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View Full Version : Another Litter [Kit Finder]

February 28th, 2018, 07:58 PM
this title may guide you in the wrong direction, but this is technically for apprentices. yes, they will be kits of my and starfall’s characters, but they are apprentice aged [6 moons].

choosing date = march 10th

my stormfeather and starfall’s character applesight have decided to have a second litter! er... at least they did a few moons ago. the point is, someone applied for a kit of stormfeather’s and i wanted siblings, so here we go.
these kits will also be the younger siblings of auroraflame [ Empress Of Evil ], lioncry [ @Bad Wolf ], sycamorebranch [ Gusty ], and ferretnose [ Hexict ].

this litter can have any amount of kits; it doesn’t matter to me (none above 4 though, of course).

1. Ashenpaw (https://maescats.weebly.com/ashenpaw.html) [They/Them, Mauve]
2. Harepaw (https://pandaspersonalcharacters.weebly.com/harepaw.html) [She/Her, Panda]
3. Bearpaw (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=477205&postcount=13) [He/Him, Midgefur]
4. Ospreypaw (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=476960&postcount=9) [He/Him, Fuzzyfeline]

form w/ link
are they planning to leave the clan?;

form w/o link
are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?;

February 28th, 2018, 08:42 PM

February 28th, 2018, 08:43 PM
name; Hawkkit | Hawkpaw | Hawkbramble
age; how old does he have to be?
gender; Tom
sexuality; Asexual Heterosexual
appearance; http://www.catfinders.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Barnstead-Kiara-brown-tabby.jpg
personality; Hawkpaw is a very stern and grumpy cat that takes almost everything serious. Even though he's a grump, he has a big heart and he is loyal to his clan till the end. Hawkpaw has a bit of a temper, but some cats can see through him. He is very compassionate, but he doesn't like to brag about it.
are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?; They will stay in Skyclan the rest of his life
other; nope
questions; nope

February 28th, 2018, 09:04 PM
I will be filling out a form right after I eat.

February 28th, 2018, 09:05 PM

March 1st, 2018, 06:14 PM
name; Sagekit, Sagepaw, Sageburr
Sage - her pelt color Burr - her occasional temper

age; 6 moons

gender; female

sexuality; heterosexual

appearance; She resembles her father's tabby look closely but has a much lighter brown fur coloring. She has her mother's eyes. Sage is slimmer and smaller than most other cats her age but makes up for it in personality. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/704/18/368/cat-pet-striped-kitten-wallpaper.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.wallpaperflare.com/girl-in-pink-sleeveless-dress-holding-brown-and-white-kitten-wallpaper-25981&docid=tVZkagW6H5fKEM&tbnid=TMfIAna2XdGuoM:&vet=10ahUKEwiMv-3GrczZAhUIMqwKHT3yAF4QMwgnKAEwAQ..i&w=2560&h=1920&safe=active&bih=572&biw=1242&q=kitten%20birthday%20cards&ved=0ahUKEwiMv-3GrczZAhUIMqwKHT3yAF4QMwgnKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8&surl=1

personality; Fiery, moody, loving, caring, honest, loyal, brave, bold, gullible, naive, charming, flirty, respectful, helpful

are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?; Stay within the clan

other; No

questions; No

March 1st, 2018, 06:37 PM
[ Viper ] [ Lefty the bear ]

you guys both asked what their age was, so...
i have no idea. xD
Mauve what is ashenpaw's age? all it says is "adolescent".

March 1st, 2018, 06:45 PM
Name/link: Featherpaw (https://sites.google.com/ipsd.org/ashpetal/main-clans/skyclan/featherpaw)
Are they planning to leave the clan: No, but he could if it's a plot of yours (I have no preference)
Other: Nope
Questions: None

March 1st, 2018, 07:22 PM
name; Ospreypaw. (Past, Ospreykit. Future, Ospreyflight? Ospreytalon? Ospreyheart? Ospreyfeather? Ospreywing? Ospreycry?)
Name organs: Osprey, His fur pattern.
Flight, His love for his home.
Talon, His sharp claws.
Heart, His loyal and kind personality.
Feather, His soft fur and the fact it's his mother's suffix.(If accepted)
Wing, His jumping ability.
Cry, It sounds cool.
age; 6 moons.
gender; Male.
sexuality; Straight.
appearance; {Ref} (https://www.flickr.com/photos/egoant/4767300059){Eyes} (http://www.santabanta.com/download/cats/2121032.htm)
Light gray medium furred tom with with a white underbelly, paws, neck, muzzle and between his eyes. He has darker gray stripes and greenish blue eyes.
personality; Loyal| Kind| Brave| Determined| Hardworking| Playful| Jokes around| Peaceful| Calm| Outgoing| Friendly| Opinionated| Fierce| Protective.
Ospreypaw is a very loyal tom he's devoted to his family and Clan. He's willing to do almost anything for them as long as he thinks it's right. Doing nothing he believes will hurt his Clan or kin in the end. Does this mean he's perfect and never does anything that can end badly? No, no it doesn't. He messes up a lot, it's nature and he's only just six moons old. But he tries to be a kind soul showing kindness to other apprentices even when they block him out or helping a elder with their bedding not just because he was told to. Ospreypaw is also quite a brave tom for his age. He's willing to do things some warriors are not willing to try and sometimes comes off as daring. This goes along with his determination, he's determined to be the best he can be and please his parentis. But then his determination goes paw and paw with his hardworking side. He works hard and determined about it. Though he's a little playful, like most newly made apprentices. Ospreypaw enjoys paying games joking around and all that. One thing might surprise you is that he's a calm and peaceful tom, getting that from his father. He tries to keep out of fights and stuff and tries to stay clam as much as he can. Another thing he gets from his father is his outgoingness. He's very outgoing loving to interact with his Clanmates and kin. He's very friendly as well but you'd expect that from him. One thing you must watch out for is his fierceness, if you make him mad or do something to hurt one of his litter mate you will not want to cross his path. he losses all parents and will most likely case a fight. As you guessed he's very protective over cats he knows.
are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?; He's saying.
other; Sorry this is late.
questions; Nope.

March 2nd, 2018, 11:53 AM
[ Viper ] [ Lefty the bear ]

you guys both asked what their age was, so...
i have no idea. xD
Mauve what is ashenpaw's age? all it says is "adolescent".

Viper Lefty the bear blue jellie

Ah sorry! I don't usually put the ages of the cats since I just refer to them in "age groups", but Ashenpaw would be around 6 moons! A new apprentice ^^ Apologies!

March 2nd, 2018, 12:10 PM
Name: FallenPaw (FallenApple in future)
Age: 6 moons (can be changed)
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: grey calico with Amber eyes and a scar on her front left leg. (Later on, a scar on her right eye)
Personality: (current) FallenPaw an be pretty ambitious. She always wants to do her very best and make her family and mentor proud. She can also be quite loud. She enjoys a good joke or two and doesn't mind throwing an insult or two at a cat every now and then.
(Future) FallenPaw becomes quiet and lazy and isn't as keen or ambitious anymore. She is self-conscious of how she looks and is always afraid she isn't doing enough.
Are they still part of the clan or will they leave in future?: She will always stay in SkyClan
Other: She gets into a fight with another apprentice who tries to kill her which is how she gets the scar on her eye and how she suddenly loses all her personality.
Questions: nope

March 2nd, 2018, 12:34 PM
name; Raptorkit Raptorpaw Raptorswoop/Raptortalon

age; 6 moons

gender; Male

sexuality; Homosexual

appearance; Here (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/93/40/509340302a3e4fa01b7f8a369c3f43b5.jpg) (I tried to sort of combine them)

Negative: Easily angered, egotistical, mischievous, inconsiderate,loud mouth

Neutral: Ambitious, protective, fierce in battle

Positive: Loyal, protective, has a soft side, fun to be around, intelligent

are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?; Staying in the Clan

Other: None

questions; None

March 2nd, 2018, 01:50 PM
form w/o link
name; Bearpaw - Beartooth
age; 6 Moons
gender; Male
sexuality; Demi-Heterosexual
Bearpaw takes after his name quite well, as a thickly furred, stocky, round-bodied
black tom. He has hooded, dusky green eyes but otherwise not another colour
breaks the monotony of his dark pelt.
In his young age, Bearpaw will be just as most apprentices- eager to learn and improve, friendly,
teasing and playful. As he reaches adulthood, he will begin to calm down and become reserved,
even a little stoic and focused more than anything on work.
stay in SkyClan or leave; Unless something monumental convinced him otherwise, Beartooth will likely stay in SkyClan.
other; I like the plain names, sorry. :')
questions; ---

March 2nd, 2018, 04:11 PM

March 4th, 2018, 08:37 AM

March 4th, 2018, 09:14 AM
form w/o link
name;AspenPaw- AspenFlame
age; 6 moons
gender; She-cat / Female
appearance;Resembles her mother almost perfectly except for her copper eyes
personality;Loyal| Kind| Brave| Determined| (Will become a bit of a tease/flirt when she's a warrior)| Playful| Jokes around| Shy l Friendly|
are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?;Still apart of the clan ( If you want them to they can leave in the future )

March 4th, 2018, 10:26 AM
Harepaw (https://pandaspersonalcharacters.weebly.com/harepaw.html)
are they planning to leave the clan?;


March 4th, 2018, 12:51 PM

March 4th, 2018, 01:16 PM
form w/o link
name; Snailkit Snailpaw Snailheart
age; 6 moons old
appearance;Light grey she cat with blue eyes. She has a white tail tip and white ubderbelly. Her tail has a little fluff to it but not much and one of her eyes is light blue and her right eye is dark blue.
personality; She is a very sweet cat. She is protective and determined to be the best cat. She is shy alit but when it comes to battle she is as fierce as a mother for her kits.
are they still a part of the clan or planning to leave in the future?;
other; No not really
questions;Nope :)

March 4th, 2018, 06:22 PM
waddle waddle

March 5th, 2018, 06:57 AM

March 7th, 2018, 08:39 PM

March 8th, 2018, 07:00 AM
deadline’s almost up! there’s still time to apply, though!

March 8th, 2018, 11:06 PM
Passive Aggressive bump

March 9th, 2018, 09:29 PM
bump ^^

March 11th, 2018, 05:56 PM
this finder is now closed.

[ starfall ] how many kits do you want to pick?

March 12th, 2018, 10:35 PM
[ starfall Mauve Fuzzyfeline Panda Midgefur ]

congrats! after a bit of deliberation, starfall and i have decided that you three are to be the others in the six moon old litter of stormfeather and applesight ^^

March 14th, 2018, 08:33 PM
Awesome, sorry for the wait Blue, thank you! :)