sorry, broken leg over here!" Weston said, gesturing to his awkward right leg. "And I don't think Jane will let me go," he added, "So I'm stuck." Weston grinned. He couldn't feel his leg at all, and the warm sunlight was making him sleepy. Yet his eyes widened at the food. "You." he said to Willow. "Are my new best friend. Seafood!" he grabbed one of the fish, inspecting it. "This will be so good! Great job!" he said, giving her a thumbs up.
(I'll wait until she goes into the trees to bring Hawk into the mix)

"Of course I won't let you go, what good are you as an asset if you're dead?" Janie asked shaking her head. Yet she did smile when she saw the seafood and decided to compliment Willow, "Wowser! Thanks so much, Willow! All we need now is some kindling and a sharp rock and I should be able to start us a fire." She mused thanking the lord for her Grandmother signing her up for Girl Scouts when she was eleven, "You know, seeing as the crabs appear to be dungeoness crabs they're probably safe to eat raw!" Janie beamed before picking up one of the small crabs to inspect. "Though they probably won't taste as good as the crab meat we're used to eating considering we have no seasoning."

June 7th, 2018, 11:43 AM
Willow nodded. “Alright don’t let flies get them I’ll be right back I guess.” She didn’t wait for anyone to reply as she walked into the jungle forest thing in the island. When she was well within the trees she stopped and slid to the ground.

Here she could cry. The pain of her cuts hurt-her friends are probably dead. She will probably die here. All those people are dead. All those children are dead. She will never see her family again. Here she could cry. She never liked crying infront of people because she took that as a sign of weakness.

She guessed it was because she wanted to show that girls where strong too. She didn’t know how she got that into her head but it was there anyway. So she cried. Willow was a silent crier so no one could hear unless they where really close.

After about ten-fifteen minutes of crying she forced herself to look for sticks and stones. Tears still rolling down her cheeks and she sniffled everyonce and a while but she kept on going. ‘We need warmth soon. I need warmth...I’m soaked-that won’t be good at night.’

The girl thought to herself. She was getting pretty hot...maybe it would be a good idea to cut her hair...she didn’t realize all the sound she was making as she was having a silent argument with herself about her hair.

(Westie is guarding that food with his life, no fly gonna get on that! Now it's Hawk's turn to shine!)

Hawk was humming to himself as he broke off the stems of the marigold, filling his grass basket. Flittering from bush to bush, getting the herbs and berries he needed. He dropped the basket as a rather loud crash came from his left side. Ducking down into the bushes, he creeped up towards it. No, Bad Hawk. Your father told you what happened to the curious monkey! DEATH. The nineteen year old mentally scolded himself, before doubling back and picking up the herbs he had dropped. Then, his curious nature got the better. He abandoned his basket for the bushes. Crawling on his hands and knees, he poked his head out of a rather large berry bush, only to pull it back in shock. He then peeked out again, now watching the rather pale woman gather sticks and rocks. Why is she so loud? I bet the whole island can hear her! She's putting herself in danger? And why is she so pale? And wearing such strange clothing. He mused to himself. He then dragged himself out of the bush, sitting underneath it with a amused half smile on his tanned face. His blue eyes, strange among his tribe, winked like sapphires as he tipped his head to the side, black face paint like soot on his face. "So very loud," he said, half to himself, but loud enough so this strange human could hear him. Great. Good luck reviving her when she dies of shock. he told himself.

(I'm going for a 'I'll never grow up, Peter Pan' vive for him. I like it, he reminds me of Peter Pan)

June 7th, 2018, 11:53 AM
"Of course I won't let you go, what good are you as an asset if you're dead?" Janie asked shaking her head. Yet she did smile when she saw the seafood and decided to compliment Willow, "Wowser! Thanks so much, Willow! All we need now is some kindling and a sharp rock and I should be able to start us a fire." She mused thanking the lord for her Grandmother signing her up for Girl Scouts when she was eleven, "You know, seeing as the crabs appear to be dungeoness crabs they're probably safe to eat raw!" Janie beamed before picking up one of the small crabs to inspect. "Though they probably won't taste as good as the crab meat we're used to eating considering we have no seasoning."

(I'm RPing Hawk with Willow, so Westie should be safe to rp with Jane)
"Figures, you ladies are never going to let me get away with much are you?" he asked. "Well then, I'll just resign myself to my fate! And yes, crab meat is actually very good raw. I have it in sushi all the time." he told her. He started thinking about all the things he used to eat in South Dakota, sushi and chicken being his top picks. "A fire would be good about right now," he added, shivering slightly in spite of the warm, burning sun. he touched his nose, wincing as it hurt. "My nose is burnt isn't it? Curse my adorable ginger hair! It makes me turn into a lobster!" He cracked up laughing. All of this was hilarious! His leg, his sunburn, the sand, the random seagull watching them... it was all so random and out of sorts that he just had to laugh about it!
Westie, maybe you did drink the seawater...

June 7th, 2018, 11:56 AM
"Of course I won't let you go, what good are you as an asset if you're dead?" Janie asked shaking her head. Yet she did smile when she saw the seafood and decided to compliment Willow, "Wowser! Thanks so much, Willow! All we need now is some kindling and a sharp rock and I should be able to start us a fire." She mused thanking the lord for her Grandmother signing her up for Girl Scouts when she was eleven, "You know, seeing as the crabs appear to be dungeoness crabs they're probably safe to eat raw!" Janie beamed before picking up one of the small crabs to inspect. "Though they probably won't taste as good as the crab meat we're used to eating considering we have no seasoning."
(Westie is guarding that food with his life, no fly gonna get on that! Now it's Hawk's turn to shine!)

Hawk was humming to himself as he broke off the stems of the marigold, filling his grass basket. Flittering from bush to bush, getting the herbs and berries he needed. He dropped the basket as a rather loud crash came from his left side. Ducking down into the bushes, he creeped up towards it. No, Bad Hawk. Your father told you what happened to the curious monkey! DEATH. The nineteen year old mentally scolded himself, before doubling back and picking up the herbs he had dropped. Then, his curious nature got the better. He abandoned his basket for the bushes. Crawling on his hands and knees, he poked his head out of a rather large berry bush, only to pull it back in shock. He then peeked out again, now watching the rather pale woman gather sticks and rocks. Why is she so loud? I bet the whole island can hear her! She's putting herself in danger? And why is she so pale? And wearing such strange clothing. He mused to himself. He then dragged himself out of the bush, sitting underneath it with a amused half smile on his tanned face. His blue eyes, strange among his tribe, winked like sapphires as he tipped his head to the side, black face paint like soot on his face. "So very loud," he said, half to himself, but loud enough so this strange human could hear him. Great. Good luck reviving her when she dies of shock. he told himself.

(I'm going for a 'I'll never grow up, Peter Pan' vive for him. I like it, he reminds me of Peter Pan)

Willow heard an unfamiliar voice she dropped everything and pulled out her pocket knife and held a defensive position with the knife pointing at him. “Who the hell are you?! Are you from the ship?!” She looked him over. “No-no your not from the ship....”

She looked ag him again. “Who are you?!?!” She said a little more high pitched.

June 7th, 2018, 12:15 PM
(I'm RPing Hawk with Willow, so Westie should be safe to rp with Jane)
"Figures, you ladies are never going to let me get away with much are you?" he asked. "Well then, I'll just resign myself to my fate! And yes, crab meat is actually very good raw. I have it in sushi all the time." he told her. He started thinking about all the things he used to eat in South Dakota, sushi and chicken being his top picks. "A fire would be good about right now," he added, shivering slightly in spite of the warm, burning sun. he touched his nose, wincing as it hurt. "My nose is burnt isn't it? Curse my adorable ginger hair! It makes me turn into a lobster!" He cracked up laughing. All of this was hilarious! His leg, his sunburn, the sand, the random seagull watching them... it was all so random and out of sorts that he just had to laugh about it!
Westie, maybe you did drink the seawater...

(Okay. (: )

"Hmm, I guess not though I much prefer this situation than one of a single girl and four guys trapped on an island," Janie revealed, staring at her bandaged and very freckled arm, "And I reckon so, unless you'd want to go lone wolf, but why would you when you have three hot girls, and the homely me as companions?" Her voice was airy and calm almost out of it as she breathed in the cool and salty air. "Eww, why do have to bring up sushi? I hate that stuff,! Always have ever since my dad dropped me off at that seven freaking elven and never...nevermind." She mumbled before starting to chuckle rather shrilly upon seeing his nose. "Oh my gosh. It's like a little tomato! I curse your delightfully ginger hair as well! Your starting to look like the love child of Sebastion the crab and Ariel from the Little Mermaid!"

June 7th, 2018, 12:53 PM
Name- Kaylee “Kay” Hartman

Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 18

Gender- Cisgender Female

Strengths- Physical Strength, Knack for fishing

Weaknesses/Fears- Afraid of heights, Lacks emotion

Personality- Tough, stoic, kind; the rest is TBRP

Appearance- 5’9, shoulder-length red hair, green eyes; wearing torn t-short and shorts and sneakers

Will you be in a group or a loner? Kind of in between

Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- switchblade

Anything I missed?- nope

Other- nah

Questions- Shadow


Name- Peta [ Golden Eagle ]

Age(Not younger than 12 please)- 32

Gender- Cisgender Male

Rank(Like Leader, Shaman, etc.)- Leader

Appearance- WIP

Personality- TBRP

Strengths- WIP

Weaknesses- WIP

Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’- Indescisive

Anything I missed?- No

Other- nah

Questions- idk

June 7th, 2018, 12:57 PM
Name- Kaylee “Kay” Hartman

Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 18

Gender- Cisgender Female

Strengths- Physical Strength, Knack for fishing

Weaknesses/Fears- Afraid of heights, Lacks emotion

Personality- Tough, stoic, kind; the rest is TBRP

Appearance- 5’9, shoulder-length red hair, green eyes; wearing torn t-short and shorts and sneakers

Will you be in a group or a loner? Kind of in between

Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- switchblade

Anything I missed?- nope

Other- nah

Questions- Shadow


Name- Peta [ Golden Eagle ]

Age(Not younger than 12 please)- 32

Gender- Cisgender Male

Rank(Like Leader, Shaman, etc.)- Leader

Appearance- WIP

Personality- TBRP

Strengths- WIP

Weaknesses- WIP

Being welcoming or hostile towards the ‘invaders’- Indescisive

Anything I missed?- No

Other- nah

Questions- idk


June 7th, 2018, 01:28 PM
Willow heard an unfamiliar voice she dropped everything and pulled out her pocket knife and held a defensive position with the knife pointing at him. “Who the hell are you?! Are you from the ship?!” She looked him over. “No-no your not from the ship....”

She looked ag him again. “Who are you?!?!” She said a little more high pitched.
@Silentshade (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2952)

Hawk instantly put up his hands, showing her than he held no weapons. "I am Hawk. This is usually when you tell me your name... oh no. You're not from the tribe, I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but you most certainly can not be here! This is my dirt!" He gestured to the dirt, blue eyes wide. "You can not be on my dirt." he said firmly. She has a knife, a sharp knife. He whispered in his head. "This is our island! What tribe are you from? I've never seen anyone like you before," He came closer, still holding up his hands. 'Word of advice, Pale Girl, I would not make so much noise, these woods are filled with animals who would like to make a meal out of unprepared humans such as yourself. Now, before I get stabbed, please tell me who you are." he said coolly, smirking.

June 7th, 2018, 01:36 PM
Hawk instantly put up his hands, showing her than he held no weapons. "I am Hawk. This is usually when you tell me your name... oh no. You're not from the tribe, I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but you most certainly can not be here! This is my dirt!" He gestured to the dirt, blue eyes wide. "You can not be on my dirt." he said firmly. She has a knife, a sharp knife. He whispered in his head. "This is our island! What tribe are you from? I've never seen anyone like you before," He came closer, still holding up his hands. 'Word of advice, Pale Girl, I would not make so much noise, these woods are filled with animals who would like to make a meal out of unprepared humans such as yourself. Now, before I get stabbed, please tell me who you are." he said coolly, smirking.

Willow narrowed her eyes. ‘He speaks weird. And what a..unique name. Wait? Tribe?!’ “What do you mean tribe?!” She asked looking at him with a confused look. She flipped the knife back and put it in her pocket again and looked at him.

She couldn’t help but look him over. ‘Weird..’ Her amber eyes looked back to his blue ones. She was clearly frightened and hoped her eyes still wherent puffy from crying. “I’m Willow.” She said not moving. “What do you mean, what types of animals?”

June 7th, 2018, 01:36 PM
(Okay. (: )

"Hmm, I guess not though I much prefer this situation than one of a single girl and four guys trapped on an island," Janie revealed, staring at her bandaged and very freckled arm, "And I reckon so, unless you'd want to go lone wolf, but why would you when you have three hot girls, and the homely me as companions?" Her voice was airy and calm almost out of it as she breathed in the cool and salty air. "Eww, why do have to bring up sushi? I hate that stuff,! Always have ever since my dad dropped me off at that seven freaking elven and never...nevermind." She mumbled before starting to chuckle rather shrilly upon seeing his nose. "Oh my gosh. It's like a little tomato! I curse your delightfully ginger hair as well! Your starting to look like the love child of Sebastion the crab and Ariel from the Little Mermaid!"

Weston laughed harder. "The- the love child of Sebastian and Ariel? now that's something I've never heard! And the one girl, four guys? That would be a nightmare." he told her, out of breath. "I don't want to go at it alone. I'd be picked off the first night with my leg the way it is. And you, homely? I laugh, you're cool! That's way more points than looks in my book." Weston gave her a goofy grin, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Don't disrespect the sushi! The Japanese have it going right, they're as healthy as heck!" He gave a fake gag. "Though I've leave healthy food to Californians, I much rather have a cupcake, smothered in icing, topped with sprinkles... that's what life's about right there..." he sighed exhaustedly, feeling lightheaded after laughing so hard.

June 7th, 2018, 01:46 PM
Willow narrowed her eyes. ‘He speaks weird. And what a..unique name. Wait? Tribe?!’ “What do you mean tribe?!” She asked looking at him with a confused look. She flipped the knife back and put it in her pocket again and looked at him.

She couldn’t help but look him over. ‘Weird..’ Her amber eyes looked back to his blue ones. She was clearly frightened and hoped her eyes still wherent puffy from crying. “I’m Willow.” She said not moving. “What do you mean, what types of animals?”

Hawk gave her a confused look. "My... tribe. Do you not have one?" He asked, nose crinkling. He smiled as he heard her name. "Well... Willow. Lots of animals. Snakes, monkeys, tigers. Any animal scary enough to enter your bad dreams, you can find it here." he gave a sassy grin. "But I assure you, as long as you have that beloved knife in your hand, they should not give you any problems." Hawk scanned her face, and he saw her eyes were slightly puffy, and he decided not to mention it, save that she did end up stabbing him. "As for my tribe, I am the Shaman. We live alongside the animals of this island, and most of us will be very wary of you. Truly remarkable. A Human of the Ocean, yes... the ancestors have said nothing of your arrival, but I am sure they will any moment!"
Or not. I have seen nothing of this.. the tribe shall be in a uproar, the warriors will want to fight... I can not let that happen, who ever they are, I am sure they need help. He told himself, giving a cheerful smile to Willow.

June 7th, 2018, 01:54 PM
Weston laughed harder. "The- the love child of Sebastian and Ariel? now that's something I've never heard! And the one girl, four guys? That would be a nightmare." he told her, out of breath. "I don't want to go at it alone. I'd be picked off the first night with my leg the way it is. And you, homely? I laugh, you're cool! That's way more points than looks in my book." Weston gave her a goofy grin, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Don't disrespect the sushi! The Japanese have it going right, they're as healthy as heck!" He gave a fake gag. "Though I've leave healthy food to Californians, I much rather have a cupcake, smothered in icing, topped with sprinkles... that's what life's about right there..." he sighed exhaustedly, feeling lightheaded after laughing so hard.

"I came up with on the spot if I have to be honest." Janie tittered trying to get the image out of her head of how that pairing's child would probably look. "At least we can agree on that front I mean, guys aren't bad or anything but one girl and four guys that's a bunch of awkwardness waiting to happen." She mumbled the thought of the misunderstandings making her cringe. "Maybe not the first night...okay, yeah I was trying to be nice but totally you be dead meat after the first night if you were going it alone. Hey, hey Westie are you flirting with me?" She teased her tone breezy and carefree as she gave him a goofier smile completed with crooked teeth. "I will and can disrespect the sushi! You know my Grandmother is from Japan, so I think I have the right, Westie. However, you're right about the health thing though...never eat Cheetos in front of an old Japanese woman it always ends badly..." Janie mumbled thinking of all the times her Grammy had screamed, 'Anata wa orokana amerikahito!' at her.

June 7th, 2018, 02:05 PM
"I came up with on the spot if I have to be honest." Janie tittered trying to get the image out of her head of how that pairing's child would probably look. "At least we can agree on that front I mean, guys aren't bad or anything but one girl and four guys that's a bunch of awkwardness waiting to happen." She mumbled the thought of the misunderstandings making her cringe. "Maybe not the first night...okay, yeah I was trying to be nice but totally you be dead meat after the first night if you were going it alone. Hey, hey Westie are you flirting with me?" She teased her tone breezy and carefree as she gave him a goofier smile completed with crooked teeth. "I will and can disrespect the sushi! You know my Grandmother is from Japan, so I think I have the right, Westie. However, you're right about the health thing though...never eat Cheetos in front of an old Japanese woman it always ends badly..." Janie mumbled thinking of all the times her Grammy had screamed, 'Anata wa orokana amerikahito!' at her.

Weston perked up slightly at Jane's voice, yet still exhausted. "true.. very true.." he muttered. He breezily waved a hand, much like he had seen Barbie do in one of his little cousin's Barbie movies he been forced to watch. "flirting with you? Maybe... I might be doing it and not realizing it, but more than likely yes... I am," he sighed, biting his bottom lip. "Japan? That's cool....My Dad's from Australia... I've seen a kangaroo.." Weston had a look of pure, pain induced delirium on his face, and he went cross-eyed trying to look at his nose. "My leg hurts... That broken bone goes numb thing is so not true." he whimpered.

(broken leg, a sunburnt ginger, and now delirious? What am i going to have him be next? A mariachi guitar player?)

June 7th, 2018, 02:07 PM
Hawk gave her a confused look. "My... tribe. Do you not have one?" He asked, nose crinkling. He smiled as he heard her name. "Well... Willow. Lots of animals. Snakes, monkeys, tigers. Any animal scary enough to enter your bad dreams, you can find it here." he gave a sassy grin. "But I assure you, as long as you have that beloved knife in your hand, they should not give you any problems." Hawk scanned her face, and he saw her eyes were slightly puffy, and he decided not to mention it, save that she did end up stabbing him. "As for my tribe, I am the Shaman. We live alongside the animals of this island, and most of us will be very wary of you. Truly remarkable. A Human of the Ocean, yes... the ancestors have said nothing of your arrival, but I am sure they will any moment!"
Or not. I have seen nothing of this.. the tribe shall be in a uproar, the warriors will want to fight... I can not let that happen, who ever they are, I am sure they need help. He told himself, giving a cheerful smile to Willow.

Willow narrowed her eyes a bit but said nothing. ‘Why is everyone so perky around here.’ She opened her mouth, then closed it. The girl thought a bit more then opened her mouth again. “No. I don’t have a tribe. I have a family. My family is far from here, on a different continent. I don’t even know where I am...” she stopped herself from rambling. “Your a Shaman? Isn’t that like some sort of doctor?”

She didn’t wait for his reply before she stepped closer to him and stared him dead in the eye. “I was on a cruise ship...you probably don’t know what that is..” she tried to think of how to explain it. “Cruise Ships are like boats you go hunting on but much MUCH bigger...they hold thousands of people that go on the ship to have fun....” she paused again as her voice cracked.

“Anyway...” she continued. “The ship sunk. Thousands of people where on the ship...thousands meaning A LOT of people. So far only I only found a couple other people alive from the boat. There where children on the boat...family’s..” she cleaned her throat again. “These other people...and me, we can’t make it back to our family’s, our family’s are like your tribe. We don’t know where we are-and we are hurt.”

She gestured to her cuts and scratches. “But the other people are hurt severely. One has a broken leg, another has a deep gash on her arm. I tried to stop the blood flow by ripping off some of my shirt to tie it around the cut. Can you help us? If you do I promise I can repay you...I can get you food or-something, anything just please help them.” She said looking up again. She didn’t realizie she was hugging herself until she put her hands to her sides and looked at the man in front of her.

(This is her outfit (just the outfit not the purse and such) But the bottom of the shirt is ripped and there are rips everywhere and such (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4b/dd/b1/4bddb15fe8aabc8ec01398ecc907cd13--nautical-outfits-nautical-theme.jpg)

June 7th, 2018, 02:17 PM
Willow narrowed her eyes a bit but said nothing. ‘Why is everyone so perky around here.’ She opened her mouth, then closed it. The girl thought a bit more then opened her mouth again. “No. I don’t have a tribe. I have a family. My family is far from here, on a different continent. I don’t even know where I am...” she stopped herself from rambling. “Your a Shaman? Isn’t that like some sort of doctor?”

She didn’t wait for his reply before she stepped closer to him and stared him dead in the eye. “I was on a cruise ship...you probably don’t know what that is..” she tried to think of how to explain it. “Cruise Ships are like boats you go hunting on but much MUCH bigger...they hold thousands of people that go on the ship to have fun....” she paused again as her voice cracked.

“Anyway...” she continued. “The ship sunk. Thousands of people where on the ship...thousands meaning A LOT of people. So far only I only found a couple other people alive from the boat. There where children on the boat...family’s..” she cleaned her throat again. “These other people...and me, we can’t make it back to our family’s, our family’s are like your tribe. We don’t know where we are-and we are hurt.”

She gestured to her cuts and scratches. “But the other people are hurt severely. One has a broken leg, another has a deep gash on her arm. I tried to stop the blood flow by ripping off some of my shirt to tie it around the cut. Can you help us? If you do I promise I can repay you...I can get you food or-something, anything just please help them.” She said looking up again. She didn’t realizie she was hugging herself until she put her hands to her sides and looked at the man in front of her.

(This is her outfit (just the outfit not the purse and such) But the bottom of the shirt is ripped and there are rips everywhere and such (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4b/dd/b1/4bddb15fe8aabc8ec01398ecc907cd13--nautical-outfits-nautical-theme.jpg)

Hawk smiled. "A cruise ship does not sound like very much fun to me. And I am very sorry that you lost so many people, it is a very hard thing to get over." he gave his shoulder a light shift, going from one foot to the other. His blue eyes sparked with interest as she mentioned the hurt members of her group. "Your friends are injured? I am most likely not supposed to help... but yes. Take me to them, and I will help." he reached through the bush for what herbs he could reach, and grabbed his canteen. "If you need fresh water, there is a spring in a clearing nearby. It is a bit of a walk, but you can usually make the journey in a half day. I will show it to you sometime. But not right now, we need to get your friends healed." He pointed in the direction of the beach. "I assume they are at the beach?" He asked. "Oh and, Willow? A Tribe is not just your family, it is a group that you care about deeply. So I am just going to call your friends your tribe, because that is what is most familiar to me." He added. He gazed gently at Willow, his expression one of understanding. "It is going to be hard, knowing your families are alive yet so far away. I hope the ancestors bless you," he muttered.

June 7th, 2018, 02:23 PM
Hawk smiled. "A cruise ship does not sound like very much fun to me. And I am very sorry that you lost so many people, it is a very hard thing to get over." he gave his shoulder a light shift, going from one foot to the other. His blue eyes sparked with interest as she mentioned the hurt members of her group. "Your friends are injured? I am most likely not supposed to help... but yes. Take me to them, and I will help." he reached through the bush for what herbs he could reach, and grabbed his canteen. "If you need fresh water, there is a spring in a clearing nearby. It is a bit of a walk, but you can usually make the journey in a half day. I will show it to you sometime. But not right now, we need to get your friends healed." He pointed in the direction of the beach. "I assume they are at the beach?" He asked. "Oh and, Willow? A Tribe is not just your family, it is a group that you care about deeply. So I am just going to call your friends your tribe, because that is what is most familiar to me." He added. He gazed gently at Willow, his expression one of understanding. "It is going to be hard, knowing your families are alive yet so far away. I hope the ancestors bless you," he muttered.

Willow nodded, she picked up the sticks and rocks she got and lead the way, walking rather quickly. “Thank you.” She said very quietly before they reached the beach. “Guys?” She asked not shouting, but loud enough so they could here her.

“I found someone. To help you.” She looked to the people on the beach and to Hawk. “This is Hawk, he is a Shaman....” ‘Feels Weird to say on the tongue..’ She nodded to Hawk and then dropped the supplies and looked around where to start making the fire. She ignored the grumbling of her stomach. ‘I need to make the fire first.’

(Notice how she doesn’t call them her friends.)


June 7th, 2018, 02:23 PM
Weston perked up slightly at Jane's voice, yet still exhausted. "true.. very true.." he muttered. He breezily waved a hand, much like he had seen Barbie do in one of his little cousin's Barbie movies he been forced to watch. "flirting with you? Maybe... I might be doing it and not realizing it, but more than likely yes... I am," he sighed, biting his bottom lip. "Japan? That's cool....My Dad's from Australia... I've seen a kangaroo.." Weston had a look of pure, pain induced delirium on his face, and he went cross-eyed trying to look at his nose. "My leg hurts... That broken bone goes numb thing is so not true." he whimpered.

(broken leg, a sunburnt ginger, and now delirious? What am i going to have him be next? A mariachi guitar player?)

Janie nodded starting thread tenderly through Weston's mop of red hair with her uninjured hand. "Westie, how about you take a little nap? Considering your fair skin it plausibly won't be the best choice for you to sleep here so how about you and me walk over to where the treeline is and find a nice shady place for you to take a snooze?" Her voice was gentle and with a maternal quality to it as she tried to get him up. "I know it hurts, Weston, but let's just focus on getting you out of the sun and to someplace cool, okay? I heard ginger is a great pain remedy and I'm sure a tropical island like this is just covered in it!" She mused trying to stay on the bright side as she continued to use her Girl Scout knowledge. That was until she heard Willow's voice and snapped her head back seeing a strange looking man, "O-o-okay, hi Mr. Hawk...I'm Janie." She said before seeing Willow with the materials needed for making a fire all ready, "Oh! Willow, let me! I learned how to make a fire in Girl Scouts."

(Janie will forever always be mentioning her Girl Scout training.)


June 7th, 2018, 02:41 PM
Janie nodded starting thread tenderly through Weston's mop of red hair with her uninjured hand. "Westie, how about you take a little nap? Considering your fair skin it plausibly won't be the best choice for you to sleep here so how about you and me walk over to where the treeline is and find a nice shady place for you to take a snooze?" Her voice was gentle and with a maternal quality to it as she tried to get him up. "I know it hurts, Weston, but let's just focus on getting you out of the sun and to someplace cool, okay? I heard ginger is a great pain remedy and I'm sure a tropical island like this is just covered in it!" She mused trying to stay on the bright side as she continued to use her Girl Scout knowledge. That was until she heard Willow's voice and snapped her head back seeing a strange looking man, "O-o-okay, hi Mr. Hawk...I'm Janie." She said before seeing Willow with the materials needed for making a fire all ready, "Oh! Willow, let me! I learned how to make a fire in Girl Scouts."

(Janie will forever always be mentioning her Girl Scout training.)


Willow blinked at Janie. “You should focus on getting Weston to the shade. We don’t need him to be hurt more than he already is. I’ll make the fire.” She said pretty bluntly. She picked up the supplies and moved it closer towards the forest/jungle area but not too close to start a forest/jungle fire.

She started making a circle with the stones after she found a place where the rain wouldn’t hit it. After piling all the sticks and making a little tent like structure in the middle of the fire she started adding dry leaves and moss and started attempting to make a fire.

Even though she was failing miserably she was to stubborn to let Janie help her. After a while she accidentally cut herself in the hand with the rock that she sharpened. “Shi-“ She hissed then whispered the rest of her curses (a thing she does when something doesn’t go her way-she speaks almost all of the curses she learned over the years.)

She held her bleeding hand and groaned. She was still was going to make this fire one way or another. She grabbed her knife and looked at where the sun was positioned. ‘Maybe if I could reflect the sunlight off of this..’ She doubted her idea but started trying nonetheless, ignoring the pain from her hand she held the knife to where the sun would relfect off it.

Willow prayed that this idea would work. She whimpered as her hand hurt more but didn’t want to move as she saw that her plan just might work.

June 7th, 2018, 02:56 PM
Willow nodded, she picked up the sticks and rocks she got and lead the way, walking rather quickly. “Thank you.” She said very quietly before they reached the beach. “Guys?” She asked not shouting, but loud enough so they could here her.

“I found someone. To help you.” She looked to the people on the beach and to Hawk. “This is Hawk, he is a Shaman....” ‘Feels Weird to say on the tongue..’ She nodded to Hawk and then dropped the supplies and looked around where to start making the fire. She ignored the grumbling of her stomach. ‘I need to make the fire first.’

(Notice how she doesn’t call them her friends.)

@Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593)


Willow blinked at Janie. “You should focus on getting Weston to the shade. We don’t need him to be hurt more than he already is. I’ll make the fire.” She said pretty bluntly. She picked up the supplies and moved it closer towards the forest/jungle area but not too close to start a forest/jungle fire.

She started making a circle with the stones after she found a place where the rain wouldn’t hit it. After piling all the sticks and making a little tent like structure in the middle of the fire she started adding dry leaves and moss and started attempting to make a fire.

Even though she was failing miserably she was to stubborn to let Janie help her. After a while she accidentally cut herself in the hand with the rock that she sharpened. “Shi-“ She hissed then whispered the rest of her curses (a thing she does when something doesn’t go her way-she speaks almost all of the curses she learned over the years.)

She held her bleeding hand and groaned. She was still was going to make this fire one way or another. She grabbed her knife and looked at where the sun was positioned. ‘Maybe if I could reflect the sunlight off of this..’ She doubted her idea but started trying nonetheless, ignoring the pain from her hand she held the knife to where the sun would relfect off it.

Willow prayed that this idea would work. She whimpered as her hand hurt more but didn’t want to move as she saw that her plan just might work.

Weston said nothing as he let Jane lead him over to the shade, glancing curiously at the so called 'shaman' following them. "Thanks Jane, and you too Willow!" he said louder, allowing his voice to carry to the girl. He glared at Hawk. "You better not cut my leg off," he grumbled.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Hawk smiled, shaking his head. "Oh no, It will not come to that, I can assure you of that. Hmm, it seems to be a clean break, a splint should do you just fine." He grabbed two sticks, wrapping them around the pale boy's leg with a piece of fabric from his pocket. "And...Jane? Might I ask to see your arm while your friend is getting the fire going?" He held out his canteen. "It is fresh water, and I can tell you that it's safe to drink." he gestured to the pouch. "Go ahead." he said, more firmly.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Weston settled in a more comfortable position. "You can drink first, Jane. I don't mind waiting." he said, scowling at the shaman. "Doing great Willow! Keep it up! It should burst into flames soon!" he called. Tavvi

June 7th, 2018, 03:11 PM
Weston said nothing as he let Jane lead him over to the shade, glancing curiously at the so called 'shaman' following them. "Thanks Jane, and you too Willow!" he said louder, allowing his voice to carry to the girl. He glared at Hawk. "You better not cut my leg off," he grumbled.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Hawk smiled, shaking his head. "Oh no, It will not come to that, I can assure you of that. Hmm, it seems to be a clean break, a splint should do you just fine." He grabbed two sticks, wrapping them around the pale boy's leg with a piece of fabric from his pocket. "And...Jane? Might I ask to see your arm while your friend is getting the fire going?" He held out his canteen. "It is fresh water, and I can tell you that it's safe to drink." he gestured to the pouch. "Go ahead." he said, more firmly.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Weston settled in a more comfortable position. "You can drink first, Jane. I don't mind waiting." he said, scowling at the shaman. "Doing great Willow! Keep it up! It should burst into flames soon!" he called. Tavvi

"O-o-okay." Janie mumbled taking off the d.i.y bandage to reveal a deep gash on her forearm and taking a few steps closer to Hawk, "I'm fine, I really am just a little scratch nothing major. And Westie, you can drink first I'm not even thirsty." She fibbed, biting her lower lip as the cut stung and tears pickled her the corners of her eyes. Janie started to get more and more troubled thinking of her Grammy back home and how ashamed she would be of her for not doing her part...she had to do her part. "I-I-- gotta go!" She then yelped deciding to run into the jungle and hopefully find supplies that would be useful to the other survivors.

June 7th, 2018, 03:16 PM
Weston said nothing as he let Jane lead him over to the shade, glancing curiously at the so called 'shaman' following them. "Thanks Jane, and you too Willow!" he said louder, allowing his voice to carry to the girl. He glared at Hawk. "You better not cut my leg off," he grumbled.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Hawk smiled, shaking his head. "Oh no, It will not come to that, I can assure you of that. Hmm, it seems to be a clean break, a splint should do you just fine." He grabbed two sticks, wrapping them around the pale boy's leg with a piece of fabric from his pocket. "And...Jane? Might I ask to see your arm while your friend is getting the fire going?" He held out his canteen. "It is fresh water, and I can tell you that it's safe to drink." he gestured to the pouch. "Go ahead." he said, more firmly.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Weston settled in a more comfortable position. "You can drink first, Jane. I don't mind waiting." he said, scowling at the shaman. "Doing great Willow! Keep it up! It should burst into flames soon!" he called. Tavvi
"O-o-okay." Janie mumbled taking off the d.i.y bandage to reveal a deep gash on her forearm and taking a few steps closer to Hawk, "I'm fine, I really am just a little scratch nothing major. And Westie, you can drink first I'm not even thirsty." She fibbed, biting her lower lip as the cut stung and tears pickled her the corners of her eyes. Janie started to get more and more troubled thinking of her Grammy back home and how ashamed she would be of her for not doing her part...she had to do her part. "I-I-- gotta go!" She then yelped deciding to run into the jungle and hopefully find supplies that would be useful to the other survivors.

The fire burst to life and Willow smirked as she gently blew on it to get it going. She looked up and what she expected to see the three of them with pride but her smile fell as she saw Janie run into the jungle.

“You have to be kidding me.” She groaned. “I-I’ll go in there after her-she doesn’t know about the animals in there and with all of that blood.” She began to walk but then hissed again as for some reason her head burned more than before.

June 7th, 2018, 04:08 PM
The fire burst to life and Willow smirked as she gently blew on it to get it going. She looked up and what she expected to see the three of them with pride but her smile fell as she saw Janie run into the jungle.

“You have to be kidding me.” She groaned. “I-I’ll go in there after her-she doesn’t know about the animals in there and with all of that blood.” She began to walk but then hissed again as for some reason her head burned more than before.

Janie walked through the jungle at an idle pace, looking for a creature to hunt. She was prepared for it, however, having along with her handy dandy pocket watch, a small throwing knife. Smirking she assented on a small boar it's back turned from her as she prepared to strike. With a quick scan of the creature, she decided to aim for the neck. Putting all her strength into the throw she hoped for a solid blow. And that's just what she got. The small boar fell to its side squalling harshly as it did. Janie raced to the creature's side pulling the knife out before quickly finishing the animal off with a cut to the throat not wanting a cruel death for the boar. "You know," Janie mumbled to no one in particular, "I learned that it Girl Scouts."

June 7th, 2018, 05:10 PM
"O-o-okay." Janie mumbled taking off the d.i.y bandage to reveal a deep gash on her forearm and taking a few steps closer to Hawk, "I'm fine, I really am just a little scratch nothing major. And Westie, you can drink first I'm not even thirsty." She fibbed, biting her lower lip as the cut stung and tears pickled her the corners of her eyes. Janie started to get more and more troubled thinking of her Grammy back home and how ashamed she would be of her for not doing her part...she had to do her part. "I-I-- gotta go!" She then yelped deciding to run into the jungle and hopefully find supplies that would be useful to the other survivors.

The fire burst to life and Willow smirked as she gently blew on it to get it going. She looked up and what she expected to see the three of them with pride but her smile fell as she saw Janie run into the jungle.

“You have to be kidding me.” She groaned. “I-I’ll go in there after her-she doesn’t know about the animals in there and with all of that blood.” She began to walk but then hissed again as for some reason her head burned more than before.

Janie walked through the jungle at an idle pace, looking for a creature to hunt. She was prepared for it, however, having along with her handy dandy pocket watch, a small throwing knife. Smirking she assented on a small boar it's back turned from her as she prepared to strike. With a quick scan of the creature, she decided to aim for the neck. Putting all her strength into the throw she hoped for a solid blow. And that's just what she got. The small boar fell to its side squalling harshly as it did. Janie raced to the creature's side pulling the knife out before quickly finishing the animal off with a cut to the throat not wanting a cruel death for the boar. "You know," Janie mumbled to no one in particular, "I learned that it Girl Scouts."

Weston watched Jane run off. he tried to get up to follow her, but the idiotic shaman pushed him back into a seated pose. "What. The. Living. Heck." He growled. Hawk said nothing as he gave the canteen to him. Weston growled as he grabbed it, taking a small sip. He then began gulping as he realized how thirsty he was. "Got any Advil?" he asked.
__________________________________________________ __________________
Hawk stared blankly at Weston, blinking. "I do not know what 'Advil' is, but if you have pain, I have poppy!" he held out a few seeds, grinning. His face was so hopeful, Weston took them. "And you can not go get her, Willow is, Jane will be okay!"
__________________________________________________ _________________
"You're hopeless, you know that?" Weston asked. He took the seeds, finding them to be similar to Advil. "And you have no idea if Jane will be okay, and Willow may be going to go get her, but that doesn't mean it will be okay. You're like a little kid!" he grumbled, crossing his arms and hoping Jane and Willow returned.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Hawk took a orange out of his pocket. He had been saving it for later, but he set it at Weston's hand. "Here. I know it will be okay. Willow is a very capable person, she threatened me with her knife. And Jane seems to be very smart, they will come back!" Hawk smiled as Weston took the orange, peeling it and beginning to eat it. I hope his friends come back soon, he does not seem to appreciate my company.

June 7th, 2018, 05:26 PM
Weston watched Jane run off. he tried to get up to follow her, but the idiotic shaman pushed him back into a seated pose. "What. The. Living. Heck." He growled. Hawk said nothing as he gave the canteen to him. Weston growled as he grabbed it, taking a small sip. He then began gulping as he realized how thirsty he was. "Got any Advil?" he asked.
__________________________________________________ __________________
Hawk stared blankly at Weston, blinking. "I do not know what 'Advil' is, but if you have pain, I have poppy!" he held out a few seeds, grinning. His face was so hopeful, Weston took them. "And you can not go get her, Willow is, Jane will be okay!"
__________________________________________________ _________________
"You're hopeless, you know that?" Weston asked. He took the seeds, finding them to be similar to Advil. "And you have no idea if Jane will be okay, and Willow may be going to go get her, but that doesn't mean it will be okay. You're like a little kid!" he grumbled, crossing his arms and hoping Jane and Willow returned.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Hawk took a orange out of his pocket. He had been saving it for later, but he set it at Weston's hand. "Here. I know it will be okay. Willow is a very capable person, she threatened me with her knife. And Jane seems to be very smart, they will come back!" Hawk smiled as Weston took the orange, peeling it and beginning to eat it. I hope his friends come back soon, he does not seem to appreciate my company.
Janie walked through the jungle at an idle pace, looking for a creature to hunt. She was prepared for it, however, having along with her handy dandy pocket watch, a small throwing knife. Smirking she assented on a small boar it's back turned from her as she prepared to strike. With a quick scan of the creature, she decided to aim for the neck. Putting all her strength into the throw she hoped for a solid blow. And that's just what she got. The small boar fell to its side squalling harshly as it did. Janie raced to the creature's side pulling the knife out before quickly finishing the animal off with a cut to the throat not wanting a cruel death for the boar. "You know," Janie mumbled to no one in particular, "I learned that it Girl Scouts."

The fire burst to life and Willow smirked as she gently blew on it to get it going. She looked up and what she expected to see the three of them with pride but her smile fell as she saw Janie run into the jungle.

“You have to be kidding me.” She groaned. “I-I’ll go in there after her-she doesn’t know about the animals in there and with all of that blood.” She began to walk but then hissed again as for some reason her head burned more than before.

(Oof it's hard to keep up with y'all. Sorry I was gone so long I had volleyball practice. Soo since y'all already progressed quite a bit I'm gonna skip Kaylin's introduction and just pretend she already said her name and stuff)

Kaylin had left to the the woods in search of sticks, dry leaves, dry grass, generally anything that could be used as kindling for their fire. When she returned, she noticed the already had the fire up. "Good job guys, but where did Janie and Willow go?" She called out happily, but her joyful demeanor immidiantly stopped when she noticed another person by the fire. They wore tribal clothes, and didn't look like someone who had come off the ship by any means. "Uhh, uhh! Weston, beside you!" Her eyes grew wide, and she pointed at the tribal person trying to make sure they weren't about to sneak up on Weston. She dropped all her kindling to the ground, except for a single stick, which she held up in the air defensively.

June 7th, 2018, 05:29 PM
Janie walked through the jungle at an idle pace, looking for a creature to hunt. She was prepared for it, however, having along with her handy dandy pocket watch, a small throwing knife. Smirking she assented on a small boar it's back turned from her as she prepared to strike. With a quick scan of the creature, she decided to aim for the neck. Putting all her strength into the throw she hoped for a solid blow. And that's just what she got. The small boar fell to its side squalling harshly as it did. Janie raced to the creature's side pulling the knife out before quickly finishing the animal off with a cut to the throat not wanting a cruel death for the boar. "You know," Janie mumbled to no one in particular, "I learned that it Girl Scouts."
Weston watched Jane run off. he tried to get up to follow her, but the idiotic shaman pushed him back into a seated pose. "What. The. Living. Heck." He growled. Hawk said nothing as he gave the canteen to him. Weston growled as he grabbed it, taking a small sip. He then began gulping as he realized how thirsty he was. "Got any Advil?" he asked.
__________________________________________________ __________________
Hawk stared blankly at Weston, blinking. "I do not know what 'Advil' is, but if you have pain, I have poppy!" he held out a few seeds, grinning. His face was so hopeful, Weston took them. "And you can not go get her, Willow is, Jane will be okay!"
__________________________________________________ _________________
"You're hopeless, you know that?" Weston asked. He took the seeds, finding them to be similar to Advil. "And you have no idea if Jane will be okay, and Willow may be going to go get her, but that doesn't mean it will be okay. You're like a little kid!" he grumbled, crossing his arms and hoping Jane and Willow returned.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Hawk took a orange out of his pocket. He had been saving it for later, but he set it at Weston's hand. "Here. I know it will be okay. Willow is a very capable person, she threatened me with her knife. And Jane seems to be very smart, they will come back!" Hawk smiled as Weston took the orange, peeling it and beginning to eat it. I hope his friends come back soon, he does not seem to appreciate my company.
(Is Weston getting aggressive...? What does he want to be the ‘alpha male’ here or something?? XD)
Also Tavvi what you think about a tiger attacking us?)

Willow heard some whining and followed it, she took Hawk’s advice and tried to be quiet as she snuck over to the noise. The girl took out her knife and looked at Janie. She sighed and relaxed. “Janie you need to get back right now, I was told by Hawk that there are predators in this jungle, and I don’t even know if the rest of his tribe is as welcoming as he is!”

June 7th, 2018, 05:31 PM
(Is Weston getting aggressive...? What does he want to be the ‘alpha male’ here or something?? XD)
Also @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) what you think about a tiger attacking us?)

Willow heard some whining and followed it, she took Hawk’s advice and tried to be quiet as she snuck over to the noise. The girl took out her knife and looked at Janie. She sighed and relaxed. “Janie you need to get back right now, I was told by Hawk that there are predators in this jungle, and I don’t even know if the rest of his tribe is as welcoming as he is!”

(Instead of a tiger attacking y'all, could Meskwaki meet them? That'd probably go as well as a tiger attacking them X3 Well except without wounds, but just as aggresive. EDIT: WAIT no. A tiger should attack them, and Meskwaki scares it off with a bow and arrow or something)

June 7th, 2018, 05:39 PM
(Is Weston getting aggressive...? What does he want to be the ‘alpha male’ here or something?? XD)
Also Tavvi what you think about a tiger attacking us?)

Willow heard some whining and followed it, she took Hawk’s advice and tried to be quiet as she snuck over to the noise. The girl took out her knife and looked at Janie. She sighed and relaxed. “Janie you need to get back right now, I was told by Hawk that there are predators in this jungle, and I don’t even know if the rest of his tribe is as welcoming as he is!”

(Instead of a tiger attacking y'all, could Meskwaki meet them? That'd probably go as well as a tiger attacking them X3 Well except without wounds, but just as aggresive. EDIT: WAIT no. I tiger should attack them, and Meskwaki scares it off with a bow and arrow or something)

(I'd be down for a tiger scaring the crap outta Janie.)

Janie nodded, "Yeah, okay just thought I'd get some non-seafood, food. No, offense, but that stuff makes me gag." She complained before picking up the small boar with her hands, it at the most only weighing twenty pounds. "Come on, Willow let's roast some MEAT!" Janie said starting to walk back in the direction they came from, smiling goofly at her catch. "You know Girl Scouts taught me alot..." She began planning on telling Willow about her many adventures as a Girl Scout of Troop #642.

June 7th, 2018, 05:53 PM
(I'd be down for a tiger scaring the crap outta Janie.)

Janie nodded, "Yeah, okay just thought I'd get some non-seafood, food. No, offense, but that stuff makes me gag." She complained before picking up the small boar with her hands, it at the most only weighing twenty pounds. "Come on, Willow let's roast some MEAT!" Janie said starting to walk back in the direction they came from, smiling goofly at her catch. "You know Girl Scouts taught me alot..." She began planning on telling Willow about her many adventures as a Girl Scout of Troop #666.

(Instead of a tiger attacking y'all, could Meskwaki meet them? That'd probably go as well as a tiger attacking them X3 Well except without wounds, but just as aggresive. EDIT: WAIT no. A tiger should attack them, and Meskwaki scares it off with a bow and arrow or something)
I was thinking that in a days time, so Hawk can bond more with the group, your character could find us wandering around in the jungle, scratch that you can find Willow when she is running away from the tiger.)
Oh my I don’t like that troop number DX )

Willow grabbed it and hissed as her hand wound hurt more. “You shouldn’t be carrying this with that wound on your-“ she paused due to hearing a stick break. Her eyes went wide. She turned around and cursed as she saw orange fur and black stripes.

She released the boar and slowly took out her knife as the tiger growled. “Ok...” a million thoughts where running through her head. Janie was too weak to fight. So she would have to run..but they both couldn’t run to the same place seeing that the tiger would follow. So they would have to run separate ways.

“Ok Janie I need to you listen.” She whispered. “Don’t turn around and when I say run, you better run. Don’t come back and try to get me. You need to get Hawk...he could help me-but your gonna have to run back to them and tell him to try and find me.” She took a shaky breath. “And I swear to God that if you don’t do what I tell you then we will both be dead.” She hissed.

As the tiger took a step forward she waited for Janie’s response. “Do you understand?”

June 7th, 2018, 06:06 PM
I was thinking that in a days time, so Hawk can bond more with the group, your character could find us wandering around in the jungle, scratch that you can find Willow when she is running away from the tiger.)
Oh my I don’t like that troop number DX )

Willow grabbed it and hissed as her hand wound hurt more. “You shouldn’t be carrying this with that wound on your-“ she paused due to hearing a stick break. Her eyes went wide. She turned around and cursed as she saw orange fur and black stripes.

She released the boar and slowly took out her knife as the tiger growled. “Ok...” a million thoughts where running through her head. Janie was too weak to fight. So she would have to run..but they both couldn’t run to the same place seeing that the tiger would follow. So they would have to run separate ways.

“Ok Janie I need to you listen.” She whispered. “Don’t turn around and when I say run, you better run. Don’t come back and try to get me. You need to get Hawk...he could help me-but your gonna have to run back to them and tell him to try and find me.” She took a shaky breath. “And I swear to God that if you don’t do what I tell you then we will both be dead.” She hissed.

As the tiger took a step forward she waited for Janie’s response. “Do you understand?”
(Okay, also I changed the troop number in my original post I can't believe I did that without remembering what it meant Xd )

Janie stood in fear before quickly nodding grabbing the boar from the ground and starting to sprint, "I DO...BY THE WAY SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU DON'T DIE, WILLOW. BUT IF YOU DO I'LL WRITE A SWEET ASS IN MEMORIAL SPEAK FOR YOU!" Janie shrieked her agile legs aiding her as she dashed in the direction of their 'camp'. Oh gosh, she thought, Willow was going to die. She quickly got her way back 'home' panting and wheezing, but home, "O-o-okay...Wil..Willow.....might be dead...but I-I...brought boar...yay!" She puffed in a deadpan voice before collapsing into a hep on top of the boar.
Panda Silentshade

June 7th, 2018, 06:34 PM
(Okay, also I changed the troop number in my original post I can't believe I did that without remembering what it meant Xd )

Janie stood in fear before quickly nodding grabbing the boar from the ground and starting to sprint, "I DO...BY THE WAY SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU DON'T DIE, WILLOW. BUT IF YOU DO I'LL WRITE A SWEET ASS IN MEMORIAL SPEAK FOR YOU!" Janie shrieked her agile legs aiding her as she dashed in the direction of their 'camp'. Oh gosh, she thought, Willow was going to die. She quickly got her way back 'home' panting and wheezing, but home, "O-o-okay...Wil..Willow.....might be dead...but I-I...brought boar...yay!" She puffed in a deadpan voice before collapsing into a hep on top of the boar.
@Panda (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6855) @Silentshade (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2952)

I was thinking that in a days time, so Hawk can bond more with the group, your character could find us wandering around in the jungle, scratch that you can find Willow when she is running away from the tiger.)
Oh my I don’t like that troop number DX )

Willow grabbed it and hissed as her hand wound hurt more. “You shouldn’t be carrying this with that wound on your-“ she paused due to hearing a stick break. Her eyes went wide. She turned around and cursed as she saw orange fur and black stripes.

She released the boar and slowly took out her knife as the tiger growled. “Ok...” a million thoughts where running through her head. Janie was too weak to fight. So she would have to run..but they both couldn’t run to the same place seeing that the tiger would follow. So they would have to run separate ways.

“Ok Janie I need to you listen.” She whispered. “Don’t turn around and when I say run, you better run. Don’t come back and try to get me. You need to get Hawk...he could help me-but your gonna have to run back to them and tell him to try and find me.” She took a shaky breath. “And I swear to God that if you don’t do what I tell you then we will both be dead.” She hissed.

As the tiger took a step forward she waited for Janie’s response. “Do you understand?”

Meskwaki walked along the well-worn path that her tribe often used while hunting. It's true she was bad at hunting, but that didn't stop her from trying. She wasn't only hunting though, she was also in search of their no-good shaman who was always wandering off. On her walk, she heard the sound of someone screaming. She immediately darted in that direction, assuming it must've been the shaman, but when she reached the tiger, she was met with two girls in odd clothing. She waited a moment, unsure of what to do, but after one girl sprinted off she had no choice but to intervene. "Fools. You don't run from a tiger. That makes them see you as prey." She gave the remaining girl a fierce glare, before shooting the tiger repeatedly with arrows. The tiger began to leap at her, but it was met with an arrow that became lodged in the side of its cheek. With that final blow, the tiger gave a final snarl before running off. "That must've been Juno. Juno's the most cowardly of the tigers. One arrow in his face, and he gets too scared to fight on." The tribal woman looked proudly at the tiger as it ran off, but that look turned into aggression the second she turned back to the girl. She lifted her bow once more, and aimed it towards the girl. "Who are you? Why are you on our island?"

June 7th, 2018, 06:47 PM
Meskwaki walked along the well-worn path that her tribe often used while hunting. It's true she was bad at hunting, but that didn't stop her from trying. She wasn't only hunting though, she was also in search of their no-good shaman who was always wandering off. On her walk, she heard the sound of someone screaming. She immediately darted in that direction, assuming it must've been the shaman, but when she reached the tiger, she was met with two girls in odd clothing. She waited a moment, unsure of what to do, but after one girl sprinted off she had no choice but to intervene. "Fools. You don't run from a tiger. That makes them see you as prey." She gave the remaining girl a fierce glare, before shooting the tiger repeatedly with arrows. The tiger began to leap at her, but it was met with an arrow that became lodged in the side of its cheek. With that final blow, the tiger gave a final snarl before running off. "That must've been Juno. Juno's the most cowardly of the tigers. One arrow in his face, and he gets too scared to fight on." The tribal woman looked proudly at the tiger as it ran off, but that look turned into aggression the second she turned back to the girl. She lifted her bow once more, and aimed it towards the girl. "Who are you? Why are you on our island?"
(Okay, also I changed the troop number in my original post I can't believe I did that without remembering what it meant Xd )

Janie stood in fear before quickly nodding grabbing the boar from the ground and starting to sprint, "I DO...BY THE WAY SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU DON'T DIE, WILLOW. BUT IF YOU DO I'LL WRITE A SWEET ASS IN MEMORIAL SPEAK FOR YOU!" Janie shrieked her agile legs aiding her as she dashed in the direction of their 'camp'. Oh gosh, she thought, Willow was going to die. She quickly got her way back 'home' panting and wheezing, but home, "O-o-okay...Wil..Willow.....might be dead...but I-I...brought boar...yay!" She puffed in a deadpan voice before collapsing into a hep on top of the boar.
Panda Silentshade

Drat I was going to have Willow be stupid and try to attack the tiger)
Oh well I can compromise)

Willow, Who was grateful for the strange woman’s arrival, looked at her in annoyance. ‘Twice in one day?!’ She grunted and stood up weekly. “Just shoot me now why don’t ya? That f[beep]ing tiger would’ve already killed me.” She grunted and leaned against a tree. The tiger had already seemed to make a blow towards the girl.

Apon further inspection you would see that she was holding her right side-and that her right side was bloody. “Well at least I can die knowing that I attacked a tiger.” She chuckled a bit. As she held up her bloody knife, with a few puffs of tiger hair stuck to the red substance.

She took a breath to try to speak again but the events of the day caught up with her, no food, no water, dehydration from the sun, consent running and energy loss, and blood loss. Willow fell to the ground, luckily she had already dropped her knife before doing so.

Silentshade Tavvi Get ready hopefully Meswaki will find you guys)

June 7th, 2018, 07:02 PM
Drat I was going to have Willow be stupid and try to attack the tiger)
Oh well I can compromise)

Willow, Who was grateful for the strange woman’s arrival, looked at her in annoyance. ‘Twice in one day?!’ She grunted and stood up weekly. “Just shoot me now why don’t ya? That f[beep]ing tiger would’ve already killed me.” She grunted and leaned against a tree. The tiger had already seemed to make a blow towards the girl.

Apon further inspection you would see that she was holding her right side-and that her right side was bloody. “Well at least I can die knowing that I attacked a tiger.” She chuckled a bit. As she held up her bloody knife, with a few puffs of tiger hair stuck to the red substance.

She took a breath to try to speak again but the events of the day caught up with her, no food, no water, dehydration from the sun, consent running and energy loss, and blood loss. Willow fell to the ground, luckily she had already dropped her knife before doing so.

@Silentshade (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=2952) @Tavvi (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=6593) Get ready hopefully Meswaki will find you guys)

(Ahh! Sorry I noticed you were on, but you didn't seem to be posting anything so I figured you were waiting for me to post. >.<)
Meskwaki's eyes widened as she noticed the girl was bleeding heavily from one side. She immediately dropped her bow to the ground, and rushed to the girl's side. Thankfully, she was able to catch her before she slammed onto the ground, which could have caused further damage. She lifted the girl into her arms, and began to stare at their surroundings as panic started to set it. Dangit! If Hawk was just at camp, I might could save this girl, but because he wanders around so much, I have no clue where he is! She looked around her for any predators that might be nearby to hear her, and then yelled as loud as she could. "HAWK! HAWK! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

June 8th, 2018, 11:30 AM
Name- Tùzǐ (Rabbit) Monohan
Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 17
Gender- Female
Strengths- Knowing medical herbs, very loyal, generous
Weaknesses/Fears- Shy, has Arachnophobia, trusts others too easily
Personality- +Generous
-Sometimes grumpy
Appearance- Tùzǐ Monohan (https://i0.wp.com/i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj110/Harry_Potter_16/Rolplaatjes/Blondegirl.jpg) Clothes (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e7/b6/4e/e7b64ee2cb74c82c1cb0b880ee6a1835.jpg)
Will you be in a group or a loner?: Loner
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- Maybe a small handbook for medical plants?
Anything I missed?- Nope!
Other- N/A
Questions- N/A

June 8th, 2018, 08:11 PM
Name- Tùzǐ (Rabbit) Monohan
Age(Not younger than 16 please)- 17
Gender- Female
Strengths- Knowing medical herbs, very loyal, generous
Weaknesses/Fears- Shy, has Arachnophobia, trusts others too easily
Personality- +Generous
-Sometimes grumpy
Appearance- Tùzǐ Monohan (https://i0.wp.com/i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj110/Harry_Potter_16/Rolplaatjes/Blondegirl.jpg) Clothes (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e7/b6/4e/e7b64ee2cb74c82c1cb0b880ee6a1835.jpg)
Will you be in a group or a loner?: Loner
Choice of item that you found in your pocket(not to big please)- Maybe a small handbook for medical plants?
Anything I missed?- Nope!
Other- N/A
Questions- N/A
Accepted and Silentshade where you at???

June 9th, 2018, 01:19 PM
Bump Silentshade

June 10th, 2018, 11:14 PM
Aww mannn this died pretty fast D: and it was just getting good too D: