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Old August 31st, 2022, 10:28 AM
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WindClan Adopting out Berry-baby


Hi nerds! So Berrypaw (Berrykit) was my first-ever character on this ol site, but Ive really gotten more busy with my other characters, and started to lose both the time and inspiration to RP her. So I've decided to adopt her out.


I know it's a lot, but please do familiarize yourself with her before applying ^^

Here's also her site, if you want to take a look around there.


Picture ​1, picture 2 [You'll get both of them along with the cat]

Body Type: Due to her young age, Berrykit is still small, and a little chubbier than she will be when she grows up. Yet, it's mostly her size that makes her look like a kit. But Berrykit will always be a small cat, and will often have to look up to meet someone's eye. She won't be round or overly thin, she'll have the average body structure, if a bit more delicate, and simply a little scaled-down, with less visible muscle. Her paws are small, and her ears are rounded with soft, white-ish fur in them.

Fur Type: Berrykit is still young, only a kit, and still has traces of her kit-fluff left. Her fur has always been very soft, and a bit long, though it tends to stick closer to her body instead of hanging down. The same thing continues on her tail, though the fur gets a little thicker there, making her tail slightly bushier.

Fur Coloring: Berrykit's fur color can be debated, to some it might look white, not pure white like snow, but more of a muted, natural white, while others would argue its cream color, a mix of white, tan, and soft yellow. If you were to ask Berrykit she tends to say it's a mix of the two, since she has heard both, she likes not to take a strong side. However, her mother used to call it a 'dull white' so that it what Berrykit usually thinks of her pelt. But there are also, small, dark speckles covering almost her whole body. In certain lighting, they aren't always as visible due to how small they are, but you can always see them if you look directly at her. While the speckles are more frequent on her back and tail, they are almost on her whole pelt, with an exception for her belly fur and throat where they are more sparse and fade away.

Eye Details/Coloring: Berrykit's eyes are shaped a little like almonds, but slightly rounder. Her left eye is a light green, like new leaves after snowfall when light hits them just perfectly, while her right one has the color of the sky; light, soft blue. They are the only spots of coloring on her, and contrast to her otherwise rather muted palette, therefore standing out when you look at her.

Other details: -

Brief overview: Berrykit can come off as a very simple little cat. She doesn't really talk much and mostly lets others take care of the bigger roles in life. She cares a lot for the cats around her, and is rather selfless as well, with a few drawbacks in how strongly things can affect her mentally, and how easily her already fragile self-confidence can be shattered. But like with most cats you can't fully understand her from just one glance, and it can take many moons of being around her before you even begging to see how she really functions deep inside, and truly understand her.

Berrykit likes being reliable and trustworthy. She is aware trust is a two-way street, and that no one is ever comfortable taking too big of a step towards the other if it isn't reciprocated. And so she strives to always be as there for cats around her as she possibly can. It even happens that she unintentionally eavesdrops on others in order to catch what they are talking about, hoping it will be something she will know about, or in other ways be able to help with. Sometimes, when she knows someone well enough to more understand them, she will also make a point to herself to remember things they might like to know in the future, like some fact or the location of say a berry bush. It happens that this goes a bit overboard, as she will sometimes try and predict what is needed from others, pick out who she thinks is least likely to accomplish their task, and prepare to make up for that, like hunting long and more than she should because she thinks the other hunting patrol might return empty-pawed. It happens that this comes off as if she doesn't trust others - the sheer opposite of what she wants - though mostly it's just extra or unnasacry work for the same reward.

She is rather creative: A trait that is stronger now when she is young, but that will stay a big part of her til the day she dies, Berrykit's creative mind and often colorful thoughts bring her world a streak of brightness most others don't experience. When she isn't playing, talking with others, she likes just finding a warm spot in camp - or in her nest, if the weather or season is on the colder side - and just lie on her back, looking up at the sky and clouds slowly drifting by, or alternately find something else moving to look at - be that the wind blowing leaves around, or some other cats going about their day - and simply relax and think about things. She loves to find new, hopefully, better ways to do things, and think a little more outside the box. Most of the time, her thoughts aren't of much use for anyone, but sometimes she gets in idea that could actually help her clan, even if most are for her own entertainment. One fo her favorite, if not the favorite phrase of hers is 'what if', and she spends a lot of time exploring all the possible things in which the world could change to make it more exciting, Her favorite things to think about is how things would change if this thing could fly, if cats could fly, if stones hovered in the air instead or resting on the ground, or if instead of seeing the birds return from the winter-trip, it was rabbit chasing across the sky.

Berrykit is introverted. Not fully though, she very much likes being around others, and as long as she can get a few hours of peace and quiet every now and then, she'll be fine with pretty much anyone. But she doesn't like to be the center of attention for more than when she is say presenting an idea to a small group, and generally, she leaves the leadership roles to more outgoing cats. Berrykit isn't shy but knows that atop the Breezerock isn't where her place is. All around, she likes most cats, and can get along with almost anyone if they give her the chance, but too much activity can also quickly drain her. It rarely happens with cats she really likes, since it's hard for her to get enough of them, but with strangers, she can be more on the quiet side of things, and for more than an hour of an activity she doesn't get energy from with someone she doesn't know and she starts to feel like she could pass out of tiredness. But this isn't the kind of tiredness you get when it's time to go to bed, and sleeping doesn't really cure it for Berrykit. She only gets this type of tiredness from too much interaction with others, and it can occatiannly be much stronger than simply sleepiness or physical exhaustion, and the only thing she wants when it hits, and really the only way to cure it, is for her to be alone. What she does when she is on her own like this hardly matters, as long as it's just she and herself, and something relaxing where she can really dive deep into her fantasy and own mind. After about an hour of this, she is up and ready to go at it again, but maybe with a cat, she is more comfortable around.

She is curious. This also fuels her creative mind further, and when she has a question in her mind or a gap in what she knows about the world and how it works she will fill in the black with what her young mind thinks fits until she gets to know more about it. Once that happens, she will quickly attempt and fix the error in her mind, and make her understand things better, but what she thought then instead goes into a new category, and she still likes to pull different ideas together and create new worlds in her mind by stitching them together. But she still wants to know this world for real, all its ins and outs, how things work, like how fish can breathe underwater, or why rabbits can run so fast. Other cats also aren't safe from her wild fantasy and flood of questions. It's not at all uncommon for her to itch with curiosity and questions whenever she meets someone new, even if her manners and a decent amount of common sense often hold her back from simply spitting them in anyone's face, she still wants to know everything about everyone around her, be that what they like, where they are from, or how their minds work.

Lastly, and most of all, Berrykit cares. Deeply. She already lost her mother, and her father was a cat she never knew, and she is determined never to lose anyone ever again. Of course, Berrykit has empathy, but it goes beyond that sometimes. Once she finds a cat she likes, who she has spent long enough with to trust, and who would be there for her, she will cling to them for dear life, happily dying for them after knowing them long enough if needed. That's a thing that sometimes comes up while she is thinking about things and daydreaming away, the thought that what if she might one day be ready to die for someone. Berrykit lost her mother when she was very young, and while she missed her mommy like crazy, the idea of death is still kind of detected to her. She only starts to deeply care for a very few select ones, and has minor trouble truly feeling sad when someone she doesn't know dies. During a funeral, she might still tear up, or be very sad, but it will be because others around her are sad and she can soak up emotions like a sponge, and not because she can truly be sad for a cat she didn't know. It doesn't however mean she doesn't care. Like I said, she has a tendency to start feeling what others are feeling on a very deep level, and it can affect her strongly over a long period of time.

Fears: Losing someone she loves (again)
Likes: Flowers, playing, creativity
Dislikes: Mean cats, death, Shadowclan
Hobbies: Playing, rolling around in her nest, thinking about things
Quirks: Tail starts wiggling when she is excited


I'd really like for these to be up-kept and developed further if possible!

Shiningmoon (me) - Biolodigal mother. A very kind a caring mother to Berrykit, but she disappeared one day and was found dead by the Shadowclan border. She and Berrykit had a very good relationship and used to spend most of the days talking, playing, or with Shiningmoon telling Berrykit stories, but when Shiningmoon was killed (by Berrykit's father, unbeknownst to everyone), Berrykit was kinda left alone, as she was old enough not to need milk anymore. (Im up for a Starclan-visit later on if you want [: )

Skyleaf (marina) - Adoptive mother. While Berrykit was old enough to be able to live in the clan without a parent around, Skyleaf still took the young cat under her wing. But tragedy struck again as Skyleaf too was killed by a Shadowclanner (though it was a different one). Berrykit didn't need or want anyone else to really take care of her, and was very alone in the world for quite a good portion of her younger moons. But luckily Skyleaf wasn't dead forever, and was sent back from Starclan when Berrykit was about 4 moons old, and they had a little bit of a tearful reunion.

Tawnypaw (marnia) - Friend. Though the bubbly apprentice is now missing, and Berrypaw often wonders where she might have gone, Tawnypaw was the first cat to ever be considered a friend by Berrykit, and she still hopes to find her someday.

Peachfrost (Poprock) - Mentor. A seemingly very kind cat, even though Berrypaw is a bit scared of the large warrior. She has heard Peachfrost was a former medicine cat, and also that Skyleaf and Peachfrost as sisters, which does make her feel safer around her mentor (since a former medicine cat and sister of her adoptive mother can't be a bad cat). They have yet to train together, and Berrypaw is somewhat nervous over when the first time will be.

Snowypaw (Alchemist Kitsune) - Denmate. Usually, Berrypaw wouldn't really know this cat, but they first met during their apprentice ceremony, both of which took place at the same meeting. Berrykit had been stressing over the ceremony beforehand and was afraid she would have to step forward to receive her apprentice name all alone. Luckily for her, Snowykit was of a similar age, and Berrypaw almost started feeling an odd (probably one-sided) kinship with the other apprentice over that.

Mother's story:
Shingingmoon was born in a rather loving Windclan family, and she had expected to grow up and have a litter or two of her own kits with some nice Windclan tom, but all that changed the day she met Hponeyfire, a tom​ from Shadowclan. He was never too interested in her, but something about him drew her in, and the kits she had planned to be fathered by a Windclanner were now half Shadowclan. She didn't disclose her daughter's other parent when her only kit was born, but after being stuck inside the camp for about a moon, she managed to sneak away to the Shadowclan border to meet with Honeyfire. She excitedly told him that he was a father, not knowing what his reaction would be. Thinking she was still expecting the kits, and not wanting his relationship with a Windclan bunny to be exposed, the Shadowclanner made the choice to end Shingingmoon's life before any of this got out of paw. And so he did, killing the queen then and there.

Born without siblings to a single mother, Berrykit spent her first moon just with her mother. They played together, talked about things, and Shingingmoon used to tell her about many things, like what the life outside the nursery and camp walls were like. But then one day Shingingmoon went out for something she had to do, and never returned. Berrykit was aware her mother was dead and wouldn't come back, but didn't still fully understand the concept of death due to her young age, something that only came to her later.

But Berrykit didn't need to be alone, and was adopted by a kind cat by the name of Skyleaf. But misfortune struck the young kit once more, and even her other mother's life was claimed. But Berrykit was more grown now, able to greave better, but also didn't need milk anymore, so she stayed on her own for a good while before finally getting the courage to put herself out there a little.

Her first interaction was with an apprentice by the name of Tawnypaw, then some other kits, once even peeking her head into the leader's den, and going out with some apprentices and kits for a leader-approved training session run by Leechpaw, Twilightstar's son.


Berrypaw has had a somewhat had time adjusting to being an apprentice, and while she has been one for a month now, she hasn't really gotten to do any apprentice things yet. Most of time has been spent like she used to before she was an apprentice; playing with herself using pebbles and mossballs, or decorating her nest to make it feel more like her, and she has moved all her little things to her new nest. She is starting to realize she has to start training soon as not to fall behind, and I made a training thread here, if you want to continue on that. Berrypaw is right now 7 moons old.

Ive chosen not to place a form on this, but I care a lot about Berrypaw and she is pretty important to me, I just don't have the energy for her anymore. You can make a form if you want, but I would prefer you just talk freely. Mention your level of activity, maybe summarize Berrypaw to me so I can be assured you understand her and let me know about any future plans you might have for her. Her personality and appearance are open to small changes if you want (you're also free to update the personality since it's somewhat outdated), but all within reason, and I want her to keep the same essence if nothing else. If you realize you can't keep her active, you're free to give her back to me and Ill either find her a new home or keep her active myself.

I've been very hesitant to make this thread due to how long Ive had her (ever since March), but I really want her to find a new home!
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Old August 31st, 2022, 11:08 PM
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Old September 1st, 2022, 08:54 AM
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i'll take her if you want1 i just need to know how her mentor is?

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Old September 1st, 2022, 11:17 PM
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Old September 2nd, 2022, 09:22 AM
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I would take her but if I do, I’ve reached my limit with characters in Windclan
Old September 3rd, 2022, 01:01 PM
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Placeholder at the moment while I decide(and if it's okay with you for me to adopt her), but I’ve already semi-fallen in love with Berrykit/paw. She’s such a well-developed, pretty little darling.

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Old September 5th, 2022, 10:22 AM
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