View Full Version : (Steven Universe RP) The Crystal Gems (Open to everyone)

March 29th, 2018, 07:02 PM
This is a Steven Universe RP! You may ONLY Roleplay your OCs, no canon characters will show up in this, think of it as kind of an AU.

-If you have any ideas for major plot points for the entirety of the rebellion, like a homeworld invasion or such, please contact me first and I may consider the plot as a main one!
-You may NOT Poof or shatter another gem without the Other Persons permission, if a gen is poofed or shattered, please let me know so I can update the listings!
-The only time you can use a Homeworld OC, is when I announce a plot where homeworld will get involved, I will pick certain people to roleplay homeworld gems.
-You can use varieties of gems already in the show (like pearls or rubies) or non-canon gem types
-You MAY fuse with someone else's gem, just when you do, please inform me so I can update the listings!
-I'm sorry, BUT PLEASE NO MALE OCS, Gems, although not having genders, are supposed to go by female pronouns and be considered females, it annoys me when people create male gem OCs
-THERE ARE NO RANKS HERE, Everyone is all equal in rank to make it less confusing
-When first joining the rp, please fill out this form before you start to roleplay, and please wait until I accept it:
Type Of Gem (name):
Description of appearance or picture of them if you have one:


Turquoise (Autumnblaze)
Iolite (Autumnblaze)
Sphalerite (Autumnblaze)

KNOWN FUSIONS (Fusions that have been formed)
Snowflake Obsidian (fusion of Iolite and Sphalerite)

April 11th, 2018, 05:18 PM
Okay, took several quizzes, and I now have my oc! ( had to do the one that was most like me right?)

Type of gem ( name): Moonstone

Description & picture: Moon is a shorter, slender girl with light blue skin and darker blue hair, cut into a short, fluffy bob. Her eyes are a light, silvery blue. her gem is at her belly button. ( picture: http://orig01.deviantart.net/4ecd/f/2015/080/a/5/gemsona__moonstone__lu__by_wolfy_tan-d8m4w67.png ) not my picture, found via Google. Please ignore the weapon thing in the corner, I did it solely for looks.

persoanlity: Moon is shy if you don't know her. She's timid, polite, and willing to help and tires not to offend anyone. If you do know her.... oh boy.
She makes a total flip into this crazed, hyperactive fangirl who loves everything about Earth. TV, Books, popcorn- you name it, she wants to know about it. She also loves earth's animals, having taken in a small stray kitten she has dubbed: Artemis ( named after she read a human book on mythology). She's nurturing and motherly, but don't confuse her kindness for weakness- She WILL bring our her bow and arrow

April 11th, 2018, 09:15 PM
Crystal Gems

Enter Password


Welcome, White Diamond

Which Gem Type would you like to view?

Cobalt, Selected

Cobalt 376e7b Selected

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Gem Type: Cobalt
Kindergarten Mine: Earth 7 B
Identification Number: 376
Appearance: [FILE (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1241&pictureid=5560)]
Weapon: Cobalt Sword model 27
Diamond: Blue Diamond
Station: Galaxy 12, Sector 4, Planet 21 [NOTE: Abandoned Post, Location Unknown]
Description: Rash, Childish, Loud.
Cobalt 376e7b defected to the Rebellion during the Gem War. This gem is still at large and poses a danger to other gems. Shatter upon sight.

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Welcome, White Diamond

Which Gem Type would you like to view?

Grey Spinal, Selected

Grey Spinal 927j1a Selected

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Gem Type: Grey Spinal
Kindergarten Mine: Jeyox 1 A
Identification Number: 927
Appearance: [FILE (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1241&pictureid=5561)]
Weapon: Grey Spinal Spear model Pearl Red (Discontinued)
Diamond: Pink Diamond [DECEASED] transferred to White Diamond
Station: Galaxy 1, Sector 1, Planet 1 HOMEWORLD [NOTE: Abandoned Post, Location Unknown]
Description: Silent, Patient, Obedient.
Grey Spinal 927j1a disappeared during the Gem War. Gem / Shards were never recovered. Presumed dead.

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