View Full Version : Faith [Dragon Roleplay]

September 30th, 2017, 11:40 AM
Welcome to Faith, a dragon roleplay where I require atleast good participation, and being active.
The islands of Faith are split, after a large earthquake split it apart. There are five islands, with one in the middle.
Island One - The Island of Tobit
The island of Tobit is a large island, with tropical plant-life. This is what some picture examples show, X (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QXeWePzUChw/T7KYaXWJPjI/AAAAAAAAYgo/IhYm6ZBU5DQ/s1600/tropical-rainforest.jpg) X (https://wallpapercave.com/wp/Ml82qI8.jpg) X (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_htZ0dr-5VI/UL2dhpKRl6I/AAAAAAAAAAg/X_Qy0WAnutk/s1600/cover%2Bpic.jpg) X (http://zahamenatropicalrainforest.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/3/9/28395645/3686_orig.jpg) X (https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Tropical_Rainforest.jpg) X (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nIAqP3U71p4/TQsFVqIUcKI/AAAAAAAAANA/L6nBx1MjXao/s1600/rainforest.jpg) X (http://www.iskin.co.uk/wallpapers/styles/1920x1200/public/tropical_trees.jpg)
It's prey consists of tropical birds, prey, and other things in their territory.
Island Two - Island of Huk'wa
This island is a grassland, forest sort of island.
Territory pictures: X (http://www.visitlejre.info/sites/default/files/asp/visitlejre/billeder_til_turforslag/6/6_valdemarsvejen_1.jpg) X (http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/sandstones-cliffs-primeval-dry-forest-and-open-grassland-chapada-do-picture-id129742719?s=612x612) X (https://5c-country-study.wikispaces.com/file/view/Shawangunk_Grasslands_NWR.jpg/213956368/Shawangunk_Grasslands_NWR.jpg) X (https://www.nature.org/cs/groups/webcontent/@web/@forests/documents/media/forests-of-north-america.jpg?redirect=https-301) X (http://wctawildanimalparkp8.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/3/7/14374388/1957486.jpeg?338) X (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Midewin5.JPG/600px-Midewin5.JPG) X (http://www.gnomeplanet.com/photo/70/a/G5280_a.jpg)
Prey consists of deer, birds, wolves, etc
Island Three - Island of Tin'yahk
A Savannah like island
Territory Pictures: X (http://www.backdropsfantastic.com/backdrop_images/300%27s/OA-006-African-Savannah-5.jpg) X (http://www.wdwlive.com/photos/animal-kingdom/africa/kilimanjaro-safari/animal-kingdom-savannah-1-9.jpg) X (https://images6.alphacoders.com/598/598770.jpg) X (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Savannah_near_Kuruman.JPG) X (http://apassionforscience.pbworks.com/f/1300368111/etosha_national9308.jpg) X (https://aos.iacpublishinglabs.com/question/62effd5619c14bf044a7157ae4cc25bc/aq/1400px-788px/country-savannah-located_383120e7b4c44e35_IEAyywjJRfO0sSv2SLUiyw.jp g?domain=cx.aos.ask.com) X (https://110aroundoz.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/15-08-30-savannah-way-4.jpg)Island Four - Island of Wun'Haj
A marshland area, consisting of many different types of prey, this is the only island containing fish, which have high levels of different vitamins, apart of a dragons diet.
Territory Pictures: X (http://images.fasocdn.com/31610_937672l+v=201308091557c201308091557/marshland-rain.jpg) X (https://secure.static.tumblr.com/4de77784c977657735065c5b44cbe3a8/6sbyblh/PiVo0l5gx/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_eb2l1g16h7so8so40gck0w 4w4_640.jpg) X (http://pics4twitts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/m-Marshlands-1024x680.jpg) X (https://whatisawridingmybikearoundtoday.files.wordpress.co m/2014/10/20141011_165934.jpg) X (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_pbKM4qxmq4c/R8rKMOapfCI/AAAAAAAADb0/HyinA5WeAJ4/s400/03marshland.jpg) X (http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/02/01/66/2016673_565e93bc.jpg) X (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Marshland_%281%29.jpg)Island five - The Island of Silent Peace
An island where the tribes meet, No hunting or anything happens here. It's a large island, with the marshland, savannah, grass land, Forest, and tropical. Put Sies in other if you read this.

Roleplay Rules

Wco rules apply
Try not to describe in blood and gore, unless its a tribe battle
Be nice
Have fun!
Put Quatro in other if you read this


Egg (0 - 0 years, 0 - 3 months)
Hatchling (1 - 2 years, 3 - 24 months) (They are learning the basics of math, writing, and other tribe history)
Jeckling (3 - 4 Years, 36 months - 48 months) (They are learning to fly in Wing Training) (Get higher training, learn to write more vividly in schooling)
Hefly (5 -6 years, 60 months - 72 Months) (Learning to fight, write in other ways, learning to scribe in code)
Wackner (7 years, 84 months) (Assigned a rank, finish schooling, are training rank) (Put tres in other if you read this)


Warrior (Any age 8 and above) (They protect and fight for the tribes)
Shift (Any age 8 and above) (Hunt and gather herbs for the tribe)
Keen (Any age 8 and above) (The healers of the tribe)
Heir (Any age) (Will become the next king or queen of the tribe. There can only be one of these at the Wackner age)
Queen (Any age 8 and above) (They are the second leader of the tribe, often dealing with adoptions and helping to hatch eggs)
King (Any age 8 and above) (Main ruler, Are the main watcher in fighting, they help with battles, ceremonies, and death burials.) (Put Dos if you read this, in other)

Form (Code: * = Optional
[Photo Here]
Appearance (Describe!):
Questions (*):
Personality (*)::
Likes (*):
Dislikes (*):
Roleplay Sample (*):
Bio (*):


Tribe One (Tribe of Cain)

King - Open
Queen - Open
Heir(s) - Open
Shift - Open
Warriors (Infinite) - Open
Keen (Infinite) - Open
Wackner (6 - 7) - Open
Jeckling (6 - 7) - Open
Hatchling (6 - 7) - Open
Egg (6 - 7) - Open
Tribe Two (Tribe of Hign'ak)

King - Open
Queen - Open
Heir(s) - Open
Shift - Open
Warriors (Infinite) - Open
Keen (Infinite) - Open
Wackner (6 - 7) - Open
Jeckling (6 - 7) - Open
Hatchling (6 - 7) - Open
Egg (6 - 7) - Open
Tribe Three
King - Open
Queen - Open
Heir(s) - Open
Shift - Open
Warriors (Infinite) - Open
Keen (Infinite) - Open
Wackner (6 - 7) - Open
Jeckling (6 - 7) - Open
Hatchling (6 - 7) - Open
Egg (6 - 7) - Open
Tribe Three (Tribe of Yil'ma)

King - Open
Queen - Open
Heir(s) - Open
Shift - Open
Warriors (Infinite) - Open
Keen (Infinite) - Open
Wackner (6 - 7) - Open
Jeckling (6 - 7) - Open
Hatchling (6 - 7) - Open
Egg (6 - 7) - Open
Tribe Four (Tribe of Hilma)

King - Open
Queen - Open
Heir(s) - Open
Shift - Open
Warriors (Infinite) - Open
Keen (Infinite) - Open
Wackner (6 - 7) - Open
Jeckling (6 - 7) - Open
Hatchling (6 - 7) - Open
Egg (6 - 7) - Open

September 30th, 2017, 11:48 AM
My character, main one(s)
God of Life (http://orig11.deviantart.net/3bc9/f/2016/258/d/f/forest_dragon_by_sandara-dahpdw1.jpg)
A male god of life, infinite age. (When a dragon is pregnant and soon to lay eggs, PM me and I will do a roll of how many eggs, if there alive, what defects, etc)
God of Death (http://pre01.deviantart.net/165a/th/pre/i/2012/013/2/a/_umbre_ribmouth_dragon__by_arvalis-d4m7ea4.jpg)
The god of death, he will visit those who die in their dreams a day before they die.
God of War (http://pre11.deviantart.net/8222/th/pre/i/2015/172/e/c/dragon_alarziik_by_irenbee-d8y23wo.png)
The god who causes war and destruction, he is often whispering into the ears of the two tribe kings to start a war at Gathers
God of Time (http://img13.deviantart.net/100d/i/2015/112/8/0/dragon__by_tatianamakeeva-d8qmlol.jpg)
The god who can control time
God of Lies (http://img02.deviantart.net/51b2/i/2015/100/8/8/dragon_viserion_vulom_by_irenbee-d8l0o17.png)
The god who controls the Under-realm, he is master of lies and does great punishments.
God of Truthful Night and Day (http://pre00.deviantart.net/4a2f/th/pre/f/2013/320/e/4/dragon_drawing_by_bajanoski-d6uju4r.jpg)
The god who controls truth, and day, night, dawn, and dusk.
God of Love and Heartbreak (http://orig10.deviantart.net/0680/f/2014/001/7/e/ice_dragon_kaltarus_by_xtratistic212-d70fa03.jpg)
This god will make two fall in love, and can shatter it whenever they please.

These gods are only played by me, unless one member is given permission

Blue Jay
September 30th, 2017, 06:25 PM
Stargazer (http://dreamicus.com/data/dragon/dragon-02.jpg)

Name: Stargazer
Age: 3 1/2 Years
Gender: Female
Rank: Heir? (If no queen applies, she can be the Queen)
Appearance: Stargazer, a large, but lithe, dragon, has the color of a deep green, almost teal. Her wings and spines are a lighter teal-ish green. She has medium-long legs that are lightly built with slightly opposable thumbs. She has a medium-lengthened neck. Her eyes are also a light, pearly blue that seems to see right through you every time she gazes in your direction.
Tribe: Wun'Haj
Questions: Nerp
Personality: Stargazer has a warm, kind personality, although she is shy. She has a hard time opening herself up to others. But, when the time is right, she is brave, loyal, and fierce. She will also sacrifice herself for others for anything.
Likes: Flying, hiding, helping others
Dislikes: Conflict, feeling too exposed, hurting others' feelings
Roleplay Sample: I might add one later...
Bio: TBA