View Full Version : I dunno what to name this..

September 25th, 2017, 10:17 PM
So there's a book series called Serafina and the blah blah blah, written by Robert Beatty. And I like it. :P

So basically it's about a girl who has a mother who is a catamount and can become a mountain lion, and she's a catamount and can become a black panther. There can only be one black panther, and they are reffered to as "the Black One". She has a dead father who used to be a black panther, and a mother who is a mountain lion. Her not real father that she grew up with is human, and she is stuck in human form for a long period of time until she fights Lady Rowena (evil person xD).
So blah blah blah this takes place in the Biltmore Estate and it's surrounding forest. There are many servants, guests, and the owners of the mansion are Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt.
Serafina likes the shadows and blends in well when she wants to. She is quiet and has been in the forest before long enough to know how to stay unnoticed and soundless in the forest.

Anyway. Yeah. Read it for more information, or look it up. I ain't in the mood for detailed stuff..

Characters may be original or from the books.


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My Form

Name - Serafina
Age - I dunno like 12
Job - Nothing
Gender - Female
Personality - Lazy
Appearance - Lazy, black hair, yellow eyes... | In panther form, [Serafina (https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.5E_5kGL8hW4ZVfBWkCqZ2wEsDp&pid=15.1)] looks like this.
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September 26th, 2017, 02:42 PM
I might apply for this later because ahhhhhh I freaking love this season series, and left me causally correct your form. I'm pretty sure Serafina is like twelve years old, and her eyes are yellow.

September 26th, 2017, 09:02 PM
I might apply for this later because ahhhhhh I freaking love this season series, and left me causally correct your form. I'm pretty sure Serafina is like twelve years old, and her eyes are yellow.

Okie Dokie and also I don't think properly when I'm in a rush so thanks for the corrections :3